> Adam, } Meld rum & \ Anderson Co. < HUFFAIiO.N. Y. i 396-408 Main Street, ( Great Reduction 112 IN j STYLISH j COATS«» | FURS < To close out our entire e stock of winter garments we 3 have marked them I 1-4 OFF. ? Choice of 3o lonj? fur scurfs. Mink, Per" s sian I/a nib, Hluck Martin, Hlack Lynx, ( Blue Lynx, Hear, and black and brown S Pox— < 1-4 Off the reGular value. c Ladi s'tailor-made Suits, lonj? and short \ .'kirtH, mode witn Norfolk and blouse 112 coat-' ail very line and latest style*. > Block and colors, only 75 left. Choice c of these salt*— s 1-4 Off. F 75 silk i r cloth Dress Skirts, all good, s desirable styles, marked - \ 1-4 and 1-2 below regular price. 112 l.ulies' black and colored Monte Carlos S half fitting; Jackets and three-quarter 112 Coats, medium and large sizes. Only a s few left { 1-4 Off. > Just "is misses and children's Coats left for < Cto 11, blue, lirown and castor, all > the very latest Styles at— i 25 per cent, reduction. 1 A feu Velvet Wonses, Monte Carlos and 112 Evening Wraps, all reduced about— \ 1-3 from the regular prices. C The Restaurant. $ Our restaurant on the fourth floor, re p moved from the bustle of business, is a I delightful place where one may relieve > the tedium of shopping. A light lunch or S a full meal. Excellent service and mod- J erate prices. ) Adam. > Meldrum & i Anderson Co. i TheAmericanßlock, £ BUFFALO, N. Y S! S ** ** ** w w w fcjiiifr*ifc..j»>. J >Mfc. **.**. JM.. ** Aft m jfflii o *hi fi m jit mi twr AH nru ft* t^ !! SIO,OOO Bankrupt Sale I My | of Furniture !! M jjj*i We secured under most favorable conditions, the 1$ *f entire stock of &£ It ft« ftfi Q u The Maakey Mfg. Coinpans, >| H • £3 »< AT BANKRUPT SALE. li >* N Lg ' his purchase, a very fortunate and opportune ££ ** one —brought to us about SIO,OOO worth of jjfj fc* bed room suites, dressers, washstands and sideboards, II ?jj bright and new, direct from the factory, which we II 14 will dispose of at virtually next-to-nothing prices. || Ml * S|OW we are ready for this great sale, the most unpor- fts tant furniture event ever offered you. A sale that will ft* gal make new history in our business. High class, up-to- £2 m date, thoroughly reliable furniture at much less than ?! JJ cost of manufacture. We want you to come to this J1 P* sale, to see and compare the furniture with that you II can buy elsewhere at even double our prices., We will II 14 leave it to you then, as judge to say where the greatest $4 values can be had. It is only through a purchase of *<j H l !i is kind, that these stupendous bargains are made pos- jfcjj sible—a chance that comes your way but seldom. This |g |g will be a quick decided event, the stock must be clear- S3 " ed out at once,as we have no room for storage purposes. JJ P* If you have any particular fancy about style, wood or H PI pattern, you had better come early or the very thing II 35 you want may Ik- gone. Judges of furniture making || and exceptional values are especially requested to in- } 112 Jd speet these goods, and examine everv <letail of quality, workmanship and durability. Owing to limitation ot £2 space, we cannot give details of this im>istable sale. JJ \\ '• cord'.ally invite corresjiondeuce from prosj>ec* ?? f* tive buyers who caunot visit us in person. I* M " y lamau's it K j t OLO RELIABLF FURNITURE STORE " M II M II |4 KNroNir.n, We are ()fieri no o Reduced Prices on V/irnte Suits AND oVefeoats We carry an up - to - date stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear, Suit Gases, Umbrellas, In fact anything you may wish in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS LINE. Now is the Time to Buy. R. SEGER & SON. Next to Hank, Emporium, Pa CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1903. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the people of Cameron and vicinity, for the kindness shown us in behalf of our dear husband and brother Howard 1). Stewart, deceased, Febru ary 11th, 1903. Signed, MKS. IDA STEWART, E. S. STEWART, D. C. STEWART, MISS FANNIE STEWART, MRS. MAKY MCCLELLAND. Cameron, Pa., February 2tith, 1903. School Report. Report of the Sizerville School for month ending February 27th, 1903. Enrollment, 32; number of pupils pre sent every day, 15; number of pupils sick, 4; number of pupils left school, -1; number of visitors to school 4. Honor Roll—Leatha Victory, Frances Market, Flora Edwards, Mary Market, Clara Edwards, Mary Vallella, Myra Smith, Bertha Hart, Violet Smith, Hollans Smith, Harry Frazer, Carl Frazer, William Victory, Armel Vic tory, Harry Victory. GERTRUDE GEIIMOND, teacher. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers —l)r. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curirg Indigestion Bilious ness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Rowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. A most interesting addition will be made in February by McClure, Phillips & Company to the literature of ethical thought. They will publish a little vol | ume under the title of "Life and Des ! tiny," by Felix Adler. It is hardly ! necessary to state that Dr. Adler is a | professor of political and social ethics | at Columbia University, and to mention his reputation as a preacher on ideal and Bocial subjects is scarcely more needful. Dr. Adler's reputation is a wide one, and it was Count Leo Tolstoy who, in an interview with Ambassador White, printed in "McClure's Maga zine" sometime ago, stated that of his favorite writers, one was Feilx Alder. The book ought to have a peculiar in terest for the thousands who have heard Dr. Adler preach or have read his sermons, since it is made up of selec tions from his discourses, gathered under heads that indicate the range of the subjects treated, such as "Immor ality," "Moral Ideas," "Love and Marriages," and "Spiritual Discourses." The Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St Louis, 111., want a man with rig to in troduce Poultry Mixture in this coun ty. They guarantee §3 50 a day to a good worker and they furnish bank reference of their reliability. Send stamp for particulars. Eureka Mfg. Co., Box 99, East St. Louis, 111. 46 My. $30.00 to California $30.00. Every day from February 15th until April 30th, the Missouri Pacific Ry., will sell one way colonist tickets from St. Louis to California at the exceed ingly low rate of thirty dollars. Pro portionately low rates from other points. Through tourist cars every week. Write for particulars to JllO. R. James, Central Passenger Agent, 905 Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. 1-tf. College of Music. Parents desiring their children to have thorough instruction in Music, and well cared for, can find no better place than THE COLLEGE OF MUSIC at Freeburg, Snyder County, Pa. Pupils from ten years old and from the begin ner to the advanced are admitted. Terms begin May 4, June 15 and July 20. For catalogue address, 51-4t. HENRY B. MOYER. Are You doing West. Beginning February 15th, and con tinuing every day thereafter until April 30th, there will be a special rate to all points in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. For maps, rates, routes and other informa tion write at once to W. H. Allen, Dis trict Passenger Agent, Wisconsin Cen tral Railway, 621 Park Building, Pitts burg, Pa. 47-10t. The Greatest of Human Eieings. Field-marshal Viscount Wolseley, K. P., continues in the March Cosmopoli tan his penetrating study ofthe "Young Napoleon." The English general is outspoken in his admiration of the il lustrious Frenchman The story of the campaign of 1796, he writes, willbti for ever followed in all its minutiic by those who wish to learn the science of war. It will be remembered as Napoleon's first independent undertaking as Com mander-in-chief, and for having made known to history the greatest human boiug whom God has ever allowed to govern here below "The Garden of Lies" in the I'hiladel' phia Press. The romance of übeautilul American girl, in which the (light far a throne ll£- ures prominently, is the basis of"The Garden of Lies," the most fascinating love story since the "Prisoner of Zenda." From sturt to finish the tale teemn with adventure and excitement. The plot is novel and well handled and there is not a dull Hue in it. Though It is a story of valor, it is first of till a lovMlovy NMI will -tnke alyaptthatio chord in every reader, lie sure ton-nil this xtriklnt; romance in next Suudity's "Philadelphia I'rettn." Order It of y uur newsdealer 111 advance. Very low Kates to the West uitii .'southwest. The Missouri Pacific Ity., ami I run Mountain Ituitta wlb sell one way .out r'itind trill |iuiiM'»eeker» tU'lci'tn to I Ixiints lit Kansas, Colorado. Nelir.tnku, Missouri, Arkansas, Indian ami Mklu iiotna I crrttorios, Twgas, mill ii ku, "'ii 11 • itr ,1 uul third I'llemluvs of I'tti'll (Month TIT and UII'IIHI lug April, at uausually low rat*m lor further information wriu. .Inn It June* t'entrsl L'.U«M-II|FI r \K«III, MJA I'ark H'dg Pittshurif, I'M, I tf. Dr. Brooks on Teaching. In the auditorium of the Girls' Nor i mal School, Thursday afternoon, Dr. | Edward Brooks, superintendent of ; schools, lectured to those principals of the elementary schools who have kin dergarten children in their charge, ex plaining to them the action of the Board of Education in making the kindergarten work a part of the ele mentary school system and in placing the children under their charge. He said the object of the change was to develop a closer relation between the kindergarten and elementary grades. In commenting on the nature and value of the kindergarten work he praised the training and declared that it prepared children for more rapid progress when they entered the pri mary grades. He showed clearly that the work was not that of "studies," but of culture and training which develops the child's power of attention, application and discernment, and especially improvin his vocabulary and choice of words. Odd Fellowship. The eighty-fourth anniversary ofthe establishment of Odd Fellowship in the United States will be celebrated at Meadville on Monday, April 27th, by the Northwestern Anniversary Associa tion. This association embraces 120 lodges, 20 encampments, 45 Rebekah lodges and 4 cantons in the counties of Erie, Elk, McKean, Warren, Clearfield, Clarion, Forest, Jefferson and Craw ford, with over 16,000 members. It will be an important epoch to the Odd Fellows in Meadville. In addition to the othar features of the day the child ren of the Home will entertain the as semblage with songs and recitations. There are now about 70 children in the Home and they will no doubt bo of special interest to the thousands who are annually contributing toward their support and education. Desertion a flisdemeanor. There is a bill ponding at Harrisburg to make wife desertion a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment or fine and makes it possible to secure the re turn of a wife deserter who has left the State. The Philadelphia Socity of Organized Charities is pushing the bill, and tho need of such a law is supported by figures. During 1902 applications were made to Philadelphia charities for aid by 511 deserted wives, with more than 1,300 children under 14 years of age. These, the society is assured, are but a fraction of the total number of cases of desertion. The laws of the State are wholly inadequate to meet the conditions and are not equal to those of many other States. In fact the of fense in Pennsylvania is not classed as a crime and the deserter needs only to get out of reach of a destitute wife to escape all obligation. There isn't a meaner offense in the whole catalogue than willfully deserting a wife and children, and the man who does not keep his most sacred obligations de servespuishment. The bill should pass. ■ —Tiogo Agitator. A Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated 011 the lunes, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude K. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough C'uie. She says: -The coughing and j straining so weakened me that I rundown i in weight from 1 18 to 9'2 pounds. I tried i a number of remedies to no avail until I j used One Minute Cough Cure. Four; bottles of this wonderful remedy cured j mi! entirely of the couuh, strengthened my ; luuus and restored nic to my normal j weight, health and strength. K.C. Dodsou. j Selfishness is a humpbacked dwarf who carries his punishment in his own hump. The Stomach Is tho Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food he I eats into nourishment. Health and ! strength cannot bo restored to any sick i man or we tk woman without first restor- i ing health and strength to the stomach. I A weak stomach cannot digest enough 1 food tun feed the tissues and revive the j tired and run down limbs and organs of ] the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure clean-1 scs. purities, -wi't'tens and strenghtens the ; glands and membranes of the stomach, | and cures indigestion, dypepsia and all ] stomach troubles. It. C. Dodson. It is the auctioneer's hammer that rivets attention and clinches bargains. The best pill neath the stars and stripes; It idealises the system and never gripes. Little Early Kiseis of wordly repute— | \-k tor DeWitt sand take no substitute A siuall pill, easy to buy, easy to lake and easy to aet, but never failing in re fills. DiWitt's Little Karly Riser* aroiixe the seen tioiis and act as a tonic to tin' li\i-r. curin.' permanently. It. ('. 1 Hudson. Man)' 1 man who I urged his wty to the front tunded in the p nileutiary. vv list's in » .%sin<* p Everything is in the MAINE *II<II it • ilHea l>i Wit. h lli/fl Sllvc E, ('. Ik Witt A. I" . , of CUieagii, dl ovcred, M*11441 Wit- H I, how tl'Ullkl'M sub < fl .111 Wit eh 11/ j I but uit Mieeili-" fur I'lle. I'.il IIIIM) Metdilig, itebin ; ,nd prxliud II -j 1 lli 1 0.1 ... billu», 1,1 . .Or 1 .ill »L 111 di« u ■ IkW ill ■ >»lsr hits no ii|Uil I lili litis glv. II li*' lii nilltielou* Wotthl. - oliMli'tfell• A-Ik fill |ii,Wlt| » tin l :•> mm. It V. I'odiMju Low Rates West. Only &:»3 Chicago to San Francisco, j Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, | and many other Pacific Coast points, | every day February l."i to April l!U, l!) 03. J One-way, sccond-class, colonist rates via ! Chicago, Milwaukee £ St. Paul and | Union Pacific line. To the Nortbwot J via this route, or via St. Paul. Addi j tional information on request John 11. Pott, District Passenger j Agent. Room I). Park Building, Pitts ! burg, Pa. . r >2-3t SUE OP IXCtIPIEIt PKEIGIIT j By virtue of the provisions ofthe* Aet of Assem- I bly entitled "An aet relating to the lein of com -1 mini curriers and others, 11 approved the 11th day j of December, A. 1)., IHGJI and in pursuance there j of and of an order of the court of Common Pleas of Cameron county, made the 20th day of Sep tember. 1902, upon the petition ofthe Pennsylva nia Kail Road Company, to No. 38, October Term. 1902. There will bo exposed to public sale for the purpose of enforcing the lien ofthe Penn sylvania Rail Road Company for freight, car service charges and unloading charares on Friday, 18th day of March, 1008 AT TWO O'CLOCK, P. M. at the Freight House, of the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company in Emporium, Pa. 1 barrel of Glass. 1 keg of Rivets. 1 lot of Iron Ore, containing 21 car loailr, more or less. 1 lot of Liimestone containing 8 car loads, more or less. 1 lot of Cinders, containing 17 car loads, more or less. All of tl.e above advertised freiglitwas consigned to the Emporium Furnace Company, at Empo rium, Pa., and remains in the possession of the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, unclaimed, and will he sold to pay the common carriers liens thereon. THOMAS GALLAGHER, Agent Penn'a. Rail Howl Company. | Emporium, Pa., Feb. 19th, 1903. 52-4t j have bw-cn grov. n by thousands of sat- H I our catalogue . jrou FREE \ of express or ma:! c'.itrCwS. VicE's Garden |? Floral Guide for 1003 (J Valuable to cvetyonc who plants seeds, (J W whether it's only a flower l>ed or an\> f\ immense (arm. It is put a mere cata-f logue, but a work ot reference, full of profitable information. A book of over 100 illustrated pages. Free, if you mention this paper. Write for it. Farmer's HandbooK A valuable reference book that tells all about the culture and care of crops, preparation of land, fertilizing, spraying, etc. Sent TREE if desired. JAMES VICH'S SONS Rochester, New York J) AFTER THE BATTLE Some arc ound bleeding and sore, while others have a lit of the blues. No if there should be any so unfortunate as to suffer from the effects of accidents we have the Balm for their pains and aches,let it he either for man or beast. Our linimenband powders for horses or cattle are always the best. Our medicines are pure and always get there. The prices ,■»s are right too. uur patent medicine depart- j 0$ ment is supplied with all the j standard remedies and we can : supply your on short notice. I Our toilet and fancy goods j department we keep up to j the times. Our Prescription depart- j ment receives our closest at- ! tention and all calls answered j day or night. Just touch the i button. In fact we are here \ to do business and serve the public. M. - A. - ROCKWELL,; THE PHARMACIST, // / A ///// / / / / ts Consult s Your >lnterests R B \ AND SAVE BKitMONEY S BY ORDERING NOW S YOUR FALL SUIT 5 fa AT j| I \ g j S k. SEQKk & J C()nPANY'S. We handle nothing hut J tin vt*r\ hist luhrics aiu! on this wilh first* is, ilun-i lit ami workiuauship s vvt- h ivf 1 *IIIII iill the N s larut- wc t ujoy. S V Conn hi ami > iv u- ' 0 N' s S J k. SIUII-K A CO * s li|l|HMl« M. K.I llUllll. Jl \/ A, 4k/ A./~A A A X / A I We i Have What You Need! To brush tip and make beauti ful your home. The,season of the year for such£work lias arrived and we would call the attention of the public to our very large and reliable line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, the best in the world. In addition to the best paints, we have a first-class line of De Voe & Co.'s Brushes. Get a move 011 and be prepared to paint before the workmen are all en gaged. We can save you money. While you are painting your home or business place let us talk a little with you 011 Itatli and Closets, Hot Water, Steam or anything in that line. Our increased facilities and expert workmen will do you good work. Don't deay until too late. Farmers should bear in mind that we handle Plows, Harrows, Rakes, etc. In fact our Hard ware, Stove and Plumbing De partments are up to the best. Write or wire us, when a com petent agent will call 011 you. i Fobert ! n ru u | The Tailor s ■1 i I WE GIVE | i mi A SUIT OF i CLOTHES. i 1 I | rO To any one who can In n] bring us a garment [}j made as well, with fit jjj ui and style bettei than nJ ffi we can turn out here. nJ [n We have the best n] [}j tailors that can be found ({] Sin the state and OUR h M PRICES will suit the LT; n] customer. We get the $ Fashion Plates every [}l u| mouth from the best |u Si TAILOR AND CUT- £ 0} TKR REVIEW of the !{j $ world. jjj [U Don't be afraid to uj ru to give us a trial and if Bj m you do not find our [V 2] elothes as we say I will ft «] refund your money. [u iu 8 $ re Ln n . - (n nJ cj m ')! All V\'«»rGuaranteed cli Gj ffi I J. L. FOBERT, | . * ip $ huiL>ut uta«, l a, \ QL t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers