j£re and 81.00 bottle is guaranteed by L Tagsrart, Druggist. Trial bottles free. Love may make the world go around but it isn't i»lway.- able to make lit" girl's father come round. Tried to Coueunl It. It's the old story of "inurtiei will out only in this case there's no crime. A Woman feels run down, lias backache or dyspepsia and thinks it's nothing and j tries to hide it until die finally breaks | down. Don't deeeiw your- If Take j Klectrie Hitters at otn , . It has a lepu j | tation lor curing Htutitacb, Uvtr and Kidney trouble-* and will it-vivify yi»ur whole system The wor,«t form* of tlm-e luuladicM will quickly yield to the >ut ; ativr power of Kleetiie Hitter* t inly aud I by l<. Tn nit DiuJ- L'ist. Good Tasting Medicine Cod liver oil is in universal re pute as the best body builder in wasting diseases, and the best reconstructor in recovery from severe sickness known to medicine. Nevertheless, three-fourths of the people are really made sick by the taste and smell of cod liver oil. Half of them can't take it. Their stomachs either reject it, or are so upset by it that the dose does more harm than good. Vinol is the only preparation of cod liver oil which contains no grease or bad taste yet does con tain all the virtue of cod liver oil, and is deliciously palatable. It also contains organic iron. Iron gives quality to the blood. Almost every ailing person needs it. The combination of these two elements with table wine is both scientific and effective. It has accomplished wonderful things right here in town. We think we are doing a service to every run-down, ailing, coughing, ner vous, debiltated person in calling attention to Vinol. We sell it on its merits —money back if it does not help you. You run no risk. Old people revive under its influ ence. Nursing mothers and over worked people get new vitality. L. TAGGART, DRITGGIST. and moth-proof, for robe, r. :t first tret our Catalogue, taps and instructions, so as to THE CROSBY FRISIAN FUR COMPANY, tlO Mill Street. Rochester, N. Y. I The Broad Street jr I Meat 1 (Market ; s a S 8 fi] HOME-MADE MINCE MEAT p f{] HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, ft FRESH OYSTERS, ft WEANERSAND ft LIVER SAUSAGE ft ft FRESH WALNUTS, ft AMONDS AND MIXED NUTS. ™ | FINE FLORADA ORANGES. ™ | GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. ft Geo. H. Gross. S l£Sa ESBS2SBS HS as asaSHSHS shS rsHsasHSßrasaßasE'srasHabDi iu You can look the county over, and you JJ! [n will no*, find a wore complete, up-to-date nj pj line ot (iENKRAL MERCHANDISES. uj $ Ol'K ej Fall and | Winter I !j Stock | 0 is now in, and ready for your (3 ft inspection. }{| Cj DRY GOODS, ft] | HEAVY ALL-WOOL SKIRTINGS, ft | READY MADE SKIRTS, [}! ru LADIES WAISTS, ETC. m <>»ir Notion department in pJ ft full of new thinga, and lots jfl of bargains. Wo have added L [}j MEN'S, BOYS'AND YOUTHS' OVER S] ft COATS AND READY MADE Cj SUITS. $ j J. K. .SMITH, II HUtlil'il wra ?'SOSB«-jasasi ; sra«o I Special I Announcement We think that we have an establish ed reputation for reliability and fair dealing and that gives considerable weight to what we say as to qualities We have have studied our business in every detail and now o(Ter you a Suits and Overcoats. 8 We have a most handsome stock, selected with the greatest care and we believe our prices for these goods are very low, quality consid- I Gents' Furnishings. § We carry a large stock of Shirts, " Collars and Cuffs, Hats and Caps, Shoes, Underwear, in fact anything that is required to dress you in the ® W latest and most up-to-date style. /: Then, if you are going to make a visit, we are prepared to show you ft some handsome Dress Suit Cases, iff; Trunks and Valises, which are re- FIRS. We have some nice furs which must be sold. We do not care to I JASPER HARRIS, 1 gr IBalcom & Lloyd. I rf v P Hi - g I prepared I I For | I the Seasonf || We have opened and are displaying a I: 1 choice line of . . p FANCY i DRY GOODS I tii R rjlj specially selected for the . . • !,j I G Winter I tMc ■ * bedsor?. ;i ii • • '' U 1 riees \\ 'I l' 1 !: Hiilcoin A: T lovt 1 .;!