4 (Eoutjly Jfress Established BY C. B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OFSUBSCRIPTION: Per year 00 If paidjis advance fl 50 ADVERTISING BATES. Advert! cmenUarepublished at the rate of one dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents per square for eacb subsequent insertion. Rate* by the year or for six or three month 8 are low and uniform, and will be furnished ou appli cation. Legal a nd Official Advertising per square, three times or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertion 50 cents per square. I.ocal noticesteti cents per line foroneinsertion, ti ve cents per line for eacnsubsequentconsecutive i ncertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per ine. Simpleannouncemenlsofbirth*,marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business C irds, five lines or less per year ovt-rfivelinen. at the regular rates of advertising Xo local inserted for less than 75 els. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the Press it* complete, and affords facilities for doin;? the best class oi work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper wili be discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option oft he publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for in advance. llTvuv^rrer:wr . i-ivar,rrsavrea i ■■iiiiwwiimi Political Announcements* All Announcements under this head must be signed by the candidal* and pi d in advance to i ti3u re pu bi icalion, STATE DELEGATE. Editor Prt ss: Please announce my name as a candidate for Delegate to.state Convention, subject to the de cision of the Republican County Convention. E. W. GASK ILL. Shippen, Pa., July 15th, 1901. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Editor Press:— Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. (.ISO. A. WALKER. Emporium, Pa . July 15th, 3901. COUNTY TREASURER. Editor Press: i'lease announce niy name as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the liepulican County Convention. ELIIIUCHADWICK, Shippen, Pa.. July 13th, 1901. Editor Press.— Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Cameron County Republican Con vention. WALTER YOTHERB. Driftwood, Pa.. July 17th, 1901. MrrmHrv* i nKsxftffc ■■ 11 i i n I—ll i>n Cameron. [Too late for last issu?.] E. H. Lininger visited Sterling l!un M oiidav. E. M. McFaddeu is visiting friends at (i!en Hazel. G. L. Page had business at the county seat Monday. Charley May, of Sterling Run.was seen on our streets Sunday. Cameron is not dead yet. it is in line ' this week by saying. Atini. / rby, of Sterling Hun. visited ; Oak Ilill a lew days last week. A Morton and family if First Fork, are visiting relatives in town this week liev. 1 'oyer preached a very interest- j ing sermon at the church Sunday even- ! ing ' Geo. Meyers and family ot Ladona | visited F. K. Lininger and family over | Sunday. It the iamilies keep on moving in town j we will need more houses or the old ouea | fixed up. ( line Kephnrt and family of ('ouders- ! port was the guest of A. F. Walker and j family over Sunday. Mrs. E. M. McFadden who has been quite ill for sometime past, is very much improved at this writing. J. D. 15rooks lias taking the contract to build the bridge across the creek at Canoe Run for W. D. Johnson. \\ T . D. Johnson has errected a siding near the ( hutes to load his lumber and bark inst'-nd of hauling it to Cameron. L. G "luiua'i ,-uys the Liars club is booming now taking in new members every meeting. He thinks the club will visit the Pa;. American this fall. H. 11. Rockwell and family of Harris burg was the guest of his mother, Mrs. J. L. Rockwell and family of this place I over Sunday. Quite n number of Fishermen from . St. .Mary s are located on Sandy Desert, j ' They are very pleasant gentlemen, we j hope them success. Mason Hill. ; Editor Presß: j , Xo more sick cattle on the hill. ! i 1 hos. I'ord who has been very sick, is j ! some better at this writing.' * ■ One of Milton Barr's sons is in a pain- ; 1 ful condition. He fell and hurt his leg. ; 1 -*lrs. L. I'. Russell was called to Mil- j j lers Siding on account of the serious ill- ! < ness of Mr. Ford. | I I(trough the kindness of a friend of ] the Sabbath school, our Sunday school < lias been presented with a set of No. 1 I and 'J Pentecostal hymns. All who do 11 not attend should come and hear the I f sweet songs. I AM RIIHIT. ! I I ; i Stops the Coiif/h And Works off the Cold. Laxative Promo-Quinine Tablets cure a I coid in one day. No Cure, no Pay. j j Price 25 cents. 2Gyl ' ■ i See the girls in another column carry- j ing large baskets of grapes to a winerv in ! Portugal lor making wine. It is worth reading about. Speer of New Jersey makes wine from the same grapes. His wines are unsurpassed by any in the wofid. 25-8t I Borough Council Proceedings. Adjourned meeting Borough Council | Emporium Aug. 12th, 1001. Present: Catlin, Balcom, Hacket, Marshall, Shafer, Murphy, and Howard. Absent, Schweikert, Nelson. Moved by Shafer, seconded by Mur phy, that bill of Contractor, George , Metzger Jr. for $. r )oii,Bß to apply on con tract for instaling electrict light plant jbe approved and payed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hacket, seconded by } Mr. Murphy that proper officers be 3 j authorized to make a deed to David I Murry for lot No 42 in Newton Cemc ! try, if not already deeded, and received ■ ! in payment his receipt for services to 3 date. Carried. Moved by Howard, seconded by . j Murphy, that President of Council be ! given authority to discharge any ! policman which lie considers necessary | during convention. Carried. , j Moved by Hacket seconded by Catlin L ' | that we drop street Commissioner and i I liis duties be given to street committee, s I Moved by Mr. Howard seconded by I Mr. Murphy that the forgoing motion j; bo laid on table. Carried. ! j Moved by Mr. Howard seconded by Shafer that Street Commissioner and , j policeman be instructed to enforce < ) ordinance regarding rubbish thrown in ' the street. Carried. 91 Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by ! Mr. Shafer, that Street Committee be r ' given authority to spend 825. each I month. Aye Catlin, Marshall, Shafer, ' ; Murphy, Howard, 5. Nay Balcom, ( Hacket, 2. Motion Carried. Moved by Howard seconded by Shafer that contract with St. Marys (ias Co. be accepted when amended so i that same may lie renewed each year, . , at same price, so long as gas is furnish ed in Emporium Borough and that meter shall be a reliable one and kept 1 in order. Aye Shafer, Howard, 2. Nay • ! Catlin, Balcom, Hacket, Marshall Mur j pliy 5. Motion lost. Moved by Howard seconded by I Shafer that contract be laid oil table until next meeting. Carried. . j Moved by Mr. Hacket, seconded by . Shafer, that Mr. Howard, be requested j togo to St. Mary's and secure better terms from Gas Co. Carried, j Moved by Mr. Hacket, seconded by ! Mr. Shafer that the following named | Fire Police be confirmed, j Mountaineer Hose Co. A. C. Blum, j I. K. Hockley, F. P. Rentz. Hamilton Hose Co. Josiah Howard, ! D. J. Downey, Ed. Nellis. Citizens Hose Co. J. D. Marshall, Robert Green, David NVheaton. Car -1 ried. , On motion the Council then adjourn ed to meet Aug. 20th, 1901. C. Jay Goodnougii, Sec'y. Evils of Antipyrine. The use of antipyrine for the relief j and curt; of headaches has a depressing | influence ou the heart, and causes a de | rangement of the kidneys. Krausc's j Headache Capsules contain no antipy ' line, chloral, morphine or any injurious j ingredient. They cure quickly and leave I the head clear and cool. Price 25c. j Sold by L. Taggart. Since Missouri took to praying rain j checks are all the go out West. TO UP. TO THE PACIFIC COAST. 1 Another Opportunity to Visit California under the Auspices of the Pennsylvania Railroad's Personally-Conducted Sys tem. In view of the great popularity of ! I transcontinental travel under the Per- j , sonally-Condueted System, as evidence j j in the recent Pennsylvania Railroad | Tour to the Pacific Coast and Canadian Northwest, that company has decided to run another tour to the Pacific Coast, including in the itinerary a visit to the world-famous Grand Cannon of Ari zona, in the early Fall. The tour will leave New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and other stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg, on Monday, September 23, and reach New York on the home ward trip Tuesday, October 22. As in former tours to California under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Rail road, a special train, composed of the highest class of Pullman equipment, will be utilized during the entire trip. Excellent meals will be served in the dining cars attached to the train during the entire journey, except during the stops at San Fran cisco and in Chicago. An observation car will appeal to all who delight in scenery. Few trips afford so great a diversity in Nature's beauties as the one outlined below. Westward bound, the tourists will pass through the wild slopes of the Colorado Rockies, around the Great Salt Lake, and over the fast nesses of the Sierra Nevada. After visiting all the beautiful resorts on the sunny California slopes, the eastward journey will be through the Arizona desert to the Grand Canon of Arizona Ms beauties cannot be painted in mere words. Magnificent in coloring, awful in its depths, it stands among the natural wonders of the world. Thence across the plains to St. Louis, and east ward through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, the tourists reach their destination just thirty days after leaving home. The various transcontinental lines having made low rates on account of the General Triennial Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company is enabled to offer this superb vacation trip at the low rate of §lB5 for the round trip from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, or any point on Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pitts burg, one in a berth; and $165 for the round trip, two persons occupying the same berth. The rate from Pittsburg will be $5 less. Diagrams are now open, and as the number who can be accommodated will be strictly limited, names should be registered immediately. For further information and descrip tive pamphlet, apply to George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel phia. 2li-2091-2t a-«mw.w.wi |w|||Hm „ Cure?. Drunkenness. \eeJey c^ KEELEY trei 8 '° r & I NST I T U T E, fi.,, , n . 421« Ilfth Av#., PITTBBCIUi.pI CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901. TRUSTEE'S SALE. i In tlte Court of Common I'lcas of Cameron I County, Penna., No. 28 April Term, Ipol. i Sophia Johnson, M. M. Larrabee, and 1 Laura G. Freeman, Trustees under | the will of Parmelia A. Freeman; j Sophia Johnson devisee under the ' will of Huldah C. Freeman, Seneca ! Freeman Russell, Emma Benn; and Sophia Johnson Trustee of Ethel Freeman, Oliver Freeman and Clem ent Philips. V 9 Laura G. Freeman, Trustee of Bertha J. Davis, Olytus Freeman and Otis Freeman. PARTITION. I Notice is hereby given that muter and pursu i ant to an order entered on tho fifth of July, ; 1901, in the above entitled cause by the said Court of Cameron County, tho undeisißued will, on Friday, the 20t)i day of September, 190!, mi 1 o'clock, p. ni., nt tho oilu'e of Green A: Shaffer, in the hirst Nntional Batik Building, in tlic Borough of Emporium, sell a* public auction to thchighe-t and best bidder, as directed in sail 1 , order tne following described real estat<•: PURPART NO. 1. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land ] situate, lying and being in the township of fclhip pen, Cameron County, and St.itc of Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as follows; viz: Be ginning at. a post in the north line of tract of land purchased by Seneca freeman from Keat ing & Company, deed recorded in book "O " page 72 in the Recorder's OHice in and for Mc- Kean county, said post standing near the foot of the hill on tile west side of Portage Creek; thence east 40 perches to a hemlock corner; thence north 52 perches to a post corner; thence ; east 71 perches to a stone corner, the southeast I corner of lands owned by Allen Russell; thence south 115 perches to a stone corner on the line of warrant No. 1359; thence south 69 west along the warrant line 192 perches to a poat on the west bunk of the Portage; thence north 25 ; east is perches; thence north 32'.. east 17 perches; thence north 31}*" east 18 perches; tluncenorth 22 east 9 5-10 perches; thence north 19° east 5 perches; thence north 20° east 11 1-10 perches thence north 3! east 8 r,-10 perches; thence north 28' east 9 perches; thence north 20° east 10 perches; thence north 26 > east 20 -1-10 perches; ] thence north 15° east 11 perches; thence north 7- east 11 perches to place of beginning. The last 12 courses and distances being on ami near the west bank of the Portage Creek and the said tract containing one hundred acres more or less. ! Excepting and reserving therefrom a certain i piece of land sold to Wilbur Russell and describ ed as follows, viz: Commencing at an Kim tree '■ on the east bank of the Portage Creek 56 feet Ironi the upper corner of bridge over the Portage called Minard's bridge and six feet from the water line; thence south 52° east 21 perches to I place of beginning. Containing one acre, more 1 or less. Also excepting and reserving that cer tain piece of land sold by N\ p. Minard to Clark ' Herrington described as follows, viz: Beginning : at a hemlock stump, situate on the line of the ! public highway leading from Emporium to the i • ilt works, near the upper end of N. I>. Minard's mill pond, thence north !"> east 550 feet to a post; ; thence north 31 cast 320 feet to a post corner on j the line between Sol Ross and N. P. Minard: thence west along said line 130 feet to a post on ; the bank of the Portage Creek; thence southerly by the several courses of said Creek to a post; ' thence south 31 and 30' east 210 feet to the place of beginning. Containing about two acres more or less and being the tract of land occupied bv Clark Herrington. Also another piece or tract of land situate Iving and being in Shippen township, Cameron Coun ty and State of Pennsylvania being part of lot No. 11 ofsaid Keating estate, and bounded on the west by lands owned by Allen Russell. Con taining 31 6-10 acres. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land lying in the south end of warrant No. 1359 in the I townthip of Shippen, County of Cameron j and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as iollows: On the west by lands of P. A. & H. C. Freeman, on thesouthbv south line of warrant No. 1359, on the east by lands of,l. S. Wiley and on the north by lands of J. S. Wiley. Con taining 61 acres. The above described pieces are contiguous and constitute what is known as the Minard or Free man farm, on the Portage Creek; sitinted within one mile from the business centre of Emporium. About 100 acres cleared and under cultivation. Having erected thereon 2 large 2 story dwelling houses and 1 small one story dwelling. 2 barns, wagon sheds and usual outbuildings, ad in good repair. Two good apple orchards and a quantity | of small fruits. <iooi well of water. Cleared I land is fenced, other laud ha.-, considcrb'.e quan tity of fence and stove wood timber S'ibject !o a lease to April Ist, 1902. Terms:—ls per cent, of purchnse at time | b.d is accepted, and balance on evitirmati .-i ot ' sale and delivery of deed. PURPART No. 2. All that certain piece or parcel of'land situate, in the Borough of Emporium, in the County of' Cameron and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ' bounded and described as follows, to-v,-it: Ke'- 1 ginning at a point in the center of Allegany avenue in the old line between the Felt Farm I and the Freeman. Portage farm, so called; | thence north 10 east along said line I 58-100 perches to the north line of Allegany avenue; thence north 23° east along the line of land con veyed by Seneca Freeman to A. H. Bo.vnton by deed dated April 6th, 1867, recorded in Cameron county Deed Book "11," page 353, thirteen perch es to the south west corner of burying ground thence south 85 : ' anil 15' east along the south line ' of burying ground 10 18-100 perches to the south- j east corner of burying ground; thence south 21° I and 45' west along the line oflair.i conveyed by said I Seneca Freeman to*). S. Hacket by deed dated ! March Ist, 18S7,recorded in Cameron Countv Deed Book"B,"page34o, twenty and three-tenths(2o3-10) perches to the center of Allegany avenue; thence I north 51° and 45' west along the center of said i avenue 10 3-10 perches to the place of beginning Containing about 1 1-8 acre, be the same more or less, and bounded as follows, to-wit: on the ' north by burying ground, on the east bv lands conveyed by said Seneca Freeman to S. s'. Hack ett by the deed above referred to, on thesouth by Allegany avenue or lands conveyed to S. N. Hacket by deed aforesaid, and on the west by lands conveyed to A. H. Boynton by the deed be fore referred to. Having erected thereon one 2 story dwelling house, and usual out buildings, in good repair well fenced and new side walk. Connected for I natural gas, also has good well. Connected i with sewer. Terms, 15 per cent, when bid Is accepted and I balance of purchase money upon confirmation of sale and delivery of deed. B. W. GREEN", Trustee. Aug. 19,1901.—4t CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of i Central State Normal School! I Lock Haven, Pa., J. R. FLICKINGER, Principal. FALL TERM, opens September 9, 1901. j j A training school of the first rank j for teachers. FREE TUITION for pros- ■ ! pective teachers. High grade faculty, j I Splendid equipment. College prepara- ! i tory tits for the best colleges. Excel- | j lent courses in MUSIC, ELOCUTION j i and BUSINESS. • I | Expenses lower than in any other in- j ' slitution of equal rank. Remember ' I I ; tuition is absolutely free to prospec j 5 tive teachers who are seventeen years j J of age. | Address for illustrated catalogue. 22-2 M THE PRINCIPAL, ' SECOND TO NONE. _ [ ! Adam, Meldrum & > j | Anderson Co. ' 398 to 408 Main St.—American Block, I BUFFALO, N. Y. The Great Pan-American Store. i Our store is one of the attrac-! | tons ot the city. All eonvenien-j ! ces and comforts for visitors. Bureau of information. I Ladies' parlors and waiting i I room. Refreshment room for ladies j | and gentlemen. Meals any time j I between Ba. 111. and 6 p. m. at I moderate prices. Headquarters for Pan-Ameri- ; j can souvenirs, Buffalo and Nia- j , gara Falls souvenirs. We are now showing new j i spring goods in all departments, i : including millinery, cloaks,suits, j I waists, gloves and neckwear. In dress goods, silks and wash [ | fabrics we also lead the trade ol | Buffalo. 1 We show hundreds of private j patterns in new carpets which I can be seen in no other store in Buffalo. All correspondence promptly i attended to. I ; ADAM, MBLIHiIMI & Al'llKllSOiS CO., j 396-408 Main Street, Tbe American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y ! 1 : !TW 6^fe^^aWta! ' feal!!Si * !fe ® ! *** a **** !, '**-***** !, '*** ! 4******mi«** , **!feij*SfeSfc* |„ W| SMS * if : N ' AN:D CiLFi.]Mi:vA.:t J j u i if 0 j] ST. MARYS, PA., August 28,29,30,31,1901« N | si GREATEST EVENT OF THE SEASON FOR WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. II &* The Park will be beautifully Illuminated bv Electric Lights. Night will be as Bright asDav. " iMf ** __ ' *=* n -——— a N The Following Free Attractions Both Afternoon and Evening, M »» in Front of Grand Stands. !! 13 * ** ** —— II 14 ll H PROF OSCAR NORIN ' r l ie Champion H igh Diver of the World. Marvellous E.v- || Sf* t* 1 r" c c 1 hibition of high diving from tower 100 feet high into a it* Hg a»k of water four feet deep. Entire exhibition lasts a full hour, and consists- of FANCY \xr i DI r VING > ACROBATIC SPRfNG BOARD DIVING and BURLESOUE |l Work. Two performances dailv. Afternoon and evening. ~ If H " li jw ___________ J J M LORE AND LORE, PROF. G-EORG-E LITZ, M M in their laughable sketch, entitled "SI With his group of educated Spaniels. N |jj SIMKIN'S VISIT." An act for i <a( ji es a „d Children. II |,_ _ n 11 REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. II J£ . fj Q The Great Davenport, Monkawire, |f Pf The king of all high wire performers. The The most Artistic Animal Inpersonator and |* Pi greatest ol all out-door attractions before Absolute Master, whom all the world has ll American public. Two performances daily. copied. U M ELECTRIC ILLUMINATIONS FOR PARK AM) RACK COURSE H M , M SI win f ln e i^ idWa T 112 t - fi Harington Bros., ff SS tractions that have never been seen outside of fu , an , lanj ,, Uc Acrobatic'turn °" "" ' N large cities. I fcgj — ll Horse Races, Hub and Hub Races, Hose Races. If N Wheelbarrow Race.*, Sack Races, Foot Races, || $$ Base Ball Games, and other Field Sports. £* . _ M M DON'T FORGET THE DAYS AND DATES. || AUG. 28, 29, 30, 31, 1901, ST, MARYS, FA. || V» v -N \\\\\\\ NNN Xx \ \ N.V..N N.N \N \ .\/ \ The Popular Store \ %. / ✓ are headquarters for Men's Furnishing Goods. ' £ I here is a reason why we sell so many of these goods. The ? : reason is that our line is more complete than at anv other ; 4. store in this section. Then again, we handle nothing but ' the very best, and nothing but union made roods. / k > / ; / We are well pleased with the business of the past two ,/ ✓ weeks, but things must move faster as our fall goods are ar- / / riving daily. We arc offering some extraordinary bar ! >' gains in our * > \t r, ■ I |; Clothing- Department. - x / / $ / Remember our Clothing is all union made. Strictlv the | y best on the market for the money. / 112 Men's, Youth's and ✓ : > Children's Clothing, £ Hats, Caps and Shoes, / Overalls, etc., etc. ; | | / Every Man ' i > Y / \ y Has or ought to have an eye to his attire. Fine cloth- / : s ing is the uniform of success and prosperity. y I / Our store is an educator to wear the right and correct , > styles of the swellest novelties for suits and trousers. We ■' y have some fine clothes for y < / J Business Suits, / ' . Traveling Suits. ✓ z Dress Suits. ✓ K { JASPER HARRIS, ; ;■ / Remember the place—Directly / Opposite Post Office, Emporium, Pa. ✓ 1 / /N. \N\ N \ \ \ \.\ \x\ \\ \ \;\ \ \ \ N \\ \ \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers