4 €<an)eFor) G®ur)fy ]f ress ESTABLISHED UV C. B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: S»er year |u 00 Sf paid is advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Adver! i ementsare published at the rate of one dollar per square for one insertion and tiflyceutg per sauare for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for si* or three months are cw (. nu uniform,and will be furnished on appli cation. Legal and Official Advertising persquare, three times or less, |2 00; each subsequent insertion 50 scuts per square. Local uoticesteu cents per line for onei nsertion, Jive cents per line for eaclisiibsoquenteonsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over live lines, ten cents per sne. Simpleannouucements of births,marriage* •nd deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, live line* or less $5.00 per year »ver five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, »nd affords facilities for doing the best class ot work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION TAID TO Law friulinc. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages MTC paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for taadvanc •. «»-No advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. «S-Religious notices free. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Oovcruor, S. W. PENNYPACKER, Philadelphia. For Lieutenant-Governor, WILLIAM M. BROWN, Lawrence. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, ISAAC B. BROWN, Erie. For Congress, S. R. DRESSER, McKean. E.J.JONES. Elk. •Subject to Decision of Senatorial Convention.] EDITORIAL nUNTION. Senator Matt Quay has leased a beautiful cottage at Atlantic City 'where he intends to remain for the season. In the speech of Senator fiall tnger, delivered about a week be fore the adjournment of Congress, licsays: ••Everyman, woman and child in the Tinted States is equal to ten persons outside of it. Secretary Fox, of the New York Republican State Committee, has compiled figures to show that New York State lias saved 85,605,000 in laxes since the management of affairs came into the hands of the Republicans. Senators Quay and Penrose on Monday met a delegation from Wilkes Barre, representing the People's Alliance of that city. After an extended conference the Senators promised to use their in iluenee to bring about a prompt settlement of the coal strike. Much talk is indulged in as to the po nihilities and probabilities of Senator Mark Hannabeinga presi dential candidate in 1004 but lion, P. C. Edwards, of Ohio, announces, >itii apparent authority, that Sena tor Hanna will not be a candidate, aikl that President Roosevelt will. The wife of United States Minis ter Squires, at Havana, was stopp ed in her carriage by a mounted policeman when about to call upon the wife of the French Minister, and the matter has become one of deplomatic correspondence and in ternational interest. Minister Squire- insists that the policeman shall bo punished. Admir > t Edicott, Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department, is preparing specifica tions for a huge floating dock large enough to float a 10,000 —ton battle ship and to cost iii the neighborhood of 81,250,000, which, when com pleted, will be towed to the Philip pine Island- for the uses of our Navy there. Negotiations have been opened in Washington to adjust the difference between Colombia and Nicaragua, and, if possible, restore friendly relations between those two coun tries. It will require mutual ex planations and apologies to con clude an agreement by which each country will rigidly respect the laws of neutrality and the rights of the other. l'he people of the Philippine Is lands are beginning to understand the great advantages of a set tled government under the supervision of the Unite 1 States, and to realize how they have been mislead as to j the purposes of the United States in ' seeking th pacification of the is lands. Keturns from the customs revenue of the archipelago show that for the first four months of the present year the receipts reach ed nearly 5T',.000,000 in gold; more than twice as much as they were ' for the corresponding months of J 18W), and a considerable increase ! >ver J 90]. Judge Pennypacker is not afraid to light, says the Huntingdon Globe. Having resigned his seat on the bench, he will be ready to go upon the stump and battle for the principles of his party. His high character and his clean record as a citizen and jurist will inspire public confidence and when he shall have been elected, as lie certainly will be, all the people will be satis fied. There is no trouble in the Republican party worthy of serious discussion. When the real busi ness of the campaign is undertaken the rank and the file will be found doing their utmost for the candi dates of their party. As for Hunt ingdon county, she will be found away up front. Only three States, and those of New England, show Republican divisions this year, and all of these upon the liquor question. They are Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire, all more or less weary of prohibition, with great elements seeking high license. If tlie divi sions do not extend to the Congress ional and Legislative tickets, little can result. The Republicans only claim twenty-two majority in the next House at Washington, and a loss of twelve would be disastrous. Hence the need of activity in Penn sylvania. The prosperity of the country is such that business people have no time to engage in a contest over the Presidential nomination. The country was all right under the administration of the great Ma- Kinley, and it is forging ahead under the splendid direction of the youngest man that has ever oc cupied the Presidential chair. The people are more than satisfied to leave the management of their national affairs in such good hands. Pennsylvania Republican gave early instructions in his behalf. Representative Cannon, of Ill inois, stopped over in Washington on his way to take a spin on the Government yacht Dolphin with Secretary Moody. He expressed himself as satisfied with the politi cal outlook, with Chairman Babcock and the Text Vjook, and said that Senator Mason's successor would be a Republican, and not Senator Mason on an Independent Demo cratic ticket. Judge Penny packer's personality is not familiar to the voters outside of Philadelphia and the adjacent counties. They naturally want to see the candidate for whom they are asked to vote, to hear what he has to say and judge him for them selves. This is right, or at least the natural desire of voters, and Judge Pennypacker will respect that desire by going before the people. Speaking of the big crops, says the Philadelphia Press, there is Indiana that wants to be looked at. According to the State statisti cian, the yield of wheat, oats and corn will exceed the totals of any previous year and put more money in the hands of the farmers than any season's crop returned them. That places Indiana in ths anti- Bryan. anti-Democratic column. Zinc and Grinding Mako Devoe Learl and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. tf Three States of the great North west — Minnesota, and North and and South Dakota, have harvested the greatest crops ever known, and one of t'<e States as a result has ordered four carloads of school books. This looks like the end of Bryanism in the Dakotas. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY x Backache All diseases of Kidneys, w » Bladder, Urinary Organs. I*l I 1 B I . AN" Rheumatism, Back I I If i - * ache,HeartDlsease.Gravel, 1 >1 11% I . Dropsy, Female Troubles. V/ M *. M-J Don't become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. If necessary write Or. tenner, lie lias spent a life time curing just such cases us yours. All consultations free. "Dr. Termor's Kidney and Backache Cura is t lie cause of my being alive to-day. 112 iiiid suffered greatly of kidney disease for years and reduced In weight to 120 pounds. 1 now weigh if 15 pounds. W. ii, McUtJGTN, Olive Furnace, O." Druggists. 50c.. 11. Ask for Cook I tonic- Free. ST.VITUS'DAHCE TZZ ?r*£sSS!S3is CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1902. The Democratic plan of battle is to claim much for Pattison, and yet they have no hope of electing him, and all of them know it. They are looking for Congressional gains in the Senate and House—a seat for Guffey in the Senate and a gain of four members, sufficient under their calculations to give tliem control of the next House. Whitney says lie did not intend his remark that the Democratic party "has 110 issue and 110 man" for publication. It must have been intended as an evidence of good faith. Coming Situations. The pending Pennsylvania cam paign will in its early stages deceive those who have not the opportunity to see below the surface. It will appear like a struggle between Pennypacker and Pattison, the leading rival nominee for (iovernor. An early statement of the truth will break misapprehensions Judge Pennypacker is in advance assured of a fine majority. Xo assault can injure him personally, nor can his fitness, ability or honesty be ques tioned. 111 these respects lie is impregnable, and Republicans are fully satisfied. The Democracy, however, grub below this pleasant surface, and seek to undermine the Republican majority in Congress. The estimates of the two Congress ional Chairmen are not far apart. A change of four from the Republi can to the Democratic column in Pennsylvania might mean disaster. A like relative change in New York, Ohio, and Maryland, would give the Democrats control of the next House at Washington. What would that mean? Doubt, un certainty—a great pause in every onwardbusiness movement, and a sure depression. Look at the past when this condition obtained. Enterprise was halted, confidence shaken, a waiting period in which millions suffered. The Republican battle cry is "Prosperity.'" It is here with us every hour and every day. We would keep it with us. and the better to do it we would LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. What the Republicans of Penn sylvania desire, what they are struggling for, what they will achieve if all who desire rally to their aid, though every legiti mate form of effort, is to keep things as they are—to keep a Re publican majority in both the Senate and House at Washington. Therein is confidente, continued prosperity. The Democratic way of dividing by detail will destroy both, and lead us into unknown waters. Pennypacker. It is not too much to say,llo man has held the office of Chief Execu tive in Pennsylvania more fully equipped to discharge its duties than Judge Pennypacker. In one sense, his entire life has been a preparation for the higher duties lie will be called upon to assume. The people of Pennsylvania will make no mistake when they elect Judge Pennypacker their next Gov ernor. Edgar Newton has changed his location to Fifth street, now occuping the front rooms of Mr. F. Crosby's residence, opposite Mr. Catlin'a grist mill. Always in and ready for business; He leaves for his final course at U. of B. on the 20th of Sept. 24-st. TREriENDOUS DROP IN PIANOS. Temple Mu.sic Store is Overstocked and They Must be Sold as Soon as Possible. On account of pianos coming in daily that we have agreed to take, we are overstocked and therefore have decided to cut prices in preference to paying storage and having the instru ments on our hands. Our stock consists of Kimball, Chiek ering, Foster, Ives & Pond, Haines, Knabe and many others which are high grade pianos. This stock is also the largest and most complete in this part of the country. All §3OO pianos go at §l5O, our §350 pianos Will sell at $175 and the §4OO in struments will soon bo gone at §l9B. These are great bargains. Then the $125 pianos will not last long at $217, while the very best makes and styles will be sold at ridiculously low prices. We cannot afford to sell them at these prices all the time, and wo shall only sell them at reduced rates until we can reduce our stock. If you are in the market this is a chance you cannot afford to pass, the terms being §ls cash, and balance at least §5 per month. Remember the place is the Temple Music Store, No. 124 North Union St., Masonic Building, Olean, N. Y. Open evenings. 35-3t Consumption Threatened. "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought i had consump tion,says C. Unger, 211 Maple S'., Champaign, 111. "I tried a great many remedies and I was under tlie care of phvsician.s for several month.-:. I u.-cd one bottle of Foley's lloncy and Tar. It cured me. and 1 have not heen troubled since. L. Tiuigiirt. Look Pleasant, Please. .Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, 0., can do so now, though for years lie couldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst form of indigestion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till lie tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for him that he declares they arc a godsend to sutferes from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole system, Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by L. Taggart druggist. Matrimony has spoiled many friend ships. Shatters All Records. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Ver beno, Ala., paid vast sum to doctors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bueklen's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salve in the world. 2.»e at 1 L. Taggart's drug store. Lots oi girls get married merely to ! irratify curiosity. Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result,—all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no change for "blues." Try tlieni yourself. Only -5c at L. Taggart's. One way to teach children to be good is to set an example. A Worm Killer. J. A. J. Montgomery, l'uxico, Wayne Co., Mo., writes: " I have little twin girls, who have been bothered with worms all their lives. I tried everything to relieve tliem which failed until I used White's Cream Vermifuge; the first two doses brought four worms from one of them, the next two doses, twelve, one of them measuring twelve inches, the other child was only relieved of four worms. It is a most excellent medicine." White's Cream Vermifuge is good for children. It not only destroys worms. It helps the child to perfect growth, wards off sickness. 25c at L. Taggart's. An office boy who is taken on trial often proves to be one. All Were Saved. "For years I suffered such untold mi sery from Bronchitis," writes J. 11. Johnston, of Broughton, Ga.,''that often I was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed. I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered in tensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will eonvencc you it's unrivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guar anteed bottles 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's. Some people are about as useful as a third wheel to a bicycle. Watch for a Chill. However slight at this time ol year and in this climate, it is the forerunner of malaria. A disposition to yawn, and an all tired out feeling even comes before the chill. Ilerbiue. by its prompt stimulative action on the liver, drives the malarial germs out of the system, purifies the blood, tones up the system and restores health. 50c at L. Taggart's. Much of the charity that begins at home is too weak to travel. To My Friends. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon being advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it.—Geo. W. Fry, Viola, lowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depended on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive touic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia. Kodol digests the good food you cat. Take a dose after meals. 11. C. Hudson. The average man is charitable toward all woman except his wife. Not Over-Wise. There is an old allegorical picture of a girl scared at a grass-hopper, but in the act of heedlessly treading on a snake. This is paralled by the man who spends a large sum of money bui'ding a cycle me i cellar, bat neglects to provide his fainilv with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe guard against bowel complaints, whose ; victims outnumber those of the cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy is every- 1 where recgonized as the most prompt and reliable medicine in use for these diseases. For sale by L. Taggart. Fortunate is the young man who poss esses a full set of good habits. A Necessary Precaution. Don't neglect a cold. It is worse than unpleasant. It is dangerous. By using One Minute Cough Cure you can cure it ! at once. Allays inflammation, clears the head, sootli: sand strengthens the mucous membrane. Cuie- coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Children like it. 1!. C. Dodson. Quick Relief lor Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar affords immedi ate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. L. Taggart. It is often convenient to have a small I boy around to blame things on. Cut this out and take it to L. Taggart's drug store and get a free sample of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic. They cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Regular size, 25c, per box. This sort of weather makes the ice man I feel frigid. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give a free sample lof Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver | Tablets to any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders ol the stomach, bil iousness or constipation. This is a new remedy and a good one. L. Taggart. Fall seems to be edging in on summer pretty hard. My boy when four years old was taken with colic and cramps in his stomach. 1 sent for the doctor and he injected mor phine, but the child kept getting worse. I then gave him half a tcaspoonf'ul of Chamberlain's Coiic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon recovered.—F. L. Wilkins, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins is book-keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber Co. For sale by L. Taggart. Venezuela appears to be badly in need of a guardian. stop Colds When you leel one coming on by taking Kpause's Cold Cure. Prepared in conven ient capsules that cure while you work. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Venezuela ought to be taxed to help support our navy. If You Have Headaches Don't experiment with alleged cures. Buy Krause s Headache Capsules which will cure any headache in half an hour, no matter what causes it. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. That Texas woman is talking a lot of chaff about Chaffee. Nerves Like a Flat-Iron. A woman who suffered for three years from nervous prostration says two bottics of Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound effected a complete cure. She hardly knows to-day whether she has nerves or not, as she rever feels them. It is cer tainly a wonderful remedy. Sold by L. Taggart. If France really presents her gun Tur key will come down. Foley'* Kidney Cure. Will cure Bright's Disease. Will cure Diabetes. Will cure Stone in Bladder. Will cure Kidney and Bladder PL-eases. Despite the coronation festivities Kd j ward can still talk straight. Prepare for Business 1 AT A SCHOOL. The Elliott Commercial School of WEST VIRGINIA, have such a reputation. Four Schools: Wheeling, Charleston, Fairmont, Clarksburg. Only the best teachers employed. Write for School literature. ' >H * —- —.... _ PIWMVOR I J)"s™ST I 43 .Ciolrl Medal for high-standard pi quality at New Orleans. 1885; ffi Chicago, 1893. Paris, 1900. IPILES^SuPPosSgI Bjj A „ Matt Thompson. Supt. ■ ■ they do all jnu claim for them." I>r. 8 M. Devon"*, k", B Haven Rock. W. V*., wrlt»*s : " They give uiiirer>al »mis- H H fai'tiou." Dr. 11. D ''lark* burg, Tenn.. writes: H ■ ''ln a pracii— of 23 year . I have found no remedy to H jp : • • j*•• *_■ = I Sold in Emporium l>y L. Taggart and It. C. Dodson. Call for free sample. RCodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. J' cW; tIT BOOK MAILED FREE. ! A.A./FKVKRH, < (ingestion*. Inflamina* CLICKS J lions, Limit Fever, Milk Fever. 11. IIJM'H \I.\K, Lameness, Injuries, CURES J Kht>tiiiinti*m. I V. r.jKOIIK THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootic. I fI'RES S l>i*l«'lll|>er. cui£;(WORMS, Hots, Grulix. j E. K.|('Or(j||ft. folds. Influenza, Inflamed CLUES > Lungs, Pleuro-Piieuninnla. F. I*'. (TOLIC, llHlyarlie \\ iiid-HJowii, j CUIUEB s Diarrhru, Dysentery. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. jKIOVEY <& ULADDEII IMMHUGIIK I. I. (KKIV DISEASES. Mange, Eruption., CUKES {I leers, Grease, Farcy. .1. K. I BAD ( OVIUiMIV, Maring Coat, CUKES ) Indigestion, Htoinaeh Htnggers. 00c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, &c., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John I Streets, New York. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only l>y E. O. DEWITT&CO., Chlcaga Ttiosl. bottfo contains 214 times the 50c. size. R. C. Dodson. Emporium, I'a. (YOUR. FAITH ours if you try Shiloh's Consumption gj, ~ and ours is so strong we 9 11 fr* guarantee n cure or refund money, and we send you free trial bottle if* you write for it. SIIII,GH'S costs 25 cents and will cure Con sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all I.utig Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results. It has been doing these things for 50 years. S. C. WDI.I.S S: C0.._1.iJ(.,y, X. Y. 8 Clover Root Tea corrects the Stomacl^ I KIDNEY-" Bo |ial BACKACHE I ■ All Bladder and f > <TTT>"C , B ! ■ Urinary Diseases. I < ( t\ p. ■ R. C Dodson, Agent, 36 '2B!y. Emporium, Pa CKMRAL State Norma I School, Lock Haven, jPa. - . '--"J* A I J. R. FLICKINGER, A M Sc. D., Principal. Fail term opens Sept. Bth, 1902. Offers free tuition to prospective teachers. This institution is one ol" the foremost Normai Schools of the State. Has the handsomest and most modern buildings, a svell educated faculty, and a beautiful location. It also offers excellent courses in Music, Elocution, Shorthand and has an excellent College Preparatory de partment. Expenses absolutely lower than in any othtr instit'itian of equal rank. Address, for illustrated Catalogue, H>2m THE PRINCIPAL. I®® STERLING RUN, PA. I We have returned from the city, B and as usual we bought too many ■ goods. The goods are on our shelves I for your inspection and we invite the public I " come and inspect thom and I get price?. We will sell these nice I up-to-dategoodsforthe next THIRTY 5 DAYS at a very small margin to re duce our stock. NOW IS THE TIME FOR GOOD BARGAINS. We sell BRUSSELS CARPET from sample, we measure your room, cut carpet to fit and sew it if you wish. We carry INGRAIN carpets and FLOOR MATTING in Stock. Our prices on matting are 16c, 20c, 25c, 28e, and 30 cents per yard. We are agents for DEMOREST SEWING MACHINES, DEERING HARVESTER COMPANY, AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL FERTILIZER CO. J. K. SMITH, Sterling Hun, l»a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers