rattarrESf?? I Our to Goods. Have arrived and we are ready for the Summer campaign. During the past lew months we have almost entirely closed out all left over stock, therefore start in with an Entirely New Stock. READY-MADECLOTHINO, (Stylisn make.) ELEGANT LINK of FURNISHINGS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. We are agents for the LION Brand Shirts and have recently received a very fine assortment of these celebrated SI.OO SHIRTS. %£ "LION BRAND" TRADE MARK gl j lljljjj ivj »... i TSTrrt —rrrrTf |H,j 1 They Are Beauties. We continue tokeepthe. MAC HURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. We want every citizen of this county to call and inspect our present stock, feeling assured that you will he pleased. R. SEGER & SON, Next to Bank, Emporium,Pa \ Adam, \ 112 Meldrum & j > > ] Anderson Co. UUFFALO.N. V. \ THE WHITE ) j! SUMMER. } T~\AME FASHION has decreed J ? that this shall be a white year } 1 —more white will be worn than i t ever before. It Is a good choice, d 112 too, for there is no cooler, daint- j I ier summer wear than '-just \ I white" and nothing that makes J } woman kind so fascinating. } | Muslin Dresses. j \ For GracluaUiiKi \ ? Commencements, J > Confirmation, ICtc, s i White Wash Chiffons, sheer, \ \ dainty and fine—to be worn > much, 35c, 40c , /50c, (iOc and > \ 75c a yard. \ ( White Persian Lawns, beauti- > ful qualities, 15c to 7 5c yard. } i White Scotch Organdies, 4.5 > 112 inches wide, will launder per- J p fectly, 2.5 c 35c and 50c. j \ White French Organdies, 72 1 ( inches wide—sheer fine fabrics— J > HOa to $1.25 a yard. } i White Swisses, Irish muslin > \ from Belfast—the most popular ) > fine white goods of the season. > i Best wearing, best washing goods > ( to be had,Vsc, 35c, 40c, 50c, P > 00c, 75c and 80c a yard. \ i White Pique for skirts, French i I and English warps, the finest ? > corded goods made, 25c, 50c > i and 75c. \ \ Extra Special. ) 112 100 pieces fancy lace stripes, ) > cheviots, madras, and Oxfords, > \ for waists, were 25c and -i > s Samples Cheerfully Moiled. <r £ The Restaurant i r Out-of-town patrons will find tlie cafe J \ an excellent p'ae** to relieve the te<iium 1 £ of shopping. Finest teas and coffees J \ served. Hot dishes in ten minutes. \ i YOU CAN sii(»P BY MAIL. J v Orders attended to thesameday received, i 3 Adam, ), j Meldrum & \ Anderson Co. } ? TlieAmericac Block, \ \ BUFFALO, N. Y \ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to cat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents format ion of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. Ht can't help but do you good Prepared only liy E. O. PP. WITT & Co., Cliicaga Tbo sl. bottle contains ~'.i timestlie&oc. size. It.C. Dodson. Emporium, l*a. : IT• BOOK )I .MLK» E A. A.IFEVERfi, (Congestions, liiflanuna- CCUES) IIOIIH, l,uiiir Fever, Milk Fever. 11. LameneMH, Injuries CUKES S H liruiliiitisill. r. ( JKOUE TiIIIOAT, Quinny. Epizootic. CURES } Distemper. | WORMS, Bots. Urulm. E. E. jCOl'OHfi. ('olds. Influenza, Inllnßied CU.IKIS J LuiiiSM, Pfeiiro-Pneuiiionfa. F. r.M OIJC, Ilell\ nehe Wind-Mown, CURES) lliurrhen. Uycriilery. U.ti. Prevent** MISCAIUUAUE. HJ'BHB ( K,D * EY & BL VnUF.lt DISORDERS. I. I. iSKIX DISEASES. Manse, Eruption,, CUKES} l'lei'rn, <ircu«<-. Farcy. ,1. K. IHA D CONDITION, Stnrln* <'oot. CURES { liidiitcnliiiii, Stomach Stniiitcr*. CUc. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, &c„ 87. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John 8tro«t», New York. ASK YOUR DRuaaisr FOR THE "EO CROSS BOOKLET. (MAILED FREE.) vtOMEf EEFUHDED II" BOX A3 V7E SAY L. Tajjgart. S rsr¥ Tlffi A c " rc if you u.t ■ sHIiES 11 ™" Supposiion] B Supt. ■ HB 1 ' ' '''i;f, „ t 1 . S'.'M in Emporium by L. Taeeart and R. C. Doiisoll. Cf.U for free satnple. Iturongli Ordinance No. 42. \ X ORDINANCE, prohibiting persons under A sixteen years of age from being (and the parents, guardians or others having legal care and custody of such persons from allowing and permitting such persons to be) on the public streets, lanes, alleys or public places in the Borough of Emporium, at night, after the hour of eight o'clock, p. m., from the first day of Nov ember to the thirty-first day of March, and after the hour of nine o'clock p. m., from the first day of April to the thirty-first day of October, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof. SECTION I— He it enacted and ordained by the Chief Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Emporium, and it is hereby enacted and or dained by the authority of the same. That it is hereby made unlawful for any person under sixteen years of age to be or remain in or upon the public streets, lanes, alleys or other public places in said Borough, at night alter the hour of eight o'clock, p. m., from the first day of Nov ember to the thirty-first day of March, botl. in clusive, of each year, or after the hour of nine o'clock p. m., from the first day of April to the thirty-first day of October, boll) inclusive, of each year, unless such person is accompanied by a parent, guardian or other person having legal care or custody of such minor person, or bears a written statement dated that day and signed by the parent orguardian, declaring that said child is 011 a necessary errand, EXCEPT persons whose employment makes it necessary to be upon such public streets, alleys, lanes or public places dur ing night after the hours specified, but this ex ception shall not apply when the person under age shall be playing or unnecessarily loitering in or upon any such street, alley, lane or public Slace. A bell to be known as the "CURFEW ELL" shall be rung three times, fifteen minutes before the appointed time, as a warning, after which all such minor persons shall be required to be home or off the streets, except as hereinbe fore provided. SECTION ll.—lt is hereby made unlawful forany parent, guardian, or other person having legal care or custody of any person under sixteen years of age to allow or permit any such minor person while in such legal custody togo or be in or upon the streets, lanes, alleys or public places in said Borough within the time prohibited by Section I of this Ordinance, except as herein provided. SECTION lll.— Each member of the police force, aud Bpecial policemen of said Borough, are here by authorized to arrest any person violating the provisions of Section lof this Ordinance. Any such child so found after the time specified shall be liable to be warned by said police officer togo home, and if, after such warniug, the child shall be fonnd loitering on the streets, lanes, alleys or other pnblic places, such child may be taken by such officer to its home; and if such police oHicer be found favoring any such child he shall be dismissed from the police force. SECTION IV.—Any parent, guardian or other person having legal care and custody of any per son under sixteen years of age, who shall permit such child to violate the provisions of this Ordi nance after having been warned in writing, shall be liable to a line of one dollar and costs for the first offense, two dollars and costs for the second offense and five dollars and eosu for the third or any subsequent offense, which fine shall be col lected by proceeding-; before the Chief Burgess or any Just f:e of the Peace, of saiil B ir.uigh, in the manner provided by law for the collection <>r I fines and penalties imposed for the violation of Borough Ordinances. SECTION V.—lt is hereby male unlawful for any person to forge or present to any police of ficer, Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace charg ed with carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance, a fradulent or forged yvritten Ftate inent, where snid statement is represented as re quired by Section I ofthisOrdlnance. Any per-on so forging or presenting a frudulent or forged written statement to nn.v such ol!!"er shall bo fined in a mini not less than one dollar or more than five dollars, with costs, to be collected in the same manner provided in section IV of this Ordinance. SECTION VI. -This Ordinance shall take effec as sjon as legally advertised. Passed the liftht day of Mav, Anno Domini, IGO2. O. P. BAI.COM, ATTEST:— President of Council. C. JAY GOODNOUOII, Sec'y. Approved, the 6th dav of May, A. I)., IHO2. E.O.BAR DWELL. Chiefßurgess. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 19c 2. Tornado Sweeps Minnesota. UI.KN, Minn., June 10.—A tornado formed five miles west of this place between 4 and 5 o'clock this afternoon and swept over an area one half mile wide and probably twenty miles long. It took a southeasterly course, demol ishing farm buildings, killing four persons and injuring many more. Reports from varrious sections are to the effect that mauy persons were bad ly injured. The eggs Belong to the Farmer's wife. Fanner's wives have not too much fun in their lives. Here is something that will make glad their souls. Near Wauhegan, 111., a farm woman had pre pared a fine basket of eggs for market. Iler husband, like too many husbands, took it for granted that what was lier's was his and what was his was his own, grabbed the basket of eggs and was making off with them to sell them for himself and keep the money- The wife resolved that he should not do it if she could prevent, forcibly seized and at tacked him to keep him from taking her basket of eggs. The result was a fight that brought the matter into court. There the justic, evidently in favor of the new woman, decided, that the wife was quite justified in her attack on the man and that the man had no right to take the eggs. "The eggs upon the farm, said the judge, "belong to the farm woman for pin money." Hear ye, Hear ye! The eggs produced upon a farm belong by law to the farm woman, Suggestions for Correspondents. The following sensible suggestions for newspaper correspondents by Bro. Borland of the Franklin News. Avoid sensationalism. Always use "etc." in preference to "&c." Do not use the word "Sabbath" for "Sunday." Correct punctuation is essential to all writing. Commence every sentence with a capital letter. Don't make any veiled references about persons. Above everything else, write proper names plainly. Do not use the character except I in firm names. The time any item of interest occurs is always essential. Do not abbreviate the names of per sons, days or articles. Items that cannot be confirmed should not be handled. The editor is not inspired and cannot always guess your correct meaning. Always give titles of persons, such as Captain, Lieutenant, Doctor, Pro fessor, etc. Never write anything about any per ' son you would not like to see in print about yourself. Give initials and full name when pos sible. The abbreviation "Mr." should be dropped. "State," when refearing to Pennsyl vania or any other State in the Union, should begin with a capital "S," By observing the above your letter will be handled more easily and give better satisfaction to both yourself and the editor and publisher. In reporting any item always re member the five W's —What, Who, When, Why and Where. If this is ob served, the item will be complete. Insomnia Is caused by a derangement of the nerves. Liehty's Celery Nerve Com pound is an extract of celery combined with other efficacious medical ingredients resulting in a nerve medicine of rare virtue and wonderful in its prompt and soothing curative effects. It will make you sleep. Sold by L. Taggart. •Yellowstone Park and Alaska Tours. Under escort of The American Tourist Association. Special Sleeping Cars leave Chicago Tuesday, July Ist, at 10 p. m., via. THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL R'Y. Extended time in Yellowstone Park, and extra day at each hotel. Special stages and rooms already reserved. Alaska on the new and elegant S.S. "SPOKANE." Choice rooms reserved. The itinerary includes the Columbia River, Glacier, Banff, and Canadian National Park, TICKETS INCLUDE ALL EXPENSES EVERYWHERE. Hotels, cirriaegs, railroad and slesping carfares, meals in dining ears, berths on boats, etc. For circulars, maps, itineraries, etc., oddress C. C. Mordough, Traveling Passenger Agent, C. M. & St. P. R'y. Cincinnati, 0., or P. A. Miller, General Pastenger Agent, Chicago, 16 2t The Place to Buy Chea| ) J. F. PARSONS ? IN QUANTITY. BEST IN QOALiT^ ii white'S Jm B | gVERMiFUGEs £ FO« '2Q Y£ARS 112. \ Hag led ail WORM Remedies. '% ') FVEBY BOTTLE GUMMTEEB. H ■i SOLDBVAU,BBIG«ISTB ft M Prepared hj V V BICHAUaSOft IIFDH INK CO., ST. I.OCI*. 0 For sale by L. Taggart 21y. Hot Weather Weakness. [f you feel fagged out, listless and lacking in energy, you are perhaps suffer ing l'roni tlio dibilitating effects of summer weather. These symptons indicate tlut a tonic is needed that will create a healthy appetite, make digestion perfect, regulate the bowels and impart uatural activity to the liver. This, Herbiue will do; it is a touic, laxative and restorative. 11. J. Freegard, Propr. Grand View Hotel, Cheney, Kan., writes: "I have used Ilerbine for the last 12years, and nothing on earth can beat it. It was recommend ed to me by Dr. Newton, Newton, Kan." 50c at L. Taggart's. Truth naver dodges up an alley, no matter whom it meets. Tax ou Babies. Extreme hot weather is a great tax upon the digestive power of babies; when punv and feeble they should be given a fey doses of White's ('ream Vermifuge, the childrens' tonic. It will stimulate and facilitate the digestion of their food, so that they soon become strong, healthy and active. 25c at L. Taggart's. If you want your wife to act liku an angle treat her like one. Interesting to Asthma Sufferers. Daniel liante of Olterville, lowa writes, "I have had asthma for three or four years and have tried about all the cough and asthma cures in the market and have received treatment from phvsi cians in New York and other cities, but got very little benefit until I tried Foley's Honey and Tar which gave me immed iate relict and I will never be without it in my house. I sincerely recommend it to all." L. Taggart. your failure is as sweet to your rivaj as it is bitter to yourself. Xo good health unless the kidneys arc sound. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys right. L. Taggart. A smart fool is dangerous and an ig norant one is still more so. During the summer kidney irregulari ties are often caused by excessive daink ing or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. L. Taggart. Approval of a mar's conscinieo sel donie helps to boosr his salary. Constipated Bowels. To have good health, the body should be kept in a laxative condition, and the bowels moved at least once a day, so that all the poisonous wastes are expelled daily. Mr. G. L. Kdwards, 142 N. Main St., Wichita, Kansas, writes: 11 1 have used Ilerbine to regulate the liver and bowels for the past ten years, and found it a reliable remedy." ~>oc at L. Taggart's. Water—the stufl corporatsons arc made of. On the first indication of kidney trouble, stop it by taking Foley's Kidney Cure. L. Taggart. Philanthropist—A man who gives away what he can't use himsclf- Warning. If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure, you will have only yourself to blame for re sults, as it positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder diseases. L. Taggart. Financier—A man who grabs off' to the limit. Was Wasting Away. The following letter from Robert 11. Watts, of Salem, Mo., is instructive. -'I have been troubled with kidney disease for the last five years. I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggest ed without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am now sound and well." L. Taggart. Captain of Industry—One who lives off' the profits of another's work. Happy Time in Old Town. ' We felt very happy," writes R. N. Bevilll, Old Town, Va., "when IJuek len's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." Tt delights all who use it tor Cuts, Corns. Burns. Bruises, Boils, 1 leers, Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. Subsidy—A synonym of steal. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples, but worse yet is a body that's pol luted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life l'ills and avoid untold misery. They give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c at b. Taggart's drug store. Destiny— A good excuse for any old thing. Cronic bronchial troubles and summer coughs can be quickly relieved and cured by Foley's lloney and Tar. L. Taggart. Ten Years in Bed. K. A. Gray, J. I'. Oakville, Ind., writes. "For ten years I was confined i to UJV bed with dise.'iM' of my kidneys, ft ! was so severe that 1 could not move part of the time. 1 consulted the very best i medical skill available, hut could get 110 relief until Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me. It lia-3 been a Godtcnd to me. L. Taggart. I Harness! \ You can make your har- l/mflmftfli 1 El new tui Hoft as a glove lißPNoff*-!> §1 and na tough aa wlro by llmi T/X> > II ualng EUREKA Unr- V /jKfi (a nen Oil. You can IWj /HBtV> M lengthen Its life—make It IW /mWt&i M laat twice an long as It | EUREKAF Harness Oil i I mnkae a poor looking har- tHI I Jiesa like new. Made of HB 112 pure, heavy ho<l!e<l oil, 03- Qflß pedal l.v prepared to with- \EK| stand thu weather. .Hi Bold everywhere fIK In cuns—all sizes. \?B3l Made bj STANDARD OIL CO. \M ||A MAN I ■ becomes languid, Irritable and de- I spondent, through loss of nerve vigor. I I*ife seems a mockery. The courage, I ■ force, vigor and action which charac- I p tcrize full-blooded men, are lacking. C have kindled the light of hope in many ■ I a man's face. They bring vigor to the I I weak and ambition to the despondent. I ! They permanently check the weak- I ' I cniug drains, feed the nerves, enrich I I the blood and r.inke men over gener- I S SI 00 per box : 0 boxes So.oo. With a B gj S r ).uo order we issue a written guaraii- 9 R tee to refund the money if 110 cure be fag ■ effected. Book free. PEAL MEDICINE B WS Co., Cleveland. Ohio. [g For sale by R.< . Dorison, Bmp<rhim, 1'a.51 KheumatEmß |KIDNEY«»'"fSS| ' BACKACHE™! ■ All Bladder and T> "C l l I Urinary Diseases. XxJC<* R. C. Dodson, Agent, 36-281.V. Empnriuni, Pn Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. f.K'F THE EACiLE SCREAM! lie Lake Eiie ironing Giraii, ST. MARYS, PA., JULY i, 2,3 and 4. PURSES $4,800.00 .... 150 HORSES WILL COMPETE. Programme of Classes and Purses. TUESDAY, JULY i. No. 1. 2.28 Class Pacing, Purse, $400.00 Xo. 2. 2.15 Class Pacing, Purse, 400.00 No. 3. 2.20 Class Trotting, Purse, 400.00 WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. No. 4. 2.30 Class Trotting, Purse, $400.00 No. 5. 2.15 Class Trotting, Purse, 400.00 No. 6. 2.18 Class Pacing, Purse, 400.00 THURSDAY, JULY 3. No. 7. 2.12 Class Pacing, Purse, $400.00 No. 8. 2.17 Class Trotting, Purse, 400.00 No. 9. 2.12 Class Tiotting, Purse, 400.00 FRIDAY, JULY 4. No. 10. Free for All {" e, Tier^T,arrc«i I ! r!nce I Purse, $400.00 No. 11. 2.24 Class Trotting, Purse, 400.00 No. 12. 2.22 Class Pacing, Purse, 400.00 ENTERIES CLOSE JUNE 24, 1902. This promises to bo .1 banner meeting. Concerts between the ltaces by the THE CELEBRATED SILVER CORNET BAND. Everything will be conducted Clean and Honorably. SEE THE RACES AM) THE SPORT EACH DAY. WM. KAUL, Sec'y Perfect Ice Cream Powder Is instantly reidy for use. requiring only the addition of one quart of cold milk, half milk and hair cream, r all cream, to mak i 1 two qua ri -of as fine It'E CUKAM as any confectioner can make. flavors for Ice Cream are, Raspberry, .strawberry. Vanilla. Chocolate and Plain (unflavortd to be used with frosli fruits or in making up fancy ere tins. Pel l'ect Water Ice Powder requires only the addition < 112 one quart of col I water to make two quarts of WATBR ICE or SHHItUET. Flavors for Water Ice are, Lemon and Orange. Send us 20c ami we will mail you a package of any of the above flavors, with our booklet, full of valuable receipts lor makin ,'all kinds of plain and fancy Creams and Ices. O. J. WEEKS & Co.. 91 Murry St., New York City, N. Y. 11-131 You Could Look^ B. A. intothe future and see tliecondition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring you, you would seek relief at once—aud that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption J M « Guaranteed to cure Con • ,llWrt~ sumption, Bronchitis, "•* ■ Asthma, and all Lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. 25 cents. Write to S. C. Wells & Co., l,e Koy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. Clover Root Tea purities tht Bloody KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. EM CV'O kidney cure is» 51] IX I u Guaranteed Remedy |or money refunded. Contains i remedies recognized by emi ! nent physicians as the best for ' Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SJ.OO. i L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 116 28. RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE * * of Me. O-xixla.'Z 1 produce s tUo above results In 30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fait Soucgnieu will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surels restores Nervous ness. LoEt Vitality, Impottncv, Nightly Emissions, Lest Fovrer, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or txctEsand indiscretion, which unfits one lor study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting nt the teat of diseasa, but isanreat nitre tonlo and biocd builder, bring ing baclt tlir, pink blov;- io pala cheeks and re storing the fire of yonth. It wards off Insanity end Consumption. Inßist on having REVIVO.no other. It cun bo carried in vest pocket. Ey mail 81.00 per package, or six tor SO.OO, with a posl tlvo written fmarantea to euro or refund she ir.or.ey. Book and advlso free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., For Sale in Emporium, by 11. C. n.— 12!y ICodoE Dyspepsia Ostre ' Dtgosts what yo,« cat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers