EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST, rsmpormui, Fa., Jan. 14, 1901. NEMOi'I-lli.A, per si'.k *1 20 Graham, " 60 Rye " 00 Buckwheat " 75 Hateut Meal., " 45 Coarse Meal, per 100 1 10 Chop Fei;d, " 1 10 White Middlings." 1 10 Bran, " 1 10 Corn, per bushel, 60 White Oats, per hnshel 40 Choice Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy seed, ! At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed. Fancy Kentucky Blue Crass, I R.C. DODSON, THE Brdcjcjist, KidPOKII'IU, PA. S LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. I"' : & J c i My Mu Only the purest drugs are good for sick people. They can't a fiord to ex periment. You may safely trust your prescriptions with us. We make a specialty of this work and are proud of the success we have achieved. Doctors appreciate the care and ac curacy with which their prescriptions are compounded and that accounts for our large trade. H. C. UOHNON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which yon would like to nee in this department Jet int know by pott tilzard or letter, personally. Hon. J. K. P. Hall was in town on Saturday. Geo. Hurteau is now day clerk at Warner House. N. P. Warner went to Muncy on j Monday to look at a hotel. Henry Sassman now occupies 11. W. j Graham's residence, on Fifth street. A. Brady returned Monday evening from visiting his family at Lebanon. Mrs. J. S. Douglas, of Olean, was ; guest of Mrs. S. L. Stoddard over Sun day. Miss Eva Yates of Buffalo visited 1 friends in town last week, returning home 011 Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Bonham left for Franklin last Wednesday, where she will reside with her husband. A son eame to the home of Theo. I Newton and wife, Sunday—regulation i weight. Chas. Fisher and family have moved into H. Day's house, on West Fifth street. Miss Marrian Larrabee came over from Dußois and spent Easter with her parents. Mrs. Thad. F. Moore and daughter 1 returned on Monday from Florida, where they passed the winter months. Mr. Harking, of New York, will move to Emporium and occupy Mrs. D. E. Hamilton's house, on Fourth street. W. D. Switzer, of this city, has ac- j cepted a posit in at Sharon, and left for that place »n Wednesday.--Ridg way Democrat Mrs. M. J. McLaughlin, of Costello, accompanied by Miss Mary McCor mick, of this place, whose guest she is, wero callers at the PRESS of]lee 011 Monday. C. J. Miller of Mason Hill v/aa ap- 1 pointed Poor Master ot Gibson town- | ship, by Judge Mayer, to fill the va caney caused by the resignation of P. j H. Mason. C. J. was in town Saturday i on business. Mr. and Mrs. Norie have moved to Emporium from Renovo and are occu pying Mrs. Newton's residence on Sixth street. Mr. Norie accepts a po sition in C. B. Howard & Company's store. Mrs. Hurteau of Emporium has been in town the past week Mrs. C. H. Sage of Johnsonburg, Pa., spent Sun day with her father, D. Burlingame, in Austin ...Miss Mayme Logan, of Emporium, was the guest of Miss Mary Johnston for a few days.—Austin Au togragh. Mr. Michael Pye had the misfortune 'n a nail entirely through the in nger of his left hand, Friday work making some alterations liiclcon coop a board flew ■,ht h's finger, pining liim or dressed the injured Ora Odell is on the sick list. Frank Shives is improving his resi dence. Lyman Wiley visited Williamsport on Tuesday. Ed. Whiting's little son died at Sterling Run on Tuesday. I Prof. Suhrie, of St. Marys, visited the I PRESS force on Thursday. Mrs. R. P. Heilman is visiting her mother in Crawford county. Miss Maine Butler is quite seriously indisposed with rheumatism. Miss Hellen Van Valkenberg spent Easter at her home in Wellsboro. Miss Grace Leet returned to Wilson i College, Chambersburg, yesterday. A young lady made its appearance I at the home of O. Proudfoot last Tues ! day. ■ Ralph Goodall, of Gibson, shook hands with Emporium friends on Mon day. Walter Youthers, of Driftwood, j transacted business in Emporium on j Monday. Mrs. Owen Wade, of Sterling Run, j was doing shopping in Emporium yesterday. The many friends of Rev. Metzler are delighted over his return to Emporium M. E. church. Geo. Crawford went to Williamsport Tuesday evening to attend the Rich- Wiley wedding. Fred Huntington and Chester Hock ley came over from Buil'alo to visit their parents and best girls. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Card, of Olean, are blessed with a new and, of course, beautiful young girl baby. S. L. Stoddard, engineer on Buffalo division time freight, is spending a few days at home, rusticating. Fred Garrity came over from Olean, where he is employed as operator, to pass Easter with his parents. Miss Christie McDonald accompani ed Miss Sherwood to Buffalo last Thursday, returning on Friday. li. C. Dodson had his usual Easter attraction in one of his show windows —a hen and a number of chicks. Miss Encie Howard, who is attend ing school at Albany, N. Y., is visiting her mother and brothers in town. J. B. Donovon, of Millport, Pa., was guest of the families of F. S. Copper smith and U. A. Palmer, several days last week. Mrs. Meyor, of Erie, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Seger, at this place for several days, returned home on Monday. Ex-County Commissioner John A. Wykoff, of Grove, is transacting offi cial business 111 town. He is Assessor of Grove township. Mr. P. Schweikart has been in Buf falo this week purchasing goods to re-stock his store, which recently was destroyed by fire. Geo. W. Towers, of Driftwood, came up 011 Tuesday to see those fine horses and visit Masonic lodge. George is a ! first-class judge of good horses. Willis Haviland is able to be out j again by the aid of crutches. His right j leg was broken while working in an j ore bin at Iron Works some weeks ago. Mrs. Elizabeth Maginnis, aged 81 years, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Bnpp, on Sunday. Her remains were taken to Wellsville, N. Y., 011 Tuesday. The Rev. James T. Poyer, pastor of the Cameron Circuit is in town and will preach at Moore Hill at 11:00 a. m., Howard Siding at 3:00 p. m.and Beech wood at 7:30 p. m., next Sabbath. G. F. Balcom, president of Borough Council, and Josiah Howard, a member of the council, visited Sunbury on Monday for the purpose of examining an electric light plant. Miss McFeely, of Driftwood, is the guest of her friend Miss Belle Reisny der on St. Clair avenue....Miss Katie Hackett, of Driftwood, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ruinn 011 Ninth street.—Renovo News. In a recent address at Franklin Gen eral Miller asked, "Where are the young men going?" We don't know where they are going in Franklin, unless it is somewhere else. In Warren a few of them goto school, a few to see their best girls, and a good many to the devil. Warren Times. L2OGAL NOTICES. Order your spring overcoat from Jasper Harris. Rich and poor can tie suited with carpets at Laßar's. No later, no better, no nobbier cloth ing can be found anywhere than at N. Soger's. Prices will suit you. Canned Pine Apple in chunks, pack ed in Singapore, at Balcom & Lloyd's. Very Fine. Be sure yon try N. Seger's before purchasing your spring and summer clothing; you may miss a bargain. All kinds and grades of carpets at Laßar's. * Those beautiful summer shirts at Harris' are just what you want. FARM FOR SALE.—A good 30 acre farm on Moore Hill, (or sale cheap' Apply to Thos. Arnold. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL n, 1901. A good building lot on Fifth Btreet, for sale. Apply at this office. 7-tf EGOS— From good laying strains of high class Bnff Plymouth Rock and Rose-comb Black Minorca 7-3t R. C. DODSON. WHEEL FOK SALE —An entirely new Featherstone, lady's wheel that cost $35, will be sold dirt cheap. Apply at PKESS office. Only Union made clothing handled at Jasper Harris'. We buy our wali paper direct from ! the factory and thereby save the job i ber's profit. We give this profit to you I when you buy your wall paper of us. H. S. LLOYD. GOOD FARM FOII SALE.— The under signed offers for sale his farm located on the Portage, consisting of 53 acres, twenty acres under good cultivation. Terms reasonable Apply to A. L. ENSIGN, East Emporium, Pa. 6-3t See those Wilton velvet and Axmin ster carpets in Laßar's window. We can convince you of a saving on wall paper of from 2o to 50 por cent. Examine our stock and got our prices. H. S. LLOYD. FANCY FOWL EGGS.—I am prepared to furnish Buff Leghorn and Indian Game eggs for setting—l 3 for §I.OO. First orders get the eggs. 6 13t D. W. DONOVON. Just received at Balcom & Lloyd's "Salada" Ceylon Tea. Wholesome and delicious. Largo stock of Wall Paper at 3c per roll and border at lie per yard at H. S. Lloyd's. Zinc and Grinding Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf FOR SALE. -—An eight room dwelling house on North side of Fifth street, in Middle ward, for sale. Gas, water, tile sewer and good cellar. Apply to 6-tf R. C. DODSON. Gloss enamel paints and varnish stains to match your wall paper, at H. S. Lloyd's. SHAW'S PURE MALT is free from adulterations, drugs, crude spirits and other harmful ingredients. Absolutely pure. Sold by F. X. Blumle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl Never exchange old friends for new ones. It is well to have both; be sure that tho new are sincere. N. Seger has for many years been proving his sin cerity by honest, liberal dealing with his customers. He will treat you very pleasantly; call on him. New stock of Window Shades in all grades and prices at H. S. Lloyd's. "DETECTIVES" Men wanted. Expe rience not necessary; if experienced state particulars. Box 125 Philadelphia, Penn. 7-3t CAHPETS—CAUPET3.— Ninety differ ent patterns to choose from. All new and up-to-date. Call in and see them whether you want to buy or not; no trouble to show goods. GEO. J. LABAR. We aim to please our customers and all patrons are requested to return promptly any laundry that may dis please. It is our aim to please and while we give our attention to all work it is impossible to wateh every gar ment. EMPORIUM LAUNDRY. A Itare Bargain. A handsome Cliickering piano, carved rosewood case, will be dis posed of at a nominal sum. Apply to Emporium Furniture Co. 7-tf After the bridge trust the new steel octopus may conclude to take in bridge whist. This signaturo is on every box of tho genuino Laxative Tablets the remedy that cures u cold in one day Having sworn allegiance to the United States, Aguinaldo will be severely cut by the Bostonaldos should he come over on a visit. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Always Bought sjnatureof THE STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIALION, of Harrisburg, Pa., desires an Agent and At torney in Emporium. This is a domestic association operating through Central Pennsylvania. It is a little more than three years old with assets of nearly 500,000.00. Its dividends have been B per cent, on non-participating anil 10 per cent, on full par ticipating stock. It has had no losses and lias an active demand for loans. It is strong, clean, vigorous and successful. Non-participat ing stock is sold at SIOO.OO per share, dividends « per cent., tax free. Full participating stock with 5 per cent, cash dividends if desired, at payments of 25 cents to $2.00 per month. Loans are made on a simple and definite plan; payments per $1,000.00 shares range from SIO.OO per month to $27.50, time from 11 to 189 months. Correspondence is desired from borrowers, in vestors, attorneys and persons desiring an agency. Literature on request. 4-lt THOMAS WADDINGTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR POR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders in my line promptly executed. All kindsof building and cut-stone, supplied at low prices. Agent for marble or granite monuments. Lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE), East Emporium, Pa„ JOHN L. JOHNSON. Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and well established House 1 invite ihe patronage of the public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. 48ly Plans Complete for William Howard flemorlal Cathedral. Williamsport Bulletin. The plans for the proposed William Howard Memorial Cathedral, the splen did gift of the late William Howard to the Scottish ltiteof Williamsport, have all been completed, by Truman P. Keitmeyor, tho architect, and contem plate an imposing front on Fourth street, in the rear of the Masonic Tem ple, and a handsome addition to the architecture of that vicinity. Work on the new structure will be started soon. The Memorial Hall and Cathedral will be an L shaped building, surround ing on two sides the Piper residence, (which will be used as a Home for the William Howard Temple Club of the Knights Templar) and will have no connection with the big Masonic Tem ple structure. The new building will be used exclusively for Scottish Rite purposes, and will coat, it is thought, about $40,000. The entrance building, which adjoins tho Masonic Temple, is to be of Scottish Baronial architecture, and the front may be constructed of pink granite. It is 36 feet wide. It is to bean elabor | ate front, with much carved stonework, j a tower on the east side extending sky ward to a hight of 98 feet. On the top of this tower is to be an old Egyptian Masonic emblem, representing earth, fire, ether and water. Near the top of the front is a double eagle, the Scottish Rite emblem There is a most elabor ate entrance. Inside the entrance is the Memorial Hall, with a Mosaic floor, and a most magnificent grand staircase in the rear leading to the upper floors. There are also thesecretary and treasurer's office, and a vault, on this floor, back of the Memorial Hall. Next comes the big Cathedral build ing, which is practically a four-story structure, as the auditorium occupies the second and third floors. This build ing is 67 by 104 feet. On the "first floor there are lobbies, and a restaurant thatconnecis with the kitchen of the Piper residence. Then there is a large lodge room, property room, secret vault, boiler room and toilet room. On the second floor of the Cathedral is the auditorium, with a stage, property room, robingroom, coat room and sen tinel's room, a wide corridor surround ing the auditorium. The auditorium, with gallery, will seat 000. The third floor contains the gallery of the auditorium, a property room, grand promenade and lounging room. In the rear of the gallery there is a place for the organ and choir, and out side of this a nook for an invisible choir, reached by a hallway. This is for the use of church choirs that are sometimes called in, and the nook is so arranged that the singing can be heard inside, but the singers cannot see in. On this floor there is also a lobby and parlor for the Commander in Chief. On the fourth and last floor is the big banquet hall,store room, kitchen, lobby, reception and toilet rooms. This building will likely be of brick, but the inside furnishings will be on an elaborate scale, making it one of the finest structures of the kind in the country. "Almost xffggx still a young woman, almost killed her. Mrs. MASON, Nuttellburgh, W. Va., writes : " Kind enclosed #2.50 for which send 6 bottles of Hair- Health. lam delighted with the bottle sent me. My hair was so gray that I was ashamed for anyone to see me,and being so young it almost killed me to think my hair was getting white so long before I was an old woman, but thanks to Hair-Health, Jam proud to say that a gray hair cannot be found in my head and I have not used all of one bottle." MAY'S Hair=Health will positively restore gray, faded or bleached hair to youthful color. Is not a dye, but feeds the roots and makes the hair healthy and abundant. A k for Hay's Hair-Health and refuse alSsubsti' tutes. H.H.H. is sold by leading druggistseverywhere Sent by express, prepaid, in plain sealed package, by LONDON SUPPLY CO., 8$ J Firoadway, N. V., also a 25c. rake Harfina Medicated Soap, best soap for toilet, bath, skin and hair. All on receipt of 60c. and this ad. LARGE 50c. BOTTLES. AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. If yod wish « ® ® t THESWSTCAREFILLVEDITM, . Fully illustrated, | | Cleanest printed, 112 ' Easiest read Seed Catalogue * ® * ® a Jeiid for VipVQ' garden and I IvJJIU FLORAL GUIDE. It is a mine of information on gard ening—all about Vegetable Seeds, Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Shrubbery, etc. Nearly 200 new Photo-Engravings, illus trating all departments. Text carefully re vised and up-to-date in every respect. The best catalogue we have ever sent out. Stelnn: is Helieviujr. Send for one to-day. Free if you mention this paper and tell what yougrow most. James Vicks Sons, 3 Stone Street, Rochester, Y. Cut thisadvertisementout and send it with your request for a catalogue. If you men tion this paper you will also receive a pack et oi Flower Seeds Free.— EDITOB. 4-4t ll II Mil 1.1 l i The Plate to Buy Cheap" r ; J. F. PARSONS. Msud CURES ALL DRINK AND DRUO ADDICTIONS. ! NEWUT FUPNISHED NEW MANAOEMENT DAY'S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. SPECIALS. AT THE SATISFACTORY STORE. PIE PEACHES. First Quality, Baltimore packed, per can, l'Jc. Regu lar, 1"). GREEN GAGE PLUMS. Extra California fruit, pack ed in heavy syrup, per can,! 7c. Regular, 20c. CANNED CORN. Standard York State quality, per can, Bc. Regular, 10c. CANNED TOMATOES. I i First Quality, Harford Co., J Md., per can. Sc. Regular, j 10c. GOLD DUST. Washing Powder, 41b. pack- j age, per package, 20c. Regu- I lar, 25c. MAPLE SUGAR. Strictly pure, new goods, per lb. 11c to 15c. i MAPLE SYRUP. i Pure goods, per Gal. 81.00. H. DAY. Phone 6. I H. C. Olmsted's i „ T - - - - / V V V'WWS 5a Well, here we are trying to get our share of the trade of Emporium and vicinity. We are better prepared than ever before to fill all of your wants. Having added to our stock a Full Line of Groceries, and have not neglected to add to the Dry Goods and Notion departments fresh and seasonable goods. Our I.,ace Curtain stock was never so complete as NOW. A full stock of muslins, prints, percales, | ginghams and White Goods. An especially nice line of Black Dress Goods. Dress and Work Slioes lor Ladies Gentlemen and Children. CARPETS AND MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, See., &c. Cotne and see how well we will please i you. C. JAY GOODNOUGH, ™ SR; Assignee. Hit ! .» J | Emporium Furniture CoJ ||j WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU. GIVE US A CALL. || iilliOiiliis llfrOC FINE BROADCLOTH CASKET, FUNERAL CAR Jf jgilaOO. - - - AND SERVICES. - - - SOO. M g RESIDENCE UP STAIJiS. OPEN ALL NIGHT. j|| Remember the place, next door to the Mj • ODD FELLOWS BLOCK, j I EMPORIUM HIE Mill BERNARD EG-AN, Manager, iM JEMPORIITM. - - - PA| I I Our Spring Clothing Has arrived and we are ready for the Spring and Summer campaign. During the past lew months we have almost ontirely closed out all left over stock, therefore start in with an Entirely New Stock. I HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, X" (.Stylish make.) H ELEGANT LING of FURNISHINGS, I TRUNKS, SATCHELS, &c. If Wo are agents for the LION u Brand Shirts and have recently I received a very fine assortment I of these celebrated SI.OO SHIRTS. They Are Beauties. We continue to keep the. MAC HURDLE DRESS SHIRTS. We want every citizen of this county to call and inspect our present stock, feeling assured that you will be pleased. R. SEGER & SON. Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers