EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Nov. 5, 1902. NEMOPIUL.A, pei sack $1 15 Graham 44 Rye «? Buckwheat ' 4 Patent Meal., 44 Coarse Meal, per 100, J «»0 Chop Pee.', «« J 50 Middlings, Fancy " J Bran 1 " Corn, per bushel, °4 WhiteOatb, ,n-r bushel 48 'Choice Clover Seed, "I 'ChoiceTimothySeed, I \t Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed. Kancy Kentucky BloeGrass, I R. C. DODSON, THE Druggist, l':UI>OKIIMI, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. It. C. DODNON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which yon would like to see in thin department,let ua know by pos al card or letter, rerHonalljj. Chas. T. Logan visited in Kane on Sunday. John Narby, Sr., continues in very j feeble health. Guy Kleese is visiting friends in ' Williamsport this week. Mrs. Delia Clair, of Cameron, was a | visitor in town on Saturday. Collector Jessop is going to New ] York to-day on a business trip. R. J. Waters, of Buffalo, was guest of Mr. Fred Julian and wife, on Tuesday. , The many friends of ,l ieo. Ritchie will be 3orry to learn th he has been quite ill. Emmitt Tulis left last riday for a short visit with friends iiul relatives in New York State. Mrs. E. C. Davison and daughter Mary, have been visiting at Johnson- ; burg during the past week. R. P. Ort, of Williamsport, who was on his way to Painsvil!e,Ohio, stopped off in Emporium Monday over night. Mrs. S. L. Stoddard returned lust Saturday from an enjoyable visit with Buffalo, Olean and Bradford friends. Bernard Egan, one of our furniture ; dealers,is receiving congratulations on account of the arrival of that boy at his home last Sunday. J. H. Swain and family last Thurs day moved to Keating Summit, where Mr. Swai ais station agent. Alicia and Nellie will remain here until the close of school. Geo. Johnson who has for sometime been porter at the Citv Hotel, at this place, resigned his position on Tuesday and left for Jersey Shore where he ex pects to locate. Mr. M. Norton, of Gibaonburg, Ohio, formerly a resident of this place visited in town last week on his return front a trip in New York State. He left Saturday for his home. W. P. Cool, who is well known in this section has moved front Buffalo to Emporium, and accepted a position in the Taggart drugstore at that place. Coudersport IJemocrat. Matthew Phoenix and wife, of Cam eron, stopped in Emporium on Tues day, while en route for Mich., to visit Ed. Russell and family. Mr. Phoenix h:is leased his farm and will take two months vacation. rMfa We|l Protected. ™ 1 : •! A revolver or a rille should be in every household. Although it may not be used by a H ™woman once in a year, it is there—i household guard. »l '' A Tin sportiuy seu'itn will soon be upon its. Needn't wait for that though. You will |l l' ' -*/ J( 1 j L lota «»t •>!»<»! t m ln-s just buying your hunting paraphernalia. Stocks large, ind prices ao |i \L| SniU "' l '' at ' l j U . Vl ( t " st 1 > ulir «'<>g to sniffing them out. We have full assortment- J - 1 HARRY S. I.I.OYI). ij __ o . = = = Geo. Walker, Jr., ban returned from visiting at Buffalo. J. L. Fobert and family are located in one of the Odd Fellow flats. Mr. E. H. Murry has resigned his po sition in L. K. Huntington's store. J. William Kaye and bride are ex pected to visit Emporium next month. Miss Edna Warner has been confined to her home for several days, threaten ed with fever. Mr. George Bassie, one of Olean's leading young men is spending Thanksgivign among friends in town. Dr. A. W. Baker, we are indeed sorry to learn, has been confined to his bed during the past week, quite seriously ill. Mrs. John D. Logan returned on Monday from a delightful visit to Rochester, N. Y., where she was guest of Mr. and Mrs Robt. Wright. E. F. Mason, of West Fifth street, employed as band-saw filer in C. B. Howard & Company's new mill, was a social caller at the PRESS sanctum last evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Terwilliger, of Emporium, were in Ilidgway Sunday afternoon last, visiting Mr. Terwilli ger's mother, Mrs. M. M. Terwilliger, of South street, and his sisters.—Ridg way Advocate. Prof. John Schwab, of Cameron, was a pleasant caller at the PRESS office on Saturday. Mr. Schwab, who is a young man of pleasing address and good qualities, is principal of Cameron schools. A. R. Berfield, of Sinnamahoning, while in town last Saturday, paid his respects to the PRESS and pushed tho date ahead on his paper. Mr. Berfield is employed on the survey of Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R., between Sinna mahoning and Dußois. Capt. C. F. Barclay, of Sinneinahoil ing, transacted business in Emporium on Monday. Mr. Barclay is kept very busy looking after his varied interests in different sections of the country. And is now preparing to visit tho Pacific coast, where his company own valuable stone quarries. They have found another genuine Raphael, tuis time in Poland. Raphael could have made a fortune at house painting if he could have covered all the space his "genuine" canvasses oc cupy. The millions need Raphaels and the discoverers need the money. | SHAW'S PURE MALT.—Perfect as a beverage of medicine. It prevents chills and tones up the system. It ex hilarates and does not poison. Sold By 36-47-ly F. X. BLUMLE. Onion Son;.. Onion soup is often liked by people who disdain the savory herb in any other form. There is no doubt of the wholesomeness of the onion, and those who have never tried the soup are recommended to use this celebrated recipe of the elder Dumas: Take, for three pints of soup, four Bermuda onions or eight common white ones, mince them and fry to a gulden brown in two tablespoonfuls of butter. Pour in two quarts of water, season with pepper and salt and boil until the on ions are quite soft. Beat the yolks of three eggs, mix with the soup and pour tln? mixture over finger slices of toasted bread. Milk may be used in stead of water in this soup. CrmlleM Hundred* of Yenrii Ako, In manuscripts of the ninth and tenth centuries we have pictures of cradles formed of part of a tree trunk dug out, with holes bored through the sides for the passage of straps intended to tie the baby down in his bed. These dug out cradles are still common in modern Greece. When we come to consult the manuscripts and bas-reliefs of the fif teenth century, we notice that the cra dles arc no longer mere baskets or beds on rockers, but little swinging beds suspended between two pillars, the prototype of the modern bercelou nette. The Harm of I)n»ii> llouaeN. It Is dangerous to health and even to ilfe in a damp, moldy house, or one built over a moldy cellar. Many years ago the London Lancet in an article on diphtheria traced the disease In certain cases to the presence of certain molds and fungoid growths which seemed to be breathed into the throat. Remem ber, one of the best disinfectants is lime. Moldy cloths, such as shoes and other articles that are unfit for use, should be destroyed af once. livery of the OKI Testament hi.s m stiu ot'promise tor (lie world's night of CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1902. OUR GOOD TIHES ARE HERB TO STAY. That is the View of head of British Industrial Commission. Members of the commission represent ing more than a score of the trades unions of England, who are the guests of Alfred Mosely, C. M. G., a wealthy Englishman, in a tour of this country to study its trade conditions, methods of manufacture and the relations of capital and labor, arrived in this city in their special car last night. Today they will visit Cramps, Baldwins, and other industrial plants, and will be entertained at a banquet in the evening. "We have," said Mr. Mosely, visited New York, Albany, Schenectady, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Chicago, Dayton and Pitts burg. We leave here on Tuesday evening and call on President Roosevelt on Wed nesday morning. We return to New York , on Wednesday and separate for ten days to allow each man to investigate matters concerning his own trade. We meet again in New York on December 8, 1), It), at the annual meeting of the Civic Federa tion. On our return we shall make our views known in reports, pamphlets and illustrated lectures, having secured many views here." Asked for his personal views as to how our industrial methods compare with those of Great Britain, said: "I should say you are far ahead of us in the wholesale way you do things and the modern ma chinery you employ. Perhaps we are ahead of you in shipbuilding, but in nearly all things else you are in the leap. You know our purpose in coming here was to try and impress on our people the need for up-to-date methods. I feel that our improvement must come through our workingmcn. Capital does not seem to rise to the opportunities of trade, perhaps because we have been too successful iu , the past." Speaking generally Mr. Mosley said he ! was convinced that the high protective tariff had been a big blessing to this coun try. "It I were an American I should let well enough alone," he said, "and should oppose any tinkering with the tariff. As an Engliseman I believe that moderate free trade is best for our country. I re gard your trusts as the the greatest indus trial blessing you have. If' there are evil trusts you will find they will curb them selves. "Your present condition of prosperity is the astonishment, wonder and envy of the old world. The rest of Europe is in a very bad way while you are enjoying times such as you have never known be fore. I think your good times have come ■ to stay. Conditions have changed. You are no longer au agricultural country, you are an industrial country." Mr. Mosely was asked if he did not think the Beef Trust an evil. "In the first place," he said, "there is no beef, trust and in the second I believe the high prices of meats are the result of natnral 1 conditions. High prices for food pro ducts have come to stay. The demand has increased while the sources of supply have been curtailed. That tells the whole , story."—Phila. Inquirer. Touss via Pylcnnveniu Railroad £eason of 1902-1903. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company ! announces the following Personally- Conducted Tours for the season of 1902- 1903:- California: —Two tours No. 1 will leave New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg, and Pittsburg January *29; No. 2 will ieave February 19, and will include the Mardi Qras at Now Orleans. Florida: —Three tours to Jackson ville will leave New York and Philadel phia February 3 and 17, and March 3. The first two of these admit of a sojourn of two weeks in the "Flowery State."i Tickets for the third tour will be good ! to return by regular trains until May I 81, 1903. Tickets for the above tours will bo sold from principal points on the Penn sylvania Railroad. For detailed itiner- i aries, giving rates and full information, | address Thos. E. Watt, Passenger , Agent Western District, Pittsburg; E. j Yungman, Passenger Agent Baltimore , District, Baltimore; C. Htudds, Passen- Agent Southeastern District, Washing- , ton; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. 2096-40 It. The Christmas Number of The Delineator. To do justice to this number, which for beauty and utility touches the high- | est mark, it would be necessary to print the entire list of contents. It is suffi cient to state that iu tho best modern writers and artists are generously rep resented The book contain* over 230 pages, with 34 full page illustrations, of which 20 are in two or more colors. The magnitude of this December number, for which 728 tons of paper and six tons of ink have been used, may be understood from the fact that 91 uresses running 14 hours a day, have been required to print it; the binding alone of the edition of 915,000 copies representing over 20,000,000 sections which had to be gathered individually by human hands. The wolves always applaud when the shepher I whips the sheep. A Generation Ago ! coffee could only be IB bought in bulk. The 20th century way is the LION COFFEE jßfr j way—sealed pack- M&jl ages, always clean, I ficsh and retaining j I ' C ' l aVOf ' The Best Remedy for Croup. j (From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.), I This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in de ; mnnd in every neighborhood ()ne of (lie most terrible things in the world is to be i awakened in the middle of the night by a i whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of cronp, as a revolver is sure to be lost in ease of burglars. There used to bo an old fashioned remedy for croup known as hive syrup and tolu' but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not I cost so much. Tt causes the patient to throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. (Jive this remedy as soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by L. Taggart. Licenses were taken out for 422,093 dogs last year in Ireland, the amount paid being £15,269 6s. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, 1 stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resi lient of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is an an tiseptic liniment and (specially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by L. Taggart. Ernst Ruhmer, the Berlin scientist, has just succeeded in telephoning a distance of nearly five miles without wires. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflamma tion of the throat and lungs. For sale by L. Taggart. Two motor cars are now carrying pas sengers between Bulawayo and the outly ing districts. If you are bilious and seeking ad visers, Take DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Just before going to bed. You will find on the morrow. You are rid of your sorrow— That's all; just enough said. These famous pills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily, cleans ing. the liver. Their tonic effect gives strength to the glands, preventing a re turn of the disorder R. C. Dodson. Five pounds is the weight of a crab which has just been landed at Withnses. One Mfnute Cough Cure. Ts the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relit 1 !'. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough Pheumonia, Asthma, LaGrippe and all Throat. Chest and Lung troubles. I got soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fcnner, Muncie, Ind., and contracted a severe co.d and cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 148 lbs, One Minute Cough cuts the phlegm, relieves the cough at once, draws out inflamation, cures croup. An ideal remedy for ehil-' dren. A spa 1 ring exhibitior was recently held in Kansas I'ity for the benefit of a church. A ThnnkHßiving Dinner. Heavy eating is usually the cause of indigesion. Repeated attaets inflame the mucous mi'mbraties lining of the stomach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, pro ducing a swelling after eating, heartburn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh , of the stomach. Kodol relieves the in flammation, protects the nerves and cures the catarrh. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleans ing and sweeting the glands of the stom ach. R. 0. Dm! on. 1 MM I | The Tailor! m nJ n] We have the best assort fjj meat of W Cj WOOLENS for | Fall and | s jj Winter | j)j All first-class work and 3 j [}j Strictly latest style. Si K ' !o| m Remember our prices are S j (jj the lowest, _ Hi rr ft It you want a suit of "] j [jj clothes don't wait until the §! In {{]' w rush before ordering. Don't m | put of} ordering until too K qj late. Leave your order uj § UOW ' l K nl 51 All Work Guaranteed $ k a | J. L. FOBERT, jjj uj , Emporium, Pa. ru j Heady for Fall and Winter Coats, Capes and Cloaks. As the cold weather I season draws near, you must be prepared to meet the winds of the chilly winter, and we are now ready with a much larger stock than heretofore, to meet your wants. The very latest styles in Ladies' Coats, Capes and Cloaks. If you fail to see onr large stock and get our prices you will be the loser Pflliq In the fur line we lead in this county. We B1 UllJ. have anything in this line that can be desired and the prices are sure to make ready sales. Call and see our large stock. Shirt Waist Patterns. terns, as our large trade in this line fully demonstrates. We are now ordering carpet by samples and can surely please you from our large stock of patterns. We can furnish you from the cheapest to the most expensive. We invite the citizens to visit our store and get our prices. You will receive cordial treatment whether you purchase or not. M. C. TULIS. iii imumrri r --1 Siep i lie ii fci - Is when you step into our store to buy your supplies for the family larder. __ Wo have the quality of goods that "taste like more,'' and at prices that gives you a chance to buy more, and a . larger variety than atany other grocery. (Jroeeries of all descriptions, Maple Syrup, Saner Kraut, Ituekwheat Flour ami Pillsbury's Best Flour, Hutter, ■——• Fggs, Cheese ami Vegetables of all kinds. , We can supply your wants for the holidays, both in groceries, meats and poultry. Our market is stocked with —_ Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens and all kinds of Meats—fresh and juicy. ■■■ i . Mince-meat, Sausage Ul "' Smoked Meats constantly on hand. Prices the lowest, quality considered. Come in ■ and convince yourself with a trial ■ order. Everything must he sat infla tory or money refunded. FRANK SHIVES. ill I I I i I I I 'IT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAINS. ID AY'S I THE SATISFACTORY STORE. We don't want to claim more than facts warrant, we don't think we do. If as good values can be found elsewhere we would be glad to know it, and modify our advertising accordingly. We do not exagegrate. This Week. $1.15 w ck 3 o F BbT sl.lO IC P Package Maccaron i, IQ P lOw Genuine imported. IZU (CP Bottle Olives, (OP 10 0 Selected. lAw IHP Package Toilet Paper, QP lUu 1,000 sheets to roll OU ROLLED AVENA, AP Direct from mills. *rO QC Lb. Bag Sugar CI /f] «.v Best Granulated, vKtU CHRISTMAS CHINA. Much of our Christmas stock is now on exhibition. New goods appearing every day, come early and examine our stock and get first pick. You'll find goods to suit the purge of all. J. H. DAY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers