Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 20, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Business Cards.
Emporium, l'a.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court anil general law business
will receive prompt attention. 4'2-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35_i y . Emporium. Pa.
Emporium, l'a.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and bard
wood timber lands, also stum page &c„ and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. P. P. LEIST.
Emporium, Pa. ... ,
Having again taken possession of thisold and
popular house 1 solicit a share of the public pat- i
ronage. The house is newly furnishedand is one i
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Otfice,)
Emporium, Pa.
1 take pleasure in informing the public that I
have purchased the old and popular Novelty
Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be
my endeavor to serve the public in a manner
that shall meet with their approbation. Give me
a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours.
no'27-lyr Wm. McDONALD.
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
forthe accommodation of the public. New in all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftown
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
F. C. RIECK, D. L). S.,
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
112 . Gas and other local anaesthetics ad
iTHS" 7 mini it rIT il for the painless extraction
"WTTTVof teeth.
.SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
I will visit Driftwood the lirst Tuesday, and
Sinnemaboning the third Wednesday of each
A Railroad Rumor.
There is local interest in the report
in railroad circles that the Pennsyl
vania Railroad is negotiating to pur
chase the W. N. Y. & P. The Penn
sylvania, as is well-known, connects
with W. N. Y. & P. at Emporium.
The Pennsylvania is very anxious to
get into Buffalo, and by the purchase
of the W. N. Y. & P. this end would
be accomplished. It is said that the
directors and officers of the Pennsyl
vania favor the scheme. The Buffalo
Commercial says that "enough has
leaked out through semi-official sources
to warrant the statement that the
Pennsylvania has or will make a deal." ;
The Western New York & Pennsyl- I
vania would be a most valuable link in
the vast chain. The absorption of the!
Western New York & Pennsylvania by
the larger company would undoubtedly
take the present car shops away from
Olean in the end.—Olean Times.
They Were After Free Silver.
I .ike carrion crows, the vultures who
were after Mr. Sibley's cash were
hanging around his hotel yesterday as
long as he remained in town. A con
spicuous one was from Bradford, a
man who represents the Jamestown
Vart Land. It is possible some of the
Swedes in McKean county will be
caught through this man's sale, but
not an intelligent one will. He has
not only sold the Swede paper he
represents, but he is trying to sell the
tried and true Swede Republicans.
Will he succeed ?—Kane Republican.
No indeed, Brother Rogers, the Swed
ish-American Republicans of the '27 th
district are too intelligent and well
read, and have too much principle to
sell their ballot for a littleof "Honest
Joe's" filthy lucre.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has superior
merit. Try it for a cough or cold and
be convinced. There are many cough
remedies on the market but Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup is the best.
4.-. ;♦. «
J Uoyd'J forecast of the We&ther FORem lnE 1 7icinity. |
£ FRIDAY, Fair; west winds; cooler.
SATURDAY, Fair: variable win<ls. SI . probably rain. A
' ' -ii-
J'V , V^ , VV^WV« , XV» We were MI tilled with our long range forecast last week. Were you 1 Who in Hi is town can tell on Thursday what the weather will be on Sunday
r , i J as we did last week. That is what we call satisfaction.
f" **" rl I IPi 1 fill } This is both and a school. A store that gathers the greatest stock of Stationery shown in this county. A school in styles, quality and beauty,
kMUOIUUUUII. S study. Now boys and girls voile the teachers are attending institute at Driftwood this week, let us roam through this store. Interest in this event will,
<£> 112 J be increased when we announce that through fortunate purchasing we are enabled to offer you a select lot of school supplies, viz: School bags, schoo 1
$ companions, crayons, pencils, rulers, slates and the biggest tablet ou earth for five cents. You need these supplies to <lo your school work'at home satis-
■l_ factory. Come again boy - and girls, again and again, 'lis a good habit. The habit of buying lit Lloyd's Stationery Store, And the broad reason is "satisfaction." People are satisfied with Lloyd's
■/r prices, People are satisfied with the ways of tin- store, its maimer and methods. And we are satisfied with our store and its new location. Watch our new style patent curtains next week-
Watch the west window this week.
loiirtli Street. H. vS. LLOYI).
:4z * r ;. *c3oc3Bnecß&3oc&
From Coal Dump to Legislature.
Suppose we were to read of some
man, living in another county or state,
who managed, before he was sixteen
years old, to acquire a good common
school education while working as
slate picker in a colliery at 50 cents
per day. Suppose we should read
that this boy at the age of sixteen
years went away to a strange place,
where a country paper was published,
and hired himself out as an apprentice;
that he rose by the power of hard work,
honesty and integrity, from the posi
tion of "printers' devil," to be sole
manager, editor and publisher of this
same paper; that when he was 45 years
of age he had been for many years one
of the acknowledged leaders of the
Republican party in his county, a man
of influence and a leader in all public i
enterprises; and that he had honorably |
represented his county in the State
Legislature, (this same county to which
he came at the age of 16 years), with I
nothing but his honesty and energy
to recommend him. Should we read
this thing we would envy the county
that had such a man among her citi
zens. We would say, "There is a man
his fellow citizens should delight to
honor; there is a man any county
ought to be proud of." Where does
this man live? He is a citizen of Cam
eron county, Pennsylvania, and has
been for thirty years or more. For the
above is, though brief, a true sketch of
the life of Henry H. Mullin, our candi
date for Representative, and a man
whom the people may rely upon to be
in his place from the beginning to the
end of the session of the Legislature,
and to fairly and honestly represent
his constituents at all times. Henry
H. Mullin stands squarely before the
people on his record.
It was common talk among the Re
presentatives from all parts of the
state, at Harrisburg, during the session
of '94 and '95, that no man in the state
worked harder, more persistently or
more enthusiastically for the best in
terest of his county than Mullin, of
Cameron. A strong party man, loyal,
brave, true to his friends, yet Mr.
Mullin may always be depended upon
to remain true to the best interests of
Cameron county under any and all
Judge fletzger Held Up.
While walking along Fourth street,
near the Church of Annunciation, at
Williamsport, Saturday night, Judge
John J. Metzger was held up by four
men who had hidden in the shadow of
the church. One of the men demanded
the Judge's money while the others
surrounded him, but just at this junct
ure Alderman Batzle and a friend ap
proached and the footpads escaped
into an alley.
It is to be hoped his Honor will havo
thepleasure of seeing these four gentle
men again, but in the Court House,
at no far distant day.
The P. R. R. Co.'s New Bridge.
Work on the new bridge that the P.
R. R. Co., are putting in just below
the junction, is progressing as rapidly
as possible. The middle pier has been
completed and in another week the
west end abutment will be in condition
to support the sleepers and iron railing.
In order to insure a solid foundation
for ttie pier and abutment, excavations
were made to the depth of twenty-eight
j feet below the level of the rails. Two
j crews are employed, one for the day
1 and one for the night shift
Austin's New Paper.
Copy No. 2, Vol 1, of the Austin
: Republican came to us last week and
| we warmly welcome it to our exchange
1 list. It is bright, newsy contains a
I neat display of ads and the general
make-up is attractive. The Republi
can ably champions the principles of
the party whose name it bears and we
wish it a long and prosperous career.
Seed Wheat.
Mr. L. (J. Cook has several varieties
of seed wheat for sale, samples of
which may be seen at Walker's hard
ware store. 25tf
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
Cow for Sale.
A good fresh milch cow for sale. For
particulars inquire of
Sterling Run.
Called them Stalwarts.
Knapp Commandery, Knights Tem
plar, of which the Emporium Knights
are members, is reported by the Pitva
burg papers as having made itself con
spicuous in the big parade Tuesday
by the stalwart proportions of its mem
Piano Tuner Coming.
Prof. O. B. Hummel, the piano tuner,
and dealer in pianos and organs will
be here on his regular tuning trip on
Oct. 24th, and will remain for ten days.
The Brett piano leads the world.
For catalogue and terms write to O. B.
Hummel, 318 Bellefonte Avenue, Lock
Haven, Pa.
Emerson's Son as an Author.
Ralph Waldo Emerson's son, Dr.
Edward Emerson, himself a boy when
Louisa Alcott was a girl in Concord
has written an article on "When Louisa
Alcott was a girl," which the Ladies'
Home Journal is about to publish.
Doctor Emerson gives a new view of
the author of "Little Men"—as a
mimic, and as the central figure of
every dance and merrymaking in old
Wedding Bells.
One of the prettiest autumn wed
dings ever witnessed in Emporium
was solemnized at the Methodist
Episcopal Church last Wednesday at
high noon, when Miss Mary Ardelle,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew Phoenix, of Cameron,
and Mr. Richard Skyles Oyler,
of Westport were united in the holy
bonds of wedlock
The church was beautifully decor
ated; the altar being one profusion of
roses, ferns and smilax and the chancel
rail was banked with palms and
autumn flowers.
At half-past eleven the guests began
to assemble and before the midday
hour had arrived the church was filled
with interested spectators.
Messrs. Mock, Porter and Harris as
ushers discharged their duties most
Promptly at the appointed time the
doors were thrown open and to the
strains of Mendelsshons Wedding
March, rendered by Miss Sadie Chap
man, the ushers entered and slowly
moved down the aisle followed by Miss
Gertrude Potter, Miss Byrde Taggart,
Miss Staples, as bridesmaids, Miss
Nellie Huntley, Maid of Honor, with
Mr. Skillington as best man and the
bride leaning on the arm of the groom.
The bride was arrayed in a rich gown
of mousselinc de soie over white silk
and carried a boquet of Bride's Roses,
and the groom was neatly attired in
the conventional black.
At the end of the aisle they were met
by the Rev. J. M. Johnston who per
formed the beautiful and impressive
marriage service of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, after the two had
been made one the blessings of God
were invoked and the newly married
couple marched down the aisle, the
admired of all present
The bridal party together with a
largo number of relatives and friends
were conveyed to the Warner House
where a brilliant reception took place,
and at 8:20, amid a shower of rice and
the best wishes of their friends, the
happy couple departed on a wedding
tour to Washington, Philadelphia and
other eastern cities.
The bride with her many accom
plishments and charming personality
has ever been a central figure among
the younger society of Emporium, and
her popularity cannot be better at
tested than by the genuine regret with
which her host of friends witnessed
her departure. The groom is a popular
and talented young minister and at
present is filling the pastorate of the
Westport M. E. Church, at which
place they will reside upon their re
turn from the wedding trip.
If District Attorney Graham has no
more evidence against Senator Quay
than he has yet produced he may find
himself impeached and removed from
office, as it is somewhat dangerous to
attempt to blacken a man's reputation
with trumped up, rotten charges.
The Pharisaical reformers make a
great ado about Senator Quay's tele
gram in which he says"he will shake
the plum tree." These wonderful
second sight-seers will get it through
their heads after a while that what
they think this phrase meant is not
evidence and that they can by no pos
sibility learn what the Senator did
mean by it unless the Senator himself
tells them.
The Philadelphia Press published an
important dispatch from Norristown,
which stated that the Anti-Quay
League "expected to poll a largo vote
in the strong anti-Quay districts" of
that county. That a man would be
likely to meet the strongest opposition
where he had the strongest opposition
is, to say the least, a very peculiar
thing, the importance of which it
requires the enormous brain of a poli
tical genius working over time to dis
Another Murder in Potter.
At three o'clock last Saturday after
noon at the quiet little town of Mills,
located in the heart of Potter county,
James Whitehead frenzied with jeal
ousy deliberately entered a neighbor's
house, where his wife was staying and
fired three shots into her defenseless
body. After committing the cowardly
deed he cooly walked away from the
house, entered a piece of woods and
has not been heard of since. A large
posse of men under the leadership of
Sheriff Gillon are scouring the woods
and patroling the different roads lead
ing out of Mills, in search of the mur
derer and as his description has been
telegraphed to all surrounding towns,
his capture will only be a question of
a few hours.
Mrs. Whitehead is still alive but can
not r cover.
Whitehead's description is as follows:
Five feet, six to eight inches in height;
weight, about 140 pounds; dark hair
and moustache; thumb off right hand;
left shoulder recently injured, may
still be bandaged; reserved demeanor;
generally uncommunicative to strang
ers. He wore a light-weight coat —no
overcoat —and pointed shoes. County
Commissioner Stevens visited the
scene of the murder yesterday and
assured the District Attorney that a
reward would immediately be offered
tor Whitehead's apprehension.
A Romantic fleeting.
There was a somewhat romantic
meeting at the home of Hon. C. W.
Stone, Sunday, when Gen. IJ. F. Fisher,
of Valley Forge, Chester county and
Captain L. T. Borchers, of this city,
grasped hands and exchanged felicita
tions for the first time in thirty-four
years. Both are veterans of the civil
war and the last time they saw each
other was in Libby prison, where for
seven months they endured together
the terrible hardships of rebel prison
life. The two former comrades were
invited to dine with Congressman
Stone. They spent the afternoon to
gether and recalled incidents of the
war and prison experiences. Gen.
Fisher w.'is one of the party of eleven,
headed by Captain Rose, who dug a
tunnel out of Libby prison and escaped
on the night of Feb. 10, 1864. He was
never recaptured. He kept under
cover of woods and after a number of
days he reached Fortress Monroe.
About that time Captain Borchers was
paroled after twenty-seven months of
prison life. Gen. Fisher returned to
his home Sunday evening.—Warren
For Sale.
A thorough-bred English Setter dog,
20 months old, all ready for business.
Enquire of
Facts for Republicans.
"Silver Joe" Sibley can only be
elected to Congress by Republican
votes. Why should he be elected ?
Look over his record. While in Con
gress he introduced nine bills; only
one was taken out of committee; and
not one of the nine became a law.
What was he good for in Congress?
Our present representative, Charles
W. Stone has a much different record.
No member is more faithful to the
interests of his constituents; no mem
ber is more prompt to answer every
inquiry; none more active diligent and
attentive to duty.
In what way can Mr. Sibley be'a
better representative of this Congres
sional district than is Mr, Stone?
Why should Republicans elect a
full-blooded Silverite ? A man of fads
isms and notions. There is no good
We say to the Republicans of Warren
county: Don't let the personal differ
ences and factional quarrels of Repub
licans in Kane, Oil City or any other
place in this district, influence you a
particle or turn you away from sup
porting Mr. Stone for Congress; a man
who is an honor to Warren county and
who stands higli in the estimation of
President McKinley and other promin
ent Republican leaders. Don't forget
that the election of a Democratic Con
gress this year would be a public
calamity. Vote for men who are true
to the party and to the people they
The chairman of the Venango Demo
cratic county committee said recently:
This open admission ought to be
sufficient to inform Republicans of
Warren county as to the purposes and
plan of campaign by the Democrats.
Every possible effort will be made to
induce Republicans to betray their
party, and repudiate their life-long
devotion to its principles. Appeals on
personal grounds and every other
device will be used as a means of get
ting Republicans to vote for the Demo
cratic candidate for Congress, who, if
elected, would vote in opposition to
every Republican measure calculated
to support the administration of Presi
dent McKinley. Charles W. Stone,
the Republican candidate for Congress
is a tried, true, able, honest man.
Don't fail to vote for him. He will
represent you faithfully.
The following officers of Emporium
Lodge No. 974 I. O. O. F. were installed
Thursday evening by H. G. Ault Dis
trict Deputy, Noble Grand, Frank
Halderman; Vice Grand, Wm. Taylor;
Asst. Secretary, L. C. Linthurst; Rec.
Secretary, W. W. Weeks; Treasurer,
J. R. Fetter; R. S. to N. G., E. W. Gas
kill; L. S. to N. G., S. G. Swope; R. S.
to V.(i., B. Esterbrooks;L. S. to V. G.,
Jno. Anderson; Warden, John Flick;
I. G., L. L. Love; O. G., A. L. L. Come.
Homeward Bound.
The famous Sixteenth Regiment
from the Pennsylvania iron and oil
region, passed through here Wednes
day morning on their way home. Great
preparations were being made at the
different towns at which the companies
were formed, to give them a royal
welcome and no doubt the boys receiv
ed one that one that they will long re
Will Pack 10,000 Bushels.
William Fisher, the Unionville nur
serymen, will pack 10,000 bushels of ap
ples this fall. He has grown 7,000 bush
els in his own orchards and will buy
000 bushels to fill his cold storage
house. Each apple is wrapped in
paper and packed away until sold.—
Clinton Democrat.
Took Their Paces.
Tuesday morning photographer
Scliriever had the honor of taking a
picture of Col. W. A. Stone and party
who had stopped off here enroute to
Coudersport where they were to be
I present at a mass meeting. Jim will
j have the picture of our next governor,
! on exhibition in a few davs.
Eternity! Where?
Come to the Methodist Episcopal
1 church the next four Sunday nights
! and hear this great question answered,
' Ist sermon—"Glimpses of Eternity,"
Oct. 23rd.
Delmonte Shaffer, the three months
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leitze
i died on Tuesday the 18th, of catarrhal
1 fever. Funeral will be held this after
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
My entire time being devoted to the
political canvass for the Legislature, it
is utterly impossible for me to till the
position as editor of the PRESS, there
fore from this date, until further notice,
I shall not be held responsible for any
thing that may appear in its columns.
H. 11. MULLIN.
Emporium, Pa., Oct. 13th, 1898.
Pressed Bricks.
Austin's new hospital has four pa
Lock; Haven is to have a silk mill that
will cost §125,000.
The Port Allegany Reporter now ap
pears semi-weekly.
The absence of our school marms
makes the town seem lonesome.
Smethport's new glass factory em
ploys one hundred skilled workmen.
The McKean County Underwriters
association met atSmethport last week.
Deposits of rich gold bearing quartz
have been found near Canton, Brad
ford county.
There are said to be 308 Bucktails re
maining, and these are scattered over
twenty-nine states.
Renovo capitalists arc organizing a
company for the purpose of prospecting
for oil and gas on Drury's Run.
"Poker Dan" an individual well
known in this vicinity, was arrested in
Potter county last week, on a bench
Wild partridges are being shot from
the limbs of shade trees along the
streets of that quiet little village of
Cuba, N. Y.
Gaines, Tioga county, is experienc
ing a period of feverish oil excitement
due to the "gushers recently struck in
that vicinity. Six derricks are now in
course of erection.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures all
throat troubles. Why wear out your
throat by incessant coughing, when
this reliable remedy can be bought for
only 25 cents a bottle?
The foundering of the big steamer
Mohegan near Falmouth, England, on
the 13th. inst. in which 99 lives were
lost, is the second great marine horror
of the year.
A woodsman by the name of Jacob
Kyler was killed at Westport last Wed
nesday night, while attempting to
board a rapidly moving east bound
freight. His head was completely
severed from his body.
The Appellate Division of the Su
preme court has awarded James Purdy
of Wellsville N. Y. a verdict of §SOO in
his suit against the Erie Railroad Com
pany. The company refused to sell
Purdy mileage books.
This is the way Col. Rogers of the
Kane Republican looks at it:"The
season for pumpkin pies is now at hand
and thrice blessed is the man whose wife
can make them equal to the way his
mother used to long ago."
. A. B. Richmond, Esq., of Meadville
who has been engaged as counsel on
over one hundred murder eases, has
been retained to assist in the defense
of Walter Wheaton, charged with the
murder of Geo. W.Carter.—Franklin
On Monday of this week, in the pre
sence of the faculty and students of the
University of Chicago, President Mc-
Kinley was invested with the cap and
gown by President Harper of the Uni
versity and the degree of L. L. D. was
then conferred upon him,
A shrewd old lady cautioned her mar
ried daughter against worrying her
husband too much, and concluded by
saying: "My child, a man is like an egg.
Keep him in hot water a little while, he
may boil soft; but keep him there too
long and he hardens."
The Bradford Concert Company is
one of the best talented troupes that
ever appeared before an Emporium
audience and it is to be regretted that
our music loving people failed to give
them their hearty support which the
company so richly deserved.
While engaged in collecting a wheel
barrow load of refuse wood from an
endless chain conveyor at the barrel
heading factory at Coudersporfc, ten
year old Vernon Moore was caught
in the line shaft, operating the
1 chain and his little body was
crushed in a terrible manner. The
| accident may prove fatai.
A keg of yeast blew up in front of the
I United Statf s Express ofliee at Wil
liamsport last Wednesday morning and
! a fountain of the effervescent fluid shot
up in the air higher than the three
j story building in front of which the
I keg stood. The front of the express
I office anu two covered express wagons
I that were standing in front of it, were
i liberally plastered with yeast.
NO. 34.