. j TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. Forirronr Children killed, Twenty oh Si F/vm the New YorkTitnes. ' Y es terdaY.afternoon, Nov. 20, another r awl ul accidents that seem almost per-, scat red in this City. The explosion of a to oli 'Hague street first. startled us and ciaoal glo, m a l ty a household;-then the falling to bull Twenty-first street was idded to the r ecu! the.: two alone many valuable lives twle lu it appears there was yet to be added to' the fatalOics another that should, in its sad resu passel! otherd. About one"year ago, the papers of,ou cit glowing account of the opening of a Pu tic. So. .6, in the Ninth Ward: The building been erected and was thought to be pertco. il r tiro floor was a roombairy placelor exe cis secondiloor was the Primary Departnictip third was the Soya' Department; and on th floor was the Female Department. The %as large, and yet its capacity was be r arci cierit to accommodate the inunc-nde number L'iin who sought ailtnittance to the clasdes. capable of judging; while they bestowe c praise upon the building, felt that one . re fold bedn made in its errection., No suital nay had been provided, by which the child rapidly and safely pass from the building i tare. or any other danger that should rdapi speedy exit. The only means of getting by a circular staircase, around a,large Well we believe it is called, and nothinr , was iar prevent falling into this well-hole, tmt a; li en railing. The insecurity of t!:• ,- ,.1triiq w stand - , been repeatedly demonstrated to tho duty it is to remedy the defect, and they and again been:urged to make some different meats, They did, at last, partially übviat ficult,y, by CA-tructing shuther ~.tairw4, Ilitioh to the/building, for the egrei.s of ! ti departmer-but they left the primary-slid pammiintsi Ftill to use the dangerous rine cons lr clod. Thrir ross neglec', has! t fearful y demonstrated. . 1 i : Yes erday, about 2 o'clock. the Prinqip Primary Department, 'Miss IlmutisoN, wa by a paralytic stroke. 11i2r face was h,ilr tortand making ine ffe ctual effi - rts to! i. fells listless to the floor. The cliil4 e schoo ! became :frightened and made a rii, /,, 0 00r, With the leteution of running down The children in the other dep•trtm outs he crush beloW, suppn4ed that there was iro . im p ger, - and of course j iined the crowd arWor hy_this time, the cry of tire had beemas, 'cry renewed the fears of the children, ,aii oforta to esca; e they rip=hetl nplynn thh ilz, which gate away before them, ani Lelpless little ones .were preepitated do,r , swoe doer beneath. Into this awful plwredlike grain Iron a h umier, (as a uit! pressedlit r ) until they wire o i ler, i t 1,11 of the first floor, some dallung tram the le and some from the tirua. - - u The alarm Was imunediotely given hi honutreds rushed to the rescue id, the put, r who uttered fearful and h••tr! -r,Tiditt.„(!•• 4-1 short, time came tlic mothers. fathers, Lui brothVeri . oT those wInV attended the s tii, usueless fur us to atiimtpt to rtray t folluil. -(Were follow, a list Ail II . woulided, lint which we omit fur want , ! Alb three were taken out of the ma' scot to Numb Ward Station-Meuse. and cent to the resiultices of their parents. they could be 'l:termite]. It was imp ussi rain the ages of the deceased, butt they tun six to fifteen years. A few• of the fitis that fell down were kited instantly bk but the largest number lost Alleir lit esid lion. Thme that were sm,thered had tin tuefbre they were taken m 0 .4 Many wit slightly, and ran home as s um as they We ted; and, ; of course, no record was kept df When the rush commenced. the teach! ed to suer) the cur rent. and to force lisc rune(' 'cliiiufren. • Mr: McNst.t.r, the P,rtt Bity's iMpa-rtmete, Succeeded in eio:4;iri, huts roomi, and thereby keetntl back l'' The female teachers were, however, l' .tru:glitrz 'to keep the children Inen 1.4 case, ?hey fwere themselves carried aloiik were precSpitated down upon the earn. beneath. Their were 11ias JULt% I't's M. Lot:lsk McFs.at CCD. M 144 EL LF :v ovr. Jli lneulnfa