THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. li. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 33. 10 PAGES. Business Cards. B. W. GREEN, ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, l'a. A business relating to estate, collections, real estates. Orphan's Court anil general law business will receive prompt attention. 4'2-ly. J. C. JOHNSON. J- P- MCNARNEY, JOHNSON & McNARNEY. ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, EMPOKIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTO RNE Y-AT- L A W Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35_i y . Emporium. Pa. F. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ! Emporium, l'a. To LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS IN CAMERON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and bard wood timber lands, also stum page &c„ and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. P. P. LEIST. CITY HOTEL, WM. MCGEE. PROPRIETOR j Emporium, Pa. ... , Having again taken possession of thisold and popular house 1 solicit a share of the public pat- i ronage. The house is newly furnishedand is one i of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county. 30-ly. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Otfice,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. 1 take pleasure in informing the public that I have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. no'27-lyr Wm. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THOS. J. LYSETT. PROPRIETOR, Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened forthe accommodation of the public. New in all its appointments, every attention will be paid to the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly MAY GOULD, TEACHER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftown scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this place. F. C. RIECK, D. L). S., DENTIST. Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. 112 . Gas and other local anaesthetics ad iTHS" 7 mini it rIT il for the painless extraction "WTTTVof teeth. .SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. I will visit Driftwood the lirst Tuesday, and Sinnemaboning the third Wednesday of each month. A Railroad Rumor. There is local interest in the report in railroad circles that the Pennsyl vania Railroad is negotiating to pur chase the W. N. Y. & P. The Penn sylvania, as is well-known, connects with W. N. Y. & P. at Emporium. The Pennsylvania is very anxious to get into Buffalo, and by the purchase of the W. N. Y. & P. this end would be accomplished. It is said that the directors and officers of the Pennsyl vania favor the scheme. The Buffalo Commercial says that "enough has leaked out through semi-official sources to warrant the statement that the Pennsylvania has or will make a deal." ; The Western New York & Pennsyl- I vania would be a most valuable link in the vast chain. The absorption of the! Western New York & Pennsylvania by the larger company would undoubtedly take the present car shops away from Olean in the end.—Olean Times. They Were After Free Silver. I .ike carrion crows, the vultures who were after Mr. Sibley's cash were hanging around his hotel yesterday as long as he remained in town. A con spicuous one was from Bradford, a man who represents the Jamestown Vart Land. It is possible some of the Swedes in McKean county will be caught through this man's sale, but not an intelligent one will. He has not only sold the Swede paper he represents, but he is trying to sell the tried and true Swede Republicans. Will he succeed ?—Kane Republican. No indeed, Brother Rogers, the Swed ish-American Republicans of the '27 th district are too intelligent and well read, and have too much principle to sell their ballot for a littleof "Honest Joe's" filthy lucre. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has superior merit. Try it for a cough or cold and be convinced. There are many cough remedies on the market but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best. 4.-. ;♦. « J Uoyd'J forecast of the We&ther FORem lnE 1 7icinity. | £ FRIDAY, Fair; west winds; cooler. SATURDAY, Fair: variable win 112 J be increased when we announce that through fortunate purchasing we are enabled to offer you a select lot of school supplies, viz: School bags, schoo 1 $ companions, crayons, pencils, rulers, slates and the biggest tablet ou earth for five cents. You need these supplies to