Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 03, 1851, Image 4

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    litferrtb i Artirtto.
GOLD RP.GIO: 4 ; r 1 Now-Gasimana.---The Pan
. lout Star of March 21 gives L.*:. account of The ad -
ventures of a party of Americans, who left Pa na rna
isome time since for the purpose of visitio7 and ma
king an examination of the gold to near Buena
ventura. Owing to a• want of experience, and the
ditrtcultiecto be overe Imo in pursuing their inquiries
in a strange country, full of ros,ritcopos and jealous
people, and also in C.):l2errertee c.f wine
of the party, tr4fiv ing.thern fur dut", the en!er,lrise
wan abandlneil and tiwy,rettirned Soffizient
was learned, by them, haw°, er, while at Buenaven
tura, to satisfy the most incredulous that there is
plenty of gold in the country, qitat.tit4ea of which
...they saw in the pustersion of the eittres and the
Baertaventura is nbzutsol Jovrn the o:ast;
the British stearne.!_rs et:Ts C.lert., witi:;rl three hun
dred yards of the Shore. It lies a beautiful bay ant!
fine harbor. Ca!i is snmeill,”;neg in the ;ooz:riot.
it is it city cm - att.:noir tn•ni 3.5,0c0 to 2),0C,0 ininao
itanttand is lucsted i t a cotithiry brat-
ty of acr.ery, fi:.•;;ify
climate, bas hardy au c 7:14l in the
range. ' ' •
While at Blienaventcrai a !titer 0 : 3 , 7 adJresredliy.
Cul. Phelan, who was one of the exploring party, to
W.:Byrne, E-sq., a gentleman ret , iditig at Gu
taking for information iTriee!ing the mine.; qn Eltat
rieightorhool,. .2a6tler i 3 as 1-shows,
dated - 150p Farnary fart:
Theltif4rination'n h,ich •y.:41 hart- rear:lre/I Kvii
regard to 01:1125 thi3 Part. r:iNug
Grenada is-correct. - From n ha: I :nye sur. In my
researches, ern "of opinion that tlir.ine,ol-3 the
whole of the Cor4l4llera, uliielt r.ins through
splendid valley nt Caeca, ti mineral riches are se
great as in Calif ,r: T s;.-elay3ns t
have taken from my, mines ale
I brought n.e on sr; r - ::!!.irn from 1 . .33n rrancleao.
The gdalitv of tie go: is theslule, t4e.
its are fon id in tll..untaiz.3, at their
base; pnd .ti the rir.43 wolch Lscani f.ani .;,use
mountains .41 the a1!'..:4,1 In the mona,ains
the gold is
but tr hi,,,
with wide
the s,
in every di
point at wi
ifoend in the.gratt.'e end e i trirtz reeke:
'hest inducem,:nt to miners is the faCility
O'OW-washing naay be ,:._;,..ed on ii.
sott,l.vhere rive:., streams are found
rect ion, and can be condi:cal to any
Tag Ftont El t EvERGL A 1 , P..—ti,)% ernnr .11, - owti.
of Florida, hat'turelie a ".Pry coo -i icrahle e",rdoratioti '
of tie eserglatles, and the vi .ni ot he ha-t a: riced at'
and confideriily entertain ; i--, that not .;.:v is a
thorough drainage imi'er: icab:,. , but, if it coahl be
ofrected, the dep
regitalie dee ~o r,,,,...,5ite id bar. , ,mold he f ,ttrild to be
l t.
apurely :1,,,, ti-ht einegli, , e hen
dry, to he blown ee, a , iti,tl dithe e rs comlot- title, as
peat. The everg!ade are inter.lorsed ttiiii a inXt . --
:.A - iii channels aid has es of a depth ..'cl,•‘e the level
of the'ocean, with a I:mt. - stone or sa,•l bottom, and
While the absence of iv; c-,Tr:nt pern.!ts the cegi,
Wile deposits to citeornull!e to a grever or leis
depth, it is still co 11.._e and an - obstantial that many
Jeers expcsure to the actinn of the sun 'sad Vim:sl- ,'
phere will be nceeftsary t.o ie.; - ,ert to it the goal:ties
of coil; By drelteflil g the cut'. ‘'.--; to t'..l sea, the
wattitolVhe eterplailee cool-ree matcriatly llwered
co as o eclair., l
j and sty the marrin, 401 dr-.I
th e n memos iclapil‘intcr-i - ec.•ed, thcbglitlii;:gh - at i
• . as! .otwalcri ,1.-,;: nto.i.iiigt ;a: re c:, r 1 be done. The
Ire t et i§ of IL r ete,r;iod,s tectn with tl-!l of many ea
rt• tics, and it; such
nurr.bers'lt,c n.i„it =se to beliete.
With a simple epot:r the fl .an mly load his
i i
beat in a' few raecrivot el. %VIP'. f. - 1 . .! are there in such
enormous flocbc, as ulna, st t:.1:!._11(..; t! si:r.; and
game is thouil- • • ,_ .1 ::.e. I,- t
-. .14. Add to :he.-e, the
indigenious growth of or .t.rrow root. cf
which the Indian tut:lies ! ir`hicrd, and the attach
ment of the stira,z e to .cl-1 a F: - t.t. is er..:i'y Lind, r
stood. To hitnst is cif.- :, -- t a-pr. 'i.,e.
' 0? The Bloii'aio ll'i.:::1•:•. :;- IT (t, :man rar;rir)
comes part ur an r„);ir.:e frets 11,2 SUn (41 the i..l.if -
manta of Irish pitupers to this crortry by the '.l:ar
quis'ofLansdi,wile, and e• s ia.e ewrirnZnits nz the
conduct of thst c'as•r t f Erigits:-,mea w ho have i r.ect
George Thor:Olio) to rail at the instiititior,s of this
• . country, and preikee.(l - svort cci co: 1 , 2.:;.,n. The
Weltburr , rer ifilrii:s the st,i,tri m of Thompson elms:
a worse feature in ,i,e ci:arhc[er. :3'...g:ihtimdti than
the exportation of the p•Hir Ir;sh. l'he ‘ part of Lon
don which Thompson was eireted to reor.sent in 1
Parliament cuntaim, a
,population eut,k lower in iLe
scale of busman exi-:,::cc, by dest.tot inn and all i•F
. concomitant *ire., 1!?...) the. Nn,f.:-) of any city iii
the, world. Yet fror 4 v--3- plegue-house of
Wretchednes%ice aml ,-rintn, Yir.'ll,.ynp.ien.een l e 5
forth, breathi , I•j.•lrn t -rocati,i:•.3 on the head; of snurh- •
ern etavehokle rs . Olt Grrn.nn e?le.nporar wir.:ln I
up by aFking how the, En, , _ - :ii h trenli.l lia - it if
southern-slave ownets t..!:nii:...1 ;end over to t len t a
, shipload.of old and infirm nezrce , . A capital ,it.—
English ph ( lanthrrr,ists IA ha sy:r 7::',7,iz0 so mei)
, with the .5.42,Ci.i. - , tiut
, 11:,%V. 00 . . , : , kll:7r.thy fur heir
own Trish s'-ves, sboaid be t,er.ted to an :c
-clang,. 1 . 4... wilt make the tri , fl &Pc m.en., an:lth y
may du the sante by' the neerres.- We hhc the i.. 169
of such an exchange.—X. I - . L uz ,
REMARKABLE 49CAPZ raos: DE 4171.+The 13 , 7Stcn
Traproript says, un ittbril'sy afternuon aittle sum
of polike otEcer 04;10,1,1:. Fiii ha
B. rdly\., 6
of awe, while pls raiz, - mad seen." wvt't snrn?;,;h
er b"ax t r*, t*eri: malt- rI h. L liart of 1,4.?..:\rr..t 0 .74:.}.
street( where he r 0 intzan nr.cciirres) hell 4: r.-et
to depth, and c0n...4'1:111%T )5 feet of e,-,t, f ; •Cthe 0 a*
very slightly it
,i i a,sc•i I.y tlie in,li, had !hr. i', , sence uf
,mind to sustain hit% ~ a t• sbnie no trr, by.eii,ii ; i es ! • tr
the wall, liar il nsiiic•-• k . - F.C:r 1k . . CS. Lie c•::,ils dby a rr•;.•.-
and released' him from his Telii.-in
~ , , ,) r.i:. , n. 'I he
'jut e tat ;u m " are a w d ant to b,:t.ft :it'ite ne it. in file len -:.
end thrift:ft a ords.he said when' Mr. Heath reach
ed bim Wire , "flare you gut any li ttle
. boys at home?'
To bit woollarTal courage unde r the eireumptancer •
the saving eifhi*life n 1.3 t be ilitr,laire..Y. a; the eel;
wee so sitioste4 litat it t:' :a .6. I' It t , rc I) 41..Cielf.:v, no.'
pry er aeiavirlit,,,,ao it ,tie hd e:a; - s. - J, that the u*.h er
aticeeetkokin get:irg arc ~=. t J...'! ~
' ArriSaqiic:TlLANS.l4.7iCri..--hl O.: . se:hi:s ard
exciting e%euts v, ;sic is are fi•4t iti%ie,g ie..: ton s 1.-re
eminence in snat•iinok,.:l affa;re, il one w came
or very recently. It :Yazoo:Ling More or le 's than
a CIUWS! t . .T . •itingr Sf fum.r.ri.,' 1.1,t weer) Ewa re.i•
f - dents-..on e girintz Is'S wife and Ire, riiiiilern for the
ether'. trip. The chi l• r.-ri are :.::.•,-,a.,:*1 to
,ba re
been thrown it) CJ ''',l4.,‘ t," iq illt• trnl - .). Uric of the
families, an uisn cnr,:titosel, is rtiii reti.iiiem here.
and the oft • r :As Worie to Cleveland. Disco: . r-rqiiii : ,
as parsi:,,, s tents are ter r.' , fe•Sas:z.ers, they sbooki
net isespair of SUitin7 thell.selves with paru ier p i
tbeir,ooly want the rig lit I'4 i:a: to trade en.
,iii. B. Milan arir.kes the. , rake::.''—.ltiton 7.'4-I
-brae. • .
Pailetsartiviocto3 Livki,u,isai.-4 committee
of the Lesislaturo of i l eonsylvi-nin.says tlie Philadel
phia Ledger, ettirnaie the taitte of the presetit annu
al yield oitlic 'coal rr.i.;:es of Pennsylvania, at f„ 4 1 - ;,-
'4300,00. anli 1 4 1" zatiosi proiluel flrzeifi
and ruliing milli.", at no: Irss ;Lin
In 'about too iind a half year , —tf ! e timc , t , iace the
discovery of the zoid miw-ss of Cali fUroia—:t is eFti
mated tbsit leave been taken on., or at.
the relent e3.5.(i013,et:0 ITC ant in. Theiclial aaj
' iron of Pto:isylvania trtt Ilacz - afc,ir . o morn-productive
tinware California's riolys..
A Go o n (tN, t c. We-teat cr!tie tr . (' )ril* tlbe try!-
, losing aztoi.;,thing protinceil by Jenny Lind,
Echelong on one of t: '• rnotl , eri of the
fit t riV On the of song'd being
sung is (lie tow) veurrehk cnw, dis
lathed from a.perrive rctetie in the - Coon-house
yard by the do2licivis melody of Jet ‘Coir.e
Kine," iffitmocliately obeyed. the surrarpt,nm by bellow
ing forth exesponsive orto n6:fling!" On inquiry.
(the writer says he trams.) it appears thrt the me:
.teratl grcruiraihpr of thls_ente war imported Eli ck,
a:id that in the cardy part 'pther oWn life, she was
P.-11 on Swedish turnipr,
A LADY L'lr THE LAKE...4f WWIIn four o'clock
yesterday morwfog, that t qt. axentil Fpi re came in,
and 4,14 1- a: n ~toed,!' Pi4r. lady, in attemp
tine to walk the ,esog• olank, stdpped oft' between
the boa t am: &Mt into 15 feet of water. There war
a screaming sod splasLing fur i time, but some
thrltightful rerion threw the lady first's. shawl, Item
a. smelt rope, ta_altich aka c!“:4; until resZtod by
that noted lady lifrpreseryer, Peter Rolfe, who ap
proliehed her in a boat, Woe cautioned by the drown_
in; lady to a‘take. etre-of Iter'honyet," and, ••keep
het clothes down. '...Pet er did : '4, and took Cafe, of,
the lady too.—Cfreetand Rofn Au 10-.
lk • •-••••
J.IDIrDICE, coßopric olt meavous DE-
Eft/TY, p/SE:2WE OF THE XID :PEI 1' 3,
4eid all Diseases arsenerersiu a lisarders4 Lever or Shesevei, seri
i as Coit.tipatiolt. inward Vilti., holitieivi or hlood to the head. ac id
ity of the ptecrtach, nawira.hearthurn. diattuat for food. foluesii or
vietalit so the '111(1 : two. *lnking or fluttering at
VP.: {set of ilr- itt.-Aiiiich,gn it:wilt:it of thi•L'..a.i hurried and difficult
6reatit.r,7,. flutterattz at the lica -t, elnA•ingor ssollbeattng. Pell-A
-t 11•11. ii, ton in a Iyls.g 1. . Ute..:. 411,...,1 gs.loo. d0t.." .1.• " e "
Fir. ih.shiltl. fr. i.r : r lt! ,'. :11 sr i . set t'i tlOssi. ncf:ciencr of per-
I °II: 4 ' 111 N ,, yegeWssce. of Lfeis:/111 and 1.,1•0141.1111 111 the yid,. lack.
• ei. , I.:11'r. 6.7.7.,1,4 1.11:o :Lief. , • s..f I .: s t.::/rost.s: in :he tlethiCG2l-
' slant l , ll:...sing•Cf ci"1,:a.1.1,1; . -.. ..t sleprez sun of avails, can 1 e
effettuAly aurei.i hy-• , , •
• •an..n4orx.. A t , D' a
, c•I:LEIIRJTED (..`:.:l:llt.f.V iI/TTEE. i. PHEPIRED Br
111. o. Di JAC7S3OII,
I,IT 7,./4 - 6.12./411.41-V :LIED/ Of,YE s ORE,
i . 1 . 40. - 2,1110, Arch; tree!. r:2 ielpiria.
I !ic,itti parse over the e disease' is •
,ezedlek, If tqsathd,
i fry any alher preparalioniss ice tiara Stal ,litle emits attest; in
stave (area ivlerskiiftiplt e+vss ie.! fait .
Ttie.e Bitters are IA OTtli) ilse a:tenth:4nd invalid e. ronetain:
great 1 muesli, the rectificittion of dilea of the Laver and lei.-
Ler glit.L.,exerc,i , lilg the itipiitsearc ill tie wens ire wen Lao., IsTf , l
, ntl-4ttiiii, of thedsieative 14zz..a.i they are Inithnl, safe; Certain
1 and iths:“.2llt.
1 (..,-lii if ;-!.iricott, Fs;., L I :On. MJ ,is
4 Jan. 11, 1-lfs, sals.l—
•'p- s tle .. n; 55.,..,:f tla
i-i,e , : ..11 Ai: other S .
I -1 :se 'leash 1...5.;i. n. , I . Bated at W
s I-, I"-II, 1—
• ...1 7 . 412 AT Itfelifef
4.:V•• lire . ~ .V•••.: tricolinfli front to
`lie :thy 01 the ,o. ii.iiii. l'•i , ill Sii:nl IC 110.-
On eti3. CilliVilleini of Li`C l :b e. An,
w4arar. .. f n.. 4 ...c . 4, th e I' 4. s:."lers. in ,
and prepared hy llc. I ,71,-pit. in i'ltilldc'
Isar i'lL.ll., in ie, iii . • ii •W`ri3r yil it
rlni L .'i.j. 1.7. far i 441.7 ccr o'r•ers
... . . . ..
•: , • - •aa ,, t. a -,, a 0 ; , ir. •.t,eal•n;,, I • rn. tir,
-:t Jr.y liirrl-,1 oi:111.4 er il'ciropl :,:or, l
r ,4,itiotr f.• 11, .'• • ~. be liorertorrnl n 1:01.u.
fogityrit, v. as F•./ to i '1 re:lt:red ~(' hi ., elf .
prv.turt:ll 011 "r L.: 'v, a J /., re.l::.:red t•
' READ rult 'UM Ar• E'
The ..*Philatlel;•lila 11i-: lent," the le.
N. :Id, ; ,, Loi. Tar ~ at...ea r. n, so‘ft,t,
-tv, •7,.,n cr.114i110;-',111 to the r, ~.tar
Cltle 1 4 ; .r.), the pi ill' i; ~ ••••il . [1..,r the fin'
oiou liziler,.. ritra - 27., R it . • to I,:ii Arch.
r. I l;.h. .1.1•‘ Al 7 t.J the , •-•Pni. .......! •• na;and
..!1e:i .... .1”..3;0•1.4....1100115i ;' , 4l`t, .p;'lilt'
c...r,,.....;;..1 to 4..:P•tj l .t ' • ••...r: nIn•P. IV
Ilew goltr. r- be ::.:1:. ,r 4 i,i; of it. TO
.:',l o .tl.t the gro to..r w-,',l' : P,`%I.A . A. r,
Bor.:: .• A‘: :Id •:. C . ..• 0: chr,,iir 1
01fre. Cd , ,,., t. Id ; :CI. , 1.3.1 011,1
e. 14 01 el. ifiir. , rNit ~1i, , „ ofit-ejic i ni•
Ile 1.,- : i 1.. e. 1 , , us" It, et Mt - Ci nn!
( . 1.111a•13 CU.P.I 1:j1:1. '1.,1L v.(
ti.-..;A: 6Jr 1, ..t...! r, it .1i • ' Al-, :hi:: gt:::::
:...:-.: ut114::::.:nlie :-. h, re , : lir:•11... u.,
~ I.:i ;1 :I 1114.1111iksitt , il• k , ',, l of Dr. 110)
roc 'actor! With Orr.'( • i I Tito•e pit
gOrt-, or Cc di A Ilty. ...i0 6it [lava
r -.,1 ! '.OO 'I it: thi.: J.:Cie, :J. I.nit-it,o 0
13 t ••\ew 1
1 "PR. Ea .r: A . ;• .4
C. an...a Pat - r P.
j A% . V. , tl c 1 . ,.. ka , :,c.g , ... 4 I 1 the l',.i.
1.1 rmoulna a. 1.4. at,.10.i. - E ..4....m i i . c .
; .:c - r , il ,, c.n 1".1 . 11,' : t!. t,...". of 1.1.. n.
i La ..I , :f 41 1.1' 4 . liA, Lii , * i'tr Clui,lntlitr •
......,.1r 10 tot. Unit erto y 0.1 Jena. I' tit 4
1 I`n.-.,a. n 0;1 cve Cl ''..« e1m,...) n0..t.c.,
...I. 1 r4,1.1e,a. • lie wns e .ii: •
rh , r, 7.rr. a .ne :. :';e (.4 1:4:1; he was
may ix ro , o) .c... 1- rol , on. 11. , 1.1
1.0 r 7 ConnAz;,,l. 1) . 014 , 0.;?,. '4l ,; 4 4
i Szo•• , 11, ( . ./: , ,ij..!1,. , tin i JAI eOll.l.
1....n..1 f.M.lili, i ,I , or itoxll , !.. the Its
,Phil.i.' , li , t.ta i.:1: t . ^..Pca;•:aa.- 11... , 'Oak
XCI f`pt: Or .ts , .l ii... 11 -: rr...4.. - 4:. cr.. , t 1
ca., er:rn..r. l' ti der I!. 'l4 O , are ti :, ..,
t,1 . 1. cl ca!!hc, .he : tre.,:cc,ti of htir tea ,
I . r:,,k,, !;:-..1`. 51 .1101. , -I'a) vein:maw
ar....!...a. Z...) :.1 a:r.tcted,"
I • .7.InRE I:Vii.G: ,
1.... 71,- '.. '. , •1 , 1.-idhil S'.i 7 l^ , ll , (.: 1:-rif. I
TA': v..,,ii - .t.ria tit., 1 . :.: .: 1 :Str..;, C. I
1...11. lit it...n.1, 4 ;0.3 C;NT:11
••:t It we rert-r 3, :1e11./
L..: ^Givi•jetw/ t-owtr,
e Dr. Hot.
!r . . 0..! tlit.
I: if.r.
:Ikea f.r.:k.r;1.1. ac:t r ai. C :)fill` ,:01.C11
f a 0...1tr.n. , I , ot.
e! , r firart. :111i :I,flLt.
f.o.111:;:r ft' 1134 r
(rptd:lllcir,i;• • la
zcht " •• , r,
vrze.v.zr• ''.‘"!,..1 ‘../
It.,;ri:11,[0:11'.11.FA.:1: 14..1 11, • I
r•;: I;ra a .I.
1i u•ct at .I
wt . ] 1".1 21 1 . 4 1 1 i I
Tirii iiiritie gill r I , v I.n,
no , rtoi LOIN' • tail S iit it—it 14
.; 0 ,44,03-1 . 11. # . l.ei t 1 . • I it
.ter:l.ll4 t..ilsrs /AF,NI
I '
Tr:i• r , :r: or - ( - Jr:.
I.:, t:.•
I.r t,.r• 11 . 1:1:41L1
1:&L, or
tt e.L:3 , 414.1 tb eJ.
• 1t7.7k IrEt.t. TO THE
tlir at tiff!, frZtl.ll , , e ,
ler..;pet, role Carif , , tlOl
sear.4lr.e.. I%r :8:r. 1it...1. , a! , and r‘
CERMAN `1:111C
21.3 I
reqf:try, t'arxr iir
Goo - , c• , rtxr-. J.
(1c1.): yr
• D •
C E E Bit. A E C( )
A Salo, Pin sasat.
Fur CE..?.f.e. Curple, ercerp, fh•oratlr
"tT , liine t , oen m
4.lo•fltiteri 3 d. it t+ 1 clir:•..l to h.
ittmOrt int ettrowlf Pttlite•ap•y de.o.
prrTar.Ltion palter 111 Jr m
IJ Ist4:e Itt^.l
the ntt.nbor of deltloa from V. ti
.mo.11:11 its all Ithertt niece t 1.141
tt tot I. leo of Ft ,
led w'ith oil be
lure frrirlut of tl e m ...541.1nrortn.. r
tzter.tur We tac.t tett rfor t Alt
This Imports .
rz , n Spend) Ifca th,v^. .
Vqou.niieor of Cl:rliticio
anzlit- , prll.,er.l, or whi
‘v()NI)F.Itrt:I. AND
. 1!1' tr
, ltur . x.r..-Ir ay.' i,. ttrelt
3 t 11 ir 1 r: K. 4
1 ... N ut rerwit
"—"11 , 11'
Is l , rrrtV,' tltut lit u
11,. %jug}, r r.ly4
. . •
t;v( .4;0100..
.1. !r1•ta; 4 •
V. .1 -,4) P. n J• - •ttn r. Tra
.1•)? 1$ 'VI WP IIUr!.
11 (4.1%1 , 1 JOJiI tt O
. 1
'VW* 5/Ns. r
. Jstri - th
I W Kt:to II Stroh, j
rr•e l ir,.ll dar t
.1 R 1161, kart tt V 111cluthl
i 1 tl7: t e
Vort:r Veil j
.1 wo_4l J••••• i•:,
I: ti..! :win
ft ferael 1 1 0^. 016iirr , "'nt*ites. etl
Ole ' - ::or a , v. el I --AL:T....At to 1.. i 4.:1.ic..c3 1.4 reowtahz wall
VIC i•'.....1na...A.1 !1 , ..1ni. • I ' . .
I ns
!'•ii.l , 3lo‘ whole , tle an , kreta,l by'r. II:31 ilt his Druz :Lore. ecr
;l7 . f : , tale awl se‘e: :'. T , r, , R+. :tar. .{t•-ofor ,•;.le I v F. r.
T..ra & C . 0....N0rth F..t , t and l ath.` Small Ir. Ilendras ,
Viute<l.l: Janes If. r -4144 , 14 :cluV. ,u, Avo:,-0, ft. T,,,,,,
.......,:w.,:,,,i).-.,:: ia:N:. A II .t :air....t; JO:A - oh Cenithettw-r:
Fa it o2w, ~t1:1 11* .` cut,. goller.i.i thr ,,, rtFaut We eeuturs.
:Diettieg t'. Ca* 'II ChAraono.
('1 {ll'l'l , ft & ii.n,. • , : r. 4% en' , for az, lititittv of Pe; Inr or
I, , Irro:e :Vold I'l4.srinc. PI-1 . r. illay Allhpaltt Of 11 Lung,..y.,
go. ,101 , 1 Tir , ..,.- .! , 'l, I' • 1 , -51
1 ,1(1 Ill's rm.. si.4 s'.t.
_I ‘'" ' holiilo, F . ,t. by—, ~ nt
wII:TE 'nu
fur 0: ..ft t
14 f.K $11.1:` 4 - ti-.,7i :,3Pli;T:. : ii
131 I. :gm- '
a es ..- , 1 wi.lill Lt the j
0.... -PA
— a I]A %ZST Z
• Th. , 411!.fi'l ;h ., 16 6tl
1 t 1• . .i..1 , ,, ;bre 1
; Ptit ;IN , I gill'r IR
1 fonti% . r/y kNI ; , y Il• '
I; in , ites a entiti..ur.tiukt t I the
• ci. nrern. 1 li..a e ~n..r ea ham: 1
a: I r':ieel I , r.:t IST.irr sit.i of Ne,
en...a its in i” - .; nail pi e%,1 on . 4 •
r.ii I. • ,t , , , ,,,,,,, ,, i el." ,a• ira,, 11,
U, us: no% 4 - ,5 I'6t,d tf , g , i,,, 0
, Ea . , 4e 1144-A ,r) as'. felt nee.:ttncl , I. 4
in . 1 1 nair:tru s t( to gay oat. wt.:,
' CO 3::!:i I' : a -,,. i..'l.lll.ll‘ . ..r:terip .
I ner P.:::o. ('a nil Mat I.:',ini s e 1
anti Boiler* 1. - inters, naAtl,ynN,
I ii!liprr.t.tiilmuerr. teakettit tt.1.4 ,
,fa iiiptlllin A. pP•prina. tnethlerdrai v...., -_ • ... 6 91v., evil Pans. pun, glair; gall.;:i alit /La^ ." , iit tnels , trrs. Cu a nek. vat,. &.,
1,V4 , 4 a gr.oil a: .1 t PAIN WARE. e,ttNistirig of rake
1 0 ,1.4, trunk,. ac 63 boxes. Spin II1„, tea and enlee canniatei",
; 'mit illgtwv..lust pan.. !ant and 11 lamp.. ratline sting.. Hower
' uOlef, toy cop. zilit (1611.11, rank. I. :v.v. r. - lii .lev, all:ebtitter 1, ,
i:ex, bi.p;‘,. keilleii. i.:oveeltes a rlhotro. Pie.
I :it cruting,nB4 Cutlers prcaoptly tiein:e.l to. All kini of ixeaex
, i setnic made nnd repaire /ar the .5/ rime melee.
' WANTED —Alcint forty thou ' nil IN cfoLltopper. llsnaa end
Pewter wilt I, r , tal , in ex^lein for Tin and Copper %Vete. ISO others w•litillut well to live me a call ~t the old
, stanJ of SI .4./leton Iti. Niurr.4. in d.xtra eavt of Brown'. It et.
'Erie. Alarrli 1.1. 1t , 31.-1/ .. 4 3.13 • 1 i ril V. •
Corner of .1 • 'il .ix4Fr4 . scS a: eat,. Erie. Ps.
T 11E t.. , 1....$ 0 - meal. the abuse named ileetaorralit •
l not time.. trot to *etre the na ii lenac of Erie and stranger*
wig* ertrythit.l in hit Inie iir ilve reae./n tertian D. with great
e.n armlaketi 61141 In the lest style , 1 , 41.411.1iRti0r1. will be lined a
4 d i' !CC Crean , 6,04 Cold ell Aaloon. not to be excelled
iy any.. I .
If. 6 . — Parailier ran lan ani*trill wish Piet. Cakes. wed Tans
ri vfb civil day. iie f ospeeseall)lsulieil/.1 thireOf public Da troo -
. I
Erie. Atoll IS. labl.- W. It liAlt 11
CIRTMAS PR EShINTS...--ti lot of TOTP +tad abet futitage.
auitahle presents for lik emit,
i t uo taer m , tit
ii.. .
Dereuv ~- tp. ,
$5090 ( hi "'
io N i A s l i , 10X11 artrt 6 1 4ra i r s t:d i v ai kr i o r a f
lttoet slams of
Deeembei 7. ISt& - i _ LAIRD AUST.
311/1110VA14. •
el P. K
F. F. %:K, . ~. la* ic 1. ti I. Tailor. hes retuoved to the
I. X rooms overelittlaittlt JatlrtAo i Mi.. Lleap.olJe.
0 4 11 W/300r as .. epilog{ Ytablese , art ref , ' i red.
Ere , . Avrii S. ' t I?
letter b Dr, 'nekton,
I.ertethrimn your ineq
lor the Dydrepsis weed
..,j F.3t
• flock, V&.. January.
I.lwqmnaint. to the
We day. aide... Oar
thobe we coaaikr,
'ented by Dr.
One instasre
ket this me.l:cirte ltavi
liutit,g the be(
I Otts•co•zaty, t, a, very
rld n Apr try ivg an rti /I
t tNr. Dit4iNS, ;HA-after
ing ni , aindy ,
'firer to tscitttil."- •
lint cerniap journal cf
• '4 hr. tiout. , ),rs Ger
.4.reci, one. door Leto X
1 1 .t,:11,71i, ^ and t ur
I/e :Mc i.No ,
br en
IA IA! hon ,iecest an lila
MI NUM N ittl
,ll-ca.,(llllC 3/1./
Irkr.llo.a hat, come tvidrr
4ted tie )Lateral Sled!.
• ,t h uo n patent; lovtert.
fete hottese.f thew hat e
wc rout.) refer W. We
phoold they
tr. .Inel' , on potse:ee+. the.
;ant,: ad he prep:. tes 11,6
111Ji112, 14101114 calf nt
, on the n r
go:4I art,ctc- ate cotu-
L•Tent.r; , nOrr ant
eldy te,gnct,"
—llere i• a
it A ICO./.1aa11a,t43
!'s ) , I, t , ir.:o. atter a
I ~: tr;:tr , ll 4 l t•y• lc lan: of
• %Vat:elm troollautt. Pro
. Vll!.l , :ian ogle Klll2 of
/' writer, - (:,• ruont 11.., e, -
• le el.:111)'cr I. N.llO 4r, au)
It, till/CW.4:lr and eadOrbfr
,T•ntty n r• zmn.engt..l It it,
V. , L.4.:`. 4 , laity of the
tills i,rt••11,.; train a th....r•
r att I lIIP 111t0a1104. Nine
non ot, It* rxre:irbce. a••,1
t . r,n tilts 65 a 1111 N% idual
, ice o+l w3rrarte ,l . not
; ere to the ;.r , ••••ta isrc.vrtp.
hit i.I rec0:3:1J(.......1i1i; I:.
" frnily nen fra
g 4). Qr .
rtt r,re lenc,•.l I'.:trt
at cotr re-o •; 41 , 1.•
t.erwan Botters. ac
not Apr akin?, of ti l e
last tt,r a bilef oniut An I
•tr ;,:,lltc race of
ri. hl, at.d v;11;elt
city ;tprif ✓ .
eel% (100..111.• forugoirill
thrt e ll'ft! Me
re is 01 ij 1 in fhe
II II Aglt li hi - t ti all 011ter
sly 1. • sinJ Ni
t% itli thcir quiet
ree!..t. 11.act,‘ oper
vicr , l'4 o It P.ll:pmel ut al I
.1.. 11 , czat
1 'tc_:1.1'11:• be Ii(, al Any
cc rfilt,rbt.. put
are ;two
r .
r c. Ar. 1 ti'VrttaV upor, time
I aide, r:tkeat uhicA May arc
tail, rat Ole
trrf 'Ft
eqs rlacti , zhrrut the
Cr i:. LaanpsonoSs
, tV4tcrf..w.t.
L £.'
at r.Coettipt Chrre
I:r . .neekity, Merril:4r
, ly a few year., sim
c ener t,l more rarrital rad
,rea ihan any othertMe-lice,l
rn ant t. It is Lut Justice
I ;neatly
Isrdual le turi4;eil,c Las hcei l
ig) VC. I.`t`3l.l•ClTTe4y
an I Lute.. and s ware bit
r , 111 4 . How lire ttsthe etquys
r el. ri..ry reeotusgtird
t Remedy • \
pct Prin,..o . rmus pal nary
s of t utels by this Alcacinc
are irntv
1. ?ma•trd. A ri iriente
n Iruci nod
lo 110,1,
rz ,. % in'', t.t ':cc:.t Ona.trucc
der-lici. hots uric,' Dr, p
hat c fvand it in creel.' im
I 141!) cr ati,fvcou,
y P.•ninnoin Grant
%VIII F Psit , letnrc!fi
ra , (:.t Iternien
ffir J A I)uan
A:4) P.A Newtt
laws is A HIM
I) Lawton
a P rtnn.ll
11.'m M 4.lllashn f r
.crjr J
CutLluwand Planer
'cry luvt pires. at
C. M Tins. 1:1
H u TIN suor.
i; ;t„,i the
t.vt,9 TI
if ' I': rzt:4 at the old .Inud
efcri & Murphy. Wad trxtret
VOW Ze 4,;licnta ent.».14',110 the
tv lc rgur one:: of 'im; t'clycr
'V W lc. 1 ;iO.• I. PUT'
I +mate h..yrig P 61.311.9. ao I
.)t 6TrIVE in II)e et - tic.fthe
Tit rntid
V. for
p ir•ttve. Aisc , doz.
'IL. .b./ 130 . 1 '3P. trado,
I C6;ree Tea Pcns
clke p , n+: Pella, 11101% !torn:,
".str,,,,ers, bucket,. oit can.
111.1 1111111
„ .
cash ist,Lusabort
rpm: liobserlri n ate prepared 0 I pal CASO 03r galutst'.
vif w Umber. air% and.4l-4 3Ouallrt I. 34i . 3 at,
4 inch Planar Col n 3. O. 'T. S. UN it and 11 kW • square.
and 3by 4 Seantling. AA of the Ibllowina ; ,Ig. t 4
3 and 4 tuebesi Cherry and alt kinds of altipplag I ber. The
Pubseribers mate contracts for any IDOWIta tht bOVe men
ucmcd Lumber to be delivered %beckoning season: 'Padre foot
t lbr mast desirable lenob to have Lutneber sawed._ 1 •
Erie. Nov.:10, 14itr. GEO. VELD & SOL
i`-' ty Win do Lanes 30 , 1 ditrnerronf
" and ityte.!a- tre,word; *nine TV 001,1
nt:illino urr yard: tk.,l pattern.; Opted and plain
fX), Hal. . C. M.
H'\ y L\ ; v i.zi. Illatt IlitierN and Late hes, at
Nov. :2, 14. J. . "SUIT,
Ql.:Itill It r 1.1.10 and Moues, a good ussortutenioll
1•0 Ilurah; are on .r. SCII
DI? I ,.•zst P: I'll. 4 Sl:attain Pins, of tlt,terent pa—Pl. tter•
I/ No.:. •-tt le:i0.• Rl;Fi'
Rifiz.:4l4llSilit - titS`:
nr i Ni N 0.3 Reek Flom..
01.6Tilti•: i'll r liii:: and li.;:sitneers trust Auctil
on hand ala et stock than vatted' Cloths and •
tt Melt l purchareo at auction. for cash at the lowest
au carlie.t of it, I fa til mil a •
P. ed jet the tntool Slack Cloth torSt 71
__ _ .. •
tti aod 5y kc 4 wuh (ntdli
Green do (torn
{lron n do horn
Sher (1% arrant& tr d,rn,)
Drib for orereon ft,,m 2RSto 1
r. rrerl a ;nri.kshil a3l
Al.O. Black. 111,1 Ltlaelr. and,Fr.ney Doe e kin Ca,
lto .E.l r yar C. 111.
lyy..c.rESl D . r ii ied
cl.i :p r p i l , 7,
no. . •
(le kleeke..
11... Wool Yarn, Wi ie i I
iu goad. at pc lowest 11.turet.
tL t tYlr
L ac hediiieeta nwt and Shirting',
its per yard, by C. M.
- - . -- ----
' TU D 171.022111134
rw tar ,Pl'rie I've:: C,,htrtilfi of ttiv - rid A stir.
Cys.:Tilt,ll,Nr; u t•tr7r and chuice variety , c new Tons.
rhaide. Art:ll , ld*, Modell.; etc.. front ifir f: Foreign and
.I . neFie a n eclair, -'re, it all all ere chi Pape' , In co tuba use, to,
gr.,: pry: It!, a r . ); el,' li e tielltilry con rest, ailii:ilitTe :11W aitaptcd
to the FP pae Uwe of I,,,llltrel'A. The it hale eiitarriLing the won
cai, vo..t• eutleep.yo 01 sacred untoe ell. r publibbeil. breale at
ilk. - nciat , •-torr oft 0. ePAFFIJRD
I:rie. Nov 34,'1.1' 1 ,_ • Erg)
131 Cf. \ --. k,Rf . 57 inl it k N rvf.ll-1 I'H— 0: i - ii,v,uate purity, wuh
f , lll,lir•N•.t :Ina fur tux.. in; Pudi.l.l.;pi,CuMare.,.. c .for vale by
Fr, ~ Jana:: r. • 1-, 1-31, .1011. AleCrth:g.
Tailo i Done in New York tyle. --
. . rp m tin I, , rsignral .. ree;te - tfilly ft tar . • 1114 aiaccrr
i t:i til"..i. V.). E.... tr,rn.l,, laud the rebl: generally for
their : !wral patron:l.4i , for the :ant thirst )care, and ,„ 50 .
1 ,cii. e .n.:1! iI, ire:Cef the same lift: ii reel IVrd Ow
rat! p ~ i %VII ti2e rt4liione for I v ja. I. fee:A eotif dent
. 1,
that t i p 1,114, t /ec o c , de all orders liar tell to Iti. care
in Owl! ",t ..“ le. v.* Ile ein phi:. s none hu the heat work
,. I, i - ,,,,t, , , ita-tao i'l rii the et y °colonel) 1 (alla.Plau:_h
ler-lire) • cat an.: mix," to . nlydges mitten * that all
rano nta eel n" , l Ina& hy bi.a that t ell fit, la i'ay
, thr the cloth. (wtitl,inett whi, a.e ttealTUL• Li le'eVi ,g , their eltithe,..
t:.:t :0 "ue;I" im iII d , ..) u. II to e- It I.,ii the erlb deer. As cco4
wis-1 i'liir. r ,II net" work wit!,,id their pay I cai-h, be 111114
c -20 11 ,- 1 , .• on the i 'Tn.: It le cf payiug mid tliiii,; aid in cash.•:-
. The ri 'lra m7). - -' 0 hi' P r l , ' -, ..,
k ~u•1110a4, Cr PrOeiL Cr et, 6:(1 00
. . SI k . 3DO .
.• (Ptr to 10 O
1 511
rintato to,
1 1 art', i 130
x II —l'uttngliune at the aqua! ca.!) ptiere. .
1 - Erie, Lie.t.,3'. JOHN GO.4I.DING. .
' , i
. nlirealtialg en Woos,.
Tll7.hurtir tiler i. prepared to execute all orders i , JO;
iLiJ hue. lira,* mu. .and rilrat nig liasykrelpe,:, view a of
notele,t 2 t, re Car tnrir. i . Nlacliiiitry, Societies' Sr„la.. Elinouess
I Cards. 4 1“...‘ PM.. L c,. kc..
I o :def.:tri:tiled to without delay, charges mot:erate,
' Vranta. 4.11 17, !QUI. M. S. PETTfT.
11 1 , BIM.S. , Coiree crushed and PowitereA Suear, et very nice
.11. 1 article 'for r^Ni hy • IN IP RINIDIIINEvItT
E 1:, p 4. I -
3 , 7111f.1N s.-ezz.zozZl.
ft.y R. F.1.11j11 M A RVII. his inp, diorioartf of r 1t ; rind In the
/v 1 10. 4 wecOah4irhmetro. and In the hu.itut - Marvin Pz Per.
kin., tn Satin/lei ptr' ?I.e. Autumn.. will herrn ft hee,oilliciPdV
00.,:lbscr,t.ets.und.1 the name of Perkins*. tiel .wl,, .tuth,
all accounts 0 - the latent's', tier IP.
Fl 0 4. irtozprs. AMI . FF. ...LS. T.
Depot of Carpenters' St Joins 9 Tools.
rrtrl -nb.eic ju-t trecit ed the largt, and held as.ort.
1 mend or(' a n d Joiner.' Tools ev r °ern., in trier
inark(t., Moulding and a teh Planes.l',an-
Ind Hand. Parini I. hack. CCIDII3IOF nil tenant sans.
•a 1. rrantitir and diteks hill ('hi-wets. !Iron , and Hand A tee
Hanycrs ra,l I lair tl.-!=. Gauzes. Hes Is 1.0415.
and Vitt, Allege Rats. Anver. ryFrioares,
ant Icon erv4aren, Draw tka‘rt, Plane irons. y.. rite
Erie, nee'.!ill. 1 , -10
,‘ l :lir.%/'--,.11arnr , 4 of stittemr Itardfctap.
1t en tom Siattilf.tetr,r iutte at en.gern
X ~ 2 1, 1 % , A ni all Inr Le kern en hang, rAnl
tier sytii top , ii I.) ran and exautine
rm^ nn ,-,44:mnwur •
Fr a {tin tl. Insa,
A rAti 1 '.lllll.—A full wisOftinillt. (.114(1
.7 7ir, a. Gard
eel t t:i.
R L i t .a:tqa, GI.
- i. 01.174171 TILE Tzt
ai Wont Westtrrn Loco m
tA1,1.,t I'li.s;rl.•:.• Cotner and virtvltice •
'f Now [Teri% Inc.ll:fk large,t.t)enrettt ,
IFS,ber bycup.,!it to Eric. Aloung its anKoirt
thr frAl.t.• 01^.
a • ton. of Port Rico Cofreeßug: I
. ('Orrgr —Trn Nit:. OW Golcrntrentiava,
am! ten I,ag.. t
Mot ASSI4*..--TIVCI ItICHIMIIIId gallons New Ott .
etzr.::r 11,61! . r.
powder.' laTorial tea in ill pound tattles in pound c r ! F"h,
land liertirg. Snicked Iferring and tiarditien I
'l'n i rtelo 'Cu treats ne, thirty do. of
Tannta. ult.
an.l PitirLurgh
Thrizrtio uran t.:41-11111CIllo1Paints
k- - krit Erutern and l'ittihurgh Nails.
hi,arnaii—French Brandy. it
dcra, 31aleiza.ir1aret and French West Wine.
ii..cco,-100 dozen Schulte fine New V ,
bote,i Cat ch L :imk. ICU line cut Kappee a
ke 2 4 amt lu4 fl.n.ks Kentucky Ride
Stii.i.l6lkl Lead and Petcutaitoti Caps.,
tioxeo Candy. ZS drums of Malaga
and a great variety of articles in rot-line t.
time thnn I ba‘r toenunternictlwin.
To int 41custotnerri anJ the puti it men§
tit FI EGE,Vtorurnerolirectly ok.por of the Fa
I,3l')uorve:lrei.ll,at I cm lw/.111.1 It) 14 II whole.
than any other e•tublishincnt lVe.t
Crie Jia) 7. 1,19.
raitbanks' Gkrunino Seale
The %abets twr, having porrtaffled Falrba
i Ni 1 ,11.1. an pi.r• rd a wort iiin
ha 1 a 1,11:: UCTIVI.&, tes:".l , ltrattilte
the 11 • 11.1 le tha,t they are now prepared to 1.• ro
aimer,or to an na of the kind ever ofrered
Tl:r,.utte ',Sete would area motion their
e tinting Vollrit* , 44rtrielepo to he
irrespOnait Ir itinerant )anker r,rdiera—tee
iwe l'lte following are our prices.
flay tlentes.of Tn I. titan.
Curd Eleatr.,'of I ton raft.
Ft,teurut tteah. +, 15001 d. dr•ft.
Do. do. do. ith holatingt•re
end ett on truekt.,
Po. do 19t.10 :ill: ran,
• Da. it). .10. On trir kr. with but
P.m-1..61,1' .I:german:cote. I 11.6.
Do. dJ. do. ittoq lbs.
Ito. • do. do. 1300,911 true •
, I
IWO Ibk,
Plour !'nett inr Ker.Ir,AMI Ins
Counter Sealer, b oz. to 200 lbs.. Ontforoi.
P.) 03:. 10 tang?. pi nt (Oro, & r.
OnlesConoter Sonic, hrArr. lever. 4,0¢. to 30
AA the ;11.04C a clic to. are rcrreated. 1
zleNt n ri.l reifilleSe6ie n re reque,.l rti tr Civ
Frenc h sdreet. ',Forty oppovite Inc Farmer, I
G. A,
ri iP. Shy *11448
Cheap lardtui r itre tt
T mut
t :l:jun ?Merit Y 4 the I:dance
r•tir c.,0,1.1 trot% and Strel 01 ail si
Ile l'inalltgs. %J.% Hs. Vice. t 4 rittes u
Sprlmis, to...stern, Maws hangs. cud.
chains, spikes. both wrought and Cu 111111111
Tel. Cuot, ferret, finishing and w
_odd n,
nails. strap Maces. hooka and Maces. fric
In I. Cm and circular sac • . shovels, s
of s ariurro puiterns. a good assortment 0(14
11.4,1 , 11 cris Marron & eirnt).l*..) adaea, pia
braze aml I Hots. bamtnera, hatcher, .au
gutrfigsruudurr. augur bit`,, at
tul rrtt tor, h , ktol a , hand. panel. Tom
?in sau,si,i•okc stm‘cs. screw dri‘rns, be
%VWO cults, stcel squareo, try aquarrs, draw
super t er quality, 44C.
Cheating rubacco for sale is hosesale yr
IX RI If elunce lot 4( (till
1 , v.14, Jart rrct:a red an 4 fcr air umetaiti
Dm. twan.
1:114 EN ell Alaha.ler dad E,Dpizaa Mar
I_ ( - lurk- fia at
_Dee . I It.lo.
tists'ipt obtiiiond oupply of Voi.ois. Acl
tiered run 1 1 4Pdleitico," to prepared to tin!
veriotiont. t rainily Conipoondo. 41:n., with
an, to I+ PI not in thoir operation dind
or ntittetn. Medicine rr.ny be obtained at a
night. •
Dt.KIN TVAA--A new supply 'vf Wore superior Ter..s. fresh
warranted tasnit. jin , t receive. by J •11 Ltarrrni
alfsi: Ti - n - is --- a . ri . x —. l( 41 qr sit .:--- Fi - C. . es` 105 t
tril F. holydays made a J4,slJl havoc a i the fixing at LCOIU II
Z it, ra',ll; howe%rt, llurni lower's Exp brings them to-day a
aplenditi'reeruil of ail the br a and funny t kip trott.New York
aa j ea,will i e 1,,, ... ethitated fur a abort tune. in those nett
Show rases for the benefit of their friends.' nd all aho are deat•
"mug of feAsting their eyes upon due JEIVIELIV. for Instanee
Gold Watebeaand et lats. gar !Linea. Pi n 7 &sues. ltrwart pth.,
nit of Ike latest slur (abeam? and design if any should reel
I tspose.d to buy, the:Music will to warran ed Nat rate and the
excitement kept up to the clear of the eamplitn.
In addition mitre t•lighti. far Nothh _ at their dare. the Manu
ketary audio beat of LL'orktucts.witga wake to order Silver spoons
—hweirg in all ita branches, and Engrave 4 la* L. nee unsur
passed' Court. Corporation and gloeicties Peals: in short. any .
titled Sr eartostrA '1 71/e on short notice. Wateh making and
repairing earefolly exeeuiel byexperien ed To this
braneil pantie ular attention le given. .
Call Inland take a peep—pow to tMtlme h er choice
N. B.—California geld and old silver itht at the highest
Price.G. DOSIN &W.
Bane Wan Wadi opporie Empire Owes.
Brie. Jaw. 10L l's;. •
•tif , k1 7 .0.7 - Nigli.,t;ZLetter and Cap paper comma and bead
i. 3 laid, plainsafAd ruled. /140., eat edited. dale and &ace Note
rnpet apd Easel/rte. to end lent* et CASTER'S. .
_ -
•cw Jetio•
low as one
A R lrn.
Vthe chip
IM. It 1.:111).
np. at
lig hroulles.
On. I lute
Osuret. Air
DR. TaMarS =ammo 032MaDDIT.
111 F: know in: fru,. In% Fly nnt• IT, ft wte,l Ph) xtc lan : %%holt
sold owe, INW rkmiles within the la.t ten inonthd. near
rt. 0 eset—eir. I setae LJ givt you some account of .the mho -
table emits produced Lt the use of !wet. Tract's Magnetic Ut
meet at :a on a ptarliCe 3 , a fltty,eifirl. The lotion jog rim ,
hate all been under my on, it t,,,,,rvat ion , and by soy Otytt pr
cc1 , 141 , h.
ass,,lst.—A. Mrs. 3lore.nlio w7t.. ckt en up to die by three c • -
, ~,,4 1, 1",r j r . „,i, ar I olltn , JO Ow Mei 0104, of CoriNwidifts, y I
the uw"tvf the Alacriet tr. , ill 11++1+1il ha++ r, game 1 her health, aad s
ion as well ac ro,.s.r, and los been the the lean six mondia.
C. OE id. — Potne lime In July la-t. I wascidled to see Mrs. Alt i
living Wake •ht in des titorint. tier care had been given up by It '-
, r3l I.l4SiCiallr. She woo' brat :1/I.l^kett by ntrillzaarst dying
to towed by severe tutontuation cd din bolt n',... I arrived a t '
J....c10ck in the eventog, aad found her in a ref) danv,rows Pi
ni,o'n, apparently cu the Lank ol blue crave. 1 commenced app
log time ointuteni livery to the stoittaeh end bowels. attended w
0011++!1+1100 0 1 1.1 1 1 elii( + administered imernally ....01 by •swroin I
Wand his so much better th - ii 1.1, it for Inane. with a Iter MOS to
e r etilijell (be rii-e of the i titdinerit. • She Idly recovered in a f mu
days, and is now ert)oy in; good health, , ,
errs Ad.—A Mr. Wlllief. had lost nearly atilt,. Lair, had b n
Enid for tinny) rain; by I." use of three beaten of /le Alarm 'v.)
r1,,,r,,,,,i, hod kir 'lair tahrety rertored, and now has no beauti uli
a head of hair a. any man ce,41,1 a ish. ins ne tr at trut:rlble s
(ltiii. ith —A son of Sir, Warren of this town. It year. oft ,
had teen afflicted with the Arenas from his cradle. Ile bad let
beaef.t of the best nnttite,l Hitt ice that a loving and wealthy fat st
Coot,' procure without a :ail. It oat °nein(' the intrt aggrays Ltd,'
eases I ever saws. he vs.3ehri.taL2l.l alloodt to a ~ . .keteten. Hy el
use (la few bottles of the twit:leen the war, thoroughly arrest, • d l
for 7 months past has enicleJ robust health. f
CIO' MIL —This was tin ease, oy s aff, h msj oh h it h r ,
rintic, of long rtarail.tigi had a variety Or treatme n t from 110 litlF , l
titap eight tit:Terrilt litr),lciaits. without rcenit in't Lintel - n-4 tni
cured by the use afoul) tour bottles of the Slantwise 0 ottmen 1
Th. was four anntith s ago, an I the lady la Mrs. Itunhani ;1. il I
In good health and Able in attend to her Ulna% huirr.rhold emit
I have treated Ina eases of Car core ryes with the °lido ut
both of the patients so men•gy bliati, as to need an attendant tot d
limo from place to place. Our of dam' hpd 1.00.161111C1N110 ye '.
*mother about 9 yens.. They had tried OM best physic j:1111 , 10
/Mir. %t 111100 t !tritely: and one of theta had been under the t atrt,
, wino( tiee celebrated ltoct. Merry. of cineinnatt, for eve.l
tattl.. end hod exitCnded hundreds of dollar. in voila effo to
.f e si a core. They lore non, bs 404. CI Pa* Magnetic I bale nt.
tetra cr,e,tlitC (We I, and are age to rcld and attend to Ordit :try
.U.ineW l . I hat C tee 1 the that guys' •n h in:infer of ea. , . o Ihl.
rare Atll CS, and is to are Acli st f. fed ,; .r, re edit f; it
frnrrelfy it pt.. sme, f errs I hate oirb tired it beneficial' i
rectral cases of KAYO. ortaa. And last hid oat lea n t, I Lore , jo .
I:in the last rar e urrA 1,.,:r c.ree.c.f CANCER - by the use
1 ,, 2fderiefie Oinfiuria alone.;
W - ow a thOronalt trial ,if the Ointment in neatly every tlltte
~!for. witteh it is rreoninter.ded. I can confidently feennamend tto
flue die of the roost usePtl remedies ever 4:tiered to the puLllc.,
It Respespeerflillv yOurs. 1 '
, VERTON arnwei.i.. 'M. D.
,ftved Amelia,ollio.lan.l7, 1:-.10. .
:fold in Erte, l's., be Carter 41, !loather; wliejettale and retail—l..
R. acs. Girard, 0. 4'. roam, North h.... 1, and 0) one agent in
every -town in the ,tate.
E K. ('RAN HALL. Traveling ahenti
t , __ Jyll l
II 20 t0t.13
01.110:1 22'
250 j
tmetch (gout
11114 A LI
wlllp optic.
I tritou 4
or wok• from
_ .
.._ ~i hie, right sr. eats, gsveiling °tithe
_ , . ...
it 1.. i• caused" t.y leer , ilry and uuw ii..e tteated secret disc:gists.
niictlwr mild or strident. and from-on caper imaceiltat veil selont
falls to the I'd'bf tiny ..,ne physte*. he is enabled to warra nt a
is. rf..rt :. nil losting cute, in arty siid mall caws of the a/Kite fam
. •
ed 41/X4. , 4, :i
There is a habit winch boys fetich tench c'her at the acmletay or
tellege, a haunt hid i1d...1 an whet by himself, in solitude, patt
ing up with the I , ;y to toanhoodil . few °ribose who indolge utthis
peri”c mu. e Is ii re aware ofeoneenuences until the) find the
tentsmis sychrui .lhaticted, feet mita mte mill untie twintable fellows
an. ) v'n'lic rears ill the. (ma I. 'I hetifireidual heroines keht.t. amt
if ante.te to into; with tit cestnide I a ir...r. or to ripply Illins./If to
stud), ht• 1111”:11.4 re hurt. and heal{, he is dull. Irre+9luttl the
emiliteosinee is. e, the el t.ii 0 itle,at xi...aural lustre, stiptie
f,..ts dims. is ali#ltClll. ,
ll' Tut fvic - rINt
Pe conscious fifth , • ealuie of his Ilecay, and wilt It.liesnlierriinn
der t'inse terrible nocturnal ant itivolitno,ry enti..,‘, lliirli
weaken nut slime hint, hroduchilt mewed are) t.t.)swist Poleltis
von. If It , fiat ei pates Maisel( befare the gimme list done Its
,wor.r, andelite s matrimons, his marriage 11. Warn ittul, and his
artist , teas hint t t this Is eaussid by by his early Sillies. ;
1 V. it•S'l; , ;
in Inn false modest:: dile:you Your CaZtFC ktiatirn to
i t
on.: ho. from l.d.teattan and covet - W.8.11y. can alone betttemi
sou. Ile who !set-elm:is:lf u der 14. La Croix and big great
„ i.
al. may re ', „ash, r , ,,,File Ili hi. ho n or as e.. gentlemen. apJ in
whose bosom vi it be tear toe It eil the secret cf tire patient '
There are very ftttivt men iii Mt- world in whom - it is safe act re
pave conitientit. especitittY an rases of a delicate nature. t The
Many pretender” to medical se4rnice with which the roundly is
fined, and the many dirtopatuttaepts to which the unfortunate ars
sul)ecied by consultaig suet' mon. renders it a matter of icao
jostler. to caution the public against them. and poi:albs:in ter
sire ems en. of tericire," is hicti is under the management of
celebrated Or. La Croix, No. SEI-loyd st Cuffulo. N. Y. 1
. 1.441 ALE 01,131PLAINT.8. r
piir,iiig of the Wom, Golierrbola or {Thite.., 01.struetc '
suer, I rregillar oil pai till Men-rd , , Wop-. of tne tv0....,.
14. La rrois iso. n called upon by tout,: tint illiape lit PIIIIIIeS
WhOitaVe 11.14 thtlf alth 0 . 1 , 14.1 fur years by pills:" d iin.trutris
purchased from Cele r kW.' fIITI4IO imposters. unde , the false pre
tence of erecting c ace —thosi medicines in a' .teen eases of
(mealy hnsesn inju ousereet i pon thee... Latin on, without pro.
illicit,: the desired 'ect.n r at, slant of it - 1 .4b1% who wish kir
niedu oars, the often y of virtu* has been tc 'est In thousands of
eases and never kw d hierfectisi.cedy en . without any had re
suits. ss ill use none ut I,
Dr. De y's resialeP • riodical Pills,
a hich are the resi t of the cottildt e. un ledge and es;)cr levee
of route tar oldc and mcs( that len ished ph) whims ct Eu
rope; and hare bee uncut by feinnli . f elarae ing most of tie gen
tility and nobility o Frnnee Or i last 23 veargh, Ti, eulogise
their t ;rarity would of iill to t ir merits. the Slily pnettantsm
utecesuary to be 01 , 14' 'e.l Is. I. IPS should not talus than if'they
burr. reason to belie c that th hare in certain situations .the mu
ticulus of which it II hem ntloncil w
m the rappers accompaart
Inicenete hot.) thou h Mgt •ys Safe aid healthy, so gently, yet so
actis e :ire they.
rr Price $1 per . they lan l transmitted by mail tory
parley the Union. •
Dr. La (.nits inc es all the( a dliite.l, however Mess their
eta' /DAYIIPISFat. IS bUICI - Pr lb,* ~/,,,ease m a y n et s, n a ,„,,,,,,, r
ninny ph} sicians r, remedies het bare tried, to tett his Irrir4ds '
edge hod skill t. the test in an exam ion of the case—,l WM
cost tisehn not ng. lie prom iges to cry ease be treats a perma
nent and rat it cure for life. ' I
, lir The . ispensary re to arrangeil that the person so ehtllhnt '
wit sec • one but die doctor !muscly, who •,. , ti e • .. , ,nr tree
,o, nee his private rooms, ready and Waling to tender r itf to lunyi s
all w luny girt. hith a call, ' ilundredscif cerlifientes yr.!, ntari.
ly gi of corer, some of 1;1411 nee tlfOrt astonishing eases on
rev rd. arc for 131.1-pef.Sloll at ii• • bivendiry, all which awry his
te brines.
gpsv i I: r..—or hone aa , the 1 stirits 'it ho refer you to thP Slit-
ish :said Freneli It'' nercal Hoag anis br proof of their skill elutes- '
or:letter. i'heyt. zbe OCI refercinecs.: nearer home and thr y re en. I
melt . linknown al road. Their loftli pretensions to medic I skill
ere la ishont found abut, and sirup/341c ice ridteule in the in ndsof
these who t lei! abstirdi
Rememberill Lloyd street, u stairs, sign of ( lit) Chteu'stteed.
, itt - ile. N. Y.
flttlblo. March 6 , EMI. .
T"' subectilters hare just; rice , It e I a full PUpply ef Enlllind
Winter IlOodis. consisting toßYOULlti.Grocerics; Worth% art
Crockery, te. i ietc.
In the abo stock may he futind almost every variety f'.11111:.
henien's andtoadies' liters Goods. They incite their o d olis:
callers and thOre intending tit purchase, to call -ad emit ntr
heir stock bedire pitechaimg elsewhere.
Erie Nov.lll, Erin. • , , Ja.MW IiViCHES ' CO.
liPe • frula
by the Box.
ticalept at:a thttt
•rand priers.: for
Ali for job!..irnr, a
.R. Rrro_
ReeThilo , ..w. •
P• R.l'r P.
000311,1- ICU.
it\TLRF`T es ' 1 1
recit CP M n Iw
lwtorcnO eI R
tam) be found
Crushe.l, toatand
et bags of Lagacra
us Porto Rico and
al, Static and Gun
ltinvily tire.
ekerel, st'4l.l, 111,51-
inrecd. Lamp an.]
- bite Lead.
ad D) came.
in, Port WinO.3la
k Elmoklmt.sixtd•rn
id %raccalwy swot
• u der, fifty bags of
,r,30 )ars mime,
would take mote
y. I would say. call
neea lintel and .ire
:e or vela H. chra per
! , 3 eelehrahm 'zero
1r . Brooks. mkt, A s
belt leave to inform
h to Ofdr r 4:1 311 it IC
14 lips market.
frieutl.npit)wi rJr•
Isfathirethe gems:-
ingferer 33
'ido hoi.tlng
tr. 37,
b.. dt-af7.
b. a Al
rt. obtain
I at No 1-01
ET dk. C 0...
crit. antop2 which
rnil Dozes. Alleko
a. /ate Amu, eerie
C. halter and jack
tom Yd. toiitlel . bar.
IP. Winne oboe.. toil
{Dal rollers, , runner%
it... Imes. wreniiiii.
THANK-13 TooLs,
es and plane Imo..
paper. Giro. ellisms.
r and e liniel handle..
aini:felloe. tenon and
elo..pirit level., box
oho rev. et I .itoneii 0(4
kUr1:18 grka).
Na- 3. RtVd HOU a
IC ('O'S Siuolikag ani
mien by
RlNl.witNfiti . iT.
i ly li - ilits. the best in
nehrop by,
1 (/- SPA rxor r.
It gills Painisad gases Life.'
t• I ANDREW'S Pain I: illin .‘eent. is tile War snick: lib be ire
~, I.d . upon to ktil Pula a d Cure diSeare It is
, and eq.:tool remedy. ' 1',4 WIER & BROTHER.
Atoms for Erie pouitty. 'Co. 11. Reed House, Die Pa.
tvi 3, 12,10.„i, i •Iy2l
The Erie Colatrty 31116a10.01 . loseranee Co y
114 4 1
:Tisck: to Inisae Buil4inp„ Goosh„ Wares and Merano-
C ‘lire, ou fa vcora b I e terms. ,
. nankrtores. 1
J. C. Marsbrill. • J. A. 'Prat;. 1 l'Cru. Realty,
Ll-11. Williams, Thos. Hien art, I •G. Sanfo rd,
'S. .I.:ct.eon, •Thos. Willis, I f'. 31. Xibbals,
W. U. Townsend. Gro. fielder'. 1 - 11. Sherman.
J. C. 41 , e11r . tr.
1 . 1 G. IA.NroRD. President. -
GEORGE giltOgße Secrelori-1 l•
1 I
J. C. 'Speneer, TrsSnate ,
Pie. AMON. IKA. , • i - '47
rpArLE:..i.l Pocket eutletr.o-1111: assortment is now et,
.1. an.l Ido ton Militate to sale n larger and better seleeted=
than was ever keroee °MTN Wads market. . X, Rua
sept. 2.3. 1930. , ,
kittinte tint: weeks
feta in
up rhrideiatt's ptr
rcur;^: nod of su;
.pnii• TATsic
• I :•ir urtbe tiny or
crre—th superior qualdy, Ls safe by
Wender. 7•1610. ' ' LAIRD &TOE
I •
Dent 1 Notice.
RraSI'LL-Et. IX S.,oaile in [lush's Building
• Erse Gnarlir bike. Mi *Per/Woos performed in a hat
steinl and durable manner. and warranted.
14tirtietreners can he antspiied wills brow. briitannia. Mat
and japan candle *tie k+ krd lumps, bra. ,s,, ertl. and WM";
hr ithnts in, Gerth/th 'UV!? hull ; IMO 'pop's, rinsibuy swearer. coffee
mill& etlticry, &A' a t the hardware ammo(' It-jtEED. "
rept. V. f ‘
ILION tllia vemittel a the ctad Country- oh Ibe 111X114 talWbribie
1 - 1 i terrus.on out respoosiblbty. ) M. SANFORD fr. CO.
FR,. 13.1.11. . reaty's Sleek Erift-N.
1.--- --- --- ---
5y,c04:1....i57080 Ws irmilUest flavor import:A Prime/. lePilt
Lbe boa 1 ever badarn sak by tbt box or at I , IUII.
Korembet 2' 11 1 30.- .1. U. 1111.111 TON.
NOTICE is hereby, given that iett , rs ofAthuistration base helm
printed to the subscriber on the estate of James WWII
-1;a ma, tate of Harbalweettp, deed; the:Mier. all la rZ t ta4s
against Bald estate will presept them duly ituthentle
Cement. and Mat ladebted Wake immediate payment.
- lAA
Thuborereelr. April 5, Adminharator
stin payw.
AND paying the blithest prise Om any quanakt of Dawn*
MIMIC SWIM 11, 10 4 Appl e , ' , r ot righim, •
L it • 1..1111P, 41i. RIMY
A gulf 17. I°so
MD GAlrFir LOCK 11131'E --
Ait V-14 o. F.l .19yil .0., op cla me, Ar-
Id!! Ihillleo(....eslabh:beti fur t h e pre-
L nt , on 0 ll , lleto A MO( vi Deal do,et4-
, w IT not .T 31C.RCCItY
11A. I.A. l'utom, continues to be e:t
ilted eonlitentfally, n throet in
0.e.. of the lailoan frame of a prat to
Imre.% , ti) iti:li-.Goncrh-r a.Gie te.
~ e-, V, .11npa,trtrittures. Itopet , _•nr y.
, o+loal Wilaknepf of loth 44.2r5, dib
,e- of We 11'oinh. Nervaill. Detkilily,
rrctirt.4l4ll,..t.a•es I;r:vel t .
I:l,rrattatt 1h
Tfir‘mt. No-t. And
'011.,dw.1 :Tea Impotent or grn. ual
'tonr Notie-e.
Large Bottles —Only One pallier.
The Negri*kr of the limit Ameneso Remedy " Vikroyfig . .
Iriortastle 4t»osrttt►rte Mutt: as," limlyead by des
!meg oohatooora of Ma Arco'.. throotboot the Coitid
Stye. sod t;&oula. k r 00,7
of les tweeds; and 1141 known anteed, end (resin this ease,
heneedroith i he will
,pet op bet use siza twin
bettlesi--the soled price will lie
The groblie gray rest ussmd that the character of toe Usti.
6,4, ate strewth. furl camas* prOpell/011 WILL 111111114111
Net the game ease .rid be bria7ee4 at pre.
panne it Ise iroyelefire.
lie thu lal.dkini. stele( its adored Once, will be ooreharad
hy time vley ha. e not hitherto sonde thentseires segotiated
ugh its side.", the prrnsi.mor ,N oeld ltegto latimetrthot hie
easeie a not to pe r'soed auh the rad tniotat " Remedies
ra the day :" it,c'nicas far steel e meter healing parr. to
ihres.tir, thee spry .Wrr prrpanajoe eels Were the
trorM. eni has nominal Walt for eight yeas by no covens,'
ro-...tiertt same,, oml, anal li t. r. 51 VlCtien ainallanalid ' derails
thr print at wry obey &MOe is this lane
Ilerrldes,P4stlicr Loas.s. dal article sets stab mot heal.
bag power std etertatnty, epee tin
!Blood, Liver, Madam, Logs,'
*to! all other ortarte, upon the proper extioe of which aro ass
4ent•h AIMS&
'rbh 'Eft...AM - ha, a jUtitlf high repots se • ounOir 1
Dropsy and Gravel.
ao.i eatterma of that *mature. It math , 1M reirt soon whys
the intelhprot phyemian hae alatrolemel tty patient.--mot fir
them 4L.:Meetutr Jt.ea•e.. more erere&alle DKOPIIT. the proper
me yyo4‘l eatot.t'y and ho'te.tlr recommend it. At its
pntient t tt 1111.3A7f ohtainal Ly asl. 104 tbs.:it thin prose
r the art toles to he Om
Cheapest Medicine is the World!
t..7' M. ape alit rt.t Oatriplatt* -- ,•tht OITOtitS , Or, them IWO! ;
thee c;nstoot ever !Attest, pstea or remlitlr. (n adainen to fell
noe.teml aluahhf 'fur ItaaNehad, petrdogoa. and *luck
*C.I .are molly dorm...tee f WIT to pracit i bonsekoMOrh •
occ_el , ts are eartrlueed. to mak e the book of emit
rethe, le ;font its detractor CO an IV•kettlA "
n litoo Litt% re
do grip le tae, the te,tioltoly in are( 'arles.b. in I "
the forty or
horn form all gram of the country, au he nelied uPtia.
Irjr V etin's Ve;citalite LithaMripue.
Crest Amenean Remelt, now for.mliams qua WWI. .1 $1
*ads,lsla bottles at W cm esitlt. Na small battleajw al bit
Mired the present steek ts
Principal (Am, B'salki, N. lita Main Street.
c. c.
N. 11 leters (esriepting from arms anti .! crlrr with
whim iiitjtrarsmiets %muses.) most be post pra.l• or tw iLmatimi
will be *leen to ahem.
it. Iturtcn. Caner & Brother. S.riet Smith Jon,
& W *Hurd: John Sierran. Fairittew: J.. S. June.. Gam
A. l'aurtierY. Union; It C. Town & Co,. %Vounbury D. C. Tow
1:...1; Terry & Campbell. Edenhoto; S. Jr..Cral
k; )1
%il. P. Bloom. travel ing agent.
to built welt--ah.a Ito Cainpbctte Lau.
T V {\'&c*, and Canbe for be le cheap
N. Itt:RTO,t
FRESIIII:GC.B-2 1 . 11 doz. E. Jivt rcerivr dnt
i:r1r;1). e.., 14. 1.-50. . 141(1)RE:. 1 GR 4 PCERY STORE.,
_. ...
Lll%eq.n ()It: —Mndeaitl:rir couuty.nnd knnlv. olt i.t. 70.-
coost.ititly on baud by the tarreloc gillon.thile.! or w
Nov. 2. 1Bl:R1 v
. ,
. ,
Ironeyt i .
14so xEs New miney in the roTob pat reeeivtgl oh e - oosi
sue9t &tailor sate cheap by tri KoZ• by
Nov. Z1,1!...10. V. 31 F. RiNDERFCCIF.
Av tits: met assotsmen of Fiekirs ill Jars tlr famor ‘•se, nlfo
Catsup, lira sale by , %V. F. RINI/Ftr:•l,..ll'l'.
V ERACIII.I and Mat:corm. ild 'ale t.y
SS% F arcnr.RN'Erm .
2/ KITS So. I viserp. . tightr rrrts nr,
No. t and 2 Mackerel and Shad. for rale by the 14 ,
40 cc' ix !kiwi ft. l' ‘ ' , !: ll . k ;
_ .
100 tur Coare.c and Fine Sall.
Ay W.
aTA rtym,
, le , orrut , awl rn its Gar sale Ly - 871:13Ekt.liM
1 ;LO)* ;Jenny I.mJJ zteigto. for fille by , ,
1 W.F. It IN DERN rrnT. •
titA ksTAT 13ioetk, 64;,,‘1, 7 61Z r •
Otillitet s. JA(IcSt
Avr nm 111)S1 . TtYcaVilla - 1 131) ronijalr I 3 they, r ',p" In
dive br narigntion Nev,t Got..ts 1111 r rat( iltlt.ter
trade, 14 hich wpm selected tyath erent ram hourrot fir r ;1.11
3T IOW 14. rut! 1.• lIIr to ofrer 01 , 1i1Cettlen... to tho-e
14,n.: npurehre.e F i 1 a ith,en.h or malt, ply. ro - . I ran Sad
sr ill al . .a ctlter coald,Autteni u. 11114 uty.
It i0..1typr, , ,t.:4. n Caulk' .1e tby etten.i c Ftuck r it
eruhracr4 et ery t oriel of Staple and Fent, Dry Good.; Gmeer
-I•4...efold'rr• lia.dwaro. Bre. itx 1%% outO ray
to those hish 'nig to purtlia , e call and ernudoe any stock. as we
ferLar , uied that you nth not go army - thisati.fled with d'tahtr
or priecok.
lANI 3. 1 1.1.3:50N
A' it ni:ber over Sheet for !Ladies, Mutes, trod GNit! , :ren
filet. art WIC for tale 4y - JACKSON%
/ AWES 1/re's Goods —a large etoek of Cathzneret and De
r lance, &,.... for tale atonp by [ JACKSON_
fI t II,I81:T CloilT, floodiiiinet, and a large % arietyoenln 1 n and
,fleured Alpacas for tale and they are cheap by JACKSI 1N .
i i PEIV Aiiill:ear Ladles )Lidies, fur aah• by
1 ClAnitr 4 Bine k Mown, Cada, Al
Ei tes . 4 Lel @S pt r yar.l, for sale by
NXICB-4 cdrlinderu rash., ter grate by
8. Jl' ON .
HRN W A R 11—luoiw k.. Brncif
•Talle Knives and Farks,Pcnii finites, Jack kttires. Ake. I.)
Licapßs—A general stock of Drainlyo, Gins, Whirs &e. o
rthelKet quality, by 3ACK:AIIN,
immr..firoding Cow, Trace and Baiter Chains,
Oclober (WA). ShLUEN & SON, d
11 .4 'NG Gl.As6is k. JIANIPS I .—.I .spienfttri an.9rtutett
invi opened ty, • ' G. LOOMIS 4 k CO . Elate 11..
July 6. Nend.loPPoPliP Empire r fort%
Iticaufroy's Selackol Eooks.
110 EetTlVEit this toornisis.. thrret fr.= the plhl ishs - n.. a rrs.h
1.1. gupply of !IttoGunly. &hoot sbo — k.. Sebool.wibb7ire. by dui
tio4sn. , . 0. SP %VP Mb.
- - - - -
December 7. 1.5.50. Cutter of frelieb and Bth 44rrets
VET 0 N.
nEG4 leave to inform the public, that he Is in receipt of lii+
Falltiad Winter ,supplv et Druz,. Medicine.. P 711111 1 ,, ftl s.
Dye stuffs, Pure Wines and Liquors for medical piirpo.eir. Tem , .
ticil“ all of which he oilers for sale at prices which he's tett-
Ildent Will suit purchasers.
It is Its intention to sell tnedicines vi;hleh are pare. fresh MO
genuine. The profession may depend upon such being del it ered
whether to themselves or to their order. All wishing articles in
this line are invited to give hitt, a Can.
Erie, Nov. 2, IE3O. n 42.5
— O. 8/lAldt — it .
Wiaetrut the Wthlie that , he intett:h , tn tidy particulat
&Vent ion to Vet'reny etagere iti nil Its carton. hranrhe..—
lIIs A% ill I.e ream:mtge. elea,.e call and see. ( H ike at
the Carpi etahle, the outlet Lock of Um Exteniton Canal.
Erie. Jan. 4. I'3l. 1y
D. IL 0 L A.
inetaar. trod !Wad Greerr 4 ship flliooalier. and deett fa
' • Firreigs lorxtto, Wooden Warr` ire..
A$ irktore and is receiving ills Fall and IVititir supply. em
btaeidg many tif the good things of the earth in greMer vari
ety thah was reef offered it Mi. market. '1 he underetaated 11 it
ten Iv Marti' - et et perience of twelve years mine ite ,4 erta-
Mei him to buy at, 4ell low: and ito is carefully to select none hut
•Heir.. The rUhn. ttlC is earth( ho,,u o e.k.
t:offkr—Rio. Lamirrt, Brazil:111d 11:0e lava.
. Sugars—a general assortment of Brown, Coffee Crushed, Pow
dered and Relined Loaf and Lump-
Teas.-Old Ilysou, silvcr Leaf. Young Ilystati.SUperiOr and IM
Black Tess, the hest ever offered here.
Fru Otto—Raisins. in bOxes. halves aad quarters. Zaote Currants
arid Figs. •
Marselles 011, varioushrands. Florence do. in bottles. allanS 3111
pints; Altuonds. assorted qualities, shelled do., Macearoom nod
Yerimicilly, Filherts and ftvamt Nuts. Mustard in kegs and boxes.
hest I:vireish. do. French in pots. Citrons. best Madero. (new.)
I.emon and Orange peel. (for Fr fit Cake.) ettrnets of Lemon.
Row. ttirneg. Cetcrv. Peach, ete..etc.; tndis Curry pow
der. "'tenth Ilioeolate, stiLierior article aroma and common
Fa nes Candles of all kinds: Rock do., red and white do. sugar al
tnottils,fpluitibs, etc., etc,. *near dust for in cake, RFOOtted co
lors. wipe syrup, a very ttiperor article, Spermietty t'andlee.
(clear,) patent and star ito . Colored sperm and wax t'atulles. in
-how sae have every tiunC trial Is issamlly found in establishments
of the kind, except Wines and I.iquors, which we do notcouseler
necessary or useful to OUT ettlßOUkete or the imbibe.
Erie. Roy. Id. it. S. CLARK.
Clothing! Cloths mot Cassisnereel
TilEaubseriheares leave to call the attention or b., o ld eus
widen, amid friends to het hell' and and soden stock of
araeurs. aurraso is cenzaaaft
reeenttz, purchased in ?Gm %%nt, and no offered as cheep,
ea.i, rarat an) other estahlishitient ttl ton tt.
tte does deem it nrense , try :01 thaw who hare for Yo lon
a aeries of year' [Qtrunited tun that he el:townie* to ruattufac
tore as
Garment* a. eau t found to thin market; butt to new et:Mowers
be has IM3 besitnoou n that irthey will
They will omit° away dliwulstied with tither
Goods. 111"--k - -
Custom work ah
Also outhwr nun
“old rhi•.ga have
' Erie. October i 6,
hay( ate
the cornet or
will he on hang ii
coolowleiw. (win
awn has a tight a.
boot Welt of Slisertl
ecerol= 0 1
°feta,* dl
of the too quality,
1711 1 .t a ilmul 1
lob. etehaneediltn
A inapt done lo
r rveetri
STI., No•. It
Prim bdumil
Itetteed the Prier
Ss it known . Viito all =en
r end). hlld, and Morc.ceu ellvs and 'lies for ray I y
S. 3.‘CE.F. , .
lout -7— h b a7lizn N.N.4.for *kir cheap
Nn. 5. N El .1. 111.013 i,
. AITOTfP.a lierrirme Weivkat
A n A tum i d ativaitive 11Pluid, or
GI astrfc'hieid
Prepared froin the RENET. or Use festrth Stomach of Use int, af.
ter directions of Rs noa.f.lests. thi. great Physiological
ist, by J. H. Mar
Iphia. Pa atirlert, U. U.. No. • CI, Nom k l a u , shem
Phi lade. -
This is a truly wonderful remedy for Inilizoatioe
Janatice, Conspleine. CemodopeMon. eatn•tir . r
after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, it, 1,;a 2 1
TJUalfa teaspoonful! of this fluid. infused In watcr ill el .
oor disso lveomach Mee Penedo el Await Beef is what tr. tarn; p a
f the st.
DiGESTION is chiefly performed I n the stunacti },y the aid of
a fluid which fteety exude' *ono the inner cum td u utr
in a s t a t e of health, called the tinstrie Juice. This Mud
tpe Groat Anhwei f file lvwd, the Partfyisr,
arinintaliair Agent of the stomach and !meshes", b ,„-,i—r t
no noir it 100 of the body; but rather-a rout, torpoi,
' half dead, or injured stonsliCh produce* U 0 good GIArK j t ,
beteg the dis.l7lllt - sae, Alma and 40)414
PEPSIN .4. , rnois:y.NE T .
Pirrotv is the e bier Metnet!it, or sfessf diershar pe,,,,4 10 ~,., ~,..
Gastric Juice. It is found great alsunslance it. the s.,,i, L i ~,,"
of the human stomach aSter ant, and sonnitin. • e 4 , ,,,,,, ;: i.7,
Erlt 1.3 diiitle.t cat is If ury. fl is 01.,, risitiff so tor 0 1
arh of autinahs, as the at. la f ate• Its. Ow n ' a ''''sss I urns 11 Ito
niers in oinking cheese. ea ed Rennet. the effect of 0 I.s:it 0,,,
k it :: fir.en the spe" gal wonder of the dairy. The mois t , g c,f m og
it the first process of diltertion• Rennet* Prwisewses astoosiknis
1 ,,,,, mi. The stomach of a calf will curdle pearl) one 91( 4 , 2 ,1
tinie• it. Own weight of stalk. B aron Lief"; tames that, ste,
part of' refight dissolved in 3 /1111y thousand parts of nat.% s u n (1 ,,
vet meal and other food." Dieeased rentrich, pnidure no pos
Gast ss:e. Ju ic e. Rennet or Pepsin. To shw that this rant Lug g,
perfectly supplied. we /mote the killon i n
naite.N Litwin, in his celebrated work on Animal chee , ,,,,, y.
lot ss "An 'Atli fic sa I Diers*seytti id ina) he mishit prristrisa m a
in.,c,4,,, iamit.ctioe of Use stotateh of the , Alf . , in which iv ) .
W.' slut ,- le- of Apad. as meal and eggs. wI ll he asfiess4,titspc
and d„.411‘ 4 1. Jirig in lks sass wanner as they roviii ar is Lis i t .
177/fllstatisa." :
pit. pos.:wit, is his fatuous fres,' i.c on-"rood at:a Diet. - pubs
• I i•hed by %Ciao - so & CO.: New York, ' , we 35. s•tilleVto 5y,,,, c c ,'
fact. and ob.-rases the method of preparauou. There are kw
higher authorities tlutn lir. Pereira.
yr. Crunt.e. in his vatuahle writings on the `lin % aqinn el' hr.
ea-lien," observes "that a ditninution of the dim quantiii of Ow
Gamili. Joliet Is a prominent and selsprei odour caow of Dys
pepsia:" and he states that .. 21a1.11111trtltsUetl I riAtiiiiibr ci rr.e.hea. 4
io fAmiloo. who was weeerely a Iffict , ll with. lilt, r r.,,,p1,r,14 .4 .
ing et ertheng else ix, fail, had reroute.: to Ilse Casts Ju r e",
osinined from the stomach of living aniaials which protea cico.
plainly successful "
fir. Grithitni, nni.licit of the famous worts. on “reeer a ti r h„....,
"It is a retnarknble faes -, oh) silo ' goo:art a of
4 1 41 4./ 1 ) ,f
lig 3 3i31 cr .
II the outrun
- i ...
. ...,,rh
q,.rti to rcacir ar.: 010c,74_ , ;a once. .114.)oami It - ..r, 0-. :Da,
II - ,11vf... i VYT .'IT ItiLlt r: .1 sizgle days cocotte anikt • ■•,4,.(..2
symptom's, and it old) needs to be .i poptitil for a .liati he . to retie
ibex goo 4 1 Beet, p•riiimittni. I oitv of ft, ~,,n awl 1-.4 or
Hons. li.dlow at Ote:p. Ii is p": slar I ..xecdr•iit ilnlo4r. NI:
,04 a. Vaniitin:. Crwaito. , „ garett - ,. Cf , , t‘it of the ,ttinit., A,,
t tree. after eating. low, cold thtes of I Hood, heat iiirs,,ksla
of sdisita. rl.-spowleocy.CliMliation.mSealote..... P. 11.1, •it. W r.,ao•
. Ito% e‘o lelae. &C.. Prieg, ONiC DOW AR pit bottle. use t... -. .•.$
twill once crerg a lasting Curt
• P72PSIN IN. P VirDEl2ll,
}SENT BY :kl'All.. FREI: . 01' posT 5, , ; E.
• For oonyoli whet . r.. 1. sen.:ing IL ail 'arts of the ~. .'lf, .. i'.l..
i u a
bil.vr. M.Troll Of lOW i'grbis• p• pia up pi the lyr,:i ( : I' a} •N,
Idi tee' ons to be ii -emu:, ell in Nli
ol Pj Zirol,ol. ,1, m, .., ,n ,•
by the Mtiertt• 11. 1 50, e KO dent ronia to pi,. the 5 ~.....,..r- a
the bout,., toil helve Ike fort Sadie p-,rt e a." 1. .:e
sent tv naili res , f P.rogr • fur one flat oCtil ,p,el ;,. I: P.:
.1. In 111)1•GworN. No. it Norrt4 Llikhat Sherri. e!,,t.,%.,:,1, I
Sri pit loi4••••• • * Ur lice •lollaro. Cs cry 1. - 1 , k3 , ...,• ' on, tr . • ',.'",
rite to Ti ilea Oignalurc o f J S. fibVt;ll :Ft I\, M. I) .F4'_fr'Pr:,....-
trl . .
Gr 11.
d any variety at
,*.4.7ents wanted in erery own in the 1 - nae.:, •-•
C• tl. l l-^,llo 4 7l%ribt, the trade. ji)rugz.t,, I . ti
Pro-tic...11,n. I re Jebirr.l in let attiqlq.
a ' , lle' s Dr"ttwr. SG. 6. Rf•ed ifo:se. sad Dr. I'. 1.V.. .1
11.12!n k. agrms fur lErle.i
-114.;,1+1 17, 1!..5:0
• ____ __
Elometh , xitifew •
AT NO. 7. BM D 31.017E1r: ____.
, t
A VTIM p7ott.uti4 cogitations. ex't noire end z, , r - .. -,
....-• t on g . l hare made ica my thin that it's rot' t lat.: ~, i
lesmt some Of throb. of .ho. raw A 1 a,ui count , . ant t:.• : ti
n , Of are en 1 iinitacrent rnatetjalo and t0..r6..1:. , 1nt, :.
never i•efcre la I,k• a town curs,,! n ith such ci:e r.t,..-k: , : s- :r
italic,' snit ti•nlit tbrclothmz. Take a eon of the or hr are `•a'
in li.nnin of ihr 41. 1 of tb is 1f.% a: erirulue It •.-3 shat, • 4 , -."•
do Loifjo , :lr'uore- ,C1.10111,C tl cheat : you ext':,, in tx iii tLI kr..
it:It1011--4,Cre . .. ;1 hytton hole that icoks as though it had: , en ~.1 •
by thro...sne. a fin zer thro•igh the cloth—there a PlotITI s4l , •ea mn
.1. 01 might droll a jack knife (tunnel at—here. but rin u•,
hate Peetl.ll3ll)llC./ and • n ern there rad. tai 1, ou -n 1.....
them an.'. i: iguseleto for me to enlaree on t!te n ir fr,i:tes f * ••
fufloqrs mote cheering Zio. 7, Mil i1v...,t. . 1 . : - ...t
this day Opetlell a Magill heent stet k of
GeistLen:lento nwnisain e Goods, Cloths.
ea,sime , res and Vr.tings cf German. French, En, is ••
iran production.. Ncwem Fall style.. purchased t.l
rastnionable e-tantodttnenta in Rogtoe. Kew York 4.1 , q
phial also. Nltti•ary and Plain Trimming,' in rr, 1;•
Of *het e , t (Maio). Cra% ats. lk and linen d Ilan 'l.^.
Sine its. ccAlars, Fn.{ enders. Ruff - 't re i e.;,.;;
alto. Oil Cloths. and a ereni %artlety of "rt• 1:r r• • lie cloth:
th.d . Iliepip and make to orixt shall Uretrt meaUe in e‘
ity aria cut, no may be areertsimelf he lilt; 1 ., t I: 7. inn eq. a•
No. 7. Reed llont.e. n here I b .re just tempt 1..4 new
of conducting bustuess Upon my frA n rericarrly.'
J Altai P
r. 71
zed, &e. from 4150
Eric. Se n. 7. leao. •
- TILE DEILAWARE. - 111CYCAL — izAitre
(of Pki u.idir4ia, )
AR r now dollitt.lbi near on the 111.dtm ionn.%ir tr.: thr Nr,ve!
.171 pa ruewation an the profits of the CoMpam , n
heyond the premium rod. upon the Lnßes. anal Vann! insurtqf ora,tpe rnr facortil
tetu.s. Lcs•Alk wilt betibrsnliy rind prempth.
Fire on merehandire.buildinga and otberprmien},.....can
or counts) for a limited term permanently.
Jakeph 11. Peal,James. C. !land, Fo ' hnen nal^..
Thr.opholit•Raulding. Jolla C. Darts. Jr or. ,
NOtiCej 46i11148.111frett • JOhn B. frorc.r,
Itazlp (*Lug, Samuel Edsards; Geurre
henry Lawrence :David R. StaorY Din ar , l
rliarles Reiter. leant R. Rama, J. G. JeJtsewr,
Folwell, Withers' Ray. Job!' S. Not Ito.
hr. S. Thaws*. Cr. LIM . . Illotnn, John :eller, Jr.
, Methane.
Ricjtard 8.• 11(00A:wad, St`c.y ; Win..ltart.e
Application can 1,
Enc. Frb. 10, Icia.
A ,ClliNd t'LLID
Fluid wee, trace
raw I to aiVP4.Ati.fleti
nto.c.4. - to Itnens
for cam) dozen. and co
nrowers. 11,01) rre
ge, in the weather—just
Dee. *2 l e *AD
1" O'F3.-Avnriet
tj Ration Rbtek Mar,
who!in•als. anl retail. /.
Ike. 11. IF31).
at luw• priers Ay
EILOUR.-7.3 DLIa. ji
Dec. I
&swam .1L
IF York. a large stn.
and ;Alders. the Stiff!.
which he will icll wholt
hahment in the city. C.
:1114 F fth St on
PORT WINE, a impel
the pare. at
O TAIID and Costa
La the very best in
in General.
! publishers dot .ra•_^ ?N . "!
!tale all my article!. in tra.le.
iy /Mug generally kept in 4; ,,
,r 4
tele* not kept by roc"
aOr Produce, GIVP :10. t '
le trybe bag. or Ira* ' •
_ _la
ft: writ; ve:4..—ldder, Inmwood, w
irood• ' isa•
wood, Alunt..Copera f v' 111
a, Ile` two .
tb. sake cheap by . W. F. KINDER' -( 1 7 0 -
614teat"I"rktrr ""
- aSEi2I aroa 21 IX PAO X' 0 IFL
TH FloPrietorsh , re cm band about ttooo
Black•Brown,tlitve. Steele tuned. awl Gravrkth.l4l,ll.,.
StriPitl. and flaibl. rag•imeres and Twerd“. whneh d , •r•
ere C^
e f P ore t a t 7. 6 :l:fir s t7n ha g r ir t tlet e :l e m l o l m t e V k idera .a . on r b . t w e a (T e l e • 1:el tittle
C:i :1 . f t;
, C l . 11` COO rote°
JUI4I jet , to all who may Oita uswalh 3 call. We ba te 41 1 r'.
rangetnenta to manufacture nail Elam la, i..): wo olla 00 0 4
dram. woo r. We continue to Fun We and dress Laameala
and Mrmufaeture Waal, at oar Rates.' el tillll
We Cu a for Wool at the price she "Irk
wait/ zurnit FIE & BEE‘Vkf 1 •7 1
NOT hnvii
in thew rya
1 4 tenti.;
will be
BAGS entice, for
ehespe.t i n iowa at
see if
D •eter Illtitth•tr Z. Jolansoo..
cis ADUAEof the Phila delpa College?lc oe •
led•ated p T drarammtly I:ri h e i aid give prompt auestica 10
prodeasiornal Calla I. team c.,.d couatvl.
Ornce--CorrgtaeMeorneroftbe viamocd. the brisk buigil
Oxtrtetl oecupird by Dr. Faulkner-
Urrilarveir—Olt fire lahrammrd, Syr ,lynflebre eic'ffcr
TAN Mareti 10
I. KLI.LOGG. Agect,E:
s Chinese 1-Totrate W1..1 •
zae labor of on.btn4,
no injurylto the e. ,4l .'"• — i
by J. I. kr,"
A 1
nve eAt
crits. for FaJr !‘
4. n. VI"RT.A: .
.Insetr, ratv = s ' l
0!s Mire!,n aram-t chir
"i liar.. I
Tll7O G.3(.1 . 11w. I:eth , ..
oil Elzhi Nay VArt,
Ur, L1‘,.1
ore., slog , Ne•
t, scatranfte4 II he pc 1" '.'
superior ,
1..41.111) k
-0 1 :artantrd good to any ',Ott
Is ol e bY the gross or ielo. 1 , , Ili /,
J.ll. El
one and tti to cnum
tail I bargee
. great tuntwar
. cheap for ea'
Inlet f.
or. 9, 1930,
e Ma
ian," !b. ; ik
ity of PlP
tel,tmti Frail
I ao. npp!l;
a% II IP Cs,ye
I It'• ;kb
r .11
••, Ito• Cl/
J. 11.•
• 1
gym: Pf
at, •
iI • np itt
4t f ea
t it tk. c
iti.M• t TIP Przfl
tdpi i / 1
al' .11. t..
u•tfu; .vP
t• 4P , wet
afi • ioat
11.1, t `CO
LI qtrtr: