Sheriff's Sale. H\ \ IllTl I, OK A Will I' OF Levari facias is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cameron county, ami to me directed, I ha e seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose for sale to the highestand best bidder at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Emporium, Cameron county, Pa., on Friday, lfltli Day of April A. IK, 1001, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of ground, situate, lying and being in the township of Gib son, county of Cameron and state of Pennsylva nia, bounded and described us follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Warrant No. 5470; thence south along the east line of said Warrant and the east line of Warrant No. 5471. six hundred and forty (6401 rois to the southeast corner of said Warrant No. 5471; thence west along the south lineofsaid Warrant No. 5471, four hundred and forty four and eignt-tenths (441 8-10) rods to a post; thence north 322 9-10 rods to a hemlock on the north side of Bennett's Branch Creek; thence north fifty-four (54) de grees east one hundred and sixty-seven (167) rods to u rock oak: thence north two hundred and eighteen and three-tenth (218 3-10) rods to a post in the north line of said Warrant No. 5470; thence east along the north line of said Warrant, No. 5470, three hundred and ten and seven-tenths (310 7-10) rods to the northeast corner of said Warrant N0.5470, the place of beginning. Con taining one thousand four hundred and sixty six (1166) acres, mure or less, and being the east part of said Warrants Nos 5170 and 5471. Ex cepting and reserving therefrom the following live pieces of land: First:—Beginning at the hemlock on the north bank of Bennetts Branch Creek; thence down said creek, by its several courses, one hundred and thirty-two (132) rods to a hemlock; thence northeasterly one hundred and two (1021 rods to a black oak; thence north seventy (70t rods to a chestnut oak: thence south fifty-four (51 degrees, west nineteen (19 roils to a rock oak in the west line ofthe above described piece; thence south fifty-four (St) degrees, west one hundred and sixty-seven ilG7> rods to the hemlock, the place of beginning. Containing ninety (90) acres, more or less, deeded bv James Mix to Hczeltiah Mix, by died recorded in Elk county. Deed Book "B," at page 305. Second:— Beginning at a maple on the bank of Mix Run; thence west fourteen (14) rods to a stone; thence north twelve (12) rods to a post; (hone? cast four teen (11) rods to the bank of said run; thence south twelve (12! rods to a thorn apple, the place ofbegnning. Containing oue acre on which is or was an old saw mill. Conveyed by James Mix to Ilezekiah Mix by deed dated Sept. 15th, 1849, and recorded in Elk county. Deed Book "B," page 307. Third:—On the north side of Bennetts Branch Creek, beginning at a post by land of Hezekiah Mix; thence north twenty-two and three-fourths i.22>,1 degrees, east ten (10) rods; thence south seventy-seven (771 degrees east, four 1) rods; thence south seven (7) degrees west, ten 10) rods; thence by public road north seventv four and one fourth (74':,') degrees west, seven (7) rods to the place of beginning. Containing fifty five (55) square rods. Conveyed by Henrv Mix and J. J. Mix to the School Directors of Gibson School district by deed dated. Dec. Ist, 1857 and recorded in Elk county. Deed Book "G," at page 486. Fourth:—Beginning at a post on the east line of" Warrant No. 5161, sixty (60) rods from pine (corner of 8. Mix); thence south fifty-four and one-half degrees west, thirty-two (32i rods to a post; thence north fifty-two (521 degrees west, sixty-four and one-half i64'.;) rods to a post; thence north fifty-four and one-half (54 1 „i de grees east ninety-nine (99) rods to a post on the Warrant line; thence south along said Warrant line to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-one (21) acres, more or less, being part of Warrant No. 5471, conveyed by James Mix to Solomon Mix in 1857 and recorded in Elk county, Deed Book "G" page 560. And also the right of way of the Allegheny Valley Railroad or the Bennetts Branch extension of said rail road over and across said land. Also further reserving all that lot of land, described as follow s: Commenc ing at a point on the easterly bank of Mix Run at the mouth of the first run emptying into Mix Run on the left hand side as you go up said Mix Run; thence easterly up said run that so empties into Mix Run six hundred 168O) feet: thence northwesterly and parallel with said Mix Run, thirteen hundred (1300) feet to a post; thence westerly and parallel with the first described line six hundred -6001 feel to the hank of said Mix Run; thence up said Mix Run thirteen hundred (1300) feet to the place of beginning. Also the full and exclusive right and priviledge to the grantors, their heirs and assigns forever to use and occupy said run, known as Mix Run, from its mouth where it empties into Bennetts Branch up said run so far as the parties of the first part owned or had any priviledge for lumbering pur poses. running and storing logs and lumber and all other purposes. Also the right and privilege to build, construct and maintain dams iu and across said Mix Run, at such points and places as the grantors or their heirs and assigns may at any time select, at such height as they may desire and to flood and cover with water all such lands on both sides of said run as they may require for ponds above said dams, and to use said ponds for the storage of logs and for all other purposes. Also the right, title and privilege to D. J. McDonald, his heirs and assigns forever, to build, construct and main tain a railroad and track from such pointor place on the Bennetts Branch extension of the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, as he. or his heirs, or as signs may select, over the said lands and pre mises, and up the valley or said Mix Run to any mill, manufactory, or place of business said Mc- Donald, his heirs or assigns may hereafter have or build on said runs; said track and road bed, therefor, not to exceed 25 feet in width. Also re serving unto the said D.J. McDonald, his heirs and assigns, all his right, title and interest in, and to all the timber on said lands. The undi vided one half ofthe lands above described being the same land which D. J. McDonald and wife conveyed to Amanda Apker and Edith Clark, by deed dated the 23rd day or December. 1878, and recorded in the Recorder's office in Cameron county, in Deed Book "F", page 79, etc. The other undivided half being the same land conveyed toGeorge W. Apker and Robert Clark by Mary McDonald and James J. McDonald, ex ecutors of D. J. McDonald, deceased, by deed dated January 28th, 1887, and filed February Bth, 1887, in the Court of Common Please of Cameron county, in No. 12, May Term, 188 li, together with the hereditameuls atd appurtenances. iMPBOVEMBNTs-One hundred acres improved and cultivated land, having thereon an apple orchard of one hundred bearing trees; one dwell ing house one and one-half story, size 16 feet by 32 feet; one well of water; one barn 21 reet bv 30 feet with shed attached: one barn 18 feet by 24 feet with shed attached; one house 20 feet by 40 feet two stories; one well or water, one ice house, and other necessary out-buildings. The streams known as Mix Run and Beunetts Branch, run through this property. Also the Allegheny Val ley Railroad, running through this property, has a station thereon. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold as the pronerty of GEORGE W. APKER, AMAN DA APKER, ROBERT CLAIIK, ROBERT CLARK husband and administrator of Edith Clark, deceased, and W. E. CLARK, heir at law ofEdith Clark, deceased, at the suit of J. W COCHRAN, J. HENRY COCHRAN. J. O. BROOKBANK, trading as J. O. Brookbank & Co. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase monev is paid in full. JOHN D. SWOPE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Emporium, Pa., March 18,1901. ( FC CORSETS Make American Beauties. We have them fc lfy hi a '' styles and * v . shapes to fit every f, S ure, and every J corset: ' S S un<^er t ' iis m ° st \ liberal warrant — "Money refunded after four weeks' trial if corset is not catisfactory." Look for this Trade Mark ok fjife inside of eors-:f and on box. *' \ KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sole Makers. Ktianuioc, M?ch, FOR SALE BY 5-13t W. 11. CRAMER. AUDITORS'REPORT OP SHIPPHN TOWNSHIP FOR THE YEAR 1900. ASSETS. Due from Geo. Mlnard, Sup'vr pay fund, $137 57 Due from Geo. Minard, Supervisor common road fund, 16.'J 60 Due from W. F. Lewis, Supervisor on general account, 51 26 Due from P. 8. Culver, Coll. special road fund, on old duplicate, 2,070 4.3 Due from P. S. Culver, Coll. poor fund on old duplicate, 53 86 Due from L. Lockwood, Coll. special road fund,. 841 78 Due from L. Lockwood, Coll. poor fund 3"4 76 Due from L. Lockwood, Coll. Supervis orspayfund, .... 146 85 Due from P. S. Culver, Coll., special road fund 1900 duplicate, 417 49 Due from P. 8. Culver, Coll. Supervisors pay fund, 1900 duplicate, 130 19 Due from P. S. Culver, Coll. poor fund, 1900 duplicate, 252 18 Due from P'. 8. Culver, Coll.certified by Supervisors, 43 31 Due from County Treas. Supervisors pay fund, 73 62 Due from Co. Treas. common road 240 91 Due from Co. Treas. special road, 240 91 Total assets *4,668 88 Total liabilities, 4,194 69 Assets over liabilities, ¥174 19 LIABILITIES. Due on Judgments, $2,960 81 Due from Geo. Minard, Supervisor, on general account 1,232 85 Due from Geo. Minard, Supr'vr, from special road fund, 2 00 Total liabilities, 51,194 69 W. F. LEWIS, Supervisor, in accouut with Ship pen Township, for the year 1900. DR. To amount of 1900 Duplicate $430 57 To amount of orders drawn, 623 50 $1,054 07 CR. By exoneraitons $ 12 84 By amount certitied to collector, 21 82 By amount of duplicate worked, 351 80 By Jonathan Lewis, work on road, 9 00 By D. N. Chandler, work on road, 13 00 By D. N. Chandler, services as town clerk 25 00 By L. K. Hunlington, work on road,... 175 00 By Chas. E. Chadwick, work on road,.. 11 50 By Casper Sipple, work on road 2 00 By E. C. Davy, plank 20 50 By Geo. Baxter, work on road, 14 00 By I. 11. Leggitt, work on road 7 00 By Elihu Chadwick, work on road 35 50 By Fritz Craven, work on road, 4 50 By H. Lockwood, work on road, 7 70 By Frank Craven, work on road, 3 50 By A. Ingersoll, work on road, 7 00 By T. J. Norton, work on load 8 50 By A. C. Goodwin, work on road 10 13 By Mark Wright, work on road, 4 67 By Joe Craven, work on road 11 50 By Sam Lewis, work op road, 13 10 By A. M Matteson, work on road, 3 00 By Roy Chadwick, work on road 10 00 By Walker, Howard & Co., sundries,... 2 25 By 133 days services at $1.50, 199 50 By paid township auditors, 11 00 By paid C. J. Goodnough, services, 5 00 To balance due township, 51 26 $1,051 07 W. F. LEWIS, Supervisor in account with Ship pen township road fund, to pay orders. DR. To amount of orders drawn $295 00 CR. By orders paid and cancelled, $295 00 GEO. MINARD, Supervisor, in account with Shippen township. DR. To amount of 1900 duplicate, $429 80 Toamount of orders drawn 652 63 By balance due Minard, 1,232 85 82.315 28 CR. By Exonerations, #27 91 By certified to collector, 21 19 By amount of duplicate worked, 342 31 By T. J. Norton, team work 4 73 By I. H. Leggett, work on road, 19 42 By Claud Lyon, work on road, 4 50 By Geo. Dickinson, work on road, 5 25 By Daniel Kriner, work on road, 16 75 By Jos. Besig, work on road 15 75 By W. Bertield, work on road 20 50 By 11. C. Crum, work on road 6 00 By John Dodge, work on road, 6 00 By Oilman Leavitt. work on road, 36 90 By Geo. Leavitt, work on road, 31 87 By Jacob Andrews, work on bridge, 50 92 Bv A. J. Ingersoll, work on road, 3 50 By Frank Berfield, work oil road, 7 50 By H. R. Dodge, work on road, 2S 00 By Ray Lyon, work on road, . 6 00 By Owen Dininney, work on road 17 50 By John Doll, building 90 rods road,... 90 00 By John Doll, work on road, 34 44 By Del. Towner, work on road 31 50 By H. H. Crick, work on road, 2 56 By Win. Crick, work on road 2 12 By A. B. Doll, building 52 rods of road,. 39 00 By O. P. Freeman, work on road, 7 96 By S. G. Haven, work on road, 3 00 By Geo. 11. Dodge, work on road, 41 25 By Chas. Dodge, work on road 20 92 By Allan Baldwin, work on road 111 62 By N. I'. Minard, work on read, 269 50 By Bert Housler, work on road, 82 50 By Rob't Littlelield. work on road 19 50 By Michael Zimmett, work on r0ad,.... 4 50 By Larry Smith, work on road 9 75 By A. E. Jenks, work on road, 9 00 By Casper Sipple, work on road 1 07 By Jacob Andrews, work on road, 87 70 By D. M. Toner, work on road, 74 09 By Frank Geswendcr, work on road,... 10 81 By Allen Bliss, work on road, 2 25 By E. C. Wainwright, work on road,... 15 19 By C. E. Cole, work on road 10 08 By J. G. Nyheart, work oil road 41 02 By Patrick Curry, work on road, 2 50 By Geo. Marketf, work on road 51 13 By D. Kirkpatrick, work on road, 3 60 By Wm. Glover, work on road, 9 55 By Will. McDonald, work on road, 18 50 By freight bill, June 2, 1900, 6 02 By S. B. Hopkins, work on road, 23 05 By C. R. Kline, lumber, spikes, labor,.. 26 51 By Climax Powder Co., fuse, etc., 1 65 By Sam. Doll, work on road, 3 00 By L. K. Huntington, two shovels, 1 GO By Johnson & McNarnej", legal services, 25 00 By Keystone Powder Co., dynamite,etc. 12 15 By E. W. Gaskill, work oil road 62 36 By E. C. Davey, lumber 38 02 By Walker, Howard & Co., invoice, 23 31 By Hanpt&Hauber.repairson machine, 15 10 By Henry Lyon, labor and watertrough, 26 00 By Hall. Kaul & Co., sewer pipe 13 47 By G. W. Spangler, labor 15 00 By Rob't Warner, timber, 21 00 By 144 days, at $1.50, 216 00 $2,315 08 Bal. due Geo. Minard, $1,232.85. GEO. MINARD, Supervisor, in account with Shippen township Road Fund, to pay orders. DR. To orders on 1898 tax slsl 93 To orders on 1899 tax, 44100 To orders on 1900 tax, 1,063 96 $1,659 89 CR. By draft Good Roads Machine $2 00 By orders paid and cancelled,.... 1,494 29 To balance, due township road, 163 60 $1,659 89 GEO. MINARD, Supervisor, in account with Shippen township supervisors pay fund for 1900. DR. To amount received from County Treas urer, 1899 lax, S2OB 13 To amount received from County Treas urer on 1900 duplicate, 432 75 To amount received from Coll. Lock wood, 1899 duplicate 96 26 To amount received from Coll. Culver, on 1900 duplicate 121 14 To amount received from Coll. Culver, oil old duplicate, 17 14 $875 42 NoTB.-This fund passed through the hands of Ceo. Minard alone—W. F. Lewis, Supervisor, having no connection with it. CR. By ordersof A.Cheesbro,ex-Supervisor, $54 52 By orders of Frank A. Lewis, ex-Super visor 98 51 By ordersof W. W. Lewis, ex-Sup'vsr, 291 32 By orders of A, J. Ingersoll, ex-Snp'vr,. 290 47 To balance due fund,.... 137 57 $875 -12 GEO. MINARD, Supervisor, in account with Shippen township, special road fund for 1900. DR. To amount received from County Treas- CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL N, 1901. urer, 1898 tax, »93 00 To amount received from County Treas urer, 1899 tax 157 00 To amount received from County Trent crer, 1900 tax, 1,801 91 To amount received from Coll. Culver, on WOO duplicate, 413 19 To amount received from Coll. Culver. on old duplicate. 400 00 By balance, due Geo. Minard, 2 00 $2,873 10 CR. By judgments and costs paid $12,*73 10 x« YHK rrni.ic. The public is hereby notified that the Hhippen Township Fund to pay Koad Orders for 1001, is about 12,000.00 and any Road Orders issued in excess of thnt amount will be illegal and pay ment of them will be resisted by the Township. The Township Clerk, Mr. W. W. Lewis, will al ways be prepared to furnish information as to the amount for which orders have been drawn. JAMES HOBSON, Overseer of Poor, in account with Shippen Township Poor Fund for 1900. DR. To balance due Fund at last settlement $lO9 50 To amount received from Co. Treat!. 599 00 To amt received from Coll. I.ockwood,. 57 00 To amt received from Coll. Culver 151 14 f916 64 CR. By Dr. Heilmnn, account Annie Priest, Mrs. Hoovis SSO 50 By Township Auditors 13 00 By Wernersville Asylum, account How ard Priest, 27 00 By Sheriff Swope, Marcus Prentice cost, 6 01 By Thos. Waddmgton, bal. due as Overseer, 44 25 ByC. B.Howard & Co., merchandise. 242 95 Hy Balcom & Lloyd, merchandise 21 17 By C. K. Kline & Co., merchandise, 131 00 By Mrs.Kirkpatrick,account Mrs.Laird, 10 00 Ity Oeo. J. La Bar, undertaker, 25 00 Ity Johnson <St McNarney attorneys, ... 20 00 By L. K. Huntington, merchandise, 77 71 By Prothonotary Ooodnough, cost 3 00 Ity D. M. Toner, wood, Mrs. Filling,... 3 00 By Walker, Howard & Co., mds l so By Dr. Baker, services, 50 50 By Dr. Reese, account Ellen Ski'iman, 36 00 By D. M.Toner, repairing Mrs.Hoovis' house 3 50 By Oeo. Market, repairing Mrs. Hoovis' house 5 75 By Revenue stamps, 2 00 By two days team work 8 00 By 52 days services, at $1 50 78 00 By Geo Market, digging two graves 2 75 To balance due Poor Fund 1900, 50 72 $916 64 JOHN W. LEWIS, Overseer of l'nOr in account with Shippen Township Poor Fund 1900. DR. To amount received from County Treas, $.599 00 To amount received. Coll. Lock wood,. 80 00 To amount received Coll. Culver 95 28 To amount received from O. E. Hous ler on H. D. Housler judgment, .... 104 00 SB7B 28 CR. By W. Hamilton, wood, $2 25 By F. A. Lewis, wood, 2 25 By Making Tax Duplicate, 2 00 By L. K. Huntington, merchandise,— 160 66 By team work for Mrs. Granger, 10 00 By Wernersville Asylum, Priest ... 51 74 By Oeo. J. Laßar, undertaker, 102 00 By N. Cutler, moving Mrs. Stratton, freight, R. R. ticket, etc 10 50 By Dr. Baker, services 50 00 By McKean county, E. K. Peasley, 112 66 By L. Taggart. medicine, 1 35 By M. M. Larrabee, J. P., fees 6 00 By Balcom & Lloyd, merchandise, 27 84 By C. R. Kline & Co.. merchandise, 29 66 By 46 days services at $1.50 69 00 To balance due Poor Fund, 237 37 SB7B 28 P. S. CULVER. Tax Collector, in account with Special Road Fund of Shippen Township. DR. To amount of duplicate tor 1900 ;JSBI 87 CR. By exonerations, $25 60 By rebate, 17 10 By commission, 11 49 By paid Johnson & McN'arney, Attys... 13 19 To balance, due Fund 117 19 s;>B4 87 P. S. CULVER, Tax Collector, in account with Shippen Township Poor Fund. DR. To amount of Duplicate, for 1960, J531 16 CR. By exonerations sls 17 By rebate, 10 23 By commission, 16 85 By paid Johnson & .VlcNarney, Attys... • 216 13 To balance due Fund 252 18 $531 16 P. 8. CULVER, Tax Collector, in account with Shippen township Supervisors' Pay Fund. DR. To amount of Duplicate for 1900 $267 42 CR. By exonerations, $7 71 By rebate, 4 99 By commission, 3 39 By paid Johnson & McN'arney, Attys... 121 54 To balance due Fund, 129 79 $267 42 We. the undersigned Auditors of Shippen town ship, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the Assets and Liabilities of said Township of Shippen; a'.so, the accounts of W. F. Lewis and Oeo. Minard, Supervisors; James Hobson and J. W. Lewis, Poor Masters and P. S. Culver, Tax Collector and the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the same. Witness our hands and seals this 11th day of Mnrch, 1901. C. R. KLINE, H.J. NEWTON, THOS. WADDING TON, Auditors. ( lOURT PROCLAMATION.—Whkbeas:—The V j Hon. Chas. A. Mayer President Judge anil the Hons. John McDonald and Oeo. A . Wai.kku, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county ol' Cameron have issued heir precept bearing date the 26th day of January A. D., 1901, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer,GcneralJail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 22d day of April, 1901, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and to con tinue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., March 25, 1901, and in the 125 th year of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE. Sheriff. ! Get an i Education 112 An exceptional opportunity offered ; to young men and young women to " prepare for teaching or for business. C i Four regular courses; also special \ ! work in Music, Shorthand, Type- S writing. Strong teaching force, well b' graded work, good discipline and R ard study, Insure best results to W students of M 112 Central State | ; Normal School 112 [ LCOK HAVEN, Clinton Co., FA. |':j [ Tlandaomo tuilUllriß? perfectly equipped. M F i.tcuiu «-ectnc )!.•!.ts, abumlunce ol' |£s F| pure mountain water, tx tensive cum pus j?J; Hand athletic grounds. low. Send }^i p| for catalog. Lj j i. R. TLICKINGEii, Principal, ft ( |l Central Stale Normal Sciiool, | H LOCK HAVEN, PA. U ALL SORTS. Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Little Eaily Risers will remove all im purities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. 11. C. bod son. 81y The first score is in. Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains, yield to the penetrating influence of BALLARD'S SNOW LINI MKNT. Price 25c and 50c. L. Tag gart. Apr How did your root behave? Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds, and chafing quickly heal by the use of De- Witt's Witch llazel Salve. It is imitated, lie sure you £et DeWitt's. 11. C. I)od son. Sly Hunting the pole was an easy job. WHITE CREAM VERMIFUGE not only effectually destroys worms, it also increas es the appetite, aids assimilation and transforms a frail infant into one of robust health. Price 25c. L. Taggart. Apr There was a good deal of wireless tele phoning last week. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy checks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. Do- Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. 11. C. Dodson. Sly Do not misjudge anybody but keep an eye on everybody. Most women with female weakness suf fer dreadfully from piles in addition to their other pains. They may be cured by using TABLER'S BIJCKEVE PILE OINTMENT. Price 50 cents in bottles, tubes 75 cents. L. Taggart. Apr As a snow-ball snow the last was un equalled. Spring coughs are specially dangerous and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy. 11. C. Dodson. 81y It was the excess of humidity that did the business. Au ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and a bottle of BALLARD'S II OREHOI'ND STRI P used in time is worth a staff of physicians with a drug store or two iucluded. Price 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. Apr That snow was quite a come-down on the telephone men. •'I had piles so bid 1 could get no rest nor find a cure until I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Alter using it once, I forgot I ever had anything like Piles." —E. C. Boiee, Somers Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Be sure you ask for DeWitt's. It. C. Dodson. Sly Bryan might as well cool down and take the oath of allegiance. Perfect digestion is the only founda tion for perfect health. The food we eat makes all the blood we have, which in turn feeds every nerve, muscle and tissue in the body. HERBINE quickens the appetite, aids digestion, gives tone aud vigor to all the functions aud ensures good health. Price 50 cents. L Tag gart. Apr It takes the snow man to lay a carpet with neatness and dispatch. You will waste time it you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving your self. That only makes it worse when you do eat heartily. You always need plenty of good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the result of years of scientific research for something that would digest not only soiue elements of food but every kind. And it is the one remedy that will do it. It. C. Dod son. Sly As a smasher the April snow can give Mrs. Nation cards and spades. Nearly every person needs a tonic medi cine at this time of year to brace up and invigorate the nervous system, to cleanse the bowels, liver and kidneys. IIERBINE is the best and safe remedy to do this, as it will cure constipation,regulate the liver and enrich the blood. Price 50c. L. Taggart. Apr On the way over Morgan may think of a plan of absorbing the Atlantic ocean. "I have been troubled with iudigestion for ten years, have tried many things and spent much money to no purpose until I tried Kodol Dyepepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other medicines taken. I feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years."—Anderson ltiggs, of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have tes tified as did Mr. Itiggs. B. C. Dodson. B| y As we glow older ordeals grow greater. A Raging, Roaring Flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," lie writes, "gave m.O a teirible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was whol ly cured by six bottles" Positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat aud lung troubles by L. Taggart. Price 50c. Apr Keep coo! and you command every body. A £pring Tonic. Everybody needs a tonic in the spring, at this tiuie the system craves a tonic. It is housecleaning lime for your body. Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound will tone up your nerves, blood, kidneys and liver, and fill you with health and energy. Sold by L. Taggart. Apr He Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago .J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, "but," he writes, "I used ouc bottle of Electric Bitters and 1! boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For eruptions, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them, L. Taggart will guarantee satisfaction or re fund money. Only 50 cents. Apr A blind love is a foolish love; encour age the best. The Best Cold Cure is one you can lake without interruption to business. One that docs not effect the head or hearing like the coutinued use of quinine. One that cures speedily and leaves you feeling fresh and clear-headed. Such a one is Krause's Cold Cure. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Apr A heart that has often been tendered becomes tough. Job Couldn't Have Stood It It ho d had itching piles. They're ter ribly annoying, but Bueklin's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For in juries, pains or bodily eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by L. Taggart. apt No task is so difficult as making a woman happy. Jangling Nerves. Are you irritable ? Do you sleep bad ly ? Is it hard to concentrate your thoughts? Is your appetite poor ? Do you feel tired, restless and despondent ? Try Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound. It will do you more good than any thiug you have ever tried. Sold by L. Taggart. Apr It is a great love that disciiminates between curiosity and anxiety. 'Tis Easy to Feel Good. Couutless thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr. King's New Life Pills, which positively cure constipa tion, sick headache, dizziness, jaundice, malaria, fever and ague and all liver and '■ stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; j never gripe or weaken. Only 25c at L. I Taggart's. Apr When people abuse you respect your self; when they praise you suspect them. Heller's Testimony. Albert Heller, living sit lilt Farnhaui St., Omaha, says:"l have tried most every thing that is used as a preventative or cure for headache, but nothing did me so much good as Krause's Headache Capsules. Others who have used them say the same thing." Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Apr A kiss is a noun, but not unfrequently is used as a conjunction. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for indigtstion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of. appen dicitis, nervous prostration or heart fail ure, etc. They used August Flower to cleans out the system and stop fermenta tion of undigested food, regulate the ac tion of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when the)' were feeling dull aud bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. L. Taggart. Get Green's Prize Almanac. ln34eow Painting and tattooing of the body is a return to animalism. Reward. We, fhe undersigned druggists, offer a reward of 50 ceuts to any person who purchases of us two 25 cent boxes of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters Tablets if it fails to cure constipation, biliousness, sick headache, jaundice, loss of appetite, sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint, or any of the diseases tor which it is recommend ed. 25 cents for either tablets or liquid. VVe will also refund the money on one package of either if it fails to give satis faction. L. Taggart. B. C. Dodson. 2-3teow What a man does not understand he does not posses?. t rh iwu??r 1 REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE of Me. chies-A.T ETTOSsxrorEa: utEra/nEED"* produces the above results In 30 days. It acts powerfully aud quickly. Cures when oil others fail. Sound men will regain tholr lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by usins REVIVO. It quiclily and eurely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Less Power.. Failing' Memory, Wasting Di£oa&6R,anc! all effects of solf-ab'Jsa or escets snd indiscretion, whichunfiSß ens foff study, business or marriftca. IS nototly curea by starting at tho seat of diacaGO, ba l icißroat liervo toalo and blood builder, bring lilt? lines the. pink glow to rale cheeks and ra storing the Svo of yrmth. it wsrds off Tcsanit; onc'l Consumption. Insist on having BKVIVO, no other,, It can bo carried in vest pociet. By mail SI.OO pot pac&afro,or six for ®&.CO„ a posl Jive written «iinra.atee to cart) or FofujirS tlie money. Book and advise froo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO^'^i^riLL;'-' For Sale in Enipoiium, by It. C. Dodson. ALFRED SPEER, THE ORIGINAL PortCJrape Wine Producer In America. The first native wine sold and used in San Francisco and Sacra mento was from Specr's Passaic, N. J., vineyards, was shipped around Cape Horn before there was any railroad to California, and are now being used by physi cians and first families there as the richest and best wine to be had The juice of the Portugal Port Wine grape grown in N. J. is thick and rich same as the juice of pears and other fruits grown here. From California pears you can squeeze water as from a sponge; so with all fruits grown in Califor nia; while those grown in New Jersey are solid in substance —less juice but thick and richer. The New Jersey apples, for instance, make a cider that was always popular the world over. If you want a wine for sickness or for entertainments don't take cheap, .watery wines but choose a first class old, full bodied, high grade wine from Speer's Passaic vine yards. Sold by Druggists. f^HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS A.A.fcFEVERS, Congestions, liinamma* CUUEK> tiuttN, Lung Fever, Milk Fever. 11. 11. I SPRAI.XS. Lameness, Injuries, cuimsS UheuinntiMin. C. C. (SORE THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootic, CURBS > BiMeiuiMir, KIWORM, 3.!5. Grill)*. I*. E. ? COI'GHS. Cold*. Influenza, Inflamed CI'RTSS LUIIKH, !■'. F. ICOLIC, Bellyache, Wlnd-Kiown. ' CURES J Diarrhea, llyuentery. tl.«. Prevents MSSCAItKIAGE. CUBES | HIDNEY <& ULADDER DISOHDEIia I. I. )SKI.\ DISEASES, Mange, Eruptions, CUHKS J I leer.-, reuse, Farcy. .1. COMUTIOX, Stnrinir Coal. « .-UI&KS $ Indirection, Stomach Staler*. COQ. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Hook, &c., $7. At <iru#Kistß or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John Sts.,New \ork. VETKKIVAUY HASVAJJ SENT FREE, NERVOUS DEBILITY. VITAL UKAIiXKSS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 pei vial,or special packae* with powder,for $5 Cold by Di iisgiHttf, or tent post-paid on receipt of price. UCtf PllltKl'S* MKU« CO., Cor. William SI Jolin Sis., New York TkiHgf It Makes Restful Sleep. Sleeplessness almost invariably accompa liies constipation and its manifold attendant, evils—nervous disorders, Indigestion, head ache, loss of appetite, etc. To attempt to in duce sleep by opiates is a serious mistake, foi the brain is only benumbed and the body suf fers. Celery King removes thecauseof wake fulness by Its soothing effect on tho nerves and on tho stomach and bowels. Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve, Stomach, Liver and Kidney diseases. S Sold by R. C. Dodson,Emporium, Pa, STRONG AGAIN. II You who once possessed sturdy phys- B iques and steady nerves, but now have R insufficient physical force to properly E3 attend to ordinary duties; you who Bj have a sense of "all-goueness" after the slightest exertion; you who are dull, I languid and old in spirits at ail age I when you should be full of physical 6re; I you who may feci that your life is not worth the struggle—there isa scientific means of redeeming all the precious powers which seem to be entirely lost. Have cured thousands such as you. Don't e::iu riment with your health or money. We will take the risk. If six boxes do not cure you, your money is returned. for years we have been curing men 011 these satisfactory terms. gl.oo per box, 0 for s!i 00 mailed in plain package. Book free. Address PEAL. MEDICINE Co., Cleveland, Ohio, g- Korsale by R.C. Dodson. Empt riuin. Pa 51 112 OINTMENT^ jhijRES HQTKING MJ PILES. I '/ A SURE and CERTASN CUHEFE known for! 5 years ns the ■> '■) SOI® ISV AU ORUGGISXS. P \ rrcciradby KICiIAE22ON KEE. CO., ST. LOUB. / il; For salt by L. Taggart. 35-26»1y,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers