Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 08, 1903, Image 4

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Editor and Manager.
Perje&r . |2 00
If p aid is advauce |1 50
AHverti ementsare published at the rate ofone
dollar per squarefor oneinsertion and fiftycentg
per square for each subsequent insertion.
Rates by the year or for six or three months are
ow anu uniform, and will be furnished on appli
L Raland Official Advertising per square, three
times or
cents per square.
L' n'.al notices ten cents per line foroneinsertion,
Qve cents perlineforeachsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over live lines, ten cents per
ln<3. -i in plea nnouncements of birth s.marriages
an ' Keiths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, live lines or less J5.00 peryear
over live lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No loealinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
riie Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent outofthecounty must be paid for
In advance.
fa-No advertisements will be accepted at less
than the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
V i'lin, h—'r. oriopted a new con
stitution, finds an amendment neces
The gentleman who masqueraded as
th jGovernor of Kentucky inPloridare
cently found no lack of "old Kentucky
bourbon" at his disposal.
Secretary Hay has again demonstrat
ed his right to be known as the great
est American diplomat.
There growing indications that Judge
Alton B. Parker of New York will be
the democratic choice for the presi
It begins to look as though Ex-Presi
dent Cleveland thought it was time for
the democracy to look Princetonwards
for a leader.
President Rosevelt bids fair to be
known as Vou great pcaco-xxiaker."
First the coal strike and then the
Venezuelan difficulty.
Members of Congress are doing a
groat deal of talking about the neces
sity for increasing their own salary,
now $5,000 per year, but it is doubtful
if they will do more than talk about it.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered to
endow a national theater in Washing
ton which, independent of popular
support, may work to uplift the char
acter of the modern drama.
In these day of consolidation and
the purchase of majority interests
through brokers, it requires an expert
to diitinguishit the Beet Sugar Trust
from the Sugar Trust.
A careful cauvass of the democrats
in Congress reveals the fact that seveu-
distinct varieties of democrats are
required for the next presidential nom
The issue of $30,000,000 two per cent,
bonds for the purpose of building the
Panama canal promises to afford con
siderable relief to the bankers who are
experiencing serious inconvenieaee be
cause of the scarcity of United States
What Northern enterprise has not
already accomplished for the South
Dr. Charles Warden Stiles hopes to ac
complish by scieuce. He claims to have
discovered the germ of laziness which
produces the "cracker" and will disse
minate information in regard to its
diagnosis and treatment.
Big Bill Dewey pays taxes on a mil
lion dollars worth of property. In 23
years of police service his salary only
amounted to something less than $60,-
000 and it must have cost him quite
that much t ■■■■ live. Where did he get
the rest'?
Persons familiar with the facts, as
sert that liie Castro administration,
aP r " bleeding the Venesuelan indus
tries to the point of bankruptcy, turn
ed its attention to the foreign investors
and proceeded to levy blackmail, thus
precipitating the hostilities front which
Venezuela is now suffering.
A Grand Army veteran stood listen
ing to a juvenile Spanish war veteran
recounting his experiences to an ad
miring group. Presently the old man
remarked. ' That young man telling
QI- bi s experiences makes me think of
the hero of the Johnstown Hood x-ekit
ing his experience in the presence of
The Department of Agriculture luis
scored another victory, this time in
Florida, Its Weather Bureau gave
notice ofthe approach of a disasterous
frost aud the orchardista, following
d'rections previously published by the
Department, prevented serious injury
by the use of smudges.
To some extent, sections of the De
partment of Agriculture are like fire
departments. Their chief end is watch
fulness under ordinary circumstance
but in an emergency similar to the re
cent outbreak of foot and mouth dis
ea 'hey demonstrate their real value.
With Republican majorities in both
houi-' hof Congri * there is r< ason to
fit Sieve the numerous and irra
tional anti-trust bills will be condensed
and revised until one rational anil
(unifies* like law ball haw* been
All diseases of Kidneys, /Vv if\ m-*
Bladder, Urinary Organs, 112 r ■ 111 | .
Also Rheumatism, Back ■ I If™'
ache,HeartDlsease.Gravel.! til 1% I .
Dropsy, Female Troubles. X/ *m. m-J
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
cure for you. If necessary write Dr. rentier,
110 lias spent a life time curing Just such
cases as yours. All consultations Free.
"For years I had backache, severo pains
across kidneys and scalding urine. I could
not get out of bed without help. Tlie use of
l)r. Fenner's Kidney and Backache f'ure re
stored inc. G. WAGONER. Knobsville. Pa."
Druggists. 50c., il. AskforCook Book-Free.
CT WITIIC'n A WPC Sure run Circular. Or
OI.VIIUO UANuL Fenner, Kredonla.N.Y
Wonderful Nerves.
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds,
Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff
joints. But there's no need for it. Buck
leu's Arnica Salve will kil! the paiu and
cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on
earth for Piles, too. 25c. at L. Taggart's
Hard drinkers soon go broke—probab
ly because whisky is such a strain on the
Domestic Troubles.
It is exceptional to find a family where
there are no domestic ruptures occasion
ally, but these can be lessened by having
Dr. Kings New Life Pills around. Much
trouble they Save by their great work in
Stomach and Liver troubles. They not
only relieve you, but cure, 25c, at L.
Taggart's Drug Store.
Men who wink at the soda clerk get
what they want in the twinkling of an
Don't Worry.
This is easier said than done, yet it may
be of some help to consider the matter. It
the cause is something over which you have
no control it is obvious that worrying will
not help the matter in the least. On the
other hand, if within your control you
have only to act. When your have a
cold and fear an attack of pneumonia,
buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and use it judiciously and all
cause for worry as to the outcome will
quickly disappear. There is no danger
of pneumonia when it is used. For sale
by L. Taggart.
A lazy man looking for work is a good
illustration of mingled hope and fear.
Mrs. Johanna Soderholm i of Fergus
Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her
shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back
in place as soon as possible, but it was
quite sore and pained her very much.
Her sou mentioned that he had seen
Chamberlain's Pain Balin advertised for
spraius and soreness, and she asked him
to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It
quickly relieved her and enabled her to
sleep which she had not done foj several
days. The son was so much pleased
with the relief it gave his mother that he
has since recommended it to many others.
For sale by L. Taggart.
Laughter is no more a sign of being
amused than fat is of health.
The peculiar cough which indicates
croup, is usually well known to the
mothers of croupy children. No time
should be lost in the treatment of it, and
for this purpose no medicine has receiued
more universal approval than Chamber
lain's Cough ltemedy. Do not wabte
valuable time in experimenting with un
tried remedies, no matter how highly
they may be recommended, but give this
medicine as directed and all symptons of
croup will quickly disappear. For sale
by L. Taggart.
It isn't a case of' true love if the girl
dosen't lose her appetite.
"The nicest and pleasantest medicine I
have used for indigestion and constipation
is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets," saysMelard F. Craig, of Middle
grove, N. Y. "They work like a charm
and do not gripe or have any unpleasant
effect." For sale by L. Taggart.
The easier it is to get a man to talk,
the harder it is to get him to quit.
For a bad taste in the mouth take a few
doses of Chamberlain's .Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. Warrart
ed to cure. For sale by L. Taggart.
Saying nothing at the right time is
equivalent to saying the right thing.
Unconscious From Croup.
During a sudden and terrible attack of
croup our little girl was unconscious from
strangulatiou, says A. I<. Spa fiord, post
master, Chester, Mich., and a dose of < )nc
Minute Cough Cure was administered and
repeated often. It reduced the swelling
and inflammation, cut the mucus and
shortly the child was resting easy and
-pee'lily recovered. It cures Coughs,
Colds, LaCrippi, anil all Throat aud
Lung troubles. One Minute('otigb Cure
lingers in the throat and chest and enables
the lungs to contribute pure, health-giv
ing oxygen to the blood. 11. C Dodxon.
\ L-ood many people would wiy more if
they didn't talk so much.
N, Heger is offering some wonderful
bargains in clothing this week Do not
fail to M-e him before you purchase.
Knights of the (lolden Eagle.
The following are the officers of
Cameron Castle No. 257 of Cameron,
Pa. for the ensuing six months' term:
Past Chief, J. R. Strawbridge; Noble
Chief, Edward Schwab; Vice Chief.
Wm. Wyk'ifF; High Priest, Edmund
Stewart; Venerable Hermit, John
Beveling; Master of Records, D. C.
Lininger; Clerk of Exchequer, E. H
Lininger; Keeper of Exchequer, C. B.
Potter; Sir Herald, A. F. Walker;
Worthy Bard, Harvey Kephart;
Worthy Chamberlain, P. R. Lininger;
Ensign, James Leonard; Esquire, Wm.
L. Reed; First Guardsman, S. S. Hicks;
Second Guardsman, John Clark; Trus
tees, John Clark, Wm. WykofT, A. F.
Walker; Representative to the Grand
Castle, John Schwab.
Sons of Temperance Organized.
Benjamin F. Denuison Division No.
245, Sons of Temperance was organized
at Sterling Run Thnrsday evening, Dee.
18 with forty-nine applicants for charter
officers were elected:
Worthy Patriot—J. A. Dice; Worthy-
Associate—R. B. Whiting; Worthy Pat
ron—Mrs. Sara Sutnnicrson; Recording
Scribe—Lora I. O'Keete; Ass't Record
ing Scribe—Nettie Kissel; Financial Scribe
—Robert Gentry; Treasurer—William
Smith; Chaplain—Rev. D. Ebersole; Con
ductor—Stephen L. Bunco; Ass't. Con
ductor—Lulu Lewis; Inside Sentinel—
DeWitt Strawbridge; Outside Sentinel—
John Kissel; Organist—Mrs. Stella
Eddy; Acting Past Worthy Patriot—
Jefferson Lynch.
The Protection of Cattle Against
Tuberculosis by Vaccination.
Some experiments on the vaccination
of cattle against tuberculois have re
cently been published by Dr. Leonard
Pearsou, State Veterinarian of Penn
sylvania, and Dr. S. A. Gilliland, Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, with the sup
port of the State Live Stock Sanitary
Board. The work has been in progress
more than two years, thus antedating
all other work along this line, for the
German investigation of von Behring
did not begin until July 1901. No other
investigations of tbis sort have been re
ported in any other country than in
the United Slates and Germany. The
process used as to inject into the the
vein of the animal to be protected a
small quaiiity of a suspension of tub
erelo bacilli non viruleut four cattle.
This procedure, called vaccination, may
be repeated several times with gradu
ally ascending quantities. The im
mediate effect is to prodnce a passing
fever following each injection, which
does not annoy the animal enough to
cause it tolose a suyjle meal. The gen
eral health is not disturtmd by the pro
cess of vaccination. When the series
of vaccinations is completed the animal
had an astonishingly high degree ofim
munity to tuberculosis. In the last ex
periments completed four young cattle
used. Two of these were vaccinated
last March. All four were inoculated
in July by injecting into the wind-pipe
a quantity of culturo of virulent
tuberclo bacilli. A large quantity was
introduced and each of the for animals
received exactly the same treatment.
These animals were killed in October.
It was found that the cattle that had
not been vaccinated were extensively
tubercular, showing alterations of this
disease in the wind-pipe, lungs, tbroat
and intestional glands; while the two
vaccinated animals, inculated the same
time, from the same material, and in
the same way, were free from tuber
cular infection and were sound.
L)r.Pearson considers that this princi
ple of immunization as applied to vac
cination against tuberculosis of cattle
is proven and it now remains only to
work out the details of the method.
This important work is being continu
ed on a larger scale for the purpose of
ascertaining the simplest and shortest
practicable method of vaccination.
It is not yet known how long the im
munity will last nor what the ultimate
effect upon the animal will be So far,
however, as the few experiments here
and in Germany show, no fear need be
anticipated of unfavorable resuJts in
these particulars. What is needed now
is the painstaking use of the method on
a few tubercular hords kept under care
ful and continuous observation. A
scrupulously careful trial on a limited
scale under proper conditions will do
more to furnish thefnformation needed
to answer the few remaining questions
upon this discovery than any amount
of general nse under less careful super
vision. In the estimation of the in
vestigators it would be premature to
apply this vaccination to hords until
such further experiments are complet
ed. An effort will be made to secure
State aid for experiments on a scale
l'trge enough to solve this most import
ant problem.
A Marvelous Invention.
Wonders never cease. A machine
lias been invented that will cut, paste and
hang wall paper. The field of inventions
and discoveries seems to be unlimited
Notable among great discoveries is Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It lias done a world of good for weak
lungs and saved many a life. Thousands
have used it and eonquered Grip,
Bronchitis, Pneumonia and ('ousumntion.
Their general verdict is: "It's the best
and most reliable medicine for throat and
lung troubles. Mvery s<>e and 81.00
bottle is guaranteed by L Tagsrart,
Druggist. Trial bottles free.
Love may make the world go around
but it isn't i»lway.- able to make lit" girl's
father come round.
Tried to Coueunl It.
It's the old story of "inurtiei will out
only in this case there's no crime. A
Woman feels run down, lias backache or
dyspepsia and thinks it's nothing and
j tries to hide it until die finally breaks
| down. Don't deeeiw your- If Take
j Klectrie Hitters at otn , . It has a lepu j
| tation lor curing Htutitacb, Uvtr and
Kidney trouble-* and will it-vivify yi»ur
whole system The wor,«t form* of tlm-e
luuladicM will quickly yield to the >ut
; ativr power of Kleetiie Hitter* t inly
aud I by l<. Tn nit DiuJ-
Cod liver oil is in universal re
pute as the best body builder in
wasting diseases, and the best
reconstructor in recovery from
severe sickness known to medicine.
Nevertheless, three-fourths of
the people are really made sick by
the taste and smell of cod liver oil.
Half of them can't take it. Their
stomachs either reject it, or are so
upset by it that the dose does
more harm than good.
Vinol is the only preparation of
cod liver oil which contains no
grease or bad taste yet does con
tain all the virtue of cod liver
oil, and is deliciously palatable. It
also contains organic iron. Iron
gives quality to the blood. Almost
every ailing person needs it.
The combination of these two
elements with table wine is both
scientific and effective. It has
accomplished wonderful things
right here in town. We think
we are doing a service to every
run-down, ailing, coughing, ner
vous, debiltated person in calling
attention to Vinol. We sell it on
its merits —money back if it does
not help you. You run no risk.
Old people revive under its influ
ence. Nursing mothers and over
worked people get new vitality.
and moth-proof, for robe,
r. :t first tret our Catalogue,
taps and instructions, so as to
tlO Mill Street. Rochester, N. Y.
I The Broad Street jr
I Meat 1
(Market ;
s a
S 8
Geo. H. Gross. S
l£Sa ESBS2SBS HS as asaSHSHS shS
iu You can look the county over, and you JJ!
[n will no*, find a wore complete, up-to-date nj
pj line ot (iENKRAL MERCHANDISES. uj
$ Ol'K
ej Fall and
| Winter I
!j Stock |
0 is now in, and ready for your (3
ft inspection. }{|
m <>»ir Notion department in pJ
ft full of new thinga, and lots jfl
of bargains. Wo have added L
Cj SUITS. $ j
II HUtlil'il
wra ?'SOSB«-jasasi ; sra«o
I Special
I Announcement
We think that we have an establish
ed reputation for reliability and fair
dealing and that gives considerable
weight to what we say as to qualities
We have have studied our business
in every detail and now o(Ter you
a Suits and Overcoats. 8
We have a most handsome stock,
selected with the greatest care and
we believe our prices for these
goods are very low, quality consid-
I Gents' Furnishings. §
We carry a large stock of Shirts,
" Collars and Cuffs, Hats and Caps,
Shoes, Underwear, in fact anything
that is required to dress you in the ®
W latest and most up-to-date style. /:
Then, if you are going to make a
visit, we are prepared to show you ft
some handsome Dress Suit Cases,
iff; Trunks and Valises, which are re-
We have some nice furs which must
be sold. We do not care to
IBalcom & Lloyd. I
rf v P
Hi - g
I prepared I
I For |
I the Seasonf
|| We have opened and are displaying a I:
1 choice line of . .
tii R
rjlj specially selected for the . . • !,j
I G Winter I
tMc ■ *
bedsor?. ;i
ii • <i
jj We have gathered such articles as ]
II! | f|
b combine elegance with ii
utility at and Jj
j| Very Reasonable ii|
f| * T > • ''
U 1 riees \\
'I l' 1
!: Hiilcoin A: T lovt 1 .;!