Adam, } Meldrum & \ Anderson Co. ) MIJ F 1 H'AI.O. N. V. \ 396-408 Main Street, 4 Great Underprice 3 Clearing Sale... i The gieat tinder-price | Clearing Sale is now in full \ swing. In spite of the brisk \ selling of the past month \ we are much overstocked, i 1 and must make room for s 1 the holiday goods which are c ■ pouring in on every train. J , Every department and stock J t is included in this sale; the j goods are all standard and > deserving of full regular \ ' prices, but many are marked \ ' at half usual prices, some at s » one-third off, and all are de- < » cisively reduced. Here are , are a few straws to show ) t which way the wind is j ■ blowing. j > DRESS GOOQS » 51-in. .'ill-wool Scotch mixtures, mixed , Zibelines and mixed Coverts in leading > > fall colors. Sold everywhere >Ti £ > at $1.25. This sale » S ; BLACK DRESS GOODS \ hnir Zibelines. Kegular 690 s \ SILKS 5 i 15 pieces white Novelty Silks in stripe-* 3 > herastiched and brocades. CQn \ Price always |l.ot), now uOU i ' lilack Silk Moire Poplin, plain and bro- \ > cade effects, always $1.25 890 I WHITE GOODS ] 112 Iq,ooo yards white goods for children's 5 I w.-ar. for Coitains. for Waists, etc.. j < Regular 25e, 35c and fiOe. "1 O I /-J \ ? At this sale XO/ - U \ £ (iet acquainted with Our Mall > | Order Department. 112 Adam, ) 112 Meldrum & \ \ Anderson Co. < 112 The Ainericar Block, \ ( BUFFALO, N. Y ) Poor Indeed are those weighed down by mental de pression. Men rise in this world through buoyant nerve force. The loss of this force daily drags down to failure some of the world's brightest minds. Such a condition is commonly known as Nervous Debility. When you lose self-confidence and feel your strength, energy and nerve force are slipping away, it is high time you seek sensible aid. You prefer health and success to misery and failure. have no equal as a nerve restorer. A couple of boxes will dispel that heavy feeling; the unnatural weariness dis appears and replaces languor with new force and vigor of body and brain. Si* boxes will cure any ordinary case of I nervous debility. If not, you get your money back. SI.OO per box; 6 for 85.00, mailed In plain package. Book free. PEAL MEDICINE Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R C 1J •o» . 51 «TABLER'S DllHf \ BOSK EYE rlllli' I OINTMENT |£IUQES KOTHING M Mi\ ?A SURE and CERTAIN CUREfc y known for 15 years a 9 the & | BEST REMEDY for PILES. 2 ? .SOI,I) IJY ALL DRUGGISTS. ¥ 'V PtcjiTOd t? SICHAEC3SH USD. CO., ST. LOUIS. } For sale by L. Taggart 2ly. I KIDNEY®" "Si BACKACHE 1 I All Madder and T T) "CI I Urinary Diseases. IjIJ KPi I R. C Dodson, Agent, 36 281j\ fcmporium, Pn G. SCHMIDT'S,^ FOR FRESH BREAD, & popular P ™^. MF- ' r> NUTS CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All ordcrH given prompt and skillf'ulattention. a - - p " C\ I Glass of Water. § Put a handful of glazed IfKreZ | m coffee in a glass of water, \ IfffctU ! 9 wash off the coating, 1 look at it; smell itl Is jit fit to drink 112 Give 1 I I LION COFFEE I 1 the game test. It leaves the water ■ g bright and clear, because it's just ■ I pure coffee. TheMtal«d packac* inaaret uniform Quality and frasluaaas. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissuresand Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Sizes, 25c.. 50c. ami SI.OO. Sold by Druggists, or Hent prepaid on receipt or price. Humphrey*' Medicine Co., Cor. William aud John St*.. New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other* causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success fulremedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $5. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. • In every town JL and village ; —may be had, ! yf\ Kca jpSj Axis ! MDdo that makes your |j * lorscs glad- |j Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been | cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation ofgason the stom ach, relieving all distressaftereating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good I Prepared only by E. O. DeWittA. Co., Chicaga | The |l. bottle contains S!4 times the 50c. sizo. J ': . . /.—j. • .7.. J h Generat : ons past; ■ Famous now all over R the World. For sale by Q M. J. DO LAN. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoeat. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY NOVEMHER 20, 1902. Warned '.uotlicr Wife. A traveler in IVrsia tolls the follow ing: "My huntlii ftalks iuto the veran da. lie is an ageo man, wrapped in a long black cloak aud wearing a green turban, denoting him a seyd, or a de scendant of the prophet, lie is very polished today. Ills board is dyed the brightest orange with henna, and he tells a string of beads while he waits. We plunge iuto stories of the Caliphat and dictation written from left to right With a reed pen, and presently the rea son of his smartness is told. He has a favor to ask. Would it please me to advance him three months' pay in or der to buy a wife? He is old and he is poor, yet he lias fallen a victim to the moon face and stag eyes of a damsel of fourteen, but her dowry Is large. 'Why do you not support your old wife?' I inquired sternly. 'She Is crip pled and nearly blind. You do not give her sufficient sustenance, and I send many things to her.' 'She is too old,' he replies, with a shrug. 'She is ugly as an afreet. Added thereto she has no money or children, and of what good is an old woman unless she Is rich?'" Wlml Kducntioii Will Do. A railway company was erecting a line of new poles along a highway. One of the men engaged to till in the dirt and clear up around the poles was an Irishman, uew at the business and new to America. He had not got be yond his lirst pole, says the Philadel phia Times, but stood pondering how to dispose of the dirt which had filled the space now occupied by the pole. His sense of the fitness of tilings must have been strong, for he was averse to piling the loose dirt around the base of the pole, as is the custom. A negro wayfarer stopped for a match, and the Irishman asked his advice. "If 1 was a-doin* dat job, I'd jus' dig a hole 'bout where you ah standin' and shovel de dirt into it. Much •biige." As the negro sauntered away the Irishman scratched his head and mur mured: "Well, it's not to lie denied that eddl eation has been afther-r doin' a gr-r-cat deal for-r tli' neygur-r!" I'reachliiK and I'ractlce. W. S. Gilbert on one certain occasion was on a visit to a friend, the owner of a fine English country house. On the morning after his arrival he was chatting with his host before break fast when lie became suddenly aware that family prayers were about to be read. The household tiled in, and the distinguished gin st knelt down on the spot where he happened to be stand ing. Looking up, lie caught his host's eye fixed on him with a warning glance, which he, however, failed f'o read aright. The service began, "Almighty Father, who hast made all men alike" (more telegraphic glances), "rich and poor, gentle and simple"—then, unabl to contain himself any longer, the host called out, "Gilbert, you are luieelir among the servants!" Bad Taste in the Mouth When you get up in the morning with a coated tongue and a bad taste in the mouth, you may or may not be seri ously ill, but If there is any disease going, your system is just right to catch it. We know what you think — first you are half persuaded to try Vinol, and then you say to yourself: " That's the same story all the medicines tell; I've heard it before." But Vinol is not like other medicines. If it were, we shouldn't be talking about it in 1 any special way. If you will regulate your bowels with Vinlax and take Vinol to improve your diges tion and assimilation of food, these troubles, with the head ache, 44 liver complaint," neu ralgia, rheumatic pains, and nerve troubles will disappear as by magic. We pay back the money if it doesn't help you. L. TAGGART, lIRVTGGIHT. Mail Ordtrn Supplied $1 per Bottle I'xj tress t'aUl. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH : j G° d j 3<lfc#fe« Alfg&yW KillftblP. u.jx I•. ::j; » 4 < IIK'IIKVI DK'N i:> E*;if 'iud ; metallic boxes, :-t.l. '. . itli l»luo ribbon. Takeno other. c! rot* * si Im'l i Inlionw mwl iiuifl .. . • • ymif 1 >rtiut i* t, i or s« ntl -10. hi -tun |.- f.»r |*ap{'JVMi i munlalN nmi " Wt-Ui-f for i.i I tur. bv rctiii'i) .Uttli. IO.UOO 'icatiiuniiiul.-. Hol L t-y j nil Oruvit'ista. CHIOHB;»;TBR onaMJOAL co. tflOil rav.illuun \qu«r». !*I£IILA. 112 Mtniloo thU uftucr. Followed Instructions Too For. Three women were having an experi ence meeting. The first told bow her maid had locked her in the bathroom and fled from the house. The second told of a green cook who had boiled a watermelon. The third said: "Well, my latest treasure has just landed and did not know how to wash windows, so I proceeded to explain matters to her. We live on the fifth story of an apartment house, and I showed her how to wash the outsldfc by Bitting 011 the sill and letting her feet hang into the room. Imagine my amazement when I went back a few minutes later and found her washing the glass on the inside and sitting with her feet hanging out into the street."— New York Times. Caatlnic Slelifblielln. A question frequently asked is in re gard to tiie method of producing sleigh bells containing iron balls larger than the opening 111 tlie bells. Previous to making a cast the maker of sleighbells puts an iron ball inside a sand core, just the shape of the inside of the bell. This sand core, with the jinglet inside, is placed In the moid of the outside and the melted metal poured in, which fills up the space between the core and mold. The hot metal burns the core so that it can be shaken out, leaving the ball within the shell. Ball valves, swivel Joints and many other articles are cast in the same manner. Slum's Iloynl Palace. One of the most remarkable buildings in the world is the palace of the king of Slam. It is inclosed in dazzlingly white walls over a inlle in circumfer ence. Within these walls are temples, public oflices, seraglios, stable for the sacred elephant, accommodation for 1,000 troops, cavalry, war elephants and an arsenal. There is also a very tine theater, where English, French and German companies; frequently per form before the royal household. The king himself is extremely fond of tlie utrieals. Hardly. Bilks— Yes; my wife and 1 have agreed that whenever 1 make a mis take 1 am to acknowledge the fault at once. .Tilks — But when she is in error you will call her attention to the fact? Bilks-Well, hardly. That would simply be another one for me to ac knowledge. Il«*r Knisn«enif*i»t Ring:. Kitty—Constance is wearing a dia mond ring on her engagement linger. I'll bet she's only trying to fool folks. Maude—Oh, it's an engagement all right: she told me about it. The en gagement is with her dentist, you know, and she put the ring on for feai she might forget.—Boston Transcript One Mfnute Cough Cure. Is the only harmless cough euro that »ives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough I'heumonia, Asthma, LaCrippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. I got soaked by rain, gays Gertrude K. Fenner, Muncie, lud., and contracted a severe co.d and cough. I failed rapidly; lost -18 lbs. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 1-18 lbs, One i Minute Cough cuts the phlegm, iclieves | the cough at once, draws out inflamation, ! cures croup. All ideal remedy for chil | dren. It is safer to trust your eyes than your cars when a man argues religion while his wife carries in the water. A Thanksgiving Dinner. Heavy eating is usually the cause of indigesion. Repeated attacls inflame the mucous membrauc.'i lining of the stomach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, pro ducing a swellin, "Her eating, heartburn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves the in flammation, protects the nerves and cures the catarrh. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleans ing and Mvcetiiii; the glands of the stom ach. It. C. Dodson. ()ne difference between the true preacher and the talking machine is that the latter can be purchased. Cured of Piles After 40 Years' Mr. C. llatiey, of Geneva, Ohio, had the piles for forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good, j DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him | permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, i bruises, sprains, lacerations, eczema, I tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin di»- ; eax s. Look for the name DeWiit on the i package —all others are cheap, worthless j counterfeits. R. C. Dodson. T he serpent of sin never hisses until it I is shuck Quinine for Colds. Many people use quinine for the cure of colds say that the effect of this drug is more disagioeable than the disease. Krause's Cold Cure is prepared in con ) venient capsule form, and will cure the | most deeply sealed cold in 21 hours with | nut any interruption lo business. They i are pleasant to take and give you a clear, I fresh sensation while operating. Price j Sold l»y L. Taggart. One-way Colonist Tickets. On the firstand third Tuesday of each 1 rroDth 'tnHl A]>ri! 30, 1903, one-way j second class Colonist tickets will be sold by the Chicago, Milwaukee <& St. Paul Railway from Chicago to points in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kan j :-as, Eastern Colorado, Texas, Oklaho ' ma, Indian Territory and Southwestern Missouri, at about one-half regular rates, 37-2t-No.-2t-l)ec. Games In each pound package of Lion Goffst from now until Christmas will be found a free game, amusing, and instructive— 50 different kinds. Qet Lion Coffee and a Free Gar" at Your Grocers. I n? T nn A core guaranteed If jou ute I PILES Suppository I H A. Jt Scm* _WI fj Matt. Thompson, Supt. H I Cirailed School*, Btattsville, N. G\, writes : "I can H R thry do all you claim for them." I>r. S. M. Devore, H i Haven Kock. W. Va., writes : •• The? gi*e universal satis- H ■ fa-iion. " Dr. 11. 1) M -fiill. < larksburr. Tenn.. wrin-t ggj H ' In a practice of U3 years, I have found DO remedy to H J equal yours." I'KH'K, 50 CBKTS. Samples Free. Sold KM | bjr lirujj^lm Sold in Emporium by 1.. Taggart and R. C. DWIKOII. Call for free sample. f»HS SHSaSHSH SB 55 ab ol W You can look the county over, and you {{J [n will not find a more complete, up-to-date n) pJ line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. l/j ft OI T R m jjj Fall and $ | Winter Hj in m S Stock Ln is now in, and ready for your ju [}; inspection. j{] ft DRY GOODS, nj ft HEAVY ALL-WOOL SKIRTINGS, [jj p] READY-MADE SKIRTS, jjJ LADIES WAISTS, ETC. ft uj Our Notion department is ru [}! full of new things, and lots tfl |iJ of bargains. We.have added JJJ MEN'S, BOYS'AND YOUTHS' OVER Cl COATS AND READY MADE $ n] SU,TS - ' S | J. E. SMITH, | ft SterliiiK It mi, l»n, iagßasßsasHsasssgsaqsisas sJ Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ' SIO,OOO Bankrupt Sale 112 of Furniture 1 We secured under most favorable conditions, the l|'. pji entire stock of H | The fflankey Mfg. Company, 1 I I AT BANKRUPT SALE. I This purchase, a very fortunate and opportune © §| one—brought to us about SIO,OOO worth of |£] ||| bed room suites, dressers, waslistands and sideboards, j^J 0 bright and new, direct from the factory, which we . |||j will dispose of at virtually next-to-nothing prices. |(|j <p Now we are ready for this great sale, the most impor- W! taut furniture event ever offered you. A sale that will J|l ® make new history in our business. High class, up-to- ||< fei date, thoroughly reliable furniture at much less than y I i[sj cost of manufacture. We want you to come to this l(|| fr. sale, to see and compare the furniture with that you jj#j |||jjj can buy elsewhere at even double our prices. We will Wj leave it to you then, as judge to say wheri the greatest M j|||; values can be had. It is only through a purchase of p this kind, that these stupendous bargains are made pos- ||> sible —a chance that comes your way but seldom. This f|n Hl' will be a quick decided event, the stock must be clear ed out at once,as we have no room for storage purposes. jpj fe If you have any particular fancy about style, wood or ||! M pattern, you had better come early or the very thing ||<; you want may be gone. Judges of furniture making j|j and exceptional values are especially requested to in § spect these goods, and examine every detail of quality, ||J workmanship and durability. Owing to limitation ot 'w Mi - s P ac e t we cannot give details of this irresistable sale. |rfj lif.J We cordially invite correspondence from prospec- llfj' tive buyers who cannot visit 11s in person. 1 (J.J. LaDAK'S I OLB RELIABLE FI'RN'TURt STORE. m ram Hi ; 1 ; ' f I< < np Oßll , Mt **A. g|J|| Our m Goods. Have arrived and we are ready for the Summer campaign. During the past few months we have almost entirely closed out all left over stock, therefore start in with an Entirely New Stock. READY-MADECLOTHING, (Stylish make.) ELEGANT LINK of FURNISHINGS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, Ac. We are agents for the LION Brand Shirts and have recently received a very fine assortment of these celebrated SI.OO SHIRTS "LION BRAND" TRADE MARK %, !' !# I : i | : ,w ! | Bm HI UJjjl, ,1 They Arc Beauties We continue to keep the. MAC HURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. We want every citizen of this county to call and inspect our present stock, feeling assured !that you will be pleased R. SEGEB & SON, Next to liank, Emporium, Pa
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