THE CAMERON COUNTY PRE»S. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 30. Buftfncss Cards. B. W. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A business relating to estate,collections, real estates. Orphan's Court and general law business willreceive promptattention. 42-ly. J.C.JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNEY JOHNSON & McNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Ileal estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. HOMAS WADDINGTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOK MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders in my line promptly executed. All kindsof building and cut-stone, supplied at low prices. Agent for marble or granite monuments. Lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, East Emporium, Pa.. JOHN L. JOHNSON, I'rop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and well established House I invite the patronage of the public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. tsly P. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AG'T. EMPORIUM, PA . TO LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS IN CAMERON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wood limber lands,also stumpage&c., anil parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. F. D. LEET. CITY HOTEL, WM. McGEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of this old and popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. The house is newly furnishedantl laone of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county. 30-Iy. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that I have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth s treet. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THOU. J. LYSETT, PROPRIETOR Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened forthe accommodation of the public. Newinal ltsappointments, every "STATION willbepaidto the guests patronizing n..a hotel. 27-17 ly MAY GOULD, TEACHER OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in all the Popular -Sheet Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or »T the homey of the pupils. Out of town scholars will be given date-sat my rooms IN THIS place. F. C. RIECK, D. D. S„ DENTIST. Office over Taggart'S Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. ■>. Gas and other local anaesthetics ad- C"P*«2£2Sministercd for the paiuless extraction <rnTD'of:eetli. SPECIALTY:—Preservi tion of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. S* The Place la \ is AT — r £ J. F. PARSONS. > WALL PAPER! 112 We have as fine a stock of wall paper as can be found in this county. The designs are all this spring's styles and the prices we are offering these handsome prints at are wonderfully low. We are determined to dispose of this stock. I CARPETS AND HATTINGS. It is time to replace that old carpet of yours with a new one Our line of carpets is the most handsome we have ever had and are admired by all who have seen them. We have held the carpet trade of this county for a number of years and our low prices and fair treatment have been steadily making this store j| the most popular. H J We also have a very pretty line of mattings. LACE CURTAINS. Although the spring season has been somewhat late this year, .r sale of curtains has been large. We have some excellent values yet in stock. All | wishing good curtains at a low price should call M. C. TULIS. I ((fir EASTMAN'S KODAK | " ~—~~ | "A Dollar Saved, is a Dollar Earned." 1 'i i We can save you lots of dollars by buying your jj j j Wall Paper, Curtains and Paints of us i'i < ill Ijj 1 || V'uuoanoarryitinyourhands.onyourshoul- 3 §~J ¥ Y I 1 |J IJJ uer, in your pocket or on yourbicycle. < 11a o Li l>\ / I I/. if fl] p Vo-i press the button and the Kodak will > 0 • 3JI l Ji| the rest. 112 jp] Summer Announcement Cramer's Variety Store MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Complete assortment. Every garment I made perfectly. Prices in plain tigurt'3. Money back if dis satisfied. s i 2218-LAOiEb'SHIRT WAIST. I fclzes fclzes 32, 34.30, 3d, -10. In White and Colors. Latest styles | \ from 39 cents to S 7. | Gowns, Shirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Chcmicii. Better look them over. | Ladies' Tailor-ft'role Suits I In Broadcloth, Pebble, Oh: viots, Vene- B 8 tians and Home-spuns, in prices ft' | from $5.2 i> to #25. I | S A nice assortment of WASH DriEl.3 GOODS. P y S Lawns, Dimities, Silk Chambrays, Zey- g ? nherg and a new supply of Laces and Bib- j{ K fjons, Applique Trim taints in White, J £ (.'ream and black. A large line of White 3 8 Goods and White Lawns. \ MILLINERY OEPARTMEfiT. s I Why pay big prices for Pattern Hats? d j This uet kwe have opened a fine lino of [• PATTERN HATS. They go at low prices. a We have just received the Pan-Am. B Toques, and a full line of Golf, Bailor and a all other Hummer Styles. | AT LESS THAW COST. We have concluded to close outonr b stock of Wall Paper, not having room to R I handle the same. This stock was pur- l| chased this spring and comprises all the £ latest prints. This is a bargain for the R 1 people. | , I Window Shades at the 3aiae low prices. 1 ! I They must go too. W. H. CRAMER'S The Popular Variety Store. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 6,1901. New Oil Field. Ridgwayites are considerably excit ed over the discovery of oil, last Wed nesday in a well drilled by the Ridg way Light and Heat Co. Tiie strike is good for ten barrels a day and probably opens a new oil belt. Ice Cream Sale. Mrs. Walter Morrison will hold an Ice Cream sale on lawn of her house, W. Fifth St., Tuesday evening, June 11, for tho benefit of her band. In ndditiou to icecream in various flavors, cake and coffee will be served, also strawberries. Public patronage respectfully solicited. Mann-Fetter. At the residence of the bride's par ents on Sunday evening, June 2nd, 1901, JOHN FRANKLIN MANN, and Miss REN A M. FETTER, were united in mar riage by the Rev. O. S. Metzler, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have the best wishes of their friends for a happy and prosperous life. Accidents at Sinnamahoning. Last Saturday a young man, named Thoreia, employed in the Sinnamahon ing kindling wood factory received an ugly cut by a piece of wood flying from a saw. Another accident also occured, to a young man employed on the log train, last Saturday. One of his feet was smashed by being caught between two loaded cars of logs. Emporium School Board. The Emporium school directors met Monday evening and organized by electing the following officers: Presi dent, L. K. Iluntiugton; Secretary, N. J. Earner; Treasurer, F. P. Rentz. Prof. Bastian was re elected principal and Miss Van Valkenberg, assistant. The election of teachers will be com pleted and announced at the next meet ing. New Emmanuel Church. Emmanuel Church Vestrymen on Monday awarded the contract to John W. Kriner for the erection of their new stone church, a very handsome design. The edifice will occupy tho location of the old church. We are not permit ted to publish the full particulars as to cost, etc , but from what we can learn when the building is completed it will be one of the finest in this section of the state. The church is to be enclosed by December of this year. Will Probably Leave Us. W. S. Walker, son of our townsman Geo. A. Walker, Sr., has accepted a re sponsible position with the Emporium Lumber Company, of which he i 3 a stockholder. The new duties require him to devote at least part of his time to the business, which, of necessity, will take him from home a greater part of the time. The growing business of this firm may require him to move his family to Austin in the future. We hope not. Mr. Walker is an excellent citizen and business man and his pleas ant family among the most respected. Death of James McKinnon. James McKinnon aged 48 years, an , employe of Hon. F. X. Blumle was' kicked by a horse last Wednesday morning and died from the injuries on Saturday morning. The gentleman's friends reside in NovaScotiaand though ] communicated with, arrangements for the forwarding of his body could not be effected and the burial was made in Newton Cemetery. The services were conducted at the home of Mr. Blumlo on Sunday at 2 o'clock, p. m.and were very largely attended. They were in charge of the Rev. O. S. Metzler, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, and were deeply impressive, a sense of sadness pervading all hearts. The music which was furnished by members of the Pres byterian choir was tender and beautilul. The thoughtful kindness of Mr. Blumle and family in effecting the ar rangements for the services and for the burial is hiplily creditable and is com mended by all. Integrity and Capacity of Women In i Business. I "Do women embezzle" ? This ques tion was asked one of the heaviest dry ' goods merchants of one of our large cities who always employ women as cashiers. "Do women embezzle"? I "No they don'tjl never knew a woman ( who handled other people's money to steal a cent. And I have employed I, women cashiers for years. They are quicker at making change than men, they keep their accounts cleaner and don't want to run the whole store as men usually do. Never knew a single case of embezzlement by women, can't say the same of men." Many such testimonies could bo had, proving the honesty of women when handling the , money of other people. The statement of others who have informed them , selves on this subject is that women seldom ever fail to pay their debts, even . when they might avail themselves of I the bankrupt law they prefer holding themselves legally liable for the debt. : While newspapers are full of wicked theft, and embezzlements of bank presi dents running away with fortunes be ; longing to others, wrecking homes, impoverishing families, destroying re ; putations, disgracing their friends and ruining themselves. While trusted men are robbing public institutions, , speculating, gambling and stealing car , ing not whom they rob, wrong or ruin, women fare seldom guilty of such dis -1 honesty or crimes. The general belief is that women are honest, yet in the face of this fact men refuse to lend them money to start in business, to invest in real estate, or help them save their property upon which they have paid a certain amount, and which can only be saved by prompt payment of the re mainder. Women often find it hard to secure even a small loan on good security. Men prefer to say they have not the means at hand or some other excuse, a few are manly enough to state the truth and say "We do not do business with women." Very few treat them as they do men giving them a chance to make an honest living. Why is this? Some men cling to the old idea that it i 3 not becoming in women toen gage in business outside of her home, however needy we may be. Hundreds of wealthy men will give and give liberally to establish homes fur women who have tried to secure homes f<sr them selves, but these good men would not ler.d them the small amount because they believed they did not understand business. The greatest kindness and noblest act is to hrelp the needy to help themselves. If women do not under stand business, how are they to over come this deficiency if prevented by such circumstances from acquiring the knowledge ? With honest principle and proper opportunity supplied with some means and trusted by the public, they cannot fail to become as trusted as their brothers and as proficient breadwiners. Give them a chance to become 6elf supporters rather than genteel paupers. Save them this hu mility added to their other trials. A WOMAN. Driftwood, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad Special Rates to Buffalo Ant! Niagara Falls. j During the continuance of the Pan American Exposition, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from Emporium to Buffalo and Niagara Falls at the following rates; Bufl'alo Falls : r> Day Limit, sold Tuesdays and j Saturdays, not good in parlor or I sleeping earn $3 CO $4 10 . 10 day limit, good in parlor orsieep- I ing cars 5 45 5 95 Season, final limit November 30, 10D1 035 035 ! Additional information may bo ob tained upon application to ticket I agents. 15-3t Keystone Powder Company. C. B. Howard & Company have recently purchased all the unsold stock ■ of the Keystone Powder Company, of ! Emporium, thereby the better enabling ■ that Company to enlarge their business to meet their rapidly increasing trade. Card of Thanks. Editor Press:— Please convey to the good people of Emporium our thanks for their atten dance at the funeral of James McKen non, who recently died while in my employ. While deceased was far from friends and relatives it will be a consolation to them to know that their son and brother had a christian burial and every attention during his illness. F. X. BLUMLE. Worth Remembering. The following elevations above sea level, taken at the several stations be tween Williamsport and Warren, was given us by Mr. Henry Auchu, for the information of the public, who often make inquiries for same: Williamsport, 527 feet. Lock Haven, • 550 " Renovo, 672 " Emporium, 1033 " St. Marys, 1667 " Ridgway, 1393 " Johnsotiburg, 1442 " Kane, 2014 " Wetmore, 1804 " Sheffield, 1337 " Clarendon, 1396 " Warren, 1186 " Decoration Day at Sinnamahoning. Memorial day was properly observed at this place, under the direction of P. O. S. of A. Barclay Brothers, who kindly closed their mill that their employes might attend the exercises, have the thanks of the committee. The old veterans of G. A. R. were out in force and were in the line of march and conducted the services at the graves of their fallen comrades. The Sinnamahoning Cornet Band headed the procession and rendered some fine music. The Sunday school made a fine appearance, with their hands full of flowers. The little tots rendered their part nobly. All the ladies who assisted in furnishing flowers will please accept our thanks for their patriotic display to our noble dead. At 7:30 in the evening all were in- i vited to attend special services at M. l E. church and met at P. O. S. of A. Hall, when they marched to the church ! in a body and listened to a sermon ' by Rev. Faus of M. E. Church. N. H. MCCLOSLEY, T. H. PIPER, Committee. Resolutions of Respect. EMPORIUM, PA., May 24th, 1901. At a regular review of Good Will Tent, No. 46 K. O. T. M., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God to enter our ranks and almost without a moments warning take from our midst brother, Sir Knight P. E. LEWIS: Resolved: That while we lamet his removal we do it in submission to Him who doeth all things well; that we sin cerely sympathize with his widowed wife and with his children in their hour of affliction. Resolved : That these resolutions be published in the local papers and a copy > seat to the bereaved family as an ex- ' pression of our regard, and that our Charter be draped for sixty days. From the minutes. J. P. MCNARNEY, Record Keeper. EMPORIUM, PA., May 31st, 1901. At a regular review of Good Will Tent, No. 46 K. O. T. M., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEIIEAB, It has pleased the all wise Father to again enter our ranks for the second time within a week and take ! from our midst our friend and brother | Sir Knight SAMUEL L. STODDARD: Therefore, be it Resolved: That while we feel our loss i and deeply sympathize with the afflict- j ed family in their sad and sudden be- ! reavement we would recommend that 1 in their sorrow they turn to Him who j alone can comfort the afflicted and ever remember that there is no sorrow but ; has some hidden blessing, and no cloud but has a silver lining. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, published in i the local papers, a copy sent to the be- j reaved family and our Charter draped for sixty days. From the minutes. J P. MCNAUNEY, Record Keeper REDUCED TATES TO KANSAS CITY. Via the Pennsylvania Railroad, account Imperial Council, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. On account of the meeting of the Im perial Council, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, to be held at Kansas City, June 11 and 12, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell Juno 7, 8, and 9, from all stations on its line, excursion tickets to Kansas City at the rate of ono fare for the round trip plus §2. These tickets wiil be good for return passage, leaving, Kansas City not earl ier than June 11, not later than June 17. For specific rates and full informa tion, apply to ti-cket agents. 1957-15-2t N. Seger has the largest and best line of summer clothing in the county. Call and examine. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE WEATHER REPORT. (Forecast by T. B. Lloyd.) i FRIDAY, Showers. ! SATURDAY, Partly cloudy, i SUNDAY, Fair. Ballad of the Trailing Skirt. I I met a girl the other day, A girl with golden tresses, Who wore the most bewitching air And daintiest of dresses. I gazed at her with kindling eye And admiration utter— Until I saw her silken skirt Was trailing in the gutter! "What senseless style is this?" I thought; "What new sartorial passion? j And who on earth stands sponsor for j The idiotic fashion?'' I've asked a dozen maids or more, A tailor and his cutter, But no one knows why skirts are made To drag along the gutter. I What lovely woman wills to do She docs without a reason, To interfere is waste of time. To criticise is treason. Man's only province is to work To earn his bread and butter— And buy her all the skirts she wants To trail along the gutter. —Life. IIOGAL All kinds and grades of carpets at I La Bar's. Subscribe for the PRESS; only 51.50 a year in advance. A good building lot on Filth street, for sale. Apply at this office. 7-tf Rich and poor can be suited with carpets at Laßar'e. Canned Pino Appls in chunks, pack ed in Singapore, at Balcom & Lloyd's. New stock of Window Shades in all grades and prices at U.S. Lloyd's. See these Wilton velvet and Axmin stcr carpets in Laßar's window. N. Scger is offering some wonderful bargains in gents furnishing goods. Gloss enamel paints and varnish stains to match your wall pauer at H S. Lloyd's. Large stock ot Wa'l Paper at 3c per roll an.l border ;>t l e per v;-rd at H S Lloyd's. ...T y° a want good quality and a neat fitting suit, N. Seger's is the place to buy it. Just received at Balcom & Lloyd's Salada" Ceylon Tea. Wholesome and delicious. Zinc and Grinding Mnke Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf We can convince you of a saving on wall paper of from 25 to 50 per cent. Examine our .stock and got our prices. H. S. LLOYD. WILE SELL -I have for sale, double, or single, a pair of good, handy, all round work horses. 15TF FRANK SHIVES. Wall paper at 5c the double roll at Taggart's. When the peddlers call with their samples refer them to above prices. We buy our wall paper direct from the factory and thereby save the job ber's profit. We give this profit to you when you buy j our wall paper of us. H. S. LLOYD. CARPETS—CARPETS. —N inety diflfer ent patterns to choose from. All new and up-to-date, (.'all in and see then) whether you want to buy or not; no trouble to show goods. GEO. J. LABAR Granite wall paper in three shades at Taggart's at six and one-half cents per double roll. Ask the paper peddlers to furnish you paper at above price and they will get out of your house too quick. SHAW'S PURE~MALT--When you aru tired of nostrums and ready to "throw physic to the dogs, try SHAW'S PURE MALT, and "life will be worth living." Absolutely pure. Sold by F. X. Blurnle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl At Cost and Below Cost. About three dozen pattern hats, all I have in stock, will be sold at much less than regular price to close out entirely. A rare chance to buy a handsome,stylish ladies hat ot latest city make tor a very little money. MRS. E. O. BARDWELL. Home Again. Our citizens will be pleased to hear that Dr. F. C. Reick, has disposed of Smethport interests and returned to Emporium to give his entire and per sonal attention to his dental business. Supper. The ladies of St. Marks Church will serve one of their popular 2~>c suppers in the Opera House Wednesday even ing, June 12th. Supper from 5 P. M. until all are served. The public are respectfully invited to attend. A Rare Bargain. A handsome Cliickering piano, carved rosewood ease, will he dis posed of at a nominal sum. Apply to Emporium Furniture Co. 7-tf NO. 15.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers