HELD BY THE SNOW Train Stalled on the Prairies for Four Days and Five Nights. Wortt Illlzzard Seen In .Many Year*™ Tivo Hundred and Fifty I'm iriiifcrt Had a Kleroo l'lcht with Cold and Huuser. St. Paul, April 3.—.Passengers ar riving here yesterday on a Great Northern train, due last Friday, tell of being- snowbound for four days and live nights on the prairies of {North Dakota in the midst of the worst blizzard the northwest has seen in many years, with only food enough for two meals a day, and with such a small amount of fuel that the ladies had to wrap them selves in blankets and the men to wear their overcoats day and night to keep from freezing. The train Was completely lost to the world. Late Thursday afternoon it picked its precarious way out of Williston in the hope of being ablo to reacli Winot, some 14 miles to the east, be fore night. Almost midway, at a little stopping place called Ray, where there is only a siding, a water tank and a coal shed, the train was stalled. The train of eight coaches containing 250 passengers was on the siding, with all communication cut off. Then began the long siege, dur ing which the cold had to he borne and hunger stifled. There was an incipient riot on the first day. The second-class passen gers insisted that they must have as xnuch or more food than the others, and as they were in larger numbors and had more ravenous appetites it was difficult to confine them to their quota. Monday evening Prof. Colegrove, of the University of Washington, who had been despondent and morose, at tempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. There was a physician on the train but he had no facilities for performing the necessary oper ation, and it was absolutely neces sary to get into communication with one of the neighboring towns. In their desperation the passengers broke open everything in the train's chests, and in the conductor's box found a telegraph instrument. A young man, an electrician, faced the blizzard and tapped one of the wires and attached the instrument. He notified the operators at both Mi not and Williston of what had occurred. From each place a snow plow was started in front of an engine bearing a surgeon. The one from Minot, after a hard night's work, reached the siding early the following morn ing and the injured man was re moved on the first train to St. Paul, where he was eared for at the city hospital. The almost famished pas sengers who had suffered from the cold and exposure were given food und warm berths in the first train pushed through the drifts. The ro tary snow plow made one trip through the drift between Ray and {Minot, but the snow piled in, so rap iuiy that it was necessary for the rotary to pass through again and then precede the passenger through the cut. SIXTEEN KILLED. Victim* of mine Disaster IJurled- Cause of Kxplosloii Not Known. Chattanooga, Tenn., April 3.—ln vestigation yesterday revealed the fact that the Nelson mine at Dayton in which the explosion occurred on Monday is not on lire and has not been. Workmen were engaged Wed nesday excavating the debris. The funerals of the victims recovered were held yesterday. Altogether there were 16 men killed, leaving 58 orphans and H widows. The miners claim that the explosion was due tc failure to sprinkle the mine on Sun day. The prevailing opinion seems to be that it was caused by a com bination of coal dust and gas in the mine. The officials of the Dayton Coal and Iron Co. stated that they have not progressed sufficiently in their in vestigations to make a full state ment, but they claim that the Nelson mine was one of the best governed mines at Dayton. State Inspector ol (Mines R. A. Shifllet, of Nashville, made a rigid examination of the mine one week ago and claims it was in first-class condition with very littl* gas apparent. Worst of Hie Winter. Ebensburg, Pa., April 3.—The storm blowing here for the last three days is equal to the worst of the winter. The Ebensburg branch of the Penn sylvania railroad is snowed up and the night train due here at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, has not been able to get through yet. A locomotive sent out to pull the stranded train through is off the track in deep snow, as is also the Cresson work train. SpaldlniE Iteslirn* Ills Ctnliu*. Now York, April 3.