pfrcss. , BSTABUSHKD BY 0. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 1 TERMB OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year |2 00 | rf p lid is advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES. A'l vert i ementsare published at the rate of one dollar per squarefor one insertion and flftycents persquare for each subsequent insertion. Kites by t.he year or for six or threemonthsare oe.v auu uniform, and will befurnished on appli cation. L -aland Official Advertising per square, three ti-tuesor 1 ess,|2 00; each subsequent insertionso cents per square. L'>cal noticestencents per line for onei nscrtion, live cents perline foreachsubsequentconsecutive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per tue Simpleaunouncenjents of births,marriages anil •leaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less #5.00 per year over u«e noes, at Cue regular rates of advertising No localinserted for less than 75 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. T!< Job department of the PRESS is complete, and tfl'ords facilities for doing the best class ot work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Pri nt inc. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for In i.lvance. a»-N'o advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. <#K-Ueligions notices free. ■ -jmaiMnaunnmMM EDITORIAL HENTION. President Roosevelt lias defied tl rust*. The Senate has completed its anti-trust program. The Senior Senator from Ala bama may precipitate an extra ses sion. Senator Beveridge is in training for second place on the next nation al ticket. 1 lad there been an Elkins bill on the statutes the Standard Oil Trust could never have been formed. It is to be hoped that Secretary Hay's commission will settle for all time the Alaskan boundary dispute. .Minister Bowen's diplomacy has compelled Germany to show herself in her true colors in the Venezuelan case. The American people will con demn longer neglect of the Cuban treaty. It must be ratified if an extra session is required. President B:ter has made a pro position to the anthracite miners making the present wages the mini mum for the next three years. In the case of Tillman vs. Crum, Tillman wins first round. But President Roosevelt says he will keep Crum in training all summer. President Roosevelt has espoused the cause of the neoole of Alaska to the consternation of the corpora tions which practically rule that territory. Kvery patriotic American must condemn the action of the demo cratic senators it attempting to pre vent currency legislation for the Philippines. The democrats in the Senate would deny statehood to the four territories because of their selfish desire to eventually add to their own political strength. The general tendency of Gover uient work is to make a man strain at a misplaced comma while he un consciously swallows an erroneous statement of alleged facts. Presides Roosevelt has appointed Mr. C.irtelyou head of the Depart ment of Commerce for one reason, because the latter is in sympathy with the President's desire to con trol the trusts. President Roosevelt's diplomacy has obviated a clash between Sena tor Piatt and < Jovernor < klell. And yet some people say the President is a novice in politics. With George B. Cortelyou, aged 41, d, member of th«- Cabinet and Robert B. Armstrong, aged 29, Vssistant Secretary of the Treasury, the administration is demonstrat ing its belief in young men. No one familiar with the crowd ed condition of the national Cap itol will condemn the appropriation of funds for its completion and in creased accommodation for mem bers of the House. It is an evidence of a small mind to criticise the generous hospitality of President and Mrs. Roosevelt because it causes a slight increase in White lloufce expenditures. The creater part of the burden inline.- from the President'* pocket. He i- not ri< It, his -alary is not hall that of tin petty potentates of I •*£•> '">•!!•?! '<•■■ ' * V unstint ed in hospitality and liounteoiis in charity. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY - Backache All diseases of Kidneys, Al tf\ Bladder, Urinary Organs, 1 " 1 111 I. Also Rheumatism, Back ■ I IW* ache,HeartDlsease Gravel,■ >■ 11% I . Dropsy, Female Troubles. >✓ M.m. m~4 Don't become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. If necessary wrlto Dr. l<enner. He lias spent a life time curing J" st such cases as yours. All consultations Free. "Your Kidney and Backache Cure has cured two very bad cases among our custo mers the past year whom the doctors had given up. J. L. STILL & CO., Woodland, la." Druggists. 50e., sl. Ask for Cook Hook—Free. CT VITIIQ'n A WPC P " rr r « rl ' Circular. Dr 0 I • VII UO UAN lit I'enncr, Fredonia.N.Y Current Comment. The Monroe Doctrine is victorious; the Venezuelan blockade is raised. Vermont can now be called the spot ted state; it will be wet here and there. The coal dealers are now anxious to unload their stock before the ice man comes along. The Montana Legislature has voted down a measure providing for woman sufferage in that state. The opportunity of a life time came along, and Bowen had the courage to grasp it—Americans usually have. The coal miners are thinking of rais ing a §75,000 purse for John Mitchell. John would probably appreciate it. Rockafeller has withdrawn his offer for a new stomach. He has been re. ceiving too many calls from serious bidders. Tillman is afraid that he will not get a fair trial. He had a fair trial with his gun when he shot the well-known editor. The Mayor of Worcester, Mass., has vetoed the bill increasing his salary from $2,500 to SI,OOO. The people think he is crazy. Some kind of a compromise should be reached pretty soon on the state hood bill. Thus far we have only heard the wind blowing. According to a dispatch from Lon don, the first annual report of the Im perial Tobacco company shows a profit of $1,000,000. Smoke up ! A reduction in the retail price of anthracite to $6.50 a ton has gone into effect in the yards of the coal dealers throughout New York City. The legislatures of Oregon and Dela ware are still at work trying to agree on U. S. Senators, without having been able to weaken the deadlock. London has a new religious paper which ofiers a bottle of water from the j Jordan river to every person who will j see to it that six copies are sold. Au amendment to the federal bank- , ! ruptcy act has just become a law. It' 1 stops some of the leaks in the present ' | law, and for one thing denies persons j the right of taking advantage of bank- i j ruptcy oftener than once in six years. : A Russian artillerist alleges that ex i perimeuts in the Russian army have proved the use of yellow spectacles by gunners and riflemen enables them to shoot more accurately by thirty per cent, than when they use the naked eye, especially in variable light Hobson has resigned from the navy j but he continues to lecture on the nec essity of a larger navy. His work is telling, too. The New Jersey Legisla ture has just adopted a resolution call ing for a large navy and other states will soon follow her example. A bill has been passed by both houses providing for a new building for the agricultural department, to cost not more than $1,500,000. The present buildings are wholly inadequate for the work now conducted by this de partment. While the centre of population is not fur from Columbus, Ind., the centre of manufactures in this country is com puted to be 25 miles southeast of Mans j field, Ohio. It has moved west about I 40 miles in ten years, or much more | than the centre of population. The slump in the coal market has | come, and the prices are quite as likely | togo down below the level of a fair 1 profit as they were to arise to extor j tion. Householders will soon be liold j ing up their heads and demanding j coal at their own price. The great i coal "hold-up" is at an end. In his annual report President Eliot ! of Harvard University, created some thing of a sensation by what he said of I college men having so small families. That set some people to looking up President Eliot's record, with the re sult that they find he Is—a bachelor! The navy department has awarded contracts for two new 14,500 ton armor : ed cruisers, the Tennessee and the Washington, to cost $4,WW,000 each. One will be built by the Cramps at Philadelphia and the other by the New York Shipbuilding company, at ram den, N. J. A voluminous protest against the seating of Hon. Reed Hmoot, the new ly-elected senator from Utah, has been received by thu senate. It protests on the giound that he isa Mormon upuaiUtt ami that as ttueh he is bound to con sider his obligations to Moriuonism paramount to everything else. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1903. Pugilist Jeffries says that the chances are that he will not fight again until he and Pitzsimmons get back from their European sparring exhibition tour. They are to sail for Europe in June. Now if some of the other pugs would quit the country at the same time, we might have a quiet summer. It is authoritatively stated that President Roosevelt is satisfied with the anti trust legislation that will be passed at this session under the Senate program, and will not call an extra session of Congress to consider further legislation. That will give the country a rest until the new Congress comes in next December. Adjutant-General Corbin reports to Congress that there 118,000 organized militiamen in the national guards of the different states, who will be equip ped and disciplined in such a way as to be readily added to the regular army (maximum now 100,000) in case of war There are a total of 10,853,000 men in the country available for military duty, as a reserve. Last Florida Tour. The last Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing almost three months in Florida, will leave New York, Philadelphia, and Washington March 3. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman accommoda tions (one berth), and meals en route while going on the special train, will be sold at the following rates: New York $50.00; Buffalo, $54.25; Rochester, $54.00; Elmira, $51.45; Erie, $54.85; Williams port, $50.00; Wilkesbarre, $50.35; and at proporfionnte rates from other points. Returning, passengers will use regular trains until Mny 31, 1903. For tickets, itineraries, and full in formation apply to ticket agents or ad dress Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. 2647-1-1. A Most Fatal Gilt. Would be the power ot forsceing events. This would destroy hope. A knowledge of the future would unmake happiness. There are, ol course, some things about the future we do know. If, for instance, a lack of energy, ambition and loss of appetite shows itself we know it will be followed by serious complaints if not checked. Often Liver and Kidney trouble followed r|uickly. In any event Electric Hitters will restore you to health. It strengthens, builds up and invigorates rundown systems. Only 50c. Satisfac tion guaranteed by L. Taggart druggist. No one is prouder oThis job than the self made man. Tragedy Averted. ••.Just in a nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day At length we tried Dr. King's New Disc overy for Consumption and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and well. Everybody ought to know, it's the only cure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by L. Taggart druggist. Price 500 and 81.00. Trial | bottles .free. Well-bred people are not always of the I upper crust. Be Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The only positive cure for blind, bleed ing, itching and protruding piles, cuts, burns, bruises, eczema and all abrasions of the skin. DeWitt's is the only Witch Hazel Salve that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch ha/.'jl—all others are counterfeits. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is made to cure—counterfeits are made to sell. 11. C. Dodson. Tombstone epitaphs should be classed as grave literature. The best physic. "Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says William A. Girard, Pease, Vt. These Tablets are the most prompt, most pleasant and most reliable cathartic in use. For sale by L. Taggart. TAGGART'S WALL PAPER FOR THE SUMMER HAS ARRIVED. oley . I,y and Ihi I < itrcs cold ~ nta pneumonic He Wanted to Gain Flesh A Boston millionaire was very thin. Business cares and conse quent nervous troubles told the story. He became alarmed, it i« Raid, and consulted a famous specialist. " I want some flesh," he said. " I am willing to pay for it. I'll give you SSOO for every pound of solid healthy flesh you can put on these bones." It was a big price, but he could well afford to pay it. For undue thinness is dangerous. It means disease, or the approach of disease. Cod liver oil has most always been prescribed for this condition. It has wonderful properties as a medicine,but itsdisagreeable grease and vile taste and smell make most people sick. We have long thought that something could be devised with cod liver oil as a basis that would arrest emaciation, promote nutri tion, stimulate digestion, aid in throwing off rheumatism, lung trouble, bronchitis, coughs, and prove a real body-building tonic reconstructor and flesh former. We have found it in Vinol (if you are interested call at the store and we'll tell you hozv we found it) and it certainly does the work. It is pleasant to take. If you are sick and thin, try Vinol. You can get your money back if it doesn't help you. _ L. TAGGART, HRHGUIBT. " H Rain and iwnt fcr"«\ \ \ \ > H have no effect oil JL VtrtCßT M ■ harness treated WMJ HC I\ A. M with Eureka Bar ness Oil. It re- r r \ sisti the damp, WW \ HARNESS I able. Stitches fx \V\■ do not break, v x \ 2r,o s ch£vfj/Lw I and cut. The \" \\\ ■ harness not \ wears twice y, ffj / \ as long by the C j I use of Eureka rSI ! Standard Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy tho grentest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic inorit. Tlicy cure the sick. NO. CUBES. PRICES. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. ,'iH ti-Wormi, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .23 3—Teething. Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 B—\eiirulitiu. Toothache, Faceacho 25 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s 11—Suppressed or I'nluful Periods 25 12—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup. Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 14—Solt Hheiini, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 1 s—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 tO— Whooping-cough 25 27—Kidney Diseases 25 2M—lVcrvous Debility 1.00 30—L'rlnary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 77—Grip. Hay Ferer 25 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. MY Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual of all Diseaies mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William antl John Sts., New York. THE EMPORIIIH Bottling Works HENRV KRAFT, Prop. Is prepared to make your Holiday season one of good cheer. Finest Domestic : Wines and Beers, Embracing all the pop ular brands. Fine line of light wines, guaran teed absolutely puro. Celebrated Erie Beer AI.WATH HKADV. Send your orders by letter or 'phone early. 44-ly. \ Tho Hare to Hiij €Nca|> \ 18 AT ? i J ' F PAR^II^4 I I Special I Announcement ||t We think that we have an establish- I It ed reputation for reliability and fair ■:l| dealing and that gives considerable 5 weight to what we say as to qualities & and prices. We have have studied our business in every detail and now offer you exceptional values in I Suits and Overcoats. We have a most handsome stock, J selected with the greatest care and 112 we believe our prices for these | goods are very low, quality consid- Gents' Furnishings. We carry a large stock of Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Hats and Caps, Shoes, Underwear, in fact anything that is required to dress you in the latest and most up-to-date style. Then, if you are going to make a visit, we are prepared to show you some handsome Dress Suit Cases, Trunks and Valises, which are re quired when traveling. FURS. We have some nice furs which must be sold. We do not care to carry ovey. JASPER HARRIS, Bp fßaicom & Lloyd. S I- - =1 I prepared S I r ° r I | the Se&son I || We have opened and are displaying aif || choice line of . . [I | FANCY I S DRY GOODS I 01 • I specially selected for the . . |if I "Winter i (i M&t '| I ® Season. | m ;i We have gathered such articles as j J combine elegance with utilityat and If | Very Reasonable I T ) ' P I rnces | j] !i Balcoin ft Llovd. i!
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