EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICK LIST. Emporium, Pa., Dec. 10, 1901. NEMOPUILA, per sack J1 15 Qraham, " 60 Rye '• «o Buckwheat, " "0 Patent Meai., " 55 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 GO Chop Feed, " 1 GO Middlings. Fancy " 1 60 Bran, 1 50 Corn, per bushel, 89 WhiteO.Us, i r uushel 62 Choice Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy Seed. I Market Prions Choice Millet Seed. | At Market Prices. Kaney Kentucky Blue Grass, I R.C. DODSONI, THE Elfdddist, /w Sietw K^;'oru t :.:, PA. IS LOCATEFJ ifJ THE CORKER STORE. At Fourth am! Chestnut Sis.. Drugs for Christmas. Yon don't expect to give drugs as Christmas gifts. But you need drugs at that season anyway. Need drugs in pre paring lor I lie day and n.vd drugs in overcoming tlio cH'ecU of the day ! Our drugs will help health and please your system. Dodson's Syrup of While Pine and Honey will stop that cough. Try it and bo convinced. St. C. IIOJJSOX Telephone, 19-2. aw*na— —r TTTrmtT"*T*Tn lr■r■ rrr~tit i —im rrrnTyirr— EMPORIUM OPERA HOUSE. Saturday Evening, Dec. 14th, 1901 CLA3IC BANJO RECSTfIL under the local management of FRANK EWING, Banjoist. ALFRED A. FARLAHD. Phenomenal Banjoist. JAMES D. HAWLEY, PersonationF. No Infiir.ts admitted. Prices, 25e, 50c, and 75c. Ridgway, Pa., —"The audience was en tranced by the music which Mr. Farlnnd pro- ' duced from tile Ilanjo."—Elk Democrat, March 17,18.«. Harrisburg, Pa.— "The Farlnnd concert was j the richest music .i treat ever tendered a Harris burg audience"—C ill, May 2, 1895. Boston, Mass.—"There is no man in the world whose technique can he compared to Mr. Far land's. It was reserved for him to show us the truly marvelous in li.injn playing."—Qatcombs Musical Cia/.ette, March. IS9J. EtKCTIOKi NOTICE, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Emporium, Pa., Dec. 7th, 1001. rpilE annual meeting of the stock-holders for 1- the election of a Hoard of Directors and the transaction of such other business as mav be laid before them, will beheld at the Hank on Tues- I day, January 14th, 1002, between thehours of one i and three in the afternoon. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier. JMUMjiidMnwa nna■ LOCAL DKI'ARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. Thai which you mould j ike to KCC in thin department,lcl us know by pon tal card or letter. j'crnonaltv. Root. Willett moved his family to j Emporium last week. Pap Blodget, of Sinnamahoning, was I transacting business in town on Mon- ! day. Chas. L. Butler, who has been on the ' sick list for several weeks, is visiting his brother at Port Allegany Prar.lt Murry, of Buffalo, is visiting his parents at this place. Frank is look- i ing well we are glad to note. Hon. W. E. Wheeler visited Em porium last Wednesday, to inspect the Howard lumber plant. He was a guest at Newton Terrace. Dr. A. W. Baker was called to Phila delphia on Monday by a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of his nephew. The doctor returned this (Thursday) morning and reports the little fellow much better. I I "ADollar Saved, is a ollar Earned," I >//<■ >//<■ We can save you lots of dollars by buying your jl ■\ Wall Paper, Ourtams and Paints of us If I " \ i III,;'] Youcan jarr.vltinyourhiinds.onyoiirslioul- S I-T O T I \¥ I A |I?J •JfJII dar,in your poekstor on yourbicywle. \ I I / \\/ (51 tjij, the button and the Kodak will i 1 1♦ y J c I—/ I 'V y J 112 J -Jj| iV%L , . _ 112 ~L Ben Egan visited St. Marys yester- I <h-y- Wm. Snyder has been on the sick list | for several days. Mr. David Murry is seriously sick at his home on Third street. From present indications, next week's court will be an important one. John Quigley, who has been on the j sick list, is out again and attending to I his duties at A. A. McDonald's. ! Miss Hattie Ness and brother, of Allegheny, Pa., are visiting R. H. Hirsch and wife at this place. Mrs. Josiah and W. H. Howard left | last Friday to visit friends at Lock j Haven, Williamsport aud Philadelphia, j Henry Auchu and Jos. J. Lingle re : turned yesterday from Wisconsin, I fchere they examined an extensive I lumber industry. Mrs. L. T. Hackett and brother, Mr. | Frank Murry, were called home on | account of the serious illness of their ! father, Mr. David Murry. Rev. Metzler attended tho lecture by Ex-Gov. BobTaylor, at Smethport, last Friday evening. He was delighted with the entertainment. Mrs. Elizabeth Howard was summon ed to Philadelphia on Tuesday by a telegram informing her of the death of her oldest sister. She left on Buffalo Flyer. Joseph Kaye, and son Elmer who ac companied a party of lumbermen to Mexico, where they examined an ex tensive timber property, returned home on Monday. S. D. McCoole, of Driftwood, was calling on Emporium friends last Mon day, receiving congratulations upon the advent of his twin babies. "Mac" is a popular gentleman and makes friends with all whom he meets. C. D. Osterhout, a popular citizen of Ridgway who recently had an opera tion for appendicitis, is now thought to be nearly well. He is abie to walk out on the street for exercise. His many j friends will be glad to hear of his rapid recovery.—Ridgway Advocate. O. P. Waters, of York, Pa., was guest of his old friend, Rev. O. S. Metzler, on Tuesday. Being closely ! identified with the newspaper world j he naturally wandered in this diree- i tion, accompanied by Mr. Metzler. We enjoyed his short visit and hope he j may call this way again. We noticed attorney E. J. Jones, of | St. Marys, in town yesterday after- ! noon. Mr. Jones is reported an aspi- ' rant for Senatorial honors in this dis- I trict at the the hands of the Republi- j can party. He formerly resided in this county and is very popular with all who know him. No doubt he would make a good fight for the election. R. 11. Hammond, of Lebanon, Pa., has accepted the position of Master Mechanic of Emporium Furnace and I entered upon the discharge of his j duties. Mr. Hammond is a very ef- | ficient gentleman, having for years | been in the employ of Lackawanna iron & Coal Company in similar capa-1 city. Dancing class at opera house every 1 Thursday evening. Prof. Burlingham. I Rev. Dr. J. Harper Black, Presiding | Elder of Williamsport district, preach ed an able sermon in Methodist Episco pal church, last Sunday evening. Six new members joined Methodist Episcopal church last Sunday, by cer tificate—two from New Haven, Conn., two from Austin, one from Bellefonte, and one from Williamsport. The display of fancy dressed dolls and ladies and gents handkerchiefs at the Bazaar, Dec. 19thand 20th will be a delight to the eye and the prices will be reasonable too. POULT it Y Fon SALE— Throughbred light Brahama and Buff Wyandottes,as good as any in the state. Also dealer in crushed oyster shells for poultry, 90c per 100. Agent for Lambert's Death t'> Lice. ALFRED NELSON. Emporium, Pa. 41tf. The Swecdish government is disposed to adopt electricity on its entire railroad system. When you feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your livtr and regulate your bowels mak ing you feel like a new man. l*'or sa'c by L. Taggart. Zinc and Grindinß Make IJevoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice sa long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901. Be nore Careful. Miss Alda Carter, teacher at Plank Road, was a PRESS visitor last Monday and complains that our Valley corres pondent reported in last week's PRESS that she was visiting at Smethport. Such was not the case, her mother being qnite sick at the time. We hope al! correspondents will be more care ful in the future and refrain from mis representing any person. Very often it causes the newspaper men consider- I able annoyance and under certain cases we must divulge the names of our contributors. "Hew to the line." Died After A Perilous Ride. W ILLIAMSPORT, Dec. 9 (Special). - Mrs W. H. Fowler, died suddenly at her home at Williamsport last Monday. While death was due to a blood clot on the brain, it is believed, that a trilling experience through which Mrs. Fowler passed about two months ago hastened her death. She was about to board a train at Montgomery, when it started while she was standing on the step of a Pullman car. Unable to open the vestibule door Mrs. Fowler was compelled to cling to the hand rail until the train reached Muncy, a distance of five miles, where she was rescued in a state of utter col lapse. I£lsie Horan's Quick Wit. AUSTIN, PA., Dec. 9 —Miss Elsie Mo ran, a school teacher ofCorwin, Pa., is a heroine, having earned her rtght to the title by saving the life of a young man Saturday afternoon. The young fellow, considerably un der the influence of liquor, was reeling along the Buffalo and Susquehanna railroad just as the Sinnemahoning train eamo bowling along. When the train was only a few feet away the fel low lost his ballance and fell across the rails, limp and helpless. He would have been ground to pieces in a few seconds if it had not been for Miss Moran, who had just dismissed her school and was on her way home. She realized his peril at a glance and acted just as quickly. Calling to one of her scholars to try and attract the engineer's attention she rushed to the drunken man and dragged him from the track. And she was none too soon, for the instant that the fellow was safe the train wizzed by. Mason Hill. We understand that L. B. Russel is moving to Medix Run. Miss Ethel Burr, of Castle Garden, visited home over Sunday. Mrs. Laura Griffin visited friends at Driftwood over Sunday. Mr. Walter Barr, of First Fork, visit ed his mother on Sunday. Mrs. J. M. English and son George visited Mrs. C. M. Bailey on Sundav. C. J. Miller was down from Medix Hun on Sunday makinqhis regular calls. Miss Maud AY illiams shook hands with iier many friends in Jluutley last week. Mrs. W. 11. Smith, ol' Huntley, visit ed her mother Mrs. Martin Ilill a few days last week. C. M. Bailey attended the funeral of the little child of his brother, Monroe Bailey, Sunday. O. B. Tanner was up at Cameron to lodge on Saturday night soiling three bags of bear tracks. We want it understood that our mail man did not loose his mail bag and goto Driltwood empty handed. What happened at the Golden Eagle Lodge at Cameron Saturday night that laid Williams up over Sunday. First Fork. The saw mill will be making sawdust fiy in a lew days. A good many deer and bear have been killed in this section and the bear hunters are still following up the game Win, Gorman, an old time resident of this place, but now of Lemon. Pa., was calling on friends here last week, and visited his father and brother at Johnsonburir. Last Friday morning the thermome ter registered zero weather, which seeni.*: a little premature to an old resident of this section, but accords with the prophe cies of the "weather sharps". The Martindale hotel is having the | finishing touches put on it now by the painters and paperhangew. It will be I large enough to accommodate the travel- j ing public, fisherman, hunters, prospec- j tors and all. Albert Lesno died very suddenly at 1 fhos. Murdock's camp on Lick Island I Itun, on Thursday last. lie had only j worked one day arid was apparently well in the morning. Burial was made at Wharton on Sunday. He was about (55 years old anil of German deseent. The body of Caleb Haynes was brought home from the Warren Asylum and funeral was held on Tuesday last, | interment being made at the Smith bury ing ground, lie was one of the old set- I tiers in this section, and must have been | somewhere in the 70's as to age. The I old landmarks are rapidly passing away, ! although there are a number of men in I this township who are over 80 years old ' and some of them nearing the ninety : mark. Information Wnnted. The manufacturers of Banner Salve having always believed that no doctor or medicine can cure in every case, but never having heard where Banner Salve ! failed to cure ulcers, sores, tetter, eczema, or piles, as a matter of curiosity would like to know if there are such eases. If so they will gladly refund the money. L. Taggart. The man rarely marines the woman he jokis aboutjshe often marries the man she laughs at. ICrause'a Headache Capsules are unlike anything prepared in America. They were first prescribed by Dr. Krause, Germany's famous court physician, iorig before antipyrine was discovered, and are almost marvelous, so speedily do they j cure the most distressing eases. Price I 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought j HARRIED. LEDBETTER —MATTESON. At the residence of j the bride, Emporium, Pa., Wednesday evening. | Dec. 4th, 1901, by Rev. W. A. Pugslcy, Mr. Methiland Ledbetter and Miss Ida Mattison. I~MTTTW—T—WW"—II—IH | ■■■ BP— IMI lin IIH I SPECIAL ißeductionl j _ Sale LADIES' COATS, CAPES, RAINY-DAY SKIRTS, MERCERIZED SATiN PETTICOATS, LADIEs FLANNEL WAISTS. DRESS | GOODS AND BELTS. """" I To close out tlie line at KF.LLF.y'S VAP.tTY STORE, | a (Formerly W. H. Cramer's) B | MAN*YSUTT^.BLIT~*CHRISTMAS | I PRESENTS. " I 2y Proportionate bargains in every | department. CHICHESTER'S EHGUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS 0 p ■ Sufo. Always reliable. ImtfleN, iv;ik Druggist for niH'IIKMTKII'IH in SLccl and metallic boxen, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. ItoftiNe clmiyrvroiiH MiMi* 112 ulion* nnd imitation*, iiny of your Druggist, I or send Ic. in stamps for D'arlicnlnrv TcNti' j monJiiln ami "Btt'liof for in te/l'r. 1 l<y n ltrn null. 10,000 Testimonials. Bold by I all Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 310© 9lnaiMon Mquure, I*A, j Mcntlou this paper. 'YOUR, FAITH ours if you try Shiloh's Consumption 1 * * .rv and ours is so strong we 1 .11 Jr* guarantee a cure or refund money, and we send you free trial bottle if you write for it. SHIL,OH'S costs 25 cents and will cure Con sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results. It has lK*en doing these things for 50 years. S. C. Wbi,ls & Co., I,c Roy, N. Y. Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects the Stomach, DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. We are ready for Christmas. The bulk of our Holiday attractions outside of Fruits, Candies, Nuts, etc., which will continue to arrive daily, are now ready for your inspection, and comprise many useful as well as ornamental articles, at prices that will surprise 3'ou at the cheapness when yon consider quality. 1 nnu Turu While waiting for your purchases in the grocery line. m/rS Everything marked in plain figures. The same prices to all. Come in before the rush for Christmas Groceries, we can give ————— you much better attention, and will take pleasure in doing so. No matter if you do not buy, we like to show you the goods. Smuts; friiitq 8 These are always special features at this store during the j CANDIES j ever 8 eHpeciillly ' and thiH year wSH he more so than ; LOOK FOR O'J. r l ! these particular goods, in next issue of this paper. PRICES ' 0 W1 " certainly save you money if given the opper .' > tunity. Extra Prices For benevolent purposes. Come in and see us. Will try and do yon some good. Itemcinbcr we guarantee satisfaction. If goods are not right, don't keep them. Pl '°" eC - J. IT. )H | STORE NEWS. | I< €3»risli!ias SSioppers. [ Our line of Chinaware is very handsome and the stock so complete that it will be 110 trouble for you u| T *-° select a most handsome and useful present if 9 JL you will only come and look over our large coun- B t e . r - Not only is our China Department up to date 9 13 with ? casonahle Roods but all others as well. We I ~ especially invite your attention to our Doll De ■ A partment. I \} e carry the most complete stock of Ladies' Bx r Rainy-day Skirts in this county and the prices are 9 considerably small when the quality is compared. B Now you need wraps this cold weather and we B are prepared to fit you with the very latest in I I ( r Coats, Capes and Raglans, and at a less cost than | a "- J same goods can be purchased elsewhere. I 4 \ o ,ir store is stocked throughout with the best I I \ J goods procurable. Our Grocery Department is in I i f the lead by far, when you consider the quality of | I goods you get. Nothing but the best is our motto | and that together with fair dealing has made this | g T store the aknowledged leader in this county. |S | M. C. TULIS. I I Balcom & Lloyd. I i v il. p , . = I I' ' for ,112 | the Season I II We have opened and are displaying a il || choice line of . . | FANCY I I DRY GOODS I I'll II h specially selected for the . . Li I Winter 1 it If I Se&soft. S m ini lj We have gathered such articles as ffl combine elegance with || utility and at |j I Very Reasonable I I] T) • gj I rnces | ijj 1 I Balcom & Lloyd. 8 fe. * 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers