LITTLE SPRING MAID. •be I.nokn Very Stmiiilnit Inn Coat Hade of Cream Silk Cut In tlie Sew UlitKounl J»t>le. A very simple Vnit elegant coat for a little girl—one which she can wear all the spring—is made )f cream faille, Opening at the side. The opening runs 112 THE LITTLE SPRING MAID. diagonally from the shoulder to the loot. It is trimmed with guipure lace with Vandykes and ruffles of white satin ribbon. This little trimming is easily put on, as the lace comes in Vandykes ready for sewing on, and the ribbon can PATTERN FOR A BICYCLE HAT. Fran It YOB Tan Mnltr One of tlir Pnpalnr "I'uddlnif Unci" to Match Your Outiiiu Gown. The cycling: hat and the hat for golf and all outing- wear will be the pudding bag hat. This Is cut out of one-half a yard of goods one-half a yard wide. It Is so easy to make that you can have one of silk or one of wool, a cap of ladies' cloth and a cay mi broadcloth to suit each and every gown. | J J y \Under Piece y I Band for cap. Q> Cut a wheel of cloth measuring exactly 12 Inches across. Cut another wheel oi crinoline and cut also a third wheel of lining silk. Fasten these three together and you have the top or crown of the pudding bag hat. Kepeat the operation for the un der part of the hat. Cut a hole In the under one to fit to your head. Sew the upper *nd lower parts together, and fit the head band to the opening in the hat. A quill is the only trimming you need. Stand smartly at one side. be purchased all ruffled in any width you please. Ruffled ribbon is rather expensive, but the purchaser must reflect upon the quantity contained in a yard. In a long run she saves by buying it ruffled. Her hat is of white straw trimmed with white crepe de chine and a bunch cf yellow cowslips. The yellow of the cowslips is a little deeper than the cream of the coat. Making a Koom Homelike. Every room to be successful needs some sort of focus —an open fireplace, a reading table, anything that suggests a drawing together of the room's occu pants. Occasionally a house is entered whose mistress boldly banishes the so called parlor, let it be simply an exten fion of the library. Books line its walls, a long table with chairs drawn around it is piled with fresh magazines, the latest books and a writing service. All these may be as elegant as one's prse admits, but their presence confers a charin and effect by their suggestion of ■use. that is not found in the handsomest ■tretches of upholstery and woodwork. —Housewife. The C'nutellnne V«»ll. It you would wear a white veil it must be of the daintiest, most cob webby lace, with diamond-shaped dots find J.'vo or three black spots to give the effect of courtplaster. This is termed the "t'astellane veil." ItuKKin'N YI^^BAWSUS^^^ < 0 X l^^r 1 ..,w> 3 NEW YORK PANVILLE L /Vj "* "" PARlS"'*'''*''^ a FOR AAUPIiE COI.OK CAKUB and If you cannot purchase this material from your local dealers let us know and we will put yon In the way of obtaining it. THE MURALO COMPANY. NEW BRIGHTON. S. 1.. NEW YORK. WHEN HAMLET EXCLAIMED "AYE, If I THERE'S THE RUB!" COULD HE HAVE £ I REFERRED TO | BAPOLIO j cec* Mrs. Ilerzmnnn, of 356 East 68th St., New York City, writes: "A little more than a year ago, my hair beßau turning gray and falling out, and although I tried ever so many things to prevent a continuance of these conditions, I obtained 110 satisfaction until I tried Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor. After using one bottle my hair was restored to its natural color, and ceased falling out."—Mrs. Hekzmakn, 356 Kast 68th St., New York City, j "I have sold Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor for i fifteen years, and I do not know of a caso where it did not give entire satisfaction. I have been, and am now using it myself for dandruff and gray hair, and am thoroughly convinced that it is the best on the market. Nothing that I ever tried can touch it. It affords me great pleasure to recommend it to the public."—Frank M. Grove, l-'auns dale, Ala. There's more on this subject in Dr. Ayer's Curebook. A story of cures told by the cured. This book of 100 pages is seut free, on request, by the J. C. Ayer Co. Lowell, Mass. THE NEW YORK LEDGER l ?^lZ ca Z Bright Hoys and Cilrls, whothusearn many valuable premiums. Two cents profit on each copy sold. No , money required in advance. Send name and address I for complete outfit, including Premium l>iit. to liobert Bonner's Sons. Ledger Building. S. Y.City. DROPSY NLWmscovKkY: " iTO - Send for bourf of teHtlnioniul* and I O day*' treatment Free. Ur. 11. ll* uKLt.Vs SONS, AtluuU, Utt i / nnn nnn ACRES —»• «rm«. Timber, Mineral, I f UUUIUUU felony Inndfc: H.mtb: chrap, taty viiKk CATALOGUE. uMi.iiu?TKOITI>& <:o.,