Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 27, 1902, Our Magazine., Image 10

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With Its Attendant
The most common of all human
complaints. The complaint which
comes with our first garments, and
which will last just so long as men
and women persist in defying nature's
laws as regards diet, daily habits,
exercise, etc. While it is a source of
discomfort and ill-feeling of itself, the
chief danger lies in neglected Consti
pation leading to other and more
serious troubles. Bad Blood, Piles
Chronic Liver Complaint, serious
Kidney derangements and many
other obscure and complicated
troubles, have often had their begin
ning in simple Constipation, made
worse by persistent neglect. Gener
ally speaking, Constipation indicates
either a disordered Liver, or a dys
peptic condition of the stomach; some
times a combination of both troubles.
It is very commonly brought on by
being irregular about performing the
duties of nature.
In LAXINE we have a perfect and
rational cure for all phases of this
complaint, and we unhesitatingly
agree to cure any case of Constipa
tion, no matter how long standing or
If you have a sallow, yellow com
plexion, yellowish eyeballs, tired-out
feeling, dizziness, vertigo, variable
appetite or sick headache, take LAX
ti\H as directed and drink freely of
good water, and your Constipation
will be cured to stay cured.
If you are suffering from any of the above complaints
Laxine is Life = Giving.
We guarantee to immediately refund your money if the results are not satisfactory. We c annot cure every
case-only quacks claim to do that-but our medicine has been tested time mid again in the private practice
of noted specialists, in hospital work among those too poor to purchase relief, and finally in the hands of tin
people themselves, until from the vast number of testimonials which we have received from all over the country
we guarantee LAXINE as a medicine was never guaranteed before. LAXINE is not sold by druggists. We save
that profit for you. It can only be obtained from us direct, by mail postpaid, at s<> cents for a good large package.
Our 5() package is equal in quantity to a dollar package of any other medicine. All orders filled the same
<lay as received.
THE# LAXINE, CO., 58 Valentine St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
The Complaint of the
No part of the body receives more
ill treatment than the stomach. For
years the stomach will care for all
sorts of illy-cooked, half-chewed,
greasy, indigestible foods, at all
hours, without complaining. Then
come the warning signals of Indiges
tion ; neglect these and you will soon
learn that no organ in your body can
hit back so hard and inflict so much
misery as your stomach, as when the
horrors of Dyspepsia are hourly with
you. Still, Dyspepsia is not a par
ticularly dangerous disease. It sel
dom causes death. It merely permits
the sufferer to linger in misery for
the allotted time of life.
If you have a bloated feeling
across the stomach, especially after
meals, belching of sour, foul gases
and flatulence; a burning sensation
at the pit of the stomach, loss of appe
tite, general debility, constipation,
sour taste in the mouth on arising,
etc., take comfort in the knowledge,
so often expressed, that LAXINE has
proved itself to be a sure and unfail
ing specific fur all troubles of stomach
and bowels.
The never-failing remedial action
of this medicine is felt from the first
dose, while a few day's treatment
works wonders.
Its Cause, Effect and Pos
itive Cure.
Disordered nerves cause more real
misery than any other complaint, and
no trouble grows worse more rapidly
through neglect, or through the use
of ineffectual remedies. Overwork,
worry, undue strain of mind and
body, imprudence and excesses of all
sorts, help to bring on a disordered
state of the nerves, which if not
attended to, rapidly runs into Nervous
Prostration, Nervous Debility, Hys
teria, Melancholia and even Insanity
itself. Are you low spirited or de
pressed ; do you worry over trifles ;
are you irritable ; do you find it hard
to fix your mind on your work ; are
you drowsy after eating and wakeful
at night; is your circulation slow?
These are the unerring signals of ser
ious nervous trouble. In LAXINE we
have the ideal remedy that steadies,
the Nerves, relieves the tension upon
them, gives them a chance to repair
their shattered condition, tones up
the general system, and makes mag
netic manhood and womanhood. It
does all this promptly, surely and
safely, without the aid"of the danger
ous drugs supposed to be essential in
medicines of this kind.
LAXINE is a scientifically prepared
product which feeds the exhausted
Nerves, tones and strengthens the
general system, enriches the blood,
tranquilizers the mind, fortifies the
whole body, and turns your distress
to comfort.
Many cases of Kidney and Urinary
Complaints, Impoverished Blood, also
Female 1 roubles, are accompanied
with extreme nervousness. In all
such cases take LAXINE.
Why Good Blood Is Neces
sary for Health.
Good health demands good blood.
I here is no difference of opinion 011
this point. Doctors disagree on
almost every other part or function of
the body, but they stand solidly to
gether in insisting that the blood
must be pure, strong and abundant.
If your blood is not right it tells you
so in unmistakable language. When
your system lacks blood you are pale,
listless and have the much joked
about " tired feeling." And it is no
joke either. If your blood is impure
pimples appear upon your face. You
may also have boils or abscesses. A
sore on your body heals slowly, if at
all. Heed the red flag of danger
when you see pimples come, or if you
are pale and losing flesh. LA.XINH
brings back the color to the wasted
cheeks and surely and speedily elimi
nates all poisons from the system.
Its mission is to build up and enrich
the blood, thus enabling it to make
plenty of new healthy tissue. t
LAXINE is a wonderful Spring Tonic.
It should be freely taken by the
whole family, as the rigors of winter
depart. It cleans out and brushes
up the whole system, and after its
use you will meet the approaching
warm weather refreshed and ready
for the good things of life, and not in
the usual listless, weary manner so
common to many.
J he worst cases of Chronic Rheu
matism acknowledge the power of
LAXINE. Rheumatism is mainly a
a blood disorder and no better cure
for this painful malady can be found