—The National league baseball war is practically ended. A. (1. Spalding has resigned Jiis» claim as chief executive of the big organization and the office will be tendered to William G. Temple, of Pittsburg. There will be no further contest in the courts. Mr. Spalding's letter of resignation was presented to the magnates at the second day's session of the peace conference at the Fifth Avenue hotel. tiloodshed feared, Ashland, AVis., April 3. —From indi cations last night bloodshed may be the result of the election in Wayward, county seat of Sawyer county. A bit ter and strained condition is prevail ing there and is at any moment likely to cause trouble. A reform ticket which has been elected by a larg« majority, is said by the incumbent town officers to have been the result of questionable methods and thosa ofiic<r» refuse absolutely to recog nize the newly elected officers as their successors. The city i* in as Mproar. MUCH TESTIMONY. It In tilvon Igelore the House linesll- Ifatlnu Committee. Washington, April I. -The investi gation of charges in connection with the Danish West Indies negotiations was resumed yesterday by the house special committee having it in charge. Aimer McKinlcy was the first witness. Asked as to whether lie knew ('apt. Christmas, the witness said he had met him once in the most casual way in the lobby of the Man hattan hotel, \ew York. He never held any conference with him of any kind or character. Representative Gardner followed with a statement disclaiming ull knowledge of Christmas except of the most casual character. Some one, he said, had asked permission to present a lady and gentleman at his (Gardner's) room. There was a brief meeting and the card left bore the name of Christmas. That was the ex tent of his acquaintance with Christ mas. Mr. Hansen, the next witness, gave his business as an attorney at New York, lie said Christmas told him in 1899 of the movement to sell the Dan ish islands to the United States and of Denmark's willingness to pay lib erally in ease of a sale. Christmas desired Hansen to act as counsel. Witness called on Abner McKinlcy and asked him if he would become as sociate counsel. Mr. McKinlcy re plied that he (Hansen) ought to know that he (McKiulev) would not be retained on any negotiation in which the government was con cerned. Later Hansen said he talked with Col. Drown and requested him to ask the president if there was any inten tion of buying the Danish islands. Col. Drown made the inquiry, the wit ness said, ami was relerred by the president to Secretary Hay. When Col. Drown returned to New York he told Mr. Hansen that the United States did intend to buy the islands. Mr. Hansen then accepted Christmas' proposition, telling him, however, he desired no compensation except to be appointed attorney for Denmark later if the negotiations were suc cessful. Melville IS. Stone, general manager of the Associated Press, next testi fied. He stated that he had general charge of all news matters of the as sociation and had full knowledge of all contracts and business affairs. Mr. Dalzell asked if Christmas ever had any contract with the associa tion. Mr. Stone answered that then was no such contract, NATIONAL BANKS. Kcport ol Comptroller ol'tlic Currency on Itanhs of Small Capital. Washington, April 4. —A statement prepared in the office of the comp troller of the currency shows that during the period beginning March 14, 1900 (the date of the passage of the act authorizing the organization of national banks with minimum cap } il of $25,000, etc.), and terminating a March ill, 1902, there were added to the system UlO national banking associations with capital of $50,269,- 000 and bond deposits as security for circulation of $130„339,500. Included in Ibis number were 121 banks with capital of SS, 505,000, representing conversions of state banks; 290 with capital of $15,130,000, reorganizations of state or private banks liquidated for that purpose, and 503 banks with capital of $26,544,000, primary organ izations. In other words, a trifle over 55 per cent, of the banks organized wera those of primary organization and the remainder conversions or reor ganizations. Classified by capital it is shown that Oil banks with aggre gate capital of $16,004,000 were of the class authorized by the act of March 14, 1000, namely, with individual cap ital of less than $50,000, and 30S with aggregate capital of $34,205,000 banks with individual capital of $50,000 or over. Of the converted state banks 81, with aggregate capital of $2,175,- 000, were of the smaller class, and 40 with total capital of $0,420,000 of the larger class. Comparing condition on March 14, 1900, with March 31, 1902, it is shown that there has been a net increase in number of banks of 805; the capital has increased from $010,308,095 to $672,759,195, or $56,451,100, and circu lation secured by bonds from $216,- 374,795 to $317,460,382, a net increase of $101,085,597. In addition to the foregoing amount of bond secured, circulation on March 31 last there was also in circulation notes to the amount of $40,016,025, for which law ful money has been deposited with the treasurer of the United States on account of insolvent and liquidating banks and associations reducing their circulation. A Sensational Suicide. Niagara Falls, N. Y., April 4. —Delia Tansey, of Buffalo, went over the American falls at G o'clock last even ing. It was the most sensational cataract suicide in years. 'lhe wo man jumped over the railing of Goat island bridge about ten feet from shore. William Connors, of Liver pool, England, who was on the bridge at the time, ran down the shore and waded into the river. A rake was passed to him, which he succeeded in fastening in her clothes. Miss Tan sey begged pietously to be saved. He tried to draw the woman toward the shore, but her clothing tore and she was carried over the brink of the falls. Two hundred people saw the woman goto her death. Claim Juror Was limited. St. Peter, Min., April 4.—While An drew Tanke and his wife were being tried for the alleged murder of the latter's former husband, Anton Kacliel, a juror became sick and de mented. He was taken for treat ment to ttye asylum here, where he died. The jury wus dismissed. It is now alleged that drugs were admin istered to the juror and that lie died from their effect. The authorities are investigating. The parties who gave the drugs to the juror are said to be known and the disclosures promise sensational results. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. LOSS OYER $750,000. Atlantic City, N. J., Ts Swept by Fire. T»'« Ulockn of llul Id In-;* Arc He •troyed. Including Twelve llo tol»--'l'lie I'lre Itaued for I'lve Hourm—No Lum of Lire Known. Atlantic City, N. J., April 4. Twelve hotels and more than a score of small buildings adjoining the board walk, which is built along the ocean edge, were destroyed yester day by a tire which swept Ihe beach front for two long blocks from Illi nois avenue to New York avenue. The loss, it is believed, will exceed $750,000. In this respect the confla gration is the most disastrous that has ever visited this city. The loss will be only partly covered by insur ance as the rate of 5 per cent, charged by insurance companies on property here is regarded as almost prohibitive. Fortunately no lives were sacri ficed, though probably a dozen per sons were slightly injured and burned during the progress of the fire. It was reported early in the after noon that six men had perished in the flames, but the rumor was with out foundation. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is said to have started in either Brady's baths or the Tarlton hotel, which adjoins the baths at Illinois avenue and the board walk. The city is guarded by a company of militia who were requested by the municipal authorities to aid the police in the prevention of looting. About a dozen men were arrested during the day for robbery. The fire was discovered shortly after 0 o'clock in the morning and for nearly five hours the flames raged with such violence as to threaten the city with destruction. All of the burned buildings were frame struc tures and the flames, fanned by a strong southwest wind, swept along the beach front with amazing rapid ity. The Tarlton hotel was soon a pile of smouldering debris and the Haines fed on the small stores and booths between Illinois and Ken tucky avenues until they reached the Stratford hotel, which was soon en veloped. The fiery tongues leaped to the Berkley adjoining, and in a few minutes the new Holland, the Bryn Mawr, the Kvard and the Stiekney, all located on Kentucky avenue near the beach, were doomed. During the progress of the tire the wildest eNeit( ♦ icnt prevailed among the guests of the hotels which later became prey to the flames. With the exception of the Tarlton and the Bryn Mawr, all of tin" hostelries were open for the season and most of them were fairly well filled. A NEW FARTY. "Allied l'eo|)l<S Party of tlie I lilted Mate*" Organized. Louisville, Ky., April 4.—Under the name of the allied people's party of the United States a new political or ganization was formed here yester day, composed of reform elements opposed to the democratic and re publican parties. The platform of the new organization embodies the platform adopted at the conference held in Kansas City last September, when a call for a convention was is sued, "to unite reform forces against plutocracy." It reaffirms the spirit of the declaration of principles adopted at the national conventions of the people's party in St. Louis, Omaha and Cincinnati and the de mand for the initiative and referen dum and the government ownership of all public utilities are its principal planks. Under the plan of organization adopted the national committee of the people's party, with Jo A. Barker as its chairman, will remain intact, with tin- addition of three more mem bers from Missouri, who will have one-half vote each, until the next na tional, this being a concession to the. reform forces of that state. This committee will have power to ca*U a national convention and its headquar ters will be situated wherever the chairman desires, except three months before an election, when they will be in St. Louis. The basis of representation will be five delegates at large from every state and territory and one addi tional delegate for every thousand voters, based on the vote fit the pre ceding national election. In the plank on money, the plat form adopted favors scientific money based upon the entire wealth of the people of the nation and not redeem able in any specific commodity, but to be legal tender for all debts, pub lic and private, and to be issued by the government only and without tlm intervention of banks. (■ot Judgnient lor SGI,GON. New York, April 4.—Judge La combe, in the United States circuit court, yesterday handed down a de cision awarding the American Sugar Refining Co. a judgment against For mer Collector of the Port Bidwell for $61,608, with interest from October 27, 1900. This sum was paid on that date for duties on raw sugar from the new insular possessions of the United States and under the recent decision of the United States su preme court, the exacting of the duty was illegal. Two Army OHlcerw Drowned. Detroit, Mich., April 4.—'While re turning from a fishing expedition in a small sail boat at about 7:30 o'clock last night, Lieut. Howard F. Avery, adjutant of the First battalion of the Fourteenth regiment, stationed at Fort Wayne here, and Second Lieut. W. Ash bridge were drowned by the overturning of the boat in the river about 600 yards below the fort. These officers were accompanied by Trumpeter Richard Tuney, who was rescued while clinging to the .over turned boat anil who is now in the fort hospital in a serious condition MURDER AND SUICIDE. IliiMliaml KIIIm IIIm WIIp mid ICliiivcH Tliimelil to llaic Kl i n 1.-inane. Morley, Midi., April 3. —Kugeno Richards, a well-to-do farmer at Horland settlement, a flag station on tlie Grand Rapids & Indiana road a few miles from here, yesterday shot and killed his wife as she lay ill in bed and then killed himself. He is thought to have been temporarily in sane. Mrs. Richards had been sick for several weeks and worry over her condition is thought to have unbal anced his mind. Karly in the morning he went to the house of a neighbor and tohl them that he had a presentment that both himself and wife would die Wed nesday. Ilis action were strange and the neighbor sent for a physician. Before his arrival Richards had com mitted the double murder. When the tragedy was discovered Uichards was kneeling by the bedside of his wife and both of them were shot through the breast. The deed was done with a single barreled shot gun and Rich ards was compelled to reload it be fore he could destroy himself after killing his wife. The couple had al ways lived happily together. ANOTHER STRIKE. Street Hallway .Tien of Norfolk, Va„ Threaten to «;o Out .tiialn, Norfolk, Ya., April 5. —At a meet ing Friday of street railway motor men and conductors who went out on a former strike against the Norfolk Railway and Light Co., it was decid ed to renew the light against the company. This action was taken as a result of the alleged refusal of General Manager Johnson, of the company, to reinstate employes whose names had been submitted to him. W. 11. Mullen, secretary of the Richmond Trades and Labor Council, has been here for two days for the purpose of financially aiding the strikers. It is reported that Mr. Mul len said there will be a strike in Richmond to-day of all the Williams syndicate employes, including the Richmond Traction Co. The strike here effects only about 300 employes, but three times that number would be called out in Richmond iij the event of a strike. l.ooklni; tor an Importer. Washington, April 4.—-The civil service commission, with the aid of postotliee inspectors ami New York detectives, are engaged in running down a man who found many dupes before his scheme was discovered, lie signed himself as Albert (). Stef fens, "Secretary of the Board of Civil Service Commission. New York Branch," and advertised in a number of papers in this country and Ger many for persons to till positions with the "land surveyors of the Geo graphical Co. at Washington, guar anteeing a salary of $2.,10 a day, free transportation to and from their homes and free rations. The re sponses ran into the thousands and it is said that Steffcns realized a handsome income daily from his operations. iirdcred and It Muskogee, I. T-, April 3.—The dead body of Will Ilayes, 24 years of age, of Wheeling, W. Ya., was found lying in a vacant lot near the business sec tion of Wagoner, I. T., yesterday. A pair of bloody scissors with which Ilayes evidently had been stabbed to death, lay near the body. Tlie man'* watch was missing, and his pockets had been rilled. Six men and three women, all negroes, were arrested on suspicion of connection with the mur der. W ill luvefttleate Condition*. Washington. April 5. —The time of the cabinet Friday was taken up al most entirely with a communication which the president has received from the governor of Louisiana pro testing against the camp alleged to be maintained in that state by agents of the British government for the purpose of supplying mules and teams to the British army in South Africa. The president has directed an investigation into the facts and the law bearing upon the question. A .HjMerioun Case. Deadwood, S. 1)., April s.—Alonzo Bruce, colored, a nephew of the former senator and registrator of the treasury, Blanch® K. Bruce, of Mississippi, was found in his room here Friday badly beaten and bruised and almost in a dying condition, lie had numerous severe contusions about the head and fractures of the skull, and so far has failed to recover sufficiently to relate what happened to him. 'He is in a hospital in a criti cal condition. Heath ot an Old Soldier. Marlboro, Mass., April 3.—Council man .lames I!. Goddard died suddenly last evening of heart trouble. He served in the Third Massachusetts ar tillery in the civil war. In 1865 he was detailed, with others, to capture John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, and it was he who furnished information which led to the capture of two others of the con spirators. Canal Koat» Hull by Klcetrlelty. Hamilton, ()., April s.—The first trip of canal boats on the Miami and Krie canal, drawn by electric motor, was made Friday. Six boats in line, laden with material for building the line to Cincinnati, were drawn easily to Port Union, a distance of live miles. A. It. (ietM Kilt CM. Chicago, April 3. —Reduced rates for the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held in Washington, October 6 to 11, were established by the eastern roads yes terday. The encampment fare will be one cent a mile in each direction. Author and JournaliHt llii't. New York, April 3.—Junius Henri Browne, a widely known author and journalist, died yesterday after a lin gering illness. For years he made •New York City his home and many local newspapers and other publica tions received the benefit of his yea. YOUXG MURDERER. Boy Confessed to Cutting an * Old Mail's Throat. The Victim'* Rody Fut In u Cave and the ICnt ranee Walled I i> with Sluiien « OflleerN Believe Hall' th« Story lla» Not Keen Told. Salt Lake, Utah, April s.—Clyde Felt, the 15-year-old boy who Thurs day stated to the police that he had concealed the body of Sam Collins, the aged watchman of the "Wasataka mines at Warm Springs, after the latter had committed suicide, yester day broke down and confessed that lie had cut the old man's throat in the little cave above Warm Springs, stripped the body of clothing, and after walling up the entrance with stones, had buried the blood-stained clothes. Young Felt said that he had cut Collins' throat only after long urging by the old man, who insisted that he wanted to die and was afraid to commit, the deed himself. Early Friday Felt, with two police men, climbed the hills to the vicin ity of the murder to search for Col j litis' valise, which the boy said the | old man had hidden on the day of his ! death. Felt led the officers up and down the hillside in an aimless man ner for a time and finally stopping, admitted that the story of the valise was a myth; that Collins never had one and that the crime had been committed by himself after Collins had begged him for hours to commit the deed. "Hie had frequently asked me to do it," said the boy, "but I was afraid to. Finally 1 did. Then when he was dead 1 took off his clothes, threw the razor up on the bank and walled in the cave." From statements made by other' j boys in the neighborhood of the I tragedy, however, the police believe that half of young Kelt's story has not been tohl and that behind the j tragedy is a tale of moral degeneracy j and a conspiracy among a number of | young boys in the old man's power, i which finally culminated in Collins' death. A number of arrests prob ably will follow. Felt insists that he was alone with ! Collins when the murder was comniit i ted. Nevertheless the police believe j that the boy has not told all of Ms j story and are working on the theory that others were implicated. DUN'S WEEKLY BULLETIN. Labor Troubles .Hake .Manufacture,;* Wary About New UndertakinSM. New York, April 5.—R.. G. Dun & C'o.'s Weekly Review says: Labor controversies continue to be the only seriously disturbing events ill the industrial world, and, while many disagreements have been promptly settled, others have appeared to. in terrupt production and make manu facturers conservative about new un dertakings. Retail distribution of spring wearing appareL received a cheek from, the more inclement weather i:n many localities, yet mer chandise of most staple lines is pur chased freely, and collections are sat isfactory at nearly all points cxeepti the south. Supplies ot iron and steel do not seem in any immediate danger of overtaking demand. Mid-summer seems to be the dividing line as to quotations, prices after July 1 aver aging about $1 per toil less than earlier deliveries, while, those few fortunate sellers of spot, material continue to secure large premiums. Pittsburg pig iron is definitely higher and large contracts are still under negotiation between the Bessemer producers and the leading consumer. Coke continues to move a little more freely, yet prices are fully sustained. In the markets for textile products there is a distinctly firm tone. Labor troubles and the high position of raw cotton are both factors of strength, while mills have orders that will oc cupy their full capacity for some time. Widely divergent views as to the crop outlook resulted in a dull mar ket for the cereals and only small changes in prices. The course of commodity prices during the month of March indicates a seasonable tendeney downward. Failures in the United States this week 107 against 195 1-ist year, and 22 in Canada against 20 last year. A STORY OF SHIPWRECK. A Wlial* Strike* a Ship and (au«n It to Sink. St. Thomas, D. W. 1., April s.—The nine men from the whaler Katheleen, of .New Bedford, Mass., who reached the island of Dominica, B. W. L, March 2S, in an open boat, are now at Antigua, 15. \Y. I. The previous re port that the wife of the captain of the Kathleen was in the boat that reached Dominica is incorrect. Fur ther particulars of the loss of the Kathleen are as follows: When at a point about 1,100 miles eastward of Barbados, three boats from the Kathleen were pursuing a shoal of whales on March 17. When at some distance from the ship they noticed that she was signalling them to come to her immediate as sistance. The three boats returned toward the Kathleen. It was learn ed that a large whale had struck the ship ten feet below the water line, starting her timbers, and that she was filling rapidjy. Second Fire Wltliln a Year. Pittsburg, Pa., April s.—For the second time within a year the Barker, 'Williams A- Co. furniture installment house on Peim avenue was burned out last night. The fire originated on the ninth floor, where it was con fined. Naval Commander Dlcm, 'Washington, April s.—Lieutenant Commander William 11. Schuetz died at the naval hospital in this city Fri day, of a complication of acute stomach and lung troubles. Ilis death ends one of the most creditable careers of the naval service. AFFECTS 10,000 MINERS. HufTalo, Hot-heater 1 I'll I* tin rt: ( oal <»,'* Klrlkt' IN Srtlli'D. Indianapolis, Iml.. April s.—As the result of u conference at the head quarters nf the United Mine Workers of America Friday between President Mitchell, Rernard Rice, of Deeriield, i'a., president of District No. 2, Pennsylvania, and L. W. Robinson, of llochester, X. Y., president of the ißuffalo, llochester & Pittsburg Coal Co., it is believed that the strike of that company called at Altoona, April 1, and involving 10,000 men, will be declared off. Jt is understood that both Mr. Rice and Mr. Robinson made concessions, which probably will be acceptable to the miners. Mr. Robinson left for Pittsburg last night to confer with other oflicials of the coal company, and President Mitchell and Mr. Rice placed themselves in communication with district leaders at Altoona who are managing the strike. They were notified of the re»ult of the confer ence,. and the advisability of accept ing the terms and calling off the strike will be left irti their hands. Dubois, Pa., April 5-.—Authentic in formation was received in this city last night that the strike lias been settled and that Monday morning all mines of the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal and Iron Co. will resume oper ations. This information came quite unexpectedly to the public, as well as to the striking miners,, but is no less reliable. The announcement comes from In dianapolis, where L. W. Robinson, egneral manager for the coal com pany has been the past two days in conference with President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers; Ber nard Rice, member of the national executive board from this district, and other officials of the United Mine Workers of America. The conditions of sett lenient have not yet been made i public further than that all differ ences have been, adjusted mutually satisfactory to all concerned and that work will be resumed next Mon day. The announcement will bring cheer to 1/1,000 miners and their families besides hundreds of railroad and shop men, as well as to every community in t.lie region. TOBACCO STATISTICS. CeiiHiiH lli-port Iti'siirilliii: the .tlauu manure ol the Weed. Washington; April —The census office has issued a preliminary report regarding the manufacture of to bacco in the United States which shows the number of establishments to be 15,252, an increase of 31 j>er cent, over 1890; capital invested $124,- 098,871, an increase of 29 per cent.; average number of wage-earners 112,- 277, the wages amounting to $49,852,- 484, an increase of 12 per cent.; total value of products $283,070,546. The number - of establishments en gaged in tJie manufacture of cigars and eignrett.es is 14,539, on increase of per cent, over 1890;: capital in vested, .$1)7,700,493; persons employed in the work number 107,402, drawing wages amounting to $40,925,596, an increase of 12 per cent.,, and of 19 per cent, in number of employes; value of products, $100,223,152. The number of establishments manufacturing chewing and smoking tobacco and snuff is stated to be 437, an.increase of 10 per cent.; capital in vested $43,850,570, an, increase of 42 per cent.: average number of wage earners 29,101. the total wages paid being $7,109,821,. a® increase of 2 per cent.; value of products, $103,754,362. In the stemming and rehandling trade there are 276 establishments, a decrease of 5 per cent., since 1890; capital invested $1'2,526,505, an in crease of 118 per cent..; total number of employes 9,054, an increase of 01 per cent.; wages paid $1,817,007, an increase of 01 per cent; total value of products, $19,099,032. Sentenced lo Dentil. " Philadelphia, I'a.. April s.—Wm. H. Lane, the colored servant who on Tuesday last murdered Ella ,J. Jarden and her daughter, Madeline, and so badly wounded another daughter, Eloisc, that she died Friday, was con victed of murder in the first degree yesterday afternoon, after a trial Hasting less than one and a nulf hours. Lane pleaded guilty Thurs day afternoon and was placed on trial at I o'clock Friday. Because of Lane's plea of guilty, no jury was drawn and only three witnesses were called for the purpose of determin ing the degree of murder. At 2:20 o'clock .fudge Piddle sentenced the murderer to death. The date of his execution will be fixed by Gov. Stone. Two .Tien Killed. Pittsburg. April s.—Two men were killed, one seriously injured and a number of cars wrecked and cattle killed by a freight, wreck at Crag Dell, Pa., on the Allegheny Valley di vision of the Pennsylvania railroad at an early hour Friday morning. The dead are: Harry Dheen, fireman, of 'Williamsport; W. 15. Mosher, brake man, of Glean, X. Y. J. A. Williams, engineer, of Pittsburg, was injured. The accident was caused by a land slide. " Will <edo I.amis to the Government. Washington, April 5.—-The secre tary of the interior Friday transmit ted to the senate an agreement with the Red Lake and Pembina bands of < nippewa Indians of Minnesota for the cessation to the United States of the western portion of the Red Lake reservation, containing 256,152 acres. Tinnier and Suicide. Toledo, April s.—Harry Preston, a plumber, Friday morning shot his wife in the head, killing her instant ly, then shot himself three times. The shots took effect in his abdomen and he died a few minutes later. Preston was under the influence of liquor, but otherwise no cause is given for the deed. ■ ■aimed II linae If. Kansas City, Mo., April s.—John P. Cason, aged 18, committed suicide here yesterday by hanging. lie left a note saying he had taken his lif<j because of his iuil'UUy to get work. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers