\ Adam, Meldrum & | ] Anderson Co. | 112 HUFFAI/O.X. Y. } 1 39G-408 Main Street, ) \ STYLISH } I Coats I 112 AND | j Suits j \ \A/E invite comparison of our \ C v v Suits and Coats with others, > ? both as to quality and }>rice. \ \ Here are some bargains: } J 50 Ladies' Tailored Suits, in black S \ and blue, all-wool Cheviot, ) { blouse linished with dou- j ? ble capo collars, full sleeves 112 sand plaited skirt;sls qjq OQ c 112 value for i£>o.b>o \ \ 100 Castor Covert Cloth Jackets, J 112 with velvet collar,lined throu- \ > ghout with good quality of < \ Romanie, double and single j 112 breasted. The greatest value X i ever offered, An qq < * worth §7.50 for «p*s.o/0 \ \ Splendid assortment of silk 112 Monte Carlo Coats, were §6 50 \ ? to §2O, marked down to §4.00 to 112 \ §ls. Some splendid bargains { in this lot. > S Misses' and Children's Coats, 3 I were $4.00 to §ls, <j>-i s\/-\ \ > now §3.00 to <P-LL>.UU C The Restaurant. 3 £ Our patrons will find our Cafe \ > on the 4th floor an excellent s \ place to rest and enjoy a full s 112 meal or a light lunch at "rnoder- % j ate price. c } Adam, j > Meldrum & j } Anderson Co. < P The American Block, J £ BUFFALO, N. Y. 112 IBM! Iflf* g w y y # w w # w i ki^^j»**i»^^jestj)s t jM t;i «t J si k ja tJ Okj fc4s^;- ( k .j( fc-! j k< ) kJ!!fe j Sfcj;4tf |^| g SIO,OOO Bankrupt Sale | X U P of Furniture B n §*■ II We secured under most favorable conditions, the tM entire stock of || M I | Tae lankey Mfg. Company, || M |i H ST BANKRUPT SALE. || 11 1 his purchase, a very fortunate and opportune Jj one—brought to us about SIO,OOO worth of £* P* bed room suites, dressers, washstands and sideboards, *1 £3 bright and new, direct from the factory, which we II || will dispose of at virtually next-to-uothing prices, 13 Now we are ready for this great sale, the most iinpor- |* Sjfi) taut furniture event ever offered you. A sale that will kg * I make new history in our business. High class, up-to- £3 £ date, thoroughly reliable furniture at much less than £1 ** cost of manufacture. We want you to come to this ** sale, to see and compare the furniture with that you ** p* can buy elsewhere at even double our prices. We will N leave it to you then, as judge to say where the greatest H II values can be had. It is only through a purchase of || this kind, that these stupendous bargains are made pos- fc* gg sible—a chance that comes your way but seldom. This will be a quick decided event, the stock must be clear- Sf ed out at once,as we have no room for storage purposes. fl if If you have any particular fancy about style, wood or if 11 pattern, you had better come early or the very thing || you want may be gone. Judges of furniture making || and exceptional values are especially requested to in- || spect these goods, ami examine every detail of quality, Kg || workmanship and durability. Owing to limitation ot £2 space, we cannot give details of this irresistable sale. EJ ** We cordially invite correspondence from prospec- ?? if tive buyers who cannot visit us in person. *5 N II M ii G..1. LA BA R'S IS CLC;IREL!fIELE FURNITURE STORE, »« Mii ii || CMPORIVM, I'A. IWe are ? Offering Reduced Prices on Winter Suits AND 1 0Vereoat$ i We carry an up - to-date stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear, Suit Cases, Umbrellas, In fact anything you may wish in ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS LINE. I I Now is I the Time | to Buy. I R. SEGER & SON, Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1903. Ktam-ri to Dratk. Betty, the lufant Koeclua, when at the zenith of hl« juvenile fame was on one occasion walking with some ladies when another bevy of female admirers bore down upon him and, pulling him away from ids companions, commenced to lavish upon him endearments and i kisses. The others promptly rushed to 1 their idol's rescue, who between the j contending parties, each determined to j possess the boy actor, was thrown to the ground and so much bruised and ! injured as to be unable to appear for a I couple of nights. Insignificant, however, was this mi.s chance to the fate that befell M. <1 Lang.v, a courtier of the time of Ixmis XV., whose supreme conceit so irritat ed certain ladles of the court that they resolved to inflict upon him a novel punishment. Feigning one day to lie overcome by the beauty of his face and person, they fell upon him en masse, hugging and kissing the wretched dan dy till he cried for mercy. Deaf to his entreaties, tlie ladies continued their merciless caresses until the object of their mock "love, who indeed was but a sorry weakling, in endeavoring to break away from their clutches broke a blood vessel and died a few days later. HuUliKn iin ArrohiitM. The rat is, as no one will doubt, a very fair climber. lie can scamper about anywhere on the roof of a barn or can asceud the ivy that grows on the house wall and make the lives of the pigeons in their cots anything but happy ones. The rabbit, on the other hand, is not usually accounted a climb ing animal. A writer in Field describes the astonishment of his sisters at see ing a rabbit jump from the bough of a tree and, picking himself up, "scamper off rather (lazed to his warren." Wher ever a rabbit Is found in a tree except when he is carried there by flood or left there by a receding snowdrift, it will be found that a sloping bank or other easy method of approach lias been made use of. He is, however, very expert at climbing stone walls that bound his fields and even the wire net ting that the farmer vainly imagines will keep him from the choicest crops. We have seen rabbits run up the face of a quarry to their holes toward the top, a feat which we have not found it easy to imitate. Ciitdereiln nu«l Her Slipper. Yes; I know you are saying to your self, "That headline would have looked and sounded better had it been 'Cinder ella and the (Jlass Slipper,'" says a critic, but the writer lias been making a close study of this most interesting nursery story and finds that the fa mous "gluss" slipper properly has no place in it. The "glass" slipper is real ly the "fur," "cloth" or "felt" slipper, the word "glass" having been substi tuted through a strange mistranslation of the story. In the original it was written pantoufle en valr, which, being translated, would be "the fur slipper." The translator, however, wrote it as if it had been pantoufle en verre, making the "little cinder girl's" fur foot cover lug one of glass, which. It must be ad mitted, would be one quite appropriate to a fuiry. Due Notice is Served. Due notice is hereby given on the public generally that DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the only salve on the market that is made from the pure un adulterated witch hazel. Do Witt's Witch Ilazel Salve has cured thousands of cases ot piles that would not yield to auy other treatment, and this fact has brought out many worthless counterfeits. Those per sons who got the genuine DeWitis Witch Hazel Salve are never disappointed, be cause it cures. It. C. Dodson. Working for relatives is about as satisfactory as eating soup with a fork. A Sweet Breath. Is a never failing sign oi' a healthy stomach. When the breath is bad the stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world eijua! to Kodol Dys pepsia cure for curing indigestion, dys pepsia and all stomach disorders. .Mrs Mary S. Crick, of White Plains, Ky., writes, "I have been a dyspeptic tor years—tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse, by the use of Kodol I began to improve at once, and after taking a few bottles am full restored in weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like. Kodol digests what you eat and makes tha stomach sweet. 11. 0. Dodson. If a man has neither friends nor ene mies he has lived in vain. For liver troubles and constipation There's nothing better in creation Than Little Early ltisejs, the famous little pills They always effect a curcaud save doctor bills. Little Early Risers are differeut from all other pills. They do not weaken the system, but act as a tonic to the tissues by arousing the secretions and re stosing the liver to the lull performance of its functions naturally. II C. Dodson. Marriage adds either to a man's hap piness or to his misery. Good tor Children. The pleasant to lake and harmless Oue j Minute Cough Cure ivi.* iuimediaie r< j liefin all cases of Cough, Croup and Lalirippi because it does not pass iui- I mediately into the stomach, but tates <!' I feet right at the se:it of the tionu!". ii ' draws out the inflammation, heals and i sooths and cures permanently by enabling | the lungs to contribute pure life—giving and lift.-—-sustaining oxygen to the blood I and tissues. R. C. Dodson. $30.00 to California $30.00. Every day until June 16th the Missouri Pacific Ry., will sell one way colonist tickets from St. Louis to California at the exceed ingly low rate of thirty dollars. Pro portionately low rates from other p lints. Through tourist cars every week. Write for particulars to Jno. R James, Central Passenger Agent, 905 Park Illdg., Pittsburg, Pa. 6-tf. Are You Going West. Beginning February 15th, and con tinuing every day thereafter until April 30th, there will boa special rate to all points in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. For maps, rates, routes and other informa tion write at onco to W. H. Allen, Dis trict passenger Agent, Wisconsin Cen tral Railway, 621 Park Building, Pitts burg. Pa. 47-16t WANTED —Several persons of char acter and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to repre sent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. .Salary §21.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head of fices. Horse; and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. 51-16t. IIHIHIIimmi IB4IIIMIIII ■IIIHIII ■MHBlbHiaffrj f/MlCvO |oL * Jmaakes sliort roads. ! AXLE j light loads. jJ ! AREAS! | for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. K ft. Had* by STANDARD OIL CO. J For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three filiea, 25c., SOr. and SI.OO. Sold by ItruKuUln, or x<-nt pri-pald on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and ■John lili,, New Vork. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receiptor prloo. Humphreys' Med. Co,, William & John Sts., N. Y, t rh «. 31 REVBVO RESTORES VITALITY THE TFFMT* TT7VT<{-?T-:T- .LOSSYST produces tho cii jovc i-c3Ult3 In 30 c.uyo. It acta powerfully on.-! quickly. Curco wjtu all otters fail. EOUBK mea v/iU rjgat™. their to. 1 * Etmhood, and 013 men v;iU rocovor thoir ycv.tMut -.igor by usiaj ItEVi4o>. i i v.' rsi:fl6urcs.*vat.{ora«t;ervcjg. DBCO, Los. \ iCaUty,.Upot inc-, itisuvty Krciealona, Lost t-ixi. :,r: illuj Memory, Wanting X>iccacsa,aiiJ ail efi't cii £>: r ,l ". -j or ci-m: Pnd indiscretion, r.hioh •reiii.jovil a* raa.-rfege. Ii dotoa!.<.' euro ;y uu.r.inr att')oß'tt of <ll jeace, but isapror:', icrvatc.iito end blocll bulkier, bring ing ,r '• --be rl.it/ tn j-nlo cheeks and re atoiicK llvj flvo oi y.vUh, i- wards off Insanity end Co .vuEijj'-.ion. ln.-ur.l oa i;:.vins KEVIYO»!io ether. It c. Abo carritel in vt-.t pocket. By mail Sl.OOperpaclisße.or sis foi tvt'.oo, withepoel tlvo vrlttcu. en v.i r.too t.i uo?o cr srttirsC ihe moucv. Kooli:: i>ii advt *o f:e3. Address ROYAi, K£DlC:Nii CO. A Weak Stomach Indigestion is often caused by over eating. An eminent authority saya the harm done thus exceeds that from the excessive use of alcohol. Eat all the good food you want but don't over load the stomach. A weak stomach may refuse to digest what you eat. Then you need a good digestant like Kodol, which digests your food with out the stomach's aid. This rest and the wholesome tonics Kodol contains soon restore health. Dieting unneces sary. Kodol quickly relieves the feel ing of fulness and bloating from which some people suffer after mcaln. Absolutely cures indigestion. Kodol Nature's Tonlo. Prepared only by E. C. DEWITT &Oo,Chicago, The Si. bottle contains 2 H tlmea the&oc. alia. EVERY WOMAN &ttgv Sometime® needs a reliable monthly ro;;ulati!i~ nicdiciuo. r \ OR. TEAL'S PENNYROYAL p!LLS, Aiu pre nipt, rafo anu cot-tain in result. TLe i;uiiu ino (.Dr. Peal's) never auuppuinC. Sl.Ou p«r box. Sold by R. I '. Dodson, tlruff/jist. y Th« V\m (o iiu v Clitiiijt \ IS AT ? I J. F - PARS^^j I WE ARE DISPLAYING OUR Spring and Summer Dry Goods. We have a larger assortment than we ever had | I Our large line of WHITE GOODS cannot be I surpassed. The quality and variety are | sure to please. The WASH GOODS in colors, we are showing, I are the best values that it is possible to get iij together. They are sure to be sold very I I rapidly, for they include the latest patterns | Silk Zephyrs, I Pique LaTour, Kiowa Pique, Highland Oxfords, Lcne Applique, Nomad Silk Novelties, Sea Island Madras, Hamilton Waistings, Hal ma- Mercerized Stripes, Mercerized Silk Zephyrs, Linen Finish Emerald Dimity, and several others. EVERY DAY IS A BARGAIN JDAY IN THE ABOVE. |C.B. HOWARD & CO. AFTER THE BATTLE Some ave f-n nd bleeding and sore, while others have a flit of the blues. Now if there should be any so unfortunate as to suffer from the effects of accidents we have the Balm for their pains and aches,let it be either for man or beast. Our liniment and powdersfor horses or cattle are always the best. Our medicines are pure and j always get there. The prices are right too. 0? uur patent medicine depart ed ment is supplied with all the % standard remedies and we can I * supply your on short notice, i Our toilet and fancy goods • department wo keep up to j the times. Our Prescription depart- j ment receives our closest at- { tention and all calls answered j day or night. Just touch the j button. In fact we are here to do business and serve the public. M. - A. - ROCKWELL,] THE PHARMACIST, fconsult !| v Your | E N | lnterests \ AND SAVE BIG MONEY £ <j BY ORDERING NOW B 5 YOUR FALL SUIT i at s fl R. SEQER & | COHPANY'S. w We handle notliiu<* but is the very best fabrics and Ni i on this together with first- n 1 ' class fit and workmanship H we have built up the N ; large patronage we enjoy. < i] Come in and see us. S s R. SEQER & CO. & N Q •y Opposite M. E. Church. We Have What You Need! I To brush up and make beauti ! ftil your home. The,season of the . year for such work has arrived and we would call the attention of the public to our very large j and reliable line of Paints, Oils, | Varnishes, the best in the world, jln addition to the best paints, 1 we have a first-class line of De (Voe &. Co.'s Brushes. Get a I move on and be prepared to paint ; before the workmen are all en ; gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your home or business place let us ! talk a little with you on Bath i and Closets, Hot Water, Steam jor anything in that line. Our ! iucreased facilities and expert ' workmen will do you good work. Don't deay until too late. Farmers should bear in mind | that we handle Plows, Harrows, ! Rakes, etc. In fact our Hard , ware, Stove and Plumbing De partments are up to the best. Write or wire us, when a com petent agent will call on you. iivttnii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers