CONSTIPATION With Its Attendant Ills. The most common of all human complaints. The complaint which comes with our first garments, and which will last just so long as men and women persist in defying nature's laws as regards diet, daily habits, exercise, etc. While it is a source of discomfort and ill-feeling of itself, the chief danger lies in neglected Consti pation leading to other and more serious troubles. Bad Blood, Piles Chronic Liver Complaint, serious Kidney derangements and many other obscure and complicated troubles, have often had their begin ning in simple Constipation, made worse by persistent neglect. Gener ally speaking, Constipation indicates either a disordered Liver, or a dys peptic condition of the stomach; some times a combination of both troubles. It is very commonly brought on by being irregular about performing the duties of nature. In LAXINE we have a perfect and rational cure for all phases of this complaint, and we unhesitatingly agree to cure any case of Constipa tion, no matter how long standing or obstinate. If you have a sallow, yellow com plexion, yellowish eyeballs, tired-out feeling, dizziness, vertigo, variable appetite or sick headache, take LAX ti\H as directed and drink freely of good water, and your Constipation will be cured to stay cured. If you are suffering from any of the above complaints LAXINE, WILL CURE YOU! Laxine is Life = Giving. LAXINE, IS EASY TO TAKE. We guarantee to immediately refund your money if the results are not satisfactory. We c annot cure every case-only quacks claim to do that-but our medicine has been tested time mid again in the private practice of noted specialists, in hospital work among those too poor to purchase relief, and finally in the hands of tin people themselves, until from the vast number of testimonials which we have received from all over the country we guarantee LAXINE as a medicine was never guaranteed before. LAXINE is not sold by druggists. We save that profit for you. It can only be obtained from us direct, by mail postpaid, at s<> cents for a good large package. Our 5() package is equal in quantity to a dollar package of any other medicine. All orders filled the same