Adam, | Meldrum & \ j Anderson Co. i ? MUKFALO, .V. V. J * 396-408 Main Street, ) CLEARING SALE OF J S | Black | I Dress i Goods £ T"0 REDUCE our enormous J ? stock of now sterling quality > A B'ack Dresa Goods will sacrifice s * 150 pieces at one-half and one- J 112 third of regular selling price V S There are equally good bargains s \ it) colored dress fabrics. 3 \ $1 Black Canvas Suiting 50c < J 15 pieces 52-in. all-wool Hlack San<lier \ c Canvas .Suiting, sells every dfty at * 1.00. J A Only one dress pattern to a" Ca- S C customer. Sale price i { $1 Black Whipcord at 55c ) \ 10 pieces 45-in. all-wool French Hlack c < Whipcord Suiting. An imported dress | j \ fab rick which Bells at $1.0". Only one C r dress pattern to a customer. } 1 \ Sale price, UUU c i £ $1.25 Black Goods at 75c * j P JB-in. French Imported Hlack. all-wool x \ Drape de Paris; regular selling fy 5 1 P price $1.25. This sale i uCi \ t 50-in. all-woo! Black Sanglier (iranite i \ P Suiting; regularsl.2s Kvc _ \ S This sale, /OC j P 15-in. Black Sharkskin Suitings; rr _ \ \ regular $1.25. This sale IOCi , J 56-in. Black Mistral Etamiue. Cannot be I \ bought less than $1.25. t-7 cr J J This sale {OC < P $1,50 52-in. Prunella Suitingsl.oo. \ 5 $1.50 54-in. Tailor Cheviot it.oo. j P $1.50 51-in, Crash Cheviot SI.OO. \ \ $2.50 Kersey Broadcloth $1.50. J P $1.75 London Twine Suiting g1.25. i < Ciet acquainted with Our Mail > Order Department. s <1 Adam, ) > Meldrum & i I Anderson Co. < P TheAmericanßlock, P } BUFFALO, N. Y } The Blues Is one signal which foretells physical decay. Another is pale lifeless skin. The muscles shrink and become flab by; the body becomes emaciated, and there is an early tendency to round shoulders. The step lacks elasticity, the nerves become weak; mental and physical activity are a burden. This condition is called A 'ervous De bility; it is cured by the use of They feed the hungry nerves, revive the weakened organs and make life brighter and sweeter to any man or woman who has suffered from physical drains, SI.OO per box ; 6 boxes (with legal guarantee to cure or refund the money), 85.00. Book free. PEAL MEDICINE Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. 51 MOST IN QUANTITY. BEST IN QUALITY. WORMS! | WHITE'S CREAM ? VERMIFUGE? 6 FOR 20 YEARS i V Has led all WORM Remedies. \ |EVERY DOTTLE GUARANTEED. 9 1 SOLD BY ALL BBlOtillTli ■ ' / Frfpwfd bj \ i V Rl< IIARDMO* ■KUICINk CO., HT. LOUIS. / For sale by L. Taggart 2ly. I^l?H^KNNKl?^^^lihJumatsnrß KIDNEY"'""Si BACKACHE 1 All Bladder and Urinary Diseases. Ij I t\ f~<. ■ Uu JJmaavU.i. U*. ttr** AV U ' Foley's Kidney Cure 36 281y. Kmporium, Hi makes kidneys and bladder right. G. SCHMIDT'S,^ HEADQUARTERS FOR - ' . - .V A - FRESH BREAD, i 0 PODjjlßr FANCY CAKES, ICECREAM, ?R >V O NUTS % # ij," CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All ordcrx riven prompt ami xkilll ulatti utiim. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ANNOUNCEMEN OF OUR Fall, Winter and Holiday Goods. Two car loads of Wall Paper now arriving. L. TACHiART. [oHS SHSHSHSH nl K You can look the county over, and you ~j [n will not find a more complete, up-to-date nj SI line ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE. In Cl OUR p] | Fall and jj | Winter | [o Stock | u| is now in, and ready for your ju [n inspection. ~ [{] ft DRY GOODS, p] m HEAVY ALL-WOOL SKIRTINGS, p] READY-MADE SKIRTS, |}j OJ LADIES WAISTS, ETC. 1/1 Our Notion department is pJ [}; full of new tilings, and lots y] of bargains. Wejhave added [n ft MEN S, BOYS'AND.YOUTHS' OVER § ft COATS AND READY MADE H S SUITS. [j| [§ J. E. SMITH, ft NterliiiK Uun, l«a. ilsH aSHSHSHSaSES ESE"iBSHS SH°I Famous now all over Hi v%tj VI A cure guaranteed If you me | PILES Ru^® c _s u pposito r u I 6radad *. . '.V. r *'wriT.'*. "'-T"wn 'i.»V I [a Raven Rock. \\ »ritn« " They give univerbal satia ■ faction. Dr. U- »> MuUIII, ('larkiburf, Tenn.. writ.-. ■ '• lu a practl-e of Ji year-. [ have f<>uj«l n.» remeJy to Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C. Dodson. Call for free sample. Cheap S CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27, 1902 The Problem of a Tired Mother. The funny papers have told, time and again, how It makes a man feel to be shut up alone with the children even for a few hours.' It's no wonder that nerve troubles attack the mother for she has the children all the time. How can she help being nervous, especially while the little ones are making such con stant drafts on her energy? No woman can endure the strain of her housework and two or three little ones unless her digestive powers are of an unusual order. She can't man ufacture force enough to stand the strain. We can suggest one thing that will surely help her and it isn't a drug poison either. It is Vinol, made by a remarkable new process from that wonder ful remedy, cod liver oil, a true tonic. Money back if you don't find this true. L. TAGGART, DRIGUKHT. Mail Orders Supplied per llottlc Kxpress Paid. LICENSE AmiCAfiONS. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (lie fol- JJN lowing named persons have tiled their pe titions for Licenses, in m.v office, according to law, for the term of December Court. 1!)02: HOTEL LICENSE. Qrove Township. Geo. P. Shafer, Sinnemahoninf* House O. L. Bailey. Enterprise HOUFC Henry W. .Martindal- Brooks Run Hotel Driftwood. A. M. McDonald Curtin House Sophia McVicker, Lafayette Hotel Thos. J. Riley, Commercial Hotel W. H. Mitchell Mitchell House I.umber Township. Patrick Malioney Sterling House Mary A. Furlong, Alpine House Edward MeFadden New Cameron House Lumber Township,Restaurunt or Eating Mouse License. James B. Hayes,....Cor. Main and Louise streets, Cameron, Pa. Portage Township. J. H. Evens, Sizer Springs Hotel Emporium, Last Ward, Hotel Licenses. Peter Shoup, Cook House- John Costello Eagle Hotel Richard J. Loyd, Exchange Hotel Samuel D. McDonald Central House Thos. J. Lysett, St. Charles Hotel John L. Johnson American Hotel Middle Ward. John Cummings Cottage Hotel 11. R. Manett Warner House Dennis Donovan Emporium House Michael J. Dolan City Hotel Michael Murphy, Commercial Hotel EMPORIUM, MIDDLE WARD, RESTAURANT LICENSES. William McDonald, Novelty Reftaurant M. C. Tulis, ... .... Star Restaurant WHOLESA f.E LICENSES. Henry Kraft, Emporium A. A. McDonald, Emporium F. X. Btunile, Shippen Township BOTTLERS LICENSE. Henry Kraft, Emporium F. X. Blumle, Shippen C. JAY GOODNOUGH, Clerk Q. S. CIOURT PROCLAMATION.—WHERKAS:—The / Hon. CHAS. A. MAYER President Judge and theHons. JOHN MCDONALD and GEO. A. WALKER, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the Ist day of Nov. A. D., 1902, and to me directed for holding of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough ot Emporium, l'a., on Monday, the 15th day ot December,l9o2, at 10 o'clock, a.m., and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then ami there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., Nov 21th, 1902, and ill the 127 th year of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE. SherifT. Notice of Acliiiliilstrutrlx. Ksliitr of ALOSZO ('IfI.I'SIIA'O, dcccnscd. I ETTERK of administration on the estate of 1 J Alonzo Cheesbro, late of Shippen township. Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Uora Cheesbro, residing in siid township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. DORA CHEESBRO, Administratrix. GREEN A SH VKI-EH, Solicitors. Emporium, Pa., Oct. SO, ICO2. 37-Ot Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifies enjoy tho greatest popularity ami largest salo in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. NO. C I'll KM. HIKES. 1 -PfvtTrt, CoiiKCHtloiiN, Inflammation*, Sl—-Worum. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .'23 3—Teetl»hi«. Colle.CryluK.Wuktffulut'iw .45 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adult* 7—('outfit*. Cold*, ltrouchltl* *43 M—\euralifla. Toothache, Faceaotio. 95 19—Headache, Hlrk Headacho, Vertigo., .'25 lO |i«iu, Indication, We&k i 1 *m»|>rf*«e<l or I'uluful Period* I "i—While*. Too I'rofUMc I'erlod* *43 19-Croup, I.urt iitfliW*. Hoarnene** «|,i I I -tonlt Rlinim,Xry«i|M la>i, Kruptiocs., .*45 1 S—IIIic IIIIIUIUIII, lUieumatlc I'aiin ,45 M» Malaria, Chili*, Fever UU«I AKU« . 4 25 I*l I'ltarrli, Influenza, Old In the Head Ml '■ M . I "ituh • ) nidliev DueuaeH *| f l In • • • • Bi MNIi 1 M .'to I rluarv Ueaknr»». Wottta* lk«l . .*4,1 ft litp, May | ~ Q H<»ld hy drumcltO#, or sent on receipt of |»ri«««. Dr. Hurajihrc yi* New Pocket Vaauai of all Diaeaaet mailed free. lluui|»»irey«' 11.-tu in« Co., Cur. WllUaiu an -401.11 AU . Vork. Cameron. B. E. Osborne visited Sterling Kun Tuesday. Dr. Smith, of Emporium was in town Tuesday. Some of our boys spent Sunday at Em porium. Will Briggs has woke up after a Rip Van Winkle sleep. John D. Louran. of Emporium, was in town Friday last. Wm. Kissell moved his family to Renovo the first of the week. Niek Iveneally visited his parents at Coudersport over Sunday. John MeFadden had business at Glen Hazel the past week. It won't be very long until the new mill will be making saw dust. Geo. Myers, of Coudersport, is the guest of F. R. Lininger and family this week. Dan Sullivan aud wife and two child ren, are visiting relatives near Pittsburg, this week. Pete Snyder, of Emporium, is em ployed in the blacksmith shop fur John MeFadden. Frank Johnson, of Uninius, Pa., was visiting friends in town over Sunday. Come again Frank. Mat Phoenix and wife left Tuesday for Kalamazoo, Mich., where they ex pect to remain for two months. Thos. Fergerson, of Decator Mines, Clearfield Co., is employed by the Cameron Iron and Coal Co., at this plate, John Gaines is on a hunting tour among old friends at Pottersdule, so we will hear some good hunting stories when John gets back. Our people are very much excited over the bright prospects of the coal mines in this vicinity, which will be in operation in a short time. Our people are waiting to welcome the molodious sound of the chime whistle which will be set on the new mill, which will be operated by Doutt, Hyde & Co. The young men of our town has showed their talent which they enlterit by organizing a brass band in our town last Wednesday evening showing the peo ple that our town has reserectcd from the dead. On Monday some of our town people were much alarmed by the tooting of the whistle on the engine of the Cameron Lumber Co., on the 11. R. R. R. of which one of our prize cows of our town had a very narrow escape. The Liars Club met in Dan Sullivan's chicken coop, Saturday evening, with Ed. Goodman in the chair, B. E. Osborne Scc'y. A good many pheasants and skunks were killed. Tom Shreve declares that he can skin more skuuks than any other two men in town. He was fined two cents because he couldn't prove it, and came within one vote of being sus pended from the club. Fred Comlcy was reinstated to membership and promis ed the Club faithfully that he wouldn't tell the truth again while a member. Some of the members are talking about dropping out of the club on account of the fees raising from two cents to five cents of which it is necessary on account of business increasing in town. Bert Georgia took his filth degree; lie was appointed guardsman at the door. Jesse Lord's name was read for membership and declared rejected, with a vote of 120 yeas and 121 nays. Geo. Strawbridge a member of Sterling Run club made our club a visit. N. F. Johnson's card was read for membership of which he was declared elected. The club adjourned to next meeting night. BSIUGS. First Fork. A few flakes of snow were noticeable on the hills, this morning, enough to make everybody glad the coal strike had ended at last. Mr. A Hussy is about to remove to Cross Fork, where he has a position with the Lackuwanua Co., and I). D. Colcord will take pos-scsssoti again of the place vacated by Mr. Hussy. On Saturday afternoon the Old Berfield Homestead via Wharton, (where all the Berfields were born and reared) was totally destroyed by lire with all its con tents, and there being no insurance on building or contents, to Jacob Berfield and family. They were away at the time, and came back only to find themselves homeless. The neighbors saved a quan tity of canned fruit, potatoes etc from tha cave near by, before that caught fire but it got too hot for them before they had that cleaned out. Almost Thanksgiving, and no snow vet except a few scattering flakes, hut that works out the salvation of the deer, or a certain portion of them. Some of the hunters have returned from camping emptyhanded, wliirh others have beaten even President Bousevclt, himself, by capturing bear aud other'ganie. W. W. Wykoff and a gang of hunters from Pitts burg got a big buek the latt of the week, Another gan-j ill four from ('oudersporta assisted by sotuo "native talent' killed a hear, a deer a coon and a squirrel, in one day.and returned home next day "flushed with the excitement of the t-ha*e.'' Suelt luek in a hunting happins pi ibaps once in a hunter's lifetime Mrs. Built lluti'hty, of \\ IT.irtoii, PH.. died DII Thui-'l.ty tin ti ing ■ I' cancer of the face agi-d 77 years. Fuiii ral services Were eiiudll 'ted at What lull chtireh oil Saturday it ut iwu ociudt u to . by dev. t li'iVer nf Ot sielln alii, theeli ir Iti m tli it place. She leaves two h.i|i» to Uinutli hit lu*#, \i/ Anliui B. 11 Simituiuhi ittd Ira of \\ hurtt ■ n also two t>i.>tlli i ■ Nathan of .Vein Li and A. .1 Huh ,1 Fork now ill New Mvnieo fur tin winter with Mn», ILily and iheir son Louie. A lutjje number of relatives and friends from attended tlie funeral, of whom we hove mentioned, Goo.B. ami C I'. Marelay.O L. Hnily and wife of the Mountain House. After service.- weie over the i>. & S. U. 11., run a "special" to Siiinenialioning taking the people down from Baity Run. Walter Baity, and Martin Gorman and wife of Cross Fork were present, also Mrs A. Baity and Mrs. E. Wolf, Henry, John, and Herman Berfield, [). Horn, J. Drum, J. Lo»ue and others from Although the weather was stormy the chureh was full and oveiflowing. Chas. Haight of Austin was funeral director and undertaker. Holiday Games In each pound package of Lion Coffee from now until Christmas will be found a free game, amusing and instructive— 50 different kinds. Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game at Your Grocers. I sists the damp, y \ \ I I ■do not break, y \ A I m No rough sur- \\\ \ § J/JTv > m face to chafe \ 112 // J\\ ■ an.l cut. 1 h Made by Standard Oil H 'V/ Company Jf 6* t Foley's honey and Tii. cures colds, prevents pneumoni One Minute Qotisgfa Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. 112 SIO,OOO Bankrupt Sale of Furniture •JA H We secured under most favorable conditions, the M |jjjli entire stock of || I The Mankey Mfg. Company, 5 I ] AT BANKRUPT SALE. I ( I This purchase, a very fortunate and opportune if one—brought to us about SIO,OOO worth of ||n, bed room suites, dressers, waslistands and sideboards, || >%> ( bright and new, direct from the factory, which we p Iwill dispose of at virtually next-to-nothing prices. | 0- Now we are ready for this great sale, the most impor- |jj M|| taut furniture event ever offered you. A sale that will j| m make new history in our business. High class, up-to- m : i date, thoroughly reliable furniture at much less than || iiy cost of manufacture. We want you to come to this 'i| rj%i, sale, to see and compare the furniture with that you , ; M can buy elsewhere at even double our prices. We will '|| P? leave it to you then, as judge to say where the greatest s| values can be had. It is only through a purchase of >< this kind, that these stupendous bargains are made pos- ij|. fsible —a chance that comes your way but seldom. This jj£ will be a quick decided event, the stock must be clear- ed out at once,as we have 110 room for storage purposes. |g|> If you have any particular fancy about style, wood or m pattern, you had better come early or the very thing nil y° u want may be gone. Judges of furniture making ||| and exceptional values are especially requested to in- H spect these goods, and examine every detail of quality, LU workmanship and durability. Owing to limitation ol § space, we caunot give details of this irresistable sale. ; We cordially invite correspondence from prospec- $ iwy tive buvers who cannot visit us in person. I j I <}..!. LAUAK'S m I OLD RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE. I:MI*OIIII PA. __ * I Oar iew Goods. Have arrived and we are ready for the Summer campaign. During the past few months we have almost entirely closed out all left over stock, therefore start in with an Entirely New Stock. READY-MADECLOTHING, (Stylish make.) ELEGANT LINK of FURNISHINGS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. We are agents for the LION Brand Shirts and have recently received a very fine assortment of these celebrated SI.OO SHIRTS "UON BRAND" TRADE MARK n H i'' : I I I : 'i 1 I ' s • r 112 t jU; ; : ; : k I I r^TTtTTftlt.: I They Are Beauties We continue to keep the. MAC HURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. We want every citizen of this county to call and inspect our present stock, feeling assured that you will be pleased R. SEGER & SON. Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers