SIO,OOO Display of Christmas Goods. Largest Stock We Ever Had. FURS! FURS! j F~ 1 | Coats and Capes for [ r r J I FATP Ladies and Children. tin, Nutria, imitation M M J&. di JR. Jti, Consisting of Monte Carlos ~,• tt • i , ~ o II new Coats and Jackets, I '" VI . a 1 Isahclla a popular style which com- I » 7 or, imitation Beaver, IHj \/| \J I * \ bines some of the merits of I and many other varie- VJI \I I IVI , 1 ,\. both ,he hu.g and short II Jackets, made from the ] | ranging L m^ rica,^^W 00 len _Mills | j ranging m price li.nn ] yjT° fitting Jackets/ all shades >to ~'25.00.E !A -w- w -mma jvcnf jm* jjumii wans*. _ i , - ,_. jKn) a nd made from the best bargain in these goods, 8 1 S \ J? a I 1- 3 1 \ C \/ \ j English Kersey. Price j which is the .argest K? M M // H K IfV I * XT* I variety ever seen in this A L+ A K m 4»l A 11 VI V,, J* II TAILORED * j SILK AND WOOLEN. f|j | I ITTfTT ) liIIfWMLC -""fi i «•"' Woolen Dress Patterns'; £ jiij t i At) The beautiful Ladies'tailor-made suits in Broadcloth, | ||||i 1 | *aVv a^so Waist Patterns. A large S| I' Yinetians, Cheviots and Basket Cloth. New shapes il r 4fSao. /O J'/ »iV variety of Silk, Manuel and \J it j ! r*A ~i , , . , „ , , S / f£tn- -v . Ml X. Velvet Read-made Waists in * } i : S® and the verv latest. We will rush them through at i,\i / J\ Tfr ill , IV ( I nS>T J?® J X a]l colors and styles. They J bargain prices to reduce stock $6.75 to $25.00. It >JM\ \ are beauties and greatly admir- <L t , Wi Tailor made skirts that fit and are stylish. Also a Jpf \ Cfl, prices » silk patterns from fP' | few popular walking skirts. Big bargains. We must } A $2.00 up. Woolens, $1.75 up. y I \ | close them out. S^ l '°° 11 fe) Silver Novelties, comprising Tea .Sets, I "saLS'iS, Ly Ladles, Spoons, Knives, Bon-Bon Boxes, and hundreds //111 / Ue have lhe lllost hcauti,ul &:■■ «| r i\ r , .. . , , , . / / # / / / as well as the largest stock of gfi pa W ° >ea " ' a " S1 Pieces of silver. In Jewelry LJ / 8 J China and Glassware. Full '/ j j we have everything to please. Diamond Rings, J sets and pieces by the hundreds, ul I j >SO to $200.00, if you want them. j£ ■ yes tllou sands. No latger assort j y) Come and see our handsome assortment and get /gig? Z?*Z 52*™ ""' §. ill I ft* ° Ur P r ' CCS ' which are far below the ordinary 011 f'- JWe pride ourselves 011 this variety. if j 1 \\ same quality goods. | —gilds' / Bisque ornaments; Lamps, for the r | H _ J# I 'pi jj.n j!jliiiiTii^j'iTiTri iTi 111 1»>yjiijVw*iTiBitiiHim"' _"' Wgsiiij^| limi ll h#| GAMES AND TOYS. W PHONOGRAPHS! I ll' I It is simriy out of the question to mention lM ,1 \\l(l what we have in this department, as the pub- )|\M , \ ,•. v eU as« of the Columbia Phonographs. J| , !' h lie well knows, we always care for the wants ft ~ e 111 ' .\\.\\ ' ( ' „ooi s , t u Call and sec them. The best || I ,M of the little ones. No matter what you want "SSSSfelm/ \\ ° * in the market I .!', \>r in this hue, we have it. i I i to i in tue market. | J OOLLS! DOLLS! f rci r. s f'n to f iß, D ° n ' 1 U ve\ U^cen ovU C e^ eA^ e . (e !\eva \ «.\ - iJ • .j; jijfe b • .a. v " /{', LAD* AND 1 r eo . W / GENTS DEPARTMENT. c wC M I -n this de,: en,, we have this Xma^Tjfifel P ' CTURES ftND ALBUMS '| Kgf . ■ | added all that our rooms will allord. 1u11,,. JBMM Iff DRAPERY AND \\ derwear,Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Handkerchiefs, |l fr '"" *S? to *n,.<><>. WeJliive 111 TfIpCCTRY \\ nuHm suiiiftliiug new in Albums. V|\ •Mrcoinl. \\ ' " 1 just call tor anything IBM/ \\\ We have a very l*autiful line of good goods, which must be lj m We h.i\e a : . 1 || j:;;,;:; l :!; , l :r; a^ w *3? erw bwSn* Bam.* »«**, 1/ % ' • '"'''' ' 5 ■! SILK OMBRFiLLAS. 1 I \, CAMKRQN KH'NTV PRESS, THURSDAY, DKCFMRER 18, 1902.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers