Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 02, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Development of
American Industries
American Merchant I*nnce.
I'hc rapid development of American export
e trade in manufactured merchandise has been due
to a number of causes. The first and fundamental
* element is the abundant supply of raw material
within the limits of the United States. The sec
ond is the American system of low cost of trans-
k portation by rail and water, by means of which
the different raw materials necessary to many lines
of production are brought together at minimum
cost. The third feature is industrial consolidation, which enables th«
American manufacturer to utilize all the economies and successfully
compete with European manufacturers. Another feature which is
quite an important one is labor-saving machinery, the product of
American inventive genius.
Buyers will always find out in time a cheaper source of supply,
but in the European and South American markets custom has a far
greater significance than with Americans. In those countries they
change somewhat slowly from an inferior to a superior article, if the
inferior article has been used by their forefathers.
While tlie question of raw material and transportation—or what
might be called "the brute elements of our manufactures"—and the
question of skilled superintendence, are all-important, perhaps a
more telling element is managing ability. American mana'gement is
largely free from traditions. IT IS LIKE AMERICAN DIPLO
I do not think that in our time the United States will reach any
great prominence as a supplier to the world of articles intended for
individual taste, or to please individual whim; neither will the United
States to any great extent adapt its merchandise to the prejudices or
habits of the peoples of foreign countries. Its policy will rather con
tinue to be as heretofore—THE FORCING UPON THE FOR
METHODS AND PRODUCTIONS. This is a difficult task, but
marvelous results have already been achieved.
As soon as the extension of our manufacturing and transporta
tion facilities have beer, accomplished, so that we can produce a large
surplus in all lines of manufacture above the demands of this coun
try our export trade will move forward with greater vigor than ever.
The only serious danger to the extension of our export trade
which seems possible is by the restriction of production through trade
unions. Trade follows the price and the principal element of cost is
labor. Rates of wages in the United States are very much higher than
are paid by our competitors in the densely populated countries. To
meet this handicap our captains of industry have created superior
organizations, centralizing production and making possible the larg
est use of labor-saving devices. Machinery has thus replaced the low
priced labor of our competitors and the American workman has been
thereby elevated to the position of an overseer of machinery. The
result has been a large output, which has made it possible for us to
undersell the cheap labor countries while paying high wages to our
wage-earners. While we have been thus cheapening the cost of pro
duction through increased output, the trade unions of Europe have
restricted the output, and thus we have been able to secure a larger
foreign trade, which has relieved the markets of our surplus prod
Westinghouse has been laying 1,800 bricks in England as against
the trades union restriction of 300; Krupp, employing 1,600 men,
turns our 1,000 tons per day; Homestead, employing 5,500 men, turns
out 6,000 tons per day.
I believe in the good sense of the American wage-earners as a
v/hole. While a part of the people may be fooled a part of the time,
I am satisfied that people at large realize the suicidal policy of a re
stricted output whether from the standpoint of capital or labor, and
that the laborers of the United States will be wise enough to realize
that a continuance of the high wages, which has enabled them to de
posit $2,500,000,000 in the savings banks, can only be maintained
through low cost of production obtained by a large output through
superior organization and by labor-saving devices, making up the
difference between the high wages paid by us and tjie low wages paid
by our competitors.
This is an age of invention, of industry, of labor-saving ma
chinery. The times demand speed and comfort in railroad travel
llow can we get both in our large
% cities?
FUTURE THE TUNNEL || Bv elevated railroads? No;
IN LARGE CITIES hey arc too noisy. When run 1 y
— steam they are dirty. When run
By ,"• m CDONALD, by electricity they are dangerous
Contractor (or the >«w * ork Mubwav aud J J **
ihu I'r.iMiinj K„er Except for short distances
th e surface road is out of question.
THE TUNNEL ALONE REMAINS. It alone offers speed,
comfort, cleanliness, safety.
London has a famous system of tunnels. Boston ranks the sub
way among her most important civic improvements. In N'ew York
we are undertaking a stupendous task. We are building a tunnel 21
miles long underneath the most thickly populated city in the world.
We are cutting through the bowels of the city, and above the traffic
goes on unhindered. This improvement will cost s3s,ouo,cxx). It
would have to be built if it cost twice as much. We are about to
build a tunnel under the East river at a estimated cost of $5,000,000.
We employ 10,000 men. The work continues night and dav.
Despite the difficulties which we have had to struggle against, the
work i» already half done. Cars are now building and in iK months
thev will be running AH this should have been done long ago, be
fore the city was built up as it now Did it pa\ to put it off '
TION. As civilization advances the tunnel will keep pace willi it,
until ii becomes the main met hoi of transportation in > iti« *.
Republican* In IVllelilKan I'avor Ilia
Candidacy lor a Neat In (lie Senate
Convention Was Lively.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 26. —'Af-
ter a long nnd laborious session, in
which more oratory and enthusiastic
partisan strife were in evidence than
have been seen in the councils of the
republican party in this state for
many years, the republican state con
vention yesterday endorsed the sena
torial candidacy of Gen. Russell A.
Alger, ex-secretary of war, and nomi
nated Judge William L. Carpenter, of
Detroit, for justice of the supreme
court, to ii 11 the vacancy caused by
the death of Judge Charles S. Long.
Gen. Alger's friends won a great vic
tory over the supporters of Dexter M.
Ferry, of Detroit, the test of strength
having been on a motion to adopt the
minority recommendation of the com
mittee on resolutions, to the effect
that no expression of sentiment of
the convention on the senatorial can
didacy of any one be taken.
The test vote, by a roll call of
counties, rejected the minority report
by a vote of 427 yeas and SSB nays.
The majority report, which indorsed
Gen. Alger, was then adopted without
an opposing vote amid loud and con
tinued cheering from the Alger sup
At, the opening session of the con
vention Congressman Hamilton, of
Niles, temporary chairman, made an
address, devoting his time chiefly to
the tariff and trusts, along lines
similar to those of President Roose
velt's recent speeches.
The report of the resolutions com
mittee eulogized the late Senator Mc-
Millan and Justice Long and com
mended the state and national admin
istrations. This portion of the report
was unanimously adopted.
Gen. Duffleld, of Detroit, nominated
Judge Carpenter for supreme court
justice. Judge Shepard. of Hay City,
was also presented as a candidate,
but later his name was withdrawn.
But It Did Not Last Lun: Tor the
Persecuted Roumanian Jew».
Berlin, Kept. 26. —The Tageblatt
prints a letter from Bucharest, capi
tal of Roumania, dated September 22,
as follows:
"The Washington note came like a
ray of sunshine from a storm cloud
for the Jewish population, especially
the laboring classes, who conceived
the hope that a favorable turn must
result from the interference of
mighty America. How naive this un
happy people are, eagerly reaching
for any straw promising them rescue.
But their jubilatica has been of short
"The only effect the American note
has had so far is an order that no
more emigration passports be issued
without the usual tax of $4. It is even
reported that no emigration pass
ports . ill be granted. The spirit of
the government is: 'We are masters
here.' Nevertheless, it is disposed to
be polite toward the United States.
It intends to show this by preventing
emigration to the United States.
"There is much talk here about
'Yankee arrogance,' but those laughed
in their sleeves so long as the Ameri
can note was without European sup
port. Rut the news that England had
followed with a similar step caused
vexation. If the continental powers
act jointly, it is possible that tha
Roumanian Jewish question may be
come acute. Rut the government has
had much experience in meeting pro
tests in behalf of Jews."
Germany has decided not to associ
ate herself in a formal manner with
the American and British protests
against Roumania's treatment of the
Jews. The German government
adopts this attitude, it is understood,
Independently of other continental
powers. No agreement has been
reached in the matter among the
cabinets of the continent.
.tUnera In Alabama Strike aa a Heanlt
of One .Ifan'a Kefuaal to Contribute
to Anthracite KlrlUrra.
Birmingham, Ala., Kept. 26. —Three
hundred miners employed at I'ratt
mine No. 3 are on a temporary strike.
The men went out because one man
refused to pay an assessment of $1 a
week for the benefit of the idle
United Mine Workers in Pennsyl
vania. The local officers of the Unit
ed Mine Workers requested t lie Ten
nessee Co.'s officials to deduct from
every miner's wages $1 a week and
turn it over to the organization for
the Pennsylvania miners.
The company agreed to deduct from
the wages of all miners who would
give an order to that effect. In No.
3 mine at I'ratt one man refused to
give an order, and the company of
ficials, therefore, did not deduct from
his wages, holding that they had no
right under the law to deduct from a
man's eurnings without his consent.
A Quo IVarranlu Proceeding.
Columbus, ()., Wept. 26. Quo war
ranto proceedings were brought in
the circuit court yesterday by Attor
ney General Sheets to prevent the
American farm Co. from doing busi
ness in Ohio. The company sets up
ns its object the purchase and con
trol of grain elevators, cars and all
means of transportation for farin
products. The petition in quo war*
; rant" attacks the corporation on tha
||naail tliat its Intention is to mo
nopolize the agriculural interests of
the state and that it is in contraven
tion of the anti-trust law. The peti
tion also describe* the company as a
I "corporate myth" and insolvent.
■looseveil Will l.lir Ilia tl<l.
Washington, Sept. Ml. In confer
ence mlili It. II Warner, chairman of
the local commit tee lo prepare for
t lie eitt»• rtaiiiuient of the Grand \rtny
' during the forthcoming encampment.
I deal re to do all lit his power to reit-
Icr the . ilealupnieut a ice. |t has
pr. I.lit ace, >.'• «l t!i » ! >
r tit t n» will 112 r hi* u e in front
i of flat \\ t. t t . Hon-#,
It la Attucked by (l«n. Funaton—He
Claims It Dcbaucliea Soldiers, De
etroya IMclpllne and Leada to .Tlauy
Washington, Sept. 37. —Brig. Gen.
Frederick Funaton in his annual re
port. for tne Department of the Colo
rado, points out, that the percentage
of trials by court-martial of enlisted
men has nearly doubled during the
pust year, lie says:
"It is, therefore, plain that there
has been a deplorable increase of of
fenses in general, and of desertions in
particular. In my opinion there are
two principles causes for this state
of affairs: First, resentment of un
accustomed limitations and restric
tions felt by men returning from field
service to the monotony nnd routine
work of garrison lifts second, the abo
lition of the canteen feature of the
post exchange. Since this action was
taken, saloons of the lowest type
have been established just outside the
boundaries of the various reserva
tions; their proprietors, in almost
every case, unprincipled scoundrels,
who leave nothing undone to debauch
the soldiers and obtain their money.
"lleing in all cases outside the lim
its of any city, the proprietors of
these resorts are subject to no inu
nici]>!il police regulations and sell
regardless of hours and whether the
buyer is already intoxicated or not.
Gambling is universal in these 'dives'
and they are frequented by dissolute
women. The soldier whose desire for
a drink ordinarily would be satisfied
by a few glasses of beer in the can
teen jxist exchange, goes to one of
these resorts and does well if he
escapes before he drinks or gambles
away all his money, has overstayed
his leave or engaged in an alterca
tion. As a rule the local authorities
regard the existence of these places
with indifference or approval, as it
causes the soldier to spend his money
in the community. The efficiency of
the army or the ruin of a good soldier
is nothing to them.
"There can be no reasonable doulyfc
that most of the trials by general
courts-martial and summary courts,
at least so far as this department is
concerned, are directly traceable to
this cause. Since I have had command
here, there has taken place the ruin
and degradation of several non-com
missioned officers of long service and
fine record. In short, the recent legis
lation by congress on this question,
so far as this department is con
cerned. has had no effect except to
lower the discipline of the army, ruin
scores of good soldiers and fill the
pockets of a lot of saloonkeepers,
gamblers and prostitutes."
II la Preaentcd to IHra. .TlcKlnley by
Insurance Commlaalonera.
Canton, Sfcpt. 27.—d10n. A. L. Voris,
insurance commissioner of Ohio; Hon.
J. V. Barry, insurance commissioner
of Michigan, and lion. D. H. Apple
ton. insurance commissioner of New
York, came to Canton Friday after
noon, being the guests of Senator
Ilanna in his private car from Cleve
land to this city. They came here as
a committee appointed by the Nation
al Association of State Insurance
Commissioners at its recent meeting
in Columbus, to present to Mrs. Mc-
Kinley a memorial adopted oy the as
sociation last year on the death of
the president. The commissioners,
accompanied by Julius Whiting, went
to the McKinley home and presented
the memorial to McKinley. It is
handsomely engrossed and the plush
covering is lettered in silver with the
monogram of William McKinley. The
presentation was made in the pres
ence of the other distinguished visi
tors at tne McKinley home.
When Secretary Root, Senator Ilan
na and party and Gen. and Mrs. Hast
ings visited the tomb of the late
President McKinley in the afternoon
they found on the casket beautiful
wreaths sent by President Roosevelt
and Mrs. Garrett A. B'obart. Senator
Ilanna and party spent most of the
time here with Mrs. McKinley at her
home, only leaving long enough be
fore train time to visit the cemetery.
I herka Aucregatliie >17,500 Have
Itaen Traced to a St. Louta Broker.
St. Louis, Sept. 27. —Developments
in the "boodle" investigation were
sensational yesterday, subpoenas
having been Issued at the instance of
Circuit Attorney Folk, commanding
Rroker James Campbell and William
Reed, his cashier, to appear in court
with two check, aggregating $47,500,
dated November 2S, IWJ, and payable
to Ed Butler, a prominent local j>oli
tieian, and explain tin' purpose for
which the checks were drawn. It was
found, on investigation by the grand
jury, tliat both checks had been
cashed and returned to Broker Camp
'lTie date of these cheeks was the
same as the day on which the ten
year lighting bill passed the house of
delegates, for which 10 members are
said to have received $2,500 each for
their votes. Up to a late hour deputy
sheriffs were unable to serve sub
poenas. At Itroker Campbell's office
it was stated that lteed lifel not been
there since Thursday and that his em
ployer was in the east.
Another session of the grand jury
was held, several witnesses being ex
amined. All additional effort to se
cure the release on writs of habeas
corpus of the four former members
of the house of delegate* who are
now in jail awaiting trial on charges
of bribery ami perjury, failed.
l*ardoued by Ilia l*realdeut.
Washington, Sept, ;J7. The presi
dent lot if ranted a full pardon to Wil
liam lliiikcllu, convicted 111 ls»o be
fore a I iiitcd "Wales consular court
in Japan, of the murder oft liurles
11. Mibott, Hrst mate of the \iuerican
ship, (lie prisoner being
the sc. I male of Ihc ship. lliiikcllu
ha bc 'it in pri HI for more than U'J
sears t»,i in** in Japan and more
ilinn I'n yearn in the Vlbuuy, V V.,
pflum lie |j 111 l 11l I-1• ■ I I list
t lie • ii Hl.* ua> t •lUHillted ill the In at
ol p. lull HI.U Hhen he U*tl«<c4 Uls
Sew Yorkcra are Confronted with a
Very Nerloua State ol Aitalra.
New ork, Sept. 27.—The coal short
nge reached an acute stage yesterday.
The price of soft coal jumped to $3
a ton, $3.50 more than the price Wed
nesday, and three times as much as
before the strike was inaugurated.
The quoted price of hard coal was sls,
but it was merely nominal, as there
was absolutely none to be had at any
price. The price of wood followed
coal. Kindling wood selling a few
days ago at $lO a cord, on Friday
brought sl2. Practically a complete
fuel famine exists.
Consumers throughout the city had
delayed laying in a supply of coal,
believing that the strike would be
settled and prices fall. Dealers as
sert that the supply of anthracite in
the city is not 10 per cent, of the de
mand. that tihe present supply of soft
coal is hardly 25 per cent, of the de
mand. The park department is se
riously embarrassed. Ten days ago
contracts were advertised for and
yesterday only one bid was found and
that was for 200 tons of pea coal at
$8.75 per ton, which was quickly ac
A conference of representatives of
the principal charitable organizations
of the city will be held within a few
days ito consider the situation result
ing from the coal strike. Many of the
organizations made contracts for coal,
but as ti.ese contain a strike clause,
no supplies will be forthcoming. In
former seasons the Society for Reliev
ing the Condition of the Poor, the
United Hebrew Charities, and the St.
Vincent de Paul society have distri
buted about 2,000 tons of coal each, a
total of 6,000 tons. The charitable
workers estimate that they may have
to provide ten or twenty times the
amount of coal they have given away
in former winters.
lias CniiKod So llnrdaltlp* to Legiti
mate Rualneaa—Review of Trade.
New York, Sept. 27. —R. G. Dun <fc
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says:
Notwithstanding it.he disarranged
money market, almost a fuel famine
and some damage to crops, industrial
and commercial activity continues un
abated and the magnitude of plans
for the future indicates that confi
dence has not been shaken. Scarcity
of funds has thus fur caused no hard
ship except to speculators and the
stringency will remedy itself by con
tracting loans on stock exchange col
lateral, together with such aid as may
be offered by the treasury.
•Injury ito crops by frost has no
more than offset the increased acre
age, while high prices fully compen
sate producers. Railway earnings for
September thus far exceed last year's
by 6 per cent, and .those of 1900 by
16.5 per cent. Pressure in the iron
and steel industry has been somewhat
alleviated by larger receipts of coke
and liberal imports of pig iron, yet
the outlook is by no means devoid of
unfavorable features.
No fuel famine exists, although the
furnaces are consuming receipts of
coke as tthey arrive and it is ii possi
ble to provide for more than immedi
date needs. Some idle plant.shave
resumed and now operate from day
today with the constant menace of
an interrupted movement of fuel,
which would suspend operations. At
the west this factor is most serious,
coke commanding $lO a ton or more,
while in exceptional cases sl3 has
been paid.
Failures for the week numbered 207
In the. United States, against 227 last
year, and 32 in Canada, against 34 a
year ago.
llnndreda of Sicilian* Killed and a
Cltj Aluioat Completely Dratroyed.
Syracuse, Sicily, Sept. 27.—For 24
hours before the cyclone burst over
this island Thursday a violent storm
raged on the eastern coast of Sicily.
The path of the cyclone was 14 miles
long and everything in the line of
the storm was destroyed. The sea
swept inland for several kilometres,
doing enormous damage, while there
were violent submarine agitations be
tween Sicily and the irpain land. Along
the railroad from Catania to Paler
mo, the force of the cyclone was such
that rails were torn up and hurled to
a great distance.
It is reported from Modica (32 miles
west southwest from Syracuse) that
100 bodies have already been found,
but that the number of dead bodies
swept away by ithe torrent is un
'The newspaper Fraotissa expresses
the belief that some 400 people have
been killed.
The torrent destroyed everything
on the ground floors in houses in the
lower portion of Modica. Damage
amounting to many million lire lias
been done. (A lire Is worth about
20 cents.) The survivors of the catas
trophe have taken refuge in the hills.
A relief committee and search parties
have been organized at Modica. The
disaster Is supposed to have been due
to a marine waterspout.
To Har Out 4 hlneae.
Montreal, Sept. 27. —Frank P. Sar
gent, immigration commissioner of
the United States, has made arrange
ments with the Canadian Pacific Rail
way Co. to restrict the influx of
Chinese Into tha United States by
pending the Chinese only to designat
ed points here, to be selected. Those
who attempt ail unlawful entrance or
present unsatisfactory evidence of
right to cuter will bo deported to
Amerlcaua In Trouble at I'arla.
Paris, Sept. 27. The police of
Paris have Ix-en watching for some
time past the doings of several \uteri
can jockey * and their friend- who
met nightly in a certain place where
card play for high stakes was in
dulged In ami whefe victim- are -aid
to have i.e. II plucked. I tic |fdi««
made klx arrestX ami their prisoner*
Included a celebrated Viiiciic.m
iockey. a rate horse owner mid a
bookmaker. Four of the pn o»er*
were rel< i «•«!. but the examining
|n igi-t rate told them to h >ld them-
State Troops Are Camped in
Itlotlng and (ifineral litwlrMneii Con*
Unite* In the ICntlre Hard <oal
Territory, from Forest I'lty to
Wllllamaon One 711 nor
Clubbed to Deatli.
Philadelphia, Sept. 83. —Of the ten
anthracite coal producing counties
of Pennsylvania state troops are
camped in five. Despite the presence
of the troops in these districts, riot
ing and general lawlessness continue#
in the entire hard coal territory from
Forest City, 'Susquehanna county, on
the north, to Williamstown, Dauphin
county, on the south, a distance of
more than 100 miles.
The section of the strike region in
the vicinity of Forest City, which ha*
been comparatively quiet ever sinctf
the strike began, was greatly
wrought up yesterday by crowds of
strikers interfering with and beating
men who had returned to work, and
as a result Sheriff Maxey, of Susque
hanna county, last night asked Gov. for troops to assist biin ami
other civil authorities to preserve the
At present there are four full regi
ments, two companies of another and
two troops of cavalry in the field.
Ihe Thirteenth regiment is camped
at Olyphant, six miles north of Scran
ton; the Ninth is quartered at its
armory in Wilkesbarre; the Eighth
regiment and the Second Philadel
phia City troop are under canvas on
the top of a hill overlooking Shenan
doah; one battalion of the Twelfth
regiment and the Governor's troop
are in the Panther Creek valley, anil
one battalion of the Twelfth is pre
serving order in the eity of Lebanon,
where the iron and steel workers are
on strike.
Susquehanna, Pa., Sept. 25.—An
urgent request for troops was made
last night to Gov. Stone by Sheriff
Maxey, of Susquehanna county. No.
1 colliery of the Hillside Coal <fe Iron
Co., at Forest City, resumed opera
tions yesterday.
JHarrisburg, Pa., Sept. 26.—Gov.
Stone was asked yesterday if he
would declare martial law in the coat
regions. He said:
"Without discussing the power of
the governor to declare martial law,
it will be wholly unnecessary to re
sort to that remedy. The tiity-tirsfc
section of the act of assembly ap
roved April 28, 1899, provides that iu
ease of tumult, riot or mob the com
mander-in-chief shall call upon the na
tional guard and he may at his dis
cretion order any number of men of
the enrolled militia to be drafted
and may detail or commission officers
to organize the forces.
"The national guard have been
sent into the coal regions to suppress
tumults, riots and mobs where the
civil authorities are unable to sup
press them. They will not interfere
with the civil authorities, but are
there to aid them In preserving order.
There Is now a surplus in the treas
ury and the state is prepared to main
tain a large army in the field for an
indefinite time. I have no hesitation,
in expressing my disapproval of tu
mults, riots and mobs and all acts of
violence and my determination t<»
suppress them and preserve order, re
gardless of consequences and regard
less of cost."
Scranton, Pa., Sept. 26. —James
Winston, aged 48 years, was killed and
is son-in-law. S. J. Lewis, was se
verely injured by a gang of Hungari
an strikers who waylaid them on their
way to work yesterday at Grassy Is
land colliery.
Scranton, Pa., Sept. 27.—1n a state
ment. published Friday District Presi
dent Nichols accuses Michael Grimes,
an ex-foreman, of being "at the head
of a movement inaugurated by the
coal companies to bribe a number of
mine workers' locals for $2,500 apiece
to vote to return to work." Mr. Nich
ols declares at the close of his state
ment that his "informants stand
ready to prove their assertions in
Mr. Grimes denies the statement
and the coal companies also say it is
not true.
Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 27.—Sheriff
Knurr, of Columbia county, yester
day asked Gov. Stone to send troops
to Centralia. The governor referred
the ma-tter to Gen. Gobin and the lat
ter advised the sheriff to make a fur
ther effort to preserve peace with the
resources at hand.
Strikers held up three trolley cars
filled with non-union men and stoned
the workmen. Guards from neigh
boring collieries were called and drove
the rioters bnck.
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 27. —The com
mon council yesterday adopted the
following resolution:
"Resolved, That a committee con
sisting of the president of the coun
cil and six other members be appoint
ed to consider the advisability of ex
tending an invitation to the people
of all the cities and towns depending
upon the Pennsylvania fields for their
coal supplies, to ap|x>int representa
tives to meet In a ifreat convention
In this city at the earliest possible
date to consider ways and means to
force a resumption of tin- coal pro
duction, either by pressure of public
opinion or by government interven
tion, which should be demanded if
other measures fail."
\ committee twin appointed by
President Smith and they will meet
next Monday night to consider tho
propos-d convention.
TliluU* III* lull I* llllloccill.
Paris, Sept. ;7. \ represcnta*lve of
the press ha Interviewed .John W.
Young, father of William llooper
Voting, who I* charged with the mur
der in New York of \nna I'ulit/er.
Mr. Yoniiir -aid: "I am convinced
that inN on i innocent ami I bull do
the utmost iu in\ power to help them,
while if I thought iilni guilty of stieli
a crime. I would n «> mot* my hsnil
to »nv* him from ju-1 i> 112 \l t »<oi U
not a un-mbcr of the Nlortnwit church,
t • 1 VI <r* "