8 wf\ ; Tyt t>' -> t-w•-1 " -* •' •-• * ■ - - "..•* V<3?. . * I.*-' '.. - . ii.. ... £& .SSKESSB.: iHaeafflHHaero^Wiazs&iiK^ I I ffi Our trade this season has been phenomenal. We show a larger stock and a more extensive variety than in any for mer season. Dress Goods of an exceptional quality, the prettiest of the new shades. A special display of new fabrics for the spring wear in Lawns, Silks, Madras, India Linen, Seersuckers, etc. Ginghams, best colors and styles in Emporium. Dress Trimmings and Laces. Oceans of trjbnmings will be used this season. A dress without more or less elaborate garniture will be an oddity. The trimmings are more beautiful than ever. Applique I embroidery for trimming .Shirt Waists and Skirts inabund- I ance and Laces in large variety. Shirt Waists, all the latest styles just received. Neckwear. Nowadays woman's neck fixtures consti- § tute a!lvery important part of the toilet, and every well I dressed woman gives this subject much thought. Our col- I lection this spring is magnificent. All the latest styles in I Turnover collars. I The largest assortment of Carpets, Mattings, Oilcloths I and Linoleums,ever shown in Cameron county. All at the $! lowest prices. M. C. TULIS. J Spring Opening j Largest and best display of Furniture. I ever seen in this or adjoining counties. I Run your eyes over these Bargains. You arc bound to find something you want. Our PRICES are always lower than others; our qualities are always dependable. Examine our stock, compare our prices—you will thus see how much money can be saved by buying here. ■ We are winning your confidence and patronage by de- I sorving it, and will continue to merit it. I We fearlessly print illustrations and prices and set the H I pace for others to imitate. Of course it is conceded we are k | HEADQUARTERS for I BED ROOM SUiTES UNO SIDEBOARDS. I ] WE MANUFACTURE THEM. 1 COUCH. ?, -, -RF 1 iS6.ao m 'A /(C: 1 , ; 1 ■ ' 1 S 9l ' 1 mm j price other i * H places si.oo. $ Every baby in this I . town should ride in a Go B Cart, even if some have lO lO a little later on 112. $ in life. We have tried $ year's manufacture, each | \LGo-cart an art creation, | with latest improvements for safety, comfort and I __ _ - I services, at prices that _ J6 00 stagger competitors. jjO'CART u I We advevtise the truth and then surpass it. Our aim 112! is to furnish up-to-date goods at reasonable cost. Money ■ talks. Low prices schriek. The lever of low prices has led H this store into its present popularity. H SCIF.NTIrIC EMBALMING. FUNERAL DIRECTTng" | Residence up Staire. Open all Night. liiiiiHiriiiii! Furniture do., BERNARD EGAN, Mgr., Emporium, Pa. G. SCHMIDT'S, 1 -"" I HFAIiyiAU'ITPg HFAIiyiAU'ITPg FOR |i!|p FRESH BREAD, || popular Q N'JTS ■' "I*-* CONFECTIONERY Daiiy Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1902 ALL SORTS. Couldn't help toning a cold never cures it; but carrying home a bottle of i BALLARD'S lloKKiimr.W) Svuri*, and i u.-ing it as directed, will cure the worst i kind of cough or cold. Price, and ;~»0 I cents. L. Taggart. Never be discouraged. Children often inherit feeble digestive power and colic of a more or less severe character results, when food is taken which is at all difficult to digest. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE acts as a general and permanent tonic. Price, 25 cents. L. Taggart. Never tell business lies. For all pulmonary troubles BAI.LAUD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP, taken in the early stages, prove a certain and sure specific. It is equally effective in croup and whooping cough, and if used in season prevents the further development of con sumption. Price 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. .Be polite to everybody. Are you sick? If so, investigate the merits of IIERUINE. It is a concentrated medicine, the dose is small, yet it quickly produces the most gratifying results, di gestion improves, the lips and cheeks lose their pallor, the eye becomes bright iind the step elastic. Price, 50 cents. IJ. Taggart. Employ your time well. La grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There is nothing else "just as y;ood " Be prompt in everything. Haw or Inflamed Lungs Yield rapidly to the wonderful curative and healing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. It prevents pneumonia and consumption from a hard cold settled on the lungs. L. Taggart. Pay your debts promptly. Surgeon's Knife Not Needed. Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painlul and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it is unequalled. I!-ware of counterfeits. 11. Dodson. Bear all troubles patiently. I'oloy's Honey and Tar Cures coughs and colds. Cures bronchitis and asthma. Cures croup and whooping cough. Cures hoarseness and bronchial troubles. Cures pneumonia and la grippe. Bo brave in the struggle of life. Cough Settle ( on Her Lungs. ' .My daughter had a terrible cough whi h settled on her lungs,'" -,iy.s X. Jackson, of Danville 111. "We tried a great many remedies without relief, until we gave her Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her.'" Refuse substitutes. L. Tasrgart. Make no useless acquaintances. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kid neys and bladder right. Contains noth ing injurious. L. Taggart. Don t have too mary irons in the lire. A Severe Cold for Three Months. The following letter from A. J. Nus bauni, of Batesville, Lnd., tells its own story. "'I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared me some medicine, and a physician pre scribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey and Tar, and eight doses cured me.'' llefuse substi tutes.—L. Taggart. Some men save up for a rainy day and then purchase a leaky umbrella. Dangers of Pneumonia. A cold at this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia, which is so often fatal, and even when the patient has recovered the lungs arc weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and pre vent pneumonia. L. Taggart. The victim of under consumption never talks about over production. For the Complexion. The complexion always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bewels are kept open the impurities from the body appear in the form of unsightly eruptions. De Witt's Little Early liisers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remove the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, (ia., says:"l took DeWitt's Little ' Early Risers for biliousness. They | were just what I needed. lam feeling ! better now than in years." Never gripe or distress. Safe, thorough and gentle, j The very best pills. R. C. Dodson. Never appear something more than | you are. No one knows tho unbearable torture one undergoes from piles unless they are |EO afflicted. TAIILER'S BI CKKVE PILE OINTMENT is a quick, safe and painless i cuic. Price, 50 eeuts in bottles, Tubes, 75 cents. L. Taggart. uarjtvx . >.* nr. v*., r .wuas>A l&csdoi Dyspepsaa Ctos Digests what yo*» «jat. Foley*s honey and Tar, cures colds, prevents pneumonia. SI.OO. Chicago to St. Paul or Minneapolis for double berth in Tourist sleeping ears of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Itailway, each Tuesday and Fri day during March and April, 1902, on train No. 1 leaving Chicago at 6:30 p. m. For further information apply to the nearest coupon ticket agent, or address F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. 3-3t. Magic Color Pictures. A glass of water and a spongo or brush act like a box of paints on the wonderful "Watergraphs," which will appear in next Sunday's Philadelphia Press. It's the cleverest novelty of the year. The pictures are printed appar ently in black ink. You touch them with water, and in a second they be come beautiful water color paintings. No skill is needed- Children can do it as well as grown folks. These "Water graphs" are in addition to the myster ious magic pictures, which you rub over a blank space with a coin and a picture appears. The great puzzle-man, Sam Loyd, is now on The Sunday Press staff of en tertainers. lie has a page each Sunday that will set you thinking and amuso you, too. Order next Sunday's Phila delphia Press of your newsdealer in advance. Then you'll be sure to get it. tf President Roosevelt's Mother. Tho mother of a President of the United States is always an object of special interest and regard on the part of the people. But in all that has been written about Mr. Roosevelt since he became Chief Executive last September there has been little or no mention of his mother. On this account, and because she was a remarkably fine and lovely woman, much interest attaches to an article on"The President's Mother" which will appear in The Ladies' Home Journal in the near fu ture. It will be the first story of her life yet told, and will be ono of a series of articles, the first of which is publish ed in the current number of Tho Journal, on tho President and his family. Miss Alice Roosevelt is the subject of this. Next month "The Out door President" will bo told of, and later tho President's wife and children will be portrayed. DEATH'S I)01N(iS. CARSON. Died at St. Marys, Pa., March 19th, 1902, Mary, wife of Mr. William Car son, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Jordan, Mason Hill, aged about 35 years. She fell asleep in Jesus after suffering about eight months with that dreadful disease, consumption. For many years I past she lias been a member of the M. I _ | E. Church and a firm believer in Christ. She was also a member of tho W. C. T. j IJ. and Ladies Aid Society at St. Marys, J of which a fine floral wreath was pre sented by both societies in token of love and respect. She remained con cious almost to the end and chose the minister to preach her funeral dis course, place of interment, etc., gave orders concerning her children, and calling her parents, husband and four children to her bed side she bid them an effeetionate farewell; warned them to meet her on the shores of everlast ing deliverance—where sickness, sor row, pain and death shall bo "felt and feared 110 more." She then passed away, leaving us to mourn our loss. But we do it not as "those without hope" for we are confident that our loss is her eternal gain. The fuueral took place on Friday afternoon at two o'clock, in the Mason Hill school house, 1 amid the scenes of her childhood days, furrounded by a large circle of grief stricken relatives and friends. Rev. Faus, of Sinnemahoning, an intimate friend of the family, officiated at the funeral, and spoke words of wisdom and consolation to tho grief stricken family. His Text was,"To live is Christ, and to die is gain." Interment was made in the Mason Hill cemetery. A MKMOIUAL. Oh come, ye blessed of My Father, The purchase of my dying love, Receive the crowns of life and glory, Which are laid up for you above. For you, dear soul, who have continued With me, and my temptation bore, I have prepared a glorious kingdom, Come dwell with me for evermore. Near flowing streams of living water There is no pain, nor death to fear; No sorrow, sighing, tears, nor weeping. Shall ever have admittance there. Mason Hill, Pa., March 25, 1902. C. J. M. Reduced Rates to the West. Commencing March Ist and daily thereafter, until April 30th, 1902, the Wisconsin Central Ry. will sell Settlers' tickets from Chicago to points in Mon tana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, at greatly reduced rates. For detailed information inquire of nearest Ticket Auent, or address W. H. Allen, 621 Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa., or Jas. C. Pond, Gen'l Passenger I Agent, Wilwaukee, Wis. 48-14t. J. A. Fisher, PRACTICAL ftorse $ 00 0 112 j Broad Street, Emporium, Pa. M sists the damp, jr ar v \ i I ■ do not break, \ v ■No rough sur- \\\ \ g MgWx J ■ B face to chafe \ ■ ### \ M ■ and cut The fcfrfrA, \" \\\ ■ ■ harnest not JM \ V\ \ . ■ keeps Ny< Sj wears twice *»xx I Harness Oil. % wvli ( Made by Standard Oil \ \ VP \ Y^s» HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Tiles or Hemorrhoids —External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns anil Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, .Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Zorc and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Throe Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent prc-p.iid on receipt of prico. HUMPHREYS' IrflED. CO., Cor. William <k Joint £ts., XEW YOltli riff You Cotdd LoolT 1 Ml JL into the future and see the condition to yrliich your cough, if neglected, I will bring you, you would seek relief at J once—and that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption ,< . I y J „ Guaranteed to cure Con ! « jl la r sumption, Bronchitis, a Asthma, and all Lung } Troubles. CurcsCoughs nu.l Colds in a day. • 25 cents. Write to C. WELLS & Co., ! l,e Roy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. h Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the Bioct! J | | | ; -j The Aristocrat among 85 * i P the Whiskies of the ()ld j£< Scliool. Without, a peer. U For sale by ,'tt li M WM. McGEK. %%■ ? ff, " ' The Kind You Have Always ISought has borne the signa ture of Chas. IJ. Fletclicr, and has boon made under his personal supervision for over .'SO years. Allow no one t<> deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "«Ti:st-iiS»r.voo'.l" are but Experiments, nnd endanger Hie health of against Experiment. The Hind You Have Always Bought ,<** Boars the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. .. THE Cr<"V*|in COMPANY. TT MURRAY STWECT, NCV/ YOTK CITY. » __ carriages and harness. T>enl with the factory. tiet our lowest wholesale rates. Oor sv«;rni of H Belling direct to customers is saving thousands of dollars to carriage buyers in every <'■.!■' 112 i,i-e H country. We quote the same rates to you tliat we would give the largest wholesale Jul' , .1 « ( . S offer you nil assortment lo choose from such as no other dealer can show. With i ve.y ii. •. ;i:i: o B we Rive the broadest guarantee. If it is not in every way satisfactory, you can return tlie \ehicle ■ to U'j and wo will pay freight charges both ways. We can also Szswe £w@ .... -1 for vou on harness md other horse equipmentsTT ■ hlfjl Writo for our free Illustrated catalogue in which we \l fj 1 R » I describe tho buggies, surreyH, phaHons, etc., that have B H /-' x ,na<^e our factory famous lor tiieir high grade. Don't \ /[_ H / —| Wttit until your need is more i r in ; writo to-day and \ T vl ■\ V 7 v-^Y\/ have the catalogue by you tor l'utuiv use. \c Vj | H \y THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE & HARNESS CO., | ji jj "H INo ik»i Hunuv iTi.-es.io to Columbus, 0., P. 0. Box 772. "" ° S with leather quarter tap. St. Louis, Mo., P. 0. Box 64. No. 2-11 Single Strap U .Shipment from Columbus. Write to nearest office. "Ufc'Ky mriu os. l'ru-e S'J.'.o j SECOND TO NONE. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 396 to 408 Main St. —American Block, BUFFALO, N. V. Best and Largest of in Buff i ADAM, MELIffIHI A- AMiStiS CO., 398-40S*Maiu Street, The A«uer:< . l Bloclc. BUFFALO, ST. V / We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign £ < Send model, sketeli or ]>l ito of inventic 11 for r frecreport on patentability. For free book, t { l^n^ADE-MARK^I Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end Madder right
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers