A. r, 1117112L1N & 00.,-Propriators. ME VOLUME 23. frit llittkiti Ottotruer. A. F. DURLIN & CO., PROPRIETORS 33.1"• SLOAN. Elditor. ,ITICE. CORNER BTATERI E , BT. AND PUBLIC SQUARE, E. - TERMS OF THU PAPER. nrstserlber. the carrier, at sail, or at thedike, in ;avarice. 1.60 pu n ot paid in advanee.or within three months from the time reNieribing, in° dollars will be charged. VAl)ortamumratione mast be post paid. HATES OF ADVERTISING. Cards not exceeding 4 lines, one year. 13,00 o,4l,quare .. • • 10,00 dl). 111 months, • COO k. do. three months, 3,00 Twatent ad; el overrun is, Nieents per MOM, of fifteen lines or Iref.rq own tom la cents for each outrequent insertion. yesii) autertiyers have the privilege of changing at pleasure, 2,; . L11. 1, e a a rc allowed to occupy more than lwo squarer, avid l'lsailto their immeds4to bus:nest._ tivrt.emenir not having other directions, will be inserted till ..11LA chatged accordingly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CARSON GRAHAM. v or \ COUNSLLLOR AT LAW, In George A. ElliOt's •ple of the park, Erie. 3$ JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN, „,„ rr ‘D .COUXIIELLOIL AT LAW, No. M. Third Street, . 34 JOHN W. RIDDELL. an* tr Fifth - Street, between Smithfield arria streets. Pittsburgh. Pa. VINCENT LIIMROD & CO. 0-7,4Trieß4 of Stoves, hollow Ware, Engines, Machinery, god ('are, etc., state St,. Erie Pa. THOMAS M. AUSTIN, (Laic of the firm of G. Loomis 4 Co.) is in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, 3iunical . meats, Looting Glasses, Lamps and Fancy 60401. whoie ennd r runt. JOHN GOALLANG, 401 T Tattea. and Habit Maker—Shop on the east aide Of 'sweet. two doors north of Eight. and adjoining .1. H. sib- S. Co's Cabinet Warc-Rootn, Erie, Penna. CLARK Ar. METCALF. .rssta and retail dealers in L Goods, Carptia, and Dry -rues No. 1 Reed House. WILLIAMS Jr, WRIGHT. II!, Collectors and Dealers in Gold and dilver coin. uneur ,....lNloney, Land Warrant' and cert inert les of Depointe. Also ra Prang on the principal cities of the ClllOll, and all parts sae Old Country for sale. Office, WI Mains' %irk, corner of tab-et. and Public Square. .1 a n Liods. . J. G. do K. 1. MILLE, •areas and Wholesale Dealer in Groceries, Wines, Elmtors, Carr.—Aso. Foreign Fruit, Nuns, Pickles and Pickled Oys r•..Lokn rs, Preserves, and flermetricatly Sealed articled of sey description always on hand. No. 3, William's Brock, Ist---it , opposite Brow n's New !Intel. Erie. Pa. 6 lints, New York. Wx. 1. Krtu, Bufraki. .o.cciviny in their season. Oysters in shell, from J. G.. Mills , he% York, which will be sold Wholesale at low prices A. C. Jarasos, Agent. Erie,,Pa. DUBLIN & SLOAN. Azrts io Cla,sical, School and Idiecellaneous Hooks, Blank k e t,, s"tity., ery, and Prarrers Cards, No. 9,-Brown's new P I. 171313 T. W. AIOORE, ..v.; Pr u• ion', Winet, Liquor.. Candies, Fruit, tt .. one ik,v r below Looms fr. Co's Mate meet. Erie. JOHN B. COOK. 4,:tta QtnCe & Fancy Dry Goods, and the Greatest variety r'sLy Am.( in Me etty. Cheap rilde Erie, pt. STERRETT & GRAY. ;Kr a.. and fetal( Dealer. in Wet and Dry Groceries Pro Owe, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Wooden, Pea anti stone (rare, Flour, Flab, S.7lt, Glass, Nails, Cart , . Safety &c., /cc.— French Sueet. oppo r,,tae - , (Plr) :Ito! Canal Buts, Vessels, notes, and Private vi 10 any of the aboveartictes with prompt- Ihe at! ver , heap. WM. S. LANE. Attorney and Oeunsellor at Law. Fla. over Jacklen's lure, at Natttr-East cornet of the Pub- Duk,"ll)Rs BEEBE dc l'E WART._ IL ^ll , O lc inns and Surgeons. Office and Residinees.-- tr , 6. Streets. (lace ti.urs from 7 to e, A. 21; Ito 2, and b to 7. P. M. I.ICLIE. a. D. J. L. lITILWAST, x. Lo. JOHN HEARN & CO ..tamaa and ComininiOn llderehanui, dealer la Coal, Fish. and arnt I r a daily line of upper lake Steamer,, ...le Ikea Erre Pa LIDIJELL & CO. 4 ' , 0 , 11". Manafaetbrere of Iron Vence, Railing, Slearnbeit err, arc , ice., State; between 7 h and !kb, Streets. Erie. AMER'''AN E-XPRESS COMPANY. Removed to NO. 8 Reed Stock, State Sweet. Erdrots clOsea at I lj o'clock, A. M. Yo ern 31 o'clock, P. M. o. n. rearroao, Agent GEORGE J. MORTON: • (Lade of at firs of J. Roars 4 Cc.) trauma and Cornanisaion 'Merchant. Public Dock. Erie. Pa. hater ta Coal , XFalt . Fish. Flour arid Piaster. D. p`. — IMALKER & CO.. "moo, produce and Commission !Ifferebanta, second Ware limier-an of the Public Bridge, Flrie Pa. „ Dealers Salt, Plaster, Stutco, Flab. Lime and lame 4 R irMl. Stoves. Castings, /to., Ace. With titosurpasa d fictiotes for ~hipping either by Steamboats, ProPeUterc batmen, or by Flail Road. W. 1-1. KNOWLTON. emaker and Repairer, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Il3eal I a