KM I*o LiIUM MILLING COMPANY. PltlCE LIST. Emporium, Pa., July 2, 1902. NEMOPHILA, pel sack |1 20 Graham, " 60 7 < ye " tiO Buckwheat " Patent Meal " 50 tJoarse Meal, per 100, 1 50 ChopKeed, " 1 50 Middlings. Fancy" 1 50 Hran, 1 10 Cam, per bushel H4 WhiteOa M, .-r 6S Choice Clovt-i Seed, "1 } Market Prices. Fancy Kentucky Blued rasa, I R.C. DODSON, THE Brucjcjist, I»A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. It. C IIODHON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL, UKPA RTMENT. PERSONAL UOSSiP. Contribution* invited. That which yon would \ like to see in thin department,let us know by po»- | <al card or letter, personally. John Munsell has moved his family ' to Williamsport. Alex. McDonald, of Eldred, is in town this week. Mies Milroy, of Buffalo, is the guest of Miss Eva Yates. Geo. Shafer, of Sinnamahoning, visit- ; ed in Emporium on Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Blum spent last Sunday : with friends in Portland Mills. Miss Grace Vuorhees, ofCuba, N Y., was guest of A. E. Gross and family this week. Geo. Palmer is rejoicing over the ar- ! rival of a young lady at his home last 1 Sunday. Anson Lyman, of Austin, attended ; the funeral of his brother Oscar here | on Sunday. Johnnie Welsh of Sterling Run was visiting his young friends in town on j Tuesday. Miss Ada Montgomery, of Nevada, is the guest of her cousin Miss Alice Montgomery. M. Blodget, and J. V. I tanscom, of ; Sinnamahoning transacted business in i town on Monday. Attorney Smith, of Port Allegany, j was shaking hands with friends in ! town on Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Butler, of Port Alle- j gany, is visiting C. L. Butler and family on West Fifth street. Joe Hicks, of Elmira, returned to Emporium on Monday and joined the 1 Smith force of painters. Mies Olive Martin, of Hulls, Potter j county is visiting in town guest of| Henry Kleese and family. Miss Shurtleff of Philadelphia is the .guest of Miss Encie Howard at her pleasant Fourth street home Miss Rose Suhnell and Miss Lucie Becker, of Port Allegany, were guests of Rev. Father Downey the past week. Mrs. David Weil, and son, of Buffalo, spent Friday and Saturday in town guests of her brother R. 11. Hirseh and wife. J. V. Morey, of Titusville, a member of the National Guard who was return ing from Gettysburg spent Sunday in town, guest of Rev. F. W. McClellan j and wife. ftl MIXED IN WO MINUTES. T 1 nir . I Ja®" - Longman and Martinez * I 61. L. &M. PAINT AT - $1.70 PAINTS. l! 1 61. PURE LINSEED OIL AT 75c. - .56 Actual Cost $1.29 Per Gallon. Any buliding not 112! SX~7 112 MAKES I; GALLONS FOR - - - $2 2 6 sat,sf " ac t°nly painted will be tepainted at our expense, |j| / V^Tr —* 27 years ot sale. 6; Ms® l-I. S. LLiOYD. | ... i _ jQ), W. L. Sykes was seen on our streets ' recently. A. F. Morgan and family have moved j to St. Marys. J. R. Droney of Olean is looking after , business interests in town this week. | J. I. Hagerman of Lock Haven, was transacting business in town on Tues: i day. j The condition of Mrs. Charles Krebs J of East Third street is slightly improv i ed. John E. Smith, of Sterling Run, was transacting business in town on Wed -1 nesday. McClellan Miller, of Millers Run was called here on account of the death of I Isaac Lewis. j J. A. Freindell is in Austin this week j looking after business for the Murry, Coppersmith Co. Mrs. Geers, left on Monday after a short visit with her brothor O. W. O'Dell and family. Mrs. Geer lives in | the state of Kansas. Mrs. J. Q. Bryan and daughter Miss Nina Bryan spent several days this week at "Fairview Dairy" on Bryan Hill. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Coppersmith and I children left on Wednesday morning I for a few days visit at Pittsburg and | Freeport. Mrs. S. L. Stoddard and I M. Rey nolds who attended the funeral of Mrs. ; Jacobs at Shingle House returned on i Monday. Mrs. Lindley Beattie, and son of Buffalo, who have been visiting in town | for some time returned to their home on Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Laumer, returned on Tuesday after several days visit with friends and relatives at Olean, Brad j ford, and Port Allegany. Mrs. Rogers and daughter Cecil of Binghamton, N. Y., will arrive in town this week, to visit Mr. and Mrs. M. T. i Hogan on West Fourth St. Mrs. R. P. Bingeman and children returned from visiting at Galeton and with Mr. Bingeman at his lumber camp near Gaines, Tioga County. i Miss Sadie Chapman of East Third ! street, left last Tuesday for William- I sport where she will spend Ihe next J two weeks visiting friends. Mrs. Rufus Baker and children, of j Coudersport, accompanied by Miss | Ada Kissell, of Sterling Run were j visiting in town on Saturday. Mrs. G. L. Hyde of Sinnemahonig, and Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Hopkinson from Driftwood attended the services at Emmanuel church last Sunday morn ■ i»K- Mr. and Mrs. Kendig, of Lancaster, ; have been in Emporium for some time. Mr. Kendig is looking after the Noyes estate in this county we have been in formed. A. F. Andrews, the obliging and in telligent salesman inj. if. Day's store, was a PRESS caller last Friday. "Art" , is a valuable man for Mr. Day and popular with his trade. Hon. L. Taggart, wife and daughter Miss Flossie, went to Buffalo on Mon day and returned via Erie on Tuesday, enjoying a delightful pleasure trip on i j the lake from Buffalo to Erie. Miss Maine Clair, who has been visit ing her parents at Cameron the past two weeks left for her home in Boston last Friday, her sister, Miss Delia Clair accompanied her as far as Niagara Falls where they spent Sunday with i friends. Prof. Ling, the newly elected Princi pal of Emporium schools visited in Emporium a few days last week, get ting acquainted with our citizens. He made the PRESS sanctum a friendly call and we found him a very genial ! gentleman. Ben S. Gunzberg, who for the past ten years has so successfully managed Gunzberg's clothing, tailoring and gents furnishing store, will leavo this week for Pittsburg. After looking over the field there Mr. Gunzberg may lo cate permanently in that city. He is also offered very flattering induce ments in Milwaukee, Wis., and he has not yet made up his mind in which city he will remain. Mr. Gunzberg is a thorough young business man, popu lar and of a genial disposition and will have little trouble in getting along well wherever he may locate. The Renovo store will hereafter be managed by Mr. 1. S. Gunzberg, who is also a first-class tailor, and whose experience in the J general clothing business is a wide one.—Renovo News. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUYL 24, 1902. Jas Quinn has accepted a position in j Austin. ' John Dodge in visiting friends at Smethport. Fred Colson, of Austin, is visiting liis parents at this place. Geo.W. Vernes, of Williamsport,was noticed on our streets on Wednesday. Mrs. J. P. McNarney entertained a large number of lady friends last even , »"K- Mrs. Chas Segar and Mrs. J. H. Swain visited at Austin and Galeton on Tuesday. John H. Day and sister Mrs. Metzger j left this morning to visit relatives at Jamestown, N. Y. Mrs. Jacob Weigner, of Portland Mills, was guest of A. E. Gross and family on Monday and Tuesday. Mother Always Keeps It Handy. ; ".My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," says L. W. Spalding, \ erona, Mo. ,l Pwo years ago I got her to try Ivodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy six, eats anything she wants, remarking, that she fears no bad affects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your stomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food. It is nature's own tonie. 11. C. Dodson. Preached to a Hatless Audience. At the morning services at one of the M. K. churches at Williams port last Sunday, Rev. \\\ E. Stevens, formerly pastor of M. E. church at this place, announced that notwithstanding his heighth of six feet many in the congregation complained of being unable to see him, owing to the intervening millinery. He therefore suggested that at futurs meetings the women remove their headgear, and that evening scarcely a women in the audience, old or young, wore a hat or bonet. Mr. Stevens also told his congregation that they need not be surprised if at any time he sat down to preach. Christ, he said, usually sat when he taught the multitudes, and be could see no reson why a minister should always stand up to preach. The New York Tribune says: The Kansas farmers have overcome the physical inertia of the hobo. They did it with a gun. The defi ciency of farm bands in Kansa sis estimated at about 10,000 men. The harvest fields, with their golden seas of over-ripe grain are calling for men. A freight train westward bound was wrecked near the town of Pratt. On the train were aO or 00 tramps bound for Colorado for their health. The farmers heard of it, and offered them 82 a day and plenty of food and shelter. They declined the olfer. Thereupon the farmers tried shotgun persuasion, with the result that nearly all of the tramps are now toiling in the harvest fields of Pratt county, and they will be kept at it until the wheat is all garnered. The' picturesque features of the episode is furnished by the women of the farms, who are acting as guards, each armed with a shotgun. If the Pratt county idea spreads it may offer a solution of the whole tramp problem. No. :tvr>r>. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL, BANK, AT EMPORIUM, IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JULY 16, 1902. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $221,210 96 j Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 681 04! U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits .. 50.000 00 I U. 8. Bonds on hand 660 00 : Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 6,689 38 ; .Stocks, secureties, etc 46,710 60 Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 7,636 10 Other real estate owned 6,530 49 1 Due from National Banks (not reserve ageuts) 3,274 09 Due from approved reserve agents 29,348 88 Internal-Revenue Stamps 60 24 1 Checks and other cash items 9 00 Notes of other National Banks 10 00 Fractional paper.currencv, nickels and cents )71 2 6 LAWFUL MONBV RESERVE IN BANK: Specie $18,606.20 Legal-tender notes 3,190.00 21,796 20 Redemption fund'with U.S. Treasurer, 5 per cent of circulation 2,500 00 T °tal $417,318 84 Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Cameron, at:- I, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above nameil Hank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' T. H. novo, Caaliicr. Subscribed and sworn to before me 1 I CORRECT— Attest: this 19th day of July, 1902. / GEO. A. WALKER, ) M. M. LARRABEE, J. P. I ( VKR' KN ' ( Directors. Hakes it Hosier for Train Runners. The double track at the BG tower above the city and at the BK tower in the vicinity of Ferney, was connected yesterday. The entire double track between Youngdale and Keating in cluding the new bridge at Queens Run, is now in use, which makes it much easier for train runner and the opera tors. Since the New York Central has been running their trains over the P. and E. and with only a single track in use in several places, the work on this division has kept every body on a strain. When the anthracite coal mines open again the traffic will be greatly increased.— Lock Haven Dem. An exchange says a lawyer in a court room may call a man a liar, ascoundret villian or thief, and no one will make a complaint when court adjourns It a newspaper prints sound reflections on a man's character, there is a libel suit or a dead editor. This is owing to the fact that the people believe what the editor says. The editor of the Dundee Observer has discovered that "whenever the cars run over a farmer's cow, it is always a thoroughbred the company has to pay for. All stock becomes thoroughbred after being run over by the train. There is nothing that improves stock so much as being crossed with a loco motive." Of 90 boy criminals confined in the Kansas City county jail in the last six months, all but two were victims of the cigarette habit. The probation officer ot the county reports further that al! these boys who where induced to give up the cigarette habit were reformed and after their release lived rightly and did well. Those who stuck to the cigarette turned badly after their dis charge. Women are allowed to vote in Col orado, but it has been discovered that the Australian ballot law provides that the voting booths must be so construct ed that the voter's leg be seen below the knees. —[Ex. This feature should certainly tend to get out a crowd on election day and to make the office of inspector of election a desirable one, adds a wicked editor. The man who seen in life the oppor tunity to express himself in the largest terms, who after ascertaining what faculties he has determines to develop them to the highest possible efficiency, who is capable of seeing the sweetness and joy that lie all about him who, being proud, does not allow his body or mind to be defiled, he is the one who obtains the big rewards, the big Buscesses.-Mental Growth and Control. UOCAL NIOTICES. Best Refrigerator for the least money at La Bar's. Come and see the best Refrigerator. The only good one on earth at Laßar's. SHAW'S PURE MALT-Exhilarates and does not poison, that's why Doctors drink it. It is good for sick and old, and excellent for young and well. Sold By 36-47-ly F. X. BLUMLE. If You Have Headaches Don't experiment with alleged cures. Buy Krausu's Headache Capsules which will cure any headache in half an hour, no matter what causus it. Price 25c. Sold by Ji. Taggart. LIABILITIES . Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund 37,500 00 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid 12,488 47 National Bank notes outstanding 49,150 00 Due to other National Banks 1,584 04 Individual deposits subject to check... 213,802 86 Certified checks 35 00 Cashier's checks outstanding 2,758 17 United States deposits 50,000 00 1 ' ■- $■147,318 54 Tbe scarcity of platinum is being more and more felt, the annual output of the metal being less than five tons a year, most of which comes from Russia. It is worth S3OO an ounce. Formerly it was mistaken tor silver and got into Russian coinage so that many of the old coins are being melted to recover the platinum. The North East Breeze says: There's nothing that hurts business so quickly as the prominent presence in the world of a tight-laced, claw-fisted, hawk-eyed, cat-faced, penny-squeezing man, that crosß between a glue-pot and a vinegar jug, who never spends a dollar till he sees a dollar and ninety-eight cents in silver. Just weigh that. Lincoln's Advice. Do not worry, eat three square meals a day, say your prayers, be courteous to your creditors, keep your digestion good, steer clear of biliousness, exer cise, go slow, and go easy. Maybe there are other things that your special case requires to make you happy; but, my friend, these, I reckon, will give you a good lift. New Pension Law. Under the new pension law just passed by Congress, all pensioners un der the general law are entitled to an increase of §lO per month. All pen sioners under the act of June 27, 1890, j who are blind and who are disabled to | that they require the frequent though j not constant attention of another per- j son, are entitled to §3O per month as soon as the law is signed by the presi dent. There are no other changes in the pension law.—Renovo News. Here is a pointer: Don't get angry because it is the common error in wrath to abuse the wrong person. FARM FOil HAI.K. HHHE undersigned offers for sale his farm 1 situated at Four Mile, Cameron county con taining 160 acres, 60 acres, of which is improved with good buildings. Will sell at a bargain to the right party and give reasonable terms The farm is located on Buffalo Division of Penn sylvania It. K., within twenty minutes drive of Emporium. Apply to F. P. Sykes. Oaleton. Pa. F. P. SYKES. The Place to Buy CIICJI|> ) \ is AT y ! £ J. F. PARSONS' SDR. CALDWELL'S ffilj YRUP PEPSi fU CURES CONSTIPATION:. " V [ Midsummer Sale j SHIRT WAISTS. I To-day we shall begin a most interesting sale of I I Woman's Shirt Waists. The waists are all well made and I of excellent quality. We have decided to close out our line I at a wonderful sacrifice and will sell all onr remaining stock I at 25c and 50c the waist. Worth double the money. Come and see this money saving event of the season. STRAW HATS. We have a large line of straw hats and our prices can not be beat for lowness. RAINY-DAY SKIRTS. Our stock is comprised of all the latest styles and of best quality of goods in the market. Prices very low. We also have a nice line of muslin underwear. FLOOR COVERINGS. Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums and Oilcloths, thelargest assortment in this section. Prices very reasonable. M. C. THUS. I SPRING HAS COME I As spring opens everyone desires to have something fresh from their own garden as early as possible and FRANK SHIVES' is the very place to buy the best seeds of both early and late varieties. A full line of choice Clover, Timothy, Orch ard Grass, Red Top and Lawn Grass in sea son. Also Millet and Hungarian Grass. Then his choice Hams, Bacon, Fresh Meat and Eggs deserve your attention. A few words about our Groceries and staple articles will not be out of place. Our Coffees and Teas can be relied 011 as always fresh. Sugars and Spices that will always please the thrifty housekeeper, while Canned Goods in every variety are presented for you to choose from. The freshest goods always to be found here Prices reasonable and quality the best. Sole agent for Pillsbury llour, which is known the world over as the best. FRANK SHIVES. ; SUMMER WEATHER i . GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES. DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. Ready to eat groceries, is the essential thing at this season of the year. This store is ever mindful of the wants of the people. You will find our shelves and counters loaded with such things as will lighten the duties of the house | wife, and furnish your table with j wholesome and desirable eatables | ready to serve. If you arc desirous of lessing I the expense ofliving, keep watch | of our. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS. 20C Ap tf' fi "° I6C ISC Red Alaska Salmon, I2C IOC (V " Starc1 '' 7C ISC I'kg Shredded Wheat I2C ISC Pkg Mm, " c - I2C Best Granulated Sugar, 11). £JP I 25 lb. bag, 81.40. 00 i pnrrrr You can't go back UUrrLL to ordinary coffee j once you've used our "Royal'' Mocha and Java. Start the day I with it, it will help to make you ! cheerful. 35cs lb. 3 lbs. 81.00. j J. H. DAY 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers