8 Dangerous Kidney Diseases. Celery King has cured mo of kidney dis use. Tho doctor fenred I'.right's disease, and tried many remedies that gave mo no help. Celery King has made mo as well as ever in :ny life, and It seems almost as though a miracle had hecn wrought In my ease #—Jen nleO. IJeicliurd, Hprlngtown, Pa. Celery King curt*; Constipation and Nerve, ; totnach, Liver and Kidney diseases. 4 Soldo.' K. » . fJodsoii,Kn; r' "inin. Pa HUiPHHEYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILK OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Internal, 151ir.il or Weeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chopped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, ."'ore anil Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites ami Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c., 50e. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, cr sent on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., C!of« William *v Jol n *t-.. NEW YORK. %sjJepsia Cure Digests what vou eat. it ;-iQciaHydipre- tathc food and aids N'atr.i in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or •jans. .' Is tho latest discovered digest ant and totiii-. No other preparation 3an approach it in efficiency. It in? stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, S< tiv Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, t. astralgia , Cramps and ail other results of i niperfect digestion. PriceSOr. and ft. T.sirjre size contains 2V- time? small size. Bookall übuutdyspcpsiamailcdfree Prepared by £. C. DcWiTT &CO.. CljlcaflJ The Blues Is one sigual which foretells physical I decay. Another is pale lifeless skin. I The muscles shrink and become flab- H by; the body becomes emaciated, and I there is au early tendency to round I (shoulders. The step lacks elasticity, I the nerves become weak; mental and I physical activity are a burden. This condition is called Nervous De- I I bility; jt is cured by the use cf | They feed the hungry nerves, revive I I the weakened organs and make life I brighter and sweeter to any man or H woman who lias suffered from physical I SI.OO per box ; C boxes (with legal I guarantee to cure or refund the money), I »0.00. Hook free. PEAL MEDICINE in Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For Bile by R.C. I>r»dson, Emporium. Pa. r»i RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE Me. CHHULT B»IS.3SaNTOTi3C 3FB.3EJ3VI2SS33"Ur produces the above results In 30 (Jays. It act] powerfully and quickly. Cures when £ll others fail. Soungmen will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful visor by ueinii REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Impotence, lightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseaseß.acd ell effects of eell-abuao or excess tad indiscretion, which uteto one for study, business or marriage. 15 not oa Jr cures by r.tarftng at tho seat of disease, but UagreM nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing b34fc the pink glow to pale cheeks and ra storing tki Are of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having ItEVIVO.no other. It can be carried invest pocket. By mail 91.00 per package, or six for SS.OO, with a post live written gnaranteo to euro or refund the money. Hook and advise froe. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., For Sale in F.nipoi inm, by R. G. Dodson. ps tMßsammmsmmmmamammmm ft irsifT imtfTi A ««»latranUidlf you u«e ft? I PILES I j "r""'"' MARGIN HUOY, LANCASTfTR, PA. E Sold in Emporium by L. Taggarl. Call for free sample. j|_DR. FENNEFTS | ill Blood & Liveri tCfj REMEDY AKD jfjgLg JTNERVE TO^C^^' R. C. Dodson, Apent, 35-91y. Emporium, Pa SDR. CALDWELL'S f* B YRUP PEPSii CURES INDIGESTION. S « ' A YOUNG IJADY'B LIFE SAVED. At Fauamu, Columbia, by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiahrhoea Remedy. i>r. ('ha.-. 11. I'ttcr, a prominent phy si. i.ui, i.{' I'iiiiruiiu, Columbia, in a recent j letl.T s-tati's "Last march I ha 1 as « | i« '!t a young lady >ixterii years of ;i<; who had a very bad attack of dysen t< ry. 1 prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were I sure she woulu die. Sin? had become so ! weak that she could not turn over in bed. | What to do at this critical moment was j . study I'm mo. bnt 1 thought nf ChiUM j boil'in's CJolie. Cholera and Diarrhoea ! Remedy and as a last resort prescribed | it. Th : miist wonderful result was ef ! fectc''. Within eight hours she was ! i . eliini much better; inside of three days >he was upon litr feet and at the end of ' i.ite week wis entirely well." For sale by : L Tapuart. j llncle Saiu continues to become more | and more of a goldbug. A<' /■> I I This signature) on every box of tho gcat;ino Laxative Broir.o-Qiiiriine Tabu-u j tho remedy that curcn r. in one <laj The fire of the whole navy is bfinp blanketed in the Schley case. A Curo for Cholera Infantum. "Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Baker, of Book wait ur, Ohio, "au infant child of i our neighbor's was suffering from cholera 1 infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery, i took n bottle of; Chamberlain's Colic, 'Jholera and Dial-' rhoea lteiucdy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good il used ac cording to directions, lu two days' time the child had fully recovered, and is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous healthy girl. 1 have recommended this ltemedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single instance." For sale by i L. Taggart. j The announcement that Kockfeller has i 89-15,000,000 is likely to increase his ! mail business. Nerves Like a Flat-iron. A woman who suffered for three years ! from nervous prostration says, two bottles of Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound ef fected a complete cure. She hardly knows today whether she has nerves or not, as she never feels them. It is cer tainly a wonderful remedy. Sold by L, Taggart. The difficulty of determining when the j mushroom is loaded is again causing / trouble. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punishment inflict ed upon you. Price, 2") cents. For sale by L. Taggart. That goll was fatal was found out as long ago as the battle of Bunker hill. What most people want is something | mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabids i fill the bill to a dot. Thny are easy to ! i ti'.k'.' iUi'l pleasant in effect. For sale by | ! L. Taggait. According to the latest i'epol'ts there's only one club in this world for us. Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has a world wide reputa tion for its cures. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by L. Taggart. If the soda fountains may not sizz why | allow the sizzing of the gizzard? A. J. Cottingham went to Washington County, Ark., to .-ee his sister and while there was taken with flux (dysentery) j and was very bad off. He decided to I try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and j Diarrhoea Remedy and was so much ! pleased with the prompt cure which it J effected, that he wrote the manufacturers i a letter in praise of their medicine. Mr. Cottingham resides at. Lockland, Ark. This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart. Chicago ho!d-up arti.-ts are not uphold ing the reputation of the craft. The Only Headache Cure. Frank J. Raker, of Colorado Spring*, says: "Krause's Headache Capsules is the only remedy that ever checked my sick headache, and 1 have cured scoies of ray friends with them.'' Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. That dry plate combine sounds like a ! new temperance dinner scheme Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the j j world are those suffering from Dyspepsia ( and Liver Complaint. More than scv- ] enty-fivc per ceut. of the people in the Cnited States arc afflicted with these dis- , eases and their effects; such a Sour : Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costivencss, Palpitation of the Heart, I ; Heart Burn, Waterbrash, Gnawing and ; Burning pains at the Pit of the Storuach, i ( yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Dis-! | agreeable Taste in the moutli, Coming up | of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. j <»o to your Druggist and gel a bottle of j August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Sold by L. - Taggart. Get Green's Prize Almanac. ' In34eow ' Females and Weakly Persons. At this season should use Speer's Port j Grape Wine. Physicians repommend it j I as a strengthening and blood-purifying \ tonic and the best wine to be obtained. | \ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901. ALL SORTS. O. O. Buck, Bcirnc, Ark., says: I was troubled with constipation until I • bought DeWitt's Little Risers. Since then i luive been t.'ntirely cured nf my old com ! plaint. 1 recointiiend tliem. F. C. Dodson. There's a notable ineiease in the prev alence of balloonacy. For digestive weakness, nervousness, ; pains in the side, flatulence, dizzienc.-s. 1 i waUcfulnes.-, headache and other annoy • j ing accompaniments of costivcness - . ■ ; hine is a prompt and unequalled rctne ] dy. Price, 50 cents, ii. Taggavt. It doesn't appear tn I o proft.ible to 1 draw to a corn king. If the action of your bowels is not | easy and regular serious complications '. | mnst be the final results. DeWitt's Little Early I!is:crs will remove this danger. Safe.pleasant, and effective. I'. 1 Dodsou. It was a little mean not to uive Roekc ! feller a round billion. James White, Bryantsvilie, lud., says I DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run ning sores on both legs. Ife had suffered |(! years. Doctors failed to help hiui. 1 Get DeWitt's. Accept no imitations. 15. j Dodson. | The Texas oil belt has been perspiring i unusually this week. Extreme hot weather is a great tax j upon the digestive power of babies; when puny and feeble they should be given a .! dose of White, s Ckeam Vkh-mutgi e. j Price. 2") cents. L. Taggart. Going to Atlantic Oity is getting to be • | frightfully common. Eruptions, cuts burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certtain cure for piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure you get the original—DeWitt's. R. C. Dodson. Oleo men are not feeling so blue over I the color clause. For mosquito bitet, bites or stings of i insects, animals or reptiles, apply Bai,- ] i.ard's Snow Liniment. It eoun | tracts the poison in the wound, subdues i the inflammation and heals the flesh. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. There is nothing wrong with the front end of August. Mrs. S. 11. Allport, Johnstown, Pa., says: "Our little girl almost .strangled to death with croup. The doctors said she couldn't live but she was instantly re lieved by One Minute Cough Cure. R. j C. Dodson. Alter all a trolley ear can sail faster j than a yacht. Plump cheeks, flushed with the soft glow of health, and a pure complexion makes all women beautiful. Ukrp.ink imparts strength and-vitality to the sys tem, and the rosy hue of health to the cheeks. Price, 50 cents. L. Tagirart. It is a peculiarity of corn kings to have short reigns. " 1 Tn oa?e? of cough or croup give the j little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never tails. Pleasant to take always safe. | sure and almost instantaneous in ellect. ! | R. C. Dodson. j Rockefeller is able to buy ducks in car- j j load lotSi Constipation, impaired digestion and a ! | torpid liver, are the most common ail- ] meuts that are responsible for that tired, listless, tagged-out feeling that makes the j summer a dreaded period to so many poo- ! pie. Heubine will cure constipation, it improves the digestion and arouses the liver to normal activity. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. I The change could hardly be called a j blizzard. P. T. Thomas, Sumterville, Ala., "I I was suffering from dyspepsia when 1 I j commenced taking Ivodol Dyspepsia j j Cure. I took several bottles and j j can digest anything." Kodol Dys- ' | pepsia Cure is the only preparation con- j [ taining all the natural digestive fluids. | i It gives weak stomachs entire rest, re- j storing their natural condition. R. (.'. | Dodson. It the navy cannot talk about the Schley J ease there will be many pauses in naval | conversation. Piles arc not only in, and of themselves very painful and annoying, but often greatly aggravate and even cause other grave and painful afflictions, and should, therefore not be neglected. Tahler's I Bitkrve Pii.i; Ointment is a great I boon to sufferers as it will cure them. I Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 j cents. —L. Taggart. Pure elections in Virginia are liable to violently shock the systems of some Old Dominion politicians. Don't be satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely re moves this complaint. It relieves per manently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest the stomach. Nature receives sup plies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to uee Kodol •Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help hut do you good. R. C. Dodson. To Cttve a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is oi; each box. 2r»e. 201 v Stop Colds When you feel one coming on by taking Krause's Cold Cure. Prepared in con venient capsule i that cure while you work. Price 25c. Id by L. Taggart. ELKS' FAIR AND CARNIVAL. Reduced Rates to St. Mary's via Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of the Fair and Carniva 1 of the B. P. O. E., at Pfc Marys, Pa August 28 to 31, the Pennsylvanii j Knil road Company will sell ex-curator tickets, good going on those dates am good to return until Septembei 1, in elusive, to St. Marys, from Lock Haven Erie, Re.vnoMsville, Olean, and inter mediate stations, at reduced rates (min imum rate, 2-3 cents). REDUCED RATES TO LOUISVILLE. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Tr: onnial Conclave. Knights Templar. On account of the Triennial Conclave ! of the Knights Templar, to be held ii | Louisville, Ky., August 27 to 31, th< I Pennsylvania Kail road Comjjany wil j sell excursion tickets from August 3: I to 25, inclusive, to Louisville and re ! turn, at rate of one first-class fare fo: ! the round trip. These tickets will hi ! good to return until September 2, in | elusive, but if ticket is deposited by th< i original purchaser with Joint Agent a Louisville not earlier than August 28 | nor later than September 2, and a fe< j of fifty cents is paid at the time of tie posit, an extension of the return iimi may be had until September 16. 26-2084-2t REDUCED RATES TO THE SEASHORE. : Annual Low-Rate Excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May, etc., via Pennsylvunij Railroad. The next Pennsylvania Railroad low rate fifteen-day excursion from Erie, Rouseville, Tionesta, Rochester, Brad ford, Clermont, Dußois, and principal intermediate stations to Reuovo, in elusive, to Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea, wildwood, or Holly Beach, will be run on Thursday, August 22, 1901. Excursion tickets, good to return by regular trains within fifteen days, will be sold at very low rates. Tickets to Atlantic City will be sold via the Dela ware River Bridge Route, the only all rail line, or via Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. Stop over can be had at Philadelphia, j either going or returning. For information in regard to specific : rates and time of trains consult hand j bills, apply to ticket agents, E. S. j Harrer, Division Ticket Agent, Will | iamsport, Pa., or J. A. Fellows, Divi sion Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. mmmmwtm mmmmmmmmmßmmammmnmmtmmMmmmmmm CHICHESTER'S EKGUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS fk MMfip. Aiwnvs ri linhlc. I.arlh-t4, i.!: Prncsriat for < IIICHKSTDKN KNC.iL.IMII in llrd and metallic t>o*w. seali-il with blu« ribbon. Talto 110 ollmt. Btcfu,**' hsilvm!l -(ulionnniKl imilaition-.. Iluviif vour Uruta-lst, or send 4c. in stumps for Pariiculiir*. IVMi imoiiliiU and "Brlifr fi><- in httrr, by return Mail, MMiUrtTi :iimonfu!-. .'old bv all Druggist*. CHICBteBTER CHEMICAL CO. SIOO .Tfailivm Si|fill «>/!., jpjf . 'lcuflun tUU yatiur, | Cet asi' | I Education I An exceptional ocportunlty offered S to young men nnd young women to gj prepnre for i-:r.cb'u(r or for business. M Pour regular eourutia; also special S0! work In fliu'c, Snorthand, Type- & writing. Strong tcachinK force, well Hi graded work, *ood Uiscipllne and M hard study, Insure best results to W BtuUcuta of « GeiitmS State | . timticslSchool 1 [I LOCK SIAVEN. CltrJon Co.. PA. S fj Hanilpoxne buildings perfectly equipped, fl rl Ftetim beat, electric lights, übundance of m El pure iiiouiiiiiin water, extensive campus m tj aiul athletic tfrounus. Expenses low. bend & H for catalog. - 8 J, H. FLiCKiKGE.I, Principal, P Central Stste JKormai School, 1 |i LGCiC HAVEN, PA. Good Jailorinij AT SMALL PRICES. GOMF. to mv place, pick out your cloth, let me measure you. and have your clothes made by one of the greatest tailoiing establishments in the world. It will cost less than the same suit made by an ordinary tailor, almost as little as ready-made clothes cost: and you will have perfect lit, good cloth, good making and right style. Messrs. Wanamaker A: Hrown, of Phila delphia, do the work. They have been doing it for forty years. They have a big business in Philadelphia and have branches in over r thousand cities in the i United States. They buycloth by hundreds of thous- , ands of yards, keep about a hundred men j busy cutting into ruits, hundreds more i tailoring it and sewing it; one man, who docs nothing but buy cloth and linings | and buttons; another, who designs the styles the knows ali about what London I is doing--a!so what I'm teliinghim about I your wantsi; another, who keeps the big army of tailors doing their work right. j It is one great big perfect-workitig machine; and yet the work it does for you is as individual as if yen were their I only customer?. The Kali and Winter Cloths are ready now, and they are beautiful. I Any lailor can show you beautiful ( cloths; but lam talking of beauty that is I more than skin deep. It is in the way these cloths are treated, bow the clothes tit, how they wear. Messrs. Wanamaker & Brown author ize me to give you perfect satisfaction, . whatever 1! costr. j W. A, MIKXER, EMPORIUH, PA. SDR. CALDWELL'S !»■ YRUP PEPSI CURES CONSTIPATION.* 1 I PEOPLE'S COLUMN, FOR RENT. 1 \ ('<'OA!MOTJATTONS in private fnmily. Kca • - onahlo ratf •. Oiiv' i ier.t to Jr.", and : uiinutea wall: to tin? I J an« American yrouuds. • Secure rooms in advance. MIW. (1 FX)ROE OIUDLKV, • 7 Ada Piac*, Ituffiilo, N. y. Take JefK .-rnon car to Lyth Ave. 75 cent* j%#r night for one or #1.50 per room. i j BENT l*'urniahc<l rooms, five miuules j J.. 1 ride trum Pan-American arroutids. Address M as. N. M. GOULD, •128 Ashland Ave., i U-tf Buffalo, N. V. FOR SALE. SALK A good residence, in pleasant I part of towi.; water and gas: good barn. Located on West Fifth street. Emporium, l-'or further information apply to I'lticsH office. 'ijtf TTIOK SALE-A livery stock .''or sale in a good J 1 livery town, consisting of nine head of (ine hor :es and a eomplet ■ outli; for the same. Ad j dress, Box No. 242, Port Allegany, i'o. 20-eow ] 7*oll SALE—New and Popular Hooks, 10 cents each. Each book containing 04 large dou ble colnuin pages. Paper covers. "Joker's Bug ; et, "Fireside (ir-mes," "Modern Entertain ments, " rite National Handy Dictionary," "Money-Making Secret*." "Etiquette of Court j sliip," "Humorous Dialogues," "Humorous : Becitations." "The Minstrel Show," "Detective Stories, rheMystieOiaclf," "Outdoor Games," j "Women May Earn Money, " "Astrology Made Easy," "Dialect Recitations." "Fifteen Complete I Novelettes," "Tile liandy Cyclopedia," "75 Com plete Stories," "Mesmerism and Ulairveyance " j "150 Popular Sougs," "Mrs. Partington's Grab j Bag," "The Art of Ventriloquism," "Dramatic Recitations," "Famous Comic Recitations," "A Cart-Load of Fun," and "Parlor Magic." SPECIAL OFFER —Vv'e \vi!! send any 4 books described, postpaid, for 25c. 11-13t E. T. DRUM A: CO., Warren, Pa. ( lOURT PROCLAMATION. — Whkreas:— The V_y Hon. Ciias. A. Mayek President Judge and the Hons. John McDonald and Geo. A AValkeu, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued theirprceept bearing date the 16th day of July, A. D., 1901, and to me directed for holding a Special Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday the 20th day of Aug. 1901, at 10 o'clock, a. m. and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said dav, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememborances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizanceto prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, I'a., July 10th, 1901, and in the 123 th y lar of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. „BOCKE3 ?llil I OINTMENT | • H'flES HOTHING BUT PILES. I .' A SUR£ ant! CERTA!N CURE 6 V known for I a years as the 4, REST REMEDY for PiiL.ES. J i, a V SOLD BY - >LL DRUGGISTS. V , i'reptred Bi;E£.£E3O!T SIEU. CO., SI. LOOT 3. 7 / 'iKa!'' ■&. For sale byL. Taggart. 35-26-1 v |! prepared ! i m if I For | I the Season | [j- We have opened and are displaying a 112! | choice line of . . I FANCY F 1 DRY GOODS 1 ioi i |i specially selected for the . . I Summer I P Mil t mi 0 1 <r* . . 1 1 Season. i I We have gathered such articles a combine elegance with I utility and at | 1 Very Reasonable | lj Prices | •• 1 \ I JJ | 112 kSL V jMj ElE|piSHg'h □;jjj§& AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OK THI •» COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR AP PROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GEN ERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMON WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUB LISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OK THE COMMONWKA LTIf, IN PCRSCAN' E OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THECONSTJTUTH IN. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing ,111 amendment to the C institution of • he Common wealth. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House ol Represenati-.es o'" thfl CoiumouMcaJth in Ileneral Assembly met. That the following is promised as amendments to (he Const-tution of the CoinmonweiJui ol' P: iiiiivlvani.> ,i, c oord aucei with the provisions of (IK eighteenth arti cle thereof: Amendment On'- to A?tide Eight, Section One. Add at the end ct the lirMt paragraph of said section, i 'ti r the -.wrd, shall be entitled to vote p< Bit elections." the words " ■,bt how ever lu such Jaws requiring ami regulating the registration ot electors an tue Uen t /,i 1 Assembly may enact, ' so that the said .section shall read as follows: Section I. Qualifications d Electors Every male citizens twenty-one yearn of age, nc «e«sim the following qualifications. shall be entitled to vote at all elections, subject however tosurl laws requiring and rc.-juiating the rtgistratinn o! electors as the <ieneial Assembly mav enact 1. If e shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. 'J. He shall have resided in the State one year 'or having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have re moved therefrom and returned, then six months,) immediately preceding the election. 3. He shall have resided in the election dis trict where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. 4- If twenty-two years of age and upwards, fie shall have paid with two years a State oi county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month belore the election. Amendment Two to Article Eight, Section Seven. Strike out front said section the words "but no elector shall be deprived of the privilege of vol ins by reason of his natue not being registered," and add to said section the following words, "but laws regulating and requiring the registration of electors may be enacted to apply to cities only, provided that such laws be uniform for cities of the same class," so that the said section shall read as follows: Section 7. Uniformity of Election laws —AH laws regulating the holding of elections by tbe citizens or for the registration of electors shall be uniform throughout the State, but laws regu lating and requiring the registration of electors may be enacted to apply tocities onlv, provided that such laws be uniform for cities of the samp class. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. A MENDMENT TO~BE CONSTITUTION J i PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OK THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL AS SEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OK THE COMMON WEALTH. IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the < ommomvealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of thesami. That the following is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with the provisions of tbe Eighteenth article thereof. Amendment. Strike out section four of article eight, and in sert in place thereof as follows: Section 1. All elections bv the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other ' method as may be prescribed by law: Provided, That secrocv in voting be preserved. A true copy of tbe Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. | maflam'-vw;. Dean's B~A Ki >f<N certain relief for Suppressed I H Menstruation. Never known to fail. (Safe! s jjg Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed < El ?. r J. none / Refunded. Sent prepaid for i iff 81.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to S H be Paid for when relieved. Samples Free. B UNITED WEDICALCO., Box 74, Lancastcw Pa | Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers