8 V F. C. Corsets ma K e AMERICAN BEAUTIES We Have KKV them in all V. F stylos and shapes to fit every figure. y and every corset is sold under tHls I C mJOHf most liberal J W arrant— "Money re funded after A w ! four weeKt' trial If corset is not satisfactory. Looh for this Trade MarH on inside of corset and on box. *- ' —- KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sole MaHera Kalamazoo, Mich. FOR SALE BY 39 11 A ZARI'S & CO. i Get an | I Education 1 I An exceptional opportunity offered g to young men and young women tori prepare for teaching or for buslneFS. ft Four regular courses; also special fa work In Music, Shorthand, Type- fc writing. Strong teaching force, well 112 graded work, good discipline and K Eard study, Insure best results to R students of Central State | Normal School [ LOCK HAVEN. Clinton Co., PA. , Ilandaomc bull<llni?fl perfectly equipped, 112 ; nteam beat, electric lights, abundance of i • pure mountain water, extensive rumpus ! ; and athletic grounilu. Expenses low. Send ! I for catalog. ! ). R. FLICKINGER, Principal. Central State Normal School, I j LOCK HAVEN. jg rn have no cllect on Avltnr'^lt ■ 1 srs\xxzNfßEtiJkm NJ ncss OH. It re- \ Hj sists the damp, WW \ \ v v i)j keeps thelealh- M M ■ 112 I Eg do not break. \ \ \V%\ ® 1 ; \\> v I and cut. Madeby Standard Oil jj \ \ Vji \ j> Company ££ \ MOST IN QUANTITY. BEST IN QUALITY. WORMS!; i WHITE'S CREAM * £ vermifuge; Z FOR 20 YEARS ft \ Has led all WORM Remedies. \ 7 EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. ¥ | HOLD BY ALL BRIOOISTS ■ / Prepared by \ \ RICIIACD3OIT MEDICINE CO., ST. LOCI 6. / Forstlet.. by Taggart S6-ly. Called to Hftffi Vin De iny Address Hdujm Cinchona co. In Plain mgua l 6i2Locustst Packages. DesMoines.la ASK YOUR DRUOaiST FOR THE "ED CROSS BOOKLET. (MAILED FREE) 10NEY EEFUIiDED IF WOT AS WE SAT L. Taggart. fmm 18 A safe, certain relief for Suppressed I 3g Menstruation. Never known to full. .Safe! u Nt Sure! Speedy! .Satisfaction Guaranteed ($ |M or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■ 91 £I.OO per box. Will send them on trial, to I ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. B B UNITED MEDICAL CO., Box 74. UNOITCR. P. M Br; gggaßgal Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart. Cures Drunkenness. ee!ey c "5- mE ' THE ffl KEELEY Write for || INSTITUTE, BsekleL 4S««Pim.A™, 0 ei * VITTbULIIU, Va. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys ond bladder right. BANNER SALVE ♦»t* moet healing salve in the world. JPT" Seeing; the Editor. 'An Interesting story is related bj Colonel Dennison in the volume "Sol dlering In Canada" concerning the late Sir Henry Ilavelock-Allau, wlio was a famous lighter. The colonel says: "My wife and I were in Hyde park one day : when Sir Henry came over and asked 1 bow she liked his horse. She said very i much, and I gave my opinion that It was about the 11 nest horse I had seen on the row that day. He then told us an anecdote about the horse. He said be had ridden Into Darlington, which was close to his country seat, and he nent a boy up to the editor of the news paper asking him to come down to the street to speak to him for a few min utes, as he could not leave his horse. The editor was too busy to come down, and Sir Henry went to him. He rode up two flights of stairs Into the editor's room, spoke to him from the horse's back, rode round his table and back again and then made his way out into the street. He said the horse tumbled things about a good bit, and the editor danced out of his way. 'But,' added Sir Henry, 'now the editor comes down to me if I goto see him mounted.' " Cllmblnif Anlmnln. Dogs often have to be trained to climb stairs, instinctively distrusting the upper stories. It has been conjec tured that this is because the dog's forelegs break easily below the shout der, and the beast seems to realize this. The fox has no such fear and has been known to climb a tree with plenty of small limbs to the height of seventeen feet. Swimming comes easier than climbing to most animals as well as to many races of men. Hats and guinea pigs can swim well and do not climb at all. Bears can climb well if llltie, but the grizzly and other large .species stay mainly on the ground. A bear always climbs down a tree backward, as does the domestic cat until she has nearly reached the ground, when she turns and jumps, but most wild cats run down a trunk head first, even the heavy leopard being a more skillful climber than the light house cat. The tiger and lion, however, do not climb, for no discoverable reason unless it be that they fear falling on account of their weight. Moclliicationci of Iron. Add carbon to pure iron, and it be comes steel. Add a hydrocarbon to Iron, and steel itself becomes so ex tensively modified that its properties are not recognizable. Thus steel may be soft as pure iron. Add hydrogen in varying quantity, and it has the quali ty of resilience, as in the watch spring, or the quality of tenacity, as in the knife or razor, or may be given nearly all the hardness of a diamond, as in a file. With steel at a low temperature, from 400 to 450 degrees P., edge tools are produced and color in the yellow shades; from 500 to 525 degrees various sorts of springs are produced, color blue, while by heating iron to white ness and plunging it into water, which is mainly composed of hydrogen, files are produced or forms even harder. lee In tin* Sioltroom. A medical journal tells how a saucer ful of shaved ice may be kept in a sickroom through a day and night if need be, even with a lire in the room. Put the saucer holding the ice in a soup p!ate and cover it with another. Then place the soup plates thus arrang ed on a good, heavy pillow and cover with another pillow, pressing the pil lows so that the plates are completely imbedded in them. The paragraph adds that one of the best ice shavers is an old jack plane set deep. It should be turned bottom upward and the ice moved backward and forward over the cutter. To Forffct. Feeble natures live ia their sorrows) instead of converting them into apo thegms of experience. They are satu rated with thciu, and they consume themselves by singing back each day into the misfortunes of the past. To forget is the great secret of strong and creative existence, to forget after the manner of nature, which knows no past and begins again every hour the mysteries of her indefatigable produc tiveness.—Balzac. A (.olden Ilath. Mme. du Barry when at the zenith of her power had a bath so constructed that on touching a tap a cascade of golden louis, from a reservoir that was always kept well filled, mingled with the flow of scented water. This device *as fashioned, it is said, to represent the legend of Danae. An Indian Almanac. The Indians in Canada, when they goto hunt for the long winter, take a flat wooden almanac, with a hole for each day. Sundays are marked and holidays so as to be distinguished, and fast days have a rude fish. The owner, moving his peg each day, keeps up with the times. Which He Did. "I'll make somebody smart for this!" exclaimed the man who had thought lessly kicked an innocent looking hat that lay on the sidewalk. And he limped homeward and scolded his wife for not having dinner ready.— Exchange. It Spread. Patience —Did I'eggy advertise an announcement ol her engagement in the nev. spap. isV Patrice- No; sh;- didn't have to. She told ail her girl frionds that it was a secret. —Yonhcr:*. .Statesman. The jarrow wood, which grows in Australia, is almost the only kind known to the lumbermen which effec tively resists the depredations of in sects. Not an insect will touch it. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1901. Recommends It To Trainmen. (i. 11. Hitupun, Liniu, O , Engineer L. | E. &. W. II 11., wiiles: "I have been troubled ;t jzreat deal with backache. I j was induced to try FoleyV Kidney Cure, and one buttle entirely relieved imi. 1 gladly recommend it to any one. espec ially my friends anions the train men, who are usually similarly fliiacted." L. Taggart. Whom we love best, to them we can say least. Sellable and Oentle. "Apill's a pill," says the saw. But there arc pills and pills. You waut a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn't gripe. DeWitt's Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force but assists the bowels to act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small and easy to take. It. C. Bodson. One expresses well only the love he does not feel. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd. y VETERINARY SPECIFICS A. A. I FRYERS, Congestion!*, 111 flu 111 ina- CURES ) TLONM, Lung Fever. Milk Fever. 11. I).) SPHAIIVS, Lameness, Injuries. CURKB ) Rheumatism. C. C.IKOKE THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootic. CURES ) Distemper. CURES 1 WORMS, Dot,. <iruba. E. E. (COUGHS. Colds. Influenza, Inflamed CURES J LungH, Pleuro-Pneumonia. F. F.) COLIC. Dellyaehe, Wind-111 own, CURES) Diarrhea, Dyiientery. G.«. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. CURES i K,DVEY & BLADDER DISORDERS. I. I. )SKI\ DISEASES. Manir, Eruptions. CURES ) Lleers. Grease, Farcy. J. K. BAR CONDITION. Staring Coat. CURES ) Indigestion, Stomach StaKßers. 60c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifies, Hook, &c., $7. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine (JO., Cor. Williams John Sts., New York. VETERINARY MANUAL SENT FREE. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or special package with powder,for $5 Bold by Druggists, or tent post-paid on receipt of price. 11l SirilKKYb* MED. CO., Cor. William * John 8la.« New York Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevent s formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. 0. DEWITT&CO., Chicago Tbo fl. bottle contains ZV» times the 50c. size. It. C. Dodson. Emporium, Pa. I agac ™ CT «^li——lllM ilßiii'lWi Failure in life is more often due to exhausted nerve force than to lack of capital. Strong nerves are the capital that helps men conquer conditions. When people lose their capital they set to work to regain it. When we lose our nerve force we ought to seek a means of getting it back. There is a way, certain and scientific. feed the nerves, making them steady aud strong as steel. 1 We do not believe they can fail to cure Nervous Debility and physical ex haustion; that's why we agree to refund your money if six boxes do not cure you. SI.OO per box; 6 boxes $5.00, mailed securely sealed upon receipt of price. Hook free. Address, PEAL MEDICINE 38 Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R.C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. 51 KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases . m CY'O KIDNEY CURE Is a lULt I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. L. Taggart, Emporium, Pa. 36-28. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS AT P fttof'c*. AlwnvM reliable. Drueviat for < in Red and I Clold metallic tioxw, Healed with bluo ribbon. i Tttke no other. KtTiitt 1 diiuifcroiiM MultNti. I tution't unci Hwvoi'your Druggist. I or solid If. in stamp* for i'arliculnrt, TewH iMoniat* and '-Keller for Penile*." in letter, I bv n'tiirii .Hall. 10.000 Testimonials. bokl by i all Drufwistc. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL. CO. ttlOO 91udiiion Square, PIKKLA., FA, ' MuuUbu tfcU HP«r. ALL SORTS. WHITES CREAM VEIIMIPUGUE re moves the unhealthy tissue upon which worms thrive; it brings, and quickly, a healthy condition of body, where worms cannot exist. Price, 25 cents. L. Taggart. Love is master of the wisest. It is only fools who defy him. Never try to coax a cold or cough, use the remedy that unfailingly conquers both. BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP is the great specific for all throat and lung troubles. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Love makes fools wits, and witß fools. Many people are suffering fearfully from indigestion or dyspepsia, when one single bottle of HERUINE would bring about a prompt and permanent cure. A few doses will do more for a weak stom ach than a prolonged course of any other medicine. Price, 50 cents. Love places a genius and a fool on a level. For all fresh cuts or woumds, either on the human subject or on animals, BAL LARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is excellent; while for corn-buskers' sprained wrists, barbed-wire cuts and sores on working horses, it cannot be too highly commenc ed. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Let hiui who would not be idle fall in love. There is probably no disease more dis tressing and annoying than piles. HAU LER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT is daily curing cases of years' standing of itching and bleeding piles. The cure be gins on the first application, a tittle per severance makes the cure complete, Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. L. Taggart. Love is the occupation of an idle man, the amusement of a busy one, and the shipwreck of a sovereign. Geo. A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey and Tar for hoarseness and find it the best remedy I ever tried. It stopped the cough immediately and re lieved all soreness." Take none but Foley's. L. Taggart. Love being the lighter, when mixed with business, always rises to the top. To-day take Foley's Honey and tar. It positively prevents pneumouia, or other serious results from colds. It may be too late to-morrow. L. Taggart. Love is the business of the idle, but the idleness of the busy. Adolph Bluner, Grand Mound, la., writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in my family and think it is the best cough cure on the market. 1 would not be without it in my home, as there is nothing so good for coughs and colds. L. Taggarl. Love makes time pass, and time makes love pass. W. J. Shivcly, Batesville, ()., speaking of Banner Salve, says:"l used it for piles, and it has done me mora good than any salve I have ever used, and I have tried a great many kinds." L. Taggart. Love is better than spectacles to make everything seem great. Seymour Webb, Moira, N. Y., writes: "I bad been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had tried several physicians but received no relief until I bought a bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles I was absolutely cured. I earnestly recommend Foley's Kidney cure." Take only Foley's. L. Taggart's. Jack in love is no judge of Jill's beauty. For Hoorßenesa. Benj. Ingerson, of Ilutton, Ind., says he had not spoken a word above a whis per for months, and one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. Be sure you get Foley's. L. Taggart. Love is a shroud in which the faults of our loved one lie buried. To Cure A Cough Stop coughing, as it irritates the lungs, and gives them no chance to heal. Foley's Honey and Tar cures without causing a strain in throwing off the phlegm like common cough expectorants. L. Taggart. The lover shuts his eyes aud tells him self lies. Easy to Cure a Cold if you go about it right. Take two or three Krause's Cold Cure Capsules dur ing the day and two before retiring at night. This will insure a good night's rest and a free movement of the bowels next morning. Coutinue the treatment next day and your cold will melt away. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Lovers and poets are privileged to lie. When You Getfa Headache don't waste a minute but goto your drug gist and get a box of Krause's Headache Capsules. They will prevent paint, even though your skull were cracked. They are harmless, too. Bead the guarantee. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. True love olten uses shoiking gram mar. For Shattered Nerves. A remedy that will soothe, build up j j the wasted tissues and enrich the blood j is- indispensable. Lichty's Colorv Nerve j j Compound has been wonderfully snc j eessful in cases of nervousness, as thon | sands of grateful people will testily. ' Sold by L. Taggart. Foley*s honey and Tar tor children,safe,sure. No opiates. I Balcom & Lloyd, i I Prepared | I for I § 112 i the Se&sot?l JjjWe have opened and are displaying a j§ 1 choice line of . . | FANCY | 1 DRY GOODS 1 m fp [ijj specially selected for the . . 11 .'I 4 -tf | gj i | • Season. I; [MI Weihave gathered snchL articles a R combine elegance with if utility and at j| 1 Very Reasonable 1 | ~ Prices ~ | I . 1 fill IliT I Balcom & Lloyd, i \<h> ♦ odf Bnfants and Children, The Kiml You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over IJO years. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "• Just-!i3-good " are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears hi Use For Over 30 Years. G. SCHMIDT'S,' — FOR IIP " ''* fresh BREAD, ?f popular \ # ™ CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. Hi V gf W A cure guaranteed if you use H I PILES Suppository I ; Eg J) Malt Thompson, Supt. B u9 Oraded Schools, States vi lie, N. C., writes : " I can *av H R they do all you claim for them." l»r. 8. M. Devorr, K1 QB llßven Rock, \V. Vn., writes : " They gire uttiverkal ratit Hj Mj faction." I»r. 11. 1). M<*(iill, Clarksburg, Tenn., wrltea p l,r '" l " ,s wAn r I Tin j| Sold in (Emporium by L. Taggart. Call for ! free sample. fESTTivefp :;i ; K REMEDY AND 1 ISIERVE TOWIO. h It. C. Dcdson, Agent, 36-281y. Emp < rinrri, Pa REVBVO RESTORES VITALITY the ® (Vte* pruanoHc prodnrra tho abovo rosalts In 30 days. It ac IB powerfully Qud quickly. Curea when oil othera fall. Voucr men will regain tbeir loat manhood, and old mon will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and ouroly restores Jlorvoua ceas, Lent Vitality, Impoteccy. Nightly ErnißflioM, LoßtPov.'es , Failing Ucmory, Waetinsr DiEcaecß, and Eli effecta of eotf-abuso or eiceßßEnd Indiscretion, which uufit.i ono for Btudy. busitiesn or marrlago. Ic cot only curea by starting at tho coat of tUoe&Go.but 13 n iT'oi' nr-vvo ton in and blooti ballcic-r, brinj ins back tho pink glow to palo cluselss andr.y Btorlng the flro of youth. It wardn c£f Insanity anil C'ouiiusoptloa. Inaist on having KEVIVOiiia other. It can bo carried In vest pock6t. By mail. ei.OOporpackaga.or Bit for SC.CO, wltb. a potii tlvo xvriftca to enro or rafnad che monry. H<viic and advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 'VH.C^go".^'-' For Sale in Emporium, by 11. C. I>< cfci..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers