EMPORIUM MULING Pi'UlE LIST. Kmporim), Pa., Aug. 27, 1901. NEMO '.'IT A. Pc« sick $1 10 Graham 44 55 Rye " Buckwheat " Patent Meal •, 41 50 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35 Chop Keod 44 1 35 White Mid«.l!ftii£* 44 1 30 Brail, " 1 1>) Corn. per iiushc!, 75 WhiteOv . 'iHAhel 50 Choice »'iovtfr Seed, Choice Timothy Seetl, ! it Market I-riees Choice MilletSet-il. I •"*" irKLl 1 rloes - Fancy Ki^ntuckj-Illui; . | R.C. DODSON, THE , j a 0 i ,112. Ur&QQfSt, I I'M , S»A. IS LOCATED !N THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth anil Chestnut Sts.. I *S\ V&M J >. r i (fi fit ter ■' j I?' ' -• Ms. Only tli." purest drugs are good for sick people. They can't afford to ex periment. You may safely trust your prescriptions with us. We make a specialty of this work and are proud of the success we have achieved. Doctors appreciate the care and ac- j curacy with which their prescriptions ■are compounded and that accounts for our large trade. 11. C. UO]>N»N. Telephone, 19-2. nrnriwTirrrrnnriTTrMnnT--t-'rrT" wurtmii ■owratar iraann LOCAL OEPA RTMEKT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which yon would like to see in thin department,let 11 s know by pos• lalcard or letter, personally. Miss Alfretta Hackett went to Port ville, N. Y., Friday to visit relatives. Mrs. F. Stratton, of Greenfield, N. Y., is visiting G. S. Allen and wife at this place. Mrs. C. T. Allen, of Wilcox, Pa., is visiting her son G. S. Allen, at thiH place. Editor Chas. O. Laymon, of Port Allegany Reporter was in Emporium last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Seth J. Hackett left on he flyer Saturday morning to see the sights at the Pan-Am. Mrs. Margaret Lynch, of Olean, isited her sister, Mrs. O. Proudfoot, Tuesday and Wednesday. Grant S. Allen and wife and Mrs. F. Stratton, art taking in the sights at the Pan-Am., Niagara Falls and To ronto. Mrs. J. W. Ingram, of Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Belle Avell, of Washing ton, D. C., were guests of J. D. Logan and family over Sunday. H. C. Olmsted, wife and daughter Vera, and F. T. Beers and wife, all of Emporium, spent Sunday with rela tives and friends in town. —Couders- port Enterprise. John J. Hinkle and wife returned from Portland Mills last Saturday. Mr. Hinkle goes to Philadelphia next Saturday to resume his work in U. S. Mint, his leave of absence having al most expired. Elihu Chadwick, of Sliippen, candi date for county treasurer, WBS a PRESS visitor on Saturday. He and his com petitor, Mr. Youthers, are making a quiet, dignified canvass for the nomi nation. Robt. Stevens, of Four Mile, was a PRESS visitor last Saturday aud after changing the date on his PRESS chatted with ye editor and friends and feeling ly deplored the sad calamity to our bo loved President. Messrs Father Downey, William Lawler, M. C Tulis, A. F. Vogt, B. Egan, Alex.MacDonnell and Ed. Blinz ler attended a special session of Knights of Columbus at St. Marys last Monday evening. It is said Father Downey captured the assemblage by his elo quence. -f3-—'-^ii*-^:;^'--;][—•3 -—'-^ii*-^:;^'--;][—• [jy—- ; —■ ——|p Q szSfj* IJY* EASTMAN'S KODAK • «% | j "A Dollar Saved, is a Dollar Earned." | f| '"-\V ° We can save you lots of dollars by buying your fjj E \ Wall Paper, Curtains and Paints of us- H il! < PI jli ) 1 i|i; Youcancarryitinyourhands,onyoursboul- 5 8 I | 8 IIV 8 J li.! (»_|j der, in your pocket or on yourbicycle. £ M M « o • UUIj ( t J Yon press the button and the Kodak will > rr|l| I" the rest. I Hi' c _ ii j(—n; _jL- i! Don M. Larrabee is doing Pan-Am. this week. J. A. Fisher and wife are doing the j Pan-Am. this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Howard is spending a few days at Atlantic City. Squire McDowell, of Portage, was a Press visitor on Monday. Ed. Rogers is celebrating the arrival of a beautiful girl at his home. W. L. Thomas and James Haviland are taking in the Toronto Fair. Misses Jennie and May Gould are spending a few weeks at Atlantic City. Rev. O. S. Metzler has returned from Thousand Islands, Buffalo and other points. I?. W. Green, Esq., made Harrisbnrg a professional visit on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our townsman, Henry Robinson, after a prolonged illness, is able to bo out again. . \V. U. Jordan and wife, of Benezette, Pa., were guests of Alton Housler and wife on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Norie visited the former's parents at Renovo last Sun day and Monday. Miss May Norris, of Alexandria, Va., is visiting friends in Emporium, guest of Miss Flossie Taggart. _ Mrs. E. O. Bardwell and Mrs. John Cruise and daugter are taking in the sights at Pan-Am. this week. B. W. Green has recovered from a few days tussle with rheumatism and is attending to business again. Miss Mary Trobswether, of Tona wanda, N. Y., is visiting her brother John and family at this place. Cashier T. B. Lloyd is doing the Pan- - Am. this week. During his absence W. S. Walker is assisting in the Bank. Candidate Yotliers, of Driftwood, was circulating around town on Tues day, looking after his political fences. ' Miss Emma Ellis has returned from ; Pittsburg where she has been visiting 1 her brother Mr. Geo. Ellis and wife : for the past three months. Peter Iv. Snyder, one of Emporium's ; industrious and steady young black- ; smiths, returned on Monday from a | delightful visit to Williamsport. Miss Mayme Evans, of Emporium, j and Joe McCauley, of Pittsburg, are ! the guests of Mrs. W. S. Smith, of 15 j Liberty street.—Punxs'y. Spirit. R. A. Andrews, wife and son, of Andrews Settlement, visited his broth er A. F. Andrews and wife several days last week and remained over Sunday. Mrs. Jesse Loueks accompanied by her little daughter, has returned from visiting Buffalo friends where they also visited the Pan-American and Niagaria i Falls. Chas. Pcaler, of Dushore, Pa., visited in Emporium over Sunday, guest of Alton Housler and wife. He visited Pan-Am. on Tuesday, accompanied by Alton Housler. One of our Cameron subscribers, Mr. Miilard M. Lupole, is as happy as a kid with his new red topped boots over the arrival of a beautiful girl ' baby. We congratulate our stalwart Republican friend. Wm. Brown, of Clear Creek, is re joicing over the advent of a nine pound boy at his home. The new boarder arrived on Wednesday morning. J. B. Revilla and wife, and Frank Gallagher, of Philadelphia, who have been visiting Thos. Gallagher and j family at this place since last week, I went to Buffalo last Sunday, accom | panied by Mrs. Gallagher and Miss Gallagher (who is sister to Frank ! Gallagher) and took in the sights of j Pan-Am. until Wednesday, when Mr. ! and Mrs. Revilla and Frank returned 'to the Quaker City. They were great ; ly pleased with their visit and enjoyed \ our mountain scenery. Can't Suit Everyone. The printing press has made presi dents, killed poets, furnished bustles for beautiful women, run down horse thieves, transformed towns into cities, built schools and colleges, educated the minds of those who would other wise have been ignorant and drones in society, punished genius with criti cism; it has curtained the power of kings, converted paupers, into bank ers, and graced pantry shelves, says one of our exchanges. It has made paupers out of college presidents; it lias educated the homeless and robbed the philosopher of his reason; it smiles and turns its toes to the daises, but it cannot be run to suit everybody and the man who tries it will find himself in a lunatic asylum. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1901. Buffalo's New Theatre. Of all llie Iheatricnl attractions that 1 have been offered in Buffalo thin season, there in one that stands out with special 1 prominence on account of its gorgeous ; mounting and the remarkable strength of its east, it being a pictorial reflex of tho Pan-American Exposition. It is the bright musical comedy "A Trip to Buf falo." now being presented nightly at the handsome new Academy to largo and enthusiastic audiences. This new playhouse is a splendid example of what a modern theatre should bo, and, in addition to all its other up-to-date feat ures, is absolutely fire-proof in every particular. "A Trip to Buffalo" be longs to that class of production in which music and comedy are happily combined. The music was composed by William Loraine, whose name is well known in the musical world through his "Salome," "Zarnona," and other characteristic compositions, and is worthy of great praise. From be ginning to end the score is filled with a succession of catchy airs which have now become highly popular in and about Buffalo. Harry B. Marshall is the librettist and ho has provided a book in which fun and laughter run riot. There is a plot, too, more or less robust, and the story of the piece will give something more than a suggestion of its many ludicrous situations. The scene of the first, act is laid in Turkey. Three envoys from Buffalo call upon the Sultan and invite him to attend the groat Pan-American Exposition. The ! Sultnn, who has grown tired of the fadeil favorits in his liarem and is cast in about for some new diversion, read- ; ily accepts the invitation. In honor of ! tho envoys and to make his departure memorable, His Majesty gives a gor-; geous Oriental entertainment, with which tho first act closes. The second act takes place aboard the Sultan's flagship in mid-ocean. Hero many complications develop, brought about I by a discarded harem favorite and two conniving court officials, who have secured passage in disguise. This trio, when unmasked, are thrown overboard and the act ends with a grand finale, "Land Ho I" just as New York Harbor is sighted. The scones of the third act are laid at the Pan-American Exposi tion and illustrate the adventures of the Sultan on the Midway. Tho most in teresting features ot this lane of pleas ure are reproduced and the entire act abounds with local color. Herein are I special opportunities for costuming and comedy situations, of which tho author and composer have taken advantage. The principal Oriental character of ' "A Trip to Buffalo" are Abul Dam it XXX, an erratic Sultan who longs for j a new harem; Heiney Bey, his confiden tial advisor; Muley Rafferty, chief of the Sultan's secret service; Ameta, the 1 flower of the harem; Kelesha, another flower, but, alas, a faded one; Sallie, the Sultan's American protege, and Capt. Seufar of the Turkish navy, Jack Duall, showman and tourist from tho Pan-American Exposition, is the lead ing American character and his breezy manner provokes many a hearty laugh. The other characters are Willie Sport, another envoy from the Exposition, Bessie Busseil, an American newspaper correspondent, Vanity Vassar, a Lon don society belle, and Mrs. Vassar, her mother. "A trip to Buffalo" is presented by a ; company of sixty people, all of them ] clever performers, the chorus alone I numbering forty-five persons who both ; sing and act well. No expense has been I spared in staging this production, and ! the stage settings and costumes are ex i trernely handsome ! The music in "A Trip to Buffalo" is | made doubly entertaining by a special ; ly augmented orchestral most of the I musicians having been brought from | leading Now York theatres for this J production. French horns, bassoons, j oboes, and other instruments usually I employed only in the largest metro j politan theatres are required for this ; pieeo, and tho orchestral effects are ! inspiri?ig throughout. . Mr. Loraine, I the composer of tho music, personally i directs the orchestra at every perform ance. Special accommodations may bo re ! served at the Academy for theatre parties, and seats are on sale a month in advance. Schmidt's Ice Cream, Ices and Fancy Baking are popular. A man with the toothache can create more excitement in a house than his wife would if she were to be brought home in an ambulance.—Ex. Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds and piles, quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing medicine in the world. L. Ta»gart. Stops the Coiujh Anil Works off the Cold. ! Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a ! coM in one day. No Cure, no Pay. j Price 25 cents. 26yl Mr. (Jr. A Still man, a merchant of j Tanapico, 111., writes: "Foley's Kidney j Cure i.-< meeting with wonderful success. It has cured some eases here that phvsi j cians pronounced incurable. I myself jam able to testify to its merits. My face to-uay is a li\ing picture of health, and i Foley's Kidney Cure has made it such." L. Taggart. Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. I ADMIT DANGER IS OVER Continued from Ist Page. pf the woufdbe assasln and the author ities of Erie county will, for county, state and national pride, make a vigor ous prosecution. Unless Governor Odell is asked to interfere I see no need of his calling un extra term or deputizing an assistant attorney general to prosecute." Cannot Fln«l HOUHOII For A^ault. A sited as to the enacting of legislation ntfainj-t ftrijircliists li<_» said: 4 *l have not thought much on the matter. What has disti rbetl me has been to find a reason ; for 1 von anarchists to attack n man like 1 I 'resident McKinley. Here is the one eouniry where they are allowed perfect free-loin oC speech. Here as the ruler is a u.wi descended from farmer stock. Ilei.; i< a man who has no fortune? or no mean* other than that which he may m;>uac" to save out of his salary as ut. i Tolmhly many a working man in the United States today has its lar.L'. an amount of real estate as Mr. McKinl.y. 111 addition he is a kindly dispijsvd, christian gentleman and in every great emergency in which he could act lie been a friend of the common people. Why should lie be shot at then, even by anarchisrsV" 'i lie vice president declined with some little vehemence an invitation to see the Exposition. Ho said: *'l do not believe, even though I am assured of the presi dent's convalescence, that it would be entirely proper for me to take part in an.\ of the festivite.s. * eume here abso lutely os a matter of duty, both to 1: president and to the people, and not for pleasure." 12 0 GAL ES. A fine lot pigs for sale apply to J. P Bin gem an. All kinds and grades of carpets at Laßar's. New stock of Window Shades in all grades and prices at H. S. Lloyd's. Subscribe for tho PRESS; only §1.50 a year in advance. See those Wilton velvet and Axmin ster carpets in Laßar's window. Gloss enamel paints and varnish stains to match your wall paper, at H. S. Lloyd's. N. Seger is still doing business at tiie old stand, and if you want a styl ish suit that will give you good service, call and see liim. Large stock of Wall Paper at 3c per roll and border at l{c per yard at H. S. Lloyd's. Canned Pine Apple in chunks, pack ed in Singapore, at Balcom & Lloyd's. Rich and poor can be suited with carpets at Laßar's. Just received at Balcom & Lloyd's "Salada" Ceylon Tea. Wholesome and delicious. i CAUPETS—CAHPETS.— Ninety differ i ent patterns to choose from. All new i and up-to-date. Call in and see them ' whether you want to buy or not; no | (rouble to show goods. GEO. J. LABAR A barrier against disease and better j than drugs is SHAW'S PURE MALT. Sold by F. X. Blumle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl The old reliable clothier, N. Seger is giving some wonderful bargains at his store this week. Don't fail to call when in need of goods in his line. We buy our wali paper direct from the factory and thereby save tho job ber's profit. We give this profit to you i when you buy jour wall paper <>f 11s H. S. LLOYD. PLEASE TASK NOTICE— AII gentle men who have obtained clothes from mo under very good promises, within the past four years, and failed to live up to those good promises, will please be kind enough to come and settle said ; claims within sixty days from this date jor suffer the consequences. Each one I of those good promisors will get asepa | rate notice of their account. Very respectfully. JOHN EDELMAN ; P. S.—Thanking all good customers ! for past favors and hoping to continue ! with them in the future. J. E. East Emporium, Pa., Aug. 21, 1901. Wo can convince you of a saving on ; wall paper of from 25 to 50 per cent. Examine our stock and get onr prices. H. S. LLOYD. Established Business For Sale. On account of the death of one of the firm the well-known hardware business of Walker, Howard & Company, at Emporium, Pa., is offered for safe, in cluding stock and building or to suit purchaser. Apply to WALKER, HOWARD & Co., Btf. Emporium, Pa. For Sale. Tho Emporium Opera House is for sale at a reasonable price for spot cash, or negotiable paper. The only play house in the county, with a seating capacity of 1,000, size of room 50x100; stage, "50x22, stage opening, 24x22. 112 ully equipped. Natural gas light and Fuel". Will be sold at once to close an estate. Apply to J.W. CLARK,E, 23tf Emporium Pa. Letter to Josiah Howard, Emporium, Pa. [ Dear Sir: John P. Hermance, of Rhinebeek, N. Y., who is famous for keeping his handsome farm-buildings in perfect condition, paints Devoe; won't use any other paint. Some neighbors of his, who prefer lead and oil, paint twice as often. It costs them twice as much and their buildings look only about half as fresh. Yours truly, 50 F. W DEVOE & Co. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Suture If | If you want to Sell Anything, Advertise in the PRESS. irniiißianaiaaaa ■BmnMaaWMsmmnm Emporium Furniture Co.! Furniture Dealers. Funeral Directors. Residence up Stairs. Open all Night. I BERNARD EGAN, Manager. Foley's honey and Tar j cures colds, pre /c.iis pneumonia. SAWACTORY J ) Y' Q The bent of everything in our line. Prompt and efficient (service. Abso lute reliability. Money back if not satisfied. We save you money by giving goods and service that are satisfactory. RsiTl PR But ter seems scarce and hard to get just now, but you a ILS! will always find us supplied with the best there is to be had. That's ELMWOOD CREAMERY. Always the same. As to quality, you can depend upon it. We will have a fresh shipment for Firiday and Saturday. It's worth 27c, but for these two days will make the price, on one pound bricks 25 cents. PRftPlirßsi The difference between Our Crackers and ordinary crackers ul InunLl SO is, we find the cracker that suits the trade, buy that article 110 matter what the the price, in such quantities as will render them always fresh, and do not attempt to palm off the so-called, "Just as good," which are bought at a much less figure. FfIFFFr That has the greatest merit for cup quality, is what we endeavor ulsl 9 I.L to get for our trade and do not hesitate to say that in our ROYAL" MOCHA and JAVA, you will find a coffee that excels. It's mild and delicious with a rich filaAor. 35c lb. 31bs. SI.OO. "ROYAL CREMO" Java and Mocha, srtong heavy body and fine flavor, in one pound, full weight, moisture proof cartons, 35c lb. Could not give you anything better, for cup quality, at any price. (teY Come to us for pure Spices and Pickling Vinegar. Phone 6. j- ZD-A-Y. 'l STORE NEWS.I Tailor-Made Suits. I Our line of Ladies Tailor-Made Suits is com plete, and comprises the very latest styles. All well made and at prices that defy competition. Rainy-Day Skirts. In Rainy-Day Skirts our stock is all that can be desired. We also have .a handsome line of Mercerized Satin Skirts, which should be seen to be appeciated. Ladies' Flannel Waists. We have a very large stock of Ladies' French Flannel Waists. Something that all ladies should have at this season of the year. Fall Dress Goods. This department, as heretofore, will be head quarters for Dress Goods in this county. We also carry a full line of Suit Cases. M. C. TULIS. H. C. Olmsted's , - - Spring - Announcement. - - a V / VA#*^W^ ; JAv ,/ W a V /, V Well, here we are trying to get our share of the trade of Emporium and vicinity. We are better prepared than ever before to fill all of your wants. Having added to our stock a Full Line of Groceries, and have not neglected to add to the Dry Goods ! and Notion departments fresh and seasonable goods. Our Dace Curtain stock was never so complete as 1 NOW. A full stock of muslins, prints, percales, ginghams and White Goods. An especially nice line of Black Dress Goods. Dress and Work Shoes lor Ladies Gentlemen and Children. CARPETS AND MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, &c., &c. Come and see how well we will please you. C. JAY GOODNOUGH, | Assignee. 11l i i i * OLD RELIABLE DRUG STORE. PAINTS, OILS, VARN SUES AND KALSOMINE. Plenty of houses in town paint ed ten to twelve years, with my paint, which I would be glad to I show any man. Ask some other 1 dealer in town to show you a house painted ten years with his paint, and he will ask to be ex i cused. WALL PAPER! PRICE R:QUG r £l) ! VARIETY UNEXCELLED. , The wall paper hangers in town are boycotting me—don't ; know whether you can get one of them to hang my paper or not, but buy my paper and I will see that yourroomsare properly adorned. Another year you will get your decorating done for loss money j than you ever heard of, and it may bo done this season yet. A Word of Warning. L. T AGO ART. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers