EMPORIUM MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., June 9,1903. NEMOPHILA, per sack IJ 15 Felt's Fancy, " J®* Pet Grove, " 1 •*« Graham, " Rye " Buckwheat, " Patent Meal., " £0 Coarse Meal, per 100 J 25 Chop Feed, " J Middlings, Fancy " 1 J" Bran, 1 2° Corn, per bushel, White Oats,per bushel 50 Choice Clover Seed, T Choice Timothy Seed, 112 A t Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, 112 Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, j R.C. DODSON, THE Qrucicjist, F.WO HIl'M, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts., R. C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution a invited. That which you would like to tee in this department,let ui know by pos tal card or letter, rertonallu. Miss Nettie More left Tuesday for Grove City to attend summer school. Mr. Clifton Larrabee is visiting friends for a few days at Summerville, Pa. Mrs. Byron E. Jones and son, Herkie, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Buf falo. Miss Marian Larrabee left last Tues day for Franklin, Pa., for an extended visit. Fred Tompkins, the reliable clerk at Warner House, went to Friendship, N. Y., on Monday on a business visil. Miss Marian Rentz, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Rentz's pleasing daughter, is visit ing at Warren, guest of J.W. Crawford and wife. Miss Qeorgie Meisinger and Miss Lulu Fisk, of St. Marys and Mr Flem ing, of Buffalo, visited Iva McDougall one day last week. Wm. H. Howard, who accompanied W. A. Auchu and Ed. Hillyard to Seattle, wired here on Saturdry that the party had arrived safely. Mr. Henry C. Kenley, Supt., of St. Marys Gas Company at this place, has moved his family from Baltimore and occupy a residence on Fifth street. Miss Mary Smith,of Williamsport, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Gninn at this place. Miss Smith is a teacher in Williamsport High School. Mr. F. C. Smith, who has been visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Straw bridge, at Sterling Run, returned to his home in Philadelphia, Thursday last. Mrs. E. A. Waltman, son and daugh ter of Wrightsville, Pa., are guests of Mrs. T. B. Lloyd,; Mrs. W's sister. Mr. Waltman joined his family here over Sunday. Chas. Crandeil's infant daughter was severely scalded on her arm, Monday, by pulling a dish of scalding hot water from off the table. No serious results apprehended. Mrs. S. J. Hackett and daughter, Miss Alft-etta, went to Olean last Sun day on Flyer to be present at the marriage of Miss Lillian Gordnler, at St. Stephen's Church, on Monday. Ed. D. White, chief clerk in Empori um Iron Company's office at this place, left to-day on a business and pleas ure trip to Lebanon and other eastern points. Mr. White is a very busy, faithful and careful official. Mr. Paul H. Earl, ofßldgway, is as sisting R. C. Dodson in his drug busi ness. Mr. Earl is a graduate of the Pittsburg College of Pharmacy and Mr. Dodson may congratulate himself on securing so able an assistant. John P. Lynch, of Antrim, Pa , waa guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Groen and family over Sunday. Mr. Lynch re sided in Emporinm many years ago and will be pleasantly remembered by many of our young folks. He fills a responsible position at Antrim. Mr. Andrew Brady left on Monday evening to attend Commencement at Waahlngtou-Jefferßon College, Wash ington, Pa., and enjoy his clas-i re union. Mr. Brady returned this morning and reports a very enjoyable time with his old classmates. Joel Jordan anil James Murphy are visiting at Watsontown, Pa. J. O. Brookbank, of Driftwood, transacted business in town on Satur day. Mrs. Jos. Lingle returned last Thurs day from an extehded visit to eastern points of interest. Miss Ethel Miller, of Salona is visit ing at the residence of Joseph Lingle, West Fourth street. Geo. W. Van Wert, foreman for the Keystone Powder Company, was <j a PRESS visitor last Saturday. Miss Gussie Vosage, of Ashland, Pa., arrives in Emporium today to visit her sister, Mrs. Fred Julian. Miss Ada Hockley has returned to Williamsport, after spending several weeks with her father at this place. Mrs. I. K. Hockley has returned to to Binghamton Sanitarium, where she previovsly received treatment. John Waddington, who has been visiting relatives in England the past six months, will return home this week. Geo. A. Walker, Jr., returned from West Va., last Thursday, where he ac companied W. L. Sykes on an inspec tion tour. Miss M. M. Moore, of Summerville, Pa., who spent some days very pleas antly with the Larrabee family, has re turned home. Miss Lulu Sherwood, of Buffalo, N. Y., who has visited here many times, is again spending a few days with her friend Miss Chrietie McDonald. Mose Minard is an expert at dressing or preparing deviled crabs. He can give all hands pointers how to do it and how not to do so and so. He has "it" down fine. Mrs. Fred Julian received a letter from her husband last Saturday, in forming her of his arrival in London. Mr. Julian sails from Southampton, June 30th for Manilla. The PRESS regrets the fact that it failed to mention that two of our excellent young ladies—Misses Nellie and Julia Hogan have returned from an extended visit to Binghamton, N. Y. B. L. Spence and Fred Tompkins visited Moore Hill last Sunday and en joyed a good dinner with Wade Spence, consisting of new potatoes, fish, vegetables and other "flxins," all raised by Wade. Miss Lora McQuay left Saturday for a six weeks' visit among friends at Williamsport, Lebanon and neigh boring townß. We wish her a pleas ant time, although she is one of the girls we regret to see leave us even for a short visit. Phoenie King and Alma Sturdavant, of Laceyville, Pa., accompanied by Leo Place, the bright little child that made its home with C. G. Schmidt and wife at City Bakery some time ago are expected to arrive in town today. Mr. Schmidt and wife are rejoicing to have the child return to them. Ex-County Commissioner E. H. Gregory, one of the most thorough lumbermen as well as excellent citi zens, was a very welcome PRESS visi tor last Saturday. Cameron county does not contain any be tter citizens. What is still better he is an alway-to be-relied-upon Republican. John D. Bell, one of the steady every day reliable employees of Climax Pow der Company, was a PRESS visitor last Saturday evening and pushed the date on his paper ahead another year. Mr. Bell informs us he contemplates an extended visit to New Brunswick next month. C. A. Laumer, of Mt. Jewett, was visiting his sister, Miss Gertrude, and cousin A. F. Vogt and family at this place last week. Mr. Laumer was born in Emporium but left here when a very small child with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Laumer. Sheriff Harry Hemphill, accompani ed by his son Ralph, went to Clearfield last Sunday to attend the funeral of the Sheriff's nephew, William J. Hemphill, Jr., aged 21 years, who died on Saturday last of typhoid fever—the burial taking place Monday afternoon. Deceased was one of the most popular rural letter carriers in the county. Lost. Sunday night, between M. E. church and grißt mill house,a nine inch heavy gold bracelet, with large link on each end. Finder will please return to Bessie Shearer and receive reward. Spaclal Teachers' Examination. There will be a special teachers ex amination in the High Scool room, Saturday, June 27th, 1903. MATTIE M. COLLINS, Supt. Pianos and Organs. 1 can save you 20 per cent, of price, for which other dealers would ask for same make piano. I have besides the SchomackerPiano, forty other makes to select from. Sell pianos as low as 9200; other dealers ask |3OO. All pianos guaranteed for 10 years; sell organs as low as |4O, dealers price |76. Compare my prices with other dealers on same make pianos. Sell on easy payment. Further information cheerfully given. EDWIN G. CLAKKK, Warner House, Emporium, Pa. The member* of Gladioli Hive, L. O. T. M., are requested to be present at regular review, Tuesday evening, June 30. HusineMSjof importance. (Refresh ments will be served. HELENA M. BITI.KR, R K. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1903. CURES CATARRH. "Hyomei the Most Wonderful Cure for Catarrh Ever Discovered." Bays Mayor Yard. Do not try to cure catarrh by taking drugs into the stomach; it cannot be cured in that manner. The only way in which this too common disease can becured is through a direct application that will kill the bacilli of catarrh and prevent their growth. Hyomei is the only known method of treatment that accomplishes this. It is the simplest, most pleasant, and the only absolute cure for catarrh that has ever been discovered. Thousands of unsolicated testimo nials have been received from the most prominent men and women in the country who have been cured by this remarkable remedy. Ministers, bank ers, lawyers, even eminent physicians have sent strong testimonials as to the remarkable powers of Hyomei to cure catarrh. Former Mayor Emory M. Yard, of Trenton, N. J., writes: "You have my permission to say that I believe "Hyo mei" to be one of the most wonderful cures for catarrh and throat trouble that has ever been discovered. In my case the effect has been marvelous. I enclose you money order for two out fits for friends of mine to whom I have recommended "Hyomei" and who I am anxious shall have the benefit of this remarkable panacea." The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1 00, consisting of an inhaler, dropper and sufficient Hyomei to last some weeks. This will effect a cure in or dinary cases, but for chronic and deep seated cases of catarrh, longer use is necessary, and then extra bottles of Hyomei oan be obtained for 50c. It iB not alone the best (it might be called the only) method of curing catarrh, but it is the most economical. L. Taggart had so much confidence in the power of Hyomei to cure catarrh, that he will for a limited time, sell this medicine under his personal guarantee to refund the monay if the purchasers say it did not help them. 18-2t. A Serious Mistake. E - C. DcWitt & Co., is the name of the firm who make tho genuine Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's is the Witch Hazel Salve that heals without leaving a scar. It is a serious mistake to use any other. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures blind, bleeding, itching and protrud iug piles, burns, bruises, eczema and all other skin diseases. Sold by R. C. Dod son. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by L. Taggart Drug gist. Any joy that isn't shared with an other is of a short duration. "I had been troubled for some time with indigestion and sonr stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, ol Lee, Mass., "and have been taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." If you have any trouble with your stom ach why not take these Tablets and get well? For sale by L. Taggart. A compromise always costs less and is worth more than a lawsuit. Worst of all Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years." she writes, "I endured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recover ed." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaran teed by L. Taggart, Druggist. The best some people can do is to ex press second hand opinions. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eatiug and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach aud give you a relish for your food. For sale by L. Taggart, ALLEGHENY COLLEGE. Founded in 1815. Good Traditions Strong Faculty. Unsurpassed Location. Reasonable Expenses. New Observatory, New Chapel, New Library, New Professor ships and largely increased Endowment Fall Term Opens September 15th. Fot Catalogue and Information, write to Presi> dent Crawford, Meadville, Pa. I mewtieOTum. j Longman and Martinez HINTS! In! GAL. L. 4*. PAINT AT • . $1.65 112 1 ® AL ''WRE LINSEED OIL AT 65 .51 . Actual cost $1.32 per gallon. Any building not jp / ft* 'rV£_7w7 \ satisfactorily painted will be repainted at our ex- |fl <'< <C N MAKES M CALLONS F0R...) 2is Pen**- *7 years of sale. Sole Agent. i HARRY S. LLOYD. J Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity i* constantly coining in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds to be unecjualed. A recent expression from T.J. McFarland, Bentorvillc, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effec tive in curing all Lung and Throut troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by L. Taggart, Drug gist. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c, and SI.OO SPECIAL RATES. The MISSOURI PACIFIC RY., will sell tickets to the following points at greatly reduced rates during the coming summer. CALIFORNIA and THE NORTH PACIFIC COAST every day until JUNE 15th, at $30.00 from ST. LOUIS. Various points in the WEST and SOUTHWEST at about half fare. I)ENVER,COLORADO SPRINGS or PUEBLO and return, from July Ist to 10th at $21.00 from ST. LOUIS. Also to CALIFORNIA points at proportion ately low rates on same dates. SAN FRANCISCO and return, from August sth to 14tb, account NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R., at rate of $47.50 from ST. LOUIS. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS to almost all points in the WEST and SOUTHWEST at the rate of ONE FARE, plus two dollars FOR ROUND TRIP from ST. LOUIS. For full information, schedule of trains, and illustrated literature, ad dress Jno. R. James, Central Passenger Agent, Room 905, Park Bldg., Pitts burg, Pa. Groceries at fairest prices, good'sevice and prompt delivery try. DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. No matter how large or how small the order is, this store gives the same careful attention. If you can't visit the store in person a request on your part will bring our order clerk. £ll Particular at tention gicenlphone orders. Watch for our FRIDAY ANd SATURDAY SPECIALS They 'reduce your living expenses if taken advan tage of offer this week. SHREDDED WHEAT |OP BISCUIT, pkg IZb CALIFORNIA HAMS lb lip Dold Quality, 11 w BANNER LYE, box |QQ 25C BO ouv E Q s y EEN 2OC 25C pkg GOLD DUST 20C QC Lb.Bag Sugar tl /ft Aw Best Granulated. vli*fU It's New ! It's Good IT'S FRISCUIT ! Have you tried it ? We have it here Phone a. J. H. DAY JS JiAvPnaa —1 check i.ig accounts w accounts gaf Write for literature explaining how easy It la. 112 A»a*ta Over 0 7,300,000.00 | I GERMAN IA SAVINGS BANK J VwOOD AND DIAMOND STi PITTSBURG, PA^ t THE BEST HILL CLIMBERS ON THE MARKET. Agent for £. B. THOMAS CYCLES. E. J. SMITH, Agent, Emporium, Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S, FOR gpl. FRESH BREADf jf popular P " icv ~, M NUTS lL # CONFECTIONERY Daily Deliver" All orders given prompt and skillfulattention. sasasasasasasasaFrasasas^ pi Intl r I THIS should interest all (n H] 1 men who wear ap to date Qj Irj TAILOR MADE CLOTHES, nj Ta '' or I ' Emporium, Pa. m I WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY Theyhnw.tood the teat of yean. MBHm OTVtflftlft ~ - and h«Yft cured thousand! of r~j STHOII6 ? iiniiiii '* Auoph^ \ AIM! I! t the circulation. make dlftitioa J&\ perfect, and Impart a healthy Hrv W Ihe vholi belaf. All dralnt and loiiei are checked /trmxntnlljr. Unleai patients properly cured, their condition often worrlet them Into Insanity, Consumption or Deatk. mM. Price fx per box; 6 bozaa, with Iron-clad legal (uarantie to cure or refund tM money, tjeo. Send for free book. Addreaa. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Clevtlaad, 0. For sale by R. C. Dodaon, Druggist, Emporium. Pa. 1 v«yy A «sr« fiirutNd If jom ih I PILES R ™"' Supposliorul D a Mtll. Thompian, fapt. ■ Graded School*, Stfttoavltlo, N. C., writs* : •• I eta uj ■ thay do all * ou claiaa for thorn." Dr. 8. M. Dorara, ■ Hovaa Roak. W. Va., vritoa : " Ther give univaraal aatia- ■ factiou." Dr. U. D. MoGIU, Clarkafearf. Tana., write*: H "Im m prMti«« of SI joara, 1 hara found raaaodr to ■ aquat jaara." Piki, M Cim. B»tupi«a Froo. BoM ■ »y l>r»uUu. M<WTIW HUQT. L*HC*»TtW. »«■ J Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C Dodaon. Call for free (ample. I The Place to Boy Cheap S ) J. F.PARSONS' ? | p^^vJfprompUjTo^ < 1 Bend modal, ■ ketch or photo ot invention for <' <' free report on patentability. For free book, (' SH Oft. CALDWELL'S A| IYRUP PEPSIN ■CURES CONSTIPATION.! 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers