. Adam, i Meldrum & \ Anderson Co. Y. L 396-408 Main Street, CUT [ PRICE I SALE l \-w TE ARE holding a great r yy Cut Price Sale whicn em \ braces every stock in the ( old reliable store. F Prices have been mercilessly > cut on staple articles as well as i the novelties and fancies. i You can shop on half the ? money formerly needed. Here s are a few leaders from the I COATS AND SUITS. S Odd lot of Covert Cloth and s Kersey Cloth Jackets, blue, 5 brown and castor, "7F" s worth $5.00 for J { $5.00 Walking Skirts s In black, blue and QO I Rrey, a bargain at 4)Z. JO £ $9.00 Uress Skirts £ Of Black Serge with trimmed s taffeta bands mercerized drop s skirts, positively worth $9.00 a \ K e "' ba ' Ba .' n . $6.50 > $6 50 Blouses. s Elack Serge Cloth Blouses, very \ latest styls, large <TC f|H < (lowing sleeves 4)0. JU £ Silk Coats and Monte Carlos in \ Peau de Soie and Taffeta ex \ cellent values, CIC fIH r 84 50 to 4>13-Uu ? Black and colored Cloth Suits, at s a quarter off regular value. ) The Restaurant. < Our patrons will find our Cafe > on the 4th~ floor an excellent \ place to rest and enjoy a full ( meal or a light lunch at moder > ate price. > Adam, i Meldrum & Anderson Co. £ The Americat Block, 112 BUFFALO, N. Y. I This is the House, j BE . jit' ' s I - «SL ~ sfw ".Ni -. jfc# - g^s fwg^||- '^-* jTr-"-" - ra m yMSStf tB ■ mwrm ,i ■■ ■wyrwuaun —tr—■■ At wliicli to purchase your Furniture of all kinds at the very lowest prices. CAKI'KTS, all new and u|>»to-dute. The larg est line you ever saw in town. RI'GS, both large ami sma'.l. Carpet samples for ruys—all grades. I<ACK CI'RTAINS, a line, from the cheapest to the best. WINDOW SHADES, all kinds. (iu-CARTS, until the habies cannot rest with out one. No trouble to show goods. <»lad to have you call, whether you purchase or not. Yours respectfully, GEO. J. ÜBAR. Our Clothing There may be Is selected with the False economy ill buy greatest care, being J0 W ing Clothing advertised made of good material W> as cheap. Better buy —material that will MM of a dealer who has a give good service and \y4 reputation to maintain, at prices that are We are offering some within reach of all. mmm U P to date goods in OUR liOYS CLOTHING B GENTS FURNISHINGS Is made for boys and it EfcmKß an<3 you would like looks as if it was made something handsome for boys—not father's in s line ' call and cut down. see our goods. R. SEGER & SON. R. SEQER & SON. r '" i ' IF Harness HA You can make your bar iiess tut ftoft as a glove Wand aa tough aa wire by VK using ECUEKA liar. I■ H .Hi Hem Oil. You can IW //■>! \ lengthen Its life— make It Au lust tuii-e as long as It £ EUREKAf I Stefcss Oil ffl B I mr.k« >oorloofctok uHK Made b/ STANDARD OIL CO. VL tw 1 REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY the of Me. QRZIAT PILBIN'OTC RjalVi iiiTj x produces the above reaolta In 30 days. It acta powerfully and Quickly. Cures when all others tall Younn men will regain their loat manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nerrcma aeas. Loat Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions. Loat Power. Falling Memory. Wasting Disease#, and i all effects of self-abuse or exoets and indiscretion, which unflta one for study, business or marriage. It ; cot only cures by starting at the seat of dlaease. bnt la a great nerve tonic and blood ballder, bring ing back the pink flow to pale cheeks and r* 1 storing the fire of yonth. ft ward* off Insanity i and Consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO.no ether. It can be carried In vest pocket. By nail SI.OO per package, or six for 53. 00, with a poet j live written gnaraotss to ear* or refund the money. Book and advise free. Address BOYAL MEDICINE CO., Sold by R. C. Dodson, Emporium, P.t CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1903. Cameron. Miss Lena Crinken is visiting her Bister Mrs. Bert Benson. Miss Ola Wilson, of Portland Mills is visiting at this place. Boy Page is able to be out again. We are glad to see him once more. The dance given by the K. O. T. M. was fine. We all had a good time. Mr. Ernest Fuller and Miss Lizzie Cortwright enjoyed a buggy lide Sunday. Ernest Wykoff, formerly of this place, but now of Bradford is married. Wish him much joy. Miss Clara Be'le Lupro, one of Cam eron's most charming young ladies went away to get married. The happy man is Mr. Elmer Hart. A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all long and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van Metre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says"l had a severe case of Bronchitis and for a year tried overything 1 heard of and got no releif. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely." It's infallible for Croup, whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by L. Taggart Druggist. Trial bottles free. Begular sizes, s<Jc. 81.00. Ole Bull's Castle Burned. Ole Bull's grey old rock-bound castle, which since 1852 has stood guard over the inhabitance of Oleona, is a mem ory, The great Norwegian violinist's home, perched on the mountain summit | overlooking that place, after years of litigation and law suits as to its title ; has at last been claimed by the fire (lend and all that remains of the stately | edifice to-day is a few crumbling, blackened, fire charred walls. The em i ployes of the Lackawanna Lumber company, which now owns the 120,000 acres Ole Bull settlement, made a determined effort to save the old land mark, but notwithstanding their brave work, the rentless flames, devouring alike man and nature's handiwork, swept the jlast vestige of "Ole Bull's Folly" from the face of Potter county, the scene of the grand old man's futile attempt at colonization.—Potter Demo crat. We clip the following irom tho Austin Republican: The story of the destruct ton of Ole Bull's Castle near Oleona, by forest fires this spring, is no doubt the work of a fertile imagination which had never been on the spot. The Republican scribe visited the old castle last fall and found it to consist of a hole in the ground surrouuded by a crumbling clellur wall. Not a sliver of timber was in sight to suggest that a building ever occupied the site. Teachers Wanted. We need at once a few more teachers, both experienced and inexperienced, We have more calls this year than ever bef< >re. Schools ami colleges supplied with competent teachers free of cost. Address with stamp. A MKHICAN TKACHKKS' ASSOCIATION, J. L. GRAIIAM, L. L. D., Mgr., 1 13-Bt. Memphis, Tenn. The Eureka Mfg. Co., of Kast St Louis, 111., want a man with rig to in troduce Poultry Mixture in this coun ty. They guarantee $3 50 a day to a good worker and they furnish bank rt I'erence of their reliability. Send stamp for particulars. Eureka Mfg. IX, Box 09, East St. III. 46-My. Office Safe for Sale. A good-as-new safe, suitable for or ( dinary business, for wile at a bargain \ppj at Pmbbb office. 5-tf. K«lutfd Uatca to A»h,ill«. l-'or the benefit of those desiring to attend the meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers, at Ashe vllle, N.|C., June Bto 12, the Pennsyl vania itailroad Company will sell round-trip tickets to Aahville sml re turn, good going June ft, 8. aud 7, and good returning to reach original start ing point not later than June 15, in - elusive, from all stations on its line* at , the rate of a single fare for the round trip, plus twenty five cents. For rates i and eonditions of tickets consult J Ticket Agents 2715 Hit. W A NTH« Several industrious IM-rsoas In h Male l» lia% I- I for house i .labli.li.- eleven year* sod with l.tigt iapil*l, In tall merchants suit *«• uu for MH'tVMfiil *i>d|» Utaldshue I'ri main lit •'.i »*.'llirl.l SVwkl) . ».!. salalt , I ami all traveling and lioti i Ldla ad vaiuwt is cash e«< h «r,t K>|ain urt unl MMK llal. Mention rrfersiire anil ■ neloe ►»)( address ■ d envelop* Th» Natii.lal, XH liiailioin St. I I fcwtfu. Itilti MERCANTILE LIST FOR 1903. Mercantile Appraiser's Notice. NAMES and kind of license of dealers in tlie County of Cameron, Pa. The Appeals will ' be held at the County Treasurer's office in Em porium, on Friday, May 22, 1903, between the hours of 9 a. m.and 3 p. m. EMPORIUM. Halcoin & Lloyd General Merchandise i Beattie. P. R Tobacco and Cigars C'atlin, C. G Grain and Flour I Cruice, John Tobacco and Cigars ( Cuinmings. John Cigars I Costello, John Cigars i Donovan, D. W Cigars Dolan, M. J Cigars Day, J. H Groceries ! Dodson, R. C Drugs i Emporium Machine Co Tile and Fixtures i Emporium Furniture Co Furniture Edgcomb, Henry General Merchandise : Easttrbrooks, Lizzie Confectionery I Emporium Milling Co., Grain and Seed Fetter, J. R Bicycle Supplies ! Gross, William Meats Gross, G. H. &Co., Meats Huntington, L. K General Merchandise Harris, Jasper Clothing Howard, C. B. & Co General Merchandise j Hockley, I. K Fuel and Builders Supplies i Hacket, S. S General Merchandise 1 Hogan, M.T Groceries Husted, C. R Groceries I Hirrch, R. H Jewelry Hacket, S. J General Merchandise ' Overhiser, I. O Confectionery and Fruits I Judd, F. G Harness I Jessop, C. II Produce I Johnson, J. L Cigars 1 Kelley, R. D Cigars I Kelly, F. & G Millinery and Clothing ' Kinsler. J. A Groceries Ludlarn, B. E. & E. L Millinery i Laßar, Geo, J Furniture Lechner, Joseph Boots and Shoes | Lloyd, H. S Stationery Lysett, T. J Cigars * Loyd, R. J Cigars | Leet, F. D. & Co., General Merchandise Litrrabec, M. M Furs, Ammunition, &c Metzger, Geo. Jr Jewelry Murry, Coppersmith Co Hardware McDougall, Ale* Groceries and Meats ' McDonald. A. A Tobacco and Cigars I McDonald, S. D Cigars I Manett, H. R Cigars j McDonald, Win Cigars i Newton, Joseph Produce I Overhiser, Kate Confectionery and Fruits | Olmsted, H. C General Merchandise Parsons, J. F General Merchaddise i Rockwell. M. A Drugs 1 Raymond, H. L Millinery : Beger, R. & Son Clothing ' Shives, Frank Groceries and Meats ' Schmidt, C. G Confectionery and Fruits | Sell lech t, John Groceries Slocum. B. A Groceries j Seger, N Clothing I Shoup, Peter Cigars Tulis, M. C General Merchandise Trotter, Thomas Dry Goods Taggart, Len Drugs I Vogt, A. F Boots and Shoes j Wiufield, Mary Confectionery I Zarpe, H. A. & Co, Toys, Furnishings, 4tc Wolfe, J. E Meats DRIFTWOOD. Brookbank. J. O. (i Co General Merchandise ' Fox, Frank Jr., Meats I Fox, Lyda Millinery I Krider & Yothers, General Merchandise Kreider, Hazel Notions ' Mitchell, W. II Drugs | McDonald, A. M CigarS j McCoole, Mrs, S. D .Millinery : McCoole, S.D —Cigars j McVicker, Mrs. Fred Cigars ! Nefcy, Miss M. E Millinery i Rotlirock. J. N Clothing Riley, T. j Cigars LUMBER. I Cameron Store Co,. General Merchandise j Ebersole, E. M .. .Groceries ; Furlong, Mary A t'iaar.i Mahoney, Pat Cigars i McGee, llarrv Cigars McConnell, Warret).... Cigurs I Smith, J. E General Merchandise UHOVB. ■ Barclay Bros General Merchandise Hand. D. P Groceries ; Bailey. O. L Cigars : Cranßroa Uwls Fee Bros General Merchandise Lightner. H. Is < General Merchandise ! shafer, Geo. P Cigars ; Silin, Nathan Clothing Smith, 11. J." Cigars PORTAOB. Sizer, Mrs. W. R .General Merchandise ; Evans. J. H « 'igar< sairrcN. Hughes, W. J Produce and Meats Kline A Co General Merchandise i Lewis, F.J Groceries EATINO HOUSES. ' Bliss, Fred.. Emporium Lewis, Mrs. I'. E Emporium McClelland, John D Emporium lIILLIARIJS AMD POOL | Creaton, James Emporium I McDonald. A. A Emporium 1 Mitchell, \v. H Driftwood All persons so ascertained or assessed who ' shall fail to attend such appeal <>r to appeal from the decision of the Appraiser, to the Common Pleas within ten days thereafter will not be per mittod to set np a defense to the recovery of the amount of license to which he is requested to pay I when suit shall be brought that he is not a dealer > in merchandise, Ac. The law iurther provides that it shall he the duty of the County Treasurer to sue for the re ' covert ol all licenses duly returned tohiiu by the Mercantile Appraiser if not paid on or before the first day of Juiv in each and every year, within teu days after dale, uinl said Treasurer shall not be discharged from any such license unless he brings suit to lecovcr the raiue on or before tlu.t date. I K. HOCKLEY. Mercuntile Appraiser, ItKM. $.10.00 to California $30.00. Kvery day until June 15th the i MiHHouri i'acifie Ky., will Hell one way coluiiittt ticketa from Bt. LouiHto California at the exceed ingly low rata of thirty dollar*. I'ro purtionately low rateu Irmn utlnr pointa. Through touriat earn every week. Write for particulars to Jno. H Jaiuea, t'mitral I'aaHviiger Agent, IH>6 i Park Illdg., I'lttaburg, Pa. « tf. WANTKH Several peraona of char aeter and gooil reputation ill each state | tone In thin county required) to reure Hl* it t Mad idnrtlM u»i Hltblluw) wealthy buaineaM IIOUMI of aolld financial ntamling Malory f'2loo wewltly with expniiHt a aililillonal, nil payable in eaab each Wi ilni siUy direct from head of fieea. florae and carriage f'tirniahud wbttii uoeeaaary, Kefereneea. Kncloae j aelf addreased euvelupe. Colonial Co., ' :t:u lifarborn St., Chicago. A! IHt. a Artistic a! | Painting | | PAPER HANQINO! S »j Will receive prompt [}{ 3 attention and all [jj l{j work intrusted tome K n] will be guaranteed [}! p] satisfactory. lam [}j prepared to furnish Cj ni " my customers with in nl both Paints and Bj S Wall Papers, and ui [jj save you big money. U (}j Estimates cheerfully J{] Qj given on contract }|] W work. Apply to ![] | F. H. PEARSALL. 112 t"5555H5H5H555H5"d55H55555T5JJ I Groceries | Jl a) ffi 13 IS 13 Cj 13 Qj Having just putin a pi nice line of Groceries HI n] with our meats, we Uj s] are now ready to fill ™ uj your orders at the [u m very lowest prices. [)i Everything fresh If] [jj and strietly high uj p grade. A fine line n] of cookies ? from 10c [Jj jj] lb. to 22c lb. These [jj lr are the best cookies n] [n made. [{] j{] GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. | 1 Geo. H. Gross. I l=5H aSBSBSES ESES 55H58 5F = WE ARE DISPLAYING OUR Spring and Summer i Dry Goods. j We have a larger assortment than we ever had B Otir large line of WHITE GOODS cannot be I surpassed. The quality and variety are |j sure to please. E The WASH GOODS in colors, we are showing, E are the best values that it is possible to get 1 together. They are snre to be sold very ■ rapidly, for they include the latest patterns in Silk Zephyrs, Pique LaTour, Kiowa Pique, | | Highland Oxfords, Letie Applique, Nomad Silk Novelties, Sea Island Madras, Hamilton Waistings,' Hahna Mercerized Stripes, Mercerized Silk Zephyrs, Linen Finish Emerald Dimity, and several others. EVERY DAY IS A BARGAIN |OAY IN THE ABOVE C.B. HOWARD&CO. We Have What You Need! To brush up and make beauti ful your home. The,season of the year for such work has arrived and we would call the attention of the public to our very large | and reliable line of Paints, Oils, | Varnishes, the best in the world. ' In addition to the best paints, ;we have a first-class line of De ! | Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a : move on and be prepared to paint before the workmen are all en i gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your > home or business place let us talk a little with you on Bath and Closets, Hot Water, Steam or anything in that line. Our ' increased facilities and expert ! workmen will do you good work. Don't deay until too late. 1 Farmers should bear in mind j that we handle Plows, Harrows, Rakes, etc. In fact our Hard j ware, Stove and Plumbing De partments are up to the best. Write or wire us, when a com- I I petent agent will call on you. MMA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers