Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 05, 1853, Image 1

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    A. r, 1117112L1N & 00.,-Propriators.
frit llittkiti Ottotruer.
33.1"• SLOAN. Elditor.
nrstserlber. the carrier, at
sail, or at thedike, in ;avarice. 1.60
pu n ot paid in advanee.or within three months from the time
reNieribing, in° dollars will be charged.
VAl)ortamumratione mast be post paid.
Cards not exceeding 4 lines, one year. 13,00
o,4l,quare .. • • 10,00
dl). 111 months, • COO
k. do. three months, 3,00
Twatent ad; el overrun is, Nieents per MOM, of fifteen lines or
Iref.rq own tom la cents for each outrequent insertion.
yesii) autertiyers have the privilege of changing at pleasure,
2,; . L11. 1, e a a rc allowed to occupy more than lwo squarer, avid
l'lsailto their immeds4to bus:nest._
tivrt.emenir not having other directions, will be inserted till
..11LA chatged accordingly.
v or \ COUNSLLLOR AT LAW, In George A. ElliOt's
•ple of the park, Erie. 3$
„,„ rr ‘D .COUXIIELLOIL AT LAW, No. M. Third Street,
. 34
an* tr Fifth - Street, between Smithfield
arria streets. Pittsburgh. Pa.
0-7,4Trieß4 of Stoves, hollow Ware, Engines, Machinery,
god ('are, etc., state St,. Erie Pa.
(Laic of the firm of G. Loomis 4 Co.)
is in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, 3iunical
. meats, Looting Glasses, Lamps and Fancy 60401. whoie
ennd r runt.
401 T Tattea. and Habit Maker—Shop on the east aide Of
'sweet. two doors north of Eight. and adjoining .1. H. sib-
S. Co's Cabinet Warc-Rootn, Erie, Penna.
.rssta and retail dealers in L Goods, Carptia, and Dry
-rues No. 1 Reed House.
II!, Collectors and Dealers in Gold and dilver coin. uneur
,....lNloney, Land Warrant' and cert inert les of Depointe. Also
ra Prang on the principal cities of the ClllOll, and all parts
sae Old Country for sale. Office, WI Mains' %irk, corner of
tab-et. and Public Square.
.1 a n Liods.
. J. G. do K. 1. MILLE,
•areas and Wholesale Dealer in Groceries, Wines, Elmtors,
Carr.—Aso. Foreign Fruit, Nuns, Pickles and Pickled Oys
r•..Lokn rs, Preserves, and flermetricatly Sealed articled of
sey description always on hand. No. 3, William's Brock,
Ist---it , opposite Brow n's New !Intel. Erie. Pa.
6 lints, New York. Wx. 1. Krtu, Bufraki.
.o.cciviny in their season. Oysters in shell, from J. G.. Mills
, he% York, which will be sold Wholesale at low prices
A. C. Jarasos, Agent. Erie,,Pa.
Azrts io Cla,sical, School and Idiecellaneous Hooks, Blank
k e t,, s"tity., ery, and Prarrers Cards, No. 9,-Brown's new
P I.
..v.; Pr u• ion', Winet, Liquor.. Candies, Fruit,
tt .. one ik,v r below Looms fr. Co's Mate meet. Erie.
4,:tta QtnCe & Fancy Dry Goods, and the Greatest variety
r'sLy Am.( in Me etty. Cheap rilde Erie, pt.
;Kr a.. and fetal( Dealer. in Wet and Dry Groceries
Pro Owe, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Wooden,
Pea anti stone (rare, Flour, Flab, S.7lt, Glass, Nails,
Cart , . Safety &c., /cc.— French Sueet. oppo
- , (Plr) :Ito! Canal Buts, Vessels, notes, and Private
vi 10 any of the aboveartictes with prompt-
Ihe at! ver , heap.
Attorney and Oeunsellor at Law.
Fla. over Jacklen's lure, at Natttr-East cornet of the Pub-
Duk,"ll)Rs BEEBE dc l'E WART._
IL ^ll , O lc inns and Surgeons. Office and Residinees.--
tr , 6. Streets.
(lace ti.urs from 7 to e, A. 21; Ito 2, and b to 7. P. M.
I.ICLIE. a. D. J. L. lITILWAST, x. Lo.
..tamaa and ComininiOn llderehanui, dealer la Coal,
Fish. and arnt I r a daily line of upper lake Steamer,,
...le Ikea Erre Pa
4 ' , 0 , 11". Manafaetbrere of Iron Vence, Railing, Slearnbeit
err, arc , ice., State; between 7 h and !kb, Streets. Erie.
Removed to NO. 8 Reed Stock, State Sweet.
Erdrots clOsea at I lj o'clock, A. M.
Yo ern 31 o'clock, P. M.
o. n. rearroao, Agent
(Lade of at firs of J. Roars 4 Cc.)
trauma and Cornanisaion 'Merchant. Public Dock. Erie. Pa.
hater ta Coal , XFalt . Fish. Flour arid Piaster.
D. p`. — IMALKER & CO..
"moo, produce and Commission !Ifferebanta, second Ware
limier-an of the Public Bridge, Flrie Pa.
„ Dealers Salt, Plaster, Stutco, Flab. Lime and lame
4 R irMl. Stoves. Castings, /to., Ace. With titosurpasa
d fictiotes for ~hipping either by Steamboats, ProPeUterc
batmen, or by Flail Road.
emaker and Repairer, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Il3eal I a<tru menu, Locking Glaser: and other Fancy Goods.
loupe door
we or the Reed House. 17
11r) goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &c. )14:0
/Perry Blue k, State street, Erie. Pa.
1r and Scaarom—Othee at hie reatdenee on rtlltnln
Gttv.,en French and Holland, Erie. Pa.
ii7 - S - ANFORD tV, CO..
-AID Gold. Silver. Bank Notes, Drafts. Certificates of De-
Nght Exchange on the principal cities constantly
Disk. Cnixe in Etc:my'. Block. Public Square. Erie.
41011 Pritsiciet—Office, corner of French end Fifth
lurer.orer M, , sesiKoch's store. Residence ou Fourth street.
osof etstotthe old A pol hecary Ran.
-.41 to Ent! oh, German and American Hardware and Cutlery;
4° .-
Anvils, V ;cm Iron aud Steel No. 3 Reed HOuse.
;', ° ,.."glit.lotbert, and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods ‘ Groeeries,"
. - Gli.ssware. carpeting. Hardware. Iron, Steel, Nails,
2 3,2 , Ike.. Empire Stores State Street, lout doors, below
rim . ' Hotel. Erie, Pa.
w • -- tirrils, Vices, Bellow S. Axle Arnie. Springs, and a general
nnereot of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings.
ART AT Lary and 3witire of the Peace, and Agent foe
kCry sione Mutual Life Insurance Company--offies S doors
Of Wrights store. Erle. Pa.
An? AT 1.4 w. Girard. Erie County, Pa. adieet.inni and
ye business attended to with prompt-nem; and d Inatett.
udmQ k Comm 'salon Merc haul, cu the Public Dock, east Of
kut street.
Halt, Plaster and White Fish. constantly for sale.
- -
"'.SUEZ leo Resat. DEALERS in Fdieign and Domeatie Dry
tr , ready made Clothing. Soots and Shoe , . ex.. No. 1
nOct Block, State street, Etta.
Awns .1 can - --Olfice up stairs in Tammany Ilan building
orn Of tile Prothcmotary's office, Erie.
BltiliWAY WHALLON, ------
i4 ItTANDCOONSZLLOR AT Lsw—Ofilee over C. B. Wriabt's
1141 , ' door west of State street. on the Diamond,Ane.
;Liu itt Dry Goods, Dry Groceries, Crockery . Hardware, ace.
°I LL Brown's New Hotel.
4114 Dr 9 Goods, Gil:Karim Hardarare,Queeas Ware. Lime.
"• k.e., 141. Cbeapaide. Erie. Pa.
L , khrri Upholster and Undertaker, corner of State and
"' streets, Erie.
t wit: and Retail dealer' in Drop, Niedie Palate, ORs,
tEt G latt , No. q. Reed Hous e, ,
-axona merchant Tailor, on the public .are, a ter door'
Tit t.sie street, Erie,
may Lat. Renal. dealersla Drugs, Medte Dna, Dye !tuba.
ke. Nu . 5 , Recd Hooke. Erie.
the south side of the Diamond. fire doors east of
the Erie Bank. Prices reasonable, and all la
warranted Erie lupe It 1641.
Resident Dentist; Ottee and dwelling on the
South side of the Public Square. tat door East
of the Erie Bank Buiklins. Teeth inisertedatt
I , eth 4sned
v. Cold Plate. from to an eat/resell. Carl
-4.4" Teeth iiLb Pure Gold. and restored to health and use
of pet lutt
c eased with/ ostruwente and Donative SO as to
dcic;a meg,. &J week warranted.
•:- z •-•• 461 " 4 1 111141101E?'
• !!
j Y '•
. ,
'pottrti riuh 311isttilantl.
The dim eld weeds in the wintry time!
Hew solemn and sad their tone,
Whin the winds sweep through with a moaning chime,
The aisle of the forest Ione!
When the root its wonted thirst bath lost.
For the. flow of the hidden rill— •
Ind the fragile shoot is still with frost.
And the sap iu its cell is still—
When each gay lief, that threw so sot! •
It shades o'er summer's brew,
!lath flown from its wavy sphere OA .
To rest 'Death the starry 'mow*
When each sweet flower, with scented cop.
Frail withering where it grew.
Hath closed its fatal petals no,
No more to drink the dew— '
And when emelt trembling note thet gushed,
In soft and silvery song,
And the inseet hum, are silent htshed;
The leafless bows among!
Ahl sorrowing seem those Woods so dim.
As they lift their branches bore-'• -
The shivering twig and the rigid limb,
To the clasp of the frosty air;
And they seem to mourn, 'mid the wintry storm,
For the flash of the greenwood bough. - •
And sigh for the sere Ind ruined bloom
That sleeps on the earth below.
And yet. those dark, sad solitudes! -
I lovi their music well—
When whispering Echo fills the woods
With tones of her tanrtnering shell— •
For though the wind no voice delft own.
Aa it sleeps in the silent tree.
Yet the forest breath with hollow moan. •
Like the sound of the ceaseless sea— -
As the spirit forms of leaves and flowers, •
That grace warm summer's smile, -
Where rustling still among the bowers.
Whers'erst they shone. thO while—
And the spangled frost work, cold and bright.
That gleams en twig and item',
Seems a throne for each of frozen light,
With a diamiond diadem! • •
Oh! I love those gems by the suniutam kissed,
As they swing in the spirkling air,
And I love In the dim old woods to list
To the voices stirring there !
BY ra r lory ?kart.
"Well, doctor, what do you think of her? She
basset her heart upon going to that New Year's
Ball, and it will never do to dissppoint her, poor
The blunt old doctor hit his lip impatiently, and
striking his gold-headed cane in no very gentleman
ly manner upon the floor, said— •
•'Think! I think rit would be perfect - insanity for
tier to attempt it. I won't be answerable fur the
consequences." -
"Psbaw! my dear sir; she has 'hid a dozen at.
tacks before, quite as bad, end..."
"And that is the very reason Why ; she -should be
more cautious now, madam. Ccaod;morning—good
morning! heaven save me front these fashionable
mothers," be muttered, as he banged the door -be
hind him. "She'll kill the.girk and then her death
will be laid to my door—ugh! would he a cow : .
fort if one could meet a sensible woman occasion
Elise Was sitting in bed, propped up by pillows,
Awn her -mother entered. If youth; grace and
beauty could bribe the deatroyer, j or turn aside hia
unerring aim, thee she had been spared. Her cheek
was marble pale, and rested wearily en one little
hand; the eyes were closed as if sleeping, and from
the other hand a few choice dowers had escaped,
and lay . scattered on the snowy counterpane.
"Oh! is that you, mamma! I .hOpe you have
made that stupid doctor give me .something that
will set me up. I feel such a deadly sinking—from
want of nourishment, I fancy. Dl pray see what
you can get for me. I hope Dr. Wyman don't pre
sume to interfere about my going to the Ball, be
cause 1 intend to go, dead or alive; and mama,
While mylonch is getting ready,, bring me my dress
and let me see if Jeanset has placed the trimmings
whore they should be, and hale a ruche placed
around the wrist of my kid gloves; and mains, don't
forget to seed to Auster's for that pearl spray I se
lected for my hair; and by the way just had me that
mirror; I am afraid I am looking awfully pale."
"Not now," said the frightened mother, "you are
too weary. Wait till you have hail some refresh
ments," and the pale beauty sank bank on her pil
low, crushing a wealth of- dark rinlets, and closed
her eyes wearily in spite of her determination to be
A rivet the door! (a bright flush came to her
cheek.) "That's Vivian, 'mama. Tell him—tell
him--(aed a sharp pain through her temples forced
her 16 pane;) tell him Pm better, and he may call
for me at ten to-morrow night; and, mamma, hand
him this;" and she dre* a little perfumed note from
beneath her pillow, with a rose-bud crushed in its
"Draw aside the curtain. Jeannet! Oh! we shall
bare a nice evening for the dance; now hand me
my dreseiag plan. Mamma that medicine is per
feetly miraeoleus—l never felt better. Heaven
knows where I should have been, had you not call
ed in a better counsellor than Dr. Wyman. He
would like me for a patient a year, I dare ash but
I knew better than to line his pockets in that way;
and she skipped gaily acress the floor to a large
fanteuil and called Jeannet to arrange her hair.
"Softly—softly, Jeannet? my head is not quite
right yet. There, that will do;" said Elise, as the
skillful French woman bound trees after tress in
glossy braids around her Well formed head. Now
place that pearl spray a little to the left, just over
my ear, pretty, is it not, mammal"
'Mere, Jeanne!" and she extended the dainty,
foot for its silken hose and satin slipper.
_"Rest awhile new, Elise," said her mother, &swim
looked apprehensively at the bright crimson spot on
her cheek,-t►at grew deeper every moment, and con
trasted so strikingly with the marble paleness of her
brow. I'm afraid
.you are going beyond your
"Mamma what an you thinking about? Look at
mo! sad Ww• hew well I look. ' &tidos, I'd go:' to
r iga ball to-nigkf t it It omit Mtpsi life . Sable itas
triumphed over me once; she shall not do it,i:sec:
and time. Besides there is really no danger j. feel
wild with spirits to-night, and anticipate rmost
brilliant evening," and she clasped the pearl pend
ants in her small ears, and the light, fleecy dreati
fell in soft folds about her graceful person, and up
on her fair arm placed his girt, and taking in her
hand the rich briquet, every Bower of which vrhis
. sd hopes to her young heart, she hold up her .
-oboe' eltb a bewitching smile, and said—
"Now Kiss me, mamma, and say that you are
proud of Elise."
And now Jeannet, with officious care, draws the
rich opera cloak about her shoulders and with a
thousand charg•s from mamma to beware of the
draughts, partake sparingly Of ices, and not weary
herself with dancing, the carriage wheels roll away
from the door freighted with their lovely burdert.
"Elise de Vaux here!" said a tall, queenly girl,
attired in black velvet; and she curled her prissy lip
with iil•concerted vexation. , "I thought her &Yin
or near it;" and as Elise glided gracefully past in
the dance, every eye followed her, ■nd every
tongue eloquent in her praise, lgable's cheek paled
with' anger.
"How radiant sl,e is! how dazzling! Steltnesi
has but enhanced her beauty, and how proudly Vi
vian heirs her through the waltz! Every step they
take is an my heart strings? This must not; shall
not be! Courage, coward heart!" and
her feelings with a strong exercise of wilt, soon
breught pie rose to her cheek, her eye grew wildly
brilliant and, had not Vivian been magnetised past
reeall, his eye would have been caught by the daz
sling vilion.
"Heatiens! that is not Elise de . Vaux!" said a
nephew pf Dr. Wyman's. "What mad" folly! .My
uncle told me if ahe same; it would be at the price
of her life. How surpaasingly beautiful the is!"
"; 4 1osleep tin morn, when youth and pleasuremeet,
To awe the glowiDg hour/ Tiitts Aping km',
"Whig, unearthly beauty!" said the ol4inao to a
youth; on whose arm he was leaning, as Elise glid
put. Who is she,"
"Elise de I;raux."
is rtby du you look at her so wildly? -Hss
Cupid aired a dart at you out of thoselovely blue
"Goed , God!" said the young man, leaping for-
Nerd as it piercing shriek. came -upon the air.—
"Make resigna help! . throw up the windows!" and
Elise was borne nut, gasping, senseless, to the
cool night air.
• Aye, Vivian'. kneel at her side, chafe the little
jewelled hands, put back the soft hair from the azure
veined temples, press the pulealass wrist, listen for
the betting heart—in varn!--Eliire is DRAM!
And in the arms of him for whom ship had thrown
away her life; abe was borue to her home. The
diamond sparkled mockingly on ,the clay-cold fan
ged, the peirla still lingering amid her soft ring
leu, the round symmetrical limbs still fair in their
beautiful proportions. The HILIIT she coveted was
o.Atrtub—.-the dear bought victory woi!
.Roniatioe of Real Life—A. Holiday Incident
'The butchers of Cincinnati are proverbial for their
whole'louled generosity. Ne class of our Citizens :
are se frequently called upon to sympathize with the
suffering poor, and by their acts, not words, show
their noble nature. A pleasant incident came under
our observation yesterday morning. A lady, n hose
attire,was scrupulously clean, bat of humble fabric,
exhibiting plainly that her needle had often been in
requiiition, to repair the effects of wear and time.'
Her thin shawl_ was closely drawn about her person,
meagerly shielding her from the iuclensency of the
weather; her bonnet had passed through no fashion
able Milliner's hand to be remviellea to the latest
style,' but it also, as did her other dresg, spoke plain
ly of ,hours, snatched probably from sleep, to repair
the ravages of time. Her face had once been hand
some, but care and unceasing toil hid stamped there
indelibly their marks; her fragile form - seetned more
fittedifor the cosy fireside, than to bore the chilling
blasts of winter.
She stood within the entrance of the Market -house,
her little basket on her arm, and the small pittance
Of a hard day's toil, grasped in her hand—she look
ed at the stall on which was temptingly spread, in
rich profusion, meats of every kind, she cast ber
eyes along until they rested upon a small untvutpt
ing looking piece—undecided—apparently calcula
ting whether this luxury to her would not be pur
chased at too great a price, precluding other things
necessary to her very existence and a her little ones.
Our good butcher, who would shrink ftotn having
his kind act made known, immediately.-dtvined the
cans* of her hesitation, said " madam, here's a nicer
piece," at the same time laying a x vioble roast and
steak in her basket ;she was about' to, reply, "I can
not purchase it ;" when he int,Crupted her by say
ing "tis nothing—nothing, these ere holiday times,"
and he hastily left his stall: Before she could gain
her self-possession, for if had been long since kind
words and kinder WI had been her lot to receive, be
returned and filled her basket with a variety of veg
etables-, saying "may you have a happy New Year,
as I hope to bare myself."
Tears swelled up in that poor woman's eyes, her,
swelling heart choked her utteran4e. She could
hardly say "God bless you," as she moved towards
bet home, with a heart lighter than - wken she left
her little ones that morning, hardly knowing when
the necessary food was to be procured to lave them
from the keen pangs of hunger. This is no fancy
sketch thing of almost everyday's occurrence.
They will have their raward.—Cin. Nonpareil.
A STATI WITH TOO =CH Monax.--The St. Louis
Evening News exults in the following fashion, ever
the exemption of Missouri from all Stain debt :
" Missouri has no State debt, no incomplete and
abandoned works of internal improvements, and no
harraising 'esti annual' instaitneffta of interest to
pay.. The State Treasury is fall and overflowing;
and Gov. King, in his late message, announces that
the !avenue of the State is larger than the wants of
the State Government require, and he ruggesta a re
duction of taxes r
(1:7" Do not be unhappy if you have not married a
professed beauty. They generally admire them
selves io much, they,have no love left for their hue
bash. Besides, it might not perhaps have been very
agreeable to you to ese every fellow, as. you west
Int, pubile phiels„ emetic afzoirwif• u If fir csl4
dui& bee likh
.. - t p 4 Y 4 -~ f
An old man sits is a high•backed chair
Before as open door.
Whila•the eon of a summer afternoon
Falls hit across the boor.
Mai tha drowsy click If an ancient clock
Has notched the hoer of four.
A breetirbleirs in and a breeze blows out
From the scented summer air.
And it Avers now on Ili. wrinkled brow. •
And now it lifts hie Bair
Abd the leaden lid of his eye drops down.
And he sleeps in his high-baeked chair.
The ild man sleeps. and the old man dreams,
His bead drops ma his breast.
Ilia bands relax their feeble hold,
And fall to his lap in rest.
The old man sleeps. mud in sleep ht deems,
♦ad in dreams again is blest.
The years claret their fear fal mei; ;
H. is a child again.
A mother'a tones are in his ear,
And drift across his brain ;
He abases gandr butterflies,
Tar downthe roiling
He pluck) tbo wild rosy in Oho woad*.
And gathers eglantine.
And bolds the golden buttercups • • •
Birneath hcs ester's chin ;
And angles in the meadow break
With a bent and, asked pin.
He loiters down the grassy lan*
And by the brimming pool.
And a sigh escapes his parted lips -
As he bears the bell for school—.
Antibo wishes it never were nine s•oleek.
And the morning never were full.
A .other's hand is pressed en his bead.
Her kiss is on his brow—
A 1111111103er breeze blew, in at the door
With a toss of a leafy bough.
latitholey imaA.Asaio.
Aid his eyes are leer-61Ied new.
The "Old Guard" at Waterloo.
The 'following description of the last charge by
the Old French Guard at Waterloo, is drivel from
a French work entitled "Histoire de la Garde Im
periale, relue par M. Emile Marco de Saint Hiliare,"
and is interesting at the present moment:
I.During the day the artillery of the Guard, under
Dronet, maintained its old renown; and the Guard
itself had frequently been used to restore the bat
tle in various parts of the field, and always with suc
cess. The English were fast becoming exhausted,
and in an hour more would duubtles6 have been for
ced into a disastrous defeat but fur the timely arri
val of Blucher. But when they saw him with his
thirty thousand Prussians opproaching, their cour
age revived while Napuleon was filled with amaze
ment. A , beaten , enemy was about to form a junc
tion with flie•ailles; while Grouchy, who bedtimes
sent to keep him in check, was nowhere to be seen.
Alail what great plans a single inefficient cow
wander overthrew.
. In a moment Napoleon saw that he eoold not sus
tame the attack_of so many fresh troops, if once al
lowed to form a junction with the allied farces, and
he determined to stoke his fate on one bold east, and
endeavor to pierce the allied centre with a grand
charge of the 0:d Ward, and thus throw himself
between the two armies. For this purpose the Im
perial Guard was called up and divided into twolm
mettle columns, which were to meet in the British.
centre. Those under Reifle no sooner entered the
fire - than it disappeared like mist. The other was
placed under Ney, "the bravest of the brave," and
the order to advance given. Napoleon accompani
ed them part of the way down the slope, sad halting
for a moment in the hollow, addressed them a- few
wards. He toid them the battle rested with them,
and that he relied on their valor, tried in so many
'fields. "Vive fEmpereur!" answered him with
, a
shout that was heard above the thunder of artillery.
The whole contineatal struggle exhibits no subli
mer spectacle than this last effort of Napoleon to
save his sinking empire. The greatest military en
ergy and skill the world possessed had been taxed
to the utmost during the day. Thrones were tot
tering on the turbulent field, and the shadows of fu
gitive kings flitted through the smoke of, battle.—
Bonaparte's star trembled in the zenith—new hlaz
idg out in its ancient splendor, new suddenly paling
before the anxious eye. The intense anxiety with
which he watched the advance of that column, and
the suspense he suffered when the smoke of
battle wrapped it from sight, and the utmost despair
of hie heart when the curtain lifted over a fugitive
army, and the despairing shriek rang out, "The
Guard recoils:" "The Guard recoils!" make uslor
a moment forget all the carnage in sympathy with
his distress.
The Old Guard felt the pressure of the immense
responsibility, and resolved not to prove unworthy
of the great trust committed to its care. Nothing
could be more imposing than its movement to the
assault. It bad never rocoiled before • human foe,
and the allied forces beheld with awe its firm and
steady advance to the final charge. moment
the batteries stopped playing, the firing ceased along
the British lines, as, without the beating of a drum
or a bugle-note to cheer their steady courage, they
moved indeed silence over the field. Their tread
was like muffled thunder, while the dazzling helmets
of the cuirassiers flashed long streams of light be
hind the dark and terrible mass that swept in bne
strong wave along. The stern Drouet was there
amid his tun•, and on every brow was written the
unalterable resolution to conquer or die. The next
moment the artillery opened, and the head of that
gallant column seemed to sink in the earth. Rank
after rank went down, yet they neither stopped nor
faltered. Dissolving squadron and whole battali
ons disappearing one after another in the destruc
tive fire •fleeted not their steady courage. The
ranks closed up as before, and each, treading over
his fallen comrade, passed unflinchingly on.
The horse which Ney rode fnll under him, and
scarcely had he mounted another befora it also sank
to the earth, and so mother and another, till five In
succession. had been shot undet him. Then, with
his drawn sabre, be marched sternly at the bead of
his column. In vain did the artillery hurl-Its storm
of iron into that living mass. Up to the mesa-.
ales they pressed, and driving the artillery men from
flair *Me; pushed e• through tie English lines.-
But just is the vie sop 'aimed *eke reef QOM*,
.h.had WA flat on thigrosielbfili;d
of earth, suddenly rose and poured a volley into their
fairs. Another and another followed, till one broad
sheet of Gate rolled on their bosoms, and in such a
&the and unexpected flow that they staggered back
before it. Before the Guard had time to rally again
and advance, a beevy column of infantry fell on its
left flank in clone and deadly volleys, causing it, in
its unsettled state, to swerve to the right. At that
(aslant a whole brigade of cavalry thundered on the
right flank, and penetrated where cavalry had never
gone before.
That intrepid Guard could have borne up against
the Unexpected fire froth soldiers they did not see,
and would also have rolled back the infantry that
had boldly charged its left flank; but the cavalry
"finished the disorder into which they .had been cno
unitarily thrown, and broke the shaken ranks before
tbelhad time to reform, and the eagles of thatlith
erto invincible Guard were pushed backward down
the slope. It was then that the tamp, seized with
despair, shrieked out, "The Guard recoils! The
Guard recoils!" and turned and fled in wiki dismay.
To see the Guard in confusion was a sight they had
never before behel I, and! it froze every heart with
terror. Still those veterans refused to fly; rallying
from their disorder, they formed into two immense
square' of eight battaliuns, and turned fiercely on
theenetny, nobly strove to stem the reversed tide of
, 'Fur a long time they'stood 'and let the cannon
balls plough through their ranks, distaining to turn
their backs on the foe. Michel, at the bead of those
battalions, fought like a lion. To every command
of the enemy to surrrnder, he replied, "The Guard
dies -p--it never surrenders;" and with his last breath
bequeathing this glorious motto to the Guard, be
fell a witness to its truth. Death traversed th.),m
eight battalions with such a. rapid footstep that they
seen dwindled away to two, which turned in hope
less daring on the overwhelming numbers that
pressed their retiring footsteps.
Last of all but a single battalion, the debris of the
"column of granite" at Marengo, were left. Into
this Napoleon Ming himself. Canibronne, its brave
commander, saw with terror the Emperor in its frail
keeping._ He was not struggling fur victory—he
was intent only on showing how the (Lard should
die. Approaching the Emperor he cried out, "Re
tire! Do you not see that death has no need of you!"
and closing mournfully yet sternly round their expi
ring magles,thoee brave hearts badeNapoleen an eter
nal atlieu,and flinging themselves on the enemy,wero
soon piled with the dead at their feet.
Many of the officers were seen to de.troy them
selves rather than survive deficit. Thus, greater in
its own defeat than any other caps of men in gain
ing a victory, the Old Guard, passed from the stage,
and the curtain dropped upon its strange careat It
bus fought its last battle.
TRAVSLINO PIIREIC.—An action recover
damages for the wrongful ejecting of a passenger
from the care of the Hamilton and Dayton Railroad
Company, was tried yesterday, hi the Superior Court.
The plaintiff, George Maxander,claimed that he had
entereJ the cars as a passenger at Dayton, having
purchased a ticket which 112 accidently lost before
called on by the conductor s On the other side it
was claimed that the plaintiff had • not bought any
ticket; but that if he had, having lest it, he was
bound to pay over again. It was shown in aggra
vation that the plaintiff was put out on a cold win
ter's morning, the nearest house being some three
or four thousand yards off, and that the plaintiff's
feet were injured by the frost and cold.
In his charge to the jury, Judge Headley inform!.
them that a corporation stood on no higher grounds
than any other carrier—that the ticket given by the
Railroad Company was the best evidence .of pay
ment, but if the party had actually paid fur his seat
in the cars, the loss of the ticket would only put
him to the trouble of proving he had paid, and the
Railroad Company would have no right to turn him
It being suggested on the part of the defendant
that if the-ticket were found by another person it
might have been passed on the conductor, the Court
remarked that the ticket was not negotiable; and if
the company chose to put it in a shape by which
they might be imposed upon, that would pot alter
the rights of-other parties.
The jury, after a short deliberation, brought in a
verdict for plaintiff; with $5OO datnages.—Cinrin
nail Cunt, Jen. 14.
No' net-Dims...The otber day it was a bitter cold
morning, as we were wending our way to the office,
we passed on the street, a little girl some eight ar
nine years old, thinly clad, a pair of raggeJ shoes
picked up probably in the street, and "a world too
wide" for her slender feet. Her scaat and faded
calico dress, her almost total covering, scarce reach
ed to the knee, and her little legs were as red as e
pigeon's with the-cold. The instinct of charity, as
we rapidly passed. (and the whole spectacle was
but a coup'de ail,} induced us to feel in our pock
ets for something wherewith to buy her a pair of
stockings. Utifortunately for our bump of sympathy,
it did not contain "a red." We hurried on—eager
to escape the nipping air, and amid the cares of bu
siness, it soon escaped us, but the vision of that
poor trembling child comes up to our mind's eye,
and upbraids us that we did not step into some store
hard by and "run our face" for something to pee
tact those little limbs from the keen and pitiless
blast. For the nonce we are free to- confess we
were without out usual presence of mind. Does it
not seem strange that so young and delicate a child
should have traversed our streets without encoun
tering some "good shepherd!" It will be a long time
before it will entirely fade from our memory, one good
deed we might hive done, omitted. Perhaps had we
not been so warmly clad, our senses would have
been more alive. Though a simple incident of ac
tual, occurrence, one day last week, it involves a
moral.—Loaisrille Times.
cg". I do not ask that women may fill offices in
the Cabinet, or represent either the army or navy.
I do not urge them oat to command ships, or build
railroads, to harangue in public pieces, or fill pul
pits. These are matters that cleave entirely to hit-
Ma capabilities._But I do ask that no civil -disa
bilities be attached to us, say more than to eur broth
ers, in regard to these•pesitions. If we aspire to
them, and prove ourselves incentiatent, the world
will readily leant the fact, just as it. lures event
tally to 4eteet-any incompetency in the other ten.
9150 ♦ IrEAlt, is £dvsici.
0 1.• ogioal Sermon. i • ••
had, at ono - time, for a co•curate a very icepaii
sive and rather demoofratic man. Our rector- was
an aristocrat. On Sunday he bad delivered himself
of • sermon in which he incidentally juseSed tea•
ily pride, and spoke in a matiper that must hare ben
offensive to any poor person of any intelligence or
independence ; and, as we were leaving the dumb,
my brother curate exclaimed, with unaffected indig
nation, " Well, that crowns toadying did
courses. Such flunkeyism is intolerable. . But Ctl
administer an anecdote next Sunday ; see if Idou't.
Like Herod's worms, our rector's pride is eating his
up." I.did not attempt to dissuade him. Our ora
tor treated both of us with a condescension that *Os
anything but flattering ; and he thought more et
being a "gentleman" (upon which be was always
indirectly vaunting himself) than of being a Chris
tian, forgetting what Coleridge said, that there was
no real gentlemen without he wee a Christian.
Next - Sunday morning my brother curate carried
out his threat. He told me nothing about hew he
proposed to manage or mould his course ; so judge
my surprise when, mounting the pulpit, he gars out
as his text, the 3d chapter of Luke, part of the 23d,
and the whole of the 2lth, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th,
D.b, 30th, 31st, 333, 333, 34th, 35th, 36the 37th
and 33111 verses ; "in which (he continued) will be
found the following words;" and then, to the marvel
of the whole congregation, who turned towards the
pulpit with eyes and mouth open, be read right
through the sixteen verses, beginning with—" J
oseph, which was the son of Heti," and ending with,
"which was the son of Enos, which was the son of
Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the
son of God." Every one is familiar with the.peia
liar and strange effect upon the ear of the repititlon
of words, "which was thel , on,"when even °martin
in the reading desk ; but in the palpit, as a prefix to
a sermon in the shape of a text, they sounded oddly.
The rector looked at me as if for en explanation, sod
1 did not know where to look ; while the prineipal
persons of the parish mallifestly came to the conclu
sion that my brother curate was gone mad. Stit t
if he were, he soon showed them there was method
in his madness ; for he ingeniously evolved out at
these sixteen verses a discourse that might have
served as an essay on the Republican legend of
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity." • The reader
has probably anticipated me in the use he made of
his long text.
"Here (said ha) we have a genealogical - tree, not
traced by the flattery of sycophants, nor the natter.
minty of herald., but by the. unerring Evangelist.
whole inspiration enabled him to mount frombranch
to branch—a genealogy beginning with God,-end
ending, so far as my tent goes, with a poor Galile,
an carpenter: Here is a lesion and a rebuke teethe
pride of descent. The poorest carpenter, is the
poorest village in Eiglaud, can retrace his lineage
through the same unbroken succession; and the
proudest peer can do no more, unless the latter, in
his presumption, should be disposed to ignore his
divine origin. But it would be no use; by whets:.
ver different branches, they'arrive at the same root;
the noble and the peasant, if both had the power of
going back over their ancestry, would both meet at
the 38 verse of the 31 chapter of Luke, 'Which was
the sou of Euos, which was the son of Seth, which
was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.'
"Here (ho continued, looking, at the rector's and
the squire's pew?)—here we.all meet on equal terms.
Disown them as we like in other degrees, her we
are brought face to face with, and can no longer re
fuse to acknowledge our poor relations."
Then, looking to some forms on which a group
of slms-house people eat, he added:—
'Here, too, my poor friends, you. and your dot
wiors' m-et in the presence of your common pa
rent, the great God of heaven and earth, in whose
eyes the fictitious distinctions of the world ari
naught. Cold-shoulder you as they like through
life, they cannot ignore their, relationship when they
come to this; they can no longer speak of you, spurn
you, as though you were formed of different clay.
The'carpeater and the king ars one; -and how little
importance St. Luke, who.was no sycophant gem.
alogist, attaches even to the regal office, may be
seen from the manner in which he passes through
the 31st verse, where no pause is made to mark the
prondtitle of David, which was merely the son of
Jesse, which was the son of Obed, and so on."
In conclusion he urged the poor man to live up
to hie great origin, and not disentitle himself to that
great share in the inheritance of which his heaven
ly Father had laid up for his ehildren who truly
serve him. They need not care for the proud man
disowning them now; the thing to be feared was
God disowning them on the last day. The rich he
enj , dr.ed to feel for the poor as for brothers, if they
would not offend that great Being who has a father's
interest for all.
I thought the rector would never forgive my pa
curate; but the only notice he took of the eecestrii,
discourse was to cease for ever after preaching-to
the "humbler orders," of the deference they towed
their "superiors." It was before so bad that a weigh.
boring clergyman said to me, "If your rector - bad
to put on an eleventh commandment, it would run
thus: "Thou shalt not neglect to take ofFtby 44 to
myself and the squire."
TAKI" AT IIIS 0FF&11.4 friend says the editor
of the Waterford Sentinel, was taken at him offer a'
day or two since. He published the following :
" We shall insert no marriage notice, unless,ac
companied by the sum of one dollar."—Erchangs.
"We shall insert all marriage notices for a Cm
of the bride."—Waterford Sentinel.
A few days after, a plump-looking colored girl en
tered his office, for the purpose of informing her
friends, and the colored gentry generally, that oho
had taken to herself one Samba, "for better or rot
WUb." The editor replit d that he should have to
Charge her twenty-five cents. She hesitated a mo
ment, and then opening a paper, pointed to the arti
cle in question. The editor blushed, and the brii•
turned pale, but whether they kissed, deponent saith
not. • .
No You Don'T:lvookl.—Sc4ns 14 Court of J*w
ties—Boy,' Witness in Case of Assaidt On Mr.
' Judgi (with dignity)—Young Inns do yen knew
this Brown ?
Boy (looking roguishly at his honor, and a/Want
kis head)—No yer don't Judge.
Judge (indignantly)—What do you mean by . that,
sir I Answer my question ; do you know We
Brown ?
Boy (with a peculiar wink)—no yer don't, hags.
Judge (in a ragej—Answer me, you young ♦it .
-or I will commit you for contempt of Court --
do you know this Brown !-
Boy (applying. his thumb to the tip GT his nose,
and wriggling mysteriously his elongated II apes)
—Yee can't come it, Judge ; I know whin pitman;
—7tr wane . me to say what Brown. and Mora
to nny 7t ifiesca Stout ! No yerdiou'ilaidel.
.•4s •
z.. - .:47-7 4 61 1