8 ALL SORTS. After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails to stop a cold if taken iu time. L. Taggart. A hand full of luck is better than a sack full of sense. Do you suffer from piles ? If so do not turn to surgery for relief. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saving you the expense and danger of an operation. It. C. Dodson. Luck steps in at the door, and asks whether Prudence is in. When suffering from raektng cough, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. The soreucss will be relieved and a warm, grateful feeling and healing of the parts affected will be experienced. L. Taggart. Diligence is the mother of Gook Luck. C. M. I'helps, Forestdalc, Vt., says his child was completely cured of a bad case of eczema by the use of De Witts Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles. It. C. Dodson. A pound of pluek is worth a ton of luck. J. Odgers, of Frostburg, Md., writes: "I had a very bad attack of kidney com plaint aud tried Foley's Kidney Cure which gave me immediate relief, and I was perfectly cured after taking two bottles." Be sure you take Foley's. L. Taggart. Luck may carry a man across the brook if he will leap. W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va., druggist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles." It. C. Dodson. Rashness has a Godchild named Mis fortuue. Backache should never be neglected it means kidney disorder which, if al lowed to run too long, may result in Bright'* disease, diabetes or other serious and often fatal complaints. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys well. L. Taggart. lie who dines on vanity must sup on contempt. Mothers every where praise ()ne Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has re lieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the inflammation. The children's favorite. Cough Cure. It. C. Dodson. A report from Supt. J. 0. Gluck, Reform School, Pruntytytown, W. Va. Oct. 18th, 1900. "After trying all other advertised cough medicines we have de cided to use Foley's Honey and Tar ex clusively in the West Viaginia Reform School. I find it the most effective, and absolutely harmless.'' L. Taggart. ( BELL ) ||l Telephone and Telegraph Co., S Opens To=Day, October 31st, |j| Its New Long Distance Line |S TO EMPORIUM, PENN'A. |j J V pi §| w || Reaches two Million Subscribers in Twenty Thousand Cities, gj I 18 and s ' I had long suffered from indigestion," writes <i. A Le Deis, Cedar City., Mo. "Like other* I iried many preparations but never found anything that did me good until 1 took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One bottle cured me. A friend who bad suffered similarly 1 put on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is {raining fast and will soon be able to work. Before be used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure indigestion bad made him a total wreck. It. C. Dodson. Instruction is a teacher, but Example is an artist, and our emotions are the colors he mixes on the heart's palette. Happiness depends very much on the condition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of life make but little impression on those whose digestion is good. You can regulate your liver and kidneys with 11 ERMINE and enjoy health and buoy ancy of spirits. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. True religion has peace for its founda tion stone. Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind., "Dc , Witt's Little Early Risers never bind me double like other pills, but do their work thoroughly and make me feel like a boy." Certain, thorough, gentle It. C. Dodson. If you would know what is to be, con -1 sider what was. I Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere ! stimulant to tired nature. It affords the j stomach complete and absolute rest by digesting the food you eat. You don't have to diet but can enjoy all the good food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure instantly relieves that distressed feeling after eating, giving you new life and vigor. It. C. Dodson. Nothing is so like a gentleman as a gentlemanly knave. Chas. It. Wessmar, Evanston, 111., writes: "My boy two and one-half years old had a severe cold which refuted to yield to any treatment until we tried Foley's Honey and Tar. He was com pletely cured before using one bottle." Take none but Foley's, L. Taggart. Patience and tinje male a path of ! light through the gloom, and generally find a treasure iu the darkest night. We have seen the frail infant when j the faint struggle for existence seemed | almost ended, resuscitated and made i strong by the use of WHITES CREA.M j VERMIFUGE. Price, 25 cents. L. Tag- I gart. If thou hast a grief too heavy to bear I call patience to help you, and she will I bring you a blessing in its place. S. A. Tngalls, Crown Point, N. V., j writes: "My wife suffered from kidney ' trouble for years. She was induced to : try Foley's Kidney Cure and in less than a week after she began using it, she was greatly improved and three bottles cured her. L. Taggart. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1901. Corn-huskers' sprained wrists, barbed- j wire cuts, burns, bruises, severe laeera- | tions and external injuries of any kind ! are jiromptly and happily eured by apply ing BAM.ABD'SSNOW LINIMENT. Price, 25 and 50 cunts. L. Taggart. He who gives advice unmasked sows seed in a market place. Mrs. T. liriddlenian, ol Parshallville, Mich., was trouled with salt rheum for thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. After two ap plications of Banner Salve, her hands be came better and in a short time she was entirely eured. Beware of substitutes. L. Taggart. Quick resentment, like a mob, is apt to execute the wrong man. "A stitch in time saves nine," and a dose of BALLARD'S HOREIIOUND SYRUP at the beginning of a cold will save you many weary hours and even days of dis tressing and harassing cough Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Pride is a louder beggar than Want, and is a dea. more impudent. There are thousands of people; suffer ing untold torture from piles, because of the popular impression that they cannot be cured. TABLEH'S BOOKEVE PILE OINTMENT will cure them and the patient will remain cured. Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. Moral purlity may lie in the intention, but the act is the proof of it. De Witt's Little Risers never disap point. They are safe, prompt, gentle, ef fective in removing all impurities from the liver and bowels. Small and eat'V to 1 take. Never gripe or distress. R. C. I Diidson. The way to repertance is paved with | stones from the ruins of pleasures past. In anaemia and most women's ailments | the digestion is weak, the making of col ' or, flesh and strength out of' food, is itn- I perfect so that the patient, is weak, wan, [ nervous and dyspeptic. This condition ! can be corrected by taking a course of HEUIJINE. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. A weak character seldom forgives one 1 it has injured, but justifies the sin rather than repair it. Zinc and Grinding Make i Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice i as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Foley's tloney and Tar fcr children,safe. sure. No opiates. The thanksgiving number of The | Ladies' Home Journal is replete with 1 good fiction and interesting and novel | features It opens appropriately with I an article which tells "Where the | President's Turkey Comes l ; 'rom.' : | Then there are delightful stories by Hezekiah Butterworth and Laura Spencer Porter, and a new love story called "Christine," by Frederick M. Smith. Cleveland Moffett has an in teresting story about Ira D. Sankey, the great evangelist, and Edith King Swain recounts the famous ascents she ' has made in various parts of the world. | Will Bradley's original designs for a house begin with the breakfast-room, and Wilson Eyre, Jr., presents plans ; for a country-house and a garden. Mr. | Bok gives much good advice to young married couples in his editorial. ! Another most timely feature is "Why! Should a Young Man Support the Church?" by the Rev. Francis E. j Clark. Many home-made Christmas gifts are shown, and the first of"The Journal's Amusing Puzzles" appear. The regular departments are excep tionally good and the illustrations superb. By The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy. THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE &. ST. PAUL R Y. Many people unacquainted with the geography of the West imagine that , because the names "Chicago, Milwau -1 kee and St. Paul" are used ir. the cor -1 porate title of the railway owning the I Short Line between Chicago and' Omaha, they must go via the cities of Milwaukee St. Paul to reach their des tination—and if it be Omaha or west thereof. This is a mistaken idea. On I a map the line running directly east and west would look like this: Omaha Chicago. There is nothing more simple than that, and it is less than 500 miles be i tween Chicago and Omaha. Two through trains daily in each direction with the best Sleeping Car and Dining Car Service, and all regular travelers know and appreciate the merits of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way's Short Line between the East and the West. Time tables, maps .and information furnished on application to John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, 810 Park Bldg., Pittsburg. 34-3t Emporium Furniture Co. I-'uriiiture Dealers, r'uncrnl IJlrectors. Residence up Stairs. Open all Night" BERNARD EGAN, Manager. j ' H A safe, certain relief for Suppressed H Kj Menstruation. Never known to fail. Safe! B ■ Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guumnteed w Hor money Refunded. Sent prepaid for jgj H £I.OO per box. Will .send theinon trial, to H ffi he paid for when relieved. Samples Free. D pa UN. lED MEDICAL CO., Box 74. LANCASTER. PA. $ Sold in Emporium by h. Taß^nrt. 7 / / / /tr-ywy y I SEE THE -raj I fie. W /IffiVdlsl £5 FOR 1901! I pi Without a doubt the largest, m high-clasp, popular manufac- « N tures of Cloths ever brought 0 Jy into Cameron county, at » I R. SEGER & jjj COHPANY'S. |n We have taken especial care R in the selection of our goods and propose giving our hun- Sj pj dreds of customers. % U HONEST, WELL-MADE GLOTHING sj |AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. | |j Every dollar's worth of goods j R must give the wearer satisfac- 7, tion. We desire all who in- JS, p tend purchasing a suit of K, % clothes this Fall to file their j® orders early, that care may he N given to every customer, no £ C matter whether you want a sls or slosuit. £ R. SEGER & CO. | B Opposite M. E. Church. 77/. -7~JL7~M. V / S|' " Get an | I EduGatsor? 1 !# An exceptional opportunity offered tf. M to young men ; young women to |ft} propura for teacli; ,-r. or for bi'.'ine.'.fl. >. R Four regular also spc;;!ul > i work In Mr'-, f:!.ort!ivn<J, Type i writing. fc : trc . '.. riahing force, well I (Traded work, •«.its• •ijpline and i*, hard study, !j«ut iumlut to * v students of : Ceatrsi State | Narmai i jli LOCrt HAVEM, r.r-' - |> I|l Ilfimlson.L- l,;>:!<i:n« .-ftn'r «• W. I v I f,l Meant hrtit, • i'•• . lv • ; i Wi pure nioontiiln • " ■■ ~1 I f] and <.•! l.nic -;roUU«.. ■ ... a. ■■ . . li-t ft! for calitlbi;. W ■ St-i :. r. r Kj let -J wl:v - ' •: liVi- - K | aaas:r./.", BANNER SALVE j '"--"i moc' salve in the worid. SECOND TO NONE. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. 39C to 408 Main St.—American Block, BUFFALO, N. Y. The G-reat Pan-American Store. Our store is one of the attrac tons of the city. All convenien ces and comfortsjfor visitors. Bureau of information. Ladies' parlors and waiting room. Refreshment room for ladies and gentlemen. Meals any time between Ba. m.and 6 p. m. at moderate prices. Headquarters for Pan-Ameri can souvenirs, Buffalo and Nia gara Falls souvenirs. We are now showing new spring goods in all departments, including millinery, cloaks,suits, waists, gloves and neckwear. Jn dress goods, silks and wash fabrics we also lead the trade of Buffalo. We show hundreds of private ; patterns in new carpets which can be seen in no other store in , Bufialo. All correspondence promptly attended to. wmi MEUM & mmm co., i 3SG-ioß,'Maia Street, The American Hlock. BUFFALO, N. Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers