E 3 P;;I= W • • obi amid train . .11131"GALAN boas. Borg boots. also Woaseaho calf sad en aasaieilloota sad bustling. fibt mate as ebesp as as air *beg astablialimit ta min. O. BELDEN k ROM. id ie Oft 111-4111 No. 4 Tracy's Block Cheapish's. N Seal kinds or sale by J. O. at W.I. Urns. N 0.3. Willis. s Uloek. Eric, Pa Anew more pieces of those splendid Clothe. ezesimetes and aidii DIMS. pet received and for sale cheap by SW EN EY. Aa ettenslveassactment of Ito .rine extracts the beat in ruar • ket.olllbeto tot the handkerchief of every kind, Colt:glm, holaolla. posodes, asosndlaa a certain cure fot chapped hands. stap• and creams of first quality, bay ruin, hair dge.hair tellOrattve. depilatory powder, in short we constantly keep on hasetstormsnlcte assortment of every k aid of Pettit awry, fticyjigudes and Yonkce notions of almost every description. Person, wishing to buy are respettfully invited to call as they imai.diggionti Upon getting what they want at the lowest peace, at elty drug store state-st. Eric Pee. 4..30 P. PALL. WITNO eArsa--81 me, White, Letter. cap. tali e.lge• Cot , satin and note Paper. fAucy envelope*, plain and Pett iest's; gavedopes, coeditor tun k which ealtilot fail to suit essessem, give to a calf and see. Dec. 4 lead-30 P. PALL v 7 ; WARE, VAZITIUM CALL AND ET,I.ViNf: FOR YOURSELVES, TlThailibeeribers would adopt this utetbod of returning their rare thanks to the c of Erie and Ciesuity , awi the 'WM petrally for the liberal patronage hitherto extruded to than and araukt state that they ha% e just received frt. su the City Mtn* York and extensive assortment of - 1 CABINET ‘VARsE, embracing Mahogany Sofasof different styles, Mahogany French Sedated. and Chairs. Mahogany Tables, with and without Mar b4 Tops. with a list ofother articles too numerous for newspaper Moil, etivhith are offered at prices lowet than they can lc procured in soy otherestablishment west of New York. This is said la tio spirit of empty boast, but from a conviction of Its Immo. as all will find who may take the trouble to institute a persesoloamination. They sootintie to manufacture all varieties of Cabinet Ware They hold themselves in eon/taut readine.s fo furui , h. at the shortest &like, articles of whatever at) lc ur quality Confident of their stglit'y to give sativfaettln, they invite to their Hock, and thelearcilities for dome good and cheap work, the attention of the citizens of the city and county. Maumee* of all sizes kept constantlyon hand. Brie. Julylll. J. it. Rlir.tT & Co. 6 0 Rio, Java and Laguira Co ff ee just recris ed nod for Mae by Nov. Q,lll &num tar Ir. GRAY. anazirr Aniarv - i FRESH -GROCERIES TLZsubscribers have just received at their stand. immediate. OPPesite the Perry Block, a larat. and well selected stock Of Groceries, Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Molasses, Rico and all the snicks usually etnkraced in the 1.31. Alsu, Liquors, Fruits, etc. with an ssiortment of Nuts and Confectionaries. Flattering tbeasselvesthattheur cock, in variety and excellence, is nut sur• =in the eig.t4lCY huge to receive a I bern I ekh:tre orate pub corsage. heir delerti1111:11i311 Is to do bt. , lness cheap for ulalieoesidering the " le sixpence" of more worth than the "stow shilltua," and that all parties are benefitted there/trig per system. rraduceof all kinds taken in exchange for Groceries and other ankles. Call quickly lest the stock on hand becomes exhausted in the lapis of a Saw weeks. Our prices are t h people w ill find itsranwspres scarce able to re..:151 the ternputilr,ll to buy. &Jeanne fOlB5O. 6 LANItON Ac RIRI.t T. --- --- Tashionablo Tailoring rertablishment. Ic' THE .1u hseriher, in el-la:rutty ackllolA 'edging. the II b lot patronage which he has receiNed (ruin the citizens of Erie for the past five ) cars. WWII , / ilk st respectively tall their attention to his present location. Haring tied a new shcp on the rust side ufStati , Street. two rs North of i3h, and adjoining .1 11. Riblet & Co's Liner Ware Rooms. he is prepaied again to w ait up on and accoinizioaate his ohl patrons and friends, and tupea that by his usual success iii making -good flts," net OnlY to continue in their CCM i idelle P. but ulso.thio' theirJudoeuce, and by his own ;lucent% and attention to busy Otella toteture a liberal share of the public patronage w Melt he ntar_peatfoliy 'GI it I or. naval aad /dititary Clothing made to order and Curling for oth ers to makeup, done with care and prononeepi. Erlahiuly 99,183'2. JOHN COALDING. DIIITALO A LK.—NiotTat's, & Barton'e Ale to bble II and half bids. for sale by J. G. dr. W. 1. Mille, Julie S. No. a, NV illiattly Block, Eve. Pa. A LARGE and beautiful lot of ttotinett taboos for fall and ill wittier trade. selected with due regard to the toreva.liog (mai d:wet Met/et. 9 1.52-22 I; SELDEN HEZTINGS.Shirti ng.. stripe Ticking Coulon Ftan- S gel &e.. at No. 6, Traey'a Block eheapsirle Erie Oet. f 1E32. CEO. Kumar & SAN. TO TIID LADIES. Jun received the most Fplt solid assortu ent of Ladies drew goods ever offered in thi , market, consistingof Dro Ire 'thine, Gro Do Chene, Brocade, Pow. De :'cue and Plaid Silks, Colored Crapes. Plaid. Plata and Watered Poplins. Whzreand rol'd Tar- Wm. dotted and plain. Book and SW iSVMUIIS, striped, hared aDd plain Muslins. Muslin and Wool Dt I Ailleg, Lama ei c ah s plain-and figured. printed Velvets, printed Persian cloths, Bro cade and vial a Alapaca, Coburgh clothe, Bl'lc and t'o!'d French iirolletlo Iliad many other styles of dress goods which we have not time to enumerate at present but call and see for yc urselves and Never/nosey by purchasing cheap at the old stand of Erie Env. 411 I P 42-48 JACKS4‘N. NEW WATCH, JEWELRY, AND ?ANC'? GOODS STORE. Sues Sr., opposi lAtel., Eris. THE subscriber. (late of the tirra of C.. Loomis Is C 0.,) conies before the F.rie pafdic and vicinity, soliciting a share of pitressage, confident a large and well selected stock of the c hole. eet meld most fastkionalile 6001k5 al vt ay s nt low prices, together with the manufacturing of Silrcr Hare and Jewelry, and close sterstialtto business will insure a reasonable support. Having WMllie She past fifteen y ears a resident 6f Erie, and intending SO reamitintbe rest of life, the piddle u ill find me 1M -turd of pas_ site." but always on hand irking NV Ith the .• rest of mankind" to stain myself and fain the world.and I plesl,m u. set fto en 0111nrOS to maintain the rep astionet.Joyed by the and firm In overt piertieuter. Thankful to a generous public fur lily success thus Jana liftsjahall endeavor to merit a coni inuanceof their favors. Astir.? Isi3t-13 M. AUSTIN. N.B.—Watches, Clocks and Jewelry caret - ally repaired. • Z. 24.1111111T11 8i CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ife. 7 Bosse!! Block, State Street, trio, Pd. THE wabseribers beg leave to inform the citizens of this and stOining COUIlliCf, that they are receiviue almost daily io their stock of good,. the largest and beat asitort. mega aferocerits to be found weft of New York City. Thank hallbethe liberal patrounce receit ed since our commencement la thin city, we would must re:per trully call the attention of mer chants and others seri!), ne goods iti our line, no an ethibition of our stack before Acing to Buffalo or New York. We wish it di.- Illaktly understood that we a ill reit Foods tor Cash or Ready Pay. ' kaisiseapu can be purchatcd in Buffalo or in New Yolk, with tie additioa otexpensep an getting in.ces to this City. The fallowing comprise a small {.at of our stock— ' 80 iihd. N, () , :quiet! , and P. It.. Sugar., 30) Bbl.. Crushed Pow'il , Granulat'd ki• Corea do. " 15 Tierces Dutch CruOted Sugar. IS Boxes Refined Loaf do. SO Hbd • Mused,. and P R. Nolasses,Ar • SO Tierces do, do. do. 71 Bbla, do. do. &c. S. LI. do. • 31 do. Stewart's Syrup, NI do. Cuba Honey, Uri attend and half Cheri. Tonna Ityson, Upon Skis, Jut. penal, Gunpowder and Black 'Peas. IN lls. from 41 to 'Gibs of Black and Green do. • • ii Bap Rio. Laguirr. and Java Coffee. llsß9ies Oro/ nd Coffee, Ti do, Cairend ish Tobacco. all qualities, tie. lb lump do. superior qualities. - r ants. J. Anderson's Smoking Toriacco. t, dr. lb Pro. Ala% PeVVVIII dillirent brands fine Cut Chewing. • TS Packages Mae kers', Nu's I, 2,ft. 3, In whole, j, j and Kitts, IX Boxes Herring, No.l and Scalded, Nos /be Cod Fish, IS Bide. Rtfined Winter Strained Ott, , Also, Nut,, Rasains, Prunes. Pepper. Pimento. C 3 1 ,141; Nut =t(Week Rice. Powder, citn.t safety F.lse, Wrapping. Cap atter Paper: Mustard, and Ple:Cl.l , , of an excellent qu.tlity mid ides a great manv other articles too numerous to lasallitiOn a act adrertt.einent ofthl. Lind. We also re in ad dition to the goods above mentioned, a large stock of PURE WINAS and LIQUORS, which can be had 35 per cent, cheaper Ar d* same finality, than can be purchasod Wert of New York. artw p t i thstanding the great advance In liquors. London and Phil sad PoeterAeotch Ale, and Wine+ of almost all drxeripilons. 7I mitt and examine for )uurselver, and ycu a ill he •atibfic.? Wt 70g can do better than by going to Buffalo cr New York. • Nile. Dec. 4.1 M, 30 J. :i1 10111'11 tfc Co. WHOLlgriALE—The subscribers are agent& fur the lullow I ag Patent Medicines, which they trill ari by Ow dozen at /1204100000arars prices. ; Jaynes' Expectorant, Alteratit e Car alettallre Balsam, Verntifuge i (lair !rye and Nanal Ive Pills: Is- Vasr ettokigutrue; Bristol's and Tut% it-end's Sarsaparilla ; we'srand Fahnessoell's Verntifuse ; Triutk's. Tanner's. A/c -iLlioltes.Piloan's and Dailey's Ointment: Perry Data.' Pain Ki1,)64 ,)64 Aye's cherry Pectoral, darter. Indian Lull:tient, Harry's Tricopber2oo, Braut's Indian Med:elm s .111.1 Kier's Petroleum. ififisi Nair. 20 tes2-28 .1. & AFINS assortment of Gentlemen's nod Ladieerubbciitjutt the thing for muddy streets at reduced pr i,es by - Ude ftet. 311 1852, ' G. 81:1.11ON & SON. ILTlrreirrre ed, another tot of thole tiireTtinifiChlter-tiroof Deets. Sept. 2S• WILCOX & NOTON. WINES. ',alai:FORS. Art UMW!, Grocertes.Pkk !es. Picke:ed Oysters, Lobsters. For- Lo stip Fruit and Nuts. J. G. es W. I MILLS. No. 3 Wit- Itast's Block. opposite Brown's New Ilocel, Erse. Pa, bare inlined'New Emoblishrnetit, n her: they are prewtred to rrit all ,teleo in their lineal the l.on cot Prtcra. at %V itoterale and w ar WI. The Stock Consists In t.art of the 6.llowlug articles, Or Wipes, • Oranges. Pre, ,,, r‘eil Fruits, Mneearonia, lioniara„ Lemons, Vermaciltv ' Sardines, °WM, Pip. , Plain Piet.s.l, Atieleovje*, - nines, Raisin*, Sliz'a P1 , 41e1.. CaLoop, Ala, Nuts, P. , :t;ed (I).ters. Curratit's. Cider, ' Cocoa, Plc kled Lofoten.. be Ors Pat, IDIMIAniIa, Pine,. Pickier, Clams, ettri,oat. Ex Absintbs. Wills /YE r Br THE II dERY.L 5,1„, /e ALAND—Teo. fluor. Codee , Molasses, fobs sa. Rice. Graund SpliemOoofeellyeary by the Box. Soda 80 , , it. Crackers by the -Ilitinelr and suiny other Attie/CA too DU rous to mention. • . lIIIPORTIMI eIUA 128. —We unto our own Cigars, and enn . Ma belief Quality of Cienro , at the mine prices than any house In Abe slip- Pure and Grnuine %Vine.. Liquor. of every debctim lion tionotautly on hand, fo: Sale: Wholesale at low rates. 'A I ' 111-411oUted Wine.. and Liquors for Medicinal or other purposes we band he the Dozen or Bmgle bottle w bleb are pure. iIiZHCr FOR IitTKILO ALE —Mulrats and illihnah & Ass's Ale, for sale by the barrel, at Bultilo Prier. arklink orrinaporuttion. Alsco—cereivii g In thMr Beason o).tera 11l OM, get lad Can, from i C. Mills & Co., of New York, for lido Wbotesste at Low Prices. 1. Ca. I&WI, New York. e W. 1. Idtt.ts.llll , 4lo. A. C. JACKSON. Agent. Erie , . Pa. - X. B. How e , stea m foal'. private Families and 1/eslers gen essilip supplied with all articles in °Lir hoe. at literate Driers ORDeRB frossrelly nroi surrounding country tespee Ally solic it/0k and wa pi. dge ourselves that all goods shall be as treum• illieltded. t Erie: 11 , 11 Yr IRS 2 L ---- 11(1D0 CLASS.—Thr impost assortment ewer brought - foto '•eity can be folnd at 'l4 ILTART4II, It BR(Yril FIR, No. 11,Reed Houk.. earbT ass so es it,..Subseribers arenow receiving a very large stock of . Wei awl fly Groceries from Eastern cities and the Auetio• Rosa. bough+ ibr eg.ll at extremely low futons. which are of sahe at • small advance for the ready. Those within/ 6 , 61/ dimmer's ar a ll OPPOrViaity f or buying a stock of geode Near line.Tur a vary little cash, are respeetfully igaited to call ad egathlue at WEERRETT & GRAri. isle. Nov 6 IF4I ggl Wrapping lapi s. rnivrit ATT. article of Wrapping Paper, jut received and A Da I&8L ErithiPt & SLOAN. • GIKURANISof Avery gullet/ and styli:Oa lieentitc — Wers. pet ar4l at Xuv f 411 SMITH JACKSON. title DAt i .4 RA* OALTARY, • Past !ow, a fair doors Wass spirals SUMO zaps% frnii AN Is happy to tame all who while DM:UE*I6IB°- 0 TYPE LIKE/4EBSW. Who are at all rervieblar what kinder pictures they have, to his new Brooms which have been built ex. really for the Art. LiallT is the great 'setae( the Artist. and it has been the eonstaut study of ali worthy of the name sinee tbe Art was discovered, to employ and control it in the manner best adapted to produce the most favorable results. The result of this study and Of t tioustirls of experiments is that there not respeetnh e permanent t.aitery in the U States where the pic tures are made by a common window, and he who says he can rtoduee superior picuires by such a wiudow proses his ignorance of the Art. The subscriber therefore twits leave to say that by his superiorl.lo HT. and with an opparatus worth six times any otb er is this cm, be is enabled tit produce pictures which cannot be rquelled in this part of the ctibutry, and offers to excel] any thing which can be produced in other maim ud Erie,ot forlbitone hun dred dol!.trs. He has also s splendid Quick Work ivy Camera, with which he takes children of nny age! Let it bedtitinctly un derstood his pictures will not fade if protwrly kept. N. o.—The "recent imprOveuteu tit" may be seen at the above rooms. W. U. $H ERMAN . Eric. Kept, 10, 1031. 18 _ _ svilis A li • JACII4IO • 'IIIE CRYSTAL PALACE NOW OPEN rOR VIII/TOlll3l 1 E proprietor, W. B. KNOWLTON, has Just returned from 1 the Empire city, with the largest. el.eaptet and test assort ment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS ever before imported front that city s cat of Dunkirk. all of which are now ready for inspection. Ou the first floor, Ho. 1, may be found a large assortment of Gold aml Silver Watches, Gold guard and Fob Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger Rings of every descrip tion. Breast pins of all wets and size+. Cull pins and bracelets Gold, ;Sal ver, and German silver chi inbles.gold pencils and pens; steel fob and guard chains, Keys, .Sr.e . llav Ing wade arrange ments with Use manufacturers at Recast to furn,-b a supply ev ery week fresh from the taint, tic wilt be able to furnish those articles cheaper than any other establ isbutent west of the term I. nos of the New York and Erie Railroad Also, on band, at wholesale or retail, any quantity of Looking Glasses, Brassekeks and other timepieces. Al gams I. I Narracaxgrs.—Sue h as piano fortes, welodeous,basa viols, guitars, violins, banjoes, tambourines, o.l6l:wets, flute., flageOlets, fifes, accordeons, &c., solar and caw phene lamps, and gerondols, extra globes, chimneys and wicks, silver and German silver table and teaspoons, sugar and salt scoop., butter knives. CovLgar.—A very doe article of Penknives of tile most celebra ted makers. Razors and Razor strips, scissor, and shears. Gold, sliver, and German silver and steel spectacles. UICITA NVIA WARE.—Tea sets, castors, and eandlest ic MISCaLLANCtorIi.—Ch Ina Caves, Fancy Boxes Plated and Brava snuffers and trays, Angel bag, and purse clasps, ha If eotubp, ivory do.. Steel pens, card rases, v is i ti ny ea Ms and en% eloper, vaannrou boards, dominoes, e hers nleit, wallets and pocket books, knivev and Corks, t ea -r.ervero, Ike. • All of which IA 111 be shown to his visiters ni any time between the hours orb .% M. and V P M., free gratis, and a small fee on ly will be taken from tlfbse n ho may wish to take some of said articles home with them. TS Said Palace is located on the ground formerly occupied by raid Knowlton, our dour west ofthe Reed House. Erie. Sept. 6.-17 r TIOUSANDS of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor - oi ti eiliOnieli he., are not aware. that tt hfle they ap pear to benefit the patent, they are actually laying the foundations for a series of disemes, such as salivation, lota of sight, weak. ness of hints. dam In another column will he found the advertisement of lloben sack*. Medicines. to N hifll P eak the 2141'11(101i of all directly interested in their own as well as their chil.iren's health. In Liver Complaints and - all disorders arising (rum those or a bil lions t)pc, should snake use of ibe only geutiine inedictue,Hoben sae V* LIVE(' Pills. T - 0" '• 13a rot dteoirtd." but Ask for Ilohenrack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills. and ol.ervr that each has the signature of the Proprietor. J. N. tIORENSACK, as none else are genuine. Aug 41 IFS& 141.1 vx7 E are n-,re prepared to teat up the Premium Rode and Points for any•stibo would like to be protected train the dangers of the lighiuing. Remember the man that locked his barb after his he n.e was stolen, and do not wait until your house or barn gem a aft °kr. before yo • set rods to your buildingP. A word 'curie were issufficient. i..10DE1.1. k CO. N. B.—All ordei sfrorn a distance netually.attended Rods and points at It holesale .L March 13,1:42. till POISOPIIIIG. LIGUITNING It.ODPI. PIANO ronTt 31.11EPOliZI71111. 1 BROADWAY, N Kw-roR K. The most extensive ll 1 and variod assortment or Rosewood Plano Fortes, plain and ornamental. elegant pattern'', elaborately earvetl, and holly finished yilth Pearl keys. all of our own manntnettare, am/ war ranted in every particular, eon be found at our I'Varero.tu-. 'ad I sausanway, sew-totg. 1414- Vi--1)•.:U. SO/SGT.. Ir. CV. TIN; COPPER AND SHEET IRON - • 3315TABLIIIIMENT. 1.1,. MURPHY would respretfully inform his friends elidthe plli)lie Viler:l4 thli he has loe,sted blaubelf at the old stand of Middleton & Murphy. oti the flak Sou , u ill) a large r and better a , sortmentof Tlll Cop peratid .I.beet Iron Ware, manufactured of the hest 4 rem and °l tems' at the must remsonable_rate.. %tholes:lle (Jr retail. Ile !taxon hand etoves of all prit , t , and qualities cou•trucied with refer enee to userulacps and can en ir•nce, and oldie ntr,.,A datable tua ,erial. Also .to% tripe .roil ell ow. ri . mt an a.sortinei,t Of JAPAN' Whteh he naltembiturelf is unexcelled. ifequ t , t , t irt e j DfUk pau* or set st•te. anti Cticer,e % iftl• Of eery e on . statittt on hind pctertion , l to itorstte ,nerTY and faittifulliest, and to spare no rtrort to rt •• r t•to .•111111, to 1101 , 01 tu receive nial merit . ;... , ; p g . _Erse May I I r?Zi . 4. FlSH—Just receiving, •i , Ohttir-t• •nd Herrin; selling at a ill: "lf. • trie, N0v.61831-10 VriCEN*l II !sit D. 011"FSBURG Lir r, INIVRANOZI COMPANY!!! Capital 5100,000. IIiCTUAL AND JOCCT • STOCK 11.1tlii COMBISED. Offire seder .19ronsicia St., Pills . P. TT trwann. Of. the )nil* sioek and pr ne i;.leog, thus hay. ing tu o act deplrunevoi, combine.. the pflVllert 1,1 IWO sell:aloe companies, at the ez prime only of conducting a single Mew mon. and controlled by one board of bireeiora, Um secur ing harmony, frugality and fety. OFFICERS. Jame. S. !loon. President. J. C. lore-h. Tress. S. 311Clarkan, Vice Preet. C. A. CLOtou, Boe'y. DIRECTORS. /. 4. [loon, Joseph 8. Leech. • John Scott. Charles A. Colton, S. Al'Llarken, %Vni. Phillips. BOARD OF FINANCE. lion. Wm Wilkins. I.nte Secretary of War. lion, Walter Porrorard.`Ltte Secretary or 'creaser/. John Snyder. Est; . Cashier of Pittsburg Wank. Staleohn Leeth. Esq.. %Vholesale Grazer. BLIFII)ICAl. BOARD, Co:lsm:row PPTatetaltS J. Gazttarn, M. D , J. Brooks, M. I), W. A ddi-on, M. G. edringtott, M D. L. BRAINARD. General Agent. The undersigned ateut of the company at this place and vicin ity, fa now prepare' to receive applications for Insurance. also 10 furnish books and circulars explaining the. psi ocip es of the com pany to any who may wtbit. A. D. CHAPIN, Agent. Erie, net 39 test—'L) To. Y W Ohms' PIANO l'OnTr.st VIE - Su b•c r iber% would respectful)) invite .ittention to their stt.ck of Fitan Fortes, among my be found the bent assort went of 1302rdni.ln & Gray's without the eelebra ted Dolce CO:Span, attarinctit. (not .F.Jiiati) ever of ered west of Albany. The superiority of these Piano, 13 unniversall) ae kitottledced. and they hate receite.: ten first claes for cash, and oder roods as low's.: he bought in this section. Vii' Wnrrnadcd to l e imh runts eenuine. Orders from the country promptly tilled w its Lb faction and guara %teed. rre.cript.onii Will receive particular attecticr all bouts of the day and 1.1.z1.t. Eric Nov. 4 20 !mid DEN S will :lad at J. IL Button do en's an assortmee.: Lcntal Inidrumentv. manufactured by Kern of Ph Oita, a'no, Teeth or all kindii, Gold and Tin Fiala from Jem White & Co. Erie Nov. 5.1 1:52-23. No. S teed Wart, DRI'StiES--1141r,touth, nail,cluthes, w ltitewash„ scrub, ben blacking, etx. e, counter, shoe, piano. dusting; acre/ r ng, Mac k ng, Popes eyes, Popes heads, wind , . bruelws and lieagh brooms. 28 J. H. BURTON a. 0 , r l ll l 4lll-2',R00 Genuine Principe and Havana reccived at Erie Nov. 20 1:412-2.9. J. 11. Burk , ‘ t "PU'r MONEY IN . TIIY PURSE." nr) vou want to know how It is done? Call or. TitrsJ, 1, 7 es, No. I Brown's Block, wbere w a are ”er fait Cxa fresh from Auction horses for theig.three and one-o,ll;erce less than the same goods were solinbor weeks ago. We are r' sirous to prove to the public what we a:-sert,apd .oi.tit a el. from one and all. F.rre Nov. Id 23 TILItIALS h. UAID aiUhLIN del.alues of beauidul stylut also ali wo o l .le:a.is lat •21 G. SLI.I,t, it Sots Ip ooo rfe Almanacs for 1'..•53—Ca1l and geifme at . Nov. D2.1--'l. BURTON'S. No .1 It cc.l Ht:s. 1..:5 - 1' Recep, e.! at IVarren',, No. ra Brown's it'cek a !:agar ply of Sheldon's celebrated Water Proof Col It.h Slicing . The . Poni.ll produced by this Blacking is not clumucti off hy ouot4 or water. Nov. 2U-9d J. ❑. - 9R0W211 9 11. NEW — UOTEL. - cort.Ttß OF STATE STRET 41VD PUBLIC SQrlit E R I 1:: P A IL L. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. THIS Rouse is now open for the atcommodauuncithefra - Both house and furniture are entirely. new and of unsurpassed by any house West of 'New York tuts, and Ott''' . prietor hope+ to receive a liberal share of patronage Tam Fern and Baggage carried to and from the cars freed der. Southern rtageS leave this daily. Charges reasonable. Erie Nov. MI len. pIPE, Bar. Sheet and Ftg Lead. also Ztric at -------- Oct, 9 1652 S 2 RUFUS irsol_ pTN AMS' Patent self-adjusting curtain ii aiure•ot srsic = cle, also liras' bands, Bray and Glass Pins. at Oct. 6 1852 IS litres Rstr's ------- - - WOOI.EN YARN—A Large and. good assortment of esti , yarn, for sale at the store of Erie. Nov. 61859-26. VINCENT, 11111909!k CO 50 n ttre °Z a E t N ou W rs ool t en . B°6' t'Nti h a te l l l7N t t ' lll l ) e r; b a al ltt 4. Erie Nov. 6 1852-203. Between 11th and Nth :7:1311 It"' PH UTLEY 8AW8.491111. ac. cut and Circular Haws sr t!s . 1 7 1 advance. Nov. 6-26 VINCENT, HI \111.09 tCu ' BILKS: RILES!: JUST received a splendid assortment of Film, Stk. St:l o° ' mule and striped dttks, also eol'd Silks of oven i'vl° quality at reduced pr lees,also 100 long and square a at great bargains. 1000 Muslin Collars from t'CL , ' • 1 0 SS"' Cashmere Long Shawls, very cheap at the New Y , rk 5 Donnell Block. Erie Oct. 30-23- NILERRWE kkT.,_ NEW GOODS,VARIFF REDUCED' JUST received a large and well selected meek of PT) Groceries, Hardware and Crockery, all of Nt L I; term ined to sell at the lowest prices for prompt I tablished the cash and ready pay principle, we a iii "11.4..- .old—give us a call and satisfy yourselves. VINCENT, 111311100 k-(9. Erie Oct. 30 I,,Kel—Yd. Dein eta 11th au 7 Ith BurFAl.o ROBES.—A large as:OrMeta Ju•-t rocoirod , sale beip, -Oct 30 1552-35 \'Dill:St'7'i lIIM6OO/1 tU New Goode I New Goods:: T AM now receiving my stock of Pan and 1 prising the most extensive assortment of P..ithestie sad .. t Dry goods ever ()tiered in this city, which lit sell fcr Of, lower prices than any other establishment west of Cuifsks / I '. ; wishing to purchase AN cavil will find it to tlie,r ro': and examine my stonkbefbre purchasing elsewhere. awal io tenFi re assortment at Groceries, Crcekery and Ilar , l l, &"' °4 ti which n ill be sold ebeap rot cash. Please call ar..l amnia lon rselvcs at me old stand on cheapshic. Erin Nov. 6 1E69-26 101 LR FII M ER Y.—The fol low oielegait S e 3 : r T a e l i ts i a . : C kl Lubin, Razin, river and eaters. vizi club. 1 ; mine4enny Lind, Rose Duds, Ppri ng Jinn cr sect re:. II", only, iledyosmia. Verbena, Tea Rose, Rmic ti.r 3l a" am E y Mown flay. Erie Oct. 113-241 CART Lit kPR _ - Lake. Rubber Boots. JUST the Ibing fbr muddy crossings And 4I'OM, drib, f:t ell by Rcpt. M. WILCOX & "/ TI L, FRENCH Ihlnglieb and Amerman print:, 31 eilioleriale or 7 • cheap ilt Erie Noy.' lON —M JACASO: O X: no Itir BAY Stale and Scotch Mehl shawls both ware and Mt I , rend And Cashmere do. Ladies and Genii Caslu. ert t - ' no scarfs fOr isle cheep es Nov. e-M ACK 6— ...A vl -- A DIES ekd Gents. ha cashmere. Lamle ;ilk, Berlin .-- roellovei an colors. grades nod prices at ..e i4:ir .6 l ift -0 SMITH jgriEsoies.Cherrq e —. . r 7 I. weu Clanod Yonne Dyson. Ilyeeniiiiai. 6o4o;4lrl 15, .n 1 Boucher Teas fbr sale eta hsw mere by . .„4 Erie or. 6 181111.48 • . liSseasere k GRAT.CIK"--