'THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 36. Husincss Cards. B. W. GREEIL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A businessrelatingto estate,collections,real ••states. Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prompt attention. 'l2-ly. J.C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNAHNEY JOHNSON AI McNARNEY, A TTORN F.YS A R LAW EMPORIUM, PA.' Will give prompt uttention to all business en rusted tothem. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Heal estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. THOMAS WADDINGTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR KOR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders in my line promptly executed. All kinds of building and cut-stone, supplied at low prices. Agent lor marble or granite monuments. Lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, East Emporium, Pa.. JOHN L. JOHNSON, Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and well established House I invite ihe patronage of the public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. P. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AG T. EMPORIUM, PA To USD OWNERS AND OTHERS IN CAMERON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wood timber lands.alsostumpage&e., and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call ou me p. D. LEET. CITY HOTEL, WM. McGEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of this old and popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. The house is newly furnishedand is one of the best appointed hotels i n Cameron county. 30-1 y. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that l have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THOS. J. LYSETT, Proprietor Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened forthe accommodation of the public. Newinal it 8 appointments, every attention will be paid to the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17 ly M \Y GOULD, TEACIIER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in all the Popular .-heet Music, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or it the homes of the pupils. Out i 'own scholars will be given dates at my roomsintliis place. F. C. RIE: K, 1). D. S„ DENTIST. Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, I'a. Ga« ami other lfical :uiaeM!.etio»»d '■n."lllinisl<■ red for the painless extraction •■OTJTJyorteeth. SPECIALTY:--Preservation of natural tet th, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. Cheap \ IS AT ? ) J. F. PARSONS. ? WALL PAPER! We have as fine a stock of wall paper as can be found in this county. The de. gnsareall this spring's styles and the prices we are offering these handsome prints at are wonderfully low. We are determined to dispose of this stock. CARPETS AND HATTINGS. It is time to replace that old carpet of yours with a new one Our line of carpets is the most handsome we have ever had and are admired by all who have seen them. We have held the carpet trade of this county for a number of years and our low prices and fair treatment have been steadily making this store the most popular. We also have a very pretty line of mattings. LACE CURTAINS. Although the spring season lias been somewhat late this year, our sale of curtains has been large. We have some excellent values yet in stook. All wishing good curtains at a low price should call. M. C. TULIS. r EASTMAN S KODAK | " L_ ' " ji "A Dollar Saved, is a Dollar Earned." | 11 |pPl \ We can save you lots of dollars by baying your {] j Wall Paper, Curtains and Paints of us- I I | ![ YouoanoarryitlnyourhandSjonyourshoul- i I V Ci W J I iti der, in your pocket or on yourbicycle. 112 IB* a 11 -y" W H Bw « rp You press the button and the Kodak will V —ill I I tin |J; Political Announcements. All Announcements under this hrnil must be siijned by the candidate and paid in advance to insure publication. STATE DELEGATE. Editor Press: Please announce my name as a candidate for Delegate to State Convention, subject to the de cision of the Republican County Convention. E. W. GASKILL. Ship pen, I'a., July 15th, 1901. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Editor Press:— Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. GEO. A. WALKER. Emporium, Pa., July 15th, 1!)01. COUNTY TREASURER. Editor Press: Please announce my name as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repulican County Convention. ELIHU CHADWICK, Shippen, Pa., July 13th, I'JUI. Editor Press; Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of thq Cameron County Republican Con vention. WALTER YOTHERS. Driftwood, Pa., July 17th, 1901. Mamnri ■mwimaiuwijHtinnann^ Literary Prize Contest. * Answer to question number six:— Sir Walter Scott had never seen Mel rose Abbey by moonlight when he wrote the lines referred to. Upon being requested to sign his autograph to the couplet, lie wrote instead: — "Then go and meditate with awe On things the author never saw; Who never wandered by the moon, To see what could be seen by noon." Query Xo. 7: Seven Grecian cities I contended for the honor of the birth place of a poet. What was his name? NOTE. —An author gets inured to I seeing grammatical errors, and even , misspellings in printed versions of I manuscript; but when the typo substi i lutes "sites" for "cites" it is confusing 1 to the reader, as well as exasperating ito the writer. Address answers to | question to Box 103, Emporium, Pa. Church Pair and Pestivals. | The ladies of Presbyterian church i will serve ice cream and cake, Friday ' evening, 19th,on the lawn at Mrs. F.A. j Hill's on Sixth street. The public I cordially invited. I The Junior Y. P. E., of Lh» Pros : byterian church will hold a fair in the ! Lloyd rooms on Wednesday aflwnoon and evening, July :?IHI. Come and see ! ns and give us your liberal patronage. I Don't forgot the date. I An lee Cream Sale will be held lon the lawn of Mr. George Metz ! ger, Sr., Thursday evening of this 1 week. Proceeds tor the benefit of j Methodist Episcopal Church Attend ance of the public kindly solicited. j The political pot has commenced to , boil and candidates are coming to the front. See announcements under j proper head. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WKßSTEß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, .JULY 18.1901. DEATH'S DOINGS. SMITH. ISAAC SMITH, Sr., who for many years has been confined in the Dan ville Insane Asylum, died July 10th, in his 79th year. His remains were brought to Driftwood last Saturday for burial. He will be remembered by many of our citizens. Big Lake Trout. P. & E. passenger conductor S. B. Burr, recently presented his friend W. D. Johnson, of this place, with a largo lake tront that weighed 28 pounds dressed. It was a beauty and delight ed Mr. Johnson. A New Humorist. Mr. J. W. Kriner has just appeared in a new role, that of humorist. Hav ing been annoyed by boys standing on the piles of earth thrown up from the excavations for the foundation of the new Emmanuel church, he has had a notice posted which reads, "Please keep off the earth." Very Commendable Act. John Cavanaugh, who recently met with a severe loss in the destruc tion of his home and a portion of his household goods and clothing, by fire, has been handsomly remembered by his fellow laborers in Howard's mill. They presented him with a check for si 05.00. Mr. Cavanaugh is a hard working and deserving young man, having recently met with the loss of several fingers and now being visited by the fire demon, tiie very commend able act will no doubt be appreciated. Emporium School Board. At a special meeting of Emporium school board held last Monday even | ing, the engaging of teachers for next i term was completed. The following are the teachers employed: Prof. C. I'. Bastian, Principal. Miss Helen Van Valkenburg, Ass't. COLUMBIAN BUILDING. Grammar—Prof. S. A. Hetriek >*' Summerville, Pa. 1J Intermediate—Miss Maine Clearv. A Primary—Mis;i Nettie Moore. Ist B Primary Mi ss Blanch Ludlum. 1 2nd I? Primary—Miss Rose Ritchie. BAST WARD BUILDING. A Intermediate Miss Mary Robin son. B Intermediate—Miss Cora Barker- A Primary—Miss Claudia Roberts, of Lock Haven Normal. B Primary—Miss Rose Bail*. Kindergarten—Miss Nina Bryan. The fall and winter term of school will commence Sept 2d. Taken to Warren. Mrs. John Blinzler, wife of our hard working and industrious drayman, was taken to Warren Insane Hospital last Monday morning. Mrs. Blinzler has j been afilieted during the past two years I and after consulting eminent special ' ists it was found absolutely necessary j to place her at Warren, where it is | hoped she may receive relief, if not be J permanently cured. | Mr. Blinzler, with his three small j children, will make their home with ! his mother, Mrs. Jas. Johnson. The ! terrible affliction is hard for the kind husband and children to bear and the PRESS deeply sympathizes with them and sincerely hopes that, with proper treatment, the once happy family may e re-united, Special Excursion to Pan-American Ex position via Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of Eagle Day at the Pan- American Exposition, Friday, July 19, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell special excursions tickets on I that date from Emporium good going on any regularr train on July 19, and good to return on any regular train | within five days, including date of ex } cursion, at rate of §3.60. These tickets will not he good for ' passage in parlor or sleeping cars in either direction. 2028-lt Miss Edna Auchu gives a picnic this afternoon, at Riverside Park, to a number of lady and gentlemen friends, 1 numbering about forty. BRIEF HEN TION. : The Olean races will take place J August 6th, 7, 8 and 9th. The explosion of a river excursion ! boat at Sunbury, last Saturday resulted I in the death of three persons and in jury of four. Wm. McGee, poprietor of the City j hotel is making ;in noticeable improve [ ment by the erection of a new porch j in tront of that popular house. Howard C. Benham of Batavia, once \ committed and once acquitted of wife ! murder, died of typhoid fever in the j hospital at Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday. Eleven prisoners are now confined in | the county jail and if more are com ! mitted Sheriff Swope will be puzzled to find room. Court will not be held ' until October. ! The Dußois Courier says that the ' next Congressman in the new Con- I gressional district will be furnished by i Clearfield county. "This is so sudden," • that the proposal seems like a joke.— : Bradford Era. | Janitor Barker has a gentleman's . belt, found in the rear of the court j house that he would be pleased to de | liver to the owner. His collection of curios are unique. The county commissioners of Potter : county have placed seats on the court I house lawn. Why do not our officials | do likewise and furnish our citizens a comfortable resort these warm days ? On Tuesday, Floyd, tlia throe year old son of Marcus Taylor of Fifth street, ; while playing about the stove, was i severely burned. The little fellow 1 turned on the gas and then lit a match aiul threw it into the stove when an ex | plosion followed, with the above re [ suits. I The will of Mrs. Harriet B. Cooper, : filed in New York city on Wednesday, bequeaths all of her property, valued at §B,OOO to her mother, with the ex ; ception of §5.00, which she leaves to her husband, whom she designates as •'the best of men and amply able to make a living'for himself." The new congressional district in which McKean county is placed has a population of 181,899, distributed by counties as follows: Clearfield, 80,611; Centre, 42,894; Cameron, 7,048; McKean, 61,343. McKinley's majorities in the same last year were: Clearfield, 1899; Centre, 345; Cameron, 457; McKean, 2,892. Tota\ 5,583. Last Friday afternoon the house of John Cavanaugh, on Clear Creek, was discovered to be on fire by men, who hurried to the scene and lent their assistance The house was completely destroyed, also quite a lot of furnish ings. Mrs. Cavanaugh being sick at the time, was taken to an neighbor's. They are now comfortably located in one of Mark Wright's houses. | Through the generosity of State Sen | ator J. Henry Cochran, of William sport, says an exchange, the Bev. George C. Foley, pastor of the Trinity ! Episcopal church of that city, will make ; a tour of Europe. Mr.Cochran has pre sented the reverend gentleman with a letter of credit for $2,500 and a substan tial check beside. ; All the passenger cars on the Penn sylvania railroad are about to be fitted i with windows that will open automatic ally by the slight pressure of a spring. Those who have wrestled with the ! 'burglarproof" windows of the average j train in midsummer, will readily admit ' that a lot of profanity will be averted | by this most simple and much desired ' device. The jay who sees a young man in evening clothes with his head harness ed in a collar four inches high, laughs aloud at the folly of the dandy*, and the i dandy whose neck is held in one posi tion by his collar, sees iu the collarless . jay an unkempt fool. Educated opinion | waxes condescending to the ignorant fool out west, and the westener refers to the superior person in the east as a 1 bigoted fool. And so all men are happy, thinking that the others are fools—and who is the fool anyway.—Ex. ! Escaped Prisoner Force Captured and Returned to Emporium Jail Yesterday Morning. Last Saturday afternoon, about four o'clock, Alva Force, better known as "Jack the Ripper," hailing from Lock- Haven, who was committed to jail for robbing the depot at Driftwood, man aged to crawl through the small open ing in the jail door and made his es cape. Sheriff Swope telegraphed all over the country, giving a discription of the prisoner, and on Tuesday re ceived a telegram from the chief of police at Philadelphia informing him that Force was there, locked up, await ing his pleasure. Deputy Sheriff Hemp hill left on Buffalo Flyer Tuesday noon and returned to Emporium on Flyer, Wednesday morning with the culprit. This was wonderfully quick time, although Harry is known for his quick work when he gets after his man. The following account of the capture we copy from Tuesday's Philadelphia North America: A dejected young man sat in his sell in the police station at Tenth and Thompson streets last night, looking at the picture of a pretty girl, the only thing which might give him comfort in his cheerless position. He has been persecuted by jealous rivals, he says, because this girl favored him. He was sent to jail, but escaped; came to Philadelphia, incautiously celebrated his return to freedom,'was pursued through the streets and captured by the police; then, just as he was about to be released, was recognized as the jail breaker and locked up. No wond er he was dejected. This youth of many adventures is Albert Force, of Lock Haven, Pa. He is 19 years old. Edna Lamb, the pretty girl, is 18; but the story of the Lock Haven idyl may follow the story ofthe unhappy finale in Philadelphia. CROWD CRIES "STOP THIEF." Young Mr. Force came into public notice yesterday afternoon near Twelfth street and Girard avenue, when he fled up the avenue half a block in front of a crowd. Cries of "stop thief!" were raised, altogethed without, reason, however, and Police man Anderson joined the chase and captured the fugitive. Leading the pursuers was William Armstrong, of 1315 Rush street. Anderson took his prisoner by the arm and ordered Arm strong to follow them to the police station. Armstrong told his story with some difficulty. He had met the prisoner in a saloon, ho said, and had joined him in several drinks. Then they passed to other resorts, where the stranger continued to buy refreshments liber ally. In a communicative moment he showed Armstrong, that person said, a scar which he declared was made by a detective's bullet. Altogether Armstrong was so inter ested in his new acquaintance that he refused to consent to part from him. The stranger insisted, even to the point of running. Whereupon Arm strong gave chase, and the arrest re sulted. RECOGNIZES A JAIL BREAKER. As both men were under the influ ence of liquor Sergeant SchaelFer had a hard time in getting the story accu rately. And when he did he did not know what to do. Armstrong could not make a definite charge, and the prisoner, who said his name was Earnest Ryan, asked pointedly why ho was being datained. Schaeffer was just about to release him, when he recalled that a young man named Force, whose description seemed to fit Ryan, had escaped from jail in Empo rium, Pa. Mo he ordered the men put in separate cells, and then questioned j the suspect, who soon admitted that I he was the fugitive. "I left jail in Emporium last Satur j day,"he said, "and will not go back .alive. I was a bad boy in Lock Haven, j but I never did the things they said I j did. ■ "Some men there were jealous of me ! because Edna Lamb was in love with jme They tried ,to get her to 'shake' I me, but she wouldn't do it. Here is i her picture. She is a great girl. WHY RYAN LEFT TOWN. "I got into trouble when 1 sold a ! bicycle for a man for §2O and then got drunk and lost the money. He was going to have me arrested, and I left, town. While I was away the freight station was broken into and robbed, and 1 was arrested. But I had nothing to do with it. I was sent to the jail at Emporium." "Why did you break jail if you were innocent'?" was asked. "I didn't break jail," said Force. "The cell was fixed so I could get away. The bars were sawed part way through, and all I had to do was to push them out and get away. Then I came to Philadelphia, and lvere I am again." TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE. WEATHER REPORT. (Forecast by T. li. Lloyd.) I-RIIMY, probably shov, or- SATURDAY, Fair. SL'NDAY, Kai. L2OGAL NOTICES. . Subscribe for the PRESS; only §1.50 a year in advance. A good building lot on Fifth street, for sale. Apply at this office, * 7-tf The largest assortment of summer clothing in tho county Rt N. Ssgor'p. All kinds and grades of carpets at Laßar's. New stock of Window Shades in all grades and prices at H. S. Lloyd's. See those Wilton velvet and Axmin ster carpets in Laßar's window Gloss enamel paints and varnish stains to match your wall paper, at II S. Lloyd's. Large .stock ol Wall Paper at 3c per roll and border at l ie uer yard at H. S. Lloyd's. Canned Pint Apple in chunks, pack ed in Singapore, at Balcom & Lloyd's. Summer clothing at N. Seger's in great variety and at reasonable prices. Rich and poor can be suited with carpets at Laßar's. Just received at Balcom & Lloyd's "Salada ' < eylon Tea. Wholesome and delicious. This hot, suiTy weather one can find comfort in summer clothing, such as N Seger handles. The best at the lowest prices. <.'AKPETH CAKPETTS Ninety differ ent patterns to choose from. All new and up-to-date, ('all in and see them whether you want to buy or not; no trouble to show goods GEO. J. L VBAK You should call on N. Seger, the clothier when in need of goods in the clothing and furnishing line. You are always sun - to find what you want and are mqre stylishly dressed. Zmc unrl Ortnc'inK Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long ; load and oil mixed by hand. tf 'A o can convince you ot a saving on wall pa] c of Horn 25 to 50 per cent. Examine our stock at ! got our prices. H. S. LLOYD. We buy our wah paper direct from the factory and thereby save the job ber's profi. Wegive this profit to you when you buy your wall paper of us. H. S. LLOYD. We have the largest lire of summer clothing to be found in this section of the state and for the remainder of the season we will offer extraordinary inducements in this line. N. SEGER. SHAW'S PURE MALT—Its value in sickness has been tried and proved. In the home it is not safe to be without it. Absolutely pure. Sold by F. X. Blumle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl Established Business For Sale. On account of the death of one of the firm the well-known hardware business of Walker, Howard & Company, at Emporium, Pa., is offered for sale, in cluding stock and building or to suit purchaser. Apply to WALKER, HOWARD & Co., ,Btf. Emporium, Pa. REDUCED RATES TO THE SEASHORE. Annual Low-Hate Excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May etc. via Pennsylvania Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad has ar ranged for four low-rate fifteen-day ex cursions for the present season from Erie, liouseville, Tionesta, Rochester, Bradford, Clermont, Dußois, and prin cipal intermediate stations to Renovo, inclusive, to Atlantic City, Cape 31ay, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Aval on, Anglesea, Wildwood, or Holly Beach, on Thursdays, July 25, August S, 22, and Septembor 5, 1901. Excursion tickets, good to return by regular trains within fifteen days, will be sold at very low rates. Tickets to Atlantic City will be sold via the Delaware River Bridge Route, the only all rail linr, or via Market Street Wharf Philadelphia. Stop over can be had at Philadelphia, either going or returning. For information in regard to specific rates and time of trains consult hand bills, apply I. icktt agents; E. S. Harrar, Division ticket agent, William sport, Pa., or J. A. Fellows, Division Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. 2025-21-2t LOST An Flgin movement, open face, gold watch, with my monogram on back. A liberal reward for its re turn. CHAS. T. LOGAN. Undertaker Laßar drove to Drift wood last Saturday and eonduoted the burial of the late Isaac Smith. NO. 21.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers