4 Se'rrjap©!) (Eouryty JfWss ESTABLISHED BY C. B.GOIJLD. HENRY 11. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED BY FRY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ?er year t 2 ® u ■Jfpaid'is advance 80 ADVERTISING RATES. Advert i ementsare published at the rate of one «<>llar per square for one insertion and fifty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rales by the year or for six or threemonthsare 'ow and uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation. Legal and Official Advertising per square, three Simesorless,s2 00; each subsequent insertions jjpnts per square. Local uoticesten cents per line for one insertion, Ave cents per line for eacnsubsequentconsecutive ..-oeertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per «ie. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages jnii l tth' will be inserted Tree. Business Cards, five lines or leas s■". 0 J per year mrer live lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than "5 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The.Tob department of the Phess is complete, sod affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PAKTICULAB ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued uitil arrearages *re paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthecounty must be paid for nadvauce. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. Justice of the Supreme Court. HON. WILLIAM P. POTTER. State Treasurer. HON. FRANK G. HARRIS. COUNTY TICKET. For Associate Judge, lEORGE A. WALKER. For County Treasurer, WALTER YOTHERS. EDITORIAL HENTION. At least, the steel trust is not respon sible for the raise in potatoes and corn. + + If the British don't like our make of 'coffin nails," why do they buy and .smoke the pesky little things? i t Every town should have a Bryan club—and use it unsparingly on any ane who tries to boom the Nebraska Statesman. i t Fighting Bob wants more credit given to the Texas. This is magnani mous of him, we always supposed that be wanted it giren to himself. If Croker calls his English place Wantage, why doesn't he term his New York oue "Gettage" ? That's what it is, anyhow! + + Now if only the silk stockings will remember to vote as generally as they have registered, Tammany is beaten. If it isn't we shall know wheie to lay tiie blame. + + •112 ■* The American revolution lasted seven years; so far, the Boer war has lasted iwo. How much longer will the Boers aave to fight before they ara victorious ? + + Lipton must be a delightful sort of a .fellow, if ho had won the Cup he would aave been happy, failing to do so, he is still happy in the belief that he will win next time. ■f 4- There are over a million surplus wo men in Great Britain, and the surplus age is growing larger every day. No wonder men are at a premium there. How different it is over here. + + The Rhode Island Democrats have adopted a platform which omits all mention of the "peerlesß leader." It wasn't an intentional slight; it was merely btoause they had forgotten all him. + + + + Grove;- Cleveland says that people jught togo fishing instead of money grubbing. Granted, Grover! Unfortu mately. few men can go fishing until itaey have done more or less money grubbing. •r + + + Watterson, if elected, to the Presi dency or anything else, would impart a rosy tint to the firmament that has 3>een sadly lacking in politics of late. We have had strenuous men, harum icarum men and solemn men, but the Watterson stripe is rare at best —espe eially so since John Allen and "Ham" Lewis retired to private life. * + The court of inquiry has shown con clusively that Schley was an earnest, irave, energetic officer, but has also ihown that his judgment was bad in insany respects. His acquittal of the grave charges against him will, how ever, carry acquittal with the public, uven of mistakes. His enemies lost their jase when they made such outrageous charges against him. We, at least, are satisfied that Presi dent Ifooaevelt acted from a high sense 'Xduty in inviting Booker Washington to. his table. We may commend his action, or we may deprecate or even condemn it, but we cannot help recog nizing Mr. Rouaevelt'3 entire good Jaith in the matter. So far, not even his political enemies have ventured to assert that ho did it to wiu votes, even though the negroes hold the balance of power in at least a dozen states lying just north of the solid south. This evidences a reputation to be proud of. Two Conspiracies. '"lt will be recalled," says the Pittsburg Commercial-Gazette, "that when the time came for the election of a successor to United States Senator Quay, the Senator being a candidate for reelection, certain suits were brought against him in the Philadelphia courts. These suits were were so timed as to drag along during the legislative session of 1899, and the charges made were worked to the limit, to put it mildly, to prevent the return of Col. Quay to the United States Senate. The conspiracy succeeded to the extent that the conspirators were able to deadlock the Legisla ture and prevent an election. Hut members of the General Assembly had not reached their homes after final adjournment before Senator Quay was completely vindicated and acquitted. The conspiracy to ruin him had failed. The con spirators by the liberal use of money between sessions of the Legislature were able to make a show of force at the session of 1901, but their power had been broken and Senator Quay, the choice of the people, was again elected to represent the Commonwealth in the Upper House of Congress. "The persons who were behind the conspiracy to ruin Senator Quay are now behind the slander ous attack on Judge Potter. They are not so bold now as when they attacked Quay, for then they seized upon the machinery of justice to further their base political designs, whereas now they merely seek publicity through the columns of a newspaper. Their conspiracy against Quay failed utterly, but they have financed this new con spiracy in the hope of getting a man of their own choosing 011 the Supreme bench. Imagine the choice of such an unscrupulous gang as a member of the highest tribunal of this great common wealth ! The people have rebuked them before and will rebuke them again. Judge Potter will be elect ed by a majority that will be all the larger because of the villainous attack 011 him. The people of Pennsylvania refused to give ex ecutive and legislative control into the hands of the hungry and thirsty assassins of character; they will be even slower to give them control of the judiciary." Keady to Put On. No painter need mix his own paint hereafter. Devoe lead and zinc is at hand. It wears twice as long as hand mixed paint because its ground by machinery. The Perry County Freeman thinks that if the Democrats have to vote for one Republican, they may as well vote for all 011 the State ticket. Advice to a Painter. Mr. Painter: The better you paint, the longer your work will last, the more good-will you will have, and your business will grow. Devoe lead and zinc is your paint. It outwears lead and oil two to one and costs no more. The Lancaster Intelligencer, the Democratic organ of the country, still gags at fusion and thinks the Democrats gave away much to get little. Stricken With Paralysis. Henderson Griuiett, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and com pletely lost the use of one arm and side. Alter being treated by an eminent phy sician for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after using two bottles of it he is almost entirely cured.— GEO. It. MC DONALD, Man, Logan county, W. Va. Several other very remarkable cures of partial paralysis have been effected by the use of this liniment. It is most wide ly known, however, as a cure for rheuma tism, sprains and bruises. For sale by L. Taggart. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Saved His Boy's Life. "I believed I saved my (nine year old) boy's life this winter with Chamberlain's Cough remedy," says A. M. Hoppe, Rio Creek, Wis. "lie was so choked up with croup that he could not speak. I gave it to him freely until he vomited and in a short time he was all right. For sale by L. Taggart. Stepped Into .Live Coals. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W. 11. Fads, of Jonesville, Va., ' which caused horrible leg sores for 150 years, but IJucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by L. Taggart 25c. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1901. How (iood .lluum-rn Saved nira. This anecdote proves tiic prolitable character of good manners and was told to me by a descendant of the i?en tleman who owned them: Mr. M.of was a rebel ,in 17-15. He was taken and was brought to t!io tower with Kilmarnoek anil Balmeri no. A block stopiK'tl the sad cortege, and a lady, looking from a window, cried, "You tall rebel" (Mr. M.was <i feet 4 Inches), "you will soon be short er by a head!" "Does that give you pleasure, mad am?" said Mr. M. "Yes, it does." "Then, madam." said Mr. M., taking off his hat and making a low bow, "1 do not die in vain." Lady was moved. .She made in terest for Mr. M. There exists a paper in the hand of George 11. to this effect: "Let Lady [the name is obliterat ed J have access to her tall rebel and be hanged to her." The royal clemency was extended to Mr. M.l saw his pardon, beautifully engrossed within a decorative border and framed, on the wall of Lis descend ant's stuily. It is fair to add that prac tically tin? whole county of Itoss and also the Earl of Sutherland petitioned for the life of the courteous Mr. M.- - Andrew Lang in Longman's. How to Grow Short. If you climb a mountain, your height decreases by three-quarters of an inch, and it may even diminish, exceptional ly, by a full inch. This is a fact known to all experi enced mountain and Alpine climbers. On reaching the summit of the heights that form the pleasure ascents of holi day makers in the Alpine districts the stature of the climber is found to have become less to the extent already men tioned. Doctors think that the attitude as sumed of necessity in ascending is the cause of this diminution. Some per sons believe that the pressure of tlie at mosphere produces this shrinking. In favor of the medical theory there is the other unquestionable fact that the de crease of stature is greater in those who carry a heavy pack during the climb. When the Alpinist has descended to the ordinary level, his height begins to increase, but the normal lengtli of the body is not attained until several hours after reaching the regular surface of the earth. KinK of Virßlniu. Apropos of the British royal titles a reference to colonial possessions ap peared in an English sovereign's des ignation so long ago as the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The poet Spenser dedicated his "Faerie Queen" to Eliza beth, and then he described her as "queen of England, France and Ireland and sovereign of the Dominion of Vir ginia." It may also be remembered that the Virginians refused to acknowl edge Oliver Cromwell's protectorate un til lie sent a fleet to compel them to do so. Charles 11., in return expression of the colonists' loyalty, had himself proclaimed in Virginia on his restora tion as "king of Great Britain, Ireland and Virginia." The further statement lias been made that Charles caused the arms of Virginia to be quartered with those of England, Ireland and Scot land. Certain it is that they appear so on English coins struck as late as 177:! by order of George 111. —Liverpool I'ost A Tnrkisli Hank Note. The bill is on imperial green paper, a color held sacred in Tvtrkey, which the government alone is permitted to use. On the top and sides are the following words iu Turkish, "To be paid to the bearer, without interest, 20 piasters." At the top of the note is the sultan's toglira, surrounding which is a quota tion from the Koran. Underneath are the words, "Twenty piasters, paper money, to be used in the place of gold at the Bank of Constantinople." At the base of the note is the seal of the mint and on the back the seal of the minister of the treasury. The toghra is considered sacred aud is guarded by the three highest officials of the mint, whose solo duty is to watch it. iiettiiiKr ut a Fact. The colored witness, being asked his age, said to the court: "Well, suh, I wuz a young man w'en freedom broke out." "What year was that?" "Hit wuz do year de Yankees come in, suh." "You do not seem to have a very ac curate idea of time." "Oh, yes, suh! Hit wuz 'long 'bout liog killin' time."—Atlanta Constitu tion. Nat Fauila. Nearly all nuts contain large per centages of nitrogenous constituents and fats. In the nut kernel there is very little waste —in fact, the nourish ment is in a concentrated form, and for that reason nuts are best combined or taken with other foods. They are especially valued for their line, meaty flavor, which is found in no other veg etable food product. Turku anal ColTcc. Coffee reached Constantinople about 1554 and was of universal jse in Mo hammedan countries befor» the close of the sixteenth century. So .. -i ntial was it deemed to domestic happiness that a Turkish law recognized a man's refusal to supply bis wife wite coffee as sufficient ground for lier claiming a divorce. V/orxe S(i>l. Nodd—l can't a; ; k you to dinner, old man, because we have no cook. Todd—And I can't ask you because we have one.—Detroit Free Press. You can find almost any kind of boy except the one whose sympathies in a light between a cat and d >g are with the cat. —Atchison Globe. Sinnamahoning Liars' Club. The liars club is in fine working order at present. They met in Ed Locey's chicken coop and initiated Ilarrv Ward and George Chase. The evening being too cold Ward smashed all the furniture in sight. The club repaired to Pap Blodget's shop to spin a few. Ilarry lost his mustache in the skirmish, as lie run against Albert Locey's broad axe, kept for such occasions. Catching coons and bears was the prin ciple topic ior the evening. There was some whoppers sprung. Hanscom was not present which gave .Jordan full sway, and he told about the famous hound he used to own, that caught eighteen coons in one night. The dog swallowed the en tire lot and never broke a bone, and the smallest coon weighed 27 pounds. Har ry Ward doubted the story a trifle and Sam Win threw a big quid of standard navy in Clyde's face and a terrible racket followed. had to uet his jug out to restore order. With such talent as we have now we don't fear Arksill or any of the camps. We can hold our own against the world, (Maaon Hill excepted). AbrahamThoj rain is taking lessons from Del. Beldin and will be eligible to ride the goat in two weeks. No further business the club adjourned to meet in the graveyard next Saturday night. PIPE. A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at L. Taggart's drug store. It is culled Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives quick relief and will prevent the attack if given as soon as the first indication of the disease appears. Price, 25 cents per box. Samples free. AnnlyilnK III» Affection. The young lovers sat beside the wa terfall. The rapids and the nearby whirlpool had a strange attraction for the romantic young girl. She had heard the story of the unhappy Indian maid en and the young brave who had gone to their doom, clasped in each other's arms, to the slow music of the "Swan Song." That seemed very beautiful to her. ".Tack," she said, "if you saw me struggling iu the water near the edge of t!it> falls, would you jump in after me?" "What would be the use, my flear, when I can't swim?" he answered. "But at least we could perish togeth er," she replied bravely. "Yes, there would be no doubt of that." lie returned, shuddering at the soil!'. I of the cruel waters. "But haven't you often said you would die forme 7" she asked, piqued at his coldness. "No, my dear," replied her practical lover. "If you'll remember, I've al ways told you that I had an undying love for you!"— Smart Set. I'att I'M Encort. Adelina I'atti, the great singer, on one of her tours of Europe was due at Bucharest on a certain date. Owing to inclement weather, however, lnadame declined to budge from Vienna, and the poor manager went nearly distract ed. As storming had not the slightest effect on her serene highness the man ager set his wits to work. Soon after ward a telegram arrived from Bucha rest, stating that a brilliant deputation of Ivoumuuiun nobles, with a torchlight procession and military band, was to receive the diva. The message was handed to lime. I'atti, who was en chanted, and at once made ready to start. On arrival, the baud played and the torches tlared, and madame was putin the best of spirits by being es corted to lier hotel by the Komnanian nobles. It is not known what she would have said had she been told that the "nobles" were hired from the streets and dressed up for the occasion by a representative of the manager. Grnr.t'il In the Fog. It is not usual for a ship on the high seas to elect to east anchor 011 the deck of a passing steamer, but that is what a four masted schooner did once in the Atlantic. The two vessels grazed in the fog, and the "catted" port anchor of the schooner caught in the steamer's deck "by a tiuke." It fastened to an engineer's stateroom in such a manner as to bar his exit; but. fortunately, the chain parted just as the room was be ing ripped into fragments. The schoon er followed the steamer to its destina tion to recover her anchor. Clennln.tv tJi e Clock, A farmer lias an ambitious son, 12 years old. who, being left alone for a few hours the other day, tried to clean the clock. He easily got the clock to pieces, but In.s ditliculty lay in putting them together again after cleaning. At this task be was only partly suc cessful. and upon his father's return home lie eagerly exclaimed: "Father. I've cleaned the clock and got enough works left over to make an other one!"— Exchange. !n «tu* The org in recital* in the Temp!" of Music are daily features of the Pan- American Exposition. Many celebrated organists av 011 th" programme for October. Victor Herbert's famous or chestra will be at the Temple of Mu sic from Oct. 14 io the close of the Ex position. cwjnmnnnii.mßWV!7iwi<r«im> f-ti Audttor'N IHotlcc. fTMIR undersigned Auditor, appointed by the i Orphan's Court of the County of Cameron, tn distribute the fundi in the hands of ii. K. . • ith, one <<f the Administr.HDi.s ot the estate of Charles H. Stewart, late of Lumber Township, drx.'easert, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment, at the Pvothonotary's office, in the Court House, in the Borough of limnorittm, at 10:30 o'clock', a. m.on the 23th day of N Jvemb.-r, 1901. when all pontons interested ca .i miuid, or be debarred from milking exception! thereafter. C. .Jay Goodnocoh, Auditor. Emporium, P '., October29th, 1901. 30-lt. gCosiol Dyspepsia Oure Eligests what you eat. A Typical South African Store. 0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sureiajs Kiver, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can he purchased anything from the proverbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railroad station and about twenty five miles from the nearest town. Mr. Larison says:"l am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify to their value iu a household where a doctor's advice is almost out of the ((uestion. Within one mile ot my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve months, no less than fourteen have been absolutely cured by Chamberlain'siJough Remedy. This must surely be a record." For sale bv L. Taggart. Tot Causes Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup." writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., <; it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and purmanenly cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relievd.' Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and SL.OO. Trial bottles free at L. Taggarts. A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, lowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kid neys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until lie tried Elec tric Bitters which effected such a won derful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at L. Taggart's lirug Store. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, —all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, llosy Clioeks, Rich Complexion. Only 'l7) cents at L. Taggarts Drug Store. Pofey's kioney and T\.< rcr- colds, prevents pneumor: BCodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what cat. \\\\\\N\ \ \ \ \ \/ / S Dress Well! „ 1 Look Well! How? | / / . To dress well and look well is ; the aim of the average man. , / You cannot do better so pur- / . chase one of those neat-iltting, , > stylish suits at £ J FRANK F. SEGER'S. J ouit NEW < / FALL AND WINTER ' / / / GOODS - Will please you and the prices ' /- will make them go, make you ✓ 86 happy, make us feel good and % we will all feel good. We never £ / boost, but will just say that, as % every one knows, our stock is £ , large and just what you want to ■ '■/■ see. ' * % y Every department is fully up $ to date. FRANK F. SEGER. A / / East Allegheny Ave. . /\: \ \ \ v \ \ v \ \ v \ \ IN QUANTITY. 3EST SN QUAL'T Y. I SfflFS SBEM 8 1 jjVERHNIFUGEZ L FGS* SO YEARS I V Has loci all VJQRM Remedies. $ EVERY OOTTLE GUARANTEED. & SOL» B? AliX. »KCO«I»TS K5 > Prepared ky \ \ BU'IUUasOS BgDICINK CO., ST. I.OCtS. / For sale byt.. Taifgart. '5-28-ly. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL FILLS rS& fpj o°° 0 e - Always reliable. J-ndlc*. ask Hruggi3t for < n nnr2:sTi;irs i*»s in k«mi ami metallic i oxen, sealed *vith blue ribbo: . n.» «llii i r. <Sj>nigeroiiH NUb*'. Hu\ of your I mi wis*., or send I«-. in ;'ti.tnin n>.- CNtrficnlnn. and "Kt'lh'l' "■ :>»• iLjml in letter. l»y return Hall. Sold by all Dm:i, r ists. CHICHESTER CO. ZIW £• iu A.. itoirt flibcr. Cures Drunkenness. ® ■[ ke\ H l\v sr; yire',—- Hcekiet. nrrbtiuw.rA. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FOR SALE. SALE—A good residence, in pleasant I part of town; water ;nd pas; goon bain. Located on West Fifth street, Emporium. For further information apply to PRESS office. 23tf IjlOR HALE—Good Farm, located in Lumber ' township, on line of P. <& E. R. B. Farm contains2os acres, 105 acres of which are under Rood cultivation. Well watered and plenty of wood Jand. Apply to Mrs. Cbas. Stewart, sterl ing, Run, Pa. 33tf. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics euro by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in any other part of the system. WO, CUBES. PRICES. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. Si—Warms, Worm Fever, Worm Coll".. ,23 3—Teething, Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .25 £ —Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 7—Coughs, Cold*, Bronchitis .25 ft—JVcuralffia, Toothache, Faceaclys k ZS 9—lleadnehe, SJc!: Headache, Vertigo.. ,*ts } o—llyHpepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach. 11— Wui»j>rr:4«e«l or Painful Periods.. liS—Whiten, Too Profuse Periods ,25 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 23 1 I—Kali Rheum, Fryslpelas, Eruptions .2 r i 15—liheumatiMm, Rheumatic I'alns 23 1O —Mnlnrin, Chills, Fever and Ague 2 r i 19 —Catarrh. Influenza. Cold in the Head .25 20—Whooplnu-Couzh 2A 27—Kidney Diseases 2»3 28 —.\ervous Debiliiy ... . 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 77 —Grip, Hay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, cr sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William Sc John Su., New York. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom< ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. DKWITT&CO., Chicago, The SI. bottle contains "!•» times the 50c. size, it. C. Dodson. Emporium, Pa. The Blues is one signal which foretells physical I decay. Another is pale lifeless skin. ■ The muscles shrink and become flab- H by; the body becomes emaciated, and I there is ail early tendency to round I shoulders. The step lacks elasticity, Bf the nerves become weak; mental and I E physical activity are a burden, gj This condition is called Nervous De- R M bility; it is cured by the use of j « They feed the hungry nerves, revive Wj the weakened organs and make life H ffl| brighter and sweeter to any man or H | woman who has suffered from physical ■ B SI. CO per box; 6 boxes (with legal B $ guarantee to cure or refund the money), ■ ■ So. GO. Book free. PEAL MEDICINE t* Co., Cleveland, Ohio. St For sale by UC. !>odson, Emporium. Pa.£l KIDNEY DISEASES " are the most fatal of all dis eases. rfjl CY'Q KIDNEY CUREIB » fULL I 0 6uarant9Bd Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. L Taggart, Emporium, PH. ::TI 28. REYKYO VITALITY E*a».3EJ3xrc:isa: msat/rasxyar produces the abovo results In 30t1:i78. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all ethers fail. SouDfTir'u vri)l regain their kat manhood,and old men will recover thoir youthtui vi?or by ualns BEVIVO. 1' cp'lclily and eurely/natrwo Nervous ness. Lot.* Vitality, Nightly Emissions, Loct Power,FaJHrij,* Llemory, Waatiwt Jjiseicec, snd all oCTecte ot EtliV.buso or eicocß and indiscretion, which uciito ono for study, bnsinons or marr.'AS's. It not, onli' curou by Martins nt tho ner.t ot discaac. but icagrea'. Rorvelonta and blood builder, bring ing back the p'.nlt glow to jotila cheeks and ro etorinb' tho Cre ot youth, it wards o9 Jnsaiity and Consumption. In3i(!t ca liavlnat KETiVOi no other. It cau bo carried in vest pocket. By mail fl.oo per package, or sis lor ©5.00, with a jpoai tivc wr'*ten rrnurantßfe to euro or refund litis miucy. Book rtnd ndviso free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., ,6 cH°icTao?iL h u ,M For Sale in E -lporir.m, by It. C. Dodson, I COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS. | J Send your business direct, to Wnshington, { J saves time, costs less, better service, J T My C Jlce clo.o to IT. S. Patent Office, FREE prcllmin- 5 » arv examinations made. Atty'F ft E not duo until patent * [LA nocurod. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN 19 YEARS |» ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Book "How to obtain Fstcuta," J , etc.. sent free. Patents procured through E. Q. Siggera 5 > receive special notica, without charge, in THIL INVENTIVE AG ES nontbly— Eleventh year— terms, s.l a year. \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers