EMPORIUM MILLING I'RICE LIST. Emporium, l'a., Jau. 11, 1801. NEMOHIIILA, per sick 20 Grabam, " 60 Rye " 60 Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal-, " 45 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 10 Chop Feed, " 1 10 White Middlings, " 1 10 Bran, " I 10 Corn, per bushel, 60 White O.its, per bushel 40 Choice Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy Seed, ! it Market Prieei Choice Millet Beed. 112 Mar * el ' >t<»3. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J R.C. DODSON,™ THE Brucj^'St, KnrOKll'.ll, «*A. s LOCATED IN ThT CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. \ I (fcm \ /|5 / iCri'V Only the purest drugs are good lor sick people. They can't aflbrd to ex periment. You may safely trust your prescriptions with us. We make a specialty of this work and are proml of the success we lmve achieved. Doctors appreciate the care and ac curacy with which their prescriptions are compounded and that accounts for our large trade. K. C. UODHON. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to see in this department,let us know by pos a card, or letter. personally. Mrs. C. C. Fay is recovering from her recent severe illness. J. L. Fobert made a flying trip to St. Marys last Monday on special busi ness. Miss Stasia Lawler visited her cous ins at Port Allegany and Coudersport, last Saturday. Miss Ethel Devling, of Sterling Run, was a pleasant caller at the PRESS of fice last Satuaday. John Harbot, while out coasting with the boys the other evening, re ceived a "beautiful" black-eye. We regret to learn that Prothono tary Goodnough was quite seriously ill yesterday, but is much better to-day. Frank Kinsler, one of Rich Valley's best farmers, was a PRESS caller on Tuesday. He will read this paper for a year. Mrs. M.H. Terwilliger, of East Ward, was a welcome PRESS visitor on Tues day. This paper will visit her home during the next year. Miss Glossner, one of the teachers in our borough schools, accompanied by Miss Nellie Lingle, were agreeable PRESS callers on Monday. Fred Comley, of Cameron, having recovered from several weeks' siek sickness, visited in Emporium on Tuesday. He called to see the PRESS. Q. T. Dixon, one of C. B. Howard Company's efficient jobbers was a PRESS visitor on Saturday and pushed the date of his paper ahead another year. Wo regret to learn that James Mur ray, who for many years has been the faithful fireman at the tannery has had a serious time with pneumonia. Glad to hear he is improving. Ex-County Commissioner John A. Wykoff, of Grove, was in town last Monday, transacting business. Mr. W. has many personal friends in this section of the county, who are always pleased to meet him. Mrs. W. E. Smith, of Friendship, N. Y. (well known to our citizens as a former resident of this place), who has been guest of her sistsr, Mrs. Herbert Day and assisting in thecareof her little son who has been seriously ill, returns to her home to-day. Hon. W. C. Smith, of Everett, Pa., Special Agent P. O. department rural mail delivery, was transacting business in Emporium for several days last week and made many friends. He evidently understands his business and is ener getic in the discharge of his duties. We have known Mr. Smith for many years, havine served with him in the legislature. Jas. li. Batchelder, of Sinnamahon ing, one of Grove's solid and substan tial citizens, visited Emporium on Monday. He reports the church entertainment given last Friday even ing, for the benefit of our highly es teemed friend, M. C. Piper, a financial and enjoyable success. Over SSO was realized The committee in charge of arrangements desiro to thank the peo ple for their patronage. Clyde Shilling, of Clintondale, lias been appointed mail olerk between Emporium and Buffalo. A. H. Shafer left yesterday morning for VVeat Virginia to resume his sur veying for a prominent firm. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Isaac Smith, of Gibson. We sincerely hope our old frierd may re cover. Mrs. Henry Auchu has returned from an extended visit to Washington, Philadelphia, Williamsport and other points. Capt Witmer, is in a very precarious condition at his home on West Sixth street Grave fears are entertained for his recovery. B. W. Green has been engaged this week in an a gument before the At torney Genera at Harrisburg. Here turns home to-c ,y. Mrs. Shurtleff K id daughter of Phila delphia who have, been guests of W. H. Howard and wife the past few weeks, returned to their home last Monday. We are pleased to inform the PRESS readers that Mrs. A. H. Shafer, who has been dangerously ill for several weeks, is considered out of danger and is rapidly recovering, thanks to the good nursing and skill of Dr. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lawler left on Flyer Tuesday morning for Elmira, N. Y., to attend the funeral of Mrs. T. A. Flynn, Mr. Lawler's only sister, who died very sudden on Sunday last, in her 51st year, leaving a husband and six children. Card of Thanks. Editor Press: — To my friends whoso kindly assisted and aided me during the serious illness of my wife, who was so near death's door, I hereby extend my humble and heartfelt thanks for their kindness through her severe illness; also to Rev. J. M. Robertson, of Emporium, for his words of consolation and encourage ment. All those kind acts are appre ciated in the hour of trial and grate fully remembered. We hope to reward the good people for their kindness in some manner. Sincerely yours, W. R. SIZKR, Sizerville, Pa., Feb'y 27th, 1901. Hiss llowell and E. B. Dean Married. Miss Jennie Howell, the wealth West Scranton woman, who was recently adjudged of sound mental health after a sensational inquiry instituted by her brother to declare her a lunatic, was married at 1 o'clock yesterday, at her home, to Edward B. Dean, of Hacken sack, N. J. Tiie ceremony was wit nessed by a few friends of the couple and was performed by Rev. J. B. Sweet, of the Scranton M. E. Church. uogalTnoVices. Just received at Baleorn & Lloyd's "Salada" Ceylon Tea. Wholesome and delicious. Canned Pine Apple in chunks, pack ed in Singapore, at Balcom & Lloyd's. Very Fine. Lumbermen who have no time or no money to waste while laying in a stock of clothing buy of N. Seger, where they all know the prices and goods are right. New line of hats and neckwear just received at R. Seger & Son's, next to Bank. Call and see. Zinc and Grinding Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf The great majority of the most pros perous men in town patronize us What do you think of their judgment? BEDARD, THE TAILOR. Yes, we have a "fire" sale—firing our goods at you at prices you cannot object to—besides our goods are all new and first-class. N. SEGER. CANVASSERS.— We <urnish outfit free and start any man who wants to work. Write to-day for terms. C. L. YATES, Rochester, N. Y. 46-8t WANT A WHEEL?— Oneladies' bicycle —new. One gentleman's bicycle in first-class condition. A barg«,.j. Ad dress P. O. Box 374, Emporium. You'll observe that the tailormade men are a pretty smart class of people. Tailormade clothes and brains seem to go together all right. BEDARTJ, THE TAILOR. SHAW'S PURE MALT—The con densed strength and nutriment of Barley and Rye. Perfectly mellow and pure. Sold by F. X. Blumle, Emporium, Pa. n2-yl Did you ever try ordering your spring suit three weeks too early? Those who have tried it find that that is just about the right time to order. BEDARD, THE TAILOR. One of our high grade suits, at low grade prices, is bound to suit you. R. SEGER'S TAILORING. BOH SLEDS —I have seven pair of new and first-class Bob Sleds, of my own manufacture, that I shall dispose of at a BARGAIN. First come, first served. C. L. BUTLER, 51-3t Emporium, Pa. N. Seger invites the attention of the public to his large stock of clothing, gents furnishing good, etc. At the old stand on east Allegheny avenue. Those late winter and early spring suitings at R. Seger&Company'scatch the eye of the public and so does the low prices. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1901. #,LL AROUND THE COUNTY. Flr»t Fork. Editor Preߧ; John Logue has bei-n quite low lor a few days but is some better at present. Now, who will dare say that the ground-hog does not know his business ? Mr. and Mrs. I). D. Colcord are spend ing a few weeks with friends and relatives in Potter county. We noticad Sheriff Swope around here Sunday evening, but don't know who he was looking for. Daniel Rockwell is seriously ill, at Wharton, with dropsy, and his death is expected most any time. Prof. Cole being dead, the weather ap pear.- to be running itself with the uier citrv from to 22° below. John Miller and Alvin Smith have elapboarded their houses, which makes a decided improvement on them. r.uoeli Logue of Superior is visiting frii'tids in this section and incidentally disposing df some mining stocks in the far west. The Goodyears are going to cut the liiiin r in Norcross, Brooks and Lick runs, and have the roads partly graded in some of them. Barclay Bros are running their log train hauling stock from Logue's job to Sinnani-ihonin'j. Isaac Floyd is doing the engineer act. Will give you a few items from this section that may interest some of your readers. When spring opens this is ex pected to be oue of the busy places, in iutnbering operations, etc. Alonzo Bailey visited W. Bailey at Packer on Sunday, who is enjoying (?) a lively tussle with the grippe. He is under the care of Dr. Reese and is some better at this writing. The saw riiill ihat was coming to the mouth of Mill run, is still coming. D. 15. Johnson is hauling logs to it with several teams, and the stock for this seas on's sawing is nearly all on the ground. The Northern & Susquehanna railroad has not put on a passenger train yet, but have a construction train on the road and a gang of men blasting rocks to place along the side of the road as a protection from high water. Building operations are going to open on an extensive scale. I). D. Colcord contemplates building a new barn on bis lower place, and Wm. Swank, Brooks Lorshbaugh and Fred Peno are getting timber on the ground for new barns, and Haynes Bro's are getting lumber on the ground for a new dwelling house. February 25, 1901. t t Cameron. Editor Press: Ilobt. Boyd has been indisposed the past week. W. L. Ileed, of Rathbun, was in town Saturday last. Mrs. Gilbert Morse has been very sick the past week. Ed. Chalmers seems to be worried late ly. Wonder why ? I). B. Peterson, of Sterling Run, was in our town Friday. Ed. Lininger visited on Chapman Hill a few days last week. Wonder why Dannie goes over the dam so often, lately? Wm. Beach has taken up his residence at the pump station. F. L. Morse, of Emporium, was in our village one day last week. Levi Smith transacted business in Johnsonburg Tuesday last. Ike Gaines, of Sterling Run, has moved his family to Cameron. Mrs. J. It. Fetter, of Emporium, was in town a few days last week. Edward Schwab feels deceived over the election. Try again, Ed. Wonder what has become of our read ing society ? Guess the barrel ran dry. Alex. Schwab is in the mining business at Weedville. We hope he will prosper. Our boys are very slow; they cannot even get up a sleighing party. Sorry for you, boys. E. F. Comley, who has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks, is slowly improving. Sheriff J. D. Swope, of Emporium, transacted business, at this place, one day last week. W. 11. Morse has taken a large con tract to haul paper wood to the P. R. 11., at this place. Miss Esther Stewart, who has been visiting at Tyler the past two months,has returned home. Wm. McVain, who is driving team for L. K. Huntington, is hauling logs for A. W. Mason, at Sterling Run. All of our boys attended the election last Tuesday, cast their votes and return ed home loaded down with pleasure. Our old townsman, Daniel Britton, who has been in poor health for some time, has been removed from Britton Hill to this place. W. S. Lininger, who has been visiting in town the past week, has returned to Ilidgway, where he is employed by the P. R. R. Co. OLD MOLL. Never Had a Cold since 1 began carrying a package of Krause's Cold Cure Capsules in my vest pocket. 1 take one whenever I feel a cold coming on. It's easy. Price 25c. Sold by L. Taggart. Feb Sterling Run. Editor Press:— Wm. Berry is suffering from a bad cold. V. A. Brooks was a visitor here on Tuesday. The log haulers have suspended work in anticipation of a breakup. A sleigh load of lady Maccabees are effecting arrangements to visit Emporium hive. There is talk of Mrs. Carrie Nation taking some of the tannery boys under her little hatchet. Win. Stevens, who has been in doors for some time with rheumatic trouble, is out again ready for business. The C 'outitj Commissioners met here on Tuesday to adjust the grinvanoes of Lumber township tax payers. There has been H great many hand shakes and farewells spoken this week, especially with the fellow who got the bounce and had one too many girls to look after. Mrs. W. 11. Smith and Washington Mason were called, Wednesday, to the bedside of their sister, -Mrs. Saul Barr, at Millers Run, who was stricken with par alyfis, on Monday, and is now at the point of death. The chewing gum fiends are plenty here and are making things disagreeable by placing it on hot stoves. The writer could supply them with some old rubber shoes, the same as the guui that they chew is made of, if they wish. Speaker Jim Shaffer has been hauling logs here for some time, and meanwhile looked up a few members for the Sinna mahoning Liars Club.» Ilank Darrin is expected to be chairman, Gordon llowlet, George Moore, Bill Stevens arid Eugene Devling, as auxiliaries. We thought our old friend Fred Shaf fer was running a mink last Tuesday afternoon. Everybody moved back, giv ing him a clear track, as he was bare footed and stripped for double quick time, goiug towards home. We understand it was a bet between he and Commissioner Mason, of 83.00, that he could not run from the Alpine House to his home— one-fourth of a mile—barefooted, but he did it and won the wager. Bar «• + Rich Valley. Editor Press:— Mrs. Delmont Adams is slowly im proving. W. is looking fine, since he got a very little sleep. Miss Flossie Housler visited Miss Or ma Lewis last week. Mrs. Lafayette Lock wood is very ill at this writing (Wednesday). Mr. Jessie Swan is somewhat under the weather this week. WilliiTni McDowell, of Jacksonville, was among the valley visitors, Monday. Miss Maude Evans visited her grand mother, Mrs. Lafayette Lock wood, this week. Mrs. George Minard and Grandma Lucore visited friends in the valley last week. William Putman attended church on Monday evening, and reported a fine sermon. Frank Housler suffered a stroke of paralysis on Monday. He is very low at this writing. Dysart, Lewis & Co., finished their lumber job at the head of the main stream this week. The scribe visited Sizerville Saturday, and was royally entertained by mine host Evans, of the Covil House. Mrs. William Krebs and Mrs. Philip Wolverton visited their brother, Delmont Adams, at this place, on Sunday. MAGGIE. Slnnamahoning Liars' Club. Editor Cameron Cotinty Press:— The Liars' Club tried to hold a session on election day and run against the elec tion board, getting knocked out in the second round. Ike Bowen was ordered to leave town, and in accordance thereto he took the first train; Barclay's log train taking him home in fine style. Pap Blodget made a flying trip to the county seat but had to keep quiet. He saw John Hogan, of the Emporium L. C., and got a few pointers which were reported and acted upon. Hogie says the Emporium Club will be revived as soon as Mr. Murphy recovers from the grippe. Alex. Mason, E. W. Gaskill, A. F. Vogt, and I. K. Hockley came down to ride our goat, but after hearing one spun by G. W. Gore they concluded to with hold their applications, saying that John Hogan could beat that and he was no where with Sam Faucette, Dalrymple and the stone cutter of the home club. George T. was ordered to tap a fresh keg in case of emergency, and, of coarse, Pap Blodget and Beldin were ordered to leave before refreshments were served, which was against the grain of those tal ented members. Frank Buck ordered the meeting ad journed. FIDE. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. 2Gly Mrs. Nation isn't the worst the saloons have to contend with, since a woman down East is going around selling her poems in them. If you want a Boarder, Advertise in the PRESS. w wiinpywwiiniirwt || SCHUMACHER'S ROLLED ) QP lb. ( SCHUMACHER'S ROLLED || || AVENA, jOU AVI NA. |g || A FRESH INVOICE DIRECT FROM MILLS. || M M • M || GRANULATED 1 X /% T GRANULATED || SUGAR, 6c Lb. X V 1 SUGAR. 6c Lb. j<| M A good opportunity Co buy standard food products at FRIDAY M 5 (J and SATURDAY Special Prices. § j 3C M ® ® OLD'S II a Qoneless >| II I I n jK II || Oelicious Cf d CHACON. J1 || s / Ik* C/VLIFORNLV HAMS, B'. cents per lh. SUGAR CUKEI) HAMS, 12', cents p< r£3 mm This is the lowest price on these Roods lh. Boneless Hacon, 13c per lb.' These urc- ** ■to, for months. They weigh from 6to 8 lbs. two exception*! Friday and Saturday bur £2 SPH gains, both being selected from fine stock. || II *,* Choice California Prunes, 6c lb M IVw/u- T. ( [ ) .'Vi\T.v t ''n' 90 ptr can FANCY CAROLINA HEAD RICE, 8c 11. ftfj VA 1 P RN ' 0c tan- Good value at regular prico which is 10c. !f 2 EARLY JUNE PEAS, 9c can. ajt "Royal" Java and Moclia Coffee, The finest obtainable at any price, for cup quality. 85c lb 31bs SI.OO. |j Telephone 6, Fourth St. J. H. HAW |jj | Emporium Furniture Co| |l WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU. GIVE US A CALL. j|| litifipiilliji fcQC FINE BROADCLOTH CASKET, FUNERAL CAR J>OQ, - - - AND SERVICES, - - - ■ss i|| RESIDENCE UP STAIIiS. OPEN ALL NIGIIT. || 1~~ —■— m \m Remember the place, next door to the M ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. I EMPORIUM fill GOMPMY,! |s BERNARD EG-AN, Manager, - - I C. B. HOWARDS CO. I C. B. HOWARD & CO. | *r? « . We have just received our new spring line I Q PlfhPt Q car P et samples and they are the finest we VJQ.I fJvLu lave ever ' ia( '- We get our carpets direct W #■ ™ from the mauufacturer and thus save the 5. jobbers profit which we give to our custo- y w mers. We can give you a better quality at ,0, a smaller price than any other house in Vv *Cf town. & TV yv The finest and cheapest line of Rugs ever y Ulirfn displayed in Emporium, can now be seen at 6 iiUK|j our store. Come at once and get your choice *U* » as they will not last long at the prices we £1 are selling them. w W \Jj[ V Our Dry Goods and Notion Department is ft .fx V well stocked with the latest Dress Goods, Vf r\ 1 Linings, Corsets, Gloves and in fact every- gj jvl Iv AAm 0 thing that can be bought at a first class Dry >#£ $ U U Ull )J Goods Store. j? $ We are agents for the DEMOREST Sewing Machines W & which are conceded by competent judges to be the equal & of any high priced machine on the market. When think- Tj W ing of buying a machine call and see our Demorests and Jvi, you will have us send one to your home. W # Prices from $19.50 to $25.00. ft Liberal Terms. $ 118. i»iim I 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers