4 irjeror) |f (•ess EirAßUsuuD BY C. B. GOULD. HENRY If. MULLIN, Editor anil Manager, ,PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TEEM 8 O F 8 U BSC RIPTIO N : Per year |2 00 If paid is advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Advert! ements are published at the rate of one dollar per squarefor oueiusertion and flflycents per square for each subsequent insertion. R lies by the year or for six or three months are low ana uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation. Legal and Official Advertising per square, three t itnes or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertionso cents per square. Local noticesten cents per line for one insertion* five* cents per line for eaciisubsequentconsecutive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per iine. SimpleaniiouLcenients of births, marriages and leaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year ov»'r five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JO Li PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and 4fiords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Print ing. So paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are o iid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for i n advance. Attorney General John P. Elkin Sweeping the State. At Republican primaries held in this state last Saturday Mr. Elkin secured all but two delegates. In some counties there was no opposi tion whatever to Gen'l Elkin. The contest in Blair, where Mr. Elkin and Mr. Watres personally met the Republicans, the voters decided in favor of the "Plow Boy from In diana" four to one. Bradford county, a former hot-bed of In surgentism reversed itself and gave Mr. Elkin a rousing majority. The following gives some of the results: Franklin county was carried for Attorney General Elkin for Gov ernor and for Representative Malion for reelection to Congress, and two stalwart Republicans will be nomi nated for the Legislature. Clearfield county was carried for Attorney General Elkin for Gover nor by an overwhelming vote. Blair county, where was a clean cut issue between Attorney General Elkin and former Lieutenant Gov ernor Watres, each appealing directly to the Republican voters by speech and by letters, was car ried by Mr. Elkin. In this county Mr. Elkin won out by a large ma jority on the popular vote, and the five delegates to the Republican State convention are thus instruct ed to vote for his nomination. Lancaster county elected the en tire delegation to the Republican State convention, recognizing the leadership of Secretary of the Com monwealth W. W. Griest. Mr. Griest is a staunch friend of Mr. Elkin, and the solid delegatinli from Lancaster, representing twelve votes iu the State convention, will vote for Mr. Elkin for Governor. Allegheny county elected four State delegates in the Seventd Rep r« sentatlve district and live in the Eighth district, who will favor the nomination of Mr. Elkin for Gover nor. Lebanon county will not hold Re publican primaries until the 29th inst, but the Republican Commit tee of Labanon county yesterday unanimously indorsed John P. Elkin for Governor. Wayne county, with two dele f>tes in the State convention, was carried for L. A. Watres. These are the first delegates elected for Wat rein the Gubernatorial can vass. The Elkin men made no contest in this county, which is in Mr. Watres' home section. L . Grippe Quickly Cured. "In die winter of IS9S and 1809 I was taken down with a severe attack of v; nut is called La Grippe," says F. L. llewett, u prominent druggist of Win lield, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the cou;:liin'* like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grippe. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always bo depended upon to break up a severe mid and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most de sirable and one of the most popular pre parations in use lor these ailments. For sale by L. Taggart. Young man. consult your father, lie is often as old as you are, and sometimes knows as much. The Voice Of Nagging Clouds the happiness of the home, but a nagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, exeiteable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spell?, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubl . backache and weak kidneys have used it, and become healthy and happy. Try it. Only 50c. L. Ta ' .rt -uaranto. satisfaction. Delaware County Heads Off For the Senator's Re-election. LANCASTER FALLS INTO LINE The Brilliant Young Philadelphian Not Making a Canvass, But Is Very Busy With Official Duties at Wash ington. (Special Correspondence.) Philadelphia, March 18. —As the Re publican candidates for the next legis lature are being placed in nomination ihroughout the state the sentiment of the Republican voters in favor of the re-election of Hon. Boies Penrose to the United States senate is being ex pressed through the delegates elected to the nominating conventions. The latest county to thus goon rec ord is Delaware. The county conven tion was held at Media last week and without a dissenting voice resolutions were adopted commending the public services of Senator Penrose and his close attention to the needs of his con stituents, and cordially indorsing him for re-election. There were three can didates for the assembly nominated in Delaware county and all of them are reasonably sure of election and they are all for Senator Penrose. The county convention adopted the following: "Resolved. That in view of the fact that the term of the Hon. Boies Pen rose next expires, we indorse his can didacy for re-election, recognizing th<; fact that for two years his labors were exceptionally arduous, and in no in stance has he been found wanting in attending to the needs of his constit uency, and when the Dingley tariff measure was pending he was foremost in seeing that the local interests of this county were properly safeguard ed." Former State Chairman Thomas V. Cooper, who was nominated to suc ceed himself in the house of represen tatives, has made a statement for pub lication in which he declares his pur pose to support Senator Penrose to suc ceed himself and says that he will go into every Republican caucus called for the organization of the legislature and for other party purposes, and that he will abide by the action of the majority in such caucuses. SOLID LANCASTER DELEGATION. Senator Stober and Representatives Frank B. McClain, W. H. Brosius, John G. Homsher and D. W. Graybill have just been renominated and Dr. K. H. K. Blough and W. X. Snader, new aspir ants, complete the legislative ticket in Ijancaster county. They were all nom inated on Saturday last and are all certain to be elected, and they aro all for Senator Penrose. It is not improbable that there will be no Republican candidate in the field against Senator Penrose when the leg islature meets in January next to elect his successor. The junior senator is apparently not giving much attention to a canvas 3 for re-election. He is kept very busy at Washington from Monday morning un til Saturday of each week, and then he runs over to Philadelphia and his office is crowded with callers all Satur day afternoon, each with some petition or request requiring his attention at one of the departments at Washington during the following week. LABOR LEADERS PLEASED. As chairman of the committee on im migration Senator Penrose has just re ported to the senate the Chinese exclu sion bill, which is evidently satisfac tory to the labor interests that sought Senator Penrose's aid in their efforts to block the scheme of the steamship agents and other corporation represen tatives that hoped to have the bars let down so that Chinese cheap labor might be permitted to enter this coun try without interference from the fed eral authorities. Senator Penrose has received a number of letters from rep resentatives of labor organizations thanking him for the interest he has taken in this matter. CONFERENCE WITH DAIRYMEN. During the last week Senator Pen rose had a conference at Washington with representatives of farming and dairy interests in Pennsylvania, who want his co-operation in their efforts to pass the anti-oleomargarine bill, which will shortly come before the senate. Senator Penrose assured them he was heartily in favor of the legis lation desired by the Pennsylvania dairymen and farmers and said they could count upon his active interest and enthusiastic support for the meas ure. It is understood that a larger delegation is to meet Senator Penrose in Washington within a few days, when plans will be discussed for get ting the necessary number of votes in the United States senate. Senator Penrose has just been ad vised by the war department that the requisite instructions have been given to the engineers to begin at once the survey of the property in Lebanon county which is to be used for a dis trict encampment for National Guardsmen of the New England states, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. "I do not think the citizens of Penn sylvania generally appreciate the ben efits that will come to our state through the establishment of this en campment," said Senator Penrose, in discussing this matter. "When the first encampment shall be held and they see 50,000 troops marshaled un der Federal auspices they will realize what a great project this is. Many Pennsylvania industries will benefit financially through these encamp ments." CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902 How to Cure a Cold Don't goto bed. Don't btop work. Don't take a Turkish bath and render yourself' liable to an attack of pneumonia. Krause's Cold Cure, in convenient cap sule form, will cure you in 24 hours. They are pleasant to take and cause no singing in your head or other disagreeable sensations. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Fools make feasts and wise men eat them. Nerves Like a Flat-Iron. A woman who suffered for three years from nervous prostiation says two bottles of' Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound effected a complete cure. She hardly knows today whether she has nerves or not, as she never feels them. It is certainly a wonderful remedy. Sold by L. Taggart. Pleasure soon exhausts us and itself also, but endeavor never does. Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere ex pectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liquifies the mucous, draws out the infiamation and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once "One Minute dough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace, J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife could nut gut her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family. It. C. Dodson. Prefer old heads and young hands. How to Cure the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Remedy as direct ed and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pneumonia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens ol thousands who have used it for the grip, not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by L. Taggart. Youth is a blunder, manhood a strug gle, old age a regret. Pneumonia Can be Prevented. This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grippe and may be prevented by the timely use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy was extensively used during the epidemics of la grippe of the past few years, and not a single case has ever been reported that did not recover or that resulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a cer tain preventative of that dangerous dis ease. For sale by L. Taggart. The rQse hath thorns and loves its rival. Mrs. C. K. \ anDeusen, of Kilbourn. Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation for a long time. She says,"l have tried many preparations but none have done me the good that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have." These Tablets are I'or sale at li. Taggart's dru<,' store. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. L. Taggart. The course of true love never did run smooth. Would Smash the Club. If members of the "Hay Fever As sociation" would use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the club would goto pieces, for it always cures this malady,—and Asthma, the kind that baffles the doctors—it wholly drives from the system. Thousands of once-hope less sufferers from Consumption, Pneu monia, bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It conquers Grip, saves little ones from Croup and Whooping Cough and is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c, 81.00. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's. Sin has many tools, but a lie is a handle which tits them all. Danger of Colds and La Grippe. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tali en, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases, we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventative of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by L. Taggart. All actual heroes are essential men, and all all men possible heroes. .Lockjaw From Cobwebs. Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the best thing to put on a cut is Rueklen's Arnica Salve, the infallible healer of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Burns, Scalds aud Piles. It cures or uo pay. Only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store Headache often results from a disor dered condition of the stomach and con stipation of the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache. Hold by L. Taggart. Krause's Cold Cure For colds in the head, chest, throat or any portion of the body, breaks up a cold in 2-i hours without int< rruption to work. Will prevent colds if taken when first symptoms appear. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. I Men Suffering* | I from loss of nervous force often owe B theircondition to youthful ignorance— H that fearful enemy to health. It is the business of science to repair M the damage caused by the thoughtless M practices of youth, j Nervous Debility never gets well of H itself. Its victims drag through a Fa miserable existence, weak, listless, H despondent literally feed the hungry nerves, giving I tliem the precise ingredients do- I manded by nature. This wonderful H remedy cures Nervous Debility, stops ■ all drains, replaces wasted tissues, I sends rich, warm life blood tingling H through every part, making every or- H gan act and causing you to glow with ■ health. » j » B 81.00 per box; 6 boxes (with guaran- Si tee to cure), ST>.OO. Book free. PEAL M M Mfc.uici.xi; Co., Cleveland, Ohio. !G For sale by B.C. Dodsou, Emporium, Pa. 51 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant reliefand never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distressaftereating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. Si can't heip but do you good Prepared only by E. O. I)K\ViTT<St Co., Chicago Tbo sl. bottle contains 8 times the 50e. size. B. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. ASK YOUR DRUOGIST FOR THE "EO CROSS BOOKLET. (MAH.ED FREE.) _ W9EY REFUNDED IF WOT AS WE SAT L. Taggart. ITABIEfi'S MTVi SUCK EYE rlllll I I OINTMENT mm NOTHING BUT PILES. % r \ SURE and CERTAIN CURES' 7 Scnewn for! 5 yaars as tho £ VI&QT R£EVSEDYfor PILES, 112. SOLD BY ALI, DItLOGISTS. Trt-irci t7 BICBAiaSCS MED. CO., ST. terns. ) For sale by L. Taggart 21y. KIDNEY DISEASES ore the most fatal of all dis eases. mi r W KIDNEY GORE is a EryLLi d Guarantaod Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. aod SJ.OO. L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 36 28. j '' | S cc&sa g Sr? t?s " 3 'J* y R Wm Ul U w ,JL& O" j ; An exceptional opportunity o.Tcro '. < , to youn§ men and joujif; women \ • s < prop;iro for teaching or for busim-i t-, j Four regular courseo; also specif.! ' work iu M utile, Shorthand, Tyr.- - ? writing, ftvony. tenohiri:: force, we.l j graded work, jeood discipline and - i Fiard study, Insure boat results to Etudantu of I' Central Stater I Normal School ; ; \ LOOK HAVEN, Clinton d.. Pfi. I Handsome butldimrH perfectly equipped. !, J eteara heat, electric lightp, abundance < i a pure mountain water, ex tensive eampun • 1 and atlilelic grouuuti. Kxpeusea low. beud ; ' I for cutalofr. /J ji J. R. FLICKINGEH. Principal, t Central Stale Normal School, j LOCK HAVEN, PA. A H.'ifc, ccrtuin relief lor Suppressed H il Menstruation. Never known to fall. ,<afr! H pj .Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed H M or money Hefunded. Sont prepaid for £| ii Sl.OOperbox. Will send them on trial, to ■ ftj be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■ y UNITED MEDICtLCO., DO> 74. LoNCXICD. P<. £8 M i:i Emporium by L. Ta(jgart. I~ ** | WT ta^e P' easure * n announcing that we have <8 \\ just received our Spring and Summer Clothing. J8 - Our stock comprises the finest line of suits 111 m this county. If you are looking for an excep- S T tionally fine outfit you should see our elegant IP 1— line before purchasing. S I Im m I I We believe in handling nothing but the best goods, and can thereby save you money. # Our clothes are made from the best domestic and imported cloths, by the leading union tailors of Ameri- H ca, whose reputation for style, fit and up-to-dateness - ■ are the acknowledged peers of this country. p Hsts. 1 S There is not a stock of hats in this town to equal that we show. We have the latest Spring styles in the Panama and our assortment is so complete, that we are able to suit the most particular. Drop in and see us. We will be pleased to have g|a you come whether you buy or not. I Jasper Harris, 1 The People's Popular Clothier. l? = " = | Iprepared 1 ti r . 0 . i or S I th Season | | We have opened and are displaying a 1 IP li| |[f|i choice line of . . p | FANCY I 1 DRY GOODS 1 in P ji specially selected for the . . I Winter i § m c _ I w Season. | p i We have gathered such articles as combine elegance with i[ utility and at jf I Very Reasonable 1 tf! T \ Pj I 1: rices I ! ! ■ ' , I ~ J I
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