It Makes Restful Sleep. Sleeplessness almost Invariably nccompa. tiles constipation and its manifold attendant evils—nervous disorders, indigestion, head ache, loss of appetite, etc. To attempt to in duce sleep by opiates is a serious mistake, for the brain isonly benumbed and the body suf fers. Celery King removes the cause of wake fulness by Its soothing effect on tho nerve-j and on the stomach and bowels. Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve, .Stomach, Liver aud Kidney diseases. u Sold by R. C Dodson,Em] ot it ii'. Pa Dr. Humphreys' Specifics cure by acting direct!" upon the disease, without exciting disorder in any other part of the system. NO. CT7RZS. PRICES. I-Fevcr«, Congestion:;, Inflammations. .2*l 4 2-Worm», Worm Fever, Worm Colic., .'i.* 3—Teething, Colic, Crying,Wakefulnes3 .^5 4-Dlorrliro, of Children or Adults. 7—Cou«li», Colds, Bronchitis *55 B— \curnl«ia, Toothache, Faceache '2% o—Headnolle. Sick Headache, Vertigo . ,i£s J o—l>y » pep«ln, Indigestion, Weak Stomach 11— NiipprrsHcd or Pchiful Periods . .\M I*2—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 23 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness. % £.j 11—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions . . % ZS 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 23 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague , 4 £.5 19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .25 20—Wliooping-Coug 2,1 27—Kidney IMmciikph 23 .\ervoui Debility 1.00 30—1'rinnry Weakness, Wetting Bed.. 25 77—Grip, Hay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on reee'pt of price. Humphreys' Med, Co., Cor. William & John St*. New York. |vs|»Bpsia Cure Dfoesta what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon ducting the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest' ant and tonic. .No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in? stantiy relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Xvausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and ft. Large size contains 2 I A times small size. Hook all about dyspepsia mailedfreti Prepared by E. C. DeV.ITT &CO., Ct>lcagJ Weak Nerves 1 People cannot help worrying when their nerves are weak. That feeling of languor, dullness and exhaustion is the fearful condition which often pre cedes insanity. The power to work or study diminishes and despondency de presses the mind night and day. If you are suffering the tortures of Nervous Debility, there is no knowing how soon you may decline to something more horrible. Hut you can get well. The youthful strength, buoyancy and happiness can be restored by the use of They have cured thousands, and we have so much confidence in them that we give an iron clad guarantee with a 85.00 order. Sent anywhere in plain package. SI.OO per box, 6 boxes for 80 00. Book free. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleve- U land, Ohio. For sale by R.C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa. 51 iTABL^^MTpI 1 BUCK EYE rliiii* OINTMENT I 112 CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. 2 2 A SURE and CERTAIN CURE m y known for IS years as the & 2 BEST REMEDY for PILES. 2 7 SOL!) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. P Prwirsi by EICEABD3ON USD. CO., ST. LOUIS. ) For sale byL. Taggart. %-26-ly. | asi "'l I Education 1 t An exceptional opportunity offered jT ; to young men nnd young women to fc t prepare for teaching or for business. ¥! | Four regular courses; also special Sj ; work in Music, Shorthand, Type- fo , writing. Strong teaching force, well SK Itradtd work, discipline nnd W ! hard study, lusuro best results to M studantu of M Central State | : Miraa? Sehso! I ' LOCK imzu. Clinton Co., PA. is E HamlBo: . iviiMlng* perfectly equipped. « ' Heiim Iwut, < lli;ll!S, uliilli Inmv «,!' r-i [ pure II >'.. iii: iwnU r. • xlen.-ive i-uinpi •> J [ nnd atli 1 '• \ruu,. X i:.., • r.; ■.l low. .ui c] I I for {f'l {f'l J. l ". r-iCKIKCEr., rrlr.eipsi. | Ccnli!di_ i: Scfceo), •= B ANN ER SALVE most healing salve in the world. (iood Advice. The most miserable beings in tho world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. More than sev enty-five per eent. of the people its the I 'nited States are afflicted with these di> eascs and their effects; such a Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of' the Heart, Heart Burn, Waterbiash, Gnawing and Ruining pains at tin Pit of the Stomach, j'ellow Skin. Coated Tongue and Dis agreeable Taste in the mouth, Coming up of Food after Hating, Low Spirits, etc. <io to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 1"> cents. Two dose* will relieve you. Try it. Sold by L. Taguart. Get Green's Prize Almanac. 1 n34eow One of the curiosities of the bank of England is to be seen in the printing room. A man sits at a desk, and every three seconds a machine delivers to him two complete 85 notes. 11 he sits there six hours he receives over $350,000. "In dealing with man, remember that a spoonful of oil will go farther than a gallon of vinegar." The :-;.me may be said of children. There is nothing so good lor children as tin- old-fashioned castor oil. However much they may abhor it, it is their best medicine for disorders of the bowels. In the more severe cases of diarrhoea and dysentery, however, Chamberlain's Colic, !'holera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given after the oil operates, and a quick cure is sure to follow. For sale by L. Taggart. That it does not improve his razor to use it for chiropotlical purposes. Josh Westhafer, of Loogootce, Tnd., is a poor man, but he says he would not be without Chamberlain's Pain ISalni if it cost five dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple. No external ap plication is equal to this liniment tor stiff and swollen joints, contacted muscles, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscular pains. It has also cured num erous case? of partial paralysis. It is for sale by L. Taggart. That house-hunting ia not reckoned by the average man as a pastime. , A Certain Cure lor Dysentery and Diarrhoea. "Some years ago T was one of.l party 112 hat intended making a long bicycle trip,'' says F. L. Taylor, of New Albany, Brad ford County, Pa. "1 was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up tho trip, when editor Ward, of tho Lacey ville Messenger, suggested that 1 take a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I purchased a bottle and took two doses, one before starting and one on the route. I made the trip successfully, and never felt any ill effect. Again last summer I was almost com pletely run down with an attack of dysentery. I bought a bottle of this same remedy, and this time one dose cured me." For sale by L. Taggart. Many a man carries his total assets on his shirt front in the guise of a diamond pin. A Communication. Mr. Editor—Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could not sleep at nights. T tried several doctors and vari ous patent medicines, but could get noth ing to give mc any relief until my wife got a bottle of this valuable medicine, which has completely relieved mc.—W. S. BOOKMAN, Bagnell, Mo. This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart. A writer says that the only gems that are a drug on the market are gems of thought. A Night ol Terror. "Awlul anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Mach ias, Me., when the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia before morning" writes Mrs. S. 11. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had more than once saved her life, and cured her of Consumption. After taking, she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her." This marvellous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and 91.00. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's drug store. All people in love are conceited. Stood Death Off. E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta. Tex., once fooled a grave-digger, lie says: "My brother was very iow with malarial fever aud jaundice. 1 persuaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. lam sure Electric Bitters saved his life." This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies the blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50c at L. Taggart's drug store. Before marriage a timid man doesn't know what to say, and after marriage he is afraid to say it. Consumption Threatened. C. linger, 212 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes: "1 was troubled with a hack ing cough for a year and I thought I had consumption. I tried a groat many remedies and was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cured me, and I have not been troubled since." L. Taggart. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1901. ALL SORTS. A never failing euro tor cuts, burns, I scald-', ulcers wounds arid sores is De j Witt's Witch Haze! Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin ! affections. Accept onlv the genuine. K. i C. Dodson. Oklahoma has harvested a wheat crop j of :;0.<)00,000 Imshels. TaIM.EH'h UrcKKVK I'll.K OINTMENY i is not. a panacea, but is recommended for | blind, bleeding or protruding piles, and ; it will cure the most obstinate eases, i I'iice, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 7~> , cents. L. Taggart. Rhode Island is the fullest state in the i Union—with tU7 people to the s juare i mile. I B. W. Pursell. Kintersville, I'a., says i lie suf!ercd -•") years with piles and could I obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch i Hazel Salve effected a permanent cure. I Counterfeits are worthless. 11. C. Dod son. Last year I'ncle Sam turned out new coins woith o 13(5.('00,000, of which B'JU,- 000,000 were gold. White's Crkam V'eiimiki - (ie is es sentially the child's tonic. It improves the digestion and assimilation of food, strengthening the nervous system and re storing them to the health, vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood. Prk-e, 25 cents. L. Taggart. In one New York factory 30,000,000 cigarettes a week arc turned out on an average all the year round. Sid Darling, 1012 llowaid st. Port Huron, Mich, writes: "1 have tried many pills and laxatives but DeWitt's Litlle Early lliscrs are far the best pills I have ever used." They never gripe. 11. C. Dodson. The ships of the world, excluding na vies, are worth $291,000,000, of which Europe's share is $227,000,000. Take life as it comes, and make the most of all circumstances, but for a bad cough or cold, take BAI.LAKD'S IlnitE iioi .M) Svitrp, the best known remedy for quick relief and sure cure, i 'rice, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. In New Hampshire tho state govern ment pays a bounty on dead grasshoppers at the rate of ?1 a bushel. Don't wait until you become chronically constipated Ijut take DeWitt's Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. R. 0. Dodson. Labor in the south in in great demand aud the negroes are better paid than they have ever beeu in their lives before. If you are trouble with inodorous breath heart burn, flatulency, headache, acidity, pains after eating, loss of aripeti tite, persistent melancholy, or low spirits. You need a tonic, a few doses of Her liine will give you the recuperative force to remove these disordors. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Canada has the largest forest in the world. It is the Labrador and Hudson bay district, and is, roughly, 1,000 by 1,700 miles. Henry Hraydon, Harris, N. C., says: '■[ took medicine 20 years for asthma but one bottle of Cue Minute Cough Cure did me more good than any thing else during that time. Rest Cough Cure." It. C. Dodson. Competition of electric tramways is alluded to in many of the half yearly re ports of English railways as affecting short distance passenger movement. Corn-huskers' sprained wrists, barbed wire cuts and sprains, or cuts from any other cause, are quickly healed when BALLARD'S SNOW OINTMENT is prompt ly applied. Price, 25 aud 50 cents. L. Taggart. The new cone on Mount Vesuvius, formed during the late eruptions, has been suddenly engulfed into the crater. The mountain has now assumed its old appearance. Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. 11., "I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. To-day lam a well man." It. C. Dodson. The eucalyptus trees on the island of Tasmania sometimes attain great sine. One that has been measured is 330 feet high, and some are said to attain a height of 400 feet. Thousands suffer with torpid liver, pro ducing great depression of spirits, indi gestion, constipation, headache, etc. 11 Kit- j isine will stimulate the liver, keep the i bowels regular, and restore a healthful buoyancy of spirits. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Compressed air is used in stone carv ing. A mason can hitch his tool into a compressed air power nozzle and drill into granite like a dentist cutting into a decayed tooth. Many physicians arc now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having found that it is the best prescription they can write because it is the one preparation which contains the elements necessary to digest not ou.y some kinds of food but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion nnd dyspepsia no matter what its cause. I!. C. Dodson. Although the diameter of the earth has been roughly known for many years, i it has only lately been accurately aseer- j taincd, after thirty year*' labor and a '> cost of $500,000. It is 7,02(5 miles at ! the equator and 7,899 from polo to pole, j When you want a pleasant physic try j the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to . take and pleasant in effect. Piice, 25 i cents. Samples free at L. Taggait's drug ! store. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. sssrnsamrwra FOR RENT. \ ('< :OM.MOI> VTIONS in private family. Itr-a --; /"\ "i,able rates. Convenient to cars, and ] 30 minutes walk to the Pan-American grounds. ! Secure rooms in advance. MRS. GEORGE GRIDLEY, J 7 Ada Place, liull'alo, N. Y. Take JelßrhOn ear ito Lyth Ave. 75 cents per night for one or $1.50 | per room. | TTIOR RENT—Furnished rooms, tive minutes J' lide from Pan-American itrounds. Address MRS. N. M. GOUI.D, 42S Ashland Ave., | 11-tf Buffalo, N. Y. R-'fity V I'-iiMXSm SK FOR SALE. TPOR SALE, -A good residence o: West i ,m, j J. 1 -: reel. Kor further particulars apply to A. C. Fetter, Emporium, Pa. i 3ALR—A good residence, in pleasant ! I part (it towi.; water and gas; good barn. ! to :itcl on We ; Fil'ih ft reel, •• itir.i. F»r furl her information apply to PR; s ollice. 23U - lie in a good j I' livery town, consisting of nin i head of fine horses ml a complete outfit fur the an.e. Atl ! (lri >Has No. 212, Port Allegany, Pa zO-eo'.v (I"o. W. Lane. Pi wanio, Mich,, writes: j "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best j remedy for indigestion and stoma eh i trouble, lliat 112 ever used. For year.-' I suffered from dyspepsia, at time compell ing in ■ to stay in bed and causing tne un told agony, iam completely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommend ing it to friends who suffer from indiges tion 1 always offer to pay for it if it fail.-. Thus far I have never paid." It. C. 1 )odson. It's better to bow your head than to break your'fool neck. A Shocking Calamity '•Lately befell a railroad laborer." writes Dr. A. Kcllett, of Willil'ord, Ark. "His foot was badly crushed, but Buck len's Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It's simply wonderful for IJurns, Boils, Piles and all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer. Cure gtiarau teed. 25c. Sold by L. T:i_'uart. To Cure a Coltl in One Day Take Lixative Biomo Quinice Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. drove's signature is or each bos. 250. 1201 v - £1 Xl.' -4*- The most difficult tliiug for some peo pie to remember is the poor. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life l'ills. These pills change weak ness into stwugth, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by L. Taggait. Some peeple are i'uols, and they can't help it. Don't argue with them. No Relief for 20 Years. "I had bronchitis for twenty years," | said Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, j 111., and never got relief until 1 used | Foley's Iloney and Tar which is a sure I cure for throat and lung diseases." L. j Taggart. —s- • -sa»—Ct*—- - I I'iVer remark how litilu attention peo | pie pay to your opinions? A Little Known Fact. That the majority of serious diseases origiuate in disorder of the kidneys. Foley's Kidney Curt- is guaranteed. Be •sure to get Foley's. L. Taggart. You can't reason a man out of any | thing he hasn't been reasoned into. Have you a sense of fullness in the region of your stomach after eating ? If so you will be benefitted by using Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also cure belching and sour stom ach. They regulate the bowels too. 1 'rice. 25 cents. Sold by L. Taggart. Do not hope to get rid of fools; too many ol them. 11. C. Wat kins, sexton of the Metho dist Church, Springfield, I'a.. says: "Mv wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors without benefit After taking one bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure, was much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." L. Taggart. Promise a man one hundred dollars' aud if you give him only ninety-nine he will kick. (,'has. Beplogle, of Atwater, (>., was unable i<> work on account of kidney trouble. After using Foley's Kidney Cure four days he was cured. L. Taggart. The real old-fashioned kind of a thrifty person never opens the shutter to her parlor. This signature is on < n"y ; the go"-'mo Laxative F r :-':Amae Tablets iho remedy thai .. <•>;** L\\ «.n.< tiay "I had a running sore •>!) my leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jus eoiv;-t of Chippewa Falls. Wis., ''and spent hun dreds of dollars in trying to trot it healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured it.' Bewure of substitutes. L. Taggart. -Jwwarsacaiw, »vv>\w*x\ /raw*vcr» i r mm.r.sT?vwimtrn - ) mrf ■ '~ f rnfriimkvmrKf KS Gives » bread-witaiiiug educn» ' ) m asrsss- 1 ! \S /.WEt* ¥L /. /- / if±ss / /■ jro jfj SEETHE li iljleto /ifHMIs;- ! > -i N FOR 1901! .4 Without a doubt the largest, $j high-class, popular manufae- N tures of Cloths ever brought d N into Cameron county, at ,4 K, ' 3 j£j R. 3EGER oc s COMPANY'S. I II Q j \! We have taken especial caie [ji ! in the selection of our ijoods j\ J £1 and propose Rivinp our huu- f\ J j?| drcds of customers. HONEST, WELL-MADE GLOTHIN6 k d AT LOWEST I.IVINS PRICES. K IN ft ' *.j Every dollar'o worth of t;<>ods j |ij must give tho wearer sutisfr.c- |N I tion. We desire all who in- K I tend purchasing u suit of f\ ; O clothes this Fall to flle their L | pj orders early, that core may be j^i | N K'ven to every customer, no - j Si matter whether you want a sj| W sls or S4O suit. J S 1 R. SEGER&CO. k > \ Opposite M. E. Church. Central Slate Normal School Lock Haven, Pa., J. 11. FLICKINGER, Principal. | PALL TERM, opens September 9,1001. A training school of the first rank for teachers. Fi TUITION for pros j ner tivo teachers. If: frli grade faculty. Splendid equipment. College prepara Lory fits lor the be t colleges. Excel lent courses in MUSIC, ELOCUTION and BUSINESS. Expenses lower than in any other in stitution of equal rank. Remember tuition is absolutely free to prospec tive teachers who are seventeen years of age. Address for illustrated catalogue. 22-2 m TIIE PRINCIPAL. [Our New 1 j Fall Goods. Have arrived and we are | ready for the Fall and | Winter campaign. E During the past few I months we have almost j entirely closed out all left- B over stock, therefore start I in with an I Entirely New Stock. I I I READY-MADE CLOTHING, (Stylish make.) I ELEGANT LIKU of FURNISHINGS, I TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. We are agents for the LTON Bj H Brand Shirts and have recently I MJ received a very fine assortment B H of these celebrated s♦.oo SHIRTS. They Are Beauties. 8 We continue to keep tin;. | j MAC HURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. We want every citizen c.f this gi R county to cal! and inspect our p : ?§ present stock, feeling assured || » that you will be pleased H | ft. SESER & SOS, I Next to Hank, Emporium. I'n. Foley's Honey and Tat ior children,safe,sure. No opiates, i AUDITORS' REPORT Of the Poormaster3' Accounts of Empo rium Borough for the Year 1900-1901. JOHN W. KIIINER, Pooriuuster, in account with Emporium Borough Poor Fund. KKCfclffri. Cash on hand from lust audit. »32 22 Rec'ed from <:. H. Jessop, Coll. 1897 lax 25 17 Rec'ed from 11. Jessop, Coll. 18!»S tax 373 lit llee'ed from c. 11. Jefsop, Coll. 3P99 tax 107 7H Rec'ed from C. I'.. Jobuop, Coll. i&OO tax 27.0 68 SSIB 92 EXPENDITURES. For relief oi Qe.i. Harrison $7," 00 For relief of 11. Itcinhurt a 00 For relief of Mrs. Stack pole 122 40 For relief of p. N. Hhat'er P I 71 For relief of Mary I'llea Mund.y 110 00 tea ellef of Mrs. Patli ! 17 00 Paid Warren Asylum 112... otatl.i.oie i'.nd Willett 13,j 59 Pa id for wood for Thos. Kniitli :{ 10 Paid hiro f-jr tramps ... 25 05 Paid Cameron Co.. Press for prinlioi' .""(lit ' 20 00 Paid B. \V . llreeri,for retiiuer 20 00 Expenses for transferring Mulcahy from Pittsb'.iri; to Warren, l'a.. in. elusive of Iji I of Pitt.-juriji: Poor Authorities 101 75 Paul J. F. Parsons for rent of room .. 300 Making report to .Sta! Board of Chari ties 5 00 , , 5782 01 Balance in mm'. of John W. Kriner.. yij 91 PETER SCIHVEIKART, Poonr.s,. I er, in account with Emporium Borough poor Fund. RECEIPTS. Rec'ed from (.H. Ji iop, Coll. IBH7 tax s2.>o 01 Rec'ed from ('. H. Jesjop, Coll. 1900 tux '.20 90 $857 00 EXPENDITURES. Paid for relief of tramps -10 For relief of L. (lill'ord 81 fio l'"or relief of J. Hitchcock 103 35 For relief of A. N. Peeler 63 7a For relief of Ham Parker 108 05 •'aid A. W. Baker, M. 1)., tor attending Gilford 97 00 Bal. in hands of Peter Schweikart *133 75 RECAPITULATION OF POOR.MASTERS AC COUNTS. Cash in hands of John W. Kriner $,16 M Cash iii hands of Peter Schweikart... 173 75 Cash in hands of S. S. Hac .ct, late Poormaster 91 31 Due from H. Jessop, Coll. 1899 lax... 2G3 11 Due from C.H.J essop. Coll. 1000 tax .. 680 10 Total ftss»ts -?1,248 4S LIABILITIES. Outstanding order, K. C!. Rieck, No. 37 S3 4> Outstanding orders J. H. Ueed, \os. ;, „ 4, 5 43 Outstanding orders «,f J. W. Kriner Nc-i 37, 12. 41, 44 183 00 Total liabilities $220 73 We, the undersigned Auditors of the Borough of Emporium, do hereby citify tlia we have examined, audited, adjusted and settled the Re counts 01' the I'oornri-ters of said Borough, an.l that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment of the same. GRANTS. ALLEN, A. C. BLUM. A. F. ANDREWS, Auditors. I Good j AT S3IALL S'RZCISS. GOME to my place, pick out your cloth, let me measure you. and have your clothes made by one of the greatest tailoring establishments in the world. It will cost less than the same suit made by an ordinary tailor, almost as little as ready-made clothes cost: and you will have perfect lit, good cloth, good making and right style. Messrs. Wanamaker & Brown, of Phila delphia, do the work. The.v have been doing it for forty years. They have a big business in Philadelphia and have branches in over a thousand cities in the United States. They buy cloth by hundreds of thous - ands of yards, keep about a hundred men busy cutting into suits, hundreds more I tailoring it and sewing it: one man, who does nothing but buy cloth and linings and buttons; another, who designs the styles (he knows all about what London is doing—also what I'm telling him about your wants); another, who keeps the big army of tailors doing their work right. It is one great big perfect-working machine; and yet the work it does for | you is as individual as if you were their I only customers. ■ The Fall and Winter Cloths are ready 1 now, and they are beautiful. | Any tailor can show you beautiful E cloths; but lam talking of beauty that is [ more than skin deep, it is in the way | these cloths are treated, how the clothes 1 lit. how thev wear. s Messrs. Wauamaker & Brown author ■ ize me to give you perlect satisfaction, I whatever i: costs. \ W. A. MILILKR, EMPORIUn, PA. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis~ eases. CHI KIDNEY CURE lift is feLEf d 6uaraiViß&(i Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. L. Taggart-, Emporium, Pa. 30-28. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS jfj Always reliable. Druggist for Clllt'll»:*YKK'tt in KU'ct and metallic boxes, with MII»» ribbon, 'ffnko other. litrCtiMt* < i -ouiloiiKun«l izi»U.'.4c; itu;. of your Pnwri. i, or sen«l Ic. lu stumpn '«<r k.*«.n ir*ilar», "iVf.fv ruoiiinlt iiiui vt * >. .»i I r. by return mail. 20.QO;>T. • T sold oil Dm^ists. CHIOHBSTEfI cur- :."TC CO. '2ICC* r3d(tlliOU . t Jr'A.. Merit!*:. lulr. - a* ***-:■ * it 3 3it-4 »■' \ '} Allegheny I * . . College. 1 Founded in 1815. tS Cited Traditions. Strong Facu'ty. 1.1 Unsurpassed Location. v :y Kcasonuble Expenses. >'< PALL TEUM OFKXS Sl:PTl.mbbh ISTII. 112 i,\ and full information scut free tij i',\ of charge to any address on application to \>j President William 11. Crawford, (ft M ICADVILLI:, TA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers