Our Spring I Clothing Has arrived and we are ready for the Spring and Summer campaign. I During the past few months we have almost B entirely closed out all left- I over stock, therefore start I in with an sj Entirely New Stock. READY-MADE CLOTHINO, (Stylish make.) ■ ELEGANT LINE of FURNISHINGS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. *? We arc agents for the LION I Brand Shirts and have recently !| received a very fine assortment 2 of these celebrated SI.OO SHIRTS. ■ They Are Beauties. |j| I We continue tokeepthe. Mj MAC MURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. I We want every citizen of this 9| county to call and inspect our | present stock, feeling assured 11 that you will bo pleased H ■ B. SEGER & SON, ! Next to Hank, Emporium, I'a. ■IIIIIIIIIII II 11 TSMM ISBK&MBS/®* J I l\ A 1 lM#?-. iS i h „-,, i I *->&&(■ a " -;" v | Cat as; I £ An exceptional opportunity offered jfjl S to young men anil young women to p prepare /or teaoUing or for business, fci a I'our regular courseo; also special K g work ia !.lus!c, Shorthand, Type- b 8 writing;. Strone teaching force, well (R B gradod work, jrood discipline and Ifi B bard study, liicu.-e best results to >3 K students of M ! Centra? State | ; Norms* School 1 LOCK KAVEN. C'lnton Co., PA. buildlncs perfectly equipped, j® ; t ton li heat, ••lecirir l!j?Ut8, abundance of jfl ; pure ruouir:iin wutrr, extetinive cumpuH * * ftiid ut alt!le grounds. Expenscs low. B*ud B j for cMAtaK. B •fi i, FUCiiiNCEri, Principal, 112 Central Eonaal School, -| 1 I r.oc:c HAVEN, PA. A i at,. FCCORSETS Make American Beauties. We have them {>¥ in all stvles and Ss 1S , ' /- .... • x shapes to fit every ; / , ~€& v - figure, and every A' corset is sold un^cr t '" i ' is most > \y,./ liberal warrant — "Money refunded after four weeks' trial if corset is not j satisfactory." Look for this ■l'ifffif Trade Mark on <' inside of corset i and on box. ' KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sole Makers. Kalamazoo, Mick, FOR SALE BY 5-131 W. H. CRAMER. ««waraaraaE'iii• Ij- « TCe'Suppository I I (traded Schools, StatetTlUe, N. C. ( writes: " I can nay I j I they do nil you claim for thorn." I)r. H. M. Dcrore, Kj ■ Itnvcn Rock. W. Va., wrltrs : "Thejrgive universal satis- K 9 faction." Dr. 11. D. McCiil, Clarkuburjt, Tcou., write*: H I " hi a practice of 23 year*, I have found no rem#4j to H 1 equal yours.'' I'rk k, 6i) CENTS. Samples Free. Hold H 1 J t»y uniKgim. MART IN nuov, LANCASTER, P«. B j Sold in Emporium liy L. Tiiggart ar.d R. C. Dodson. Aunt Racht?l'*s 4 US Ii Afterbath 1 ' Ij j For the Head and Hair and Body. The body and limbs of every child should be rubbed with 4 Us after every bath. Just enough dropped in the palm of the hand to rub over every part of ths surface of a child, once a day will keep the skin soft and white, the pores freo from getting clogged with impurity pasg j ing out from the system. A teaspoon full is sufficient to moisten the cuticle J (skin covering) of a grown person. The j effect is wonderful: pimples on the body j and face are entirely removed by a few | applications of the 4 Us. Druggists sell Ii ?BUCK EYE PILE! OINTMENT £ CURES NOTHING BUT PILES, a £ A SUffS and CERTAIN CUR£i3 I y known for 15 years as tho fn , y i'iSST RSIWEDYfor PILES. (. SOLD ISV AM. DRUGGISTS. I'Tcjarci 'O7 EICHABBSOS USD. CO.. CT. LOUIS. } For sale byf.. 'l'uKgart. ;!S-2S-ly. Lyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. i It artificially digests the food and aids ; Nature in strengthening and recon j Jtructing the exhausted digestive or ! ijans. It istlielatestdiscovered digest ! ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in? j stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. PriceSOc. and Jl. I.arjie size contains 2H times Biuull size. Hook all aboutdyspepsiamailedfrce Prepared by E. C. DeWITT &co., Cl^icag) Seven Years In Bed. "Will wonders ever cease ?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Law rence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled tne to walk," i-hc writes, "and in three months 1 felt like a new per son." Wonjen suffering from Headache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, ) Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spoils j will find it a priceless blessing, Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50c. | li. Taggart. Honey bees are getting in their work I now. A Terrible Explosion "Of a gasoline stove burned a lady here frightfully," writes N. K. Palmer, of Kirknian, la. "The best doctors couldn't heal the running sore that fol lowed, but lJucklen's Arnica Salve en iirely cured her." Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Sores, IJoils, Bruises, Skin Dis eases and Piles, lioc at L. Taggarts. Farmers are fitting their buckwheat ground. Didn't Marry For Money. The lioston man, who lately married a | sickly rich young woman, is happy now, ■ for ho got Dr. King's New Life Pills, i which restored her to perfect health. ' Infallible for Jaundice, Biliousness, j Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver | and Stomach troubles. Gentle but cfiec j live. Only 25e at drug store. L. Tag gort. _ Suppose the appropriation by the : last Congress really did exceed 81,- | 000,000,000. Did you ever know :of a time under Democratic rule Lwhen that much money could be | taken out of tho Treasury without j a deficit and forcing a sale of bonds? —New York Mail and Express. ! ( Tbii signature is on every box of ttau genuine i Laxative Bromo-Quinine T»bi»u UM remedy that cnn« * cold Im on* <!■/ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1901. ALL SORTS. Eczema, saltrhcum, tetter, chafing, iva poisoning and all skin tortures arequickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain [tile cure. It. C. Dodson. To frown in a mirror will cast a serious reflection on any girl. Many women fail to digest their food, and so become pale, sallow, thin and weak, while the brightness, freshness and beauty of the skin and complexion de parts. Remedy this by taking Ilerbine after each meal, to digest what you have eaten. Price, 50 ceuts. L. Taggart. The best part of the Kimberly dia mond-fields covers nine acres only. A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. R. C. Dodson. There will be representatives of 42 different tribes of Indians in the Indian congress at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo next summer. If the stomach performs its I unctions actively and regularly, the food of which it is the receptacle, is transformed into blood of a nourishing quality, which fur nishes vigor and warmth to the whole body. Ilerbine gives tone to the stom ach and promotes digestion and assimila tion. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. There are ten battalions in the British regular army that wear the old Scotch kilts. Mr. James Brown, of Portsmouth, Va. over 00 years of age suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. Physicians could not help him. De AVitts Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. 11. C. Dodson. The municipality of Chicago employs 182 women in various capacities. If you are troubled with that most un comfortable disease called piles, don't neglect it. Don't let the complaint get a firm hold. Every day the disease is neg lected it grows worse. Commence at ouee to use Tablet's Buckeye Pile Oint ment, the relief is immediate, and cure infallible. Price, 50 in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. The trusting shoemaker is apt to get beaten out of his boots. Danger, disease and death follow neglect of the bowels. Use DcWitt's Little Early Risers to regulate thein and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe. It. C. Dodson. The combined fortunes of the Roth childs is about s'''oo,ooo,ooo. Mothers who would keep their child ren in good health should watch lor the first syinptons of worms and remove them wi'li White's Cream Vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. L. Taggart. 1 u society it is more blessed to be polite than to be truthful. The billious, tired, nervous man can not successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the famous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your troubles. R. C. Dodson. Ireland sends to England 287,000 tons of meat a year. To save mending, avoid breaking, and to avoid suffering, prevent coughs and colds by the timely use of Ballard's Hore hound Syrup. It is a safe, sure and swift remedy for all bronchial ailments. Price, 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Switzerland cultivates 85,000,000 fruit trees. "The Doctors told me my cough was incurable. One Minue Cough Cure made me a well man." Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H.—B ecause you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will enre you. Safe and sure. It. C. Dodson. Lawyers' briefs are seldom so short as they sound. You feel better at once after using Ilerbine, you enjoy your food more, and you get more nourishment and invigorat ing force out of what you do cat, Hence Ilerbine makes you strong, vigorous and cheerful. Price, 50 cents. L. Taggart. Great Britain eats her entire wheat crop in about thirteen weeks. Krause's Cold Cure for colds in the head, chest, throat or any portion of the body, breaks up a cold in 21 hours without interruption to work. Will prevent colds if taken when first symptons appear. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. No other sovereign in the world hns as many physicians as the Czar. Head Feels Like Bursting. Maybe you were out late last night? If you had taken a Krause's Headache Capsule before retiring your head would be cool and clear this morning. Take one now and you will be all right in an half hour. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. More than sev enty-five per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these dis eases and their effects; such a Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Coativeness, Palpitation of (he Heart. Heart Burn, Waterbrash, Gnawing and Burning pains at tlir i 'it of the Stomach, yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Dis agreeable Taste in the mouth, Coining up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. Goto your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Sold by L. Taggart. Get Green's Prize Almanac. ln34cow To Cure a Cold in One Duy Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money it' it fails to cure. E. \V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. 2G!v A cord of wood weighs, on an average, two and a half tons. Crapes Overhang two miles of Carriage Drives. Grape Arbors loaded with Grapes two miles long and over 300 miles of vines trained on wires. This is the extent of Speer's Oporto Grape Vineyard at Passaic, N. J., only 12 miles from New York City. Those who doubt it can have their expenses paid and 8100 given them by the Sneer N. J. Wine Co. if they will come and see and do not find the above true. 15 8t People who fight our church creeds haven't much time to fight the devil. Thousands upon Thousands of people in both Europe and America are being restored to health and strength by the use of Speer's Port Wine. This wine is a little higher in price but worth live times as much as others for invalids on account of the iron derived from the soil of the extensive vineyards in which the Oporto Grape vines from Portugal are grown in New Jersey, j Speer's Port Wine has been adopted by the mort scientific and experienced phy- | sieians. 1 G-8t Small pox is spreading around through | Tioga county. Insomnia is caused by a derangement of the nerves. Liehty's Celery Nerve Com- . cound is an extract of celery combined with other efficacious medical ingredients resulting in a nerve medicine of rare virtue and wonderful in its prompt and soothing curative effects. It will make you sleep. Sold by L. Taggart. Our wills are given us to control otr passions and to direct our conduct. A Pocket Cold Cure. Krause's Cold Cure is prepared in capsule form and will cure cold in the head, throat, chest or any portion of the body in 21 hours. You don't have to stop work either. Price 2;">c. Sold by L. Taggart. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost j fatal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis," writes Mrs. W. I\. llaviland, of j Armonk, N. V., "but when all other I remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. Kings New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well." Des perate. throat and luag diseases yield to Dr. Kings New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and §I.OO bottles guar anteed by L. Taggart. Trial bottles free. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. Pan- American Exposition Rates To Buffalo, fune Ist to October 31st, 1901. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg j Ry. Co. announce, that commencing i June Ist the following special reduced rates from Ridgway to Buffalo will be j in effect on account of the Pan-Ameri- j can Exposition. Season tourist tickets will be on sale everv day at 0.10 for the round trip, good returning to and including Oc tober 31st. Tickets limited to 15 days, including date of sale, good only for continuous passage in each direction, on sale every day during the Exposition at $5.10 for the round trip. Tickets limited to seven days includ ing date of sale, good only for continu ous passage in each direction, on sale every day during the Exposition at $3.80 for the round trip. Special excursion tickets limited to three days, including date of sale, good only for continuous passage in each direction, on sale Tuesdays only dur ing the Exposition at §3.00 for the round trip. Returning, those tickets will be good on all regular trains leav- j ing Buffalo, prior to midnight of the ! Thursday following dato of sale, but [ will not be good in sleeping or chair ■ cars in either direction. For time tables and further informa- I tion consult the nearest agent of tho company. 15-it A VALUABLE PUBLICATION. The Pennsylvania Railroad 1-301 Summer j Excursion Route Book. On June 1 the Passenger Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company ' published the 1901 edition of the Sum- j mer Excursion Route Book. This work | is designed to provide the public with ' descriptive notes of the principal Sum- ' mer resorts of Eastern America, with | the best routes for reaching them, and j the rates of fare. It contains all the I principal seashore and mountain re- ! sorts of the East, and over seventeen I hundred different routes or combina tions of routes. The book has been complied with the greatest care, and ; although is tho most complete and . comprehensive handbook of Summer j travel over offered to the public. The cover is h.mdsome a id striking, I printed in colors, and the book con- j tains several :naj presenting the ex act routes over which tickets are sold, j The book is profusely illustrated with ( flno hall-tone outs of scenery at the i various resorts and along the lines of < the Pennsylvania Railroad. On and after June 1 this very inter esting book may be procured at any ' Pennsylvania Railroad ticket oflice at I the nominal price of ten cents, or upon j application to the general office, Broad i Street Station, by mail for twenty [ cents. 1959-15-2t Tito Flp»»t Millionaire. Who was tlio first millionaire? Solo lrioti? P.ut eomc down to earth in mod ern times. Solomon's wealth was fic tion. like that of Croesus, Mitias and the rest. Perhaps you remember Pope's lines— When Ilnpkin» dies, a thousand lights attend The wretch who, living, faved a candle end. John Hopkins was generally known as "Vulture" Hopkins from his rapa cious method of acquiring money. Tie was the architect of his own fortune, dying worth $1,500,000 in 1732.—New York Press. Willing: to Hear of It. A Methodist critic, wishing to put his bishop "in a hole," or, as Dr. Wil liam Everett would say, "to deposit him in a cavity," asked in open meet ing whether or not the bishop came to the conference in a Pullman car. "Yes," the bishop cheerfully replied. "Do you know any easier way?" ••Bos ton Christian Register. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil TIIE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, ~9re and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' WED. CO., Cor. William & John Sis.. SIEW YORK. "sarae? REVIVO feW/^ RESTORES V,TAUTY n! Made a w X vm Man THE cf Me. f'Ttftlccra iuo above results En 30 days. Uscta powerfully aa-i quickly. Curco v.'hen all otliors £ai!. Soutinooa will retrain their loot manhood, and old r.isn will recover thoir youthful vigor by using KIiVIVO. it quietly and Bure'y restcre3 Nervous ness, Lo6t Vitality, Impotsncy, Nightly Sralsalcnr. tost Power, Failing Memory, V/ar,tir.!! Dlasnssß, sl-J all offecta < 112 soli-abuso or €ice:aa:.d indiscretion, which unfits one foretudy, business or marriago. IS not only cures by Ptartins nt tho Boat c£ diseaso, but ifiarrer.t ncrvolonlo and blood builder, brine ins bacls tho pinlc p low topalo cheeks and ro storing tho 11 rii of yonth. It wards oil Insanity and Consnmption. luelrt on havini? KEVIVO, no ciher. It can be carried in vest pocSet. Ey mail SJI.OO perracbaKC-.cr e:\ forSiJ.OO, w'.tfca pesi tivo written cnarantoe to cure or reload ilin tuuaey. Boob and advise free. Address ftOYAI MEDICINE CO.,'^^l^ 1 - For Sale in Emporium, by R. C. Dodson. A DR. CALDWELL'S J»B Syrup PE;psipl CURES INDIGESTION. E for Sri fa rats and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over .'JO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. THE riTNTAUR Cr»v*»AN v , 77 MITWJiV STftSCT. NEW YORK. CITY. t> aa&iane -tfto • 1- -M. t) ~ rr TnrrT . ; r^r llT^^wr | t^gryMa.u«ag^g^>LrMim'M'PW | —i—aMP /?» r«3Cß2iaß &rCM2£3BSUnahT*i v-Vt 'V.ta..3M(«DMiUayaUBSMZCSOBECZCKTU .*VSCtt. %MtJC3Xft&£fiS; cSmßß&aan »v fi- H. C. Olmsted's k 1 8 «X> | » - Sprisig - AmioMMccuient. - - | Well, here we are trying to get our share of | !j |; ! the trade of Emporium and vicinity. £ I I | We are better prepared than ever before to fill k ||j all of your wants. Having added to our stock a Full Liiic of Groceries, t 5 j and have not neglected to add to the Dry Goods E | |j J j and Notion departments fresh and seasonable goods. R y || | Our Lace Curtain stock was never so complete as g I!| j NOW. A full stock of muslins, prints, percales, ! ; i | I I'• ginghams and White Goods. An especially nice j ► | I | | line of Black Dress Goods. [ill | > Stress aistl "Work SSioes for J.atlies [; j i Gentlcincii and Chiltlrea. |I l CARPETS AND MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, \l[ | t ■< \ ike.. &c. Couie and see how well we will please !1| I 111! you. U! i™ C. JAY GOODNGUGIi, j 1111 Assigrtfc6. fH I It Makes Restful Sleep. Sleeplessness almost invariably accompa nies constipation and Its manifold attendant evlla—nervous disorders, indigestion, head ache, loss of appetite, etc. To attempt to in duce sleep by opiates is a serious mistake, for tlio brain is only benumbed and the body suf fers. Celery King removes the cause of wake fulness by ItH soothing eifect ou tho nerves and on the stomach and bowels. Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve, Ktomuch, Liver und Kidney diseases. 3 Sold by R. C Dodson,Ernrj orium, Pa I Not In Nature I for anyone to always feel tired. There B is 110 need to drag out an existence without ambition. H Weak nerves are responsible for lau fji guor, depression, debility and varieo- H cele. £5 Diseased nerves, whether due to over- B work, over-indulgence or any other jib cause, can be made strong as steel by ?S the use of M They tone and invigorate evety organ {£) of the body, soothe and strengthen the Sj nerves and transform broken down ■ men and women into strong, healthy, Bj vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons, if H you find this isn't so, you get your ■ money back. g? SIOO per box ; 6 boxes (with guaran ty tee), $5.00. Book free. Peal Jledi ffi cine Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale bv H.C. Uorlson, Fmporium. Pa 51 paffam Doarfsl jQ A safi', certain relief for Suppressed B 5J Menstruution. Never known tofiul. Safe! $(, tr! Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■ Mor money Refunded. Sent prepaid fur 24 jffi SI.OO per box. Will send them on trial, to R K be r-ai'l for when relieved. tianiples Free. EH Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and lt.C Dodson. Cure*! Drunkenness. Cures Drug KEELEY & {3 INSTITUTE, V,*"" ' <246 Flflb Avfc, t'KtolitUU.J-A. r;•••"; " : - THE PRESS IS TIIE BEST MKDTI M FQ R A]) V E it'l IS ER S IX THIS SECTION*. LuW PRICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers