2 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Per y«nr SI 00 If paid In advance 1 "0 ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published at the rate ol one dollar pi*r square forono insertion ami iifty cents per square for each subsequent Insertion. Rates by the year, or for six or three months, arc low and uniform, anil will be furnished on application. r.egnl and Official Advertising per square, three times or less. 3-; each subsequent inser tion . 0 cents per square. I.ocal notices IN cents per line for one IIIST •ertlon: 5 cents per line tor each subsequent consecutive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, 10 cents per lin«!. Simple announcements of births, mar riages and deaths will be inserted free. Business cards, five lines or lesv 15 per year: over live lines, at the regular rates of adver tising. No local Inserted for less than 7a cents per Issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PKPSS is complete and affords facilities for doing the best class of W, rk. I'AKTICfLAIi ATTENTION I'AIUTU LAW PKINTINO. No paper will bo discontinued until arrear ages are paid, except at the option of the pub- Usher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid lor in advance. The chief element in national pros perity is beyond human control, Busi rics* saglcitv may Ctiief I'.lement ' - forecast the gener in Prosperity. , 112 . , al course of trade, ami adapt the supply of manufac tured product's tu probable demands; but no man is shrewd enough to fore sec the long' drought which may burn up the harvests of whole states, or the cold rains which may make the work of the farmer futile. Last year the chief corn-growing states were smit ten with drought which lasted from early in July till 1 apte in August. The result was a falling-oIT of more than halt a million bushels in thecrop. This year, according to the Youth's Com panion. the conditions indicate the largest crop ever harvested. Theacre age planted with corn has been con siderably larger than it was last year; and the harvest promises to be greater by at least 1,000,000.000 bushels. Last year an exceptionally heavy -wheat <•1-011 partly offset the disappointment in the corn harvest. Thi*-year the acre age of wheat is smaller than last, and some injury was done by early drought to winter wheat in the northwest. The total yield may fall 100,000.000 bushels under last year's, but it will be larger than has been harvested in any save two or three exceptional years. The harvest of oats promises to be the largest on record, and the yield of bar ley will be far above the average. These are cheering conditions; for when the farmer smiles over abund ant, crops, all the rest of us, city-folk as well as country-folk, smile with liim. Tt was the misfortune of an over worked individual who recently took a _ , .. ~ . few days' vacation On I y a VI u 1 k i n K to fall in with a Money It'll K. r . L . , Chicago pa\\ nbrok «r who was taking the first vacation from his business he had allowed him self since IST!. During those years he had amassed a considerable fortune, but at the same time had completely blighted his ability to enjoy the wealth he had gathered. He had become such a slave to money that it ran through his whole conversation, to the distress of all who were within hearing of his harsh, guttural, grating voice. He admitted that his wife and children had now left him, and cared for him only to the extent of the money they could extort from him by various means. No one who listened to his public airing of private affairs, says the Chicago Sun. wondered at the ac tion of his family, for he had by constant, grinding at his grind ing business for more than 30 years without, even one day's re laxation converted himself into noth ing more than a contemptible and sor did old money bag. with no capacity for giving enjoyment to his family ot h er than what they could buy with the money they could squeeze from him. The Indiana gentleman who forgot liis wedding day was not so culpable as may seem. He kept a quick Innctl counter and in the rush of business and the hurry of orders minor mat ters naturally escaped his attention. Happily the bride, like a sensible girl, recognized the strenuousness of the situation and wisely forgave a man who was so attentive to business, and we are glad to learn that the quick lunch baked beans and thing- did cold ly furnish forth tlte marriage tables. We dare .-ay. add - liosw ell Field, s pea k ing of the incideiit in tile Chicago Post, that the groom dashed off a little poem ia honor of the occasion, like a true son of Indiana, and we have not the sliglite-t doubt that Mr. Tarkington's doughnut graced the groaning board and promoted the general good fill ing. Kvery unman, according to the Pil grim. that i xisi bus some point of beauty. possibly lying dormant, which she can develop; it may lie a cult Hated intellect, an inspired soul, sweet na ture, Hue presence, loveij form or beautiful face, and somewhere on this great sound globe somebody has rec ogtii/ed that fact or will, S<> it be hum. - all Hi li .|i kind to |>.. k Weil into themselves and endeavor to im prme tin good |e in' ,toan • urate the unfort II I.a i I • i I ,111 ill lin iy for £t i t hat tlu y halt any b. in SUGGESTIONS FOR DEMOCRATS Some TliIn«s That >ln> He (I< crldnkrd 11 r Ntil Known by ( a mpa IKII It econi me 11 (1 ITS. The democratic managers have an nounced that.they will have a speaking campaign, of the old-fashioned kind indue season. iDoubtless the orators are now practicing their pieces, well aware that, they must be more circum spect than usual. If the leaders are prudent they will have the speakers before them for rehearsal. If they talk along the line of the state plat form no allusion can be made to the record and purposes of the democratic party the past six years. If they ig nore the state platform and accept the statement of Secretary Kdwards, of the democratic congressional commit j tee. the faithful will be edified by al lusions to the Kansas City platform ; as the last expression of democratic fiaith. Hi- is a hopelessly stupid demo- I cratic orator who does not now realize that there are two wings to the demo cratic party, or. more correctly, two democratic parties, which arc as far 1 apart as the poles. The ( levcland- Hill democracy is the most distinctive i Wall-street political organization the 1 country affords, while the Bryan democracy descibes all "112 the heresies of populism, says the Indianapolis | Journal. It will be said that none of these dif ferences which divide the party need be discussed in the campaign.. That : is. the democratic party has come to 1 a place where it is not politic to dis j cuss that portion of its past that is ! not older than any voting democrat. ; In other words, the speaker must not | talk of democratic principles since the | days of Andrew Jackson, unless the ! risk of controversy as to what eon- J stitutics democratic principles shall I be. assumed by the orator. Still, a i party which declares that its tradi : t.ion« are as old as the constitution cannot go before an audience and be silent as to that long record. Neither j can an orator trace these principles ; down to the administration of Martin Van Buren and stop there with the ob servation that the democratic record from 1840 to 1868 is of 110 consequence, and that since 1892 the democratic par j ty has had two set*; of principles which | have the same affinity for each other j that cats and dogs have in a state of na j ture. The half-sensible democratic ! orator must realize that he must say ' something of the record of the demo ; cratic party since 1892; he must know that many democrats now desire to know whether the democracy of Cleve land or Bryan is to dominate in the , future. No man will be a convert to I democracy unless he knows to which of these two wide-apart factions and j views he will be consigned. In view of these weighty embarrass -1 ments,the Journal offers two or three suggestions that may simplify the I situation. First,when the democratic j orator faces his democratic audience 1 let him begin with the statement, that the democratic party is now divided between two sets of icleas. Let him say: "I wish to suit my audience, and to that end I have two speeches, one fitted to the Bryan platform aiid the other to the Cleveland platform. I propose to advocate the platform wnieh the majority of this audience favors. To determine the majority. I will take a vote. Those who desire the Bryaii brand, please rise." Hav ing counted the democrats who would continue to hail Bryan as "the peer less leader" and his platform as the genuine democracy, let him call upon those who prefer the Cleveland brand of democratic principles. Having as certained which faction is the larger, let him advocate the principles.it pre fers. In the event that the two fac tions are so equally divided that he is in doubt as to which is the larger, let. him make both speeches. It may be a trifle tedious, unless one faction, following the example of both Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Bryan, applies epi thets to each other. This would give interest to a meeting that otherwise would be still—still as a llfll demo crat in 1896. If the orator fears to put the vote, as suggested, he can say that "just now t here is a doubt as to v\ li eth er the principles of David B. Hill or those of William J. Bryan are the genu ine ones; therefore, until the ques tion shall be decided, I will proceed upon the theory that the democratic party has no principles." The adop tion of either of these suggestions, if previously a nnounced. will bring out large audiences where otherwise the meetings would be small, and general ly will give (he feature of gayety to what otherwise, on the democrat side, will be a mournful campaign. PRESS OPINIONS. KT President Koosevclt's speeches bristle with small words, short sen tenres, commas and solid fact-. St. Loins (ilobe-Democrat. rrit really looks as if Hon. David Bennett Hill has regained his old po sition <if "it"in New York democrat ic polities*. Washington Post. | tVThcre is always somebody with a long enough memory to revive the j name of (irover Cleveland In print | occasionally. ( in.-innuti Knqtiir-r j (Dem.). I ft 01. llryan says that Hill and ! Cleveland an- jealous of him. To i this Mr. ( lew-land will ay: "(Mi, fudge!" and Mr. Hill will siiy: "Oh. j lie!" ( leveland Leader. I t- r Tberc are soute democratic lead ' ers who hold to the belief that the party really need a pre ulciitial can Midlife who is devoid of views alto gether. Oaltesti n News. I t3*Tlie democrats are embarrassed j by the lack of suitable issue for 1904 tint mll tbi- might tie endured if they were not also eiulmrra -ed by I the luck <if a candidate St. Louis 1 dobe lie lie i'rat. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1902. BOGEY JBRYANISM. Urmnrnillr I'actlonn Torn ti > llopen ll uli l'c arx Concernina the "Great Failure." Scarcely a day passes without a let ter or an interview from William J. llryan regarding the candidacy for 190-1. It will be noticed, too, that all the questioners are democrats. The most recent one is the editor of the New Orleans Times-I (einoerat, who has elicited from llryan the response that "I shall not be a candidate for the presidency in the next campaign," to which is added the stipulation: "If I ever again become a candidate for the presidency it, will be because i am convinced that 1 can in that way give more effective aid to the cause in which I am enlisted for life, and 1 am not anxious to be convinced, i cannot j say more without prejudging events." Tli is answer Is likely to call out, other ; questions. The reason of this is that ' the answers do not. settle anything j definitely, says the St. Louis Globe- ; Democrat, llryan says if he ever be- . comes the candidate again it will be ; because he is convinced that he can in j that way give more aid to his cause i than lie can in private life. Which j means that if a democrat ie con vent ion j offers him the nomination he will ac- i eept it. This will be the meaning that i nine out of every ton persons in the j country will put.on these words, l.ry- ! an's friends, as a consequence, will be | encouraged, and some of them to morrow or the next day will ask him this quest ion over again, wit h the IK pe of getting an answer which will show a little less coyness than he has dis played for the past few days, while some of his democratic enemies will put the query to him with the hope of getting some answer that will take liitn altogether out of the field, or which will appear to do this. There is significance in the circum stance that the quest loners in all cases are democrats. The hopes of the one element of the democracy and the fears oft he other ingredient will keep Mr. Bryan busy answering these inter rogations along till the day of the big convention, llryan is a large person age still in the democratic party. The solicitude of his friends and his foes proves this. 'lthe republicans are show ing less interest in him because they knowthat they can win without the aid he would furnish as a democratic can didate. The republicans can beat any ma n the democrats have in their ranks. In the meantime, if the democrats feel like putt ing up Mr. Bryan for his 1 bird battle, the republicans will not make the slightest objection to their course. REVISION OF THE TARIFF. It Will "Never He Done with Ilenefit to American Interc>Mtn hy the DciiioeratN. The statement of Senator C'ullom that the republicans of Illinois and the whole west are in sympathy with the demand of Hie lowa republican platform that the tariff should be re vised periodically seems to indicate that the tariff question will be taken up in congress within the near future, says the Cleveland Leader. As a matter of fact, few republicans lire "wedded to schedules." This was shown when the. Dingley law was en acted. for that amounted to a revision of the tariff downward from the sched ules that had been incorporated in the MeKinley law. There has been, since the enactment of the Dingley law. no insistance upon the maintenance of its schedules. The necessity for revision has been admitted by republican lead ers from time to time. There has, however, been strenuous opposition on the part of republicans to a re vision along democratic lines. As Sen ator Cullorn says, the democrats are free traders tariff smashers—and if they are intrusted with the work of revision, something like the Wilson law. with its blighting effects upon the industries of the country, will be the result. The republicans are the friends of protection. They always go about tar iff legislation with the purpose of tak ing care of the industries of the I'nit ed States <>f protecting the interests of capital and labor in this country, and the records of the two part ies dur ing t*ie past half century give ample proof that it is far safer to intrust the work of tariff revision to the republic ans than to the democrats. ONE OF THEIR ISSUES. The I)« morrnlM \rv Talking of Wnk iuu Paramount flu* Question of '*IKIK!I I'riopti." Now it is given out that one of the vital i--ue- that democracy will make the next campaign will be "high prices." They will point to the fact that the laboring man lin 1 ; to pay more for wheat he buys than he did under Cleveland, and that republican admin* Istration brought this condition. It is to be « xpected that democracy, that has done nothing but bungle in it* plat form for the past 40 years or more, would fall into about such a trap as this. TI icy do not stop to think that labor is getting all the way from 25 per cent, to llio per cent. mure wages per day than it did then, and uasily getting double the number of days' employment that they git then. Tliev fall tn see trial the farmer is getting from double to three t lme» the amount for hi- produce now that he got then. They forget that in I !cw -hmd't time the only t! i<" that wa liitli Has In tere-t, and thai now It is the .•henp est of all commodities. The repub licans will gladly go before the labor ers am! farmer* and -iibn.it tht deci sion to tin ir lutes, a* to whether thev (V Ire lactation price- o|t et e:'M ing and mo third time emplot iiu-iit, or liv ll ;• wavi- all round a' d oi o«nl| getting all the employ liimt they de bit'!'. M ie< mh Journal. AGRICULTURE. A I.nrco Crup ol Out* la Iteporteil Ko ( liimcii In ( urn anil Wheat—Applca and feaclicK Plentiful. Washington, Sept. 11. -The monthly report of the department of agricul ture shows the average condition of corn on September 1 to have been MJi. as compared wtli sti.o on August 1. 1902, and a ten-year average of 7s.H. Kxcept in Kansas and South Dakota, which report a decline of 12 points mid 10 points respectively during Aug ust, no material change of condition is reported from any of the principal corn states, and except those of the south and the state of Michigan, they again report condition averages in excess of their respective averages for the last ten years. The average condition at harvest of winter and spring wheat combined ! was 80, against, 82.8 last year, and a j ten-year average of 7:!.9. North Dakota, South Dakota, >ie • braska and Missouri report 20, 24, ' and 24 points, respectively, above ! their ten-year averages, while I'enn ; sylvania ; ml California report 5 points : below- the ten-vear average, i The average condition of oats when harvested was 87.2, against, 82.1 last , year, and a ten-year average of 79.7. : While correspondents report the har- I vesting of an exceptionally large crop j of oats, there are indications that the crop will be very deficient in point of ! quality. There was a decline in the eondi : tion of sweet potatoes during Aug j ust. and in all the principal states ex , eept New Jersey. Virginia and Soulh ( arolina, present conditions arc be low the ten-year averages. The acreage of cloverseejl has been considerably reduced since last year, only two of the principal states—■ i Mary land and Ohio—reporting even a ! small increase. Of the states having 4,000,000 trees ! and upwards in apples, 11 report an 1 improvement in condition during Aug ' ust. All but six of the important tip ple growing states report conditions , ranging from 7 to 32 points above , their ten-year averages; in Ohio the condition agrees with such average; while Indiana, West Virginia, Ten ! nessee and Kentucky report condi | turns below such average. Ueports as to the production of | peaches as compared with a full crop |in the important peach growing | states range from 10 per cent. In 1111— i nois to 99 in Oklahoma. In all but | eight of the states having 2,000,000 ! trees and upwards in 1899, a produe j tion exceeding the ten-year average Is probable. In all the states in which the pro- I duction of grapes is of more than lo ! eal importance, the condition is equal to or above the ten-year average. There is a decrease in the number of hogs now being fattened compare ! with a year ago in every important hog raising state except l'ennsyl | vania. REBELS SUCCESSFUL. Government Troopn Forced to He treat nt Simtu .tlarla Leavluc 100 Head Itehlnd Tliein -Horrible Atro cities I'erpetrated. Kingston, Jamaica, Sept. 11. —The | German steamer Valencia, which ar j rived here Wednesday from Sanni ; Maria, capital of the department of | Magdalena, •Colombia, brings news of | a victory at, Santa Maria by the ; Colombian revolutionists over the i government forces. C-apt. Gronmeyer, of the Valencia, | says that last Friday the revolution \ ist.s made a desperate attack on the j outskirts of Santa Marta. The gov ] eminent troops were overwhelmed i and forced to retreat, leaving behind | them 100 dead. Immediately after ; the withdrawal of the government forces the rebels started to destroy ! the railroad tracks. They derailed . several trains at various points, dc ' inolishing engines and cars, the latter ; being chiefly fruit vans. Several lives were also lost, in these wrecks. | Saturday the revolutionists occu pied the banana district of Senega, , where they continued to wreck the | railroad, at the same time keeping up J their advance towards Santa Marta. j When the Valencia sailed from Santa | Marta Monday the revolutionists were ! so near town that Capt. tlronmeyer | could see the flashes of their guns, j Several buildings in Santa Marta were j then blazing, having been ignited by | the few triiops left there to oppose • the attack of the revolutionists. The . town at that time was expected mo mentarily to surrender. Owing to the total destruction of the railroad, the Valencia did not get her cargo of fruit nt Santa Marta, Officers <if the Valencia say that horrible atrocities were committed during the fighting by the rebels, who chiefly used machetes. Almost all of the government troops killed were ! found along the railroad track, their j bodies being terribly mutilated. They | were partially covered by bran; lies of I banana trees. The revolutionists gained posses sion nf Cnlebra without opposition and their possession of that point has nut been disturbed. The government is maintaining au attitude of defense and a desperate engagement is ex pected shortly. Business on the istli i uius is suspended. I'rinee Alert Hefentu Anaconda, Uethlehem, I'a., Sept. 11. Thirty thousand people saw Prince Alert de feat Vnaeonda at the state fair yes terday in the two fastest consecutive | heats ever paced on a half-mile track. The second half of the first heat was covered In 1:01. Time 2:115, 2:0514. The race was for a purse nf $3,000. A Tunnel fliut 1 iiiinei-|<i Tuo Kiltie*. Cumberland, Md., Sept, 11.— The fir t Wabash railway tunnel in this section wa cut through yesterday near WcJlshurg, W. Ya. tine end nf the tunnel i iii West Virginia and the other in Pennsylvania. I'lie work | of placing ihe rail> will begin imuie di .lely. I I.Jtt vr'a 4 rlnii', t hicitgti. Sept. 11. \ ,1 re ilt of a 1 (overs* quarrel, Victor OShca, 11 j young lawyer, yesterday shot and killed his bet rot lied, Kuiily lliigauson, tried 11 |>i|| the i.' it's mollter und Una tried to commit suicide. KILLS BEAR WITH KNIFE. Colorado <;ul«l« Ilei'larm That Proil drill HooteTelt'i LeMou Saved 111* Life. W. E. Tribhle, one of the oldest guides on t.lie western slope, arrived at Ififle, Col., the other day from camp swathed in bandages and splints and bruised and broken in body and spirit, lie credits President Roosevelt's lessons in the use of a hunting knife two years ago with saving his life. Tribhle had gone out into the mountains hunting and fishing, and was caught away from camp without his rifle by a hungry grizzly, which disputed his path. Usually bears are too timid to give fight, but this ani mal took the aggressive from the start, and Tribhle had to fall back on his hunting knife, the only weapon he possessed, lie said of the encoun ter: "1 always thought I would be in a hurry when I met. a bear, and he looked huge and businesslike. I creased him and then he came for me, landed on mv left arm and then scratched my face. I was not long in getting my knife out then, and had pr f, t over being scared, and I stabbed him good and straight, right where Teddy showed us the place, and Teddy was right, because the thing rolled over, and I knew he was mine. I was just getting ready then to feel my arm hurt and my head was bleeding badly, when the mate hove in sight and took her medicine straight." Nothing rounds out the pleasures of life like a circle of friends.—Chicago Daily New*. The mull always has a kick eoming. A joke I hat requires an explanation is no juke.- Clin- IJJO 'O.iilv N'tnvs. An emp'y ]• -1.,-t i- not always cm wed hy an open hand. X. Y. Herald. Wise is the prophet who doesn't b»«t on his prediction.—Cliicago Daily Xews. The Iv/ier a n an is the more he intends to do to-morrow.—Chicago Du'iij X< u "It's terrihhle to he epy so much o' de time," said Meandering M'ke. "Why <• i.n't you goto sleep?" reje.ried I *l CM 1 iii:'g IVte. "You might as weil." "D.it's wiicre you're wrong. It clcrc i- any't'ing I dreads. it's gem' to sleep. I might dream I wus work in'."— Washington Star. Courtesy Due. —"Why in the world is Brokeinan laughing -u uproarouisly at that oM story Caslium told him just now? I've heard Broke man tell it himself a down times, years and years ago." "Probably you have, hut Itrokeman just borrowed a five from ( as hum."—Cincinnati ('oiniiwercial Tribune. "Edward' (ioodley." the Sunday .nchool hu perintendenit announce!, "lias passed the host examination in Bible study. As a re ward I will givo hiin for a 'ici/.e any book he may mime. Xow, lidwar-i, what shall it be?" "Why," said Kdiward, promptly, "I'd like to have'('apt. Firetooth, of the bloody Avengers, or Flash o' Lightning's Feud.' " Catholic Standard. It Worked Well.—"Did you ever trv to kill off the mosquitoes with oil?" "You bet we did," replied the old farmer. "We just flooded the marsh with it last year " "How did it work?" "Oh, it settled t-ie mosquitoes all right and pretty near took the house, too. Somebody dropped a light ed match in it. This year ve're takin' our chances with the mosquitoes, not wishin' to have our lire insurance policy canceled. But there ain't no sort o' doubt that it does the hiisi«es«, ii you're thorough."-*- Chicago I'ohU Years * The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought CenuSno Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Slgnnturo of Soe Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Yexjr aa>U >wl tn ecuy to Va&f> en eugnx. if%«ra-rrri'e»l rM HEADACHE. CARTERS Fen PI/ZIiJESS. FOR BILIOUSIIES9. TMII/CO TOR TORPID LIVER. I M V 11l " FOR CQHSTIMTiO*. < ;5l fir fob sallow skin. !S®e!l Iraa THnco.^ftF.xion . CUMI'INfU IW«TM>i W>*"wmC. i-j /.*■> I i'tiraly VufctaMo.^hi — -J^W ' C-C. 4t f»tf ' "* rUHE SICK HEADACHE. ELECTROTYPES*! I|, .mi »».M» f®r MM »t lh« |a«Mt i i.« l.v I Ll' '• MOTHB«» • »i t- a ir |" (j- ii . . i... M 1 " • ~ -i l'i . IV.-lh lit if t. • Uln.r VI rel li. .. .1 11 uut •»' -l». tuff, i't it ti'»»U. lu* . |>rtt«i!. v. *«. i TO 41* V£*ll I ifi* 1&. - HI >«.*» you mm tmm Hivki IM H»U pt»»r. A TREASURE CAVE OF RELICS. I'rolfHor of < nllionila I'nlvrraily C«»f» on McCloud Itlvor Will Vlcld Geological Curl»«. So important are tlie recent, discov eries of the University of California geological department in the Lime stone eaves on the McCloud river, in Shasta, county, Cal., that. Prof. John C. Merriam, head of the palaon tology work, will join Student As sistant Eustace Furlong, who is on the scene, digging into the- precious deposits for the bone he lias found. Prof. Merriam believes that Fur long has discovered a "fissure cave" and that, to till this crevice in the earth has taken thousands of years. In this case the discoveries will lead back to an indefinite period, and the successive layers o" soil and gravel will prove a veritable storehouse of geological curiosities. I'°rrr Delivery H>Btl)i"r Warning*. The rural free delivery postal serv ice now places frost and cold wave warnings in the hands of 42,000 coun try families. Common sense is the trenius of our ace.— Horace Greeley. TO YOUNG LADIES. From tlso Treasurer of the Youni* People's Christian Tem perance Association, Elizabeth t'aine, Fond <Ju Lac, Wis. "DEAR MRS. I'INKIIAM:— I want to tell you and all the young ladies of the country, how grateful 1 am to you for all the benefits 1 have received from using Ij.vdia !•]. I'inkliam's Vege table Compound. 1 suffered for MISS ELIZABETH CAINE. eight months from suppressed men struation, and it effected my entire system until 1 became weak and debil itated, and at times felt that I had a hundred aches in as many places. I only used the Compound for a few weeks, but it wrought a change in me which I felt from the very beginning. I have been very regular since, have no pains, and find that my entire body is as if it was renewed. I gladly recom mend Lydia IS. Pinkliam'.s Vege table Compound to everybody."— Miss EI.IZA UKTU CAI.VE, 69 W. Division St., Fond du Lac, Wis. — $5000 furfclt if abo>e testimonial is not genuine. At such a time the greatest aid to nature is L,ydia R. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. It prepares the young system for the coming change, and is the surest reliance for woman's ills of every nature. Mrs. Pinkhain invites all young women who are ill to write her for free advice. Ad- Tvvnn. "Horfiß,SwßßtHomß" V!A Big 1 Four TO OHIO, INDIANA and KENTUCKY Tuesday, September 16,1902. LOW RATES TO INDIANAPOLIS and return, CINCINNATI and return, LOI'ISVILLE and return, DAYTON and return, SPRINGFIELD and return, SANDI'SKY ana return, COLI Mill S, O. and return. Alio, Low Katss to Intermediate Point*. Return Limit Thirty Days Tl<*k»'nmu->t 1* dealt nation imnu il;:iii- y upon arnvti.ai.d will t<* »'l! lui.'il for n iurn ton any uhj Within thirty day* fn»m « : tf of attlr, And wtfl !" K- "i for r"iitinuou» only in iat*ii ««ti« .!ttuti. tin* mm . jutuui > i-i iui;-i ns« on (into of validation Kor tii'irt* ami full tnformu'i sit cult oa •ig(*ut> iiiu lu! ii Hitttc J.C. IKMK. UwU. Nor A«tl Itii «ko, WAHKIN J. MUCH, W. P. DIPPf, Asst. U i'.Ai.A UiKCUtMAIIi U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers