Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 29, 1851, Image 3

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Forirronr Children killed, Twenty oh
F/vm the New YorkTitnes. '
Y es terdaY.afternoon, Nov. 20, another r
awl ul accidents that seem almost per-, scat
red in this City. The explosion of a to
'Hague street first. startled us and ciaoal glo,
m a l ty a household;-then the falling to bull
Twenty-first street was idded to the r ecu!
the.: two alone many valuable lives twle lu
it appears there was yet to be added to' the
fatalOics another that should, in its sad resu
passel! otherd.
About one"year ago, the papers of,ou cit
glowing account of the opening of a Pu tic.
So. .6, in the Ninth Ward: The building
been erected and was thought to be pertco.
il r
tiro floor was a roombairy placelor exe cis
secondiloor was the Primary Departnictip
third was the Soya' Department; and on th
floor was the Female Department. The
%as large, and yet its capacity was be r arci
cierit to accommodate the inunc-nde number
L'iin who sought ailtnittance to the clasdes.
capable of judging; while they bestowe c
praise upon the building, felt that one . re
fold bedn made in its errection., No suital
nay had been provided, by which the child
rapidly and safely pass from the building i
tare. or any other danger that should rdapi
speedy exit. The only means of getting
by a circular staircase, around a,large Well
we believe it is called, and nothinr , was iar
prevent falling into this well-hole, tmt a; li
en railing. The insecurity of t!:• ,- ,.1triiq w
stand - , been repeatedly demonstrated to tho
duty it is to remedy the defect, and they
and again been:urged to make some different
meats, They did, at last, partially übviat
ficult,y, by CA-tructing shuther ~.tairw4,
Ilitioh to the/building, for the egrei.s of ! ti
departmer-but they left the primary-slid
pammiintsi Ftill to use the dangerous rine
cons lr clod. Thrir ross neglec', has! t
fearful y demonstrated. . 1 i :
Yes erday, about 2 o'clock. the Prinqip
Primary Department, 'Miss IlmutisoN, wa
by a paralytic stroke. 11i2r face was h,ilr
tortand making ine ffe ctual effi - rts to! i.
fells listless to the floor. The cliil4
! became :frightened and made a rii,
/,, 0 00r, With the leteution of running down
The children in the other dep•trtm outs he
crush beloW, suppn4ed that there was iro . im p
ger, - and of course j iined the crowd arWor
hy_this time, the cry of tire had beemas,
'cry renewed the fears of the children, ,aii
oforta to esca; e they rip=hetl nplynn thh
ilz, which gate away before them, ani
Lelpless little ones .were preepitated do,r ,
swoe doer beneath. Into this awful
plwredlike grain Iron a h umier, (as a uit!
pressedlit r ) until they wire o i ler, i t 1,11
of the first floor, some dallung tram the le
and some from the tirua. - - u
The alarm Was imunediotely given hi
honutreds rushed to the rescue id, the put, r
who uttered fearful and h••tr! -r,Tiditt.„(!•• 4-1
short, time came tlic mothers. fathers, Lui
brothVeri . oT those wInV attended the s tii,
usueless fur us to atiimtpt to rtray t
folluil. -(Were follow, a list Ail II .
woulided, lint which we omit fur want , !
Alb three were taken out of the ma'
scot to Numb Ward Station-Meuse. and
cent to the resiultices of their parents.
they could be 'l:termite]. It was imp ussi
rain the ages of the deceased, butt they tun
six to fifteen years. A few• of the fitis
that fell down were kited instantly bk
but the largest number lost Alleir lit esid
lion. Thme that were sm,thered had tin
tuefbre they were taken m 0 .4 Many wit
slightly, and ran home as s um as they We
ted; and, ; of course, no record was kept df
When the rush commenced. the teach!
ed to suer) the cur rent. and to force lisc
rune(' 'cliiiufren. • Mr: McNst.t.r, the P,rtt
Bity's iMpa-rtmete, Succeeded in eio:4;iri,
huts roomi, and thereby keetntl back l''
The female teachers were, however, l'
.tru:glitrz 'to keep the children Inen 1.4
case, ?hey fwere themselves carried aloiik
were precSpitated down upon the earn.
beneath. Their were 11ias JULt% I't's
M. Lot:lsk CCD. M 144 EL LF :v
ovr. Jli <M AV; stcr Sutra. \3i. , --ar t
Tile - % all rece,vdd s•nereonyirtel.andl •
Miss Win rsivir sill not ,ante.
M. li AKRISON, whose 5ti.1.1..0 attacki
fearful awl futal ptitpc, ;s not expeete.l tio
At the tttne 01 the accident, the . re wetlt ,
pi t rAltteudance as tollows:
1 th 'rimnry department, 2.1 th , or,
1 1
On :he' II floor,
In the wale department, 411; fle.)r,
Total. ,
Of the dead, 34 were front the print
mem, (boys and giirls,) . were from the
partmeni, and 5 fnarn. the Female depart
While those attracted•by the cries at
house were engaged in extricating tit+
fallen down, their attention wail arrested
boy who, holding n yoiinger brother ti l e
stood in alt open window, urging him t?;
pavement. and calling to y , inie 'person
brother Tommy . " "Jump, Tommy." saa
and Fit pimp, ton. - A i gi iitleinaa, loop
just time to raise his hands and make a!
catch the boy cs he leaped from the windl
tunaiely, he succeded in catching him, at
brother followed, whom he also caught.
ample once set. had ready followers, ntiti
fellow*, to the number of twenty, were t
as they.pmped. They probably. would'
eased, have hesitated to jump one quartet' ;
tance—but almost frightened to death, ti
not of the danger before; in their .strop.
escape the swful abyss behind them, inpl
ensity•of their classmates had been dried
of nineteen or twenty thus liberated mite,
as he was placed in safety. - One, ad he !
exclaimed, "Good boy;' and started t
When, at last, order was restored, and t ,
tut stairs were liberated, there was upon':
that passed out firm the building alinost
ly look—a wild, bewildered stare, as
/ passed front the very jaws of
the Chicago Tribu',e lately made an - ex.
on the Chicago and Galena Railroad.
description of the incidents I) the trip;
the fultowing, account of a subterranean,
Eight miles 'beyond Elgin we came t
curiosity—a subterranean lake, situate
very summit level, between 'the two iiv
miler area from three to tour hundred ac
dr level, and forming a complete basin
Gering of hillock ornamented with a gro
marks the-place and imparts the peculi.
it possesses -over the general featuues o
ry before reaching. it. The direct line
lay across this space, a distance of sir
. during the winter an embankment' of s
siirfeet was thrown across it on which
track. Upon the approach of norm we
observed that the embankment began to
by the tjmesthe frost had entirely give
road for th whole distance across had *i
The company were compelled then t.
temporary track around the edge of O I L
%thief) the cars now run, while a . strc
hands was detailed to till up the on
This proved to be . iin to
togs, it was found that the depth of
the lake varied from twenty to thin
end upon computation it required iiftv t
bit yards of earth to!bui!ti ernlpat.krite
for g e, thmcost of vilikh would n0t,,,,1; ll
abort of $7,000.
On reaching this place the cars ha
I - crimpaity walked across' upon the crust
The turf yielded end shook beneath our
dietanee of several yards around. On]
the track, as far as the filling in hati-he l ,
ad, the - crust has been elesated. tieveral
by the pressure of the fluid MISS . ! bencatt
'here and there huge fissures striking!
to the ohaerver U 1 the prof rand depths 0
IZilt by this. film of vegatablemould.
Nrutwick informed us that a 'few d.
same of the hands had caught a picker
dies in length, it; the water which staii
traes went down. Whether a native o,
low, or whether it had emigrated fr :
boring river duling 'le !ate &ode, ii a '
News by Telegraph and Nail.
NLW Yona. Noe. 25-2 P. 111.
The steamship :trio reached Midas at %little before 8
o'clock : yesterday'mori.iiig.With S 5 paisongers.
The Foreign news is. insi orient Quilt Rs it relates to tha
derma of the new electorial law in Frituce, and the arri
val-of large amounts of gold from Anstrelia.
- The triump!iial pr..grets of Kossis 'leontinued to at
tract the attention of tho English putilin: After leaving
Manchester Kossuth returned to Ilifriiingham. When a
great banquet was tendered I :Att which eight hundred
and fifty persons sat down. Kosiuth will sad in the Hum
boldt. • •
If those
I eler in
ntgs 4n
d. By
libi of
1., MU-
gave a
10 pi=t
The submarine telegraph betwken England and Ersnie
is now successfully opened, arid despatches bad been
transmitted accurately..
E.) the
I , on the
on the
Iv Gari
n( chit-
In France the electorial law tias defoated on the see 7
ond reading. so the National Aiieuthly. Noinrithatand
ing those defeats, the Ministers:me vinembarrraed and
matters remain trumpet. •
i • I
The King of Hanover was (*lining rapidlY, and no
hope of his recovery*: 11.1 entertained.
~,,A.ecounts from Nest , South Wales to the 18111 Aug.
give the most tistterlnz details both as to quality and
quantity of gold around about Bathurst. Bidniy yea eI•
most deserted. The' receipts per week into the towns
was said to reach .00 to £25,000. Tlitirovernmeat
armed escort brought .C 10,090.
^•t error
le stair
n might
case of
re their
out was
hole, as
need to
!11t wood
e under
' e whose
I -
.e time
the thf-
The steamer Severn arrived at Southampton on 131 h,
with mails from Australia and New Zealand to - the 18th
Sept. She brought two packages of gold valued at £l.-
200, and .15 packitges of diamonds valued at
lion. R. J. Walker is to be invited to a pithlic dinner
at Liverpool on the' 24th in+t. The - Amerienn Chamber
of Commerce in that city has takeiti the iniative in ma
king:the neceasary• arrAzetne tits.
'n an bd
e female'
male Ite
' riginnlly
ow been
Corms—Vert large business hits been transacted da
ring the week, at ail advance of penny, On Aincrican
! , 1 in the
',e,ik. the
n in the
linaans - rcErs--There hail been a steady demand for
wheat and fionr. without any change in price.
l!novistosts-riiberal supplies of colonial produce were
received. antlyrices for „the !mist continued to give sway.
Beef was trill and diaNlt to sq. Nothing doing in
American pork. No new bacon I offered; and the first
arrivals will sell well. Hams end Shoulders go ottalowly.
. Clar.raits, ,Nov. 24.
for the
Ile stars.
ring the
rent dan
id in their
rail rail
the poor.
L tip in the
:ion they
t einnn ex-
.The Empire City. from limns; arriyed Thursday
with :385 passengers, mostly returned Califocnians.
She had $44,000 in gold dust for freight. and about
$300,000 in hands of passengers.
• flowns. Nov. 25.
-The'We6ster dnvention at Penni' Mil h i t crowded
with D.leg,ntes. A committee we's appointed after tem
porary mganizatioti, tri select officers. who reported Hon.
Geo. Ashmun as President. and ,bout 39 Vice-rresi
deta. Mr. A•ditnun on taking the chair . d an
appropristo attire.% pod Itt:Us followed . by J.:. Thomas
Stcvenson. The Convention the adjourned till 3 o'clock
P. M.
Jenny Liner Cnncart for;been postponed
in consequence of her illness. F; • .
Sm . :hat. Ettcrins - —55 towns have been heard (roil
and gi re the following returns:
Whig 19; CoZtiori 35: No Choice 27: :Towns to be
heard from 21 * : The chances are' ip favor'of the Coali:
tionv having a str ll twi s prity in the Hods's. which will
secure the re-elec on of Geo. Donnell for novenae,
SICCO•ID Dr...esr —House now standa 196 Whip-
199 Opposition. •
8 towns to hear ram. 4, small whigajotity is' the
House now probe u, but it can hardly :prose aviellablq for
s party putpuscs.
ectk ig
311,1 ttory
tsi,lp. And
itt,et °ties.
In a
ers and
:s. It is
tiled and
hey were
ini - thete
Es fa-L ab
to a-cer
•e.l from
their rail,
F ffin-a
ined black
e extrics-
Item. ,
• .SCHr.+rcrabv. Noir. 21.
. -
DRE•PfUt. EtPLOiIO:I Ant Acctussr.--This aittrnoon
about half psst 4 cqelock the Gasometer of,the ,§chenec
tsoly 'Gas 'works erpl ided, seriouslyef not fatally injuring
Pairick Don:illy. Mr. John Eaton. SuPerintindent of
the Works and a laborer were aiso considerably injured.
New Tons, Nov. 21.
The Georgia sailed to-day for thagres with 600 pas-
io the
he door of
c (0%W.-
atal 'stair -
.and some
lieu mays
T.%% % •
r. KY.
ti 'feared
sengi:rs. •
The Times- publishes a letter purporting tin come from
Mr. Thraiiher, in prison nt Havana, dated the 14th inst..
wherein he .tales op •to the Present lime. he had not
been tried and that there was nothing Inuird among his co Hyrum:sing. any one in any manlier whatever.
. rlsti 1 ill ecru!' . Nut. 24.
• Hon. Henry Clay arrived iu this city . in feeble health.
The reported death of Sen i ntor Dawson of Georgia. is oa
tore. Advices from Southampton. t i Nov. 1 th' state.
that Kossuth will nut embark in the Washing a as he
could not 'complete his orraniemients in felt on. He
iwould pOssibl) leave in the Humboldt on the 2pth: lie
has written to dm Mayor of N., Y.. and Hon. Daniel Web
ster to that effect. Tne loiter to the Mayor hat been re
ceived and confirms the above. '
1,P356 pu
ry depart-'
Bole de-,
the S hoo!'
w !lad
bye Preen
the hied,
wept° the '
to catch
Ire, "jump
g up, hod
A report is current here that Geu. Foote's friends in
tend electing him (or the long term to the Senate, and
that he will resign the Gdsernorship and continue in his
present position.
Olickap Oroceries and Pure Wino*. and Liquors.
HE subscriber. ts now reeett lug his fall and Winter supply l. of Groceries. Wines and Liquors. Oils. Fish, Ste'.l which,
having been purchased at reduced 'triers. consequent plan the
measure in the Money'is enatieuy to sell at raw , that
Astonish the Natives and Dery Compe ti t ion.
He therefore takes ple,..itire in cantina the attention of a crous
eating and drinking public to an enumeration Of a par of the
many good things he has in store for them. feeling ante ey have
but tu EX.% MIN E. tat' % I.IT 1' .t7ti It PRICE- 4 to be mitt tied that
it at ill hr to their interest to purr hare Of him. Hui KM consists
in part of
Plt ft. and Cana 4utmr. .Old Java. and all ixher roffees.;
Pitherizeil. crushed, 'Tanta* 41 'Black dr. Green Teas. all kintla.
nod t 'otter •ticri pi.. Tobacco. smoking andlchewitig
MoMenu., all qualittes & kinds.' plug and japer, all kinds.
Citron. Starch,
No. StartsStartsand Velltfw dnuff. . Poor
7, lktmestic and Pavalia,eigars„,Rasins.
Lemon, Ft:, Prone*. Currant.. Pepper. Chorea.
. , Nutmeg,. klnce, Indigo. Ginger. l'assa. Ground ('Mier.
rem er .suer. Ohs s. Castor a, .1 Si rem i linn. Howl - nit codfish.
NI , keret. Salmon. Whitet6h and Trout: Fancy and
t,oilunoti bar Sons. Seinen Ate, London ['tinge.
Ware-narr. Rorkolhani amts Stone 1 .
Ware of et cry der r Igo( tun; .
- 1 Aim, the lesias- ..
People a eartsuctat Row.
1 In the line of Wilms and Liqqors his stock embraces Pale and
I Dark Srataliee, St. Crory and Janine la Ibunl. &heedful, and Pine
' Apple 4:in. S.: llf f . h . ..70r1.i.fratteLT W,hirkev: (ltd Pon and Minte
rs:l %yule. Seherry, Malaga. Red l'ort, Clarret and Champaign
' W nits: Also. tirniiit, Peaches Mid Cherrts, ter:ether %lin all
: most etery thing rue in hi. line. i T. W.. MOORE.
Erie, Nov. '2.1, 1 , .11... ' , ti
w. Fur
d thembid
The ex
hese little
us caught
.l the dis
•y thought
desire to
which so
But onf•
d'a - word
-as caught
I 1. , 1111C.-
I •
vet! fgce
n unearth
ouith they
lie editor a.
'from his
we extract I
a natural
upon the ;
rg. A Cif- ,
siperfect- ;
ith a. hot- I
: th of oaksi 1
:ray which !
the count- ,
.f the road
vole, and
.me five or 1 r
place the '
(her it wag l i
- Fettle, and
tiI•AS.R‘. no" •elimg' at Ritlerneek's as low gs three
p-r gallon
Erie Nc:v. FM '
- - -
.%nderson & Vo.. Liehenthat & Ilhott k Son's
r'he‘s Tuhaero. by the' polin,! or paper. also
Paten I isli Tobn , eo Iran IPI Cis. to three shill i nes per hound by
Erie Nov. 21, 1.51, W. F. at NOIIR N
Oysters: Oysters:l Ordefs: 11
plug .10. e ril.rr will have dorm' the %sinter. a eonstaht supply
I. of Fre-l) Bahl more Oysters. for sale by the 7n n. In
Want v)111 please q" bout mall. I I). rt. CI.ARK. •
Pr Nt v. 2 -, No. 0 notth4ll Mock.
. ....
way, the! Lew 110 - 01tra. - s
ii , appe?re d. 1 rill! F. .ttil.e Tiler o ill till :•11 warn , fersitlier ltnaltrh Or Atuert•
4 1. n., t: s li , i , i. i 7: o !4• l -,0 n k e ,, , ....a . i.,1 m l Lill. of 6 ri il7 t l r i o;; .i ii . Pl iii. t i t i Vi,liia
coosiroct a .
basin upon I I:tie Si's-ember .., t-51. , 1 , tfls
, gr l force t.l l , WANT ED.
wail track. i vyTooti-ritrirri:Rs. to firiii six iiilNDltcrit•cißns or'
in mood-bb Iv ar , ):)...0:a t . t.e l. l:ret . ater-01 - ‘ l , h i r . r. l ttl r 7e e rtlet l l,7solota in Moll
the, bed of t r a reek ItMt. tk , , . r • j ! ofi rr r 1 I i u k I ms
K I .P.lT ' RICK Sc l' lrii i l l /T1111 1. , 1Y
-severi feet,' N%-ient..erti. I=sl. 31.14
_ .._
ionFa tid co- r' r Ist] —Mackerel. Shad. IVbiterio.h. Trout. „ ('Daft-h. tar wale by
ttot be out : - ,i_ Nu ii, , ..!, , lii. hint bbl- or lens ~ I , l rstaily.aieni t iarl i t - 47t h . f i l ;: .
uch, if ani ~, - -- _ _ ,
Bey's. Blew . ,
• * I__ i
. -. 3
. 1 . 11)(17.. hop s Sletalsr on hand and Ihr sale r,,,,ti by •
( ed an ' (her' _ sor../.!. ‘v. r . Rt,itn:st*r.rtrr. -
I the i iske. 1 I Cyr reeertsr,l t; I:;..utio hat tlirrsalts. I
feet for the, 4. 1 , ' Ki 1 n
...r. of India Robber Shoes.
Ila .. , .• you less; 1
each side itri 1 36 • 1.1 het Jeans tintl Mote, 1 .
n Complet n 1 4; •• Woim-n7. Calf Bootees..
..,' . I
l.etter water proof C
eet, eau-ed 1
Alen oil l han'd for ran. at' 11 Fe. ' lass rot 7 - Tt;let lieu . I .11.;1
1 p presentL,r4 Frei' , Kid Slips . sin. Kid Tuscan . t{.,. Awe n Ails,. 1:
~g t0u.1i ,..,.
die : , Gast nweect4:attert.t. Ors. bast n it 40...i.0b a large stock of
, Cloolaren`y Gaiter, Shot,., Ito). kip liontautul Bootreadike.
sc u rellir riff!
Vrll Erse. Ns/ACM[ler et. C. M. tiVOALS, elteapside.
Mr. n. -
s revious
WITTER LATICI 12111,117 11
p 1
, 1 T ATE.l 4 T•arrivai ofGrocerits. direct- on . New Y k I have
I, several in- t La past received and has now oleo foi iocpection ,the largest
•a where t h e 1 ..toek of wet and dry family Groceries, Wines and Lagoons. malts.
, depths be- I t c o . i 7g ; I t
n v :l i r et.' I : . I . l ete l A V l l w l 7l I setra e ; w i t:ge l : Le ” e l:fit r bt 4 ) .lt
the neigh - I Bonner prices, and I want it pecieeitykuown by art. t tI am ant
le i tisn. . yet iz r he p t u rs t i f t a rsOl ,in d by any , (! Ouse in thtecj i t ,, r. r. e s adl .t a t izi t rar iT 4e :
i flrlc Nay. 21,1E:i7" it. 2ii corner of filth eff etatais,.
Clear the track for
SMITII, No, 3, Cheapsiden
IAT 0 tans on hand ilw4Arsont stock of Cowin, in his line. et• ,
V l 4Difered In thi. market. which weer. pu.eita.ed Inc
the &intent mien. of loam( whited by 'nitwit; by It hie h he n.
enabled to cell thew nu lOn that !Ample do 48 ) the) ursot %V r•t
by the l'untatti 11041. e without P.)11 , 11 diii). I% tibia d thil
were susuiptell, n.) that the people can buy
Eats for. 81,501
Buffalo Robe* 6), 81 iM, Melle4ll ihl4 br Sla rent*. and all
other gootai , at like low price+. For proof of tt Web. all intere-t
-eAlkaan Call amt eilmiitte for thempel
V . 1)011% Outset the place, Similes Cheap Hal Store, No. S.
Erte Novena r 9„ 1141.
A"- having Dee.:d OF Oilier iu.trionetits toms ill
the rteurdera Ober, are rcritte,KA to call nod geftheuipn
ur Lehore the first of Illeeember tent. Ilium ealk+l for bekire that
14111 C UILFSFA'AtU IA dl be Hid I.) luau FU the owtter.. Attrutum
to the above te.piert i. twee-aary In urd. r that I may 1401.11)
place the titliee in the bawls of my Sweet:oar. I knet hettleet u.
R. J. 81111.1111%
F.rie, November P. 1931. itta
FIRE Bit ICK for ■ale, by K J. & tF.Sit.lry. at their Stolle ware
Ma liufaciory. Nor. t•. 31*
AVING been appointed meat for two of the 1 Ifee SitaWi
.Vanufaetories in the world. I have this day merit rd :am of
new and beautiful stkks. which n II en.ll,le no• to lurut.Rat
of the above articles t the trade of tbs. section at New
Vora prices. If t: UAW E 1.1..
Erie. Nov. ft.,
Annual alsotins• of tho Pittsburgh and trio
Rail Road Company.
rrlllEstortiomer. of the Pitt-burgh and Erie Rail Road emu.
pang. are hereby ntrtifie.l that an election ts ail lc lirid at the
Office of . rani Company in the City of Erie on the fir 4
Iteeettibre nett fur the choice or Thirteen Ifitersitra tlni en-a
fag year, and IRO the tratteret.tut faller (.W1111 . '410 , al I y be
m. 1.1.1,1,811,1,1; riec'y.
Orbee ritbrburigh and Erie Railroad t
- Gin Novriuber. 1831. and Gazette copy.
GM Ir. FERRIER, vi ould respectfu:ly infortn their
friends 411141 the public generally that they have rented the
shop lately oeeupted by John Gotblatid ul Ree Illozk. opposite
the Itonnell Block. State.Strevt, * here they will be found at all
tosses ready to ereente all orders entrusted to then, *oh neatue-a
and ilotpatelt. The uterus 4.1 Gllll3lll as a Cutter IA too well
know n to require any putfind at title Vie) la UOlllottly say
tnat he will superintend Ova Ira ala of ilff• hoeitiess. Ferrier
althoui coinpararivety a strati:ter 1.3 Nu1l kl1;11ilt to all who hate
engtloClit 111114 to be a M.t race wigkinati. With the-c qualified
hulls they hope to give rant re .11...raCtIOU to Mow who may la•
vor them with their *mkt they will pay particular attention to
the euittttig and mak sid oi all PI) Iry of Boy's gartnents. (a branch
heretofore too , mtich neglected by :he /mite to title cuts as they
wall he in the receipt of the monthly taslient. front the they
will , be enabled to keep pace w nth ever) new of tutpro%e•
nietµas they come out. Naval anti Military garments made
3_7 Cutting done u jib eate for oifteri to make up. and done
when ;immured. at the mitial prieed.
Erie, November I, 1,7.11
.; „._I
That Ball is still Rolling. -
in the
Cale, of Boston. Ness I ink , and Philadelphia 1111111 thew lading
upof the fall ttade„ the greatest t any') of air right -t sit les, and
all kind. of Dreas and Dastut re (leads that were ever exhibited
at one store 111 now rut , and the priers, for rash. are too low to
errention. Many of theinsiw ill be .oil at one half what tt, coot to
Maki" them. $o south roe the "great regulator," the ttetripotitaii
liauk. However it's an ill wind that blows nokiil)-guudet hat is
the tuanufaeteirees loss is Purulent gain. -Now is thipuie
to up tough goods.
November P.
Draw "TORE • , P. "rm. , - . . , .
Aw a i t NEW ROUTE TO NEW yt)ltii
and the Erie Railroad. eonneciing with first elan. ateainera on
Gate Erie. the Mie liiitan. Cleveland, eulinntku • a nd toe nuvt.
tiieuelaud and rittutiurgli and Sandindiy and Cincinnati alit
and steamer% on the otno and atiasisaiiiiit rump, ana the
Ohio. Indiana and l'enini) I% alma canals.
TR A ISO 11.6:4% E Dr *IXIIIII A 4 IMLLOW4 •
li d. orniog Ewe,. Train at 6.1. M.
gil °mina Mail Train at 10 A. M.
:M.. erwpoilLiLmon (d aim.) at 1 :MP, M.' '
4th. Evening I:t pre-' Tra iii nt 3 P. M.
Sth. F.apre.di l'attle Freight at 1 A. M.
fell Way Freight id 4 43 A M.
Fare from Dunkirk to New York, ii- 011.
N. 11.—The 3Veltiek P. M. Train w ill , leave on Sundays and
Lot on Satorday• I:
rreeon47larot Paio•engerii taken on the Are mum - 4131km; Train
at 11 o'eli:ek. P. M. Fare through to New York, 63 tal. I
Thu ii. 0 ., 1 ,,, ii) ~‘ prep ireil to ilia/upon Li%eSiortiand freight
Oran kinds to and from Neu York. ,
Particular attention paid to mock. The gunge ef (hi* Road
being 6 feet ti ode Yt t egg this route grent ativantagtr of et WI other
Ka roadN in clit- transportation or gide k.
lIEBER 16t1rIER. Agent. C. MINOT. Sittet.
Dunkirk. November E. 1.31.
250 BAY STATE: and Empire elute W 0041.11 I.oog Shawls
Just refer ed by Ambit'. fa.' despateh. PfI , PP from
to C. M. T1UD.11.9, Cheapalde.
November 9..
reeetted, I 3 piece*, UN yards of rhilling %mho
De !mines. good rlylca. C. M. T 1118.1,5.4.
son If ARDIS madder Colored La aster i:oisihares. atM;e
ohilla nig pit 'ant at C. M. TIBUA
No% rink., P.
37 OYAMDMI handsomer Alapnea Lague% black aisticokorWl,
One goods kW Ili cents ,prr yarJ at
Norrnibet... C. M. TIRBAI.X.
F,A PAN WAKE —.Jost reectire,l auother lot eziarvoll for Joe-
IP M.R. at Rojola prices. XI rue ata.:n.
Tito Zino Arta.'
ITISTS• BRUSH CS (Wall kaudo.also colon. an tubes. by
Erie. Nov. CARTER & Hittnlit.o
!wage from and Inonay Ransitted to Groat
Britain and Unload.
1/ 01 • . EAGI E'• LINE. Jul
Myr York Anil Liverpool Packets.
PRst ) Net et Jelling to rend for their friend. in Great Britain or
Ireland. eon at any time make she nes•rmary arrangensetit•
with the atibeersherv. v. ho hate In rontieruon la soh AMP of the
fuel homiest in Great Britain. a very maple* and omen/sue ar
rangement for the, careornmodatkin of .Ivon. enisgratengto Amer
ica. rot the prompt execs , ion of hit engagements. the ruleers
ber hap the advantage of having the AO.* krner 'or rimengers
of the splendid New Ships. eounaring the
Par heti, ratl:nq'l'w• tee a Month front elett Pun. throughout the
year. In all eaves V% hen &we Mill for do not COWL' fig% nil, the
money..* all be refunded, teithout deduetn.n.
f or 011:n in sums loswt. which wII he rah by Any . 01 II
banks, and in the principal Ton el Mt. - A.060w EnglaM.l. !minim!.
Scotland ant Wale.. Ilk P.% T, 1111 HA Rankrm.
1•0114011. and JAMKEe %.(.111-:NR V. ‘llerrimili.
SmiTit J .kcK-tION, AgentArir. rri•
Or to JOHN MeMICIIA El. 36 lid sl,p. r•yrsolSouth-irt N. V.
Mew.rp. it2t. It. rime Newß. F.' Imo. Ceo.. Cloer Eroo
Vock Var. ' I ro , r U. & 11. C. Cu. Hone*
. .
J. W. Wimierk el. Co. do. I dale. Penn.
Sherman & ('uillna • do. I Jame" Ateltd,ald. Eno
Lewin & Prtre. doneer D. k 11, F. Co. eat-
Uon Allen M ellerusan. New- I 1.0t1.131e. Penn.
burgh. N. V. Mea.r.. C. & A. Lawton.
G a k.. a d A. small. F.lnti..Seeretn- Alb:um lily. V.
fury Del. and'aind I Uon J. d Voet, Won to. Pa.
Cu. N. V. a lO
BUNNirr, Cap. satin and 'Pattette Htlrton ., a i irae n,o,ortnient
at S. JAcKSOI7S.
f 1111 E Irt , t anootlinfilt I Ore, Button.. andvnier ; kri m nnnvun
the en) eau be 1 , 111 J at JArliSt
A 'Fact that wish to have Maoist'
[1 TI orKToN hos retool, e.l in his lien inn *Tort..
1.71 two doorc ea.% ol lieliwn". corner.) u inch i. 11./W Irvin tlitc.l .
ith .1* choice a ' , elected !tut . I. of
Clock+, Wittehemr. Jew!lrv, Silver Waril.
4 4 itree rimed atut . e.lerienn Stiser *ate. rane) 11:0 , 44. ..tl4i,kent
InetruthentA..ll.mtipe. i.ook leg If ;13...r p, kl. , h., „,,eni, be 110.411 d
a (71 of New York: Iv n m 1.10 eno till.. reamo (Attie* a /1 , 1 i;1•11.
in L
Ilea , 'll. I have. 111.11.1. .:. Ire t 111,1.1 ow
a./rt.3.4 NI,
a Ito 01 is' a ill
not. all et..l r then. , Nil'sine thio a etk te e Itete 'tV lot
le Ino the ••tiest floor," Ina) he rUIIII.I to :lII` .1 . 0111,2 and }bird
TY REP %MING dour In Cu , mtnewr, ie war mart'
lion vrill he gi%en in r)irtirret.l
Al the own of Ow 1 11Pgi.u..14 iVatels. s rot:K . ll)s
' Erirt kept Yu. 1,31
D—All ofGrua, Butte; ..t.4 . 1;;Ior:. rork • rt.;
ver. Ttntothy stn.! Flax 'mar, for a het, the ht.thf'-' 1 m3r
kri price a tit pnld by JUAN C. 1110111*
k:rie. ttpt. Jlt. ottil. • 6.019
liF,iindersigned hat Ind removed hir TO poring ilstaldaam , eu
t .
Tl. lathe room. direeilr over A. & J. $ Walter: Grocery "doer,
lately occupied by l'houtpron and Gr im. and opirrrite Ikon WO
Hotel. would inforta In• stink's, and the friendly nubile protelanY
that begin lives in aerordanee sin the /haute command. — BY
the sweat orbs , bro w," and reopectrully vottetts a routtrruaneFol
the patrons*, so liberally estendryl heretofore. Hat rng put re
ceived the Fall and Winter Fashions, li. to prepared w cult and
make any and • proem in hirluue in a shit. not to be
panned bent. or elarrwhenv Also, Naval and Military !lathing
made to order.
rr Cutting done poutuptly. and with eam, Ike others to make
Erie. Get. 114. 1141.
JOll2ll 00ALDIN.;,
DAPTY and Id otOil and .113,tick Varnish. by
I &le. Now. I. CASTER fa BROTHER.
r_177. - M) Vallillier Leaf, Ay
VI List, Nov. I. CAIITTJt dr. BROTHEL •
if.:.:' -;-:
j il
caz - itity kilcricaitax,
Arun. n•un•roi di.ienveric. Science his mode in this
t t r,,0, t i, 0, !I, 05 i 0 ,...„, or I ife —inerrise its enjoy
inent.and even proloaz tIM term of lianian existence. none i.tll
n Mg , : I of more real vallie t...) mankind. titan thu egalf
OrClMMillry to the flealitqf Art. A vast trial of lir virtues Om'.
out this broad country. In, proven beyond a diaubt that no meth
eine or combination of medicines yet known. can so.sonly eon
trul aryl care the intineroint rwievies of piihnonary di-ease whielt
b ire li.thert i swepefroin (air uetd.t thousanil4 and thousands ev
ery Yi ar. Indeed there is 111.)W abundant M 3 1 ,01110 believe:l rem
ell/ b.. at length lI^CII (0 , 14.1 which can beireliett on to cure the
most dangerous affections limp,. (lir space here will not
permit us to publish any pretiortion of the e 4(.4 effected by itslll.C.
but we nimbi prevent lie 14110. in; opinion* of eminent iiien:, , and
refer fonder inquiry to theiewcular which Ajtents below na
med, a ill always tie plea•eil to furnish free. wherei n are Gill par
twidani, and undisputable proof of three facto
Frotti the Profess(ltr of Aruheist. Culle,Te, t•
Calobratoi PliDlllBlllol4 ZETOIICOCII.
"James C. Ayer , —Sir I hare upr4 NM . ? l'u• aiv l't.eTnit tr. in
Inv °au caw deep-reated Bronchi* 64 and ant r , t trout rtr
elicintralcomattiatton. that it to an admirable e,mt;. .mt.l for the
relief of larympal and hrottehial ihaictittica. If my opinion OP 10
11P So i.erior character. eau le of in, aervice. you ate at libetty to
ure it aa you th talc n atiper .
r.DIVA RD IllTelbetleii. 1.. 1.. IL
From the widely c.clebrated
&C. TALC Col-LEOS. 311.1111 HR or Tilt LIT HIST.
AMERIbI MID Looorr..
“t deem the Co puny Pr errna•t. an adittiratde eoturnaition from
some of the heel artieleo in the Mrderia Medrea. and a eery ofee
tise rentrtly for a e tato of dhrenees it to intended to cure.”
New finren.ll., Now. 11919.
Nki()R r.vrrpioN. Preonlent of th.R. I!. Senile, maws he
hao u-ed the I 'WORRY P, T4,ltaL 8 ith Noliderfiil StaCCSY. to cure
an n datont fun of the fungi.
From one of Min . :first Physician* in Main'. .
0 • E kr %co, Mc.. April iri; I' 9.
Dr. i. e. Ayer, Lavrell.itlierir Sir: I non now eioii.tantly using
your ent.nwr P. rimiest. many practice. and trefer it toasty other
i t
i r
Medicine for ;MI maim' y i . 104181 W Froth
. oh..eryasoi, 4 mall
severe (we am e. I a root i iil it t% ill core coughs. e01.j...` nod di..
eases of the lung+, that pot to de fi ance all oilier remedies.
I liivarint.lyrreonirtir .1 i. is.r in caw< of coos intritionoin.!
consider it much the 14,4 remedy known for lino di.itase. .
litespeethill) ylsir,... I. S, CUSHMAN. M. D.
Prepare) r. Pi art rent lleneisl Lord!. ,Ilan.
5.1 , 1 in Er . 1.. J 11. Ittuton d Co.; in Noah Ent I,y It. IA
Tots. &Cu.; att Gtrarti by,./ .4 Mute; and hy llraggi.t•
fl`. 3{10%
--__ . ---
rreshi Groceries.
Wn are now ',rely 111 juur Fall and %Voodoo odor lo or Croce;
rie. roar-ling of Liarif. Lump. eulvernied mud atii.eava
:la Sugar, Rum. Gin. Winn. and Brandy. Green. Mar k and Impe
rial 'I eat Too oblfaniliert, Oil., l'oinir Saner. •rionoo. Caiodlrs, and
ro'Onli. Mar lorre. Wh:rh. and i. i qia tlroilo, Roo and Ml.
Hooting° Cooler, l'illtlartiO . Nutmeg. & I 'loin,. to;.nolorr %slob all of lon ill groctriotio u ally kepi ,In a Gri.xotr) tloorr. 'Able).
..e , ii ill liotill aii eie ilia* O t t. elmape.t for ready nay. All kinds of
priuillCC 1310'11 It. e‘e!iat; for Goo 'a 1 , - I-
Eriri. Nor. I. 1.-311-1.3' 4 A. & J. S. W 11.111IIS
B,,Nzr. —Gold. 6ilrenand leial . ftrotite. by '
Erie, Nov. I.
i \ l'Allt'll:R & tllti OTIIF:R.
31 A 1.1.171 . 1 3 and Pallri linireir,,Glaii• Sla , diand %fuller.. ny
I 1 , 4..N0r. I. ' CARTER & PR. Vl'llF3l.
3if kRIII.I.I'IIt iA [WS. a periur Frew. h. by
.11. Erie, Nov. I. c.tarklit lc narrruF.n.
KT '()VIIROMATII74-111algr - rale for Monorlionnli IC fain -
il It ' t ag, by - 4'A RTFIR & URI rr if ER.
113 AST 11.1"..A .--47olorett l'4litilet. &beautiful ainiorinient by
_ .
.I. Erie, Nov. I; • 1 CARTER It. Hitt ?VIER .' '
and Vitattsbargh Plank
NttTU'F:to!terrify gretin to the efilifferihere to the Ciatiatal
l Stock to the Erie and Plank !Road Cmpany.
that an infdrilinetififf Ten ter rent.. n the orwinal •01.-trip
se reinitted to lie paid to the TreArurer in Erse on or i4 - Ul4 . the,
13th flayof Deeember nextl, The nitration of all concerned tiff
fe. per 'fully referred to tti t,rgvt-war or 'the act A , eettfhly reg
ulating Turnpike and Plank Road.: •
SKr .% lON 1.. I r any etc. - Wider, w hether an original niltreribert.r
aseurner. after metal. ,la) I` ae atoreraid of the time. and
place am...m..4 for the t• mem Of au)' teadaltnent or proportion
a '
ante capearmor k, ll tieglect to pat rich proponfo at the
Wrier appointed. for the apace of thirty day* after the nine ap
postited for the pa)ment thereof. any *itch Itioekliolder ehall, a
addition to the Inetannenta called Mr, my at the rate of foie ;mfr
eentum per month. for every delay of inter, pat went; and it the
vague and a ditional penalty .hall heroine eyelet to the sum Ifefithe
paid in part or on accon,ni of •rtich fflui re ihr Paine he for
feited by and to the rail cdmpany, and .istay he fold tfy them (or
Duch piece as may be obtained therefor; or in default (dm}
of any ewe kholdera of such inetalinents acatoresaid. the Pm.,
ident and Managerp may. nt their electron. enure Milt to tlll
brought in the mule manner ar debt. of like of e taunt are now
covetable. tot the recovery of the maw. worth trr ith the penal
G. SAN /IPORD.f.ce relary.
ate. M. iisber et. IE3 I I , 44114
ORE NF.N• Nfil Ml.: .t receiving at No. & Pe,ryt Rink
a geneiLl a•vartwrut of VA t.t. , and WI &Vt.& 1:1 11 11111..
%hid' added room former •h¢k. will ennWe u■ IOgIVC h.trgatti
10 all Mho ma) row tot nob a call.
Nov 15. 041. & KEPLER.
- - --
N CI - T I 0 XI. I
TITE itil.ler s iane . l. evpreting to le absent for a rew trio ths
would la) to liis fitted. that hr li.o. len his entire liti.V.c.
with fir .1. 1.: triElV.t RT. a boo he nun! l recr,iuuternl rr tit
patronage of los emptoters. A. BEEBE. I
Emir. Not ender 13; 151. • 3tl
A WORD WITI I ' tirit CI..S . I . OAIERS.I
rrllEllllilers,,tneit. thrill 'dul for the patronage elietnled to them
i ' for it long number 01 t ears. Leg Wave to announce. tor the henl
eflt of Show interegtell, that they a .11 be under renewed obliga'r
r t
(ione to as man) as„vitllVottie forward 4111,1 nitiiitt their nertnintsis
by the tiro teal of January Those a ho Prefer "peranseiforry
atter th at tutor...llloM het COMplain of pat ill:tro.ti for collection.,
Remember, 14.. t prerbires tweet pay , debt.. rersous hat log
claims apinst the firm, M. Loomis or 'I% M. Austin. aOl ' , lraq
present them for payment. G. Lot INN it. Co. 1
_ErieNovember 13, te3l,
, '.-1
Nino. *airings &auk.
WE have jest got ont a PA It 11.(1111 STOVE with Fol.brig Ito - ) s
' • and suited to 11w use of Coal or Wood. Its berutfuleeppeu -
anew and cheerful leghl have thrown the old style of cause numen.
into total darning., white the nod/ aimant of fuel neeeseart 40
supply it; proves it to be 11w toot reotalimeal thing of the timid
ever invented. and erditles it to the eontidenee or the public a.
good heregara Sauk, whorls a ill emit the moot ardent return f
fuel invested. 1 NENN txr a CO.l
Erie. !Venetia er )3, le3l. . 1
J'I'HT received a fresh glumly of Ilurfalo Robes. from the Aw -
ican Fur (intlipan). UMlllepalweil Di qualmy or beauty. vrhinh
will he mid at hie tower* rash I.r u hullo iiti frotu Vt. op to the
Very hem No- I. including the Latra No. I. Indian Tanned whole
Corr Ito/in, TM. article it the lint of the kind to le 'bond $n
the eountry and twine fiord by the Indians, renders the pelt win
awl durabl e, and will DOI neenme hard and stiff liner being II Itt.
The public are itivitril mean and raantinetts beautilul await
mein of Bober. -
Aim. flats °revery variety which will Would from 81 up to tire
Mouthy Eilfa due Moleskin. Caps of every sit le and quality.{—
eint Plush Itic 81 SO. Mohair al. *Tien t shillings l'hict44
eheaper. cheapest. fall and ace one 11004' below I sndovirs. ,
Erie. November. 13. le3l. , J H. WAILILIN.i
.. _ .__ ____'_.
Illargains 2 'Wholesale ',ad Stets%
rail and Winter Gutted, ocilinit at aureola/de low Trig,
at :10. 2, Reed Ifirese. • • !
HAVING taken advantage of the prenaire in the money Mal r
km. togettwr u. ith the eon...mural *lien, of clay dealer, o
ihrpore of mere liandiw. and hat tug bought quantities of goal. , at
from sae Anti I.t.e• thirds the manufacturers pried I my bolt I y
that I will reel many articles at blare prices than were paid in
New Torn {our weeks ago. tkinse may !he incredulous—to ti
"'and the redo( mankind:* I would ray walk in and see for r
fiches. The proofs are '"staelteil up" on the counters thick rid
1 1 .
Malt. There yon n ill find tie Lames from Al cent.. upwar hit
Alp:wens as low .as MI eclat. per yard, eattl , eoes that rill ill
pronounce cheap enough; Swami, (mm the principal and in
tM. I'n i ted elates of Minos( infinite variety Of dryly and qua ff ty.
the low price of which bring. them a Min the mach of any of e •
purse: splendid c 4 ilk ,%'eleets for rlonks and Mantilhs, of, ari
ous width.. limy/ Goods lit Geactal Ibr tett Lames and gentle
men are there an rich profusion.
CARPETS. too. that draw praires even from ,
maids—in short a OCOCk ro COntrioll DMA 10 CD
.. .
In both these reepeets. tiny and ;Mother. in the
therefore. you who went condo. nnd )au'idiall I
that vi ill miner )ou to come/again:
Eric • November IS. 1-3 1 .
PR TU07.117112
A waft remark illde rast nf'Doldl Bliadf,tss cos
E invite 11w :Mention of the ntllleted and
rY a lir .to Vie tenant:tie a Win. 1101.0 f it
may he fren by noy ' , croon who inay I 4iri
the fart. herr Mt (01111.
1 . 1 had Leen aftlietell fbr terittil
)rasa with a soreness of tZth
;rt. which contittitell to i to r rease until rlsotenther, lima, the in.
animation at that Ilia hay ,fl trf,o'f rd the if hole Ittliolt ni ne
brans of loft' el s ' s. and mita! in the deposite of thick film wh eh
it filth) drain) ell 11.) •ight. il 11,1. an olerattutt performed. and
the thick ttera lento% ed. %loch rota relattuttl awl loft OW th a. ad
a (10
41010 H as before. At tills stags of the cohthiaint I made.p
-' ettratiott to se, eral of the inost.etninent medical wen. who in
-6,ra1e.1 toe that -. ln) e)ra ninthi never fret Ni ll.' At this nine I
•t°',l4, I 4 14, `/ 111 r.t 11.11 ant 01 , .(e. -1 II) the attstee of some letends
I co tttttt eneed the use of the l'etrulentel• both internally and Halal
lyL whirr which hi) ale. , hare itahroke.l 4..4 mild the hreleht
' tone. and I hat.. rcedtered Ito shed lifelY• AT; :general health
„was Vt•tl h unproved til the Pet ()Wool. ind I allstwits Iths.
; restor.its io of to), sight to ion ,use, I t 4.1,11 . 41 No, Ina. Seco:oils' .
In thtti cat). and wilt 1.1, harp) to plc an) infortn.aln.. 0111'1;4(19u
i tlsillt ease. - Wllit.t.\ ‘I 11.‘1.1..f'
i Aticsr• rot Latt Corli 1 v.-3, It. Pluton & (70.1:eoeva I A lithos
1 Carter AL r'rtAlsar. Este; James A. W lite. I: nod: Vs; 11. 'lbis n
' / W ill. tiftringtitlil. R. Muir'', il'est tzl.tivatirhi. Joitlf alarlie;Al
: Nutt; It. hll.l;erthth. Etiehlatto; I'. ft. rhetli.. Alr li :I; r i lg.
1 Judion; Waterford; John sl' doter , Fairview, and ftv II proiti,e
, tot. i
.la. M. Ica.,
Jail-4t eanal Saida, Seventh sr-. l ' ilishltfa!l.
t 4—'
i _B uTt • isFJt'S rtA%Valaud knives it•
Erse. ()et. la.Rl'Erst itF.F.Dil i t '
• `-i -
ii Nit private (ninth% fur a 1:etilt.`101;11. his %V , fit. and ehililLor
r 1...w0u1d hat r no olitex 1011 . 10 take art of a fit ontraltarikostwe
tinter to Mr. Varier I tru4tist. under he itved House. '- , i
lir. Ir. Nov. It. ili.ll.—.ltt- i
N 0 T I
TOE notes. 3Cellttiltr, !e, belong,
by tr. Bletester are plated in
entente eolleetlon asspeedltv as
are in any aptanet indebted to the
that to save costa paetaent oust be ,
Erie. Nov. W.-3tb l B I
• Willow Wogooi
wool la. Min of the abere as
• wan:Kill at
row the Care wr
ha to the late' flrnt of Mohtf
hatdL with inseruettone to
ant firm are herEhy no4ltied
h •ade wittiont
Joinkisom. Ast, .7.
at Iw,
1 - 7116;4
ankles can awl a cagd aa•
, 11171,1 0001411 AGAIN:
frI4E anhariher frii .owi reetehrine his ran iiid Winter tlaOrk in
ihaorlY. eoneldlna inf f wean slid 'doggiest, y. dry anat.. 'herd
kanr, overerww. wet and dry. rrnr k sail.. We.. watch will
l'a• mad at asepreemkalual low wreira y tw 'es iy pay. a. I 1.,.h u.
no bushwalioei the ready pay irk) winos it. future. and raataitire
lkst , re and oiwilgaio, ow you in int*. lausfied ay to hush
oet. 11. Intl. ;' $411.1 J aCKSItyII.
~. -
PPaldlias iii4b wpm*. Windgalls. Ourbo. Splint..
El% ' , IN" wllel.lie .frosen of Ma) W. 11 ' hitch'.
edy ward twiny-renewal of a liner ill*v,n from my llorde,
i hare poreltneed iht‘e le Wave rani of compounding. inn a &lead
wiling thin tuonafalieht4 serenterrof in the town of Huhu/met.
'l:rie con illy. l'a. 't'lleputilk• are therefore informed that lam
)neon red to apply ( h i. sialleine wall lloryes afflicted a ithiltpa
"... kimit e msro. Irjeto;Witutiptibt. Sphl4lll ex.. brought to ne at
IVe-4 , 110ne. and that tithes properly tipplled it has weer failed
10 iireet n onto. ; 1 JOHN M ann ETT,
Wesley i 11... Ocloberdl. 1141. Ott
'DRESS Triinwinze and truttints at, .lACktriUN'S.
F Aprilll. ! ! , ' I
I --
- — an* koliiiiiiiiiirr — scolitiiiiiii: -
•I A 2k; id all lb iy i. oink Lenny they were trying to Oestltt Ole Cu.
iit hang 1110httlItt their independency , : awl no 'MHO .01110 ate
deaaed while (Alternate dirpteruie , l, but the Wily way or know
&oval, et to ' •
• c A It. r. , AT JUSTICES.
And canutine hiy large and wru orler led Mock of
Which he will mat up 10 Order Oh Ilse nhortert notice and in (tic
011 , 1)l r.1.111.111314C iyt) le. (kinkier', lku, in," tlirir iticasutes for
tan) irartikiit ea ri driwild on having din hen Reath iyed. nod, if not
iyanytied they a ill tilt be asked to it.kei it away.
- ' itently Slade Clothing.
We b ,r. on totitt Out continue to wake d 'wry anprrint lot or
Ready Made (lotting. which we eau reeonnuend to dicta. In
want. an I would invite our friend+ and Ilk publie to call and es
ota ne trokl.i. l'rldea and Male." and to Show not judges we tiny
tiring along. • One to juice for
. you, nod wt know you Will be
rat t-tie 1 tharti e I hve tie
c,f,arol Jjt I. romp:lei/on tho, a 'tier lot. of
White •tn t F.tirev Shuts. Ilenswers and rwlershutts„ rt.rspenen,.
Slimr ks and tan,ck Cravats. n Inch acl,ought .cry low. and will
sell ns cheat• as the cheapest •
.ve wow,' Teoirn our thank■ lo the riddle lbr past fn•ors, and
idensed loser all.ou► old eusiotners and a.s ninny new ones as
eat) wake it enurement w give as a call at No r. {I, .l House.
JOHN M. JI'STICE, Practical
Eru• 4434. 13, 1451, ly
ibark now. a few deer* West•ofthe
S,IIER NUN in happy to indite all aho aids D.1l:1'
.I'l 1.16 I.:ltlinntlA. who are at all pan ic•ilar a hat Lind o (
0[166 4 they have. to hi.. new 1/1 . 01114 a tur n Mete been built tl
- for the Art. r.wirr in the great agent of die Arte:l i and
mita- been the c4itstant study of al: worthy of the name Pence
the .% it wan dine •ere.l. toriciploy apd control it in the manner
adapted In [trainee the most favorable renultn. Tin. result
of thin +doily and of thousands of exprr notnin is that there in not
a re.ainetab r permanent (lottery In the U elates where the pic
tures are made by a common window. and he a Ito ect• Ise can
140.16e1 . Sallnat 1.4 picture,. by curb a a I IItIOW pros en II la ratrUrrataCC
of the Art. The ritheeribet thcrelore beg. leave to nay that by Ins
Pio inarior LIGIIT. and with an apparatus a orth nix time. , a ny oth
er 111 this city, he in enabled vi produce itic lutes a fia It cannot be
equelted b. Ibis part of 11w country. and otrern to eared ant timi ng
which rail be prolueed in other roman in Erie. or forkM one
dred dollars. lie has also a splendtd LIMO' It - orki.i Uninera.
tt nth wittell he taken children tat ari) are: it be illialllrCll/
&rat/Kid lain 16( . 111646 a 111 not fade if properly Lent. .'
N. 11 ,The ../eCelll ilalrfOt meats" Indy be seen at the al,ove
romp , . U rs nacti.tV.
1:f Sept. In, . . , _
can lI4RDWATI=I OTOlttl
ir All no e reertvi:l?, my Pall !lock of heavy and -hell hardware
1. rOstMiotillx ill par! of iron:alert. and nail. orlisll .11.ef. ' AM II . •
Vire., eolith'. ifritott F, cramp). .4A1...a rum, briipo fr. 4 a lid Pun , /
rand.. ilealelr ca.tinga ofall iltuerent eon- crowbars, doh pick*.
Illallocl , s. grub hon.. e0i1.! , .0. I race.. halter. and tack chain!), zine,
jug lead. hooks art ldurrs, books and r” , *. strap Waiter. rite
angel. and latches. Win. laritle*.neurcria i n kettles nail .:Wee pan..
will. crusocui r,treuhrr, rip, hand, panel, hack. and trivon 'eau F:
ran! NM,. awl frail ; harion ana chaltdons . boatel airs and
adzes, rlicennutea'. Col inee, H'erd's Merl 1 . 01111E 4 F chopping awe;
l'Imul'o". II and all , WI Fret - lel! ; Beerton'onelaea.i.2.e neweenene,
augurs. augur Lem. Illhen*fal'a lilt)* awl ra-t, : hiuir le. match. rale
led and fair, i la or., plus. a, double and meele plane bill.. sae
plane, augur and r 1 .1- 1 •111'11111, b *quail *.sleoke allayrc.
Ie.II,Ve :110:11tc. grace., laurels framing and Brauer trkj4l4-,,,,,e1
1 .3 1. ff. bed sewn,. and eacte-ro, sitahortny and Mark **allied
Knot... r dine', rpm re, and chain Loll.. wrought and ea-i NM..
brad.. rug ii..il4. FC fry% .. luck.. tiled.., p.elet•rin.l tall.
cuth.ry, hears. ',merino knit cr, *hullers, bra**, Leril
lan in. iron anelppai ctinallealieks litc..&c. I , -
Prie..l ler Id. I II lIFTS R I.CD.
A71:11' t:t )1)11:4. 7 1 , 1L+1 Meet% col at the net* -tow in the Seidel-it
ill Moe k. a genera l usirtment or Dry 1;00.10./Meef iv...crock
ery. hard w are, &awl ow Plows. Or i te. . *Olden a ill re gold
Hie p tar en,h or pruhme, (':ill and *he.
Oot. It.. 2-31. • i , SENN l', TT dr. CO.
_ _._ ,
i 1 A i11.1,-;* 8114 1 141. S t—A new 'ml4'o of Atone: 4 1101 - 0s at the
V • c twat, row. , to Ole Schoen Muck. 61.:N NETT &tett.
(let 1.-, 1-51. • .
.p tt i N TS —A at*rl;.artiortrocut meat c'd and fur .ale cheap kt
Oct. 14, 1r31.1, la I:N N ETT k. ('ll,
T T .%) nR El .I.A §. — . 4 . 1a rre a*nanuoett I Cif stmt. - reit... all *or.nt tool
kJ Korea. at _ 1 ia rzcs,Nri"i • & CO.
ibreet: m 1 1.1.1 4 : 1 - .t new .I r . ut t',,tii , eonti Store mtb., a
1.../ imp.rtur art dr . t 2-1 SENNE:TT /1r CO.
R Pi:NITERS A • 1131 /IN I.k S . To 0 IL;4.— A very goiter:ll3*-
onotinefo. fur 1311.111.1.14111/eklW a ply tog; witorfered In alto place-
I tct I- —/1 . ' IL SKI.DEN Jr SON.
Tremendous Smashing and Crashing and Surst•
ing up of Banks:
n I'V your Renoir MaileClothiiiir at J.1 1 ' 41 11 6t1i.711%4
11) tame to !In. Ke. , 111 ru-e, taker...lon pla4tert and pretty
"Mei' ' 4l "i Currency afloat. and tells earfrlly cheap at
that. they do rt . Any Tung tor a brisk liner—the fall CW111141211
11111;4 he opened, a nd that at once. 7oect, Koch has taktn parti
cular pa ins to Ire: Cloths.. Vas.i mere.. Vest i ;rt. Tr Quin Inge.
aMI 431,1Wmenhikr lA/wish..[ Goods.. of all descriptions. or the
best. ino2tnitractite and 'a panned sit lei-.ponds that cannot Gut
tr, ph, rorfeet tale 1111.1 the admiration of retitle
," of ....lint . , ch. - 11,1141 itlna ,I n d urn Where'li the f
h ill V0.14101' thefillif.h es (nil)
ye. 9 them. nod you .ha I he convinced bevend a ca
vil, that no aoods can be found en th is or nliv oilier eiq or tun n
that the nun whines; upon. that f ill ea...await V. to y our
ISt-fr.:lM! lineki.l6 With -ucli arreesttalde influence as our.. Call
and r ee, qot yen Will believe. f J Kfrc.ll,
Ere, net. 11.—t.
_No. 7..Ree1l
1,11 • 'PCS , 11l c.a.nce lid. at redlired ',tire!, at
1;11... , rrr k C 1.
TLAS.—.% enperior artieli, of Ilnelt .11.1111nek • Teos.
CO sale st the Client :lore. .r &
13 I ES "-rkitli.. Uot. ttlioe. Pii
ala' n.I all other kinds ,
13. of Ihf ta,11w.4 fur rale chi ap as the ell . enjWAl hr
I.:rte. 6(.1.13. SENN 1:77
TRlitgl*GS.-11rass Cattalo Bands and NO:,
G Glees ritlN Cord and Tassels of various colors. 'Bulls. Ends
nodilinek Ponies. •
'WINS, oiTlilfereniiinds, at No. 3 Rend linos...
Erie, BF.1.1).
rr AMPS' Kld.t . aldW . 7 - eL• Idele. Rll.l l'olloll I:10%e.. PIC
AN ie Alms, Phort ala 10111: l'ae Gloves, Gents' Kid. Crislt
°tem.:Wk. lkifhll Gloves. Cloldren's Cashiners and
Lisle do , aor patchy tl. iN.
11/1 EN'S and Boy s - tCates. ellk - Wnd IVorsied
Paps. lOU ,h and Ready flats. Also, a rood non:inform ul
ladies 3luils for awe vellyehean by S. JAVIV.44
( -vows Cured a n4l Nlhney Stored to caning al ernith Jack:ores
1..1 and lowiirg Ins cheap %Voter pruoi Kip and I'mrse lk.ote, loth
m e n.. god toy s stars, 11/. , hest assortment in the e I ty. 1 A purl
assortment of ladies', ge Is' and children:' Ru1.14.r tahoeJni
Eree..Nov. I. ta 111 ru J.tricsoN•at.
:0 it r. I ,, r4a..cooftistrulW Ladies Gallen.. 24151..4, /rimy land-,
Ties. flusktita, Ir4lki fig Shoes. and a variety orelserip shoes
for rule e heap I.y $. JACKSON.
L I:TTEStir of I,dinirdnration trivinir lieen granted to the sub
riher on the eetate of Arirold Warner, iate of Girard ton n
sihip. dreareit. nui lee is hereby given to all perrotis ordelned to
said estate to mate inuaeiliate lint went, and thore.having elai in*
against it will pi Tape present theta duly authenticated for rattle
ment. H ENRY 1.% W.% RNK'R. Adminnitrator.
Girard. Nov. I.*.H.
r lENTlST,fmnilonaexperienee. to prepared to CIVVIIIC
t d work "n a :autotimer style. Teeth tilled by him are weir
re lard to retain their linings and. prevent the proems of decay.
Wank. andraft *elm of Are sacial Teeth oh enameled Gold male.
thus presenti the unnatural appearance which mold has in the
month. Part CUiio UM, lion paid to operations for bare lip and
artificial pale e. Dr. B. wipties it dotinctly understood that
in permanent 'Witted in Erie. and hopes. from sweet attenteM.
to 61'Nltl'wF, I
will' Ih. Run!
Oft, 19.
ler ted
the attentson ,
himself that
goads in his
ry best good
by easing ti
cheaper than
Haying ~let
great pains
ty hest Materials and Workmansh3p' Among his
tound an:assortment a/very-One darter ettra Mole
:lsms nue and line emit Alaleskin Hats. A
designed eliptrow'y for Voting Men. biotin:amble
tern Merl. Also. Jenny I.iud. Hungarian. ra:la Al
With over F i orly different styles of The original pattern
.9f Warreresotnner P. now so fashionable throughout the
country. A so. Silk flush. new styles. rune French Plush. ter)
A ^Teal %orrery of Ilaisand Cups kw children. Togeth
er with an assortment of 'Fronk.. Indies Vitra and Buffalo Rohe , ,
all of %t I nc h will Is• wild very Cheap for rash. All 'nods *ar
ranted a. re weorlitedow the money refunded.
Erie. JiitlN II IVAHREN •
30 t)( Y r.% itti. %rowki, Strks Wanted lib
Erie. Oft 13. Tton
and of the •
Rood. nuty
akin Hato.
tot of) le ol
in all the ca
to, stiul Wet
A po. ps.--.4% awl •i - r.<4 ( . 4. 1. 4 at the htieich
1,-, the I .14re .Ihf .enoett Block. 21
RE.% UV I %DI: 'I 1. well ....h-ete , 1.4..0ek vl ltea:
Myi •e t lolls can be found at the raw of
Env. Oe 23. PEN:if:TT h. Co.
8.31 t• ace:ls • ia the City:
Aihni,oistration Notico.
swim awl freeive a share of Patronage. (Mite
H. tie 3, Ilugheo Bluek. Erie.
:Y -
• i at 80. 1 Wright's Block. Corner
allot* and Fifth Streets.
he anhscriber w now receiving a large and well s—
tock-of Mts. raps and run: To which lic invites
or 114 e people of hue and its vicinity. Ile dotter*
row his long practical experience. in Manufacturing
i t .
, nd Ili superior facilities tot obtaining the re
; dire t from the Importers and Masaulacturers, there
. /Oh is Wait.. that be eau sell as cheap. tr not
latirntiser establistsinent 'in . Ise:lent Pennsylvania.
united to drake this city his rrsidenee. 1:r has taken
Ithe reketion of his goods to wake his aworunent
t . prising every .
On great varwty, at the new wore in the
Bart au can band at
1!""""Plk is . ENN tirT CO.
to awortnient l'arcular ws rot
wattt Manahan.. Mao. afuley . and
' Croals Cut.lland and Wood Mara, at rate"
atenve. I PENN krrl' /a CO.
110 l
leals Wanted. A
,iglwritunket hs cash. for
TI; E anhoeriFara
M nett and w
Hardware. ,ekary
almost P. ay varlet)
VeNi eke• 'Pre ,
iatemobsa to.
amine theta aback be
radill at) ler and dualities for .we twee* paiors ama
SMITH /ACKdox. luie, net. 1t3.141
l e Per ac :l s o lid
h kior id .44 .: ' l -01 alanuica
ibbop. alum
S. J.WitopYlt pant. 13.-1 4
Tra,Ttuiret Maw Oflearbe Hoot. t xrer liAtroLi
34411110N 11 Hardware Ow
Wire H. rt. WAR I. we.
1 , 11, efal pairoaiite Wert"
pm.' arab .br lade.
p i tag souraice Fad aad
Wit hr M..lpv to red
' Her sol.rek tue4l34.
Konarto. 'awea drat i4lll
I.lbAiina Nll4 num eta, abi
'r 'MIK • • •
a.- Ladies that •
.► extended to her. else
New VOA and Pholade
% Inter bouncily. II Age
at t h . very lowest pie
over furl) thltereitt kin
N help hut suit the is
fact a getteral.aiwor
eltni • f I.•irhrrl and pr
Country eruifiste taken EU I
Pe" try •
• I
Etis.orl. 11 1,31.
ea in the latest styles.•
i;p; led q sib goods
ON Tiig
$a in; teried it,
RELIEVING the Caplv S'
.11.2 bushier.. the Inv!Onto. '
NMI both for hit
r4bon kJ I , UrCha.•
'PALI, '
ft e,. le etnh lulit
loirno.b to. 4 . bele'
pflePIL Alt 111
fully invited to •
Cotorktirot of Blark. Blue
cloth., mot Castittleres of I
All of which th ere pitch. I
now offered as cheap, at file
ton n.
ASII sys•rE%t.
w. Sod it Wort*
lent the OnWin* p •
and 11
.etrati , lcustutilent. tell it
ate*. enn•wtuentiy hew
Ref* and the pubtse at
tint nfanv thing in hi• ii
Lunn* hsa elegant
Moths mind C
Ise k, crown. Genes, sad" ,
ari9us patterns Also;
Wollen Vosto •
t. Nra , York for C
st, as at any other
vary t.) 041 those It ha ha
I t usu. that be coatiahe
lie (be< not deem ii Dee
a PCIIrO of 'ear. p arum
MTV no
n 01. inafkci; hut to
ic that Wilkey sill
Garments .1 1 4 can he found
he has no hnotahots in rat.
They t ill not Ito as ay dip!,
G•eds• Wcirk
tibtied with
..anship or P i j
airen.atiabile privet... "7
• •properly made up. e 3
•Ic hew" at Ua
elartqw work always dot
Ahrn el4tlitt,l I4Arranted. , •
"04 Ibillgs 1. %L not her.)
Erie. Sq , t. IFSI
aged the Store %o 7.
Legater.rleattett k Ches
. n lire and well get
, t rordshlly invites the I r
Halt counties. Ile finite
:rucery buoineow. and h
d.reet from the Import r
he Jol•her: prtAttg. that
' tt ith their vatrunnge.
rgarrhaged ireat , qf
oollet in New York. wit!
. al.ll goods to this city.
E r Exclusively Who
aekagri. is - he can
ppy at all tni,e* ezhsh
ith a tall. Iln atlthtioi
a choice r , hocilt of
AT NO. 7. nay
Tit F: filter Ra vin
fornterty occupied, by'
lin! 1111 , f t trout New Vur
4;rorene.. to st hirh heln• in,tlits and the ad,ro
from his experience in th ,
Pilaus fur Wan I ning Goal,
lIIGICIUrero, thereby sal ing
Um :iterehnnts fnlorint; In
441 Csteop as fa. be
rah he Is
of expense artturned in tiet
woise.l to ittnWe his thnone
Coit fi e him.e to
in so doing Ile will lie h
those who may fa•eur hint
of Grovite,, 4r. has :hided
ed and .11,asnastd'
he would especially in
•there in the trade. The
toek. VIZ:
Winos and Impo
to an rvitulaintion of a hie
ion of Ituicl keepers and
criiihrise a portion of his
o Ar. Co'riSdlnn.; Pow•U
ettow (V roe do. 'Porto
Neer 4 'Priem... p.m..RI
I:ranulated. Moe and
vado.k. 4 'atm
der and Bine
(II.! Ju‘n. Rio %T.!
tort doltiferecit Brand.:
mid ms. - ate
laune,tie and 1111
goarler 4 '
Miltnipp, 1111140.
per; ll'oueldo. and
414 *T. In II Iwan, half, and
No. I Pale. II:xerl
and Whale 1).1 S fa ,,,. I '
I. 1. 3. in %Nile. ,
11;Ilide fietr. l'a ...T. a! d
%Vint,: 1.0114./11 ill'! I'lo3'
'o'! e•tlf. , of 20..p1• kr;JI I
in the theileeil'
the attrutt..o oh pa ri•hafe
ranted a* li•pri , ..iirrd or
Erie. Sep. 3.i.
• II- run. to lad: or hi,
to ch” Italf-clarsts
f Virgo, on it,nt,
loope ellewsto'
.e Smoking t hltie
orti Ilnenna Sr-trars; RIC;
'orrnllif. rig+. P1111(111.0
tireinter: Pepper KO
rOtrer 111 110. and lA)ti.
r. and Fancy; Rr
and olive do
grafter lads.. Cards
sr w•ral arndes
Port.'iladrira.rbrat a
Pone,: iee.ret her is
ilir CroPere line, and I
ti of which lie words( rest
irpg elw•whrr
to filling oriler”, and
e toohn•Y• refunded. •
I%l R e:rn i : l Al r s i trii i ;r n s?;
- • /omit el
the follr•wing:
and crh et Rthianii, in pi,
SATINS—?,II caur • a
SILKS-0 e% rry de-.'
wet Cloak.. Se
opeuing a large awl opt
w s i.e *old j
rice.; 'kr stock em,
netted Ptyle. sea
t ever, ~ t yle th.t can be
pteerm. •
pt Lott, fer tia 1,111,1, Bonn
reliow.' Reknit:iv. Sr.
CDC NGS-111,..r k la
if, bran n. blue. green,
nh... Ryell64: Laces.
Vel Is.
very large amiolt.
udkerchiefi. etutlOide
edam:, 31,11 roarrucono.
first quality. Sitt•r. lottir
fed Rthhon.. &c.
1 . .5.4 f.'.►l:r---!)rrc,
men*.t bi 0.1. n tee wII and colored.
'nil short. Crust varicty..
. bept wintity,
ettcd It ;nye, Buttons, C imp ,
y stile.
k galls and Velvet. of latest s tYle.
w lionitett cleaned/and shaped OS Use
raps N CTS—Straw•. I+
enn•tnntly on hand. Et
t.hottr.o mote C.
Cloak Trintitonrw. rev
Ikr.. Fri nr y 11 - tAket.
Tidy Colon Tape►, 'too
tunny other :merit, too ~ntl Itonttritt prow
Sept. tn. Ir.ll.
maderloalts, Velvet Socks , . Mandl
'oentw. Crotchet loicedles'Tldy Needles.
and I*.,t es, Boy', Bette, ItJanie*, with
=prone to mention. All , larder* be r
tly attended to.
dit Pound •
SZWEII: dr. Co. are sel
itl.lll any, Jew .
. Call at
Ao I.llavo 1'
Wtint RI oet.
eia elle '
tole(' of Nr‘i Yur
ant esamiue tli
Co 1
of the toil
vuporior worlku
ro ehenpi I
111 - 411g..pitv.: %, ill i
4, Wright's 810
r great Winn of
I tali , . of the tcPt fit.
M Nett are SOW a
ail a tuna a dl wake a
vat. to Awn their art'.
no r vett...rot seedy Cos to.'
st their wick of grotty lliir
!luu held out to a -Flit.
i eta n rail'. for their MCI Of
. I.IIE RES 4. .V S
y. Fnshion and, above 11,
• r employ
lhat hereatler thcrecan
or drlatodated rants.
ttttutthetheunt) t
Sauey Public" ID gi% c I
tinsisrpar.l for cart
and as they 11.30! to the
Bost Cutters is T:
t 1111eS to make Carmen
e. They hive Goals f
that ,every one can
of a
One of the
Thry will be renly at a
warrant them when do
tines to the coat 4.1 d.
have a la rir .101,01
Itinem Unaliiy Ito he C,
ith every thing in our
one!) ao Skirt,. from 0(.1
Shin. llnnotkrrch ud.. g'
laro. ioget 'ter s'
a general 01.01110 cm 0
for the Fall and Win
time In etiointernle.ql
Laditvvie.ill aad ctan
Washionable Clio •
trade. V. h:tvr
or .prok ofottaltly. ton
• nefor thestatelve*. •
rodravor to Ma
fill ined not to be untlehool
and Ville pr,eer dun't
irk I.r gall and ate ski
the iOr 3119 h. No. I. %V
1:Th . . 44 15t. I' 31.
Skop! No
rr T 1 F. to
their Airliner Istwra
libel* hare formed a pa
ford, and tr 111 carryon
Firm! bievr a ..:
Priesel 11
r this method of thankin
I'mltottaxe, and also to It
Tership woks the flautist
•ir new shop In the new • Web. madame
i. under 11. P. rlboekton's ewelry Stowe.
to wait upon all who • y • hew them
rix !awn. They hare p. received. dl
entire New Stock, anion " ieb limy be
le Barrel Foaling Pier f.•el IS tia
• Barrel,. which they are n ouit Inteake
tier., Psito...; Perri...sin° ' .a. Powder.
• legal In ton n, !hot roue Game Sags.
iar) to the hitt equipmen •of sportsman.
and done when prom • I airing swiss
anufactured to order an ranted re
ultdrcd rods. on hand. . me stock of
Main sorinini. ,Tuni cocks. fined
, Bullet Moulds. &e.. to . in short every
iI a enn, which are kept • the aerniowe
is aad the adypiniugeoul lei, and will be
Inil. a little cheaper lb a they eau be
is city. Please give us a 3U before imp ,
, . pictured to do all kin . of Jobbing, in
1 r and setting Pavri„ fellow nit Locks of all
a and repairing keys, re. Irina uintirellas
on short notice, and e resionabie.
I Di C:ihglgaital.ju.t reeei% ."
leeliir -- 41 - e — by
; •••
in nit it,. bitmthef.. at
Fret of the Rred 110
where they will be ha
ith a Call with the
rret front New Vork,
found: lkitlble and Si
$3ll, aquantityof Rd
optund Warrant. Rev
ShOt.liwail. Flasks, ttw
in fact Prey thing nee..
Curls repaired to order
aud,cointnon Rides.
141(14 front obe bi one
Gun Locks. all Kind..
Brich.ritisoloa Soon:,
thing tweessary to but
dauon of the trade In t I
sold at wholepalr or
bought ;Mem here in 01
r Tlic are al
their line. melt as tilt I
kind*, forioshing, 11111 11
which will bed.
Erie. October 11.1
1 i 13 it
MII I ,T VAL 1 •
91.1:4comirtn) 1.011
i 411 it 111.1.. he. 11
the utter"! ~.1 Si... r 0.
itany, It. Ow) nre arlp
fortitti CC/1111QIII , * lb
1117XtAtIrCZ CO ,
to ITAtre 101114111 g I
In .t tore by tire, a n d thin
1.11. of Erte comity to lit
nI n led AVOtI the officers,
they know little about. I
11l K F. 170 RS.
M. 111.11.11,1, 1
J:11. IVCIlim.4.
J. 11. Fulirelmi.
1113TII, Ai Haitian.
J.l). eiarE, J
1 Gee Tie
11/el D. lbllilar N. W.' .
R. J Sinl.r.V, 4 4.;:trlary, •
LK MA N. Agesi.
WA 1.1.A
-- 0-The Office of t
e Comictii).ts utnor at Uwe
. Erie.
Wart., Chitnnem just
Arixr..totv Also
sale cheap at
Eric. 1.10. 4. lest.
BRANuY. Gin.
I slg tit later • nd
Jnly 1641.
ffiTYThrt. Mailiviand 100
uulily. Ah.o. good Wbitil
VV. F.-11114
re now rcecisiaiin
Goods. eitaistrussin 111 7
Niue+. is. IU his stook
vl Lad uls Dress Goods
invite their old cusletiners
archaise goods its Melt lin
purchasing elites Ilrenr.:
iILICS entire *Au
ck e,UOL attn.& reiltv
11 WWI JIMA leKtred el
viol* 6
kis& aor
et &too
it woe%
Imad ore
,faineut is
and W
II Block.
. is reCiehr•
to Mock of
II ion of the
hinnielf unit
petior fi
end Mats
on sell to
r •
• addition
at detn
lintit r 4
t loodrio
tti his Nook
tr the. otter
how ing 1,11
Rio?. 114111.00-
; Old Hymn
and eaddien ;
het' red To
and Pinkly .
end Yeilois
sin,. in witakt
roper. Cawie.
N: P o r f r ; = I .
• tu rd Elepbani
a e kers!. No:
. Herring arwl
• Rum., 0 in.
1 nkbasupnion
I ith,llloll/ kinds
t enumerated
I caulk) Invite
good. war-
it' .17121
roceo it 3
. Iletin
a!ed for.
adc.for Odd
lent. cut: 1111-
d mud plaip.
r ing all . goo . do
gentile. 'Air
.t the times
s estah)ish
by btsph
!are ,
Ilied Veins
!amid asdi
. ceder. sad
' he ham ih
f oed. They
in Hiekbry
mew's, eOI
. We have
r Maraior
I just to
them. for we
Doa't limn
fluid =r►
the patine •r
. nu them Mat
would be for
e With ,brm.
I 00.
Wed. ppd for
IN me. Warr
Au sa
e IA 14
splendliebbo ne rbt
bk, Geeeer.
rnay be Ibaild
b.. (..siii•leseres s
Dd penes! tem
' to eat aid
tbeyßd eau.
*CS & CO
soi dm cheap