Sairjer-or) J^ress. ESTABLISHED BY O. B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERM 8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: Pbr-year $2 00 If p:iid is advance ♦' SO ADVERTISING RATES. Ad vert i ementsare published at the rate of one 4»llar per square for one insertion and fifty cents jieriquure for each subsequentinsertion. Rates by the year or for si* or three months are ow uniform,and willbefurnished on appll oat ion. LEGAL and Official Advertising persqnare,three Mines or less, |2 00; each subsequent insertlon&O AENTH per square. Local notices ten cents per line for onei nsertion ■ vo cents per line for each subsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per ine. Bimpleannouncements of births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free. B -is Cards, fie lines or lesß IS.OO per year over live lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localinserted for less than 75 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and affords facilities for doing the best class ot work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages •re paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for In advance. Air-No advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. notices free. CALL FOR STATE CONVENTION. TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF PENN SYLVANIA: I 'r<*ctc*i b*. ' h ' ' . -MJ-'an Stcto Commit tee to announce that the Republicansof Pennsyl vania, by their duly chosen Representatives, will meet iu convention at the Opera House, in the city of Harrlsburg, on Wednesday, May 27th,1903, at 10:30 o'clock, a.m., for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for the following offices, to-wit: One person for the office of State Treasurer. Cue person for the office of Auditor General. Two persons for the office of Judge of the Su perior Court. In accordance with the rules governing the organization, the representation in the State Convention will be based on the vote polled at the last Presidential election. Uoder the rules each legislative district is entitled to one delegate tor every two thousand votes cast tfor the Presi. deniial Electors in 1900. and additional delegate tor every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. By order of the Republican State Committee. M. S. QUAY, Chairman. \V. R. ANDREWS, Secretary. pniTOWIAI riFNTION. It is said that a woman in Illinois kill ed herself going to funerals. Roosevelt made himself solid with the Methodiste during his speech on Wesley in New York. Roosevelt and Beveridge are the latest names written on the Republi slate. Cirover iB being boomed for k a third term. Bryan is afraid to enter the race again. Roosevelt has kept his word by call ing and extra session. The heat of summer may cause Senators to stop * -•"» c» «wnn(|H t>o voi*. The Arkansas legislature has passed a bill which, according to Governor Davis, who framed it, is intended to from tho stats every sort of concern which is identified with trust methods. The Oregon legislature after a long deadlock and 43 ballots elected Charles W. i ulton, Republican as U. S. Senator. Mr. Fulton was born in Ohio and is fifty yeas old. The President has received an invita tion to attend the mining congress to be held at Lead, S. D.. next September. It is engraved on a slab of Black Hills gold five inches long and three inches wide. Two freshmen at Princeton Univer sity ha"e been expelled for violating the aonor system" forbidding students, on their honor, to accept help during examinations. A test of two British cruisers just made, one fitted with water-tube boilers and tho other with the ordinary cylin drical fiue boilers, showed greater coal economy and endurance for the latter President Roosevelt has received as a present from President Zelays, of Nicuraugua,a mounted specimen of the harpy eagle shot by himself, and it has been placed in the White House dining room. The Italian government, through the Italian ambassador at Washington, has aonveyed the thanks of Italy to the United States for the part taken by this country in securing a satisfactory ad justment of the Venezuelan contro versy. Plans are now complete fortheestab- Haiuucut ot the Rockefeller Institute in New York, to be devoted to medical re search. John D. Rockefeller has given f1, 200,000 for the purpose and is ready to increase the endownment when nec essary. A bill passed by both houses appro priating $.>0,000 oach for the erection in Washington of statues of Count Pulaski, She Polish patriot aud Baron Hteuben tho German military expert who gave such invaluable aid to the Uolonie cause during the Revolutionary. The house committee detailed to in vestigate the coal shortage in New Kngland reports that It found out nest to nothing. The evidence showed that th<-re was no lack of facilities fur water ftrui importation of coal, and the guarded conclusion was that if anything wm wrong it must tie something else If It's a Uiliott* attak take Chamber lain ■ St<>n»clj and Mvn Tablets ami a r,v :r- 1 • - '■> DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY amI Backache All diseases or Kidneys, A| T T\ Bladder, Urinary Organs. I 111 I. Also Rheumatism, Back I I I frf ache,HeartDlaease,Gravel,! >■ I II ■ . Dropsy, Female Troubles. X/ V/ A m. m-4 Don't become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. If necessary write Dr. lenner. lie has spent a lif« time curing Just such cases as yours. All consultations Free. "A gravel lodged In my bladder. After asing a few buttles of Dr. Fcnner s Kidney and Backacho Cure I passed a gravel half as largo as a marble. Tho medicine prevented further formations. J „ Druggists, Soc„ 11. Ask for Cook Book—Free. CT VITIICnAIinC Sure Cure. Circular, Di 01 •VII Uw Uflliut Fenoer. Fredonla.N.T Slnnamahoning Liars' Club. The Sinnatnahoning liars club held an interesting session Sunday in Pap Blod get's shop with Joe Summerson in the chair. His rulings were immense. John Clontz was appointed secretary pro tem, in place of Jordan, who came too late. The whoppers were lively and interesting. Snyder gave us a few on the captures of the wood chuck. Chase told a few on log cutting. He said a tree came down the hill, struck a rock, theu turned and ran back to the stump from which it started. Mont Peasley doubted the story and then the fun commenced—Clyde hit him in the eye with a quid of Standard Navy, which came near raising a racket, but the president of the club, Geo. Gore, made peace. Homscom was in attendance and told of his experience at the county seat. DeShetler made some'objection and accused him of being classed with Mullin and Murphy. He told whoppers until he was out of breath. Al. Losey couldn't get in a word every seventy minutes. Log driving was the whole question for disjusssion. No further business the oub adjourned. FIDE. Beechwood. Everybody is glad to hear the robin sing again. Mr. Michael Lawton is home on a few days visit. Mr. Irvin Kautz spent Sunday with friends. They arc busy practicing for the school entertainment. Mr. Mack Toner made a short visit to St. Marys on Sunday. Messrs. John and Jas. Iteed are em ployed on Mason's drive. Miss Brucella Evers spent Sunday at home with her parents. Miss Bertha Rhodes is spending a lew days with relatives at this plate. Marion Toner and Bert Morrison visit ed at Emporium on Saturday last. We understand that revival meetings open on the lGth of this month at Truman. Mrs. Jennie Ilerbstreet, who has been on the sick list for sometime is slowly im proving. On account of the rain and mud, I, as Simple Sinium, did not get around to get all the news. Dr. Mullhaupt, of -St. Marys, visited i his patient, Richard Coleman, and says he may pull through. 9 The people are anxious to see the PRESS on press night. I shouldn't wonder. Contractors Reed and Market have be gun operations on the new bridge west of this place, that the flood destroyed. This rainy weather is apt to put our railroad men on a day and night tour for a few days, watching the slides. There was a big dance on More Hill last week. Some of our young men for getting it was lent, attended and report a fine time. SIMPLE SIMON. First Fork. Mr. Ed Bowers who has had a long siege of the grippe is able to be about again. Benj. F. and Marion Berfield were visiting their old home, and friends in this section last week. There is a good "flood on" here now, but the lumbermen are not ready. There are no logs floating yet. Mrs. Keck, of Wharton, has been visit ing relatives at this plaeo for a few days but returned home this morning. Tanner A Co., started up their new mill, but the leaked and put the fires out. Tho boiler was one that pass ed through the ftre when their mill burn ed. Now they are wating for repairs to the same. The funeral of Uncle John Brooks of Wharton, was held on Suuday afternoon at two o'clock and interment made in East Fork cemetery, lit had the grippe, followed by pheumoiiis. His age was about 7(< years. He was one of the pion eers of that section. The family of Win. Swank of this place attended the funeral, Mrs Swank being a daughter of deceased. Tragedy Averted. ''Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W Watdins, of Plessant City Ohio. " Pneumonia had played sad hovoc with hiui and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated hiiu, but he grew worse every day. At k-ngth we tried l»r King's New Discovery I for Consumption, and our darliug was saved. lies uow -und, aud well." Everybody ought to know it's the only -ure eur> l<ii Cut! ;h« Colds aud all l«uug di-".i"» Giiarant< 1 l.y 1,. Talari Dru_ 'ii.t I'riee s"e mel II ml. Trial bottle* !>)• CAMER ON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1903. Slnnamahonlng, There is a good flood in the creek, and it makes good driving for those who have logs to drive. 0. L. IJailey is going to build a large addition to his hotel to accommodate the increased trade. The auditors of Grove township were settling up the accounts of the several township officers this week. Barclay Bros, have their mill repaired and are ready to commence sawing as soon as the water goes down. Geo. P. Shaffer is building an addition to the Sinnamahoning house. Mr. Shafer is bound to keep up with the times. Clyde Jordan is back from Williams port hospital where he has been treated for rupture. He speaks highly of that institution. 11. M. Williams of First Fork was in our town Tuesday. He took time be trains to shake hands with his many friends and tell a few stories. The carpenters will commence on the new bridge of the Buffalo & Southern R. 11. Co., as soon as the material ar rives, which will give employment to a large number of men. Camp, No. 136, P. 0. S. of A., have the lumber on the ground to make sev eral needed improvements to their hall building, to accommodate the several orders that meet in it. A. B. Beldin, of Pittsburg, was home Monday to make his parents and friends a short visit. Dell is another one of our enterprising young men. He has taken up the carpenter trade and has a good position at Pittsburg. Contractor Chas. Greco came down on the B. & S. the first of the week with a large crew of men to work on the grade near this place. lie will employ about 1800 men this summer, between Sinna mahoning and Dußois. The entertainment given by the Citizen Band a week ago Saturday, was a grand success. The home talent played to a full house and all were highly pleased with the evenings entertainment. The receipts were ninety-seven dollars. DEBSK. llow often you hear it remarked: "It's only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneu monia. This is of such common occur rence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It always enres and is pleas ant to take. Sold by L. Taggart. To see a purpose in our pain is a step toward finding peace. Wakeful Children. For a long time the two year old child cf Mr. P. L. Mcl'herson, 59 N. Tenth St., Harrifburg, Pa„ would sleep but two or three hours in the early part of the night, which made it very hard for her parents. Her mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through. Two boxes of these Tablets have effected a permanent cure and she is now well and strong. For sale by L. Taggart. Unanswered prayers are part of the education of prayer. BEAD IT THROUGH. 'Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It In the Headlines. To use an eighteenth century phrase, this is an "o'er true tale." Having hap pened in a small Virginia town in the winter of 1902, it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John B. Harmon of Melfa Station, Va., had no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Last January," she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feared she would have pneumonia, but one of my neighbors told me how this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giving it to my baby at once and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for placing so great a cure within my reach. I cannot recom mend it too highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try and be convinced as I was.'' For sale by L. Taggart. The coming of night should conse crate the day. SEND us m AGOW, m Steer, Bull or Ilorse I hide, Calf skin, Dog MSy •.kin, or any other kind N if hide or skin, and let K Jjfjffin the hair on. soft, light, odorless I and moth-proof, for robe, I rug, coat or gloves. But 6r»t get our Catalogue. iflß • >»<"* prices, ami our >hi|»|>ing Ug» anil luttrucltona, wailu . J-. aI mistakes. Ws also buy Nw fur*. Thl; CWOSHV I HISUN FIJI* COMPANY, ll* Mill Street. It ut healer, N. V. IPILES»"^»u|! ■ • I »•» l-l II ■ I ■ ' I ■ ■ H1..,.. Huu , rt ■ *4l IsKutiurlsw by I. iHftlaoti ( .n f..t fr. . A Word to Nursing Mothers It it a well known clinical fact that tabic* who depend wholly on mother's milk never have cholera, and are exempt from two-thirds the ailments whieh afflict infants. Some inkling to this has checked the resort to artificial foods and begun to make it " good form " for every mother to nurse her own baby when she can. Some try it, and grow weak and tick under the strain. With others the milk flow is insufficient, and tne poor baby is at last given over to the tender mercies of the milkman with his corn fodder, and stale slops, and worse. !f any mother within ten miles of our store reads this, we want to rive them a hint. Try Vinol. There are many mothers who have found that it enabled them to take more nourishment, restored their Strength, and made baby healthy, hearty, and happy. Vinol not only supports the mother's strength but transmits to the babe the foundation for a healthy childhood. Vinol contains no dangerous drugs. We are willing to tell you Just what is in it and give you the taeney baek if it don't help you. Don't doubt, try it. L. TAGGART, DRUGGIST. ('Harness 11 ft You can make your har- /xMVifl} ll ness aa soft aa a glove IBviß HI and tin toiiKh aa wlrt) tjjr flf I laNKI'RHKAUar- VM fl no* a Oil. Toll ran \W //■MI fa lengthen lla life—makalt | M Inst twice aa long aa It j EUREKAF Harness Oil (I mnke« a poor looking har- jtHf nesa like new. Made of I pure, heavy bodied oil, es pecially prepared to with- blau<i the weather. iflß| Hold everywhere \iH| In cuua— all sizes. H Made by STANDARD OIL CO. \M For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Sizes, 25c.. SOc. aud @I.OO. Sold by DruftdlatN, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Sts., New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, SB. Bold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receiptor price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. THE EMPORItIAI Bottling Works HENRY KRAFT, Prop. Is prepared to make your Holiday season one of good cheer. Finest Domestic Wines and Beers, Embracing all the pop ular brands. Fioe line of light wines, guaran teed absolutely pure. Celebrated Erie Beer AI.WAYM MK AMY. Send your orders by letter or 'phone early. 44-ly. k Tilt* IMare to HIM Cbekp S X —-« AT' — r \ J ' F> par J^^4 / \ I Special I I Announcement I ■ We think that we have an establish- B I ed reputation for reliability and fair ® ■ dealing and that gives considerable B B weight to what we say as to qualities B Band prices. S B We have have studied our business M Bin every detail and now offer you 9 B exceptional values in 3 ■ Suits and Overcoats. I B We have a most handsome stock, B S selected with the greatest care and B S we believe our prices for these jft B goods are very low, quality consid- B M ered. B I Gents' Furnishings. I B We carry a large stock of Shirts, 2 B Collars and Cuffs, Hats and Caps, B B Shoes, Underwear, in fact anything B B that is required to dress you in the B B latest and most up-to-date style. B B Then, if you are going to make a S B visit, we are prepared to show you B B some handsome Dress Suit Cases, fl B Trunks and Valises, which are re- B B quired wheu traveling. B B FURS. 1 m We have some nice furs which must B B be sold. We do not care to B fl carry ovey. B I JASPER HARRIS, I ■SF fßalcom & Lloyd. 1 I. 1 [| prepared 1 1 For 112 |J I the Se&sot?| |j We have opened and are displaying a J || choice line of . . | FANCY I I DRY GOODS I r[) specially selected for the . . | .. c Wir?ter ji | '®' Se&sot?. | m k We have gathered such articles as combine elegance with utilityat and jj I Very Reasonable !] I ~ 1 > • i i; ~ rrices jji ! Ralmm & Llovdj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers