Our Spring Clothing Has arrived and we are ready for the Spring and Summer campaign. During the past few months we have almost entirely closed out all left over stock, therefore start in with an Entirely New Stock. READY-MADE CLOTHING. (Stylish make.) ELEGANT LINK of FURNISHINGS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. We are agents for the LION Brand Shirto and have recently received a very fine assortment of these celebrated SI.OO SHIRTS. They Are Beauties. We continue to keep the. MAC HURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. j We want every citizen of this county to call and inspect our present stock, feeling assured that you will be pleased. R. SEGER & SON, Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa. I Get an j] | Education I ; An exceptional opportunity offered 0 i to young men and young women to ; preparo for teaching or for business. E K Pour regular courses; also special : E worfc in Music, Shorthand, Type- It ■ writing. Strong teaching force, well fc H graded work, (rood discipline and £ ■ bard study, Insure beet results to I students of j I Central State Normal School j LOCK HAVEN. Clinton Co.. PA. , Handsome buildings perfectly equipped. * ; Bteam heat, «lectrlc lights, abundance of ► pure mountain water, extensive campus j ; and athletic ground*. Ex pviises low. Head C for catalog. J. R. rUCKINGER, Principal. 3 Central State Normal School, I HAVEN. PA. j FCCORSETS Make American Beauties. We have them in all styles and \ shapes to fit every % ure > ever y corset ' s so^ l under this most ''•s> liberal warrant — "Monev refunded after four weeks' trial if* corset is not satisfactory." Look for this Trade Mark on inside of corset and on box. ' KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sole Makers. Kalamazoo, Mich. FOR SALE BY 5 13t W. H. CRAMER. S TIYT nrt A cur. guaranteed If you uie H I PILES Supposltoryl ■ I). Matt , Thompson, Supt. I ■ Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes : " I can say ■ ■ they do all you claim for them." Dr. fl. M. Duvore, H H Kareu Kock, W. Ya., writes : " They Rire universal satis- H ■ faction." Pr. if. P. McGill, f'larksburg, Tenn., writes: H ■ " ID a practice of 'iS years, I have found no remedy to H ■ equal yours." PKICB, 60 Caim. Samples Free. Sold H g by lin.Ml.U- WAWTIN RUDY. LANCASTER, PA. g • ALFRED SPEER, THE ORIGINAL Port Grape Wiue Producer In America. The first native wine sold and used in San Francisco and Sacra mento was from Speer's Passaic, IN. J., vineyards, was shipped : around Cape Horn before there I was any railroad to California, I and are now being used by physi | cians and first families there as I the richest and best wine to be had The ;j-lioe of the 1 Portugal 1 >ort Wine grape grown in N. J. is thick and rich same as the juice of pears and other fruits grown here. From California pears you can squeeze water as from a sponge; so with all fruits grown in Califor nia; while those grown in New Jersey are solid in substance —less juice but thick and richer. The New Jersey apples, for instance, make a cider that was always popular the world over. If you want a wine for sickness or for entertainments don't take cheap, watery wines but choose a first class old, full bodied, high grade wine from Speer's Passaic vine yards. Sold by Druggists. jTMLERToffn] BUCKEYE niIJG OINTMENT f CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. 2 /* A SURE and CERTAIN CURE 6 V known for IS years as the L P BEST REMEDY for PILES. 2 'J SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ? \ For sale byL. Taggart. 35-28-ly. Just at this time the country needs a new religion that will make a man pay his debts. Shouting and giving testimony doesn't settle accounts with God or man. We pounce right into a fellow and put him out of the church if lie goes to a ball or theatre, but never say a word to the pious scamp who never pays his debts. The latter is doing the church more harm than danc ers and drunkards, for there are more of them in the church.— Methodist Advocate. "If day in and day out the pub lic have the name of any article pressed conspicuously upon their attention," says an authority on advertising, "that name is uncon sciously fixed in the mind like a household word." This statement is as applicable to the name of a business man as it is to the name of a marketable commodity. The merchant who keeps his name on the tip of everybody's tongue by advertising regularly in the news papers is the one whom the people will seek out when they have pur chases to make.—Philadelphia Re cord. Fought for His Life. "My father and sister both died of consumption," writes J. T. Weatherwax, of Wyandott, Mich., "and I was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An attack of pneumonia left an obstinate cough and | lung trouble, which an excellent doctor j could not help, but a few months' use of j this wonderful medicine made me as well ; as ever and I gained much iri weight." | Infallible for coughs, colds and all throat | and lung trouble Trial bottles free, i Guaranteed bottles 50c and 91.00 at L. 'l'aggart's. may If your father is not a financial success, j remember the drain on his ambition in I keeping his children supplied with bread | aud milk and shoes. It Saved his Leg. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga., suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but, writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles, j it's the best salve in the world. Cure | guaranteed. Only 25e. Sold by L. I Taggart. may We never knew a woman who had j successfully reared a family of children J to manhood and womanhood, who ever ! wished "that I had my life to live over j again." When You get a Headache don't waste a minute but goto your drug gist and get a box of Ivrause's Headache Capsules. They will prevent pain, even though your skull were cracked. They are harmless, too. Read the guarantee. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. may CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1901. EXCURSION NOTICES. I Reduced Rates to Cincinnati via the Penn sylvania Railroad, Account Convention of United Societies of Christian Endea vor. On account of the Convention of the United Societies of Christian Endeavor, to be held in Cincinnati, July 6 to 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell July 4 to 6, from all stations on its line, excursion tickets to Cincin nati at one fare for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return passage, leaving Cincinnati not earlier than July 8, and not later than July 14. For specific rates and full information, apply to ticket agents. 1938-13-2. G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. Reduced Rates to Gettysburg via Penn'a. Railroad. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, Depart ment of Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg, June 3 to 8, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Gettysburg from all stations on its line in the state of Pennsylvania, on June 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, good to return until June 10, inclusive, at rate of a single fare for the round trip. For specific rates, apply to local ticket agents. 1943-13-2t. Reduced Rates to San Francisco via the Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Epworth League Convention. On account of the Fifth Internation al Convention of the Epworth League, to be held in San Francisco, July 18 to 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell, July 4 to 12, from all stations on its line, excursion tickets to San Francisco at greatly reduced rates. For specific information re garding rates, routes, and conditions of tickets apply to ticket agents. 1933-13-2 SOUTH DAKOTA FARMS Is the title of an illustrated booklet just issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, descriptive of the country between Aberdeen and the Missouri River, a section heretofore unprovided with Railway facilities but which is now reached by a new line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. Everyone contemplating a change of location will be interested in the infor mation contained in it and a copy may bo had by sending a two cent stamp to F.A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, ill. The Election Returns Show That the Lackawanna Railroad has been elected Americas most comfort able Railroad. If the result of election suited you, take a trip on the Lacka wanna with your family; if it went the other way, get even by taking a little journey, and forget your troubles. Remember Lackawanna Agents can sell you tickets to any point in Greater America. Excursion rates are now in effect to all Southern resorts, Cuba, Florida and the Pacific Coast. If you want to know all about your proposed trip, call on nearest D. L. & W. R. R. Agent, or write Fred P. Fox, Div. Pass. Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. 37-tf Homeseekers' Excursions. On the first and third Tuesdays of February, March, April, May and June the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. will sell Homeseekers' Ex cursion tickets from Chicago to points in lowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, South Da kota, North Dakota, Montana, Utah, Oregon, Washington and British Col umbia, at rate of one fare, plus two dollars, for the round trip, good for twenty-one days. For full particulars call on or address W. S. Howell, G. E. P. A., 381 Broadway, New York, or John R. Pott, D. P. A., 810 Park Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 49-21t Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln. An address by Joseph Choate, Am bassadore to Great Britain, on the career and character of Abraham Lincoln— his early life—his early struggles with the world—his character as developed in the later years of his life and his ad ministration, which placed his uame so high on the world's roll of honor and fame, has been published by the Chica go, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and may be had by sending six (6) cents in postage to F. A. Miller, General Pas senger Agent, Chicago, 111. 11-3t | Pennsylvania Railroad Low-Rate Tour to the Pacific Coast. The Pennsylvania Railroad Person allly-conducted Tour to San Francisco and the Pacific Coast, leaving New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg by special train of Pullman Sleeping, Din iningand Observation cars, July 8, will not be confined to delegates to the Ep worth League Convention, which will be held in San Francisco from July 18 to 21, but will be run for the benefit of all who desire to visit California and the Canadian Northwest during the Summer season. Stops will be made at Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Monterey, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Jose, Port land, Seattle, Band" Hot Springs, St. Paul and other interesting points en route. The round-trip rate from all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg, |188.50, covers transporta tion, double Pullman berth, and meals in dining ear; two persons in a berth, each, $168.50. Rates from Pittsburg, $5.00 less. The tour will cover a period of thirty days. | Persons desiring, may return inde pendently from San Francisco by vari ous routes at proportionately low rates. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. 1932-13-2t The great forces, so far as men are concerned are heredity and surroundings. Oid Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of ' Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wile was j l siek a long time in spite of good doctor's j treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. - King's New Life Pills, which worked ! wonders for her health." They always | do. Try them. Only 125 cat L. Tag | gart's drug store. may ALL SORTS. You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers remove the cause of disease. R. C. Dod son. lOly When two dogs meet, there is always a prospect of a fight. Don't act like a dog. Cyclists should always carry a bottle of RALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT, in case of accident, it applied immediately, it will subdue the pain, prevent swelling and discoloration, and quickly heal the wounds. Price 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. may About all a boy is good for until he is fifteen is to run errands and eat up the last piece of pie. The least in quantity and most in qual ity describes DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipation and liver complaints. R. C. Dodson. lOly When a girl marries, there is always a howl from her sisters that she is taking away their "things." Don't despair because you have a weak constitution. The vitalizing principle of HERHINE will assuredly strengthen it. In every drop of HERKINE there is lite. There is a stimulating, regenerating pow er, unequaled in the whole range of med icinal preparations. Price 50 cents. L. Taggart. may A woman is always jealous in the same old way, man tries to lie out of it in the same old way. DeWitt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and re move the impurities speedily with no dis comfort. They are famous for their efficiency. Easy to take, never gripe. R. C. Dodson. lOly Some women, when they talk gossip, have the intense look in their eyes that distinguishes a miser when he counts his money. Children who are weak, fretful or troublesome should be given a few doses of WHITE CREAM VERMIFUGE. They will then become strong,healthy and active, have rosy cheeks, bright eyes, will be hap py and laughing all the day long. Price 25 cents. L. Taggart. may Some women would rather listen to a story about a spell of sickness than read a novel. Skin affections will readily disappear by using DeWitt's Witch liazcl Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for piles. li. C. Dodson. lOly. Half the comfort we get out of the idea of heaven is the belief that some one we dislike will never get there. Rheumatism is conceded to have its origin in a poisoned condition of the blood, and to be most successfully treated by HERBINE, which acts upon the liver, kidneys and other blood purifying organs, thereby divesting the system of offending agents. Price 50c. L. Taggart. may There is usually something wrong with a man who carries a woman's watch. Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook, N. C., says he suffered with piles for fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no results until he used DeWitt's Witch Ilazel Salve and that quickly cured him. 11. C. Dodson. lOly If a woman's confidence in her hus band makes you laugh, be kind enough to both of them not to let her see it. When the liver fails to secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded with bilious prop erties, the digestion becomes impaired and the bowels constipated. HERBINE has a direct action on the liver and excretory organs, and a few doses will cure any case of biliousness. Price 50 cents. L. Tag gart. may If we were a woman, we would nip an annual joke in the bud by refusing to clean house. "Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. I quickly secured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was master ed and our little darling speedily recov ered," so writes A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich, R. C. Dodson. lOly The most dignified and intellectual man on earth is liable to marry a girl who will call him "honey." Piles are not only most painful, but also very dangerous, as the inflamed no dules are very apt to take on malignant action and cancer of the rectum is pro duced. They should be cured. TAU LEU'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT will cure the most obstinate cases. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes 75 cents. L. Taggart. may If fortune smiles, who doesn't ? If fortune doesn't who does? "I have been suffering from dyspepsia for the past twenty years and have been unable after tryiug all preparations and physicians to get any relief. After talc- | ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for twenty years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. O. Rob erts, North Creek, Ark. It. C. Dodson. lOly The chances are ten to one that the other fellow knows you are lying. If people only knew what we know ! about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure it would bo j used in nearly every household, as there ' are few people who do not .suffer from a j feeling of fullness after eating, belching, j flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash, j caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A j preparation su-oh as Kodol Dyspepsia ! Cure, which, with no aid from the stom ach, will digest your food, certainly cau't help but do you good. R. C. Dodson. lOly Dr. Humphreys' l Specifics cure by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in any other port of the system. MO. CURES. PBICEB. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .ii 3 it—Worms, Worm Ferer, Worm Colic... .25 3—'Teething, Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .23 •i—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 23 T—Couchs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 H—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 25 ! o—Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 12—Whites. Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 14—Bait Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions. .25 i 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 j IS—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 20-Whooping-cough 21 2T—Kidney Diseases 25 US-Scrvoui Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 26 77—Grip, Hay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your i Druggists or Mailed Free. Sola by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys" Med. Co., Cor. William £ John Bts., trtiotofrtpked REVIVO I RESTORES VITALITY THE *" of Me. GREAT FrUOKTOH HEMED* produces the above results in 30 days. It acta powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall. Soune men v/ll! regain their lost manhood, sod old men will recovor their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness. Lest Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of solf-abuse or excess and indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and rs- Etorlng the fire of yonth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVOi no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall. SI.OO per package, or six for WB.OO, with m posi tlvo written guarantee to care or refund the money. Book and advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO, For Sale in Emporium, by R. C. Dodson. IDR^FENNERISjf Blood I Liver? REMEDY AND Jog R. C. Dodson, Agent, 35-91y. Emporium, Pa faz Cures Drunkenness. |\eeley c "^ ms KEELEY WrHofor ||f«£ INSTITUTE, r» _ _- * t ® 4246 Klffh A»♦,, BlXltUtllli, Pa. p O-BOX - i. ft i> HARRISBURG.PA JCURES ALL. DRINK AND DQU& AoDi™ :CKi-j {Newly Fuqnished NEW Managfme-.il for infants and Children. Tlic Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa ture of Chas. 11. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Chihlrcu—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought ars in Use For Over'3o Years. p MV."- a» uvaummn e aKnmmmamxm WBwnnorsKTKr £*jKxizczi£u>r-<i%r>u*m. VACBESEMUXQI ys vi.. ouaGiht a. li. C. Olmsted's i P «:fe , . mk I « ~ Spring- " Amaotoicemeinti. « ~ ||| I j S A V-V'wA««iA»JV,'V v V I i| . I Well, here we are trying to get our share of the trade of Emporium and vicinity. We are better prepared than ever before to fill all of your wants. Having added to our stock a iFulI Line of Groceries, and have not neglected to add to the Dry Goods and Notion departments fresh and seasonable goods, j Our Lace Curtain stock was never so complete as : NOW. A full stock of muslins, prints, percales, ginghams and White Goods. An especially nice line of Black Dress Goods. I Dress ;m;l Work Slsoes lor I.allies Gentlemen and Cliildreu. CARPETS AND MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, j &c. &c. Come and sec how well we will please j you. C. JAY GOODNOUGH, Assignee. 11l A Beautiful Woman realises that abundant hair of rich, youthful color al ways completes her attrac tiveness. The hair may be W^SflPuiM golden, black or brown, but m*' when it becomes gray or m faded there is an appearance V-- 112 look and feel as young as J ever. Under these circum stances gray hair is a draw back to meaand women. IIAY'S HAIR'HEALTH i» a blessing to thousands who now have a fine head of hair. Insist on having Hay's Hair-Health. It quickly cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff and stops falling and breaking of the hair. " One bottle doea It . is the expression of many who have had their gray hairs restored to youthful color and their bald spot covered with hair after using one bottle. May** Half-Health positively restores gray hair to youthful beauty and color. If not a dye. Its use cannot be detected It will not stain the scalp or cloth ing. Prevents hair falling after much perspiration. Ask for Hay's Hair-Health and refuse all substi tutes. n.H.H. is sold by leading druggists everywhere. .Sent by express, prepaid, in plain .sealed package, by SUPPLY CO., 85;* Broadway, N. Y., also a 25c. cake Harfina Medicated .Soap, best soap for toilet, bath, skin and hair. All on receipt of 60c. and this ad. LARGE 50c. BOTTLbS *T ALL DRUGGISTS'- tfuyHGy Pain in Head, Side and Back. For years I Buffered with pain in the head, pain in the side, and In the small of the back. I was nervous and constipated and could not sleep. TIIO pills and other medicines I tried only made a bad matter worse. Then I tried Celery King. One package cured me and made a new woman of me.—Mrs. Th. Klee hammer, Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y. Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve, Stomach, Liver and Kidney iJlseases. '£ Sold by R. C. Dadaon,Emporium, Pa Poor Indeed are those weighed down by mental de pression. Men rise in this world through buoyant nerve force. The loss of this force daily drags down to failure some of the world's brightest minds. Such a condition is commonly known as Nervous Debility. When you lose self-confidence and feel your strength, energy and nerve force are slipping away, it is high time you seek sensible aid. You prefer health and success to misery and failure. have 110 equal as a nerve restorer. A couple of boxes will dispel that heavy feeling; the unnatural weariness dis appears and replaces languor with new force and vigor of body and brain. Six boxes will cure any ordinary case of nervous debility. If not, you get your money back. 81.00 per box; 6 for 85.00, mailed in plain package. Book free. PEAL MEDICINE Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by R.O. Dodson. Emporium. Pa. 51 lIIISDSIH Bfj3U'S al A safe, certain relief for Suppressed 9 Menstruation. Never known to fail. Safe! S Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed lor money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■ SI.OO per box. Will send thi'inon trial, to B be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. j§| UNITED MEDICALCO., no:i 7«, L*NC*aTCll. F». teMMwamgro -ggcg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers