Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 09, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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•be I.nokn Very Stmiiilnit Inn Coat
Hade of Cream Silk Cut In tlie
Sew UlitKounl J»t>le.
A very simple Vnit elegant coat for a
little girl—one which she can wear all
the spring—is made )f cream faille,
Opening at the side. The opening runs
diagonally from the shoulder to the
loot. It is trimmed with guipure lace
with Vandykes and ruffles of white satin
ribbon. This little trimming is easily
put on, as the lace comes in Vandykes
ready for sewing on, and the ribbon can
Fran It YOB Tan Mnltr One of tlir Pnpalnr "I'uddlnif Unci" to Match Your
Outiiiu Gown.
The cycling: hat and the hat for golf and all outing- wear will be the pudding bag
hat. This Is cut out of one-half a yard of goods one-half a yard wide. It Is so easy
to make that you can have one of silk or one of wool, a cap of ladies' cloth and a cay
mi broadcloth to suit each and every gown.
| J
J y \Under Piece y
I Band for cap. Q>
Cut a wheel of cloth measuring exactly 12 Inches across. Cut another wheel oi
crinoline and cut also a third wheel of lining silk. Fasten these three together and
you have the top or crown of the pudding bag hat. Kepeat the operation for the un
der part of the hat. Cut a hole In the under one to fit to your head. Sew the upper
*nd lower parts together, and fit the head band to the opening in the hat. A quill is
the only trimming you need. Stand smartly at one side.
be purchased all ruffled in any width
you please.
Ruffled ribbon is rather expensive,
but the purchaser must reflect upon the
quantity contained in a yard. In a long
run she saves by buying it ruffled.
Her hat is of white straw trimmed
with white crepe de chine and a bunch
cf yellow cowslips. The yellow of the
cowslips is a little deeper than the
cream of the coat.
Making a Koom Homelike.
Every room to be successful needs
some sort of focus —an open fireplace,
a reading table, anything that suggests
a drawing together of the room's occu
pants. Occasionally a house is entered
whose mistress boldly banishes the so
called parlor, let it be simply an exten
fion of the library. Books line its walls,
a long table with chairs drawn around
it is piled with fresh magazines, the
latest books and a writing service. All
these may be as elegant as one's prse
admits, but their presence confers a
charin and effect by their suggestion of
■use. that is not found in the handsomest
■tretches of upholstery and woodwork.
The C'nutellnne V«»ll.
It you would wear a white veil it
must be of the daintiest, most cob
webby lace, with diamond-shaped dots
find J.'vo or three black spots to give the
effect of courtplaster. This is termed
the "t'astellane veil."
ItuKKin'N <iolilen Scepter.
The Russian scepter is of solid gold,
three feet long, and contains among its
ornaments 268 diamonds, 360 rubies
and IS emerald*.
Some rueful and Commercially Im
portant Device# Discovered bjr
Member* of the Fair Sei.
It is not generally supposed that
many of the labor-saving inventions ol
the world may be credited to women.
The Chinese Empress Tao, for example,
worked out useful ideas in her busj
brain. She invented the spinning ol
silk, never dreaming of the immense
industry that would grow from her
creation. A luxurious woman of Asia
discovered the attar of roses, and this
same woman, Mhearai Misi, invented
the ingenious handicraft, the eashipere
shawl. History is silent as to her end,
The women who are kept from want
Uy the making of pillow lace have r?a- I
son to bless the name of Barbara L'tt
mann, of Saxony. Wood engraving va»
discovered by the Cunio sisters, two
Italian women, and it was the widow
of (Jen. Nathaniel tireene who made She
suggestion of the cotton gin, wh'wh
was perfected by Eli Whitney. 'fj.e
grandmother of Clara Louise KelUnrg
invented an attachment to the machin
ery in looms in mills, and another wom
an's genius worked out a device
deadening the noise of railway trail-?.
A Miss Knight invented the paper bafj,
and at once people wondered why mo
simple a contrivance had never been
thought of before.
Mine. De Long invented metal-cutting
machinery, which has been used in
France for some time. This machinery
is worked by steam, and from the solid
metal cuts out gates and other archi
tectural work without casting. Mine.
IX' Long has cut plates of brass a foot
thick into lattice work at a single opera
tion. She has also made picture frames,
crests and lace pins, turning them out
of the metal fully finished, every opera
tion being performed by the steam
driven machinery. She first conceived
the idea of her remarkable apparatus
over 20 years since, when a paralysis
oft lie right arm compelled her to giv»
up her trade of jewel worker. She has
received many medals from various
Paris expositions. The first laureat«
crown ever offered to a woman has beer
bestowed upon Mme. De Long by tin
Society of French Architects in Paris
Mrs. Barton Parnell, who has worked
for over 40 years in the Australian gold
mines, has made fame and fortune foi
herself as an assayist. She discovered
the secret of treating ore before roast
ing it so that as much gold as browc
stone could obtained from it. Mrs
Parnell intends to found a college ir
England for women, where they will
be trained to be practical miners. I)
is stated that there are nearly 5,000,00<
self-supporting- women in the United
States alone, and it is difficult to find i
branch of trade in which they are not
doing successful work. —X.O. Picayune
for l*ott<*<l Herring.
Carefully remove the heads and tails
then wash, clean, and dry the herrings
! and sprinkle salt and pepper inside anc
out. Put them into a granite dish, wasi
and put the roe beside them; add sufli
J cient white wine vinegar to cover
Stand in a moderate oven and cook foi
two hours. Then cut them apart, anc
season to taste. The bones will havi
been softened by the vinegar so tha
they need not be removed. Press th«
mixture down into small pots, pou;
over the top melted suet or clarifie<
butter, and put away for future use
Other fish may be potted in the sam<
, way.—Mrs. S. T. Korer, in Ladies' lloio<
Some Product* of Coal.
Coal is not only a source of heat and
light, but a storehouse of colors, inedi'
cines, perfuaies and explosives. Fron
140 pounds of gas tar in a ton of coal
over 2,000 distinct shades of aniline dyei
are made.
—' «i<Jhagjfc
Jnot the Thing for Country I'lncM
Where Tempornry W ire Fenct*
Are I Bed from Time to Time.
Where temporary wire fences are
used to any considerable extent, the
corner or end posts may be anchored as
shown in the illustration. The large
rock, a, is sunk into the ground as deep
as the post is placed and the earth is
solidly trampled above it. Place the
wire around the stone before it is put
into the ground, tUe-n pass it around
the top of the post. By using a s f '"cK,
b, the wire can be tightened if there is
any tendency to become loose. To move
the fence, loosen the lower strand from
the posts. Begin at one end and make a
coil about two feet across. Roll this on
the ground, crossing and recrossing the
strand of wire with the roll, about
every foot of length on the strand.
The barbs will hold it and keep the roll
together. When the roll is as large as is
convenient to handle, cut the wire and
begin again. When replacing fasten
one end to the post where the top wire
is to stay and roll along the ground
close to the posts. Follow with the sec
ond one a little further off and then the
third. Experience has proved to me
that this is the easiest, quickest and
best plan to remove w ire fence, as after
some practice it can be done quickly. —
E. D. Smith, in Orange Judd Farmer.
Quite a Number of Thein, Including
Itoup, Cholera, Influenza 11 ml
Diphtheria, Are Contusions.
Drs. Smith and Moore, of the bureau
of animal industry, Washington, D. C.,
have made important investigations on
the above subject. They find that
"black head" in turkeys, diphtheria,
cholera and roup in fowls are con
tagious. They also believe that so
called roup, influenza and sometimes
cholera are different stages of the one
disease diphtheria. However this
may be, it is stated that diphtheria is
infectious, and it may be transmitted
to children. Therefore the great im
portance of separating all sick fowls
and confining them tosomeoutbuilding,
keeping the children away. Doctoring
sick fowls is very unprofitable business,
and there is seldom any reason why
the fowls should be sick, provided you
have done your part. Your part is to
keep the roost clean and free from
lice. Give clean water daily. Fill up
all low places where water is apt to
collect and clear away all rubbish—
burning it is the proper thing. Fur
nish good, sharp grit for the fowls, and
don't get the poultry so fat that the or
gans will he so clogged that they can
not perform their normal duties.
Make the roost tight and dry and pro
vide convenient dusting places. Make
the fowls exercise by scratching in
litter. In fact, this last point and clean
fresh water will go a long way toward
keeping the fowls in good health.
There is no kind of stock on the farm
that is more healthy than fowls when
they have proper care. Too many peo
ple try to crowd 100 fowls in too small
a house. This not only lessens tho
number of eggs, but is apt to breed dis
ease as well. The fowls in the center of
a crowded perch will get too warru,
and therefore colds will follow. A
house 20 by 30 feet is not a bit too large
for 100 fowls. The proper way is to
divide the fowls up into smaller flocks
of say 12 to 20 fowls each, and separate
them during t'hp cold weather at least.
—Agricultural Epitomist.
The pullet is so called until she is a
year old.
Never feed sulphur to fowls in damp
or rainy weather.
lione meal can usually be fed to grow
ing chickens to advantage.
lie sure and provide plenty of shade
.or fowls during the summer.
In quantity of eggs pullets will excel,
but not in quality for hatching.
The loss of feathers often proceeds
from unclean dusting arrangements.
When a chicken picks itself frequent
ly it is a good indication that it is lousy. i
With guineas—to insure fertile eggs
—it will be best to keep them in pairs.
A good dust bath will help materially
In keeping the fowls in a good condi
It is a good plan to dip the eggs in
tepid water the day before they are to
Care and cleanliness in feeding fowls
will be richly repaid in increased health ,
and thrift.
Turkeys are good foragers and will
pick up their food from the fields during
the summer.
Geese are kept largely for the feathers
they yield, and if the most is made out
of them, care must be taken to pick
them regularly.—St. Louis Itepublie. j
Meringue Itlm Pudding.
Boil one cup of rice in one quart of
milk until it is tender, remove from the
fire, and stir in the yolks of three eggs
that have been previously beaten; add
sugar to suit the taste, a pinch of salt,
the grated rind of one lemon and a lit
tle of the juice; turn this into a but
tered pudding dish; make a meringue
of the whites of the eggs by beating
them stiff, and add to them four table
spoonfuls of sugar and the remaining
juice of the lemon. Put the meringue
roughly over the rice mixture and
brown it lightly in the oven. This pud
ding may be served warm or coal. Stir
ring the yolks of the eggs into the hot
rice cooks them sufficiently.—House
Women as Hpi«K.
Women might serve this government
as spies in a great war. That a woman
cannot keep a secret herself or let any
one else keep one is not borne out by
certain secret archives kept in a large
fireproof safe in the war department.
One of the most active and reliable
union spies in the late war was a wom
an, who worked successfully for a long
period. Eventually, however, she was
caught by the enemy and hanged to a
tree. Martial law, which states that
"the spy is punishable by death by
hanging by the neck," has no respect
for sex.—N. Y. Herald.
Sondlielni's Philanthropy.
"Dot coat is yours for ten dollars,
mein friend. Take him along."
"How is this, Sondheim? I thought
you didn't do business on Saturday.
Isn't this your Sunday?"
"Mein friendt, to sell you a coat like
dot for ten dollars vas no peesness; dot
v»'j sharity."—Judge.
Onr American Policy.
The policy of this country regarding for
eign complications seems likely to remain
conservative. The Monroe doctrine, accord
ing to the declaration of our leading politi
cians, will he sustained, but patience and
prudence in official quarters will restrain the
exuberance of public opinion. The wisest
arid most prudent course for the rheumatic
and the malarious is to use Hostetter's Stom
ach Hitters, which also cures kidney com
plaint and dyspepsia.
Why lie Stood Outside.
Benevolent Old Gent —Boy, why do you
stand on the doorstep shivering? Why don't
you go into the house!'
Small Boy—l dare not, sir; father and
mother are discussing the question : "Is mar
riage a failure?" and mother has got father
down and giving it to him. Can't you hear
him a-yelling? You had better move on,
guv'nor. When mother gets to arguing she
makes things precious warm for us. —Spare
Mow 'm Tliinf
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, W'holesale Druggists, To
ledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Pursued by Fate. —"McGuffin thinks he
has more bad luck than anv man living."
"Any special instance?" "Yes; if he hap
pens to have a counterfeit half dollar it is
always the one his wife picks out to leave
in his pocket."—Detroit Free Press.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen, nervous, smarting
feet and instantly takes the sting out of
corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery of the age. Allen'sFoot-Easemakes
tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, Roll
ing feet. Try it tu-dau- Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y.
Prompt Action. Minnie "Papa in
formed me that he was very much opposed
to George." Violet—"And what did you
say?" Minnie —"I notified papa that inter
vention would mean war." —Puck.
The Oinalia Kxpoiiitlon of 1808
Beats the Centennial Exposition which oc
curred in Philadelphia in 1876 away out of
sight and is next to the World's Fair at Chi
cago in importance to the whole country.
All of the States in the Trans-Mississippi re
gion are interested, and our Eastern friends
will enjoy a visit to Omaha during the con
tinuance of the Exposition, from June to Oc
tober, inclusive.
Buy your excursion tickets over the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. An illus
trated folder descriptive of the Exposition
will be sent you on receipt of 2-cent stamp
for postage. Address Geo. 11. Heafford,
General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
Differentiated.—"What is the difference
between an optimist and a pessimist?" "An
optimist believes in mascots and a pessimist
in hoodos." —Indianapolis Journal.
Ma ine, Morro, Matanzas, mule and Ma
nila. This would seem to be a war of alliter
ation.—Washington Star.
The Place for Her.—Birdie—"Where do
you expect to spend the summer?" Alice
—"Right here at home. Since this war
broke out, you see, I have learned that most
of the gentlemen I know can't possibly get
away."—Chicago News.
<( Might Do Something.—The Constituent—
"Arc you goin' to resign an' offer your serv
ices to the country on the field of battle?"
The Congressman—'"l'm too old." The Con
stituent—"Well, the people would think a
heap of you if you didn't do nothing more
for your country than resign."—lndianapolis
"Talk about patriots. I never saw a
more ardent one than Brown." "Yes,
Brown goes to the limit. He licked his boy
last night for insisting that it was Spanish
money behind Columbus when he discovered
America."—Cincinnati Enquirer.
"George, you've been fighting again."
"Well, tain't mv fault, ma. Me an' Jim
Sturges have been fi;*htin' all term, an' I
got kind o' tired of it. So yesterday I
granted him an armistice." "An armistice?
Well, what then?" "Why, Jim jumped on
me an' licked me just the same."—Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Caller—"Can 1 see your typewriter a few
minutes?" Business Alan—"She's engaged,
sir." Caller—"That's all right, sir. I'm the
Here's a Useful Test.—"l'm afraid I am
a dreadful talker." "What gives you that
idea?' "When I come home from any
where I never can recall anything that was
said except remarks I made myself."—Chi
cago Daily News.
Improvement.—"Are you getting ahead in
vour bicycle learning?" said Amy to Mabel.
'Getting ahead ? Pin doing better than that.
That is the positive form, while I have
reached the comparative. I often get u
header." —Demorest.
A soft road turneth away cyclists.—L. A.
W. Bulletin.
Greatly Tested.
Greatly Recommended.
The loss of the hafr Is one of the most
Serious losses a woman can undergo.
Beautiful hair gives many a woman a
claim to beauty which would he utterly
wanting if the locks were short and
scanty. It is almost as serious a loss when
the natural hue of the hair begin.-, to fade,
and the shining tresses of chestnut and
auburn are changed to gray or to a faded
shadow of their former brightness. Such
a loss is no longer a necessity. There is
one remedy which may well be called a
great remedy by reason of its great suc
cess in stopping the falling of the hair,
cleansing the scalp of dandruff, and re
storing the lost color to Rrav or faded
tresses. l)r. Aver's Hair Vigor is a stand
ard and reliable preparation, in use in
thousands of homes, and recommended by
everyone who has tested it and experi
enced the remarkable results that follow
its use. It makes hair grow. It restores
the original color to hair that has turned
gray or faded out. It stops hair from fall
ing, cleanses the scalp of dandruff, and
gives the hair a thickness and gloss that
no other preparation can produce.
Still Trying.
May—They say that Clara considers mar
ridge a failure.
Bell—Oh, no! she doesn't: but she has!
her doubts about engagements.—Puck.
Marriage nnil I.ore.
"A man," said the Cumminsville Sage,
"marries a woman because he loves her, and j
a woman loves a man because she wants to 1
marry him." —Cincinnati Enquirer.
Evincing Interest.—"Darling, do you think j
i your father is reconciled to our engagement?" 1
"Yes, Arthur: be asked me last night what
your name was."—Chicago Record.
Ethics of Friendship.—"How sweet to j
have a friend whom you can trust!" "Yes, |
especially if he doesn't ask you to trust him."
—Chicago Record.
The gift of silence is often more valuable 1
than the gift of speech.—Ram's Horn.
fiiKTiiifflroii l™u i uitin
r a For Infanta and Children,
jjiSfflH|ip|Thß Kind You Haye
Always Bought
AVege taWc Preparation for As - 0 **
slmilating thdToodandßegula- _ , M
ting the Stomachs acdßowels of : .DGaXS tllQ M \
y Aiu
PrcrmotEs'Digfestlon,Cheerful- £ -/ lip
neas and Rest.Gontains neither 112 JP . 1
Opium ."Morphine nor MioemL ui M l\ # \ 1/
joa/xi of orj iMta - p'
SnJl" . lIF 112
Mx.Smnm • 1 1/1
ti*A.luSJb- I MSJL am |
nsw | (\ iA»* The
ftirmSeed- 1 \\ lit
/& X IfiriH
Apcifectßemedy forCoftstlpa- M \I l\ I IS U
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, I WJ'
Worms,Cormilsions.Feverish- 1 lj Vnti IJniin
ncssandLossOFSLEEJft M\j IU U liclVu
Tac Simile Signature of M
„.!^g_l fllwa y s Bought.
«n ppwi rnrnmmmmmmm
' Cincinnati and Chicago, St. Louis, Toledo and Detroit
Jv/Jj President. I'aaaeuger Tr&Oie Manager. Ass I Ucu 1 PUB. 4 Tkt. Agi. J/^\'
< 0 X
l^^r 1 ..,w> 3 NEW YORK
"" PARlS"'*'''*''^ a<s WASncvtrrn*
JCAIRO LOUISVILLE & V 'M 7-. *iCHMor^* ,l *^°^£3 T
...———.________________ NEWPORT NFWS
paint dealer and do your own kalsomining. This material is made on scientific principles l»y ma
chinery and milled in twenty-four tints and Is superior to any concoction of Glue and Whiting that
can possibly bo made by hand. To be mixed with Cold Water.
nr~SEl¥l> FOR AAUPIiE COI.OK CAKUB and If you cannot purchase this material
from your local dealers let us know and we will put yon In the way of obtaining it.
Mrs. Ilerzmnnn, of 356 East 68th St., New
York City, writes:
"A little more than a year ago, my hair
beßau turning gray and falling out, and
although I tried ever so many things to
prevent a continuance of these conditions,
I obtained 110 satisfaction until I tried Dr.
Ayer's Hair Vigor. After using one bottle
my hair was restored to its natural color,
and ceased falling out."—Mrs. Hekzmakn,
356 Kast 68th St., New York City,
j "I have sold Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor for
i fifteen years, and I do not know of a caso
where it did not give entire satisfaction. I
have been, and am now using it myself for
dandruff and gray hair, and am thoroughly
convinced that it is the best on the market.
Nothing that I ever tried can touch it. It
affords me great pleasure to recommend it
to the public."—Frank M. Grove, l-'auns
dale, Ala.
There's more on this subject in Dr.
Ayer's Curebook. A story of cures told by
the cured. This book of 100 pages is seut
free, on request, by the J. C. Ayer Co.
Lowell, Mass.
Bright Hoys and Cilrls, whothusearn many valuable
premiums. Two cents profit on each copy sold. No
, money required in advance. Send name and address
I for complete outfit, including Premium l>iit. to
liobert Bonner's Sons. Ledger Building. S. Y.City.
- Send for bourf of teHtlnioniul* and I O day*'
treatment Free. Ur. 11. ll* uKLt.Vs SONS, AtluuU, Utt
i / nnn nnn ACRES —»• «rm«. Timber, Mineral,
I f UUUIUUU felony Inndfc: H.mtb: chrap, taty
viiKk CATALOGUE. uMi.iiu?TKOITI>& <:o., <ush«i!i«i, T#nn.
TKAf lIKKS W WTKI). -1000 ne<<lrd now tu contractfo»
next term. INION TEA* HEItS* AUEMIES, PUUburfh, Pa.
lIICI I MACHINERY Boring.and Drilling*
ft CiftalU LUOUIH 4* N YJM A.N, TIFFIN, Ohio-
A. X. K.—C 1711
please itato that you saw the Advertlis*
I meut In this paper.