KMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. I'RIOTS LIST. Kmporiuni, Pa., May 8, 1901. NBMOPHXI.A, par sick *1 20 Graham, " 60 Rye " 60 Buckwheat " Patent Meal '* 15 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 IS Chop Keeil, " 1 15 White Middling* " 1 15 Bran, " 1 10 Corn, per hushel 64 White Oats, per uushel 42 Choice Clovtr Seed, 1 ChoiceTimothySeed, 1 Al Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed. | Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, I R.C. DODSON, THE druggist, l-KI'ORIt'JI, I'A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE.j At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. km Only the purest drugs are good for sick people. They can't afford to ex periment. You may safely trust your prescriptions with 11s. We make a specialty of this work and are proud of the success we have achieved. Doctors appreciate the care aud ac curacy with which their prescriptions are compounded and that accounts for our large trade. U. C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL UOSSIP. Contribution* invited. Trot which you would tike to see in this department,let us know by pot tilcard or letter , personally. Chester Hockly is home from Buf falo. R. H. Hirsch took in the sights at St. Marys on Sunday. Roy Gleason was up from Drift wood on Wednesday. Mies Grace Bardwell is visiting her friends at Jamestown. Mrs. E. O. Bardwell visited relatives at Ridgway last Sunday. Henry Auchu visited his oil property near Warren yesterday. John Catlin and wife, ofßenovo spent Sunday in Emporium. Herbert Brady, of Lebanon, is visit ing his father :it this place Prof. D. B. Peterson, of Lumber, was a PRESS visitor on Monday. John Norm, of Sizerville, was a call er at this sanctum on Monday. Frank Fox, Sr., of Driftwood, trans acted business in town yesterday. Chas. Fry, of Port Allegany, visited in Emporium 011 Monday and Tuesday. Jacob Bruner rejoices over the ar rival of that little daughter on Mon day. A. H. Barr, of Huston Hill, was in town yesterday and called to see the PRESS. H. Clint Olmstead won out in fine style for County Treasurer of Potter last Saturday. Mre. H. H. Mullin has returned from visiting friends at Harrisburg and Philadelphia. Mrs. Henry Auchu returned last Friday from visiting in Philadelphia and Williamsport. Gust Carlson is happy over the ar rival of that beautiful girl at his home last week, Monday. Hon. Geo. R. Dixon, of Elk county, who has been seriously ill at Harris burg, is slowly improving. J. B. Bedard and family, of St. Marys, spent Sunday in Emporium, guests of J. L. Fobert and wife. C. J. Miller, of Mason Hill, was transacting business in town on Mon day. He made the PRESS a social call. Prothonotary C. Jay Goodnough is attending the 74th session of Odd Fellows at Gettysburg this week, as representative of Emporium Lodge. Miss Bertha Dinger who has been at tending school in Emporium and mak ing her home with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shaffer, left on Monday for Glen Hazel to reside with her parents. Editor Fosnot, of Watsontown Rec ord-Star, and Lemule Fosmeyer, P. & P. agent at same place, came up to Emporium last Sunday, guests of Messrs. Ilillyard on Fifth street. On Monday they started for the trout streams, under the protection of Col lector Jessop. Ye editor had the pleasure of meeting the gentlemen in company with other friends, at the home of Messrs. Ilillyard and enjoyed a social smoke. Prof. H. P. Stauffer, of Millville, N. ! J., fornieriy principal of Emporium schools, delivered the class address at the Commencement exercises last Fri day evening, and from all accounts must have been an able effort. Our absence from home prevented our at tending and enjoying the treat, for we feel assured an Emporium audience would give him a royal welcome. Mr. George Volker and family, of Buffalo, are spending some time in Emporium, guests of Warner House. Our beautiful scenery and delightful climate are attracting the attention of the city folks. Geo. Givler, of Tyrone, was in Emporium yesterday, guest of A. P. ; Andrews and wife. He came here to look after his brother's grave and j plant some flowers. Mrs. Givler died ; about a year ago. S. G. McElwain, one of Driftwood's j most energetic citizens and hustiing | Republicans, was in Emporium on Tuesday, shaking hands with friends, j We were favored with a call and were glad to greet our good friend. We regret to learn that Chas. L. Butler, who is employed at Mankey j Manufacturing Company's works, had the misfortune to fall from a ladder, last Monday injuring one of his legs. Miss Louise Bonham leaves to-day on a visit to Washington, D. C, and other points, after which she goes to Franklin to spend her vacation. Misß Bonham is an excellent teacher. Mr. Riley Warner and wife visited their daughter in Philadelphia last week. Mrs. Wasner remained there, while Mr. Warner returned home on Friday last. D. B. Johnson, of Arksill, was trans acting business in Emporium on Tues day and called to see the PRESS. He in company with his son, have taken a large lumber job on Guy Run. Miss Helen Van Valkenburg, assis tant principal of our schools, left for home at Wellsboro, last Monday, where she will pass part of her vaca tion. Fred Leathers, of Howard, Pa., was calling on Emporium friends yester day. He informed the PRESS that his father, W. T. Leathers, died May 8. J. S. Douglas came over from Olean yesterday noon and remained until to-day to attend the funeral of his friend Samuel L. Stoddard. B. W. Green, Henry Auchu and ye editor visited in Philadelphia last week and took in the reception and banquet to Senator Quay. Jury Commissioner D. S. Logue, of Gibson, transacted business in town on Wednesday and dropped into have a chat with ye editor. J. H. Swain came over from Buffalo and visited with his family over Sun day. He expects to move there with j in a few days. A. W. Mason has commenced opera tions on Brown, Clarke & Howe lands, recently purchased from S. S. Hacket. I>r. Clark, of Olean, was in Empori um last Tuesday in consultation with Drs. Smith, Bardwell and Heilman. R. A. Cartright, of Brockport, Pa., registered at the Warner House last night, being en route for Buffalo. Chas. W. Shaffer and Geo. A. Walk er, Jr., went to Ridgway last Tuesday to witness the Sousa recitals. A. H. Shafer, of Emporium, was a business visitor in town the last of the week.—Coudersport Democrat. Engineer Webster, accompanied by his wife and sweet little daughter, were PRESS visitors last week. Mr. Lawler, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., has been visiting his brother, W. M. Lawler at this place. William Cheattle, of St. Mary's, is transacting business in town to-day. Miss Agnes Hutchinson, of Austin, visited friends here last Sunday. Fred Huntington returned home from Buffalo last evening. W. H. Howard has been on the sick list for several days. N. Seger has the finest line of sum mer clothing in the county. Call and • examine his stock before you purchase j your summer suit. Letter to W. H. Cramer. Emporium, Pa. Dear sir: No man is more interest ed in the look and wear of the paint on the houses you build than you; not even the owner; not even the painter. And painters sometimes are suspect ed of being more concerned for the look than the wear. What is your opinion? Which pays best, for a paint er to have his paint last three years, or as long as he can? He can have it last six, if he wants to. Lead and oil lasts three; Devoe lead and zinc lasts six Of course, condi tions effect the time of both. Most painters know that zinc tough ens the lead; some use it. 1 Devoe lead and zinc is thoroughly ground in oil; the proportions are right, and the mixture is thorough. No painter need mix; he can't affotd ' to. Hand work can't compete with » machine work. He runs no risk with Devoe lead and zinc All interests lie in using it; yours, the owner's, the painters—unless he ' wants his paint to wear half as long. Yours truly, ; 35 F. W. DEVOE & Co. , | Tf you want a good suit of clothet ' \ that will give you excellent service 1 ! you can get the same of N. Seger and I the price is very reasonable. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1901. Literary Contest. The prize offered by the Emmanuel Free Library is intended to stimulate research, and foster the study of stand ard works. It will be given to the young lady, or gentleman, who may send in the largest number of correct answers to a series of questions, which will be published in the PRESS. Our query will be published each week, and answers to it must be sent in within a week after the question ap pears in print. Answers to all of the questions will be found in the Emmanuel Free Library. Consequently a study of the books will enable those interested to answer the questions correctly. The prize will be a handsome one. Its character must depend on the sex of the successful competitor, and the interest manifested in the contest. Query No. 1: What city in the United States once formed the seat of Government of an Emperor? All answers must be addressed to the Committee on Literary Contest, Box No. 163, Emporium, Pa. Will be a Rich Man. The Pittsburg Post publishes a pic ture and sketch of John Murphy, bro ther of M. Murphy, the popular propri etor of the Commercial Hotel of town. John, through his masterly knowledge of electrical engineering, has in the past ten years forged to the front so rapidly that to-day he is General Su perintendent of the Pittsburg Union Traction Company and the Allegheny County Light Company. Mr. Murphy is the inventor of a machine that makes flat car wheels round again without disconnecting them from the trucks. This excellent invention is in great de mand all over the world, and its pro ceeds in connection with Mr. Mur phy's salary will before many years make the inventor a rich man. The PRESS joins his numerous friends in extending congratulations. Brakeman Killed. Richard Huffman a brakeman em ployed on Buffalo division, was killed near East Aurora, on Monday. He was literally cut to pieces. A Cheering Prospect. When William McKinley was the candidate of the Republican party for President the first time, in 1896, the promise was made that his election would be followed by a renewal of the prosperity which had fled the country under the last administration of Grover Cleveland. Everyone knows how well that promise was fulfilled and the mar velous prosperity which the country experienced during the four years fol lowing his election. Last year when he was a candidate for re-election the promise was made that his success would mean a continuance and in crease of the prosperity then existing. Since his re-election last November this promise has been most amply ful filled. During the five months following President McKinley's re-election the gold reserve in the United States Treas ury has increased $43,551,679, our for eign exports have increased §40,000,000, the increase in stock values has been about §800,000,000, the increase in the general stock of money has been $44,- 130,290, and the increase in the circula -537,753,821. This is certainly a mag nificent exhibit for the five months following President McKinley's re election, and shows very clearly that the people did wisely in deciding to continue him in office. A few other figures covering a longer period accen tuate the same fact. The increase in the number of national banks from March 4, 1900 to March 13, 1901, was 503, the increase in the capital of new national banks was $12,940,000, and the increase in individual deposits in national banks from April 26, 1900, to February 5, 1901, was $304,767,064. Wages throughout the United States have risen several per cent, above what they were a year ago, and with the exception of certain branches of the textile trade, especially cottons, all branches of industry are prosperous. As is well known our manufacturers are invading foreign markets every day;. Great Britian, Russia and other European countries are seeking to bor row money from us, and the outlook in every direction is most cheering.— Pittsburg Times. After the middle of next week at Taggart'R Drug Store, six double rolls of wall paper and bordering, 35c. Six double rolls wall paper and bordering, 50c. Six double rolls wall paper and bordering, 75c. The above paper is all new and desirable patterns. They will surprise you. Ask the paper peddlers to furnish you paper at the above price and see how quick they will say they can't do it. See picture of Alfred Speer in another column the original wine grower in the United States whose wines have beoome famous over the world also his * * * Climax Grape Brandy. 7-8t CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LzOCAL _NOTieES. A good building lot on Filth street, for sale. Apply at this office. 7-tf PASTURE. —I have good pasture on Big Run for about 100 head of cattle Apply to MRS. A. R. NYHART, 8-4t Beechwood, Pa. Don't buy any more wall paper until Taggart's new stock comes in. About the middle of next week he will show you wall paper at four cents the double roll and upwards. We buy our wali paper direct from the factory and thereby save the job ber's profit. We give this profit to you when you buy your wall paper of us. H. S. LLOYD. See those Wilton velvet and Axmin ster carpets in Laßar's window. We can convince you of a saving on j wall paper of from 25 to 50 per cent. ; Examine our stock and get our prices. H. S. LLOYD. Just received at Balcom & Lloyd's I "Salada" Ceylon Tea. Wholesome j and delicious. Large stock of Wall Paper at 3c per | roll and border at l.'.c per yard at H. S. ! Lloyd's. Zinc and Grinding Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf New stock of Window Shades in all grades and prices at H. S. Lloyd's. CAiiPErrs—CAKPiTrs.—Ninety differ ent patterns to choose from. All new and up-to-date. Call in and see them whether you want to buy or not; no trouble to show goods. GEO. J. LABAR Gloss enamel paints and varnish j stains to match your wall paper, at H. S. Lloyd's. SHAW'S PURE MALT—Exhilarates and does not poison, that's why doctors drink it. It is good for sick and old, and excellent for young and well. Sold by F. X. Blnmle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl Canned Pino Apple in chunks, pack ed in Singapore, at Balcom & Lloyd's. Rich and poor can be suited with carpets at Laßar's. MUSICAL COLLEGE— The summer term of the Musical College, at Free burg, Snyder county, Pa., will begin on Monday, July 15, a term of six weeks for $33, including board and tui tion. As all schools have vacation at this time, it will give a good opportu nity for public school teachars and school children to attend this term. Parents desiring a progressive and home like school for their sons and daughters should investigate the merits of the college. For catalogue address HENRY B. MOYER. 13-2. DENTIST.— Dr. W. W. McCoy a prac tical dentist with 28 years experience, will visit Emporium regularly every month and is prepared to do all kinds of dental work. The Drs. first visit will be May 27th and can be found at his rooms in the the Warner House, ftilly prepared to meet the wants of the public. The Dr. Comes highly reccom mended. Remember the date. All kinds and grades of carpets at Laßar's. Subscribe for the PRESS; only §1.50 a year in advance. A Rare Bargain. A handsome Chickering piano, carved rosewood case, will be dis posed of at a nominal sum. Apply to Emporium Furniture Co. 7-tf To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists rotund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. 261y The Spring Fever is a malady which no one can escape at this season of the year. The vitality is usually overtaxed durini: the winter months, and spring finds the system all run down. The blood is thinned and im pure. The kidneys and liver are inactive —resulting in loss of energy and appetite, and a derangement ot the nerves. Lich ty's Celery Nerve Compound will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, and leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Sold by L. Taggart. may Sorae men think their wives are jeal ous when they arc only disgusted. Shudders at his Past. "I recall now with horror," says mail carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna, 0., "my three years of suffering troin kidney trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute rains in my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. I felt tired, worn out, about ready to give up, when 1 began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles completely cured me and made me feel like a new man." They're unrivaled to regulate stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by L. Taggart. Only 50c. may Administrator's Notice. Estate of James M. Matteson, Deceased. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those have claims to present the same without delay, to ALMON M. MATTESON, Administrator. Green & Shaffer, Attorneys, Emporium, Pa., April 17th, 1901. 8-6t Ad in 111 Is traitor's Notice. \TOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen 1N tary upon the estate of Brainbbidok V. Wykoff, late of Gibson township, Cameron county, Pa., having been granted to the under signed all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present tho same. JOHN B. WYKOFF, Administrator. Johnson & McNarnky, Attorneys. Sinnamahoning, Pa., April 29, 1901.—10-6t OLD RELIABLE | DRUG STORE. PAINTS, OILS, VARNiSHES AND KALSOMINE. Plenty of houses in town paint- I od ten to twelve years, with my paint, which I would be glad to I show any man. Ask some other i dealer in town to show you a house painted ten years with his 1 paint, and he will ask to be ex cused. WALL PAPER ! PRICE REDUCED ! VARIETY UNEXCELLED. The wall paper hangers in town are boycotting me—don't know whether you can get one of them tohangmy paper or not,but buy my paper and I will see that yourroomsare properly adorned Another year you will get yonr ; decorating done for less money i than you ever heard of, and it | may be done this season yet. A Word of Warning. L. TAGQART. THE SATISFACTORY STORE, DAY'S A continuous stream of grocer ies flows from our famous estab lishment. We are pleased to state also that it is a pure stream. As we buy none but wholesome goods, so we sell 110 other. Our large arid ever increasing patron age enables us to sell these first class goods at very moderate prices. If any ot our goods are found to be not as represented you will do us a favor by returning same, and receiving their value back. CAROLINA RICE. Fancy grain, per pound - 8c Usual price 10c. LIMA BEANS per lb. Bc. SCHUMACHER S ROLLED AVENA. Direct from the mills about twelve times a year. Always fresh, per lb. - - 4c Seven lbs. 25c. PEARL BARLEY per lb. sc. SPLIT PEAS per lb. sc. LAUNDRY STARCH. Bulk per lb. - - 6c Five pounds 25c. BcST CALIFORNIA PRUNES. Perlb. - - 10 to 121 c GOOD CALIFORNIA PRUNES. Per lb. 7c Four pounds 25c. Try our BUTTER CRACKERS. J-. H. DAY. Phone 6. G. SCHMIDT'S,^" HEADQUARTERS FOR J* fresh bread, || popular y ' CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. The Cameron County Press Is the best advertising medium in this section of the State; has a larger circulation than any other weekly paper pub in Western Pennsylvania. Rates given upon application. OUR JOB PRINTING Department is equipped with all the up-to-date styles of type and first-class work can be done on short notice. j! A liberal 5 'I Proposition. 1 !»: i 1 s I We are closing out our stook | g of winter Coats and Capes reg : 4- gardless of cost in order to make | k room for spring stock. || !| | ! Coats that were s<>.oo now $3.50 ' $ Coats that were 8.00 now 4.75 p 4 Coats that were 11.50 now 7.50 '*)■ i H Coats that were 15.00 now 9.00 ffc II | Underwear and Jj Hosiery. | Will also close out Winter % 'S; Underwear and Hosiery at % , % greatly reduced prices. ! % Now is the tinie to get bar- I| 'y gains in all kinds of winter !£ ! goods. \% | W. H. CRAMER'S | \ The Popular Variety Store. I \ '%■ |/\\.\ \ n:\ \ \ S. \ * s:, \ N SECOND TO NONE. Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co~ 3G© to 40S Main St.—American Block, BUFFALO, N. Y. The Great Pan-American Store. Our store is one of the attrac tions of the city. All convenien ces and comforts for visitors. Bureau of information. Ladies' parlors and waiting room. Refreshment room for ladies and gentlemen. Meals any time between Ba. m.and 6 p. m. at moderate prices. Headquarters for Pan-Ameri can souvenirs, Buffalo and Nia gara Falls souvenirs. We are now showing new spring goods in all departments, including millinery, cloaks,suits, waists, gloves and neckwear. In dress goods, silks and wash fabrics we also lead the trade of Buffalo. We show hundreds of private patterns in new carpets which can be seen in no other store in Buffalo. All correspondence attended to. ADAH, MELDRL'IM & ANDERSON CO., 396-408 MainJStreet, The American Block. BUFFALO, N. Y 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers