Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 12, 1853, Image 4

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    E 3
• • obi amid train .
.11131"GALAN boas. Borg boots. also Woaseaho calf sad en
aasaieilloota sad bustling. fibt mate as ebesp as as air *beg
astablialimit ta min. O. BELDEN k ROM.
id ie Oft 111-4111 No. 4 Tracy's Block Cheapish's.
N Seal kinds or sale by J. O. at W.I. Urns.
N 0.3. Willis. s Uloek. Eric, Pa
Anew more pieces of those splendid Clothe. ezesimetes and
aidii DIMS. pet received and for sale cheap by SW EN EY.
Aa ettenslveassactment of Ito .rine extracts the beat in ruar •
ket.olllbeto tot the handkerchief of every kind, Colt:glm,
holaolla. posodes, asosndlaa a certain cure fot chapped hands.
stap• and creams of first quality, bay ruin, hair tellOrattve. depilatory powder, in short we constantly
keep on hasetstormsnlcte assortment of every k aid of Pettit awry,
fticyjigudes and Yonkce notions of almost every description.
Person, wishing to buy are respettfully invited to call as they
imai.diggionti Upon getting what they want at the lowest peace, at
elty drug store state-st. Eric Pee. 4..30 P. PALL.
WITNO eArsa--81 me, White, Letter. cap. tali e.lge• Cot
, satin and note Paper. fAucy envelope*, plain and Pett
iest's; gavedopes, coeditor tun k which ealtilot fail to suit
essessem, give to a calf and see. Dec. 4 lead-30 P. PALL
TlThailibeeribers would adopt this utetbod of returning their
rare thanks to the c of Erie and Ciesuity , awi the
'WM petrally for the liberal patronage hitherto extruded to
than and araukt state that they ha% e just received frt. su the City
Mtn* York and extensive assortment of
embracing Mahogany Sofasof different styles, Mahogany French
Sedated. and Chairs. Mahogany Tables, with and without Mar
b4 Tops. with a list ofother articles too numerous for newspaper
Moil, etivhith are offered at prices lowet than they can lc
procured in soy otherestablishment west of New York. This is
said la tio spirit of empty boast, but from a conviction of Its
Immo. as all will find who may take the trouble to institute a
They sootintie to manufacture all varieties of Cabinet Ware
They hold themselves in eon/taut readine.s fo furui , h. at the
shortest &like, articles of whatever at) lc ur quality Confident
of their stglit'y to give sativfaettln, they invite to their Hock, and
thelearcilities for dome good and cheap work, the attention of
the citizens of the city and county.
Maumee* of all sizes kept constantlyon hand.
Brie. Julylll. J. it. Rlir.tT & Co.
0 Rio, Java and Laguira Co ff ee just recris ed nod for
Mae by Nov. Q,lll &num tar Ir. GRAY.
anazirr Aniarv - i
TLZsubscribers have just received at their stand. immediate.
OPPesite the Perry Block, a larat. and well selected stock
Of Groceries, Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Molasses, Rico and all the
snicks usually etnkraced in the 1.31. Alsu, Liquors, Fruits, etc.
with an ssiortment of Nuts and Confectionaries. Flattering
tbeasselvesthattheur cock, in variety and excellence, is nut sur•
=in the eig.t4lCY huge to receive a I bern I ekh:tre orate pub
corsage. heir delerti1111:11i311 Is to do bt. , lness cheap for
ulalieoesidering the " le sixpence" of more worth than the
"stow shilltua," and that all parties are benefitted there/trig
per system.
rraduceof all kinds taken in exchange for Groceries and other
Call quickly lest the stock on hand becomes exhausted in the
lapis of a Saw weeks. Our prices are t h people w ill find
itsranwspres scarce able to re..:151 the ternputilr,ll to buy.
&Jeanne fOlB5O. 6 LANItON Ac RIRI.t T.
--- ---
Tashionablo Tailoring rertablishment.
Ic' THE .1u hseriher, in el-la:rutty ackllolA 'edging. the II b
lot patronage which he has receiNed (ruin the citizens
of Erie for the past five ) cars. WWII , / ilk st respectively
tall their attention to his present location. Haring
tied a new shcp on the rust side ufStati , Street. two
rs North of i3h, and adjoining .1 11. Riblet & Co's
Liner Ware Rooms. he is prepaied again to w ait up
on and accoinizioaate his ohl patrons and friends, and
tupea that by his usual success iii making -good flts,"
net OnlY to continue in their CCM i idelle P. but ulso.thio'
theirJudoeuce, and by his own ;lucent% and attention to busy
Otella toteture a liberal share of the public patronage w Melt he
ntar_peatfoliy 'GI it I or.
naval aad /dititary Clothing made to order and Curling for oth
ers to makeup, done with care and prononeepi.
Erlahiuly 99,183'2. JOHN COALDING.
DIIITALO A LK.—NiotTat's, & Barton'e Ale to bble
II and half bids. for sale by J. G. dr. W. 1. Mille,
Julie S. No. a, NV illiattly Block, Eve. Pa.
A LARGE and beautiful lot of ttotinett taboos for fall and
ill wittier trade. selected with due regard to the toreva.liog (mai
d:wet Met/et. 9 1.52-22 I; SELDEN
HEZTINGS.Shirti ng.. stripe Ticking
Coulon Ftan-
gel &e.. at No. 6, Traey'a Block eheapsirle
Erie Oet. f 1E32. CEO. Kumar & SAN.
Jun received the most Fplt solid assortu ent of Ladies drew
goods ever offered in thi , market, consistingof Dro Ire 'thine,
Gro Do Chene, Brocade, Pow. De :'cue and Plaid Silks, Colored
Crapes. Plaid. Plata and Watered Poplins. Whzreand rol'd Tar-
Wm. dotted and plain. Book and SW iSVMUIIS, striped, hared
aDd plain Muslins. Muslin and Wool Dt I Ailleg, Lama ei c ah s
plain-and figured. printed Velvets, printed Persian cloths, Bro
cade and vial a Alapaca, Coburgh clothe, Bl'lc and t'o!'d French
iirolletlo Iliad many other styles of dress goods which we have not
time to enumerate at present but call and see for yc urselves and
Never/nosey by purchasing cheap at the old stand of
Erie Env. 411 I P 42-48 JACKS4‘N.
Sues Sr., opposi lAtel., Eris.
THE subscriber. (late of the tirra of C.. Loomis Is C 0.,) conies
before the F.rie pafdic and vicinity, soliciting a share of
pitressage, confident a large and well selected stock of the c hole.
eet meld most fastkionalile 6001k5 al vt ay s nt low prices, together
with the manufacturing of Silrcr Hare and Jewelry, and close
sterstialtto business will insure a reasonable support. Having
WMllie She past fifteen y ears a resident 6f Erie, and intending
SO reamitintbe rest of life, the piddle u ill find me 1M -turd of pas_
site." but always on hand irking NV Ith the .• rest of mankind" to
stain myself and fain the world.and I plesl,m u. set fto en
0111nrOS to maintain the rep astionet.Joyed by the and firm In overt
piertieuter. Thankful to a generous public fur lily success thus
Jana liftsjahall endeavor to merit a coni inuanceof their favors.
Astir.? Isi3t-13 M. AUSTIN.
N.B.—Watches, Clocks and Jewelry caret - ally repaired.
• Z. 24.1111111T11 8i CO,
Ife. 7 Bosse!! Block, State Street, trio, Pd.
THE wabseribers beg leave to inform the citizens of this and
stOining COUIlliCf, that they are receiviue almost daily
io their stock of good,. the largest and beat asitort.
mega aferocerits to be found weft of New York City. Thank
hallbethe liberal patrounce receit ed since our commencement
la thin city, we would must re:per trully call the attention of mer
chants and others seri!), ne goods iti our line, no an ethibition of
our stack before Acing to Buffalo or New York. We wish it di.-
Illaktly understood that we a ill reit Foods tor Cash or Ready Pay.
' kaisiseapu can be purchatcd in Buffalo or in New Yolk, with
tie additioa otexpensep an getting in.ces to this City.
The fallowing comprise a small {.at of our stock—
' 80 iihd. N, () , :quiet! , and P. It.. Sugar.,
30) Bbl.. Crushed Pow'il , Granulat'd ki• Corea do.
" 15 Tierces Dutch CruOted Sugar.
IS Boxes Refined Loaf do.
SO Hbd • Mused,. and P R. Nolasses,Ar •
SO Tierces do, do. do.
71 Bbla, do. do. &c. S. LI. do.
• 31 do. Stewart's Syrup,
NI do. Cuba Honey,
Uri attend and half Cheri. Tonna Ityson, Upon Skis, Jut.
penal, Gunpowder and Black 'Peas.
IN lls. from 41 to 'Gibs of Black and Green do.
• • ii Bap Rio. Laguirr. and Java Coffee.
llsß9ies Oro/ nd Coffee,
Ti do, Cairend ish Tobacco. all qualities,
tie. lb lump do. superior qualities.
- r ants. J. Anderson's Smoking Toriacco. t, dr. lb Pro.
Ala% PeVVVIII dillirent brands fine Cut Chewing. •
TS Packages Mae kers', Nu's I, 2,ft. 3, In whole, j, j and
IX Boxes Herring, No.l and Scalded,
Nos /be Cod Fish,
IS Bide. Rtfined Winter Strained Ott,
, Also, Nut,, Rasains, Prunes. Pepper. Pimento. C 3 1 ,141; Nut
=t(Week Rice. Powder, citn.t safety F.lse, Wrapping. Cap
atter Paper: Mustard, and Ple:Cl.l , , of an excellent qu.tlity
mid ides a great manv other articles too numerous to
lasallitiOn a act adrertt.einent ofthl. Lind. We also re in ad
dition to the goods above mentioned, a large stock of PURE
WINAS and LIQUORS, which can be had 35 per cent, cheaper
Ar d* same finality, than can be purchasod Wert of New York.
artw p t i thstanding the great advance In liquors. London and Phil
sad PoeterAeotch Ale, and Wine+ of almost all drxeripilons.
7I mitt and examine for )uurselver, and ycu a ill he •atibfic.?
Wt 70g can do better than by going to Buffalo cr New York.
• Nile. Dec. 4.1 M, 30 J. :i1 10111'11 tfc Co.
WHOLlgriALE—The subscribers are agent& fur the lullow I ag
Patent Medicines, which they trill ari by Ow dozen at
/1204100000arars prices. ; Jaynes' Expectorant, Alteratit e Car
alettallre Balsam, Verntifuge i (lair !rye and Nanal Ive Pills: Is-
Vasr ettokigutrue; Bristol's and Tut% it-end's Sarsaparilla ;
we'srand Fahnessoell's Verntifuse ; Triutk's. Tanner's. A/c
-iLlioltes.Piloan's and Dailey's Ointment: Perry Data.' Pain Ki1,)64
,)64 Aye's cherry Pectoral, darter. Indian Lull:tient, Harry's
Tricopber2oo, Braut's Indian Med:elm s .111.1 Kier's Petroleum.
ififisi Nair. 20 tes2-28 .1. &
AFINS assortment of Gentlemen's nod Ladieerubbciitjutt
the thing for muddy streets at reduced pr i,es by
- Ude ftet. 311 1852, ' G. 81:1.11ON & SON.
ILTlrreirrre ed, another tot of thole tiireTtinifiChlter-tiroof
Deets. Sept. 2S• WILCOX & NOTON.
WINES. ',alai:FORS.
Art UMW!, Grocertes.Pkk !es. Picke:ed Oysters, Lobsters. For-
Lo stip Fruit and Nuts. J. G. es W. I MILLS. No. 3 Wit-
Itast's Block. opposite Brown's New Ilocel, Erse. Pa, bare
inlined'New Emoblishrnetit, n her: they are prewtred to rrit
all ,teleo in their lineal the l.on cot Prtcra. at %V itoterale and
w ar
WI. The Stock Consists In of the 6.llowlug articles, Or
Wipes, • Oranges. Pre, ,,, r‘eil Fruits, Mneearonia,
lioniara„ Lemons, Vermaciltv ' Sardines,
°WM, Pip. , Plain Piet.s.l, Atieleovje*, -
nines, Raisin*, Sliz'a P1 , 41e1.. CaLoop,
Ala, Nuts, P. , :t;ed (I).ters. Curratit's.
Cider, ' Cocoa, Plc kled Lofoten.. be Ors Pat,
IDIMIAniIa, Pine,. Pickier, Clams, ettri,oat. Ex Absintbs.
Wills /YE r Br THE II dERY.L
5,1„, /e
ALAND—Teo. fluor. Codee , Molasses, fobs sa. Rice. Graund
SpliemOoofeellyeary by the Box. Soda 80 , , it. Crackers by the
-Ilitinelr and suiny other Attie/CA too DU rous to mention.
• . lIIIPORTIMI eIUA 128. —We unto our own Cigars, and enn
. Ma belief Quality of Cienro , at the mine prices than any house In
Abe slip- Pure and Grnuine %Vine.. Liquor. of every debctim
lion tionotautly on hand, fo: Sale: Wholesale at low rates. 'A I
' 111-411oUted Wine.. and Liquors for Medicinal or other purposes
we band he the Dozen or Bmgle bottle w bleb are pure.
iIiZHCr FOR IitTKILO ALE —Mulrats and illihnah &
Ass's Ale, for sale by the barrel, at Bultilo Prier. arklink
orrinaporuttion. Alsco—cereivii g In thMr Beason o).tera 11l
OM, get lad Can, from i C. Mills & Co., of New York, for
lido Wbotesste at Low Prices.
1. Ca. I&WI, New York. e W. 1. Idtt.ts.llll , 4lo.
A. C. JACKSON. Agent. Erie , . Pa.
- X. B. How e , stea m foal'. private Families and 1/eslers gen
essilip supplied with all articles in °Lir hoe. at literate Driers
ORDeRB frossrelly nroi surrounding country tespee Ally solic
it/0k and wa pi. dge ourselves that all goods shall be as treum•
t Erie: 11 , 11 Yr IRS 2
L ----
11(1D0 CLASS.—Thr impost assortment ewer brought
- foto '•eity can be folnd at
'l4 ILTART4II, It BR(Yril FIR, No. 11,Reed Houk..
earbT ass so es
it,..Subseribers arenow receiving a very large stock of . Wei
awl fly Groceries from Eastern cities and the Auetio•
Rosa. bough+ ibr eg.ll at extremely low futons. which are of
sahe at • small advance for the ready. Those within/
6 , 61/ dimmer's ar a ll OPPOrViaity f or buying a stock of geode
Near line.Tur a vary little cash, are respeetfully igaited to call
ad egathlue at WEERRETT & GRAri.
isle. Nov 6 IF4I ggl
Wrapping lapi s.
rnivrit ATT. article of Wrapping Paper, jut received and
Da I&8L ErithiPt & SLOAN. •
GIKURANISof Avery gullet/ and styli:Oa lieentitc — Wers.
pet ar4l at Xuv f 411 SMITH JACKSON.
title DAt i .4
Past !ow, a fair doors Wass spirals
SUMO zaps%
frnii AN Is happy to tame all who while DM:UE*I6IB°-
0 TYPE LIKE/4EBSW. Who are at all rervieblar what kinder
pictures they have, to his new Brooms which have been built ex.
really for the Art. LiallT is the great 'setae( the Artist. and
it has been the eonstaut study of ali worthy of the name sinee
tbe Art was discovered, to employ and control it in the manner
best adapted to produce the most favorable results. The result
of this study and Of t tioustirls of experiments is that there not
respeetnh e permanent t.aitery in the U States where the pic
tures are made by a common window, and he who says he can
rtoduee superior picuires by such a wiudow proses his ignorance
of the Art. The subscriber therefore twits leave to say that by his
superiorl.lo HT. and with an opparatus worth six times any otb
er is this cm, be is enabled tit produce pictures which cannot be
rquelled in this part of the ctibutry, and offers to excel] any thing
which can be produced in other maim ud Erie,ot forlbitone hun
dred dol!.trs. He has also s splendid Quick Work ivy Camera,
with which he takes children of nny age! Let it bedtitinctly un
derstood his pictures will not fade if protwrly kept.
N. o.—The "recent imprOveuteu tit" may be seen at the above
rooms. W. U. $H ERMAN .
Eric. Kept, 10, 1031. 18
_ _
svilis A
li • JACII4IO •
rOR VIII/TOlll3l
1 E proprietor, W. B. KNOWLTON, has Just returned from
1 the Empire city, with the largest. el.eaptet and test assort
ever before imported front that city s cat of Dunkirk. all of which
are now ready for inspection. Ou the first floor, Ho. 1, may be
found a large assortment of Gold aml Silver Watches, Gold guard
and Fob Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger Rings of every descrip
tion. Breast pins of all wets and size+. Cull pins and bracelets
Gold, ;Sal ver, and German silver chi pencils and pens;
steel fob and guard chains, Keys, .Sr.e . llav Ing wade arrange
ments with Use manufacturers at Recast to furn,-b a supply ev
ery week fresh from the taint, tic wilt be able to furnish those
articles cheaper than any other establ isbutent west of the term I.
nos of the New York and Erie Railroad Also, on band, at
wholesale or retail, any quantity of Looking Glasses, Brassekeks
and other timepieces.
Al gams I. I Narracaxgrs.—Sue h as piano fortes, welodeous,basa
viols, guitars, violins, banjoes, tambourines, o.l6l:wets, flute.,
flageOlets, fifes, accordeons, &c., solar and caw phene lamps, and
gerondols, extra globes, chimneys and wicks, silver and German
silver table and teaspoons, sugar and salt scoop., butter knives.
CovLgar.—A very doe article of Penknives of tile most celebra
ted makers. Razors and Razor strips, scissor, and shears. Gold,
sliver, and German silver and steel spectacles.
UICITA NVIA WARE.—Tea sets, castors, and eandlest ic
MISCaLLANCtorIi.—Ch Ina Caves, Fancy Boxes Plated and Brava
snuffers and trays, Angel bag, and purse clasps, ha If eotubp, ivory
do.. Steel pens, card rases, v is i ti ny ea Ms and en% eloper, vaannrou
boards, dominoes, e hers nleit, wallets and pocket books, knivev
and Corks, t ea -r.ervero, Ike.
All of which IA 111 be shown to his visiters ni any time between
the hours orb .% M. and V P M., free gratis, and a small fee on
ly will be taken from tlfbse n ho may wish to take some of said
articles home with them.
TS Said Palace is located on the ground formerly occupied by
raid Knowlton, our dour west ofthe Reed House.
Erie. Sept. 6.-17
r TIOUSANDS of parents who use Vermifuge composed of
Castor - oi ti eiliOnieli he., are not aware. that tt hfle they ap
pear to benefit the patent, they are actually laying the foundations
for a series of disemes, such as salivation, lota of sight, weak.
ness of hints. dam
In another column will he found the advertisement of lloben
sack*. Medicines. to N hifll P eak the 2141'11(101i of all directly
interested in their own as well as their chil.iren's health. In
Liver Complaints and - all disorders arising (rum those or a bil
lions t)pc, should snake use of ibe only geutiine inedictue,Hoben
sae V* LIVE(' Pills.
T - 0" '• 13a rot dteoirtd." but Ask for Ilohenrack's Worm Syrup
and Liver Pills. and ol.ervr that each has the signature of the
Proprietor. J. N. tIORENSACK, as none else are genuine.
Aug 41 IFS& 141.1
vx7 E are n-,re prepared to teat up the Premium Rode and
Points for any•stibo would like to be protected train the
dangers of the lighiuing. Remember the man that locked his
barb after his he n.e was stolen, and do not wait until your house
or barn gem a aft °kr. before yo • set rods to your buildingP. A
word 'curie were issufficient.
i..10DE1.1. k CO.
N. B.—All ordei sfrorn a distance netually.attended
Rods and points at It holesale .L
March 13,1:42. till
PIANO ronTt 31.11EPOliZI71111.
1 BROADWAY, N Kw-roR K. The most extensive
ll 1 and variod assortment or Rosewood Plano Fortes, plain
and ornamental. elegant pattern'', elaborately earvetl, and holly
finished yilth Pearl keys. all of our own manntnettare, am/ war
ranted in every particular, eon be found at our I'Varero.tu-. 'ad I
sausanway, sew-totg. 1414- Vi--1)•.:U. SO/SGT.. Ir. CV.
1.1,. MURPHY would respretfully inform his friends
elidthe plli)lie Viler:l4 thli he has
loe,sted blaubelf
at the old stand of Middleton & Murphy. oti the flak
Sou , u ill) a large r and better a , sortmentof Tlll Cop
peratid .I.beet Iron Ware, manufactured of the hest 4 rem and °l
tems' at the must remsonable_rate.. %tholes:lle (Jr retail. Ile !taxon
hand etoves of all prit , t , and qualities cou•trucied with refer
enee to userulacps and can en ir•nce, and oldie ntr,.,A datable tua
,erial. Also .to% tripe .roil ell ow. ri . mt an a.sortinei,t Of
Whteh he naltembiturelf is unexcelled. ifequ t , t , t irt e j
DfUk pau* or set st•te. anti Cticer,e % iftl• Of eery e on .
statittt on hind pctertion , l to itorstte ,nerTY
and faittifulliest, and to spare no rtrort to rt •• r t•to .•111111, to
1101 , 01 tu receive nial merit . ;... , ; p g .
_Erse May I I r?Zi . 4.
FlSH—Just receiving, •i , Ohttir-t•
•nd Herrin; selling at a ill: "lf. •
trie, N0v.61831-10 VriCEN*l II !sit D.
011"FSBURG Lir r,
Capital 5100,000.
Offire seder .19ronsicia St., Pills . P.
TT trwann. Of. the )nil* sioek and pr ne i;.leog, thus hay.
ing tu o act deplrunevoi, combine.. the pflVllert 1,1 IWO
sell:aloe companies, at the ez prime only of conducting a single
Mew mon. and controlled by one board of bireeiora, Um secur
ing harmony, frugality and fety.
Jame. S. !loon. President. J. C. lore-h. Tress.
S. 311Clarkan, Vice Preet. C. A. CLOtou, Boe'y.
/. 4. [loon, Joseph 8. Leech.
• John Scott. Charles A. Colton,
S. Al'Llarken, %Vni. Phillips.
lion. Wm Wilkins. I.nte Secretary of War.
lion, Walter Porrorard.`Ltte Secretary or 'creaser/.
John Snyder. Est; . Cashier of Pittsburg Wank.
Staleohn Leeth. Esq.. %Vholesale Grazer.
BLIFII)ICAl. BOARD, Co:lsm:row PPTatetaltS
J. Gazttarn, M. D , J. Brooks, M. I), W. A ddi-on, M. G.
edringtott, M D. L. BRAINARD. General Agent.
The undersigned ateut of the company at this place and vicin
ity, fa now prepare' to receive applications for Insurance. also 10
furnish books and circulars explaining the. psi ocip es of the com
pany to any who may wtbit. A. D. CHAPIN, Agent.
Erie, net 39 test—'L) To. Y W Ohms'
VIE - Su b•c r iber% would respectful)) invite .ittention to their of Fitan Fortes, among my be found the bent
assort went of 1302rdni.ln & Gray's without the eelebra
ted Dolce CO:Span, attarinctit. (not .F.Jiiati) ever of ered west
of Albany. The superiority of these Piano, 13 unniversall) ae
kitottledced. and they hate receite.: ten first cla<s premiums
within the past tit e ycars, is nil places tt 112 re placrd w cotupett
lion s ith all them rzetitrally kilos niu this vicinity. The
eight hundred dtliar Piano sold by us last month to a peutlemno
111 I•biladelphia was pronounced the finest Ca er exhibited in tbis
City. It err Instruaicill 13 warranted to give perfect satisfaction
and the new attachment is how no much in use that a Piano is
trot considered perfect wttliout it. IVe shall he happy to show
tO all n Iw fall on us. alld Ivle.l4e 041'5(4% et 1A) denier in this city
uny Viso° Forte wade by thew at precisely the same price chart
ed at the manufactory • -Itliont adding transportation. &c.
Buffalo, Dec. ih Itfss--310:12, J. SAGE & SONS.
QIIAII'LIs every dererlhtiou at the New York Store—selling
I 3 at hair price Dee. 1 , 1-32 AIERRICK & DAVIS.
Birrt.Es a.,J Flaaks, vials and jars "ening:a wholesale an 4.
at the city drugstore. Dee. 4-3 u.
• r. ANN ENS Oil for sale At the lolke.t market price.. by Stie gal
_L or barrel warranted pule -fish oil. also: a nice article of seta
lamp oil and burning fluid for waleat the city drug store. state st.
Erie. Um. 4 IF3I 30 I'. II ALL
- - - - -
nLCACII GOOl4-.4 larr atuoot on hand,* Lich VI ill be sold
pt low tales at July 17 IE,II-14 .1 B. COOKI.
1 11. 0 Uinta
A TURF:E story dwelling, faioiniarly known as the Bank
llonse," on Blau. street, to offered fur rci.t on reason:AGM
terms. his one of hie yinesierlifices, as well as most agreeable
residence in the otiy. Eossossion gi% en on the Ist of April next.
Apply to Eric I. -110ZE1iSWElii,
/War with Spain:
rr it E subserthOr, eaten' hrs friends and the public for the
liberalA(ronn ge emended to him durnii: his short career in
the ineregfiti le busi west, taken thin method of iii form u 1•1 them that
be ntill-eontinues to sell g:orin at bin unusually low prices. for
Cash only. believing that sumli profits and quick sale. is the great
'Ceres of doing business. Among his present SLOCi. 1118) be found
Broad cloths. crisinineres. satinettn, %equip, brocha all wool,
cashmere, palm leaf. silk and straintilla lung and square shawls,
paramettss,Tefinoes, dela i nes. ilicier•lceves. embroi
dered collars, niu•lin edgings, sioertingnourk and liiwn Mkt's,
plain and embroidered, gloves and hosiery, vet stt ribbons, late,
gimp and a lateral assortment of dress tri Min inUs, inert !mac and
other prinu, brown and bleached shirting, and sheetings, all of
which will he sold cheaper than any other house iu the city dare
offer the same quality of goods.
New York Cash More, 4 doors east of Erie Bank,
Eriewee. 1- , .-32 JoIIN SWEENEY.
1f QCIU RY.-i lie la re(4.l stock, the Let ware, and the low
erit price- in this city is at
-Erie,D,c. 1t32.. ARBUCKLE & KEPI.ER'II.
78 SACKS Buckwheat Flour, pot reeelytd and for sale.
Erie Dee. 4-4141 CLARK & MeCA RTKR.
9849 M. Detuns, Cashmeres, Persian etc.
r tl , Se we guaraiitce 'to toilets money than-they
were Jobbed for two weeks aro DAVIS.
IkriNDOW glass of all sizes and qualities, warranted good
and will be sold at a small udvauee above dr- t cost, great
inducements for purchases to buy at the City Drug store.
Elm Dec. 4 P. PALL.
BCANDIES, w i ne*, I„tr.tort.. Alcohol and everYthing la the
trnde er4rmated good and pure will be sold la the moot sot
-1 Afitch)r) manner. Er it Dee. 4 IF:nt —an I'. I!AI.L.
.__ _
— IT a A It - 1
ri RUA' ED. Pulverised, Loaf. C muul ated. l'orto Rlco atod Near
V 'Orleans suers by the bbl or pound, cheap no the cheapest at
the KeYrtorte Grocery. Dee. 4 IFSS-30. W.
r x 8 II 1
I. Rlali Hertieg,Meekereq, Milts, and Codfish for sale by
Dee. 410. T. W. Menne, oppo,ite Drown's New Hotel
TXIAB 1 =MI 11 TZ3.1111 11
THE beat a nd cheapest lot of Green and Lilaegg Ten .n ghti city
tan be Glund the pronely afore o: T. W. MIIOR E.
E r i e D e e. 4_31. Opposite w Hotel lie gt.
S _
TE ' ARTS' $ y rup. l'or: New M Amodo for
side chaip $1 Ups. Grocery.
BlWan . paint, eantiatt.ditstinit. Wine,
tumuli', feria. oteutteg. Welting. whtte.ivitsb. nail. -teeth,
getroghttamel pettall. blend"Vihoe. Whitlow, h ,,, trib sod
mu m" b n i s b os of nest quality 46141 /AHOY to SW/the tit/K.6 1 ,4M
,and get &t Navin. Erie Mi r ' 4 10116-411 P. gum
15 4 R E
_ .
vs lianws,
* Plea amt. r: bwrs *di if itionian's) RAN..
MX. n• hawititopeeed an estenstva 0 talus's', CLOTNINCI
aad Ptuottaiume Err...Loot:uni-, at the above stun, it Ia
hie detenolnation to pay Exclusive attention to the
Front the patronage which he has already received. from nentle
men. Mr. H. frets assured that the ;node of doing
aess, which be has aduoted, does and will gr. e
entire satisfaction to all ‘,l ho de•lre to
have their earinefits made up in
GUM') TAKTI: Irvin the
And quality of
.tlaraat.l s.
mu. (s. W. VOLTS
Will always be in attendance to w 3 IL upon Customers, and take
orders of gentleman wishing a genteel fit uud a fa.hionalik , gar
ment made op in his be.t It) le.
Gentlemen's- furnishing Goods.
of the Lnte.t Styles, coml.-Intl) , on hand.
YOUTHS" aid CIIILDREN'A CLOTHING inailito seder wail
June 12 1552.
D URK E.E'd Itak in; Powder4 — Weo l 7 ,; () . f k do % z v l r .
June No. 3,W ill tams Block - , Uric, Pa.
Clear the track for
46 SMITH, No, 3, Cheapsidc!! tOttb
wilt) has on hand theLar;e-tstock of Goods, in his line. Ma
offered ue this market. it filch were pure hatted for eA2I/1 in
the Eastern emu., or itt.thufactured 1.4 himself; by which he is
enabled to sell them so low that igrople do say they must have ;oat
by the Custom House tt it hou t pa) tuft duty. Well, what if they
were smuggled, so that the people can buy
Beautiful Bilk Bata foe 51450
Borah:. 'Notts for a: SO, Stexican flat+ for So coral., and all
other goods at like low prir , t. proof of w hich, all Interest
ed CRIII call and eicatutile fur
rplinit't forget the place, Smith's Cheap Hat !More, N 0.3,
Erie November 8,19,51. tle
nit. P.C. BROWN F. 1.1., thankful fir the libels' patronage al
tended to him by the citizens of Crie and vicinity. would
say that he is permanently located in his old stand on State at..
!there he way he fot.t. d at ail tarries ready toelecuteliental work
in the best pogo i ble manner. Ile will also keep on hand an all-
SOf Meat of Dental stock loathe accommodation of Dentists Irma
the romitry. arc Invited to call. June 3.
A YOST 11111.ALIIMW9 Crag or 8 ‘Co LLiaa, AFTER 43
Edrad of o Lefler from Mr. Miriam Gulp's. of 70, St. Mary's
Sired, WsynicriaA, dared Uay 1.54. 1631.
To Professor ff oiluu ty. eltr—At the a.te of IS any wife (n ho is
no 64 caught a t mlent cold, attach settled In her legs, and ever
since that time they have been wore or less mare, and greatly in
flamed. HETl:agonies %Acre distracting, and for months together
■he was deprived entirt ty of rest and sleep. Fa‘ry remedy that
medical men arivi.ed et aft tried, but a itlrout effect : her to with
suffered severely, and the state o! her I' gs was terrible. 1 had
often read your ad% erttsements a and advised her to try your Pills
and °triune/it aced. I.s a last re.-utirce, after et ery other remedy
had proved use , ess, she consented to tlo -o. She commenced ida
week+ ago; and, strange 13 relate. as now in good health. Her
legs are pdinless, w silent seam or scar, and steep is sound and
undisturbed. Could you have witnessed the sufferings of nay
wife during the 43 y mos. and contrast them a her pleasant en
joyment of health, you would indeed feel delighted an haring
been the means (Aso greatly alleviating the satleriugs an fellow
creature. (Sigur (1) ' tt'ILI.IAM GALPI
11111 PIT 1 riARS srat.stinti.
Copy of a Letter fro= Ur. ll'a!,a2a Abbe, Hodder of Gas Owls,
of RUJACIJ , Lear IlaLtder.field,aated May 3lrt. 1-51.
'Po Professor flullon ay. ISir-1 buttery," fig a period oy3l ye ar .
frOal a Lad Ica, ilia tebolt of two or three diff•rent accidents at
G a . work.; accompanied Ly rearbutic symptom'. •I had re
courac to a comely of uir,lie-d rids ice, without deriving any ben
efit, and nay eu en told tlizit the lel nillst t e amputated. yet. lit
oppcmition to that opinion. )011r Pills and ()lament have effect
ed a COillik;t col , wto n hurt a fen %%110 had not n
uesbed it woold eredit the (let. tt , igiied) WM. AMIS.
The 11.441 b 01 till:, t.L.iielitehl rllll i e IL. dby Mr. W. P. LiJg•
laud, cht 13 Market -et. iiodcier.rield.
Ertrild from a L'ft., er ow. tl. . ,V•••dos,,,le 7' qI
I,L'afrd I.lectuber is;tl,
Tv Professor Ilcilawny. thrar Mr—My wife bad sutTered r out
had Breasts (or more than six mouths, and during the whole pe
riod had the best medical al iendance. but all to no ure. Having
before healed nu us% ful wJutld in my own leg by your unrivalled
medicine. ddeterin noddwntoa-elairPilleandtrintmenl,nod
thgreforc cn r 011411 a trial in her case. %int furttinate ix as I did
1-o; fur iu lets than o month a perk— t cure was eti‘ clod, awl the
benefit that tat Ur other t,ranehei of lily family have derive
from their us e y attoorinng. I now strongly recommend
them to all In) friend.. (Signed) PR EITRICIiI TURNER.
The Pills lihould 1,2 used co.ijointly with the Ointment in most
of the h.:lion:og easiest—
Bad Legs Chiego-Pot l'i.tulzs 'Fore Nipples al
1144111rea.ts Chilblain* iticut Sure-thrusts
Bums Chapped liamle .1 a it d u 1 a r Sit imtlixamies
Benine COIII 4 (1.(1 . 9 Setellinge. ereitrvy
Bite of Mosehe- l'aticere I.:itti! lame-heads '
oe and Sand Ci_teraeled tool riles Tiitutqs
Coco-hay Elephantiasis Bolds Yates
Bold at the petal,/ irlinicut ofrrafessor Iroßoa ay. 214; Strand.
(near l'eniple Bar. London.) and by all respectabiatlrticgists and
dealers to Medic 'ties throughout thc Bntish Empire. and of Wore
of the United Stater.. in boxes at =Lets., bicts.. and 11l Xcts..
each. Wholesale by the principal drug houses iu the Cllioll.
and by 31ezars. A. It. 1). kisses, Nest Vork.
re There is a consider:lW" sat ing by taking the larger rive.
N. B. rer lions for the glidant eof patients in every dist:rile,
are athsed to each Box.. • bast
W Ult3kt. by the bbl, at lei per gall. and a good arre eat
A G. w t
No. 3. block. brie. ea.
New edition.
jr. d. Riddle, No 6 i 4 outh fifth-st . Philadelphia. have
ALA • just puhiished a Pool nJ d Colllllll,lli
MORE THAI/ Tift,/,Vt: /Or:VD/MD I'd PR 113.
For practice to thellrottris of Pen nitylvanta and of the United
Males, and for Conveyancing ; Ain; fur the tne of Public Officers
and Men of Emitter, rte. twrally. Adapted to the recent nets of
assembly of rennay.lvailin, a Ith explanatory temarka and nu
merous precedeora au.l ietc.encea• to idandnnt a Ilii/Orilieg. To
winch arc appended a tile-s try of Law term* and a copious In
dex. By James U. Dunlap, COUltz cllor at Law, &c. Second Edi
tion. Pike—Four Dollar..
The poLlialiera have already received from nearly all of the
President Judges of our ante, and from other gentleman eminent
to the legal profet,inn. their opinions of the work. which are of
a highly complimentary nat lif t• 'flat following are aelected from
o large-UUMber of an equally favorable c ha rac ter—
Well.Lorot3h. April y 1671
Gentlemen; The collections of CCo'.lrt forma Inc conveyancing,
Sec., which turd been in uie previous to the publicatu of Dun
lap's work in 1e45, needed revision to make them convenient,
and to adapt them to changes w inch le:I-dation had rendered nec
essary in the awl:cc iu the courts to l'enn,)ivatiia.
Your edition ut that w ork therefore reeei; ed, as it merited, the
approbation of the legal profession, and supplied a want which
was felt by biomes, men nerally throughout the Stale.
• After the numerous tem inion ials hic la you have received from
eminent Judges, in respect to the 'lien:loess and excellence of
that work, commend:lll,l:i of it froin the would be superfluous.
I way he permitted, how rtvr. to re s that ( approve of the
general character and arrangement of the work, nut!, having ex
amined a portion of the new edit in which you are publishing, I
may add that the author has grenCy enlarged nod unproved his
firm editlvii, and that, w hen published, his t•ook will be the most
convenient and useful oi.e of the kind extant. •
Very truly yours, aLe .
Pittslntrgh,Apr'.l.l4 I.
Gentlemen: " Duulap'A Conveyancing nod rortnaw is a work of
deeul.•.l merit. I ton glad to Mad that it IN to be re'Prodarri, with
many valuable addi:ions It shan!al be an thechands not only of
lawyers and atagi•trates, bat of the bats a neaareommunity general
ly. There is scarcely a position an life in which a Mall *di not
occasionally Cud bine elt an based of theassastahec of such • uork.
hope the autho may he abornlantly tenutnerited for the
earning and industry hestowlacati at
With treat teapeel. yours. ite
Mews. E. C. 6...1. D Wale; WALTtat FORWARD.
31emsrt. E. C. 4 J. BM,.
G rgh, April h. IF4I.
Gentlemen; Vorfhave favored MC tt nth the printed sheet., from
page 0 to 136 twklusive, of the second edition of Mr. Dotilap's
Book of Forms. Inm please dto (earn that a - second edition of
his workdi about 1 crag issued. It ban been. and now is, one of
the bevrworks of the kind in the bands of the profession. and it
evjek‘atly much unproved by the authors revision and additions.
hate the pleasure oran acquaintance with Mr. Dunlap. lie
la a gentlemen whose respectable processional , attainments and
methodical habit of mind tit hint well to be the author of such a
work. 1 shall not hesitate to recommend it to Ow gentlemen of
the Bar in the 10111 dirtrict. Very respectful Le. oke.,
Messrs. L. C. Lc J. Steidle. J. U. BURRELL.
Ilimting,dva. April 26 1t 2 .52.
Gentlemen Important changes lii 011 r PI Wine,. MIKE' 411 C pub.
lication Outtlap's Conveyancing and l'urnti," seemed to
Sat some enlargement of that etre', lent and biglily iL.4 . , ru I I , (w k..—
The edition which you arc about to publish, embodying-as it doe s
a very large amount of new and varied matter. and being■° well
adapted to general and ',recent tv•but, cannot fail to be greeted
with a cordial welcome by the urofesidon.
A familiar acquaintance %lan the cork, and a carerul exam-.
nation of the sheets of the thrthe oming edition, enable me to rec
ommend itov Ole great confidence, as a book which should Le in
the handy of every r c rivener, and have en early place In the li•
brary of every gentleman engaged in the prat' ice of thc law.
Very re,.pectfutly, yours &e.,
11feasrs. E C. & CORA; E TAYLOR.
Oct. 30 1652. tftli
Dress Trimmings.
SILK fringes, thee gimp, Jenny Lind tticNminge ribbon.rdo. ac I
wet r, on!, silk braid. r.or.trd do. KAt edged pialu sllk
buttons and other hinds of trimmings at
ErieNor..olS.32-48. FrtITH JAPXSON-S. -
LADILS rirow tiVerrtirx s n new DlAfirie;
Ladiez Fine Gaiters. of ull size. front twos to eights. for
rale by Sept. 1.5. WILCOX & NORTON..
A LARGE supply of fresh Drugs end Chemicals warranted
13. pure. offered for sale at the lowest prices by P. lIA LL.
City Drng store State-st., Erie Pa. - Dec 4 1c34-30"
rr* S w
rAN and after Monday Nor 2 - 11 1332, Trains leave Erie ,Toing
V East excepted, as follows.
No. I, Day Express and Mail 12 30 P. M.
" 2, Froight " 300 "
3, Night Exprces " 12n A. M.
Trainaleare by Eastern Railroad time, trli,ch Is about thirty
(30) minute) fik ter than Este Time. J. F.
Erie Nov. 27 1632-22. Sop'
DUBE and extra while lead, drywall ground in oil by the pound
keg or ton. Linseed oil frniii Ohio warranted pure, boiled
aad uuboiled,bythebarrelorgallon.spiritsTurpentillP in abun
dance. •arnisLEN of every kind, chrome green and yellow, Amer
lean. Chinese, vermillion and venition red, yellow ochre, french
yellow. Paris green, lamp black of every quality, Prussian and
ultra-marine blue, whitiag, red lead, liihrrige. Turattv
and every other kind of paluti and materials in the trade which
ate offered as low as can be bought in this latitude .
Erie Dee. 4 1553-30
OBoxes superior Cavendish Tobacco of all grader, also put e
natural loaf Tobacco for pale by
&la Nor. 6 1836-16. STltzarrr & GNAT. Chcapal‘le.
100' 1 "
- - Corr*. Crushed. Powdered. GreaullutriidaDd R
flood SiI,I,IIXII, at Nov 04. oyr RR LTT (; RAY.
25 Hii DS. ail grades or Brown Sugar fqt sale by
Erie Nov. • ISer2-901 STIMR FITT Az. CRAY
s chwa...A
at variety officio. fat Ilse Toilet moth. il7.7.Eli all the latest and most elosant cad highly
1111 C & Itainstra.TlO. lteporf bum.' .
LS. •N• • . 's • & Obey tlyhip
sale by Nor. •rU*m & GUT.
RI aillatim Wok'
..i r
wiLawmui lIRMIWAL
311 311,10110111. XZ •
A RE sow dolegbusinestidall4 vinittheingured
a participation ia the proLtsof tkeCompanyoritboutliabill
ty beyond the prem itrcs patd.
Risks upon the Lakes and Canatinsuned on the most favorable
terms. Losses- will telibetallyand promptly adjusted.
. .
Fire r iokii oti inerchandixe,building , and otherproperty,in Lawn
oreountry. for a limited term permanently.
Joveph H• Seal, Jame.. C. Hand, Edmond A. ender
Theophilm Paulding. John C. Davie, 11. Jones Drooke.
;When Burton, John Garrett, John B. Pehrose„
WO Craig, Samuel Edwards, George eerrell,
Henry Lawrence . David B. Stacey Edward Ilaritnk .
Charles Kelley. Isaac B. Davis, J. G. Johnipt i
William Coln ell, William Hay. John . Neietrck
Dr. ei.Thuouta, Dr. R. 114.11n.d0n, John eller. dr.
Spencer Metivane.
• Hichard3. Newbould,See,y; Wm. Ma real
DJ' Application eau be made to
_________. J. KELLOG ifpnt,
Eric, Feb. la, F.:.1.
The Mite County Mitual Lustirezeo Company
MS Company divided their risks into two classes, v
Firri Class or Farmers Cur:spumy, in which farm property
And detatched buildings may be insured. No risk taken in this
class to exceed fr2ooo. • •
Second Chas cr Commercial Department, in which various
kinds of huildimrs, merehandite he., in I :l+Mtes and Cities,
may he insured. No risk taken in this Class to exceed 152,500.
The (Linda lii one Clara will' not he taken tup:.y losses in another.
• - Dir•eS•rs.
Smith Jackson, James D. Dunlap. -
J. H. Fullerton, J. C. Marshall,
Win. F. Sinderneeht, -John Ziinmerly, -
• Win. A. Galbraith, Peter C. B.irton,
. Jos. M. Sierhlt, 3. D. Clark,
C. M. Tibbals,
Gen. *Aden.
3. 0. witham..
Smith Jaeluion. Preset. J.
01Bee tinit door went or Williams k Wrights Brokers' Oiler.
(up slat's.)
°Mee b- tt J to
1, P. M
TIM Under . ..tatted Dating secured the exclusive Agency for
the tale of the got e named Bur iAI cases. for Erie. Coirtit),
and deeluirp the article one which depends solely upon Its 'unix
merits would respectfully k•Cli IC tt an Inspect iun Oldie sa uic al his
Ready-made Coffin Ware-Roots,
East side of chile I etween 7 and S its , over the g 4 :ltaron !ton
Company's:4ure where satisfactory refcrince and testimonial.,
as to ti.eir prat ilea' uti:ity can be giver', wind' together with a
personal inspection cannot but recutotatend then; to the fa; (gable
Coll6l4lcraticm of all tiro-e %A Ito in Cie dispensation of Divine
Provident, Ii t e Lit ca ,, ien for the use of a Coffin. - Tim under
signed would bete add that these easel , are of a classic form, and
cur-respond iiis'ta pe, to the o , aline* of a buntall body, are highly
otnainental, and regarded as less repulsive more Lcaiittful and
uuntue in ni,pearni:ce, than any other a rt !t• le. used as receptacles
for the dead ; they are made of the timg imperishable materials,
are enameled insuleand out, no as nut to ruin or corrode and Isbell
cemented together ore perfectly air•tight, prev clouts the esbala
won of offensive gases, so that w hen de-d red the remains can Le
kept for w eeks before burial, awaiting , the arrival of absent
friends; they are light and portable, a tlhe to' time being more
or less ettryilitient, they posses more. Man sliftle tent strength to
rest-t nit-the pressure of sasses from the Lode, which they are
sublect to w bile in use ; and bodies may he diontered'even after
a lapin of nmny ears; aid removed to any part of the country'.
w 'glom ,112lite.t .11-agreeable odor arts, , e from them.
In the use of these Burial Cases. the gratify tug reflection In af
forded tour:is mg friends and relatives. that the mortal remains
of those once dearly ',closed arc enclosed and deposited where
they w ill remain in trace, tree front the irruption of water, the
depredations of vermin, and comparatively beyond the unbal-.
lowed desecration of dissectors. and a 1;1 be permitted to undt rgo
a transfortuaticm, or re urn to their mitt% e elements, from natu
ral causes alone.
3.14" Ibe unitersigiled has roast:m(ly on hand and for sale at
his et r, ru. i,is as .11,0% t Li; te-tAoodajlithoeony,llizck-walnut.
cloth covered. and all kinds of elieaper of an ',hes a ll
ready for iniiiiesklate use, also ; shrouds of all .iLes 1 . ,), both sexes.
N. B. Ile is nreF,rrijo take the general sum ititeudanee of
funerals, and f •ir 01-11 kivar.o not Carriage, it .Ic,irelL
Erie Jul) 17 A. cm lc:.
- - -
rift. C.. 1. FOX, of New York City, ham located permanently
1 , in the city ofF:rte, for the treatment and cure of Idisetufeaof
the Eye, in all their carie,cs and btageir. Hat ing assioted nod
hero in sew c piac tree for e.vcral years it. the varionii depart-
Inenlg of the science of Medicihe, he antlers himself that all
disease* adtuutiug of core way Le aecompllshesl under his
❑. f I it'ENrEl —Prof. \Tott end Faculty of New York; Prof.
raeultr of Uhany Medical College; Dr. Leach, Yye
Irdirloary, flies. N.-Y. .
tit Dr. Drown nen ; N 0.3. Hughes' Mock
Eriel June i. 4.
'..ay to horse owners that he has the v-
04 0 . CF* B ret at nearly the entire race,of patent retue,iies
for horses, and V. ith a of years practice
will he ;We to give satinfaetion generally either as a farrier or
1-,v. , * Please enll at my ofire at the Canal Stable near the outlet
leek of the Eric Extenviuu Canal, and j.tdge for yourselves.
Jan. 3,1141.-431
GLrrOMIS has removed lo No. 4, Brown's Block,
• and is now opening a new and one of the most
rich amt sllleudi l at•orinients of Fine tV.itottes, Jewel
ty, slid SOY( r IVarr• (list wa• ever offered in this city, embracing
a great variety of Watche of dttle:ent I:eapeuteots, Loth god
audtilyer .....10,..1 , ....0 yirleof Chatna,eeals,and,lieyslotilalCh
Unreihtr n itti the root fa.hionnlde Jeuelry, ecntilaing ur tine
gold diainend, r./ I , v. peel and topar.rin zer Rine.. roNy nod pearl
Broacher MO Ea rpc , olintc 'lrak:lc:L. , . etc. :UFO, Gold LOCl:err , ,
gold rind i-iker 1'i1. , .',..20,1 Pr de, dr,=ert and ten spoons, Ilnitar
Town. and !..:.e 0 3 1 ..,, y,,,1d.t0 Rnn .1 , 1 , 1 l'ortin)ho - s, as a.,,.,,, 1 .
mcnt of rich Plated Ware. Fro*. Tea. Seto., Mores. Forks.
Spooiiii. Lidies, i'aildt,-dicl.... , o I a great ~., r le' . of r,,, ,y and
other 1:00,1....l oil' use' HI a lid n ?D., tarot 11; cloe L., cf au do,errlr
non- iv. al €.l 25 i , ti72.0..dl of ~ lash m.. 111, sold in cheap a, the
elneap••t and a tilde cheaper fur ready pay. The nif e ut io u of
tine former c'l+l°:ll,'. of U. Loom!, and the public generally is in
ilted to 0111 truce. June 5
B ___ _ _ _
RANDY. Goo, Clio, l'Citr. Maderia god Sherry %V toe. or all
grades and pricer. Now just reCCI ved •.N/ cage,. Claret %V lue
for sale low at . J G. & W. 1.1141115.
June 3. No. 3, WIII la Ina Iltoek,le,rie,ra.
Livery and Sale Stable.
rpll P. Public riLtrs hit bought out 11w interest of Ei. C. Rea:
atone io their eviablishinent on Eight street letweeu State
and French, would give notice that they are now fully and am
ply i•upplied with Isuiees,anu different varieties of carriages, of
the yen 6eot dem tiption. Their stock is alutoetitutitely new,
and coliicitieutty of the first rate character. Public patronage
is revritull) invited.
wishing to purrhare,horses will flacra full supply for
that purpose constant!y on hand.
Erie. July 21.1 2 .12. E. T. 111•CANN
(Al the old stand 0( 1 F.1%'. Breed, who coin inner .n the new firm.)
1 .1
AVING Ireen lone extensively *lncept] in the turmuhretore
nod sale of BOOKS, and bettia the only inanufac tu rt g pub
lisher,. in Manic% are prepared to furnish every article in their
line, at The /wept prices. O laming in exchange fur their own
publications, moat It nuts of MI-cella whits and Se huol flock from
the Postern Pub! isherv, they arc therel , y enaTied to fell thew.
I Lire their oven [looks. at a small ad‘a nee , on cost of in: nufacture.
['articular a tte-tion is iiiviled to Ilte•rr new edition of
QUARTO FAMILY 111131,E5, •
1r rariruu style:. of binding: and also 16 their issoqinent of
School. and School Library Rooks,
%mien is probably the laree,‘t to s!ic state, ha , . itter,,,been selteted
it 11h care from alinoet et ery 11°,4, mart t it the t • tijOn.
Medium, Cap and Letter l',..pers,
Obtained direc 0) froru'plie !tea% test manatee lUtta 111 the country.
Trareling Agents will find n stock suited in my* itd priers to
their wnnt..
InP WPSTERN DEALER.S. can 'generally duplicate their
New York bills cd purchase here, at same prices or Jew', thus sa
ving the entire cost of transportation from New York to Boast°,
arid from ten to twenty date delay in the transmission of goods.
All orders tilled with prk,u.ptners, ant! ill theltnme pr.ees as tribe
purchaser were present. PIIINNEY it. CO..
Book Publishers, Nos. lei- and 5 West Seneca its,
Oct. In 1P52-21. I.lcrrAto. N. Y.
T.oihre ri her. ould again call the otiention of the public to
I the hie t flint they are receiving g large and well selected as
rcrtnictit ofi)r) goods, Groccriev, Hardware. Crockery and tiai6.
Our stock comprises the molest Nariely of Dress Gorda Prints,
Shawls, Ilosiery, ludia Rubber Shoes and 'domestic goodswhich
we have at any previous tone offered, and for quality and style
ration( tr surpnssed In this market Our old customers and the
putt ie generally arc reviortfolly invited to colt and examine our
• toc k, all we frel ColliitiCllL that we can otter air soods at as low
rates ns are offered in this inurket. JAS. HUGHLS & c;11.
Erie Oct 23
For Show Caw .fora omit Skop Witanws.
AN assortment of French I:ngtoth and American class suitable
for the above purpoiies by 25 ( ItTERJt.BRU.
11 ERR 131 AC and other Plums, jat received nt the
Sem. 25. !Wit York Cash Stare.
_ _
Bombazine. Brocade and A lapacas. very cheap
at '3(.44.25. SWENEY'S
t LES—Broca dr. watert-I, black and thrured Btlks , Gto De Af-
Booit he S.ote, Gro De Nap., ehaneeable, basid and
sttlped riorencev.Bonnett,eilkv and Sattur,Ritk Velvetirblack,
blue et,-rn blue. brown, pink mid figured.
Erie Nor. ..77 11 4 51—.76 J. B. 4'OOK.
JUtzT ECEIVLII.—French Cloth Cloaking, BIN:, Blue, Green
J and Brown. At the New York Sture. .
Erie Nuv, IF.II-244 AD.:BRICK &
J DoZ. Lunen $1,11a,4 from to $4 Mb French Merino. tie
lIJJ Lams, Alapateas. l'arametta. Shawls ace ,cheater that'
titre benitr,t... al the,,fiew York Store, No. 6 ilonitell Mork.
Erie Nov. d 7 1.95,„f-29. MERRICK & DAVIS.
ATA—Grass, Alan illa. and Wool Allahroftall ViLCe and coi.
_L.A. ors for sale cheap at Dee. 4 '32-30 MOORE'S. ,
QUGARS of every quality from 6J to Is per pound. Coffee rolit
s.) Teas green and Mack for sa:c as Chi,:lP as the cheapest ....I
cahuot fail tosust purchasers - su qualii) and prier. by the pound
chest or sock. For sale at the city drugstore. 30 P. !IA fa..
I UST arrived at the California Store, a, few more of atom
splendid heavy cased Patent Leber limiting Watches. The
movements are of au forum workmanship and fint<ll, ordered and
Imponed expre , stv G.
Erie Nov. al NJ 4 'lron r.'e Block
BUT GOODS, AT 3031 N 33. 00033. 9 13
Cheap Cath Store. Preach St., user Reed Ileum.
TT OW receiving and opening. a stock of Goode which 1 ant
1.11 bound to sett at a sinal:cr profit than any dry good store in
Erse. As I hold my goods for ready payantall profits will do—no
prreen tarp. put on for had debts—that is the 11311•011 why yon can
buy goods so cheap at .N'Jv • 27—'51. - /OK'S.
NOW OVENINO—French Hermon., German Merinos.. . i nd
Pa rarnett.g. blue Maroon, light and dark brown itch.' ight and
dark green, drabs, Ger4l3llll Men not**, a well selected clock. and
a genera! nsmortmert esiore—afeey cannot be surpassed.
A lapaeas, !Jack, blue, brown nud risured, etc.
Erie Nor 27 ISSI-11 • J. O.' COOK.
Dk:Li INS. diured and plate,le this branch of DrassfGoodial
would respectfully call the maculate of the Ladles. To
enumerate styles would be elatest kaposalble. but would may a
lames had hefilem aseconaset hos rower hem o le psis.,
They are beyorerdeserlptkar—you mit cell so use . rri•
emote so low that eo see will want them cheap*.
E(le Nov. 11-40 I. N. COOK.
or *5OO CIIALLEPrer.4O j!
tl7 ATEV&R coneerns the heahhald happlaess of • people'
rr Is at all times of the most valuable lapartaMe. IMU 11
The ;vistaed that every person will do all in 'r power, ta wave
the vel of their children. and that every person will endeavor
to promote their own health at all sacrigess. Ike! it to be int
duty to tdentitly satiate you that WORMS, according to the opir•
lon of the most celebrated physicians, are the primary causes of
a larr majority of diseases to %Welt children and adults are lia
ble; if you base an appetite 'continually chanvalde , torn one
thine to another, Bad Wrath, pain in 'the stomach. Picking at
the Nose. Hardiness and fulintsa of the Belly. dry Cough, slow
Pule irre,rotar—rPinember that:al tlresedot.atc woaate,
An ame t t . round,' upon Fc 'entitle princi;deti. 'eompounde.d
with purely eegitsl,le substances, Untie pe rteecty sa fe when ta
ken, and can L.! given to the most tender Infant With described
beneficial effeet. where POICti Ceseptaisis sad Duarviaa have
made them weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my
Worm Sprup art , such; that it stands withottt an equal in the
catalogue cr moitcsnes, on air ire tone and strength to the atom.
ach, «Itch makes it an remedy for those shltcted with
Liyreept la, the astonishing cures performed by this Syrup after
Fit) ste tans has e failed, Is the best evidence of its mimics eke
ey over t a others.
This is the most Jiff:colt NVorin to destroy of a , ' that infests the
human system. it gro. I harm almost in.letl ."0 n2i ft heroin in,
so coi"erl awl PlSlelied to the L tiesunesandzwmaeheffeetinttthe
toenltlCso .4adly as to cause St. Vans Dance. Fite. &e.., that those
ailiteted. seldom if etc.' sispect thslit is Taps !Forts bastsming
than to an early crate. In order to destroy this Worm, a very
energetic treatment must Le pursued, it would therefore he prop
er to take 8 to d of my Liver Pills so as to remove all olvirnetions
that the %Vornt Syrup may set threet upon the Worm, which
must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoonfuils three tunes ajday
theve directions followed have never been known to fail in cur
ing theumet obstinate case of laps Worms.
No part of the system is inoreliable to disease than the LIVER,
it serving as a minter to purify the.blood, or giving the proper se
cretion to the bile : so that any vt rong action of the Liver effects
the other Important partii of the system, and results 1, arionsly, in
Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c.. We should, there
fore. watrh every symptom that might indicate the wrong action
'of the Liver. Tricsv• Pills being composed of 100T5 •nD PLA.II - 15
furnished h) nature to heal the rick •, Namely. lit, an itirreso:
ts Ilia augments rile secretion from the Pulmonary mucus
Membrane, or rroii.cteo the (I iseharge of sccreted matter. 2nd, en
at.Tiasrite, which changes in some inexplicable amid insensible
manner the certain morbid action of the syitein. 3rd, a imam
%%Inch gives tone and i,trengtli to the nen ous system. renewins
him! ih and vigor to all paits of the body. 4th, a CATHARTIC.
n Inch acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and
°per:al:it on the Rowdy. and expelling the whole HMIs of corrupt
and vittatti uir.uer, and purifying the blood. tthich destroys dis
ease and restores health.
You will And these ?Moan invaluable medicine in many com• ,
plaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or,
partial, they hart been found of inestimable benefit, restoring
their l'ltictional arrangements to a healthy action, purifying the
blood and other fluids so effectually to put to flight ail complaints
t hich may arise from female irregularity, as headache, giddi
nets. dimness of sight, pain in the side, buck, &e.
Acne genuine unless signed J. Ilobensack, all others being
ba f-C Imitation .
r Agents wishing new titipplies. and Store Keepers desirous
of becoming Agents must addreits the Proprictior,.l. N. Hobensack,
Phila , 'elpitia. Pa.
Sold by sll Merctiantsa lid Drnggista in the Agents..
Carter & itroter, Erie. Wholesaie and Retail Agents. porker.
Mercer Fisk & Hatt. Cleveland Ohio. Price each .2.5 cents.
G W. Keyster, No. 1W Irood dt.. Piterburp Wl.otesaleAgt.,
who v. PI supply Ascots a 1 the Proprietors prices.
August 21 *32 lylb 1
fr SRI Rharon Iron Co. have taken nstore in town. where they
intend keeping a frill snpply of the d treren t kinds and si
zes of 'mil they Ina kr. and also* eeatplete assortment of Malta.
Persons who have used the rtaktky t 'lts Company don*
need to be told that none better arc med!attl matt or elsewhere.
Erie. Sept. 6.-17
No. 9 Frown's Block.
" ILIt tie kept eotwraptly on band, "a large and well aelrelod
ar.ortnietit of Crockery, Glass Ware &e., eoniprwingWhitg.,
Iron Atone Ching. MulburyWare. Light Blue Ware, also 11 kite
and C 'lt Band china; in fact et ery thing to wake out complete
Dining, Tea and Toile:lS. It).
Cuilr.vna WARE!
A larrie• P.teortr:el:l mat/ Its sariettes, also Yellow and Rock
ingham ty.,te. of the late-et at les.
IVA Lai 4 no hesitation in saying that our
t 4 tr J ek of Glatt Warr Imo nsurprissed by any this side the Atlantic
ities. to enunicratc all would be almost impossible. however tit e
st id give a few r niece. viz: Looking Gl:tears of every size Slid
wirier... large cut Glass Dishes. Yawls. cellery Dishes.SllgaVs.
tt“its.Goniets. wine Giasscs, Lentonades, Lecanters, nod Tuto.
',era of all liOrta and P. I also Gla, ty the box.
SiiveetaLeti ct,ifce Caislors.kc•. ale° Bri
tanna Ware of nil It ind. , ; the above will be sold for cash as 11w
as can by bo.ight thtsatde New York.
Slay CA DIVCL & BEsrarrxi
Land roisale &c.
rriiE subseriher bas two farms to sell, both eligibly loeated!:- perpoees; and convenient to market; well tinitici !.
watered and adapted hi proper portions to grain and gram.; }per
son,: desiring to make good locations had better call before the
chatter to gooe. one of thtto Is a small place containing about
30 nod the other I lit to lau acres wore or
rapt) paid fur !'.Dung' land 14 arrant, , • :.,:atcd by WC
West Sprtgtield, Erie Co.. l'a:, 31ny huh 1,52. .1.
._ GILBERT 111.71tii i .
Zoystont Paper Mills, .
PEASINS Be/33Ln 21
NI R . ..EZ ; IFILT h M i
jilt, V !
t!a " t l i t l i i i n 'l t. ' h " e=ree t . b o ")- efe rviu .t r Pe e r
Alae.loc 4 tndfl 'icitieu. thc Nu.itier.s tt ill hereo , wr 'J mducterl ty
the outeecritters.under the lIIIIIIC urn:di - in.& •Scideoi o will 4ifit
all aceouuta of the latetirut. Oct 19.
arena L. TSTLXT.M. saw -- I.lll . l.ltaiß •
10 f) - el. New Salt,joet rewire , ' And tdr eolu..y -------'--
t. July 31. Forxitasrr Jr. Gliae.
20 ()0 LES. Good Cod Fish; alea, %%11,te Fiab. 'fuut
31ackeral, nice. etc, utc,Ju.t reee.retl thet,h al
July - 31. S fMa ,TT Ai GRA*.
T UST rcccitcd atl'io. n Bros% re's Block, by the subseriLers, a
11111r - wasur meat ur blather's superior
rise Book- Sob. and News Ink, ,
in 11425 and 341 lb kegs. and in cansof Ilb-each—Also; Red green
trot !lilac Ink. Thot.c an want cannot find a better article.
I:rte July IT. 1-.52. ' ID DUBLIN k 5L0441
_____ ______
Warted 'et the 3ltllcreek Mellen Factory.
T"stiliscriler ha el tig taken :qr. John Jou, ett into pa rtitersdu it_
in the Manufacturing itui•ineiis, at hi, chi 713
township, where the) ore prepared to triznufacture any quantity
of wool into cleat, cast here, blanket.. flannel, Ice.,on Owes '
or dig yard, an %yell as any other er•tabl ishtnent in t he country,
having as good card, an can lie got op in Pennsylvi alai
Cording and onining dotte for cent , a run of titer Town Wool.
Carding Bulls 4 cents per lb. eictU dressing done in any et) let that
is wanted on •ttiort not to.
Carpets wat.hed and colorm retained for extra pay. or washed
ith soap at the ON u. , rs rirk.
N. 13—rervunplet.ving %cool at John Wing's, Eagle Village, to
card. will have it taken ou Saturday and returned the neat, or
carpet! the N.l:.^. % CT ICS ICED.
3liflcrerk ..11.! t. IPSS 8 ORIN JOIVFI - T.
- _
• 197. Bresdaay. belie** Dew wwid Fulton street. few York.
GENTLEMF:Zirti Putn hitting. Goods of thefatest st,,e* conota
ly ou hind. Naval. Military, Youths' and Cailoren's Cloth
ingtitade to order ti.t•.h neatness and despatch.
LT ADD'S. and Gents K id Gloves of every shade and quality juet
.r.reeeit ed at July J. SWEENY'S
, N cud I.leached thcettngs — and srlinings Just ri'•nired at
Inc July °telt. 9 J. SWEENI
ErtzrosisursOP raoszoN.
4. CURTIS having reitirnedironi New York has opened
her Fall stock of Mill I:l^fV and Fancy Goods, ettitaprasah.:.
as annul, the.matest style*. The following embrace a part
Bonnets of chillErl*variety, ribbons in abundance of every quality,
Dress Caps, Head Dresses. Artificial 'loners. Equines, French
%socked Collars and Caps. Under and Sleei. es, Inserting's,
Embrordered Linen Ildk• fs,Thread Laces, Black
I.ldR, niaterial* (..f all kind. for Bonnets, v,iJe s lk, %elver. for
cloaks. 'ilk', satins and %elvers of all colors. gime. and hosiery
of all size, and kinds, mitts Lodi long arid short, velvet ribbon*,
dress and cloak trimmings of every kind worn, cords and tassels
of different size., articles for mourning, hair combs, worried
braid, fringes and gimp, straw cord, gilt and embroidery cord,
embroidery paterns, marking canvass and crewel, knitting yarn
and needles. fancy baskets. in fart every art,cle belonging to a
complete assortment of Ladies' Millinery, which will be sold,
holesale or retail, at reduced prices for cash.
My facia it aes fcr doing &matinees are such Otani can and will
sell goods as cheap 'as any House west of New York of the same
!tit!liners furim•lied ;14 usisnl at ff`litlCOd prices. ReadY made
Bonnets and cloaks cotn.tnntly on hand. All orders attendedto
wlth Fewness aid di,spdteh. Corner of State and fifth 61reets,
Erse Pa. • Oct. 2 Ifilea.
GANDI.V.£4, Casindiene. Burning Fluid. Lard Oil, very aupe
rim Sin r, aloe Sn•rineCandle4 much better and quite as cheap
as Tallow Candler for rale by the boi or pound by •
cri nor , ‘13.•21. (.7A RT ER & BB° T ILE No 8 Heed limn..
I INSEED ()I L-15 VAL pure I'Vestern Lin.sted Oil for rale in
qoiniitirs WSW! purebascril.
Erlo Oct. 23 I 5.52--21. CARTER & !MOTHER.
2fovr Faris Millinery and kan,,rir
DAvls & CO. !Jai'!" removed their fashionable Mitli-
IT very estattishment to the house one doo r below the Custom
[louse, and will be open on Thursday October 7, 1S51; the .
most elegant assortment of Goods in their line ever offered hi this
city. Their stock consists of almost everything
fir, Eith, Or F4iley in Me Mil/burry tine,
Such as Silks. Satins. R ibbons, Flowers, Laces, Edgings, worked
Collars and ;Skew s. Bonnets of all styles. qualities and prices. in
short ever% nit to be found in a fa , hionable Millinery Establish
ment, all of u Inch the public arc invited to call and examine. '
TT The Dress making Department soil De under the eharre of
Mrs. Cochran. wtnn , . tiJetreye in giving satisfaction to customers
is a sufficient guarantee for the future.
Erie Oet. U ISSI.
G OLD and i:;;T; er Warelms, rich Jcwelry,Silver Ware,Clocks,
hookirix Gilt Portrait and Picture Priiines, Solar
Camphene and tin id side a nd s uspendlng Lamps, Glass Lanterns,
stained and plain Glass, Musical Instruments, Strings. &e.,
Walking Sticks, French and German Toys, just purchased in
New York. and receiving. and opening new and fresh. at ts hole
pile and retail. Call in and rev the stock. Buy a eben p clock or
onicttunßelt.e. if you t il e, at AUSTIN'S,
Erie Aug. 7 1^.1'.11 ld Oppcwite Drown's Note'.
— sofa XDO rye ziarir atram:
w o tLA most regtec
e fillyifg leavetorTr7litgi ere t i asiioi i.nut c mtandihepueaener al ral
the ‘ery lil,cral patronage heretofore extended to him, and would
inform thew that he has Just received the
Largest and Best Stock of Goods
in hisline that ha.: ever been offered iri this eitr.erinviatharof
of the ehoieest kind, which he will wake tip to order. Gentle
men wishing their clothing mad: t order can have their pleas
ures taken and clothing male, and if not pleased with them hen
done, they Will not be asked to take them away. Also, on hand
al all Dines, a large and well made assortment of -
Of am own mannfaeture. consisting of OVElVallif of wiirtoor
styles. Ptak. Dress ain't Sack Coats ; Vests, Shirts, Stock Cra
vats, Drawers, Undershirts. Cloves, Suspenders, &e., which
will be so* at the %my lowest prices Ra e CASS. Pe rson., to
want of anything in our line.. are invited to call sod examine
goods and prices for them...lves.
Erie Oct. Ili Mat
" c.o T AGE INK." •
A..w.upprTa that Wanda Apt. known as Ow Couafa
inst the thing RoSehoot purpow.,, rot iirs in storm. mum fix
sale at Na 11, Dee.i DUILIN !LOAN.
s et a
V, the arts:4**,l4lr
sll *times to Edo 0 1 . 10 .
"UT Mar. RINDERNteIIT of Erie and A. Jones of
V V creek have ptirehased the entire stock Of Rood, ii47 l :
Ring and Brown al MoOthendelife In Ha rhorcreek mid
continue the mercantile business in - all la branches*
.aie s , Huit
014 ,
stand of King and Brown, under tha name of
In'addition to our prevent Stock we will receit r few;
by Railroad from New York all stylelof Dry Gotd„,c,,,,fli
Crockery, Glass wane, frcn,Ntee le, Na Dye eltatf,,L, t ,
everything generallyttept in a Grocery and Dry co o d''ltai
any place. Our Motto shall be to sell cheaper 0, an the e i,Z ,
We invite the citizens of the above tamed toirnsh•l4:,_
" 1
cad examine our clock end prices and if 'we cannot 1nt,,,, 1 Z`
as large k stock of good,' as some is Erie we cat, show at
good assorunent of everything and at prices that canno t
Wanted in exchange Bar goods, Cash, Butter, I:en,y.z.
Ciatr,Ooro,Viour, Beans, dried Apples and Pest be5,1.0,1:01,
&c. &e. Much MAW
_ . leak qe
and Cistern rumps,all eases ariTiprice.
rale, Mitt letb, 1552. oa MI:111
y family should luts)a
it eel "tb u•k vaiy 16 rte. per coy—ilea kno w 44 . 6 ,
illnaTala Medical manual and hawd bc• k ta i
L. dieted Contag an outline of the •
went and Care of eiery f orm or distat.e.cOttract, t l
aef Ca
oils sexual I niereousse, by self-abate. or by sexual w.,.•m
advice (or their preii antion, written in a faun that br b ,.2
oh medical technieslities, rind everything that It cadi 05. 14 7
Oar of dceene.y..frant the result of some twent:. yearssaer ab
practice. exc lusi vear,devotesl to the cure of d i,cb m of
or private nature. '1 To Which is added. receipts for tbi:Z,
the above diseases:and a treatise on the catßei, iymbi bm ,
cure of the Fever and Ague. for 25 cents' cop ) , sax
wilt be forwarded re any part of the United ewes. by - ',Z o ti•
of postage. .1 Odreseipost pa id.l3oz. 114 i'ustalfcc.crtbe A
at North Sm euth street Philadelphia. Sept;
Fury twuay. roarerr.--Lir. Hunter will forf•••::
to cure any case of secret disease that ma) cane
care, no matter how long standing or afflicting. lEnheiwi,,,
invited to hie private ronws. Seventh street new
without fearer internaption from other patients. giri mmt :i.
others who have been unfortunatein the selection of a n eat invited to tail.
1311'0TENCY—Through unrestrained dulgence of tha w
ions, by exeess or self-abuse, the evils are nuaierc us pr5 m .,...,
imPotency. Involuntary senuna I discharges, as astingar t b ec
limy of memory, a distaste nor female society, general
constitutional derangement, are sure to follow. If neet u ' i i;
consult the Doctor with eonfidence ;be a ; erfsta rar e "
READ AND ftrrhsev—.The afflicted would (10 well to nimb i
fore trusting their health, happiness, and in many c 2j ",_
lives, in the handsof ph) sic inns ignorant of th: I Clasi Crigu 4 7
It is eartainly iinposiible for one man to understand siith e i
the human family are subject to. Every respectaLle Its
has his peculiar branch k i n which heir more successful thial ti
brother professors, and f 5 that he devotes Mort of hiss tiwe
study. Tears of practice, exclusively devoted to the. r a d,
treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, together 'Flaw%
upon the body, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the brad, cr ka k
mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel. irregularities, 4 0 . 4
arising from youthful aZet.l4ll, or impurities of the blood,,srs e ,
by the constitution has become enfeebled, eriaties the ho ni .
offer speedy relief to all who may place themselves enter L in ;
Medicine forwarded to any part of the United States,
five and ten dollars per package. Sept I
r VEIL r Officer and Soldier who has served as Inn: as
L-. 1 month" in any w ar (of the United States) since 1VA1,,- 4
entitled to land, 011ie has not received yl.)
Every Officer and Soldier who has (at any time) been syriel
or to antyiway disabled while in the service of the Utittetil izik
Tsja %helium of kis duty." is entitled to a pension for life, ice t ,
ing to tbsatitgres of disability.
Widost s (most of them) of the Officers and lie,ldiers of tat hi
lean war are entitled to 5 3 ears pension.
"Widows of Revolutionary Soldiers," if married before h i ,
ray 1 No. are entitled to a 'Tension for life.
Parties in every part of the United States and in the fate /
having elitism for Land, Pensions or pay of any kind a i d
their claims promptly .ind properly attended„,to by addren.ici e
Subscribers, post paid.
We have permanent and energetic agents at WilS II I MM. 1 , 1
make no charge in any ease unless the claim is establuh_
Many Claims for land, eke., that have been r •ed for au; ,,
'proof, Ake., can be established by the SUbscrit - ters. Write te
and see..
- S.—Bounty Land Vrarrants are eor.stantly bought :ad at
by the subseriLers at the best rates. parties wish i t,.; to buy erc
talit iind it. to their interest to ativit.6 PI ith us, Et, r. 144:1!(
a Bantrug sod C.:change bu, , 5 done by the sutpenben,
Nov. 26 1g52 IyII Esehange Broken., Detroit. 3lxt,
I E:irr reeeired at the New York' More. a splerthl arnva-i
of long and eqoare Broeha, at ward, vn., ra.timere. Rs
Leaf, land viltrahMila Shawls. cheaper than an) Tow
dare cider them. Remember. the place is 4 dcors of be
Bank. Erie N , v. 7)-19 J 6ISENET
ALARGE assortment of Paramart, Cashmere. Popbo.ll s
rtino.and Detains. just received at 29 S‘VESET.?
Velvet Ribbon. Lace. Gimps. Braid and DresliZ
- loos. Ladles and Gents'. I.lnen Hdkfs., Embruidertd Ga
lati, Silk arid Lisle Thread, Worsted Gloves,inst opened
Erie NOT• 20 • SWENLVI
31, Pilot Cloth, Broad Ciotti, Cie:lL:elf, Ealf - -7.,
Casfuett. Jeans and Flannel, at
F.rie New. 20 lAS2-22 5 W-E'S ET 1
nOP LINS—PIa in. Mripof and figured. al.), 1
silk and Linen. These pierce are very rich either Nei'
see or Manttilaa. Nov. d7—•JD J. H. Co.L.
findia Rubber Gloves, Mittens, jice.
!'COUNTRY mEßciti, yrs. in mann the:r pu chases, sMar
V not neglect tbtue desirable and saleable atheles.
manufacture llas been much itnprot ed rect'" at. m
wade vet durable. Particular atte.ution is re-,L.
.; til Lt ,
Theyare intlispensalde its c.ld,ud wet srethee.-Ladiesat: °st
these GlOves 'tit In a;n worn that will roil the hands. u nit
same ti me that they w tlt cure the worst kialt Rheum or (lappet
!lands immediately. They arc wade ell lengths tor:nt*
arms anu vertsts.
For sale by IV ilcox. Billings is. Co., No. 3 Ckureh
Goodyear's SE Chestnut r3trect. do. 4.1 c H. Pbillila. rituNnt.
Pa. Fbleoner & Haskell. ItAltite. Md. B. W. @irk.
Charleston. rl. Bart do Hiektoz. Lin.; Ohio, and x : iis
her Deaterti in the Erman.
For ;It retail by Country 3tertiouitts generally.
Erie. N ov . S
Pio. 5 Reetrnotsee,
ARE J•ist receiving a large sod well selected • kof Dr#
Medicines, and Chemicals, the ‘Voodr. • :tuff, 13
paints, rainters artieles, varnishes, window 08 , 1. WIT. Ca►
ware, perfumery, flue soaps, tine hair, tooth and paint hrsda
gardcuseeds.sureicul and dental instruments. teeth. Fold an4.l
foil, tobacco, snuef and Citfars, pine wiuer and brandies kr Mr.
leinai purpo.c:. (anc) aTtICICS. Artllia9 1,0111 and water [C.V..
-We Intitte our pnreha>es for cash, and oder roods as low's.:
he bought in this section. Vii' Wnrrnadcd to l e imh runts
eenuine. Orders from the country promptly tilled w its Lb
faction and guara %teed.
rre.cript.onii Will receive particular attecticr
all bouts of the day and 1.1.z1.t. Eric Nov. 4 20 !mid
DEN S will :lad at J. IL Button do en's an assortmee.:
Lcntal Inidrumentv. manufactured by Kern of Ph
Oita, a'no, Teeth or all kindii, Gold and Tin Fiala from Jem
White & Co. Erie Nov. 5.1 1:52-23. No. S teed Wart,
DRI'StiES--1141r,touth, nail,cluthes, w ltitewash„ scrub, ben
blacking, etx. e, counter, shoe, piano. dusting;
acre/ r ng, Mac k ng, Popes eyes, Popes heads, wind , .
bruelws and lieagh brooms. 28 J. H. BURTON a. 0 ,
r l ll l 4lll-2',R00 Genuine Principe and Havana
reccived at Erie Nov. 20 1:412-2.9. J. 11. Burk , ‘ t
nr) vou want to know how It is done? Call or. TitrsJ,
1, 7 es, No. I Brown's Block, wbere w a are ”er fait Cxa
fresh from Auction horses for theig.three and one-o,ll;erce
less than the same goods were solinbor weeks ago. We are r'
sirous to prove to the public what we a:-sert,apd .oi.tit a el.
from one and all. F.rre Nov. Id 23 TILItIALS h. UAID
aiUhLIN del.alues of beauidul stylut also ali wo o l
lat •21 G. SLI.I,t, it Sots
Ip ooo rfe Almanacs for 1'..•53—Ca1l and geifme at
. Nov. D2.1--'l. BURTON'S. No .1 It cc.l Ht:s.
1..:5 - 1' Recep, e.! at IVarren',, No. ra Brown's it'cek a !:agar
ply of Sheldon's celebrated Water Proof Col It.h Slicing
The . Poni.ll produced by this Blacking is not clumucti
off hy ouot4 or water. Nov. 2U-9d J. ❑.
- 9R0W211 9 11. NEW — UOTEL. -
E R I 1:: P A
THIS Rouse is now open for the atcommodauuncithefra -
Both house and furniture are entirely. new and of
unsurpassed by any house West of 'New York tuts, and Ott''' .
prietor hope+ to receive a liberal share of patronage Tam
Fern and Baggage carried to and from the cars freed der.
Southern rtageS leave this daily. Charges reasonable.
Erie Nov. MI len.
pIPE, Bar. Sheet and Ftg Lead. also Ztric at --------
Oct, 9 1652 S 2 RUFUS irsol_
pTN AMS' Patent self-adjusting curtain ii aiure•ot srsic =
cle, also liras' bands, Bray and Glass Pins. at
Oct. 6 1852 IS litres Rstr's
------- - -
WOOI.EN YARN—A Large and. good assortment of esti ,
yarn, for sale at the store of
Erie. Nov. 61859-26. VINCENT, 11111909!k CO
50 n ttre °Z a E t N ou W rs ool t en . B°6'
t'Nti h a te l l l7N t t ' lll l ) e r; b a al ltt 4.
Erie Nov. 6 1852-203. Between 11th and Nth :7:1311 It"'
PH UTLEY 8AW8.491111. ac. cut and Circular Haws sr t!s .
1 7 1 advance. Nov. 6-26 VINCENT, HI \111.09 tCu
JUST received a splendid assortment of Film, Stk. St:l o° '
mule and striped dttks, also eol'd Silks of oven i'vl°
quality at reduced pr lees,also 100 long and square a
at great bargains. 1000 Muslin Collars from t'CL , ' • 1 0 SS"'
Cashmere Long Shawls, very cheap at the New Y , rk
5 Donnell Block. Erie Oct. 30-23- NILERRWE kkT.,_
JUST received a large and well selected meek of PT)
Groceries, Hardware and Crockery, all of Nt L I;
term ined to sell at the lowest prices for prompt I
tablished the cash and ready pay principle, we a iii "11.4..-
.old—give us a call and satisfy yourselves.
VINCENT, 111311100 k-(9.
Erie Oct. 30 I,,Kel—Yd. Dein eta 11th au 7 Ith
BurFAl.o ROBES.—A large as:OrMeta Ju•-t rocoirod ,
sale beip, -Oct 30 1552-35 \'Dill:St'7'i lIIM6OO/1 tU
New Goode I New Goods::
T AM now receiving my stock of Pan and
1 prising the most extensive assortment of P..ithestie sad
.. t
Dry goods ever ()tiered in this city, which lit sell fcr Of,
lower prices than any other establishment west of Cuifsks / I '. ;
wishing to purchase AN cavil will find it to tlie,r ro':
and examine my stonkbefbre purchasing elsewhere. awal io
tenFi re assortment at Groceries, Crcekery and Ilar , l l, &"' °4 ti
which n ill be sold ebeap rot cash. Please call ar..l amnia
lon rselvcs at me old stand on cheapshic.
Erin Nov. 6 1E69-26
101 LR FII M ER Y.—The fol low oielegait S e 3 : r T a e l i ts i a . : C kl
Lubin, Razin, river and eaters. vizi club. 1 ;
mine4enny Lind, Rose Duds, Ppri ng Jinn cr sect re:. II",
only, iledyosmia. Verbena, Tea Rose, Rmic ti.r 3l a" am E y
Mown flay. Erie Oct. 113-241 CART Lit kPR
_ -
Lake. Rubber Boots.
JUST the Ibing fbr muddy crossings And 4I'OM, drib, f:t ell
by Rcpt. M. WILCOX & "/ TI L,
FRENCH Ihlnglieb and Amerman print:, 31 eilioleriale or 7 •
cheap ilt Erie Noy.' lON —M JACASO:
O X:
BAY Stale and Scotch Mehl shawls both ware and Mt I ,
rend And Cashmere do. Ladies and Genii Caslu. ert t - '
no scarfs fOr isle cheep es Nov. e-M ACK 6—
...A vl --
A DIES ekd Gents. ha cashmere. Lamle ;ilk, Berlin .--
roellovei an colors. grades nod prices at
..e i4:ir .6 l ift -0 SMITH jgriEsoies.Cherrq e
—. .
r 7 I. weu Clanod Yonne Dyson. Ilyeeniiiiai. 6o4o;4lrl
15, .n 1 Boucher Teas fbr sale eta hsw mere by
. .„4
Erie or. 6 181111.48 • . liSseasere k GRAT.CIK"--