8 n Jieto Arrivals 1 N FOR 1901! \ ' Without a doubt the largest, ■> ► high-class, popular manufac- ( F turfs of Cloths ever brought into Cameron county, at i J R. SEGER & ; cohpany's. k We have taken especial care J in the selection of our goods ™ and propose giving our hun dreds of customers. > HONEST, WELL-MADE CLOTHING i AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. \ . Every dollar's worth of goods . . must give the wearer satisfac- "i tion. We desire all who in- tend purchasing a suit of Ni N clothes this Fall to file their k orders early, that care may be N given to every customer, no US ft, matter whether you want a y k sls or $lO suit. Q | R. SEGER & CO. | Opposite M. E. Church. i\/ / 3K2S A/K3E3K / l Get an I Education 112 112 An exceptional opportunity offered $ & to young men and young women to (0 8 propure for leuchlng or for business. ft ; Four regular courses; also 6peclal jfc ; work In Music, Shorthand, Type- fe writing. Strong teaching force, well g Eradod work, good discipline and IS nrd study, Insure best results to Isj students of Centra! State Normal School j ; LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co.. PA. ; Handsome buildings i*'rfectly equipped, " tit am boat, electric lights, abundance of C I pure mountain water, extensive campus p -I and athletic grounds. Expeuses low. Bend j -{ for catalog. jj J. H. FLICKINGER, Principal, :j Central State Normal School, 1 | LOCK HAVEN, PA. BiSHsaarasx&iaEaQraßßaßßaa BANNER SALVE v--* moo* h«aiing salve in the world. | ® FURNITURE *| WHOLESALE ;f AND RETAIL. We manufacture our own Bedroom vSuitcs and Side- i|j| t|§ boards right here in town; as we have no freight or agents j||) ||P expense to pay. YOU can readily see WHY we can tin- dersell anyone in those lines, we are getting ready for our | Second Anniversary j •jttv Onr prices, all marked in plain figures, have become |jl|| the talk of the town, and has forced our COMPETITOR'S if TO BECOME IMITATORS in prices but not in quality It 111 of goods. Compare present pi ices of Furniture with past Iffl W> prices, and then you can see only too plainly the Stand and |lf Kl Deliver policy you have been paying tor years. pi We respectfully invite the public to see the largest raj ||| and best stock ever exhibited in this town. fkij Twenty-five different Bed-room. Suites from sl2 to $65 M] m fifteen different Sideboards from - - $lO to SSO : .'Jf ||jj Twelve different Couches from ■ $5 to $25 jp I Car load of ROCKERS of all descriptions. Special inducements each week. Watch our windows. ||| I Undertaking. | Remember the place, next door to Odd Fellows Block. j[p Residence up stairs. Open all night. §| j|| II Emporium Furniture Go. 11 lIF.ItNARI) F.GAN, iwaitatcer. I : ■ SECOND TO NONK. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 396 to 408 Main St.—American Block, BUFFALO, N. Y. The G-reat Pan-American Store. Our store is one of the attrac tons of the city. All convenien ces and comforts!for visitors. Bureau of information. Ladies' parlors and waiting room. Refreshment room for ladies and gentlemen. Meals any time between 8 a. m.and 6 p. m. at moderate prices. Headquarters for Pan-Ameri can souvenirs, Buffalo and Nia gara Falls souvenirs. We are now showing new spring goods in all departments, including millinery, cloaks,suits, waists, gloves and neckwear. In dress goods, silks and wash fabrics we also lead the trade of Buffalo. We show hundreds of private patterns in new carpets which can be seen in no other store in Buffalo. All correspondence promptly attended to. ADAM, MELDRUM & ANDERSON CO., I 396-408.Main Street, The American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1901 ALL SORTS. WHITES CREAM VKRMIFUOOE re moves the unhealthy tissue upon which j worms thrive; it brings, and quickly, a j healthy condition of body, where worms cannot exist. Price, 25 cents. L. Taggart. If thou hast a grief too heavy t<» bear ca patience to help you, and she will bring you a blessing in its place. Never try to coax a cold or cough, use the remedy that unfailingly conquers both. BAI.LARD'H HOUEHOUNIJ SYRUP is the great specific for all throat and lung troubles. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Patience and time make a path of light through the gloom, and generally find a treasure in the darkest night. Many people are suffering fearfully from indigestion or dyspepsia, when single bottle of HERBINE would bring about a prompt and permanent cure. A few doses will do more for a weak stom ach than a prolonged course of any other medicine. Price, 50 cents. Nothing is so like a gentleman as a gentlemanly knave. For all fresh cuts or woumds, either on the human subject or on animals, BAL LARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is excellent; while for coro-huskers' sprained wrists, barbed-wire cuts and sores on working horses, it cannot be too highly commend ed. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. If you would know what is to be, con sider what was. There is probably no disease more dis tressing and annoying than piles. HAU LER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT is daily cuiiug cases' of years' standing of itching and bleeding piles. The cure be gins on the first application, a tittle per severance makes the cure complete, Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. L. Taggart. True religion has peace for its founda tion stone. Geo. A. Points, Upper Sandusky, ()., writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey and Tar for hoarseness and find it the best remedy i ever tried. It stopped the cough immediately and re lieved all soreness." Take none but Foley's. L. Taggart. Instruction is a teacher, but Example is an artist, and our emotions are the colors he mixes on the heart's palette. To-day take Foley's Honey and tar. It positively prevents pneumonia, or other serious results from colds. It may be too late to-morrow. L. Taggart. Moral purlity may lie iu the intention, but the act is the proof of it. Adolph Bluner, Grand Mound, la., writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in my family and think it is the best cough cure on the market. I would not be without it in my home, as there is nothing so good for coughs and colds. L. Taggarf. Pride is a louder beggar than Want, and is a dea. more impudent. W. J. Shively, Batesville, <).. speaking of Banner Salve, says:"l used it for piles, and it has done me mora good than any salve I have ever used, and I have tried a great many kinds." L. Taggart. Quick resentment, like a mob, is apt to execute the wrong man. Seymour Webb, Moira, N. writes: "I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had triad several physicians but received no relief until 1 bought a bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles I was absolutely cured. I earnestly recommend Foley's Kidney cure." Take only Foley's. L. Taggart's. He who gives advice unmasked sows seed iu a market place. For Hoarseness. Benj. Ingerson, of Hutton, Ind., s:iys he had not spoken a word above a whim per for months, and one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. Be sure you get Foley's. L. Taggart. A weak character seldom forgives one it has injured, but justifies the sin rather than repair it. To Cure A Cough Stop coughing, as it irritates the lungs, and gives them no chance to heal. Foley's Honey and Tar cures without causing a strain in throwing off the phlegm like common cough expectorants. L. Taggavt. The way to repentance is paved with tones from the ruins of pleasures past. Easy to Oure a Cold if you go about it right. Take two or three Krause's Cold Cure Capsules dur ing the day and two before retiring at night. This will insure a good night's rest and a free movement of the bowels next morning. Continue the treatment next day and your cold will melt away. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. He who dines 011 vanity must sup on contempt. When You Get a Headache don't waste a minute but goto your drug gist and get a box of Krause's Headache. Capsules. They will prevent paint, even though your skull were cracked. They are harmless, too. Head the guarantee. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Rashness has a Godchild named Mis fortuue. For Shattered Nerves. A remedy that will soothe, build up j the wasted tissues and enrich the blood , is indispensable. Liehty's Celery Nerve j Compound has been wonderfnily sue- ' cessf'ul in cases of nervousness, as thon- j sands of grateful people will to,lily. Sold by L. Taggart. Recommends It To Trainmen. G. H. Hausan, Lima. ()., Engineer L. E. A. W. II E., writes: "I have been troubled a ttreat deal with backache. I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. L gladly recommend it to any one. espec ially my friends among the train men, who are usually similarly ffliacted." L. Taggart. As one fool disappears, another bobs up in his place. Reliable and Oentle. •'Apill's a pill," says the saw. But there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and geutle. Mustn't gripe. DeWitt's Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force but assists the bowels to act.. Strengthen aud invigorate. Small and easy to take. B. C. Dodson. Indolence is a sort of suicide. Modern iiurgery Surpassed. "While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician who advised me to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, "says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. ! I procured a box aud was entirely cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartly recommend it to all sufferers " Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles. Do- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured by it. Be ware of counterfeits. It. C. Dodson. Zino and Grinding Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long aa lead and oil mixed by hand. tf CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Lanithtcr of Saranex, The general impression one derives from the accounts given is certainly that savage tribes are not victims of a sullen despair, but, on the contrary, have a large and abundant mirth. Their laughter and other signs of good spirits are of the most energetic kind. Darwin and a number of travelers as sure us on this point. The Tasma nians. Ling Roth tells us, accompanied their loud bursts of laughter with movements of the hands to the head and quick tapping movements of the feet. The loud, deep chested character of the men's laughter is sometimes specially noted. A recent visitor to central Africa regrets that under Eu ropean Influence the deep chested, hearty Ir> Ur of the men is being re pla< i <1 by what is known as the "mis sion irtTP'.e" In the younger folk.—ln ternational M nthly. All' Odd \e»t. A correspondent of Cassell's Maga zine records a curious freak 011 the part of some wasps in Gloucester, Eng land. The wasps were noticed going in and out of a lock which secured a work shop door. The owner of the shop had the lock removed to satisfy his curiosi ty about the doings of the busy work ers. He found a nest inside. The cells were made of mud and were full of larva;. There were several dead wasps inside the lock. As the lock was in almost daily use the wasps could not have had a very peaceful home. Extreinef In Iceland. In Iceland nature seems to have de serted all her ordinary operations and to have worked only in combining the most terrific extremes which her pow ers can command. Nor is she yet si lent. After the lapse of ages the'fire of the volcano still bursts out among the regions of eternal snow, and the im petuous thundering of the geysers con tinues to disturb the stillness of the surrounding solitude. MM—lllllWilli Hill ASK YOUR DRUaaiST FO' BOOKI.ET. (MAILED F r WHEY REFCHBED r L. THffffart. EmporiamFaraiture to. Furniture Healers. I'uueral Directors. Kcsi iencc up Stairs. Open all Nipht. BERNARD EGAN, Manager. iiffiailam Ossrfs I uK A safe, certain relief for .Suppressed I M Menstruation. Never known tofait. Safe! 9 [;,( iiiv! Spicily! Satisfaction Guaranteed I !H| or money Kefumled. Kent prepaid for I Bj £I.OO per box. Will send them on t rial, to I Mhe paid for when relieved. .Samples Free. I Be UNITED MEDICAL CO., Bo* 74. UnctSTCn. P«. K bo din Emporium by L. Taggart. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. New Departure — at JASPER HARRIS' Popular Clothing House, EMPORIUM, PA. TO THE LADIES: We take pleasure in informing the ladies of Cameron county that we have added a first-class line of Toadies' Furs and Capes, And invite their inspection. Our furs are from one of the most reliable houses in the country and we propose giving our lady customers some genuine bargains. Come in and see. OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING Continues to increase in favor aud the people are keeping out popular UNION MADE CLOTHING moving. Our early winter line of goods cannot be excelled in this section. FALL?"AND WINTER OVERCOATS DID YOU SAY? We have them in all grades and prices. We especially call your attention to our popular Automobile Overcoat and other up to-date styles. Our store was never in better shape to serve the wants of the public. COME! JASPER HARRIS, Remember the place—Directly Opposite Post Office, Emporium, Pa. for Infants and Children., Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ingl Troubles and cures Constipation. IS regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving licalthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. G. SCHMIDT'S, 1 — .✓./*=* FRESH BREAD, J popular p " 1 * " " * CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. vm fm A cure fuarautee<! if you use H US TO, Suppository § htjj "**l). Matt. Thompson, Bupt. H SB they <lo all you claim for them." I>r. 8. M. Devorc, fij Kj Haven Kuok . \V\ V.v, wrlte« : " They dire universal satis B |jj faction." l)r. 11. Clarksburg, Tenn., writet jg JJJ MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. H Sold itt ;Emporium by L. Taggart. Call for | free sample. - I $ DR.FENNER'S @ IBM & Liver! ! REMEDY AND j£. j fNERVE™TOSS! 1 R. C. Dodson, Agent, 33-281y. Erupt riuni, P» I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